Initial SymPy benchmark suite
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2 from sympy.core.add import Add
3 from sympy.core.mul import Mul
4 from sympy.core.power import Pow
5 from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
6 from sympy.core.basic import Basic, S
7 from sympy.core.numbers import Integer
8 from sympy.core.sympify import sympify
10 from sympy.core.numbers import igcd, ilcm
12 from polynomial import Poly, SymbolsError, MultivariatePolyError
14 from monomial import monomial_cmp, monomial_lcm, \
15 monomial_gcd, monomial_mul, monomial_div
17 from sympy.utilities.iterables import all, any
19 def poly_div(f, g, *symbols):
20 """Generalized polynomial division with remainder.
22 Given polynomial f and a set of polynomials g = (g_1, ..., g_n)
23 compute a set of quotients q = (q_1, ..., q_n) and remainder r
24 such that f = q_1*f_1 + ... + q_n*f_n + r, where r = 0 or r is
25 a completely reduced polynomial with respect to g.
27 In particular g can be a tuple, list or a singleton. All g_i
28 and f can be given as Poly class instances or as expressions.
30 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
32 [1] D. Cox, J. Little, D. O'Shea, Ideals, Varieties and
33 Algorithms, Springer, Second Edition, 1997, pp. 62
35 [2] I.A. Ajwa, Z. Liu, P.S. Wang, Groebner Bases Algorithm,
36, 1995
38 """
39 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
40 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
41 elif symbols:
42 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")
44 f, g = f.unify_with(g)
46 symbols, flags = f.symbols, f.flags
48 r = Poly((), *symbols, **flags)
50 if isinstance(g, Basic):
51 if g.is_constant:
52 if g.is_zero:
53 raise ZeroDivisionError
54 elif g.is_one:
55 return f, r
56 else:
57 return f.div_term(g.LC), r
59 if g.is_monomial:
60 LC, LM = g.lead_term
62 q_coeffs, q_monoms = [], []
63 r_coeffs, r_monoms = [], []
65 for coeff, monom in f.iter_terms():
66 quotient = monomial_div(monom, LM)
68 if quotient is not None:
69 coeff /= LC
71 q_coeffs.append(Poly.cancel(coeff))
72 q_monoms.append(quotient)
73 else:
74 r_coeffs.append(coeff)
75 r_monoms.append(monom)
77 return (Poly((q_coeffs, q_monoms), *symbols, **flags),
78 Poly((r_coeffs, r_monoms), *symbols, **flags))
80 g, q = [g], [r]
81 else:
82 q = [r] * len(g)
84 while not f.is_zero:
85 for i, h in enumerate(g):
86 monom = monomial_div(f.LM, h.LM)
88 if monom is not None:
89 coeff = Poly.cancel(f.LC / h.LC)
91 q[i] = q[i].add_term(coeff, monom)
92 f -= h.mul_term(coeff, monom)
94 break
95 else:
96 r = r.add_term(*f.LT)
97 f = f.kill_lead_term()
99 if len(q) != 1:
100 return q, r
101 else:
102 return q[0], r
104 def poly_pdiv(f, g, *symbols):
105 """Univariate polynomial pseudo-division with remainder.
107 Given univariate polynomials f and g over an integral domain D[x]
108 applying classical division algorithm to LC(g)**(d + 1) * f and g
109 where d = max(-1, deg(f) - deg(g)), compute polynomials q and r
110 such that LC(g)**(d + 1)*f = g*q + r and r = 0 or deg(r) < deg(g).
111 Polynomials q and r are called the pseudo-quotient of f by g and
112 the pseudo-remainder of f modulo g respectively.
