Use sympify instead of Basic.sympify (#667)
[sympy.git] / sympy / geometry /
1 from sympy.core.basic import Basic, S, sympify
2 from sympy.simplify import simplify
3 from sympy.geometry.exceptions import GeometryError
4 from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt
5 from entity import GeometryEntity
8 class Point(GeometryEntity):
9 """
10 A point in Euclidean N-space defined by a sequence of values. Can be
11 constructed from a sequence of points or a list of points.
13 Examples:
14 ======
15 >>> Point(1, 2)
16 Point(1, 2)
17 >>> Point([1, 2])
18 Point(1, 2)
20 Notes:
21 ======
22 - Currently only 2-dimensional points are supported.
23 """
24 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
25 if isinstance(args[0], (tuple, list, set)):
26 coords = tuple([sympify(x) for x in args[0]])
27 else:
28 coords = tuple([sympify(x) for x in args])
30 if len(coords) != 2:
31 raise NotImplementedError("Only two dimensional points currently supported")
33 return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
35 def is_collinear(*points):
36 """
37 Test whether or not a set of points are collinear. Returns True if
38 the set of points are collinear, or False otherwise.
40 Examples:
41 =========
42 >>> from sympy import *
43 >>> x = Symbol('x')
44 >>> p1,p2 = Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)
45 >>> p3,p4,p5 = Point(2, 2), Point(x, x), Point(1, 2)
46 >>> Point.is_collinear(p1, p2, p3, p4)
47 True
48 >>> Point.is_collinear(p1, p2, p3, p5)
49 False
51 Description of method used:
52 ===========================
53 Slope is preserved everywhere on a line, so the slope between
54 any two points on the line should be the same. Take the first
55 two points, p1 and p2, and create a translated point v1
56 with p1 as the origin. Now for every other point we create
57 a translated point, vi with p1 also as the origin. Note that
58 these translations preserve slope since everything is
59 consistently translated to a new origin of p1. Since slope
60 is preserved then we have the following equality:
61 v1_slope = vi_slope
62 => v1.y/v1.x = vi.y/vi.x (due to translation)
63 => v1.y*vi.x = vi.y*v1.x
64 => v1.y*vi.x - vi.y*v1.x = 0 (*)
65 Hence, if we have a vi such that the equality in (*) is False
66 then the points are not collinear. We do this test for every
67 point in the list, and if all pass then they are collinear.
68 """
69 points = GeometryEntity.extract_entities(points)
70 if len(points) == 0: return False
71 if len(points) <= 2: return True # two points always form a line
73 # XXX Cross product is used now, but that only extends to three
74 # dimensions. If the concept needs to extend to greater
75 # dimensions then another method would have to be used
76 p1 = points[0]
77 p2 = points[1]
78 v1 = p2 - p1
79 for p3 in points[2:]:
80 v2 = p3 - p1
81 test = simplify(v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0])
82 if simplify(test) != 0:
83 return False
84 return True
86 def is_concyclic(*points):
87 """
88 Test whether or not a set of points are concyclic (i.e., on the same
89 circle). Returns True if they are concyclic, or False otherwise.
91 Example:
92 ========
93 >>> p1,p2 = Point(-1, 0), Point(1, 0)
94 >>> p3,p4 = Point(0, 1), Point(-1, 2)
95 >>> Point.is_concyclic(p1, p2, p3)
96 True
97 >>> Point.is_concyclic(p1, p2, p3, p4)
98 False
100 Description of method used:
101 ===========================
102 No points are not considered to be concyclic. One or two points
103 are definitely concyclic and three points are conyclic iff they
104 are not collinear.
106 For more than three points, we pick the first three points and
107 attempt to create a circle. If the circle cannot be created
108 (i.e., they are collinear) then all of the points cannot be
109 concyclic. If the circle is created successfully then simply
110 check all of the other points for containment in the circle.
