Fixed remaining problem in doctest, plus test added for it
[sympy.git] / sympy / core /
1 """Base class for all objects in sympy"""
3 type_class = type
5 import decimal
6 from basic_methods import BasicMeths, cache_it, cache_it_immutable, BasicType
8 class MemoizerArg:
9 """ See Memoizer.
10 """
12 def __init__(self, allowed_types, converter = None, name = None):
13 self._allowed_types = allowed_types
14 self.converter = converter
15 = name
17 def fix_allowed_types(self, have_been_here={}):
18 i = id(self)
19 if have_been_here.get(i): return
20 allowed_types = self._allowed_types
21 if isinstance(allowed_types, str):
22 self.allowed_types = getattr(Basic, allowed_types)
23 elif isinstance(allowed_types, (tuple, list)):
24 new_allowed_types = []
25 for t in allowed_types:
26 if isinstance(t, str):
27 t = getattr(Basic, t)
28 new_allowed_types.append(t)
29 self.allowed_types = tuple(new_allowed_types)
30 else:
31 self.allowed_types = allowed_types
32 have_been_here[i] = True
33 return
35 def process(self, obj, func, index = None):
36 if isinstance(obj, self.allowed_types):
37 if self.converter is not None:
38 obj = self.converter(obj)
39 return obj
40 func_src = '%s:%s:function %s' % (func.func_code.co_filename, func.func_code.co_firstlineno, func.func_name)
41 if index is None:
42 raise ValueError('%s return value must be of type %r but got %r' % (func_src, self.allowed_types, obj))
43 if isinstance(index, (int,long)):
44 raise ValueError('%s %s-th argument must be of type %r but got %r' % (func_src, index, self.allowed_types, obj))
45 if isinstance(index, str):
46 raise ValueError('%s %r keyword argument must be of type %r but got %r' % (func_src, index, self.allowed_types, obj))
47 raise NotImplementedError(`index,type(index)`)
49 class Memoizer:
50 """ Memoizer function decorator generator.
52 Features:
53 - checks that function arguments have allowed types
54 - optionally apply converters to arguments
55 - cache the results of function calls
56 - optionally apply converter to function values
58 Usage:
60 @Memoizer(<allowed types for argument 0>,
61 MemoizerArg(<allowed types for argument 1>),
62 MemoizerArg(<allowed types for argument 2>, <convert argument before function call>),
63 MemoizerArg(<allowed types for argument 3>, <convert argument before function call>, name=<kw argument name>),
64 ...
65 return_value_converter = <None or converter function, usually makes a copy>
67 def function(<arguments>, <kw_argumnets>):
68 ...
70 Details:
71 - if allowed type is string object then there Basic must have attribute
72 with the string name that is used as the allowed type --- this is needed
73 for applying Memoizer decorator to Basic methods when Basic definition
74 is not defined.
76 Restrictions:
77 - arguments must be immutable
78 - when function values are mutable then one must use return_value_converter to
79 deep copy the returned values
81 Ref:
82 """
84 def __init__(self, *arg_templates, **kw_arg_templates):
85 new_arg_templates = []
86 for t in arg_templates:
87 if not isinstance(t, MemoizerArg):
88 t = MemoizerArg(t)
89 new_arg_templates.append(t)
90 self.arg_templates = tuple(new_arg_templates)
91 return_value_converter = kw_arg_templates.pop('return_value_converter', None)
92 self.kw_arg_templates = kw_arg_templates.copy()
93 for template in self.arg_templates:
94 if is not None:
95 self.kw_arg_templates[] = template
96 if return_value_converter is None:
97 self.return_value_converter = lambda obj: obj
98 else:
99 self.return_value_converter = return_value_converter
101 def fix_allowed_types(self, have_been_here={}):
102 i = id(self)
103 if have_been_here.get(i): return
104 for t in self.arg_templates:
105 t.fix_allowed_types()
106 for k,t in self.kw_arg_templates.items():
107 t.fix_allowed_types()
108 have_been_here[i] = True
110 def __call__(self, func):
111 cache = {}
112 value_cache = {}
113 def wrapper(*args, **kw_args):
114 kw_items = tuple(kw_args.items())
115 try:
116 return self.return_value_converter(cache[args,kw_items])
117 except KeyError:
118 pass
119 self.fix_allowed_types()
120 new_args = tuple([template.process(a,func,i) for (a, template, i) in zip(args, self.arg_templates, range(len(args)))])
121 assert len(args)==len(new_args)
122 new_kw_args = {}
123 for k, v in kw_items:
124 template = self.kw_arg_templates[k]
125 v = template.process(v, func, k)
126 new_kw_args[k] = v
127 new_kw_items = tuple(new_kw_args.items())
128 try:
129 return self.return_value_converter(cache[new_args, new_kw_items])
130 except KeyError:
131 r = func(*new_args, **new_kw_args)
132 try:
133 try:
134 r = value_cache[r]
135 except KeyError:
136 value_cache[r] = r
137 except TypeError:
138 pass
139 cache[new_args, new_kw_items] = cache[args, kw_items] = r
140 return self.return_value_converter(r)
141 return wrapper
143 #####
145 class Basic(BasicMeths):