114 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
116 [1] M. Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental
117 Functions, Second Edition, Springer-Verlang, 2005
120 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
121 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
122 elif symbols:
123 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")
125 f, g = f.unify_with(g)
127 if f.is_multivariate:
128 raise MultivariatePolyError(f)
130 symbols, flags = f.symbols, f.flags
132 q, r = Poly((), *symbols, **flags), f
133 coeff, N = g.LC, - + 1
135 while not r.is_zero:
136 M = -
138 if M < 0:
139 break
140 else:
141 T, N = (r.LC, (M,)), N - 1
143 q = q.mul_term(coeff).add_term(*T)
144 r = r.mul_term(coeff)-g.mul_term(*T)
146 return (q.mul_term(coeff**N), r.mul_term(coeff**N))
148 def poly_groebner(f, *symbols, **flags):
149 """Computes reduced Groebner basis for a set of polynomials.
151 Given a set of multivariate polynomials F, find another set G,
152 such that Ideal F = Ideal G and G is a reduced Groebner basis.
154 The resulting basis is unique and has monic generators.
156 Groebner bases can be used to choose specific generators for a
157 polynomial ideal. Because these bases are unique you can check
158 for ideal equality by comparing the Groebner bases. To see if
159 one polynomial lies in an ideal, divide by the elements in the
160 base and see if the remainder vanishes.
162 They can also be used to solve systems of polynomial equations
163 as, by choosing lexicographic ordering, you can eliminate one
164 variable at a time, provided that the ideal is zero-dimensional
165 (finite number of solutions).
167 >>> from sympy import *
168 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
170 >>> G = poly_groebner([x**2 + y**3, y**2-x], x, y, order='lex')
172 >>> [ g.as_basic() for g in G ]
173 [x - y**2, y**3 + y**4]
175 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
177 [1] N.K. Bose, B. Buchberger, J.P. Guiver, Multidimensional
178 Systems Theory and Applications, Springer, 2003, pp. 98+
180 [2] A. Giovini, T. Mora, "One sugar cube, please" or Selection
181 strategies in Buchberger algorithm, Proc. ISSAC '91, ACM
183 [3] I.A. Ajwa, Z. Liu, P.S. Wang, Groebner Bases Algorithm,
184, 1995
186 [4] D. Cox, J. Little, D. O'Shea, Ideals, Varieties and
187 Algorithms, Springer, Second Edition, 1997, pp. 62
190 if isinstance(f, (tuple, list, set)):
191 f, g = f[0], list(f[1:])
193 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
194 f = Poly(f, *symbols, **flags)
195 elif symbols or flags:
196 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols or flags were given")
198 f, g = f.unify_with(g)
200 symbols, flags = f.symbols, f.flags
201 else:
202 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
203 f = Poly(f, *symbols, **flags)
204 elif symbols or flags:
205 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols or flags were given")
207 return [f.as_monic()]
209 compare = monomial_cmp(flags.get('order'))
211 f = [ h for h in [f] + g if h ]
213 if not f:
214 return [Poly((), *symbols, **flags)]
216 R, P, G, B, F = set(), set(), set(), {}, {}
218 for i, h in enumerate(f):
219 F[h] = i; R.add(i)
221 def normal(g, H):
222 h = poly_div(g, [ f[i] for i in H ])[1]
224 if h.is_zero:
225 return None
226 else:
227 if not F.has_key(h):
228 F[h] = len(f)
229 f.append(h)
231 return F[h], h.LM
233 def generate(R, P, G, B):
234 while R:
235 h = normal(f[R.pop()], G | P)
237 if h is not None:
238 k, LM = h
240 G0 = set(g for g in G if monomial_div(f[g].LM, LM))
241 P0 = set(p for p in P if monomial_div(f[p].LM, LM))
243 G, P, R = G - G0, P - P0 | set([k]), R | G0 | P0
245 for i, j in set(B):
