atan moved
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2 from basic import Basic, S, cache_it, cache_it_immutable
3 from methods import ArithMeths, RelMeths, NoRelMeths
6 def integer_nthroot(y, n):
7 """
8 Usage
9 =====
10 Return a tuple containing x = floor(y**(1/n))
11 and a boolean indicating whether the result is exact (that is,
12 whether x**n == y).
14 Examples
15 ========
17 >>> integer_nthroot(16,2)
18 (4, True)
19 >>> integer_nthroot(26,2)
20 (5, False)
21 >>> integer_nthroot(1234567**7, 7)
22 (1234567L, True)
23 >>> integer_nthroot(1234567**7+1, 7)
24 (1234567L, False)
25 """
27 y = int(y); n = int(n)
28 if y < 0: raise ValueError, "y must not be negative"
29 if n < 1: raise ValueError, "n must be positive"
30 if y in (0, 1): return y, True
31 if n == 1: return y, True
33 # Search with Newton's method, starting from floating-point
34 # approximation. Care must be taken to avoid overflow.
35 from math import log as _log
36 guess = 2**int(_log(y, 2)/n)
37 xprev, x = -1, guess
38 while abs(x - xprev) > 1:
39 t = x**(n-1)
40 xprev, x = x, x - (t*x-y)//(n*t)
41 # Compensate
42 while x**n > y:
43 x -= 1
44 return x, x**n == y
47 class Pow(Basic, ArithMeths, RelMeths):
49 precedence = Basic.Pow_precedence
51 @cache_it_immutable
52 def __new__(cls, a, b, **assumptions):
53 a = Basic.sympify(a)
54 b = Basic.sympify(b)
55 if isinstance(b, Basic.Zero):
56 return S.One
57 if isinstance(b, Basic.One):
58 return a
59 obj = a._eval_power(b)
60 if obj is None:
61 obj = Basic.__new__(cls, a, b, **assumptions)
62 return obj
64 @property
65 def base(self):
66 return self._args[0]
68 @property
69 def exp(self):
70 return self._args[1]
72 def _eval_power(self, other):
73 if isinstance(other, Basic.Number):
74 if self.base.is_real:
75 if isinstance(self.exp, Basic.Number):
76 # (a ** 2) ** 3 -> a ** (2 * 3)
77 return Pow(self.base, self.exp * other)
78 if isinstance(other, Basic.Integer):
79 # (a ** b) ** 3 -> a ** (3 * b)
80 return Pow(self.base, self.exp * other)
81 elif isinstance(other, (Basic.Add, Basic.Mul)):
82 # (a**b)**c = a**(b*c)
83 return Pow(self.base, self.exp * other)
85 if other.atoms(Basic.Wild):
86 return Pow(self.base, self.exp * other)
87 return
89 def _eval_is_commutative(self):
90 c1 = self.base.is_commutative
91 if c1 is None: return
92 c2 = self.base.is_commutative
93 if c2 is None: return
94 return c1 and c2
96 def _eval_is_comparable(self):
97 c1 = self.base.is_comparable
98 if c1 is None: return
99 c2 = self.base.is_comparable
100 if c2 is None: return
101 return c1 and c2
103 def _eval_is_even(self):
104 if self.exp.is_integer and self.exp.is_positive:
105 if self.base.is_even:
106 return True
107 if self.exp.is_integer:
108 return False
110 def _eval_is_positive(self):
111 if self.base.is_positive:
112 if self.exp.is_real:
113 return True
114 elif self.base.is_negative:
115 if self.exp.is_even:
116 return True
117 if self.exp.is_odd:
118 return False
119 elif self.base.is_nonpositive:
120 if self.exp.is_odd:
121 return False
123 def _eval_is_negative(self):
124 if self.base.is_negative:
