Initial SymPy benchmark suite
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2 from sympy.core import (Basic, S, C, Add, Mul, Symbol, Equality, Interval,
3 sympify, symbols, Wild)
4 from sympy.functions import factorial
5 from sympy.solvers import solve
7 class Sum(Basic):
8 """Represents unevaluated summation."""
10 def __new__(cls, f, *symbols, **assumptions):
11 f = sympify(f)
13 if f.is_Number:
14 if f is S.NaN:
15 return S.NaN
16 elif f is S.Zero:
17 return S.Zero
19 if not symbols:
20 limits = f.atoms(Symbol)
22 if not limits:
23 return f
24 else:
25 limits = []
27 for V in symbols:
28 if isinstance(V, Symbol):
29 limits.append(V)
30 continue
31 elif isinstance(V, Equality):
32 if isinstance(V.lhs, Symbol):
33 if isinstance(V.rhs, Interval):
34 limits.append((V.lhs, V.rhs.start, V.rhs.end))
35 else:
36 limits.append((V.lhs, V.rhs))
38 continue
39 elif isinstance(V, (tuple, list)):
40 if len(V) == 1:
41 if isinstance(V[0], Symbol):
42 limits.append(V[0])
43 continue
44 elif len(V) in (2, 3):
45 if isinstance(V[0], Symbol):
46 limits.append(tuple(map(sympify, V)))
47 continue
49 raise ValueError("Invalid summation variable or limits")
51 obj = Basic.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
52 obj._args = (f, tuple(limits))
54 return obj
56 @property
57 def function(self):
58 return self._args[0]
60 @property
61 def limits(self):
62 return self._args[1]
64 def doit(self, **hints):
65 #if not hints.get('sums', True):
66 # return self
67 f = self.function
68 for i, a, b in self.limits:
69 f = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
70 if f is None:
71 return self
72 return f
74 def _eval_summation(self, f, x):
75 return
77 def euler_maclaurin(self, m=0, n=0, eps=0, eval_integral=True):
78 """
79 Return an Euler-Maclaurin approximation of self, where m is the
80 number of leading terms to sum directly and n is the number of
81 terms in the tail.
83 With m = n = 0, this is simply the corresponding integral
84 plus a first-order endpoint correction.
86 Returns (s, e) where s is the Euler-Maclaurin approximation
87 and e is the estimated error (taken to be the magnitude of
88 the first omitted term in the tail):
90 >>> k = Symbol('k')
91 >>> Sum(1/k, (k, 2, 5)).doit().evalf()
92 1.28333333333333
93 >>> s, e = Sum(1/k, (k, 2, 5)).euler_maclaurin()
94 >>> s
95 7/20 - log(2) + log(5)
96 >>> s.evalf(), e.evalf()
97 (1.26629073187416, 0.0175000000000000)
99 The endpoints may be symbolic:
101 >>> k, a, b = symbols('kab')
102 >>> s, e = Sum(1/k, (k, a, b)).euler_maclaurin()
103 >>> s
104 -log(a) + log(b) + 1/(2*a) + 1/(2*b)
105 >>> e
106 abs(-1/(12*b**2) + 1/(12*a**2))
108 If the function is a polynomial of degree at most 2n+1, the
109 Euler-Maclaurin formula becomes exact (and e = 0 is returned):
111 >>> Sum(k, (k, 2, b)).euler_maclaurin()
112 (-1 + b/2 + 1/2*b**2, 0)
113 >>> Sum(k, (k, 2, b)).doit()
114 -1 + b/2 + 1/2*b**2
116 With a nonzero eps specified, the summation is ended
117 as soon as the remainder term is less than the epsilon.