246 if i in G0 or j in G0:
247 del B[(i, j)]
249 G |= P
251 for i in G:
252 for j in P:
253 if i == j:
254 continue
256 if i < j:
257 k = (i, j)
258 else:
259 k = (j, i)
261 if not B.has_key(k):
262 B[k] = monomial_lcm(f[i].LM, f[j].LM)
264 G = set([ normal(f[g], G - set([g]))[0] for g in G ])
266 return R, P, G, B
268 R, P, G, B = generate(R, P, G, B)
270 while B:
271 k, M = B.items()[0]
273 for l, N in B.iteritems():
274 if compare(M, N) == 1:
275 k, M = l, N
277 del B[k]
279 i, j = k[0], k[1]
280 p, q = f[i], f[j]
282 p_LM, q_LM = p.LM, q.LM
284 if M == monomial_mul(p_LM, q_LM):
285 continue
287 criterion = False
289 for g in G:
290 if g == i or g == j:
291 continue
293 if not B.has_key((min(i, g), max(i, g))):
294 continue
296 if not B.has_key((min(j, g), max(j, g))):
297 continue
299 if not monomial_div(M, f[g].LM):
300 continue
302 criterion = True
303 break
305 if criterion:
306 continue
308 p = p.mul_term(1/p.LC, monomial_div(M, p_LM))
309 q = q.mul_term(1/q.LC, monomial_div(M, q_LM))
311 h = normal(p - q, G)
313 if h is not None:
314 k, LM = h
316 G0 = set(g for g in G if monomial_div(f[g].LM, LM))
318 R, P, G = G0, set([k]), G - G0
320 for i, j in set(B):
321 if i in G0 or j in G0:
322 del B[(i, j)]
324 R, P, G, B = generate(R, P, G, B)
326 G = [ f[g].as_monic() for g in G ]
328 G = sorted(G, compare, lambda p: p.LM)
330 return list(reversed(G))
332 def poly_lcm(f, g, *symbols):
333 """Computes least common multiple of two polynomials.
335 Given two univariate polynomials, the LCM is computed via
336 f*g = gcd(f, g)*lcm(f, g) formula. In multivariate case, we
337 compute the unique generator of the intersection of the two
338 ideals, generated by f and g. This is done by computing a
339 Groebner basis, with respect to any lexicographic ordering,
340 of t*f and (1 - t)*g, where t is an unrelated symbol and
341 filtering out solution that does not contain t.
343 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
345 [1] D. Cox, J. Little, D. O'Shea, Ideals, Varieties and
346 Algorithms, Springer, Second Edition, 1997, pp. 187
349 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
350 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
351 elif symbols:
352 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")
354 f, g = f.unify_with(g)
356 symbols, flags = f.symbols, f.flags
358 if f.is_monomial and g.is_monomial:
359 monom = monomial_lcm(f.LM, g.LM)
361 fc, gc = f.LC, g.LC
363 if fc.is_Rational and gc.is_Rational:
364 coeff = Integer(ilcm(fc.p, gc.p))
365 else:
366 coeff = S.One
368 return Poly((coeff, monom), *symbols, **flags)
370 fc, f = f.as_primitive()
371 gc, g = g.as_primitive()
373 lcm = ilcm(int(fc), int(gc))
375 if f.is_multivariate:
376 t = Symbol('t', dummy=True)
377 lex = { 'order' : 'lex' }
379 f_monoms = [ (1,) + monom for monom in f.monoms ]
381 F = Poly((f.coeffs, f_monoms), t, *symbols, **lex)
383 g_monoms = [ (0,) + monom for monom in g.monoms ] + \
384 [ (1,) + monom for monom in g.monoms ]
386 g_coeffs = list(g.coeffs) + [ -coeff for coeff in g.coeffs ]
387 G = Poly(dict(zip(g_monoms, g_coeffs)), t, *symbols, **lex)
389 def independent(h):
390 return all(not monom[0] for monom in h.monoms)
392 H = [ h for h in poly_groebner((F, G)) if independent(h) ]
394 if lcm != 1:
395 h_coeffs = [ coeff*lcm for coeff in H[0].coeffs ]
396 else:
397 h_coeffs = H[0].coeffs
399 h_monoms = [ monom[1:] for monom in H[0].monoms ]
401 return Poly(dict(zip(h_monoms, h_coeffs)), *symbols, **flags)
402 else:
403 h = poly_div(f * g, poly_gcd(f, g))[0]
405 if lcm != 1:
406 return h.mul_term(lcm / h.LC)
407 else:
408 return h.as_monic()
410 def poly_gcd(f, g, *symbols):
411 """Compute greatest common divisor of two polynomials.