125 if self.exp.is_odd:
126 return True
127 if self.exp.is_even:
128 return False
129 elif self.base.is_positive:
130 if self.exp.is_real:
131 return False
132 elif self.base.is_nonnegative:
133 if self.exp.is_real:
134 return False
135 elif self.base.is_nonpositive:
136 if self.exp.is_even:
137 return False
138 elif self.base.is_real:
139 if self.exp.is_even:
140 return False
142 def _eval_is_integer(self):
143 c1 = self.base.is_integer
144 if c1 is None: return
145 c2 = self.exp.is_integer
146 if c2 is None: return
147 if c1 and c2:
148 if self.exp.is_nonnegative or self.exp.is_positive:
149 return True
150 if self.exp.is_negative:
151 return False
153 def _eval_is_real(self):
154 c1 = self.base.is_real
155 if c1 is None: return
156 c2 = self.exp.is_real
157 if c2 is None: return
158 if c1 and c2:
159 if self.base.is_positive:
160 return True
161 if self.base.is_negative:
162 if self.exp.is_integer:
163 return True
165 def _eval_is_odd(self):
166 if not (self.base.is_integer and self.exp.is_nonnegative): return
167 return self.base.is_odd
169 def _eval_is_bounded(self):
170 if self.exp.is_negative:
171 if self.base.is_infinitesimal:
172 return False
173 if self.base.is_unbounded:
174 return True
175 c1 = self.base.is_bounded
176 if c1 is None: return
177 c2 = self.exp.is_bounded
178 if c2 is None: return
179 if c1 and c2:
180 if self.exp.is_nonnegative:
181 return True
183 def tostr(self, level=0):
184 precedence = self.precedence
185 b = self.base.tostr(precedence)
186 if isinstance(self.exp, Basic.NegativeOne):
187 r = '1/%s' % (b)
188 else:
189 r = '%s**%s' % (b,self.exp.tostr(precedence))
190 if precedence <= level:
191 return '(%s)' % (r)
192 return r
194 def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
195 if self==old: return new
196 if isinstance(old, self.__class__) and self.base==old.base:
197 coeff1,terms1 = self.exp.as_coeff_terms()
198 coeff2,terms2 = old.exp.as_coeff_terms()
199 if terms1==terms2: return new ** (coeff1/coeff2) # (x**(2*y)).subs(x**(3*y),z) -> z**(2/3*y)
200 if isinstance(old, Basic.ApplyExp):
201 coeff1,terms1 = old[0].as_coeff_terms()
202 coeff2,terms2 = (self.exp * S.Log(self.base)).as_coeff_terms()
203 if terms1==terms2: return new ** (coeff1/coeff2) # (x**(2*y)).subs(exp(3*y*log(x)),z) -> z**(2/3*y)
204 return self.base.subs(old, new) ** self.exp.subs(old, new)
206 def as_powers_dict(self):
207 return { self.base : self.exp }
209 def as_base_exp(self):
210 if isinstance(self.base, Basic.Rational) and self.base.p==1:
211 return 1/self.base, -self.exp
212 return self.base, self.exp
214 def _eval_conjugate(self):
215 return S.Conjugate(self.base)**self.exp
217 def _eval_expand_complex(self, *args):
218 if isinstance(self.exp, Basic.Integer):
219 re, im = self.base.as_real_imag()
220 base = re + S.ImaginaryUnit * im
221 return (base**self.exp)._eval_expand_basic(*args)
222 elif isinstance(self.exp, Basic.Rational):
223 # NOTE: This is not totally correct since for x**(p/q) with
224 # x being imaginary there are actually q roots, but
225 # only a single one is returned from here.
