[5/6] let's remove multiple inheritance (RelMeths,ArithMeths: no more)
[sympy.git] / sympy / polys / polynomial.py
2 from sympy.core.add import Add
3 from sympy.core.mul import Mul
4 from sympy.core.power import Pow
5 from sympy.core.sympify import sympify
6 from sympy.core.basic import Basic, S, C
7 from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol, Wild
8 from sympy.core.numbers import Integer, igcd, ilcm
10 from sympy.utilities import all, any
12 from sympy.polys.monomial import monomial_cmp, monomial_mul, \
13 monomial_div, monomial_max, monomial_min, monomial_as_basic
15 import sympy.polys
17 import math
19 class SymbolsError(Exception):
20 pass
22 class PolynomialError(Exception):
23 pass
25 class CoefficientError(PolynomialError):
26 pass
28 class UnivariatePolyError(PolynomialError):
30 def __init__(self, poly):
31 self.message = "%s is an univariate polynomial" % poly
33 def __str__(self):
34 return self.message
36 class MultivariatePolyError(PolynomialError):
38 def __init__(self, poly):
39 self.message = "%s is a multivariate polynomial" % poly
41 def __str__(self):
42 return self.message
45 ## TODO:
47 ## [!] Copy + Write tests for everything.
48 ## [2] Analyze dense MV multiplication.
49 ## [~] Create MV poly with int coeffs.
50 ## [4] Think on GF polys (for factoring).
51 ## [5] Improve coefficients analysis.
52 ## [6] Implement FactoredPoly.
53 ## [7] Concept of Monomial.
56 class Poly(Basic):
57 """Represents polynomials with symbolic coefficients.
59 Polynomials are internally represented as two lists containing
60 coefficients and monomials (tuples of exponents) respectively.
61 Stored are only terms with non-zero coefficients, so generally
62 all polynomials are considered sparse. However algorithms will
63 detect dense polynomials and use the appropriate method to
64 solve the given problem in the most efficient way.
66 The most common way to initialize a polynomial instance is to
67 provide a valid expression together witch a set of ordered
68 symbols and, additionally, monomial ordering:
70 Poly(expression, x_1, x_2, ..., x_n, order='grlex')
72 If the given expression is not a polynomial with respect to
73 the given variables, an exception is raised. Alternatively
74 you can use Basic.as_poly to avoid exception handling.
76 By default ordering of monomials can be omitted. In this case
77 graded lexicographic order will be used. Anyway remember that
78 'order' is a keyword argument.
80 Currently there are supported four standard orderings:
82 [1] lex -> lexicographic order
83 [2] grlex -> graded lex order
84 [3] grevlex -> reversed grlex order
85 [4] 1-el -> first elimination order
87 Polynomial can be also constructed explicitly by specifying
88 a collection of coefficients and monomials. This can be done
89 in at least three different ways:
91 [1] [(c_1, M_1), (c_2, M_2), ..., (c_1, M_1)]
93 [2] (c_1, c2, ..., c_n), (M_1, M_2, ..., M_n)
95 [3] { M_1 : c_1, M_2 : c_2, ..., M_n : c_n }
97 Although all three representation look similar, they are
98 designed for different tasks and have specific properties:
100 [1] All coefficients and monomials are validated before
101 polynomial instance is created. Monomials are sorted
102 with respect to the given order.
104 [2] No validity checking, no sorting, just a raw copy.
106 [3] Also no validity checking however monomials are
107 sorted with respect to the given order.
109 For interactive usage choose [1] as it's safe and relatively
110 fast. Use [2] or [3] internally for time critical algorithms,
111 when you know that coefficients and monomials will be valid.