147 Base class for all objects in sympy.
149 Conventions
150 ===========
153 When you want to access parameters of some instance, always use [].
154 Example:
156 In [2]: cot(x)[:]
157 Out[2]: (x,)
159 In [3]: cot(x)[0]
160 Out[3]: x
162 In [4]: (x*y)[:]
163 Out[4]: (x, y)
165 In [5]: (x*y)[1]
166 Out[5]: y
169 2) Never use internal methods or variables (the ones prefixed with "_").
170 Example:
172 In [6]: cot(x)._args #don't use this, use cot(x)[:] instead
173 Out[6]: (x,)
178 def __new__(cls, *args, **assumptions):
179 obj = object.__new__(cls)
180 obj.assume(**assumptions)
181 obj._mhash = None # will be set by BasicMeths.__hash__ method.
182 obj._args = args # all items in args must be Basic objects
183 return obj
185 @staticmethod
186 def sympify(a, sympify_lists=False):
187 """Converts an arbitrary expression to a type that can be used
188 inside sympy. For example, it will convert python int's into
189 instance of sympy.Rational, floats into intances of sympy.Real,
190 etc. It is also able to coerce symbolic expressions which does
191 inherit after Basic. This can be useful in cooperation with SAGE.
193 It currently accepts as arguments:
194 - any object defined in sympy (except maybe matrices [TODO])
195 - standard numeric python types: int, long, float, Decimal
196 - strings (like "0.09" or "2e-19")
198 If sympify_lists is set to True then sympify will also accept
199 lists, tuples and sets. It will return the same type but with
200 all of the entries sympified.
202 If the argument is already a type that sympy understands, it will do
203 nothing but return that value. This can be used at the begining of a
204 function to ensure you are working with the correct type.
206 >>> from sympy import *
208 >>> sympify(2).is_integer
209 True
210 >>> sympify(2).is_real
211 True
213 >>> sympify(2.0).is_real
214 True
215 >>> sympify("2.0").is_real
216 True
217 >>> sympify("2e-45").is_real
218 True
221 if isinstance(a, BasicType):
222 return a
223 if isinstance(a, Basic):
224 return a
225 elif isinstance(a, bool):
226 raise NotImplementedError("bool support")
227 elif isinstance(a, (int, long)):
228 return Basic.Integer(a)
229 elif isinstance(a, (float, decimal.Decimal)):
230 return Basic.Real(a)
231 elif isinstance(a, complex):
232 real, imag = map(Basic.sympify, (a.real, a.imag))
233 ireal, iimag = int(real), int(imag)
235 if ireal + iimag*1j == a:
236 return ireal + iimag*Basic.ImaginaryUnit()
237 return real + Basic.ImaginaryUnit() * imag
238 elif isinstance(a, (list,tuple)) and len(a) == 2:
239 return Basic.Interval(*a)
240 elif isinstance(a, (list,tuple,set)) and sympify_lists:
241 return type(a)([Basic.sympify(x, True) for x in a])
242 else:
243 # XXX this is here because of cyclic-import issues
244 from sympy.matrices import Matrix
246 if isinstance(a, Matrix):
247 raise NotImplementedError('matrix support')
249 if not isinstance(a, str):
250 # At this point we were given an arbitrary expression
251 # which does not inherit after Basic. This may be
252 # SAGE's expression (or something alike) so take
253 # its normal form via str() and try to parse it.
254 a = str(a)
256 try:
257 return parser.Expr(a).tosymbolic()
258 except:
259 pass
260 raise ValueError("%r is NOT a valid SymPy expression" % a)
262 @Memoizer('Basic', MemoizerArg((type, type(None), tuple), name='type'), return_value_converter = lambda obj: obj.copy())
263 def atoms(self, type=None):
264 """Returns the atoms that form current object.
