7 SymPy is a team project and it was developed by a lot of people.
9 Here is a list of contributors together with what they do, plus links to their
10 wiki pages (if they have one on the page `People
11 <http://wiki.sympy.org/wiki/People>`_), where they describe in
12 more details what they do and what they are interested in.
14 #. `Ondřej Čertík <http://wiki.sympy.org/wiki/Ond%C5%99ej_%C4%8Cert%C3%ADk>`_: project leader
15 #. Fabian Seoane: everything, reviewing patches, releases, general advice (issues and mailinglist), not active anymore
16 #. Jurjen N.E. Bos: pretty printing and other patches
17 #. Mateusz Paprocki: GSoC 2007, concrete math module, integration module, new core integration, a lot of patches, general advice, new polynomial module, improvements to solvers, simplifications
18 #. Marc-Etienne M.Leveille: matrix patch
19 #. Brian Jorgensen: GSoC 2007, plotting module and related things, patches
20 #. Jason Gedge: GSoC 2007, geometry module, a lot of patches and fixes, new core integration
21 #. Robert Schwarz: GSoC 2007, polynomials module, patches
22 #. `Pearu Peterson <http://wiki.sympy.org/wiki/Pearu_Peterson>`_: new core, sympycore project, general advice (issues and mailinglist)
23 #. `Fredrik Johansson <http://wiki.sympy.org/wiki/Fredrik_Johansson>`_: mpmath project and its integration in SymPy, number theory, combinatorial functions, products & summation, statistics, units, patches, documentation, general advice (issues and mailinglist)
24 #. Chris Wu: GSoC 2007, linear algebra module
25 #. `Kirill Smelkov <http://wiki.sympy.org/wiki/Kirill_Smelkov>`_: everything, reviewing patches, releases, general advice (issues and mailinglist)
26 #. Ulrich Hecht: pattern matching and other patches
27 #. Goutham Lakshminarayan: number theory functions
28 #. David Lawrence: GHOP, Mathematica parser, square root denesting
29 #. Jaroslaw Tworek: GHOP, sympify AST implementation, sqrt() refactoring, maxima parser and other patches
30 #. David Marek: GHOP, derivative evaluation patch
31 #. Bernhard R. Link: documentation patch
32 #. Andrej Tokarčík: GHOP, python printer
33 #. Or Dvory: GHOP, documentation
34 #. `Saroj Adhikari <http://wiki.sympy.org/wiki/User:Saroj>`_: bug fixes
35 #. Pauli Virtanen: bug fix
36 #. Robert Kern: bug fix, common subexpression elimination
37 #. James Aspnes: bug fixes
38 #. Nimish Telang: multivariate lambdas
39 #. Abderrahim Kitouni: pretty printing + complex expansion bug fixes
40 #. Pan Peng: ode solvers patch
41 #. Friedrich Hagedorn: many bug fixes, refactorings and new features added
42 #. Elrond der Elbenfuerst: pretty printing fix
43 #. Rizgar Mella: BBP formula for pi calculating algorithm
44 #. Felix Kaiser: documentation + whitespace testing patches
45 #. Roberto Nobrega: several pretty printing patches
46 #. David Roberts: latex printing patches
47 #. Sebastian Krämer: implemented lambdify/numpy/mpmath cooperation, bug fixes, refactoring, lambdifying of matrices, large printing refactoring and bugfixes
48 #. Vinzent Steinberg: docstring patches, bug fixes, msolve (nonlinear equation systems solver), compiling functions to machine code
49 #. Riccardo Gori: improvements and speedups to matrices, many bug fixes
50 #. Case Van Horsen: implemented optional support for gmpy in mpmath
51 #. Štěpán Roučka: several matrix and simplification fixes
52 #. Ali Raza Syed: pretty printing/isympy on windows fix
53 #. Stefano Maggiolo: many bug fixes, polishings and improvements
54 #. Robert Cimrman: matrix patches
55 #. Bastian Weber: latex printing patches
56 #. Sebastian Krause: match patches
57 #. Sebastian Kreft: latex printing patches
58 #. Dan (coolg49964): documentation fixes
59 #. Alan Bromborsky: geometric algebra modules
61 Uptodate list in the order of the first contribution is given in the `README
62 <http://hg.sympy.org/sympy/file/tip/README>`_
63 (you can also find a brief history of SymPy in the README).
65 Financial and Infrastructure Support
66 ------------------------------------
68 * `Google <http://www.google.com/corporate/>`_: SymPy has received generous financial support from Google in 2007 by financing 5 students through the Google Summer of Code (GSOC 2007) program (`more info <http://code.google.com/p/sympy/wiki/GSoC2007>`_).
70 * `Python Software Foundation <http://www.python.org/psf/>`_: PSF hosted 3 GSoC 2007 students (Brian, Robert and Jason)
72 * `the Space Telescope Science Institute <http://www.stsci.edu/>`_: STScI hosted 1 GSoC 2007 student (Mateusz)
74 * `Portland State University <http://www.pdx.edu/>`_: PSU hosted 1 GSoC 2007 student (Chris)
76 * `Simula Research Laboratory <http://www.simula.no/>`_: supports Pearu Peterson work in SymPy/Sympy Core projects
81 Unless stated otherwise, all files in the SymPy project, SymPy's webpage (and
82 wiki), all images and all documentation including this User's Guide is licensed
83 using the new BSD license:
85 .. literalinclude:: ../../LICENSE