113 Implemented methods:
115 U --> handles uniformly int | long and Basic coefficients
116 (other methods need to be overridden in IntegerPoly)
118 P --> a property (with appropriate decorator)
120 - --> otherwise
122 [1] Representation conversion:
124 [1.1] [--] as_basic --> converts to a valid sympy expression
125 [1.2] [U-] as_dict --> returns { M_1 : c_1, ..., M_1 : c_1 }
126 [1.3] [U-] as_uv_dict --> returns dict with integer keys
128 [2] Polynomial internals:
130 [2.1] [UP] coeffs --> list of coefficients
131 [2.2] [UP] monoms --> list of monomials
132 [2.3] [UP] symbols --> an ordered list of symbols
133 [2.4] [UP] order --> the ordering of monomials
134 [2.5] [UP] stamp --> frozen set of polynomial's variables
135 [2.6] [UP] domain --> coefficient domain, see [8] for details
136 [2.7] [UP] args --> required for printing and hashing
137 [2.8] [UP] flags --> dict of keyword arguments to Poly
139 [3] General characteristics:
141 [3.1] [UP] norm --> computes oo-norm of coefficients
142 [3.2] [UP] length --> counts the total number of terms
143 [3.3] [UP] degree --> returns degree of the leading monomial
144 [3.4] [UP] total_degree --> returns true total degree of a polynomial
146 [4] Items generators:
148 [4.1] [U-] iter_coeffs --> iterate over coefficients
149 [4.2] [U-] iter_monoms --> iterate over monomials
150 [4.3] [U-] iter_terms --> iterate over terms
152 [4.4] [U-] iter_all_coeffs --> iterate over all coefficients
153 [4.5] [U-] iter_all_monoms --> iterate over all monomials
154 [4.6] [U-] iter_all_terms --> iterate over all terms
156 [5] Leading and trailing items:
158 [5.1] [UP] lead_coeff or LC --> returns the leading coefficient
159 [5.2] [UP] lead_monom or LM --> returns the leading monomial
160 [5.3] [UP] lead_term or LT --> returns the leading term
162 [5.4] [UP] tail_coeff or TC --> returns the trailing coefficient
163 [5.5] [UP] tail_monom or TM --> returns the trailing monomial
164 [5.6] [UP] tail_term or TT --> returns the trailing term
166 [6] Arithmetic operators:
168 [6.1] [U-] __abs__ --> for all i, abs(c_i)
169 [6.2] [U-] __neg__ --> polynomial negation
170 [6.3] [U-] __add__ --> polynomial addition
171 [6.4] [U-] __sub__ --> polynomial subtraction
172 [6.5] [--] __mul__ --> polynomial multiplication
173 [6.6] [U-] __pow__ --> polynomial exponentiation
174 [6.7] [U-] __div__ --> polynomial quotient
175 [6.8] [U-] __mod__ --> polynomial remainder
176 [6.9] [U-] __divmod__ --> both 'div' and 'mod'
177 [6.10] [U-] __truediv__ --> the same as 'div'
179 [7] Polynomial properties:
181 [7.1] [UP] is_zero --> only one term c_0 == 0
182 [7.2] [UP] is_one --> only one term c_0 == 1
183 [7.3] [-P] is_number --> only numeric constant term
184 [7.4] [UP] is_constant --> only arbitrary constant term
185 [7.5] [UP] is_monomial --> number of terms == 1
186 [7.6] [UP] is_univariate --> number of variables == 1
187 [7.7] [UP] is_multivariate --> number of variables > 1
188 [7.8] [UP] is_homogeneous --> has constant term
189 [7.9] [UP] is_inhomogeneous --> no constant term
190 [7.10] [UP] is_sparse --> filled with less than 90% of terms