266 Example:
267 >>> from sympy import *
268 >>> x = Symbol('x')
269 >>> y = Symbol('y')
270 >>> (x+y**2+ 2*x*y).atoms()
271 set([2, x, y])
273 You can also filter the results by a given type(s) of object
274 >>> (x+y+2+y**2*sin(x)).atoms(type=Symbol)
275 set([x, y])
277 >>> (x+y+2+y**2*sin(x)).atoms(type=Number)
278 set([2])
280 >>> (x+y+2+y**2*sin(x)).atoms(type=(Symbol, Number))
281 set([2, x, y])
283 result = set()
284 if type is not None and not isinstance(type, (type_class, tuple)):
285 type = Basic.sympify(type).__class__
286 if isinstance(self, Atom):
287 if type is None or isinstance(self, type):
288 result.add(self)
289 else:
290 for obj in self:
291 result = result.union(obj.atoms(type=type))
292 return result
294 def is_hypergeometric(self, arg):
295 from sympy.simplify import hypersimp
296 return hypersimp(self, arg, simplify=False) is not None
298 def is_fraction(self, syms):
299 p, q = self.as_numer_denom()
301 if p.is_polynomial(*syms):
302 if q.is_polynomial(*syms):
303 return True
305 return False
307 def _eval_is_polynomial(self, syms):
308 return
310 def is_polynomial(self, *syms):
311 if syms:
312 syms = map(Basic.sympify, syms)
313 else:
314 syms = list(self.atoms(type=Basic.Symbol))
316 if not syms: # constant polynomial
317 return True
318 else:
319 return self._eval_is_polynomial(syms)
321 def as_polynomial(self, *syms, **kwargs):
322 return Basic.Polynomial(self, var=(syms or None), **kwargs)
324 def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
325 if self==old:
326 return new
327 return self
329 @cache_it_immutable
330 def subs(self, old, new):
331 """Substitutes an expression old -> new."""
332 old = Basic.sympify(old)
333 new = Basic.sympify(new)
335 # TODO This code is a start for issue 264. Currently, uncommenting
336 # this code will break A LOT of tests!
338 #if not old.is_dummy:
339 # exclude = ['dummy', 'comparable']
340 # for x in self._assume_defined:
341 # if x in exclude: continue
342 # old_val = getattr(old, 'is_' + x)
343 # if old_val is not None and old_val != getattr(new, 'is_' + x):
344 # raise ValueError("Cannot substitute '%s' for '%s' because assumptions do not match" % (str(new), str(old)))
346 return self._eval_subs(old, new)
348 def _seq_subs(self, old, new):
349 if self==old:
350 return new
351 return self.__class__(*[s.subs(old, new) for s in self._args])
353 def has(self, *patterns):
355 Return True if self has any of the patterns.
357 if len(patterns)>1:
358 for p in patterns:
359 if self.has(p):
360 return True
361 return False
362 elif not patterns:
363 raise TypeError("has() requires at least 1 argument (got none)")
364 p = Basic.sympify(patterns[0])
365 if isinstance(p, Basic.Symbol) and not isinstance(p, Basic.Wild): # speeds up
366 return p in self.atoms(p.__class__)
367 if isinstance(p, BasicType):
368 #XXX hack, this is very fragile:
369 if str(self).find(str(p.__name__)) == -1:
370 #didn't find p in self
371 return False
372 else:
373 return True
374 if p.matches(self) is not None:
375 return True
376 for e in self._args:
377 if e.has(p):
378 return True
379 return False
381 def _eval_derivative(self, s):
382 return
384 def _eval_integral(self, s):
385 return
387 def _eval_defined_integral(self, s, a, b):
388 return
390 def _eval_apply(self, *args, **assumptions):
391 return
393 def _eval_fapply(self, *args, **assumptions):
394 return
396 def _eval_fpower(b, e):
397 return
399 def _eval_apply_power(self,b,e):
400 return
402 def _eval_apply_evalf(self,*args):
403 return
405 def _eval_eq_nonzero(self, other):
406 return
408 def _eval_apply_subs(self, *args):
409 return
411 def _calc_apply_positive(self, *args):
412 return
414 def _calc_apply_real(self, *args):
415 return
417 def _eval_conjugate(self):
418 if self.is_real:
419 return self
421 def conjugate(self):
422 return S.Conjugate(self)
424 def subs_dict(self, old_new_dict):
425 r = self
426 for old,new in old_new_dict.items():
427 r = r.subs(old,new)
428 return r
430 #@classmethod
431 def matches(pattern, expr, repl_dict={}, evaluate=False):