413 Given two univariate polynomials, subresultants are used
414 to compute the GCD. In multivariate case Groebner basis
415 approach is used together with f*g = gcd(f, g)*lcm(f, g)
416 well known formula.
418 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
420 [1] D. Cox, J. Little, D. O'Shea, Ideals, Varieties and
421 Algorithms, Springer, Second Edition, 1997, pp. 187
424 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
425 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
426 elif symbols:
427 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")
429 f, g = f.unify_with(g)
431 symbols, flags = f.symbols, f.flags
433 if f.is_zero and g.is_zero:
434 return f
436 if f.is_constant:
437 if f.is_zero:
438 cont, g = g.as_primitive()
439 return g.mul_term(cont / g.LC)
440 if f.is_one:
441 return f
443 if g.is_constant:
444 if g.is_zero:
445 cont, f = f.as_primitive()
446 return f.mul_term(cont / f.LC)
447 if g.is_one:
448 return g
450 if f.is_monomial and g.is_monomial:
451 monom = monomial_gcd(f.LM, g.LM)
453 fc, gc = f.LC, g.LC
455 if fc.is_Rational and gc.is_Rational:
456 coeff = Integer(igcd(fc.p, gc.p))
457 else:
458 coeff = S.One
460 return Poly((coeff, monom), *symbols, **flags)
462 cf, f = f.as_primitive()
463 cg, g = g.as_primitive()
465 gcd = igcd(int(cf), int(cg))
467 if f.is_multivariate:
468 h = poly_div(f*g, poly_lcm(f, g))[0]
469 else:
470 h = poly_subresultants(f, g)[-1]
472 if gcd != 1:
473 return h.mul_term(gcd / h.LC)
474 else:
475 return h.as_monic()
477 def poly_gcdex(f, g, *symbols):
478 """Extended Euclidean algorithm.
480 Given univariate polynomials f and g over an Euclidean domain,
481 computes polynomials s, t and h, such that h = gcd(f, g) and
482 s*f + t*g = h.
484 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
486 [1] M. Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental
487 Functions, Second Edition, Springer-Verlang, 2005
490 s, h = poly_half_gcdex(f, g, *symbols)
491 return s, poly_div(h - s*f, g)[0], h
493 def poly_half_gcdex(f, g, *symbols):
494 """Half extended Euclidean algorithm.
496 Efficiently computes gcd(f, g) and one of the coefficients
497 in extended Euclidean algorithm. Formally, given univariate
498 polynomials f and g over an Euclidean domain, computes s
499 and h, such that h = gcd(f, g) and s*f = h (mod g).
501 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
503 [1] M. Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental
504 Functions, Second Edition, Springer-Verlang, 2005
507 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
508 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
509 elif symbols:
510 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")
512 f, g = f.unify_with(g)
514 if f.is_multivariate:
515 raise MultivariatePolyError(f)
517 symbols, flags = f.symbols, f.flags
519 a = Poly(S.One, *symbols, **flags)
520 b = Poly((), *symbols, **flags)
522 while not g.is_zero:
523 q, r = poly_div(f, g)
525 f, g = g, r
526 c = a - q*b
527 a, b = b, c
529 return a, f
531 def poly_resultant(f, g, *symbols):
532 """Computes resultant of two univariate polynomials.
534 Resultants are a classical algebraic tool for determining if
535 a system of n polynomials in n-1 variables have common root
536 without explicitly solving for the roots.
538 They are efficiently represented as determinants of Bezout
539 matrices whose entries are computed using O(n**2) additions
540 and multiplications where n = max(deg(f), deg(g)).