191 [7.11] [UP] is_dense --> filled with more than 90% of terms
192 [7.12] [UP] is_monic --> returns True if leading coeff is one
193 [7.13] [UP] is_primitive --> returns True if content is one
194 [7.14] [UP] is_squarefree --> no factors of multiplicity >= 2
195 [7.15] [UP] is_linear --> all monomials of degree <= 1
197 [8] Coefficients properties:
199 [8.1] [UP] has_integer_coeffs --> for all i, c_i in Z
200 [8.2] [UP] has_rational_coeffs --> for all i, c_i in Q
201 [8.3] [UP] has_radical_coeffs --> for all i, c_i in R
202 [8.4] [UP] has_complex_coeffs --> for all i, c_i in C
203 [8.5] [UP] has_symbolic_coeffs --> otherwise
205 [9] Special functionality:
207 [9.1] [--] as_monic --> divides all coefficients by LC
208 [9.2] [--] as_integer --> returns polynomial with integer coeffs
210 [9.3] [-P] content --> returns GCD of polynomial coefficients
211 [9.4] [--] as_primitive --> returns content and primitive part
213 [9.5] [U-] as_squarefree --> returns square-free part of a polynomial
215 [9.6] [U-] as_reduced --> extract GCD of polynomial monomials
217 [9.7] [--] map_coeffs --> applies a function to all coefficients
218 [9.8] [U-] coeff --> returns coefficient of the given monomial
220 [9.9] [U-] unify_with --> returns polys with a common set of symbols
222 [9.10] [U-] diff --> efficient polynomial differentiation
223 [9.11] [U-] integrate --> efficient polynomial integration
225 [10] Operations on terms:
227 [10.1] [U-] add_term --> add a term to a polynomial
228 [10.2] [U-] sub_term --> subtract a term from a polynomial
230 [10.3] [--] mul_term --> multiply a polynomial with a term
231 [10.4] [--] div_term --> divide a polynomial by a term
233 [10.5] [U-] remove_lead_term --> remove leading term (up to order)
234 [10.6] [U-] remove_last_term --> remove last term (up to order)
236 [11] Substitution and evaluation:
238 [11.1] [U-] __call__ --> evaluates poly a the given point
239 [11.2] [U-] evaluate --> evaluates poly for specific vars
240 [11.3] [--] _eval_subs --> efficiently substitute variables
242 [12] Comparison functions:
244 [12.1] [U-] __eq__ --> P1 == P, up to order of monomials
245 [12.2] [U-] __ne__ --> P1 != P, up to order of monomials
246 [12.3] [U-] __nonzero__ --> check if zero polynomial
248 [13] String representation functions:
250 [13.1] [U-] repr --> returns represantation of 'self'
251 [13.3] [U-] str --> returns pretty representation
253 [14] Other (derived from Basic) functionality:
255 [14.1] [U-] _eval_is_polynomial --> checks if poly is a poly
257 For general information on polynomials and algorithms, refer to:
259 [1] D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming: Seminumerical
260 Algorithms, v.2, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1997
262 [2] J. von zur Gathen, J. Gerhard, Modern Computer Algebra,
263 Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2003
265 [3] K. Geddes, S. R. Czapor, G. Labahn, Algorithms for
266 Computer Algebra, Springer, 1992
268 [4] D. Bini, V. Y.Pan, Polynomial and Matrix Computations:
269 Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms, Birkhauser Boston, 1994