433 Helper method for match() - switches the pattern and expr.
435 Can be used to solve linear equations:
436 >>> from sympy import Symbol, Wild
437 >>> a,b = map(Symbol, 'ab')
438 >>> x = Wild('x')
439 >>> (a+b*x).matches(0)
440 {x_: -a/b}
443 from sympy.core.mul import Mul
444 from sympy.core.power import Pow
446 # weed out negative one prefixes
447 sign = 1
448 if isinstance(pattern,Mul) and pattern[0] == -1:
449 pattern = -pattern; sign = -sign
450 if isinstance(expr, Mul) and expr[0] == -1:
451 expr = -expr; sign = -sign
453 if evaluate:
454 pat = pattern
455 for old,new in repl_dict.items():
456 pat = pat.subs(old, new)
457 if pat!=pattern:
458 return pat.matches(expr, repl_dict)
459 expr = Basic.sympify(expr)
460 if not isinstance(expr, pattern.__class__):
461 from sympy.core.numbers import Rational
462 # if we can omit the first factor, we can match it to sign * one
463 if isinstance(pattern, Mul) and Mul(*pattern[1:]) == expr:
464 return pattern[0].matches(Rational(sign), repl_dict, evaluate)
465 # two-factor product: if the 2nd factor matches, the first part must be sign * one
466 if isinstance(pattern, Mul) and len(pattern[:]) == 2:
467 dd = pattern[1].matches(expr, repl_dict, evaluate)
468 if dd == None: return None
469 dd = pattern[0].matches(Rational(sign), dd, evaluate)
470 return dd
471 return None
473 if len(pattern._args[:])==0:
474 if pattern==expr:
475 return repl_dict
476 return None
477 d = repl_dict.copy()
479 # weed out identical terms
480 pp = list(pattern._args[:])
481 ee = list(expr._args[:])
482 for p in pattern:
483 for e in expr:
484 if e == p:
485 if e in ee: ee.remove(e)
486 if p in pp: pp.remove(p)
488 # only one symbol left in pattern -> match the remaining expression
489 from sympy.core.symbol import Wild
490 if len(pp) == 1 and isinstance(pp[0], Wild):
491 if len(ee) == 1: d[pp[0]] = sign * ee[0]
492 else: d[pp[0]] = sign * (type(expr)(*ee))
493 return d
495 if len(ee) != len(pp):
496 return None
498 i = 0
499 for p,e in zip(pp, ee):
500 if i == 0 and sign != 1:
501 try: e = sign * e
502 except TypeError: return None
503 d = p.matches(e, d, evaluate=not i)
504 i += 1
505 if d is None:
506 return None
507 return d
509 def match(self, pattern):
511 Pattern matching.
513 Wild symbols match all.
515 Return None when expression (self) does not match
516 with pattern. Otherwise return a dictionary such that
518 pattern.subs_dict(self.match(pattern)) == self
521 pattern = Basic.sympify(pattern)
522 return pattern.matches(self, {})
524 def solve4linearsymbol(eqn, rhs, symbols = None):
525 """ Solve equation
526 eqn == rhs
527 with respect to some linear symbol in eqn.
528 Returns (symbol, solution). If eqn is nonlinear
529 with respect to all symbols, then return
530 trivial solution (eqn, rhs).
532 if isinstance(eqn, Basic.Symbol):
533 return (eqn, rhs)
534 if symbols is None:
535 symbols = eqn.atoms(type=Basic.Symbol)
536 if symbols:
537 # find symbol
538 for s in symbols:
539 deqn = eqn.diff(s)
540 if isinstance(deqn.diff(s), Basic.Zero):
541 # eqn = a + b*c, a=eqn(c=0),b=deqn(c=0)
542 return s, (rhs - eqn.subs(s,0))/deqn.subs(s,0)
543 # no linear symbol, return trivial solution
544 return eqn, rhs
546 def _calc_splitter(self, d):
547 if d.has_key(self):
548 return d[self]
549 r = self.__class__(*[t._calc_splitter(d) for t in self])
550 if d.has_key(r):
551 return d[r]
552 s = d[r] = Basic.Temporary()
553 return s
555 def splitter(self):
556 d = {}
557 r = self._calc_splitter(d)
558 l = [(s.dummy_index,s,e) for e,s in d.items()]
559 l.sort()
560 return [(s,e) for i,s,e in l]
562 @cache_it_immutable
563 def count_ops(self, symbolic=True):
564 """ Return the number of operations in expressions.
566 Examples:
567 >>> (1+a+b**2).count_ops()
568 POW + 2 * ADD
569 >>> (sin(x)*x+sin(x)**2).count_ops()
570 ADD + MUL + POW + 2 * SIN
572 return Basic.Integer(len(self[:])-1) + sum([t.count_ops(symbolic=symbolic) for t in self])
574 def doit(self, **hints):
575 """Evaluate objects that are not evaluated by default like limits,
576 integrals, sums and products. All objects of this kind will be
577 evaluated unless some species were excluded via 'hints'.