542 >>> from sympy import *
543 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
545 Polynomials x**2-1 and (x-1)**2 have common root:
547 >>> poly_resultant(x**2-1, (x-1)**2, x)
550 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
552 [1] Eng-Wee Chionh, Fast Computation of the Bezout and Dixon
553 Resultant Matrices, Journal of Symbolic Computation, ACM,
554 Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2002, Pages 13-29
557 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
558 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
559 elif symbols:
560 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")
562 f, g = f.unify_with(g)
564 if f.is_multivariate:
565 raise MultivariatePolyError(f)
567 n, m =,
569 N = max(n, m)
571 if n < m:
572 p = f.as_uv_dict()
573 q = g.as_uv_dict()
574 else:
575 q = f.as_uv_dict()
576 p = g.as_uv_dict()
578 import sympy.matrices
580 B = sympy.matrices.zeros(N)
582 for i in xrange(N):
583 for j in xrange(i, N):
584 if p.has_key(i) and q.has_key(j+1):
585 B[i, j] += p[i] * q[j+1]
587 if p.has_key(j+1) and q.has_key(i):
588 B[i, j] -= p[j+1] * q[i]
590 for i in xrange(1, N-1):
591 for j in xrange(i, N-1):
592 B[i, j] += B[i-1, j+1]
594 for i in xrange(N):
595 for j in xrange(i+1, N):
596 B[j, i] = B[i, j]
598 det = B.det()
600 if not det:
601 return det
602 else:
603 if n >= m:
604 det /= f.LC**(n-m)
605 else:
606 det /= g.LC**(m-n)
608 sign = (-1)**(n*(n-1)/2)
610 if det.is_Atom:
611 return sign * det
612 else:
613 return sign * Poly.cancel(det)
615 def poly_subresultants(f, g, *symbols):
616 """Computes subresultant PRS of two univariate polynomials.
618 Polynomial remainder sequence (PRS) is a fundamental tool in
619 computer algebra as it gives as a sub-product the polynomial
620 greatest common divisor (GCD), provided that the coefficient
621 domain is an unique factorization domain.
623 There are several methods for computing PRS, eg.: Euclidean
624 PRS, where the most famous algorithm is used, primitive PRS
625 and, finally, subresultants which are implemented here.
627 The Euclidean approach is reasonably efficient but suffers
628 severely from coefficient growth. The primitive algorithm
629 avoids this but requires a lot of coefficient computations.
631 Subresultants solve both problems and so it is efficient and
632 have moderate coefficient growth. The current implementation
633 uses pseudo-divisions which is well suited for coefficients
634 in integral domains or number fields.
636 Formally, given univariate polynomials f and g over an UFD,
637 then a sequence (R_0, R_1, ..., R_k, 0, ...) is a polynomial
638 remainder sequence where R_0 = f, R_1 = g, R_k != 0 and R_k
639 is similar to gcd(f, g).
641 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
643 [1] M. Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental
644 Functions, Second Edition, Springer-Verlang, 2005
646 [2] M. Keber, Division-Free computation of subresultants
647 using Bezout matrices, Tech. Report MPI-I-2006-1-006,
648 Saarbrucken, 2006
651 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
652 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
653 elif symbols:
654 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")
656 f, g = f.unify_with(g)
658 if f.is_multivariate:
659 raise MultivariatePolyError(f)
661 symbols, flags = f.symbols, f.flags
663 n, m =,
665 if n < m:
666 f, g = g, f
667 n, m = m, n
669 prs = [f, g]
671 d = n - m
673 b = (-1)**(d + 1)
675 h = poly_pdiv(f, g)[1]
676 h = h.mul_term(b)
678 k =
680 c = S.NegativeOne
682 while not h.is_zero:
683 prs.append(h)
685 coeff = g.LC
687 c = (-coeff)**d / c**(d-1)
689 b = -coeff * c**(m-k)
691 f, g, m, d = g, h, k, m-k
693 h = poly_pdiv(f, g)[1]
694 h = h.div_term(b)
696 k =
698 return prs
700 def poly_sqf(f, *symbols):
701 """Compute square-free decomposition of an univariate polynomial.
703 Given an univariate polynomial f over an unique factorization domain
704 returns tuple (f_1, f_2, ..., f_n), where all A_i are co-prime and
705 square-free polynomials and f = f_1 * f_2**2 * ... * f_n**n.