271 [5] R. T. Moenck, Practical Fast Polynomial Multiplication,
272 Proceedings of the third ACM symposium on Symbolic and
273 algebraic computation, ACM Press, Yorktown Heights,
274 New York, USA, 1976, pp. 136-148
276 [6] M. Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental
277 Functions, Second Edition, Springer-Verlang, 2005
279 See also documentation of particular methods.
283 def __new__(cls, poly, *symbols, **flags):
284 N, terms = len(symbols), {}
285 coeffs, monoms = (), ()
287 order = flags.pop('order', 'grlex')
289 if N == 0:
290 if isinstance(poly, Poly):
291 if order != poly.order:
292 symbols = poly.symbols
293 N = len(poly.symbols)
294 poly = poly.as_dict()
295 else:
296 return poly
297 else:
298 raise SymbolsError("No symbols were given")
300 stamp = frozenset(symbols)
302 if len(stamp) != N:
303 raise SymbolsError("Duplicate symbols: %s" % (symbols,))
305 symbols = tuple(map(sympify, symbols))
307 if any(not s.is_Symbol for s in symbols):
308 raise SymbolsError("Invalid symbols: %s" % (symbols,))
310 if any(not s.is_commutative for s in symbols):
311 raise SymbolsError("Non-commutative symbols: %s" % (symbols,))
313 # { M1: c1, M2: c2, ... }
314 if type(poly) is dict:
315 if not poly:
316 coeffs = (S.Zero,)
317 monoms = ((0,) * N,)
318 else:
319 terms = poly
321 # ((c1, c2, ...), (M1, M2, ...))
322 elif type(poly) is tuple:
323 if not poly:
324 coeffs = (S.Zero,)
325 monoms = ((0,) * N,)
326 else:
327 if len(poly) == 2:
328 coeffs, monoms = poly[0], poly[1]
330 if isinstance(coeffs, (tuple, list)):
331 if not (coeffs or monoms):
332 coeffs = (S.Zero,)
333 monoms = ((0,) * N,)
334 else:
335 coeffs = (coeffs,)
336 monoms = (monoms,)
337 else:
338 raise PolynomialError("Invalid arguments," \
339 " should get '(coeffs, monoms)' tuple")
341 # [ (c1,M1), (c2,M2), ... ]
342 elif type(poly) is list:
343 if not poly:
344 coeffs = (S.Zero,)
345 monoms = ((0,) * N,)
346 else:
347 for coeff, monom in poly:
348 coeff = sympify(coeff)
350 if coeff.has_any_symbols(*symbols):
351 raise CoefficientError("%s coefficient is dependent" \
352 " of polynomial's symbols %s" % (coeff, symbols))
354 if type(monom) is int:
355 monom = (monom,)
357 if len(monom) != N:
358 raise PolynomialError("Dimension of %s monomial does" \
359 " not match the number of symbols (%d)" % (monom, N))
361 if not coeff:
362 continue
364 if terms.has_key(monom):
365 coeff += terms[monom]
367 if not coeff:
368 del terms[monom]
369 continue
371 terms[monom] = coeff
373 if not terms:
374 coeffs = (S.Zero,)
375 monoms = ((0,) * N,)
376 elif isinstance(poly, Poly):
377 if stamp <= poly.stamp:
378 if symbols == poly.symbols:
379 if N > 1 and order != poly.order:
380 terms = poly.as_dict()
381 else:
382 return poly
383 else:
384 terms = Poly._permute(poly, *symbols)
385 else:
386 if any(coeff.has_any_symbols(*symbols) for coeff in poly.coeffs):
387 terms = Poly._decompose(poly.as_basic(), *symbols)
388 else:
389 K = len(poly.symbols)
391 if symbols[:K] == poly.symbols:
392 coeffs, T = poly.coeffs, (0,) * (N - K)
393 monoms = tuple(M + T for M in poly.monoms)
395 if order != poly.order:
396 terms = dict(zip(monoms, coeffs))
397 else:
398 terms = Poly._permute(poly, *symbols)
399 else:
400 terms = Poly._decompose(poly, *symbols)
402 if terms:
403 if N == 1 and type(terms.keys()[0]) is not tuple:
404 keys = tuple(reversed(sorted(terms.keys())))
406 coeffs = [ terms[i] for i in keys ]
407 monoms = [ (i,) for i in keys ]
408 else:
409 f = monomial_cmp(order)
411 monoms = terms.keys()
412 monoms.sort(f, reverse=True)
414 coeffs = [ terms[monom] for monom in monoms ]