579 >>> from sympy import *
580 >>> x, y = symbols('xy')
582 >>> 2*Integral(x, x)
583 2*Integral(x, x)
585 >>> (2*Integral(x, x)).doit()
586 x**2
589 terms = [ term.doit(**hints) for term in self ]
590 return self.__class__(*terms, **self._assumptions)
592 ###########################################################################
593 ################# EXPRESSION REPRESENTATION METHODS #######################
594 ###########################################################################
596 def _eval_expand_basic(self, *args):
597 if isinstance(self, Atom):
598 return self
599 terms = [ term._eval_expand_basic(*args) for term in self._args ]
600 return self.__class__(*terms, **self._assumptions)
602 def _eval_expand_power(self, *args):
603 if isinstance(self, Atom):
604 return self
605 terms = [ term._eval_expand_power(*args) for term in self._args ]
606 return self.__class__(*terms, **self._assumptions)
608 def _eval_expand_complex(self, *args):
609 if isinstance(self, Atom):
610 return self
611 terms = [ term._eval_expand_complex(*args) for term in self._args ]
612 return self.__class__(*terms, **self._assumptions)
614 def _eval_expand_trig(self, *args):
615 if isinstance(self, Atom):
616 return self
617 terms = [ term._eval_expand_trig(*args) for term in self._args ]
618 return self.__class__(*terms, **self._assumptions)
620 def _eval_expand_func(self, *args):
621 if isinstance(self, Atom):
622 return self
623 terms = [ term._eval_expand_func(*args) for term in self._args ]
624 return self.__class__(*terms, **self._assumptions)
626 def expand(self, *args, **hints):
627 """Expand an expression based on different hints. Currently
628 supported hints are basic, power, complex, trig and func.
630 obj = self
632 for hint in hints:
633 if hints[hint] == True:
634 func = getattr(obj, '_eval_expand_'+hint, None)
636 if func is not None:
637 obj = func(*args)
639 if hints.get('basic', True):
640 obj = obj._eval_expand_basic()
642 return obj
644 def _eval_rewrite(self, pattern, rule, **hints):
645 if isinstance(self, Atom):
646 return self
647 terms = [ t._eval_rewrite(pattern, rule, **hints) for t in self._args ]
648 return self.__class__(*terms, **self._assumptions)
650 def rewrite(self, *args, **hints):
651 """Rewrites expression containing applications of functions
652 of one kind in terms of functions of different kind. For
653 example you can rewrite trigonometric functions as complex
654 exponentials or combinatorial functions as gamma function.
656 As a pattern this function accepts a list of functions to
657 to rewrite (instances of DefinedFunction class). As rule
658 you can use string or a destinaton function instance (in
659 this cas rewrite() will use tostr() method).
661 There is also possibility to pass hints on how to rewrite
662 the given expressions. For now there is only one such hint
663 defined called 'deep'. When 'deep' is set to False it will
664 forbid functions to rewrite their contents.
666 >>> from sympy import *
667 >>> x, y = symbols('xy')
669 >>> sin(x).rewrite(sin, exp)
670 -1/2*I*(-exp(-I*x) + exp(I*x))
673 if isinstance(self, Atom) or not args:
674 return self
675 else:
676 pattern, rule = args[:-1], args[-1]
678 if not isinstance(rule, str):
679 rule = rule.tostr()
681 rule = '_eval_rewrite_as_' + rule
683 if not pattern:
684 return self._eval_rewrite(None, rule, **hints)
685 else:
686 if isinstance(pattern[0], (tuple, list)):
687 pattern = pattern[0]
689 pattern = [ p.__class__ for p in pattern if self.has(p) ]
691 if pattern:
692 return self._eval_rewrite(tuple(pattern), rule, **hints)
693 else:
694 return self
696 def as_coefficient(self, expr):
697 """Extracts symbolic coefficient at the given expression. In
698 other words, this functions separates 'self' into product
699 of 'expr' and 'expr'-free coefficient. If such separation
700 is not possible it will return None.