707 >>> from sympy import *
708 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
710 >>> p, q = poly_sqf(x*(x+1)**2, x)
712 >>> p.as_basic()
714 >>> q.as_basic()
715 1 + x
717 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
719 [1] M. Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental
720 Functions, Second Edition, Springer-Verlang, 2005
722 [2] J. von zur Gathen, J. Gerhard, Modern Computer Algebra,
723 Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2003
726 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
727 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
728 elif symbols:
729 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")
731 if f.is_multivariate:
732 raise MultivariatePolyError(f)
734 coeff, f = f.as_primitive()
736 sqf = []
738 h = f.diff()
740 g = poly_gcd(f, h)
742 p = poly_div(f, g)[0]
743 q = poly_div(h, g)[0]
745 while True:
746 h = q - p.diff()
748 if h.is_zero:
749 break
751 g = poly_gcd(p, h)
753 sqf.append(g)
755 p = poly_div(p, g)[0]
756 q = poly_div(h, g)[0]
758 sqf.append(p)
760 head, tail = sqf[0], sqf[1:]
761 head = head.mul_term(coeff)
763 return [head] + tail
765 def poly_decompose(f, *symbols):
766 """Computes functional decomposition of an univariate polynomial.
768 Besides factorization and square-free decomposition, functional
769 decomposition is another important, but very different, way of
770 breaking down polynomials into simpler parts.
772 Formally given an univariate polynomial f with coefficients in a
773 field of characteristic zero, returns tuple (f_1, f_2, ..., f_n)
774 where f = f_1 o f_2 o ... f_n = f_1(f_2(... f_n)) and f_2, ...,
775 f_n are monic and homogeneous polynomials of degree at least 2.
777 Unlike factorization, complete functional decompositions of
778 polynomials are not unique, consider examples:
780 [1] f o g = f(x + b) o (g - b)
781 [2] x**n o x**m = x**m o x**n
782 [3] T_n o T_m = T_m o T_n
784 where T_n and T_m are Chebyshev polynomials.
786 >>> from sympy import *
787 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
789 >>> p, q = poly_decompose(x**4+2*x**2 + y, x)
791 >>> p.as_basic()
792 y + 2*x + x**2
793 >>> q.as_basic()
794 x**2
796 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
798 [1] D. Kozen, S. Landau, Polynomial decomposition algorithms,
799 Journal of Symbolic Computation 7 (1989), pp. 445-456
802 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
803 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
804 elif symbols:
805 raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")
807 if f.is_multivariate:
808 raise MultivariatePolyError(f)
810 symbols = f.symbols
811 flags = f.flags
813 def right_factor(f, s):
814 n, lc =, f.LC
816 f = f.as_uv_dict()
817 q = { s : S.One }
819 r = n // s
821 for k in xrange(1, s):
822 coeff = S.Zero
824 for j in xrange(0, k):
825 if not f.has_key(n+j-k):
826 continue
828 if not q.has_key(s-j):
829 continue
831 fc, qc = f[n+j-k], q[s-j]
833 coeff += (k - r*j)*fc*qc
835 if coeff is not S.Zero:
836 q[s-k] = coeff / (k*r*lc)
838 return Poly(q, *symbols, **flags)
840 def left_factor(f, h):
841 g, i = {}, 0
843 while not f.is_zero:
844 q, r = poly_div(f, h)
846 if not r.is_constant:
847 return None
848 else:
849 if r.LC is not S.Zero:
850 g[i] = r.LC
852 f, i = q, i + 1
854 return Poly(g, *symbols, **flags)
856 def decompose(f):
857 deg =
859 for s in xrange(2, deg):
860 if deg % s != 0:
861 continue
863 h = right_factor(f, s)
865 if h is not None:
866 g = left_factor(f, h)
868 if g is not None:
869 return (g, h)
871 return None
873 F = []
875 while True:
876 result = decompose(f)
878 if result is not None:
879 f, h = result
880 F = [h] + F
881 else:
882 break
884 return [f] + F