416 args = (tuple(coeffs), tuple(monoms),
417 symbols, order, stamp, None)
419 return Basic.__new__(cls, *args, **flags)
421 @staticmethod
422 def _permute(poly, *symbols):
423 terms, N = {}, len(symbols)
425 if symbols == poly.symbols[:N]:
426 symbols = poly.symbols[N:]
428 for coeff, monom in poly.iter_terms():
429 coeff *= monomial_as_basic(monom[N:], *symbols)
431 monom = monom[:N]
433 if terms.has_key(monom):
434 coeff += terms[monom]
436 if not coeff:
437 del terms[monom]
438 continue
440 terms[monom] = coeff
441 else:
442 new_symbols, indices = list(poly.symbols), []
444 for s in new_symbols[:]:
445 for i, t in enumerate(symbols):
446 if s is t:
447 new_symbols.remove(s)
448 indices.append(i)
449 break
450 else:
451 indices.append(None)
453 for coeff, monom in poly.iter_terms():
454 exponents, j = [0] * N, 0
456 for exp, i in zip(monom, indices):
457 if i is None:
458 coeff *= new_symbols[j]**exp
459 j += 1
460 else:
461 exponents[i] = exp
463 monom = tuple(exponents)
465 if terms.has_key(monom):
466 coeff += terms[monom]
468 if not coeff:
469 del terms[monom]
470 continue
472 terms[monom] = coeff
474 return terms
476 @staticmethod
477 def _decompose(poly, *symbols):
478 """Converts basic expression to dictionary representation.
480 This procedure will expand given expression and scan it,
481 extracting coefficients and monomials according to a set
482 of symbols, if possible. At this point there is no need
483 for specifying ordering information. If conversion is
484 not possible an exception is raised.
486 This method should be left for internal use. To convert
487 expression to a polynomial use Polynomial constructor
488 explicitly or Basic.as_poly method.
490 >>> from sympy import *
491 >>> x, y = symbols('xy')
493 >>> Poly._decompose(y*x**2 + 3, x)
494 {(2,): y, (0,): 3}
496 >>> Poly._decompose(y*x**2 + 3, x, y)
497 {(0, 0): 3, (2, 1): 1}
500 result, indices, N = {}, {}, len(symbols)
502 for i, sym in enumerate(symbols):
503 indices[sym] = i
505 poly = sympify(poly).expand()
507 if poly.is_Add:
508 terms = poly.args
509 else:
510 if poly.is_Number:
511 return { (0,) * N : poly }
512 else:
513 terms = [ poly ]
515 for term in terms:
516 if not term.has_any_symbols(*symbols):
517 coeff, monom = term, (0,) * N
518 else:
519 if term.is_Mul:
520 factors = term.args
521 else:
522 factors = [ term ]
524 coeff, monom = S.One, [0] * N
526 for factor in factors:
527 if factor.has_any_symbols(*symbols):
528 if factor.is_Pow:
529 if factor.exp.is_Integer:
530 b, e = factor.base, factor.exp.p
532 if b.is_Symbol and e > 0:
533 monom[indices[b]] += e
534 continue
535 elif factor.is_Symbol:
536 monom[indices[factor]] += 1
537 continue
539 raise PolynomialError("Can't decompose %s" % factor)
540 else:
541 coeff *= factor
543 monom = tuple(monom)
545 if result.has_key(monom):
546 coeff += result[monom]
548 if not coeff:
549 del result[monom]
550 continue
552 result[monom] = coeff
554 if not result:
555 return { (0,) * N : S.One }
556 else:
557 return result
559 @staticmethod
560 def cancel(f, *symbols):
561 """Cancel common factors in a fractional expression.
563 Given a quotient of polynomials, cancel common factors from
564 the numerator and the denominator. The result is formed in
565 an expanded form, even if there was no cancellation.
567 To improve the speed of calculations a list of symbols can
568 be specified. This can be particularly useful in univariate
569 case with additional parameters, to avoid Groebner basis
570 computations.
572 The input fraction can be given as a single expression or
573 as a tuple consisting of the numerator and denominator.