702 >>> from sympy import *
703 >>> x, y = symbols('xy')
705 >>> E.as_coefficient(E)
707 >>> (2*E).as_coefficient(E)
710 >>> (2*E + x).as_coefficient(E)
711 >>> (2*sin(E)*E).as_coefficient(E)
713 >>> (2*pi*I).as_coefficient(pi*I)
716 >>> (2*I).as_coefficient(pi*I)
719 if isinstance(expr, Basic.Add):
720 return None
721 else:
722 w = Basic.Wild('w')
724 coeff = self.match(w * expr)
726 if coeff is not None:
727 if isinstance(expr, Basic.Mul):
728 expr = expr[:]
729 else:
730 expr = [expr]
732 if coeff[w].has(*expr):
733 return None
734 else:
735 return coeff[w]
736 else:
737 return None
739 def as_independent(self, *deps):
740 """Returns a pair with separated parts of a given expression
741 independent of specified symbols in the first place and
742 dependend on them in the other. Both parts are valid
743 SymPy expressions.
745 >>> from sympy import *
746 >>> x, y = symbols('xy')
748 >>> (x*sin(x)*cos(y)).as_independent(x)
749 (cos(y), x*sin(x))
752 indeps, depend = [], []
754 if isinstance(self, (Basic.Add, Basic.Mul)):
755 terms = self[:]
756 else:
757 terms = [ self ]
759 for term in terms:
760 if term.has(*deps):
761 depend.append(term)
762 else:
763 indeps.append(term)
765 return Basic.Mul(*indeps), Basic.Mul(*depend)
767 def as_real_imag(self):
768 """Performs complex expansion on 'self' and returns a tuple
769 containing collected both real and imaginary parts. This
770 method can't be confused with re() and im() functions,
771 which does not perform complex expansion at evaluation.
773 However it is possible to expand both re() and im()
774 functions and get exactly the same results as with
775 a single call to this function.
777 >>> from sympy import *
779 >>> x, y = symbols('xy', real=True)
781 >>> (x + y*I).as_real_imag()
782 (x, y)
784 >>> z, w = symbols('zw')
786 >>> (z + w*I).as_real_imag()
787 (-im(w) + re(z), re(w) + im(z))
790 expr = self.expand(complex=True)
792 if not isinstance(expr, Basic.Add):
793 expr = [expr]
795 re_part, im_part = [], []
797 for term in expr:
798 coeff = term.as_coefficient(S.ImaginaryUnit)
800 if coeff is None:
801 re_part.append(term)
802 else:
803 im_part.append(coeff)
805 return (Basic.Add(*re_part), Basic.Add(*im_part))
807 def as_powers_dict(self):
808 return { self : S.One }
810 def as_base_exp(self):
811 # a -> b ** e
812 return self, Basic.One()
814 def as_coeff_terms(self, x=None):
815 # a -> c * t
816 if x is not None:
817 if not self.has(x):
818 return self, []
819 return Basic.One(), [self]
821 def as_indep_terms(self, x):
822 coeff, terms = self.as_coeff_terms()
823 indeps = [coeff]
824 new_terms = []
825 for t in terms:
826 if t.has(x):
827 new_terms.append(x)
828 else:
829 indeps.append(x)
830 return Basic.Mul(*indeps), Basic.Mul(*new_terms)
832 def as_coeff_factors(self, x=None):
833 # a -> c + f
834 if x is not None:
835 if not self.has(x):
836 return self, []
837 return Basic.Zero(), [self]
839 def as_numer_denom(self):
840 # a/b -> a,b
841 base, exp = self.as_base_exp()
842 coeff, terms = exp.as_coeff_terms()
843 if coeff.is_negative:
844 # b**-e -> 1, b**e
845 return Basic.One(), base ** (-exp)
846 return self, Basic.One()
848 def as_expr_orders(self):
849 """ Split expr + Order(..) to (expr, Order(..)).