119 m = int(m)
120 n = int(n)
121 f = self.function
122 assert len(self.limits) == 1
123 i, a, b = self.limits[0]
124 s = S.Zero
125 if m:
126 for k in range(m):
127 term = f.subs(i, a+k)
128 if (eps and term and abs(term.evalf(3)) < eps):
129 return s, abs(term)
130 s += term
131 a += m
132 x = Symbol('x', dummy=True)
133 I = C.Integral(f.subs(i, x), (x, a, b))
134 if eval_integral:
135 I = I.doit()
136 s += I
137 def fpoint(expr):
138 if b is S.Infinity:
139 return expr.subs(i, a), 0
140 return expr.subs(i, a), expr.subs(i, b)
141 fa, fb = fpoint(f)
142 iterm = (fa + fb)/2
143 g = f.diff(i)
144 for k in xrange(1, n+2):
145 ga, gb = fpoint(g)
146 term = C.bernoulli(2*k)/C.Factorial(2*k)*(gb-ga)
147 if (eps and term and abs(term.evalf(3)) < eps) or (k > n):
148 break
149 s += term
150 g = g.diff(i, 2)
151 return s + iterm, abs(term)
154 def sum(*args, **kwargs):
155 summation = Sum(*args, **kwargs)
157 if isinstance(summation, Sum):
158 return summation.doit()
159 else:
160 return summation
163 def getab(expr):
164 cls = expr.__class__
165 return cls(expr.args[0]), cls(*expr.args[1:])
167 def telescopic_direct(L, R, n, (i, a, b)):
168 '''Returns the direct summation of the terms of a telescopic sum
170 L is the term with lower index
171 R is the term with higher index
172 n difference between the indexes of L and R
174 For example:
176 >>> k,a,b = symbols('kab')
177 >>> telescopic_direct(1/k, -1/(k+2), 2, (k, a, b))
178 1/a + 1/(1 + a) - 1/(1 + b) - 1/(2 + b)
180 s = 0
181 for m in xrange(n):
182 s += L.subs(i,a+m) + R.subs(i,b-m)
183 return s
185 def telescopic(L, R, (i, a, b)):
186 '''Tries to perform the summation using the telescopic property
188 return None if not possible
190 if L.is_Add or R.is_Add:
191 return None
192 s = None
193 #First we try to solve using match
194 #Maybe this should go inside solve
195 k = Wild("k")
196 sol = (-R).match(L.subs(i, i + k))
197 if sol and sol.has_key(k):
198 if L.subs(i,i + sol[k]) == -R:
199 #sometimes match fail(f(x+2).match(-f(x+k))->{k: -2 - 2x}))
200 s = sol[k]
201 #Then we try to solve using solve
202 if not s or not s.is_Integer:
203 m = Symbol("m")
204 try:
205 s = solve(L.subs(i, i + m) + R, m)[0]
206 except ValueError:
207 pass
208 if s and s.is_Integer:
209 if s < 0:
210 return telescopic_direct(R, L, abs(s), (i, a, b))
211 elif s > 0:
212 return telescopic_direct(L, R, s, (i, a, b))
213 return None
215 def eval_sum(f, (i, a, b)):
216 if not f.has(i):
217 return f*(b-a+1)
218 definite = a.is_Integer and b.is_Integer
219 # Doing it directly may be faster if there are very few terms.
220 if definite and (b-a < 100):
221 return eval_sum_direct(f, (i, a, b))
222 # Try to do it symbolically. Even when the number of terms is known,
223 # this can save time when b-a is big.
224 # We should try to transform to partial fractions
225 value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
226 if value is not None:
227 return value
228 # Do it directly
229 if definite:
230 return eval_sum_direct(f, (i, a, b))
232 def eval_sum_symbolic(f, (i, a, b)):
233 if not f.has(i):
234 return f*(b-a+1)
235 # Linearity
236 if f.is_Mul:
237 L, R = getab(f)
238 if not L.has(i):
239 sR = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))
240 if sR: return L*sR
241 if not R.has(i):
242 sL = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
243 if sL: return R*sL
244 if f.is_Add:
245 L, R = getab(f)
246 lrsum = telescopic(L, R, (i, a, b))
247 if lrsum: return lrsum
248 lsum = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
249 rsum = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))
250 if None not in (lsum, rsum):
251 return lsum + rsum
252 # Polynomial terms with Faulhaber's formula
253 p = C.Wild('p')
254 e = f.match(i**p)
255 if e != None:
256 c = p.subs(e)
257 B = C.bernoulli
258 if c.is_integer and c >= 0:
259 s = (B(c+1, b+1) - B(c+1, a))/(c+1)
260 return s.expand()
261 # Geometric terms
262 c1 = C.Wild('c1', exclude=[i])
263 c2 = C.Wild('c2', exclude=[i])
264 c3 = C.Wild('c3', exclude=[i])
265 e = f.match(c1**(c2*i+c3))
266 if e is not None:
267 c1 = c1.subs(e)
268 c2 = c2.subs(e)
269 c3 = c3.subs(e)
270 # TODO: more general limit handling
271 return c1**c3 * (c1**(a*c2) - c1**(c2+b*c2)) / (1 - c1**c2)
272 return None
274 def eval_sum_direct(expr, (i, a, b)):
275 s = S.Zero
276 if expr.has(i):
277 for j in xrange(a, b+1):
278 s += expr.subs(i, j)
279 else:
280 for j in xrange(a, b+1):
281 s += expr
282 return s