575 >>> from sympy import *
576 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
578 >>> Poly.cancel((x**2-y**2)/(x-y), x, y)
579 x + y
581 >>> Poly.cancel((x**2-y**2, x-y), x, y)
582 x + y
585 if type(f) is tuple:
586 numer, denom = f
587 else:
588 if f.is_Atom:
589 return f
591 if not symbols:
592 symbols = f.atoms(Symbol)
594 if not symbols:
595 symbols = None
596 else:
597 symbols = sorted(symbols)
599 numer, denom = f.as_numer_denom()
601 numer = numer.expand()
603 if numer is S.Zero:
604 return numer
606 denom = denom.expand()
608 if denom.is_Number:
609 return numer / denom
611 if symbols is None:
612 if denom.is_Add:
613 a, b, c = map(Wild, 'abc')
615 r = denom.match(a + b*c**S.Half)
617 if r is not None:
618 if r[b] is S.Zero:
619 denom = match[a]
620 else:
621 a, b, c = r[a], r[b], r[c]
623 numer *= a-b*c**S.Half
624 numer = numer.expand()
626 denom = a**2 - c*b**2
628 return numer / denom
630 try:
631 p = Poly(numer, *symbols)
632 q = Poly(denom, *symbols)
633 except PolynomialError:
634 return numer / denom
636 g = sympy.polys.algorithms.poly_gcd(p, q)
638 p = sympy.polys.algorithms.poly_div(p, g)[0]
639 q = sympy.polys.algorithms.poly_div(q, g)[0]
641 return p.as_basic() / q.as_basic()
643 def as_basic(self):
644 """Converts polynomial to a valid sympy expression.
646 Takes list representation of a polynomial and constructs
647 expression using symbols used during creation of a given
648 polynomial. If you wish to have different symbols in the
649 resulting expressions, use subs() first.
651 Note that the result is always returned in expanded form.
653 >>> from sympy import *
654 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
656 >>> p = Poly(x**2+3, x)
657 >>> p.as_basic()
658 3 + x**2
661 multinomial = dict(zip(self.monoms, self.coeffs))
662 return multinomial_as_basic(multinomial, *self.symbols)
664 def as_dict(self):
665 """Convert list representation to dictionary representation.
667 Due to hashing of immutable expressions in Python, we can
668 not store a dictionary directly in a polynomial instance.
669 Also it would be inconvenient in case of ordering of
670 monomials (unnecessary sorting).
672 This method creates dictionary efficiently, so it can be
673 used in several algorithms which perform best when dicts
674 are being used, eg. addition, multiplication etc.
676 >>> from sympy import *
677 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
679 >>> p = Poly(x**2+3, x)
680 >>> p.as_dict()
681 {(2,): 1, (0,): 3}
684 return dict(zip(self.monoms, self.coeffs))
686 def as_uv_dict(self):
687 """Return dictionary representation with integer keys.
689 In case of univariate polynomials it is inefficient to
690 to handle exponents as singleton tuples, as an example
691 see multiplication algorithm. This method will return
692 dictionary representation with all tuples converted to
693 explicit integers.