851 l1 = []
852 l2 = []
853 if isinstance(self, Basic.Add):
854 for f in self:
855 if isinstance(f, Basic.Order):
856 l2.append(f)
857 else:
858 l1.append(f)
859 elif isinstance(self, Basic.Order):
860 l2.append(self)
861 else:
862 l1.append(self)
863 return Basic.Add(*l1), Basic.Add(*l2)
865 def normal(self):
866 n, d = self.as_numer_denom()
867 if isinstance(d, Basic.One):
868 return n
869 return n/d
871 ###################################################################################
872 ##################### DERIVATIVE, INTEGRAL, FUNCTIONAL METHODS ####################
873 ###################################################################################
875 def diff(self, *symbols, **assumptions):
876 new_symbols = []
877 for s in symbols:
878 s = Basic.sympify(s)
879 if isinstance(s, Basic.Integer) and new_symbols:
880 last_s = new_symbols.pop()
881 i = int(s)
882 new_symbols += [last_s] * i
883 elif isinstance(s, Basic.Symbol):
884 new_symbols.append(s)
885 else:
886 raise TypeError(".diff() argument must be Symbol|Integer instance (got %s)" % (s.__class__.__name__))
887 ret = Basic.Derivative(self, *new_symbols, **assumptions)
888 return ret
890 def fdiff(self, *indices):
891 return Basic.FApply(Basic.FDerivative(*indices), self)
893 def integral(self, *symbols, **assumptions):
894 new_symbols = []
895 for s in symbols:
896 s = Basic.sympify(s)
897 if isinstance(s, Basic.Integer) and new_symbols:
898 last_s = new_symbols[-1]
899 i = int(s)
900 new_symbols += [last_s] * (i-1)
901 elif isinstance(s, (Basic.Symbol, Basic.Equality)):
902 new_symbols.append(s)
903 else:
904 raise TypeError(".integral() argument must be Symbol|Integer|Equality instance (got %s)" % (s.__class__.__name__))
905 return Basic.Integral(self, *new_symbols, **assumptions)
907 def __call__(self, *args):
908 return Basic.Apply(self, *args)
910 def _eval_evalf(self):
911 return
913 def _seq_eval_evalf(self):
914 return self.__class__(*[s.evalf() for s in self])
916 def __float__(self):
917 result = self.evalf(precision=16)
919 if isinstance(result, Basic.Number):
920 return float(result)
921 else:
922 raise ValueError("Symbolic value, can't compute")
924 def evalf(self, precision=None):
925 if precision is None:
926 r = self._eval_evalf()
927 else:
928 old_precision = Basic.set_precision(precision)
929 r = self._eval_evalf()
930 Basic.set_precision(old_precision)
931 if r is None:
932 r = self
933 return r
935 ###################################################################################
936 ##################### SERIES, LEADING TERM, LIMIT, ORDER METHODS ##################
937 ###################################################################################
939 def series(self, x, n = 6):
941 Usage
942 =====
943 Return the Taylor series around 0 of self with respect to x until
944 the n-th term (default n is 6).
946 Notes
947 =====
948 For computing power series, use oseries() method.
950 x = Basic.sympify(x)
951 o = Basic.Order(x**n,x)
952 r = self.oseries(o)
953 if r==self:
954 return self
955 return r + o
957 @cache_it_immutable
958 def oseries(self, order, _cache={}):
960 Return the series of an expression upto given Order symbol.
962 if _cache.has_key((self, order)):
963 raise RuntimeError('Detected recursion while computing oseries(%s, %s)' % (self, order))
964 order = Basic.Order(order)
965 _cache[(self, order)] = 1
966 if isinstance(order, Basic.Zero):
967 del _cache[(self, order)]
968 return self
969 o = self.is_order
970 if o is not None:
971 if o.contains(order):
972 del _cache[(self, order)]
973 return self
974 if order.contains(self):
975 del _cache[(self, order)]
976 return Basic.Zero()
977 if len(order.symbols)>1:
978 r = self
979 for s in order.symbols:
980 o = Basic.Order(order.expr, s)
981 r = r.oseries(o)
982 del _cache[(self, order)]
983 return r
984 x = order.symbols[0]
985 if not self.has(x):
986 del _cache[(self, order)]
987 return self
988 obj = self._eval_oseries(order)
989 if obj is not None:
990 obj2 = obj.expand(trig=True)
991 if obj2 != obj:
992 r = obj2.oseries(order)
993 del _cache[(self, order)]
994 return r
995 del _cache[(self, order)]
996 return obj2
997 del _cache[(self, order)]
998 raise NotImplementedError('(%s).oseries(%s)' % (self, order))
1000 def _eval_oseries(self, order):
1001 return
1003 def _compute_oseries(self, arg, order, taylor_term, unevaluated_func, correction = 0):
1005 compute series sum(taylor_term(i, arg), i=0..n-1) such
1006 that order.contains(taylor_term(n, arg)). Assumes that arg->0 as x->0.
1008 x = order.symbols[0]
1009 ln = Basic.Log()
1010 o = Basic.Order(arg, x)
1011 if isinstance(o, Basic.Zero):
1012 return unevaluated_func(arg)
1013 if o.expr==1:
1014 e = ln(order.expr*x)/ln(x)
1015 else:
1016 e = ln(order.expr)/ln(o.expr)
1017 n = e.limit(x,0) + 1 + correction
1018 if n.is_unbounded:
1019 # requested accuracy gives infinite series,
1020 # order is probably nonpolynomial e.g. O(exp(-1/x), x).
