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[sympy.git] / sympy / polynomials /
1 """Polynomial division algorithms for use with class Polynomial"""
3 from sympy.polynomials.base import *
4 from sympy.core import sympify
6 def div(f, g, var=None, order=None, coeff=None):
7 """Division with remainder.
9 Usage:
10 ======
11 The input consists of a polynomial f and either one or a list
12 of polynomials g. When these are just SymPy expressions, you
13 can additionally specify the variables and monomial orders
14 with 'var' and 'order', respectively. Only f is checked for
15 the input types, the rest is assumed to match.
17 If 'coeff' is set to 'int', only term divisions with proper
18 coefficient divisions are allowed. That is, 3*x divides 6*x*y,
19 but not 2*x**2.
21 The output's type is Polynomial, but there is a wrapper, see
22 L{wrapper.div} With only one element in g given, the resulting
23 list of quotients is unpacked, also. The second output is the
24 remainder.
26 Notes:
27 ======
28 The loop then iterates over all terms of f, checking if any of
29 the elements in g (or just g if it is the sole divisor) have a
30 leading term dividing the current term of f. If yes, the
31 proper multiple of the element of g is subtracted from f, so
32 that the term is eliminated, otherwise added to the remainder,
33 until f is 0.
35 This way, the algorithm doesn't stop, when the leading terms
36 of g don't divide the leading term of f, but rather try to
37 reduce all of f's other terms. Of course, the known univariate
38 single-polynomial division with remainder is a special case of
39 this function.
41 The result can depend on the order of the elements in g. For
42 unicity, you need that their form a Groebner base of the ideal
43 they generate, see L{groebner_.groebner}.
45 Examples:
46 =========
47 >>> x, y = symbols('xy')
48 >>> q, r = div(x**2 + 6*x + 1, 3*x - 1)
49 >>> print q
50 19/9 + (1/3)*x
51 >>> print r
52 28/9
53 >>> q, r = div(x**2 + 6*x + 1, 3*x - 1, coeff='int')
54 >>> print q
56 >>> print r
57 3 + x**2
58 >>> q, r = div(2*x**3*y**2 - x*y + y**3, [x-y, y**2], [x,y], 'lex')
59 >>> print q[0]
60 -y + 2*y**4 + 2*x*y**3 + 2*x**2*y**2
61 >>> print q[1]
62 -1 + y + 2*y**3
63 >>> print r
66 References:
67 ===========
68 Cox, Little, O'Shea: Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms,
69 Springer, 2. edition, p. 62
71 """
73 if not isinstance(g, list):
74 g = [g]
75 # Only f is checked, the rest is assumed to match.
76 if not isinstance(f, Polynomial):
77 f = sympify(f)
78 g = map(lambda x: sympify(x), g)
79 if isinstance(var, Symbol):
80 var = [var]
81 if var is None:
82 var = merge_var(f.atoms(type=Symbol),
83 *[g_i.atoms(type=Symbol) for g_i in g])
84 f = Polynomial(f, var=var, order=order)
85 g = map(lambda x: Polynomial(x, var=var, order=order), g)
87 # Begin computation.
88 r = Polynomial(S.Zero, var=f.var, order=f.order)
89 q = []
90 for i in range(0,len(g)):
91 q.append(r)
93 while f.sympy_expr is not S.Zero:
94 for g_i in g:
95 if g_i.sympy_expr is S.Zero: # Avoid division by 0.
96 continue
97 # Check if leading term of f is divisible by that of g_i.
98 # When coeff equals 'int', check the coefficient's
99 # divisibility, too.
100 td = term_div(f.coeffs[0], g_i.coeffs[0])
101 if (coeff != 'int' or isinstance(td[0], Integer)) \
102 and all([e.is_nonnegative for e in td[1:]]):
103 quot = Polynomial(coeffs=(td,), var=f.var, order=f.order)
104 q[g.index(g_i)] += quot
105 f -= quot*g_i
106 break
107 else: # No division occured, add the leading term to remainder.
108 lt = f.leading_term()
109 r += lt
110 f -= lt
112 if len(q) == 1:
113 return q[0], r
114 else:
115 return q, r
118 def gcd(f, g, var=None, order=None, coeff=None):
119 """Greatest common divisor.
121 Usage:
122 ======
123 Input are two polynomials, either as SymPy expressions or as
124 instances of Polynomial. In the first case, the variables and
125 monomial order can be specified with 'var' and 'order',
126 respectively.
128 If 'coeff' is set to 'int', the content of each polynomial is
129 checked and their gcd multiplied to the result. Otherwise it
130 is monic, that is, of leading coefficient 1.
132 The output's type is Polynomial, but there is a wrapper, see
133 L{wrapper.gcd}.
135 Notes:
136 ======
137 With only one variable, euclid's algorithm is used directly,
138 which is reasonably fast. But in the multivariate case, we
139 have to compute the gcd using the least common multiple, which
140 relies on Groebner bases. This is based on the formula:
141 f*g = gcd(f, g)*lcm(f, g)
143 Examples:
144 =========
145 >>> x, y = symbols('xy')
146 >>> print gcd(4*x**2*y, 6*x*y**2)
148 >>> print gcd(4*x**2*y, 6*x*y**2, coeff='int')
149 2*x*y
151 References:
152 ===========
153 Cox, Little, O'Shea: Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms,
154 Springer, 2. edition, p. 41 & p. 187
156 See also L{div}, L{lcm}.
160 # Check if f is a Polynomial already, g is assumed to match.