695 >>> from sympy import *
696 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
698 >>> p = Poly(x**2+3, x)
699 >>> p.as_uv_dict()
700 {0: 3, 2: 1}
703 if self.is_univariate:
704 return dict(zip([ M[0] for M in self.monoms ], self.coeffs))
705 else:
706 raise MultivariatePolyError(self)
708 @property
709 def coeffs(self):
710 return self._args[0]
712 @property
713 def monoms(self):
714 return self._args[1]
716 @property
717 def symbols(self):
718 return self._args[2]
720 @property
721 def order(self):
722 return self._args[3]
724 @property
725 def stamp(self):
726 return self._args[4]
728 @property
729 def domain(self):
730 return self._args[5]
732 @property
733 def args(self):
734 return self._args[0:4]
736 @property
737 def flags(self):
738 return { 'order' : self.order }
740 @property
741 def length(self):
742 return len(self.monoms)
744 @property
745 def degree(self):
746 """Returns degree of the leading term. """
747 return sum(self.monoms[0])
749 @property
750 def total_degree(self):
751 """Returns true total degree of a polynomial. """
752 return max([ sum(monom) for monom in self.monoms ])
754 @property
755 def norm(self):
756 """Computes oo-norm of polynomial's coefficients. """
757 return max([ abs(coeff) for coeff in self.coeffs ])
759 def iter_basic_args(self):
760 for coeff in self.coeffs:
761 yield coeff
763 for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols):
764 if any(monom[i] != 0 for monom in self.monoms):
765 yield symbol
767 def iter_coeffs(self):
768 for coeff in self.coeffs:
769 yield coeff
771 def iter_monoms(self):
772 for monom in self.monoms:
773 yield monom
775 def iter_terms(self):
776 for coeff, monom in zip(self.coeffs, self.monoms):
777 yield coeff, monom
779 def iter_all_coeffs(self):
780 if self.is_univariate:
781 terms = self.as_uv_dict()
783 for i in xrange(self.degree, -1, -1):
784 if terms.has_key(i):
785 yield terms[i]
786 else:
787 yield S.Zero
788 else:
789 raise MultivariatePolyError(self)
791 def iter_all_monoms(self):
792 if self.is_univariate:
793 for i in xrange(self.degree, -1, -1):
794 yield (i,)
795 else:
796 raise MultivariatePolyError(self)
798 def iter_all_terms(self):
799 if self.is_univariate:
800 terms = self.as_uv_dict()
802 for i in xrange(self.degree, -1, -1):
803 if terms.has_key(i):
804 yield terms[i], (i,)
805 else:
806 yield S.Zero, (i,)
807 else:
808 raise MultivariatePolyError(self)
810 @property
811 def lead_coeff(self):
812 return self.coeffs[0]
814 @property
815 def lead_monom(self):
816 return self.monoms[0]
818 @property
819 def lead_term(self):
820 return (self.coeffs[0], self.monoms[0])
822 LC = lead_coeff
823 LM = lead_monom
824 LT = lead_term
826 @property
827 def tail_coeff(self):
828 return self.coeffs[-1]
830 @property
831 def tail_monom(self):
832 return self.monoms[-1]
834 @property
835 def tail_term(self):
836 return (self.coeffs[-1], self.monoms[-1])
838 TC = tail_coeff
839 TM = tail_monom
840 TT = tail_term
842 def __abs__(self):
843 return self.__class__(([ abs(coeff) for coeff in self.coeffs ],
844 self.monoms), *self.symbols, **self.flags)
846 def __neg__(self):
847 return self.__class__(([ -coeff for coeff in self.coeffs ],
848 self.monoms), *self.symbols, **self.flags)
850 def __add__(self, other):
851 try:
852 self, poly = self.unify_with(other)
853 except PolynomialError:
854 return self.as_basic() + other.as_basic()
856 if poly.is_zero:
857 return self
859 if self.is_zero:
860 return poly
862 if poly.is_monomial:
863 return self.add_term(*poly.LT)
865 if self.is_monomial:
866 return poly.add_term(*self.LT)
868 terms = self.as_dict()
870 for coeff, monom in poly.iter_terms():
871 if terms.has_key(monom):
872 coeff += terms[monom]
874 coeff = Poly.cancel(coeff)
876 if not coeff:
877 del terms[monom]
878 continue
880 terms[monom] = coeff
882 return self.__class__(terms, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
884 def __sub__(self, other):
885 try:
886 self, poly = self.unify_with(other)
887 except PolynomialError:
888 return self.as_basic() - other.as_basic()
890 if poly.is_zero:
891 return self
893 if self.is_zero:
894 return -poly
896 if poly.is_monomial:
897 return self.sub_term(*poly.LT)
899 if self.is_monomial:
900 return (-poly).add_term(*self.LT)
902 terms = self.as_dict()
904 for coeff, monom in poly.iter_terms():
905 if terms.has_key(monom):
906 coeff -= terms[monom]
908 coeff = Poly.cancel(coeff)
910 if not coeff:
911 del terms[monom]
912 continue
914 terms[monom] = -coeff
916 return self.__class__(terms, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
918 def __mul__(self, other):
919 """Efficiently multiply sparse and dense polynomials.