226 re, im = self.base.as_real_imag()
228 r = S.Sqrt(re**2 + im**2)
229 t = Basic.atan(im / re)
231 if im == 0 and re == -1:
232 t = S.Pi
234 rp, tp = r**self.exp, t*self.exp
236 return rp*Basic.cos(tp) + rp*Basic.sin(tp)*S.ImaginaryUnit
237 else:
238 return S.Re(self) + S.ImaginaryUnit*S.Im(self)
240 def _eval_expand_basic(self, *args):
242 (a*b)**n -> a**n * b**n
243 (a+b+..) ** n -> a**n + n*a**(n-1)*b + .., n is positive integer
245 base = self.base.expand()
246 exponent = self.exp.expand()
247 result = base ** exponent
248 if isinstance(result, Pow):
249 base = result.base
250 exponent = result.exp
251 else:
252 return result
253 if isinstance(exponent, Basic.Integer):
254 if isinstance(base, Basic.Mul):
255 return Basic.Mul(*[t**exponent for t in base])
256 if exponent.is_positive and isinstance(base, Basic.Add):
257 m = int(exponent)
258 if base.is_commutative:
259 p = []
260 order_terms = []
261 for o in base:
262 if isinstance(o, Basic.Order):
263 order_terms.append(o)
264 else:
265 p.append(o)
266 if order_terms:
267 # (f(x) + O(x^n))^m -> f(x)^m + m*f(x)^{m-1} *O(x^n)
268 f = Basic.Add(*p)
269 fm1 = (f**(m-1)).expand()
270 return (f*fm1).expand() + m*fm1*Basic.Add(*order_terms)
271 ## Consider polynomial
272 ## P(x) = sum_{i=0}^n p_i x^k
273 ## and its m-th exponent
274 ## P(x)^m = sum_{k=0}^{m n} a(m,k) x^k
275 ## The coefficients a(m,k) can be computed using the
276 ## J.C.P. Miller Pure Recurrence [see D.E.Knuth,
277 ## Seminumerical Algorithms, The art of Computer
278 ## Programming v.2, Addison Wesley, Reading, 1981;]:
279 ## a(m,k) = 1/(k p_0) sum_{i=1}^n p_i ((m+1)i-k) a(m,k-i),
280 ## where a(m,0) = p_0^m.
281 n = len(p)-1
282 cache = {0: p[0] ** m}
283 p0 = [t/p[0] for t in p]
284 l = [cache[0]]
285 Mul = Basic.Mul
286 Rational = Basic.Rational
287 for k in xrange(1, m * n + 1):
288 a = []
289 for i in xrange(1,n+1):
290 if i<=k:
291 a.append(Mul(Rational((m+1)*i-k,k), p0[i], cache[k-i]).expand())
292 a = Basic.Add(*a)
293 cache[k] = a
294 l.append(a)
295 return Basic.Add(*l)
296 else:
297 if m==2:
298 p = base[:]
299 return Basic.Add(*[t1*t2 for t1 in p for t2 in p])
300 return Basic.Mul(base, Pow(base, m-1).expand()).expand()
301 elif isinstance(exponent, Basic.Add) and isinstance(base, Basic.Number):
302 # n**(a+b) --> n**a * n**b with n and a Numbers
303 exp = 0
304 coeff = 1
305 for term in exponent:
306 if isinstance(term, Basic.Number):
307 coeff *= base**term
308 else:
309 exp += term
310 result = coeff * base**exp
312 return result
314 def _eval_derivative(self, s):
315 dbase = self.base.diff(s)
316 dexp = self.exp.diff(s)
317 return self * (dexp * S.Log(self.base) + dbase * self.exp/self.base)
319 _eval_evalf = Basic._seq_eval_evalf
321 def _calc_splitter(self, d):
322 if d.has_key(self):
323 return d[self]
324 base = self.base._calc_splitter(d)
325 exp = self.exp._calc_splitter(d)
326 if isinstance(exp, Basic.Integer):
327 if abs(exp.p)>2:
328 n = exp.p//2
329 r = exp.p - n
330 if n!=r:
331 p1 = (base ** n)._calc_splitter(d)
332 p2 = (base ** r)._calc_splitter(d)
333 r = p1*p2
334 else:
335 r = (base ** n)._calc_splitter(d) ** 2
336 elif exp.p==-2:
337 r = (1/base)._calc_splitter(d) ** 2
338 else:
339 r = base ** exp
340 else:
341 r = base ** exp
342 if d.has_key(r):
343 return d[r]
344 s = d[r] = Basic.Temporary()
345 return s
347 @cache_it_immutable
348 def count_ops(self, symbolic=True):
349 if symbolic:
350 return Basic.Add(*[t.count_ops(symbolic) for t in self[:]]) + Basic.Symbol('POW')
351 return Basic.Add(*[t.count_ops(symbolic) for t in self[:]]) + 1
353 def _eval_integral(self, s):
354 if not self.exp.has(s):
355 if self.base==s:
356 n = self.exp+1
357 return self.base ** n/n
358 y = Basic.Symbol('y',dummy=True)
359 x,ix = self.base.solve4linearsymbol(y,symbols=set([s]))
360 if isinstance(x, Basic.Symbol):
361 dx = 1/self.base.diff(x)
362 if not dx.has(s):
363 return (y**self.exp*dx).integral(y).subs(y, self.base)
365 def _eval_defined_integral(self, s, a, b):
366 if not self.exp.has(s):
367 if self.base==s:
368 n = self.exp+1
369 return (b**n-a**n)/n
370 x,ix = self.base.solve4linearsymbol(s)
371 if isinstance(x, Basic.Symbol):
372 dx = ix.diff(x)
373 if isinstance(dx, Basic.Number):
374 y = Basic.Symbol('y',dummy=True)
375 return (y**self.exp*dx).integral(y==[self.base.subs(s,a), self.base.subs(s,b)])
377 def _eval_is_polynomial(self, syms):
378 if self.exp.has(*syms):
379 return False
381 if self.base.has(*syms):
382 # it would be nice to have is_nni working
383 return self.base._eval_is_polynomial(syms) and \
384 self.exp.is_nonnegative and \
385 self.exp.is_integer
386 else:
387 return True
389 def as_numer_denom(self):
390 base, exp = self.as_base_exp()
391 c,t = exp.as_coeff_terms()
392 n,d = base.as_numer_denom()
393 if c.is_negative:
394 exp = -exp
395 n,d = d,n
396 return n ** exp, d ** exp
398 def matches(pattern, expr, repl_dict={}, evaluate=False):
399 Basic.matches.__doc__
400 if evaluate:
401 pat = pattern
402 for old,new in repl_dict.items():
403 pat = pat.subs(old, new)
404 if pat!=pattern:
405 return pat.matches(expr, repl_dict)
407 expr = Basic.sympify(expr)
408 b, e = expr.as_base_exp()
410 # special case, pattern = 1 and expr.exp can match to 0
411 if isinstance(expr, Basic.One):
412 d = repl_dict.copy()
413 d = pattern.exp.matches(Basic.Integer(0), d, evaluate=False)
414 if d is not None:
415 return d
417 d = repl_dict.copy()
418 d = pattern.base.matches(b, d, evaluate=False)
419 if d is None:
420 return None
422 d = pattern.exp.matches(e, d, evaluate=True)
423 if d is None:
424 return Basic.matches(pattern, expr, repl_dict, evaluate)
425 return d
427 def _eval_oseries(self, order):
429 f**g + O(h) == (f+O(k))**g -> .. -> f**g + O(f**(g-1)*k), hence O(k)==O(h*f**(1-g)).
430 If f->0 as x->0 then
432 x = order.symbols[0]
433 e = self.exp
434 b = self.base
435 ln = S.Log
436 exp = S.Exp
437 if e.has(x):
438 return exp(e * ln(b)).oseries(order)
439 if b==x: return self
440 b0 = b.limit(x,0)
441 if isinstance(b0, Basic.Zero) or b0.is_unbounded:
442 lt = b.as_leading_term(x)
443 o = order * lt**(1-e)
444 bs = b.oseries(o)
445 if isinstance(bs, Basic.Add):
446 # bs -> lt + rest -> lt * (1 + (bs/lt - 1))
447 return lt**e * ((bs/lt).expand()**e).oseries(order * lt**(-e))
448 return bs**e
449 o = order * (b0**-e)
450 # b -> b0 + (b-b0) -> b0 * (1 + (b/b0-1))
451 z = (b/b0-1)
452 r = self._compute_oseries(z, o, self.taylor_term, lambda z: 1+z) * b0**e
453 return r
455 def _eval_as_leading_term(self, x):
456 if not self.exp.has(x):
457 return self.base.as_leading_term(x) ** self.exp
458 return S.Exp(self.exp * S.Log(self.base)).as_leading_term(x)
460 @cache_it_immutable
461 def taylor_term(self, n, x, *previous_terms): # of (1+x)**e
462 if n<0: return S.Zero
463 x = Basic.sympify(x)
464 return S.Binomial(self.exp, n) * x**n