112 points = GeometryEntity.extract_entities(points)
113 if len(points) == 0: return False
114 if len(points) <= 2: return True
115 if len(points) == 3: return (not Point.is_collinear(*points))
117 try:
118 from ellipse import Circle
119 c = Circle(points[0], points[1], points[2])
120 for point in points[3:]:
121 if point not in c:
122 return False
123 return True
124 except GeometryError,e:
125 # Circle could not be created, because of collinearity of the
126 # three points passed in, hence they are not concyclic.
127 return False
129 # This code is from Maple
130 def f(u):
131 dd = u[0]**2 + u[1]**2 + 1
132 u1 = 2*u[0] / dd
133 u2 = 2*u[1] / dd
134 u3 = (dd - 2) / dd
135 return u1,u2,u3
137 u1,u2,u3 = f(points[0])
138 v1,v2,v3 = f(points[1])
139 w1,w2,w3 = f(points[2])
140 p = [v1 - u1, v2 - u2, v3 - u3]
141 q = [w1 - u1, w2 - u2, w3 - u3]
142 r = [p[1]*q[2] - p[2]*q[1], p[2]*q[0] - p[0]*q[2], p[0]*q[1] - p[1]*q[0]]
143 for ind in xrange(3, len(points)):
144 s1,s2,s3 = f(points[ind])
145 test = simplify(r[0]*(s1-u1) + r[1]*(s2-u2) + r[2]*(s3-u3))
146 if test != 0:
147 return False
148 return True
151 @staticmethod
152 def distance(p1, p2):
154 Get the Euclidean distance between two points.
156 Example:
157 ========
158 >>> p1,p2 = Point(1, 1), Point(4, 5)
159 >>> Point.distance(p1, p2)
162 return sqrt( sum([(a-b)**2 for a,b in zip(p1,p2)]) )
164 @staticmethod
165 def midpoint(p1, p2):
167 Get the midpoint of two points.
169 Example:
170 ========
171 >>> p1,p2 = Point(1, 1), Point(13, 5)
172 >>> Point.midpoint(p1, p2)
173 Point(7, 3)
175 return Point( [simplify((a + b)*S.Half) for a,b in zip(p1,p2)] )
177 def evalf(self):
179 Evaluate and return a Point where every coordinate is evaluated to
180 a floating point number.
182 Example:
183 ========
184 >>> from sympy import *
185 >>> Point(Rational(1,2), Rational(3,2)).evalf()
186 Point(0.5, 1.5)
188 return Point([x.evalf() for x in self])
190 def intersection(self, o):
191 GeometryEntity.intersection.__doc__
192 if isinstance(o, Point):
193 if self == o:
194 return [self]
195 return []
196 raise NotImplementedError()
198 def __add__(self, other):
200 Create a new point where each coordinate in this point is
201 increased by the corresponding coordinate in other.
203 if isinstance(other, Point):
204 if len(other) == len(self):
205 return Point( [simplify(a+b) for a,b in zip(self, other)] )
206 else:
207 raise Exception("Points must have the same number of dimensions")
208 else:
209 other = sympify(other)
210 return Point( [simplify(a+other) for a in self] )
212 def __sub__(self, other):
214 Create a new point where each coordinate in this point is
215 decreased by the corresponding coordinate in other.
217 return self + (-other)
219 def __mul__(self, factor):
221 Create a new point where each coordinate in this point is
222 multiplied by factor.
224 factor = sympify(factor)
225 return Point( [x*factor for x in self] )
227 def __div__(self, divisor):
229 Create a new point where each coordinate in this point is
230 divided by factor.
232 divisor = sympify(divisor)
233 return Point( [x/divisor for x in self] )
235 def __neg__(self):
237 Create a new point where each oordinate in this point is negated.
239 return Point( [-x for x in self] )
241 def __abs__(self):
242 """Returns the distance between this point and the origin."""
243 origin = Point([0] * len(self))
244 return Point.distance(origin, self)