1021 return unevaluated_func(arg)
1022 n = int(n)
1023 assert n>=0,`n`
1024 l = []
1025 g = None
1026 for i in xrange(n+2):
1027 g = taylor_term(i, arg, g)
1028 g = g.oseries(order)
1029 l.append(g)
1030 return Basic.Add(*l)
1032 def limit(self, x, xlim, direction='<'):
1033 """ Compute limit x->xlim.
1035 return Basic.Limit(self, x, xlim, direction)
1037 def inflimit(self, x): # inflimit has its own cache
1038 x = Basic.sympify(x)
1039 return Basic.InfLimit(self, x)
1041 @cache_it_immutable
1042 def as_leading_term(self, *symbols):
1043 if len(symbols)>1:
1044 c = self
1045 for x in symbols:
1046 c = c.as_leading_term(x)
1047 return c
1048 elif not symbols:
1049 return self
1050 x = Basic.sympify(symbols[0])
1051 assert isinstance(x, Basic.Symbol),`x`
1052 if not self.has(x):
1053 return self
1054 expr = self.expand(trig=True)
1055 obj = expr._eval_as_leading_term(x)
1056 if obj is not None:
1057 return obj
1058 raise NotImplementedError('as_leading_term(%s, %s)' % (self, x))
1060 def as_coeff_exponent(self, x):
1061 """ c*x**e -> c,e where x can be any symbolic expression.
1063 x = Basic.sympify(x)
1064 wc = Basic.Wild()
1065 we = Basic.Wild()
1066 c, terms = self.as_coeff_terms()
1067 p = wc*x**we
1068 d = self.match(p)
1069 if d is not None:
1070 return d[wc], d[we]
1071 return self, Basic.Zero()
1073 def ldegree(self, x):
1074 x = Basic.sympify(x)
1075 c,e = self.as_leading_term(x).as_coeff_exponent(x)
1076 if not c.has(x):
1077 return e
1078 raise ValueError("cannot compute ldegree(%s, %s), got c=%s" % (self, x, c))
1080 def leadterm(self, x):
1081 x = Basic.sympify(x)
1082 c,e = self.as_leading_term(x).as_coeff_exponent(x)
1083 if not c.has(x):
1084 return c,e
1085 raise ValueError("cannot compute ldegree(%s, %s), got c=%s" % (self, x, c))
1087 ##########################################################################
1088 ##################### END OF BASIC CLASS #################################
1089 ##########################################################################
1091 class Atom(Basic):
1093 precedence = Basic.Atom_precedence
1095 def _eval_derivative(self, s):
1096 if self==s: return Basic.One()
1097 return Basic.Zero()
1099 def pattern_match(pattern, expr, repl_dict):
1100 if pattern==expr:
1101 return repl_dict
1102 return None
1104 def as_numer_denom(self):
1105 return self, Basic.One()
1107 def _calc_splitter(self, d):
1108 return self
1110 def count_ops(self, symbolic=True):
1111 return Basic.Zero()
1113 def doit(self, **hints):
1114 return self
1116 def _eval_integral(self, s):
1117 if s==self:
1118 return self**2/2
1119 return self*s
1121 def _eval_defined_integral(self, s, a, b):
1122 if s==self:
1123 return (b**2-a**2)/2
1124 return self*(b-a)
1126 def _eval_is_polynomial(self, syms):
1127 return True
1129 def _eval_oseries(self, order):
1130 # .oseries() method checks for order.contains(self)
1131 return self
1133 def _eval_as_leading_term(self, x):
1134 return self
1137 class Singleton(Basic):
1138 """ Singleton object.
1141 def __new__(cls, *args, **assumptions):
1142 # if you need to overload __new__, then
1143 # use the same code as below to ensure
1144 # that only one instance of Singleton
1145 # class is created.
1146 obj = Singleton.__dict__.get(cls.__name__)
1147 if obj is None:
1148 obj = Basic.__new__(cls,*args,**assumptions)
1149 setattr(Singleton, cls.__name__, obj)
1150 return obj
1152 class SingletonFactory:
1154 A map between singleton classes and the corresponding instances.
1155 E.g. S.Exp == Basic.Exp()
1158 def __getattr__(self, clsname):
1159 if clsname == "__repr__":
1160 return lambda: "S"
1161 obj = Singleton.__dict__.get(clsname)
1162 if obj is None:
1163 cls = getattr(Basic, clsname)
1164 assert issubclass(cls, Singleton),`cls`
1165 obj = cls()
1166 setattr(self, clsname, obj)
1167 return obj
1169 S = SingletonFactory()
1171 import parser