161 if not isinstance(f, Polynomial):
162 f = sympify(f)
163 g = sympify(g)
164 if var is None:
165 var = merge_var(f.atoms(type=Symbol), g.atoms(type=Symbol))
166 f = Polynomial(f, var=var, order=order)
167 g = Polynomial(g, var=var, order=order)
169 # Check if we need to keep an integer factor.
170 if coeff == 'int':
171 cf, f = f.as_primitive()
172 cg, g = g.as_primitive()
173 c = Integer(numbers.gcd(int(cf), int(cg)))
174 else:
175 c = S.One
177 if len(f.var) == 0: # Constant result.
178 return Polynomial(c, var=f.var, order=f.order)
179 elif len(f.var) == 1: # Use euclidean algorithm.
180 while g.sympy_expr is not S.Zero:
181 # Remove leading coefficient, to simplify computations.
182 lc, g = g.as_monic()
183 f, g = g, div(f, g)[-1]
184 else: # Use lcm and product to get multivariate gcd.
185 l = lcm(f, g)
186 q, r = div(f*g, l)
187 assert r.sympy_expr is S.Zero
188 lc, f = q.as_monic()
190 return Polynomial(coeffs=tuple([(c*t[0],) + t[1:] for t in f.coeffs]),
191 var=f.var, order=f.order)
194 def lcm(f, g, var=None, order=None, coeff=None):
195 """Least common multiple.
197 Usage:
198 ======
199 Input are two polynomials, either as SymPy expressions or as
200 instances of Polynomial. In the first case, the variables and
201 monomial order can be specified with 'var' and 'order',
202 respectively.
204 If 'coeff' is set to 'int', the content of each polynomial is
205 checked and their lcm multiplied to the result. Otherwise it
206 is monic, that is, of leading coefficient 1.
208 The output's type is Polynomial, but there is a wrapper, see
209 L{wrapper.lcm}.
211 Notes:
212 ======
213 With only one variable, the gcd is used to get the lcm from
214 the product, via f*g = gcd(f, g)*lcm(f, g).
216 In the univariate case, we compute the unique generator of the
217 intersection of the two ideals, generated by f and g. This is
218 done by computing a lexicographic Groebner base of
219 [t*f. (t-1)*g], with t a dummy variable at the first place,
220 then filtering trough the base elements not containing t.
222 Examples:
223 =========
224 >>> x, y = symbols('xy')
225 >>> print lcm(4*x**2*y, 6*x*y**2)
226 x**2*y**2
227 >>> print lcm(4*x**2*y, 6*x*y**2, coeff='int')
228 12*x**2*y**2
230 References:
231 ===========
232 Cox, Little, O'Shea: Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms,
233 Springer, 2. edition, p. 187
235 See also L{div}, L{gcd}.
239 # Check if f is a Polynomial already, g is assumed to match.
240 if not isinstance(f, Polynomial):
241 f = sympify(f)
242 g = sympify(g)
243 if var is None:
244 var = merge_var(f.atoms(type=Symbol), g.atoms(type=Symbol))
245 f = Polynomial(f, var=var, order=order)
246 g = Polynomial(g, var=var, order=order)
248 # Check if we need to keep an integer factor.
249 if coeff == 'int':
250 cf, f = f.as_primitive()
251 cg, g = g.as_primitive()
252 cf, cg = int(cf), int(cg)
253 c = Integer(cf*cg/numbers.gcd(cf, cg))
254 else:
255 c = S.One
257 if len(f.var) == 0: # Constant result.
258 return Polynomial(c, var=f.var, order=f.order)
259 elif len(f.var) == 1: # Use gcd to get univariate lcm.
260 gcd_temp = gcd(f, g)
261 q, r = div(f*g, gcd_temp)
262 assert r.sympy_expr is S.Zero
263 lc, f = q.as_monic()
264 else:
265 # Compute a lexicographic Groebner base of the ideal generated
266 # by t*f and (t-1)*g, with unrelated t.
267 from sympy.polynomials import groebner_
269 t = Symbol('t', dummy=True)
270 var = [t] + f.var
271 G = groebner_.groebner([Polynomial(t*f.sympy_expr,
272 var=var, order='1-el'),
273 Polynomial((t-1)*g.sympy_expr,
274 var=var, order='1-el')],
275 reduced=True)
276 # Now intersect this result with the polynomial ring in the
277 # var in `var', that is, eliminate t.
278 I = filter(lambda p: t not in p.sympy_expr.atoms(type=Symbol), G)
279 # The intersection should be a principal ideal, that is generated
280 # by a single polynomial.
281 if not len(I) == 1:
282 raise PolynomialException("No single generator for intersection.")
283 f = Polynomial(I[0].sympy_expr, var=f.var, order=f.order)
285 return Polynomial(coeffs=tuple([(c*t[0],) + t[1:] for t in f.coeffs]),
286 var=f.var, order=f.order)