921 Given polynomials P and Q, if both of them are dense, then
922 in univariate case perform dense multiplication, otherwise
923 apply Kronecker 'trick', mapping multivariate polynomials
924 to univariate ones in last variable and then multiply.
926 If any of the polynomials is sparse then in both univariate
927 and multivariate cases use naive multiplication algorithm.
929 For more information on implemented algorithms refer to:
931 [1] R. T. Moenck, Practical Fast Polynomial Multiplication,
932 Proceedings of the third ACM symposium on Symbolic and
933 algebraic computation, ACM Press, Yorktown Heights,
934 New York, USA, 1976, pp. 136-148
936 try:
937 self, poly = self.unify_with(other)
938 except PolynomialError:
939 return self.as_basic() * other.as_basic()
941 if self.is_constant:
942 if self.is_zero:
943 return self
944 elif self.is_one:
945 return poly
946 else:
947 return poly.mul_term(self.LC)
949 if poly.is_constant:
950 if poly.is_zero:
951 return poly
952 elif poly.is_one:
953 return self
954 else:
955 return self.mul_term(poly.LC)
957 if self.is_monomial:
958 return poly.mul_term(*self.LT)
960 if poly.is_monomial:
961 return self.mul_term(*poly.LT)
963 if self.is_dense and poly.is_dense:
964 if self.is_multivariate:
965 a = monomial_max(*self.monoms)
966 b = monomial_max(*poly.monoms)
968 degs, p, q = [1], {}, {}
970 for x, y in reversed(zip(a, b)[1:]):
971 degs.insert(0, degs[0]*(x+y+1))
973 N = sum([ x*y for x, y in zip(self.LM, degs) ])
974 M = sum([ x*y for x, y in zip(poly.LM, degs) ])
976 for coeff, monom in self.iter_terms():
977 p[sum([ x*y for x, y in zip(monom, degs) ])] = coeff
979 for coeff, monom in poly.iter_terms():
980 q[sum([ x*y for x, y in zip(monom, degs) ])] = coeff
981 else:
982 p, N = self.as_uv_dict(), self.degree
983 q, M = poly.as_uv_dict(), poly.degree
985 coeffs, monoms = [], []
987 for k in xrange(N+M, -1, -1):
988 coeff = 0
990 for i in xrange(k+1):
991 if p.has_key(i) and q.has_key(k-i):
992 coeff += Poly.cancel(p[i] * q[k-i])
994 if coeff:
995 coeffs.append(coeff)
996 monoms.append((k,))
998 if self.is_multivariate:
999 terms, degs = {}, degs[:-1]
1001 for i, d in enumerate(monoms):
1002 monom, d = [], d[0]
1004 for j in degs:
1005 k, d = divmod(d, j)
1006 monom.append(k)
1008 terms[tuple(monom)+(d,)] = coeffs[i]
1009 else:
1010 terms = coeffs, monoms
1011 else:
1012 terms = {}
1014 for coeff_p, M in self.iter_terms():
1015 for coeff_q, N in poly.iter_terms():
1016 monom = monomial_mul(M, N)
1018 coeff = coeff_p * coeff_q
1019 coeff = Poly.cancel(coeff)
1021 if terms.has_key(monom):
1022 coeff += terms[monom]
1024 if not coeff:
1025 del terms[monom]
1026 continue
1028 terms[monom] = coeff
1030 return self.__class__(terms, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1032 def __pow__(self, other):
1033 """Polynomial exponentiation using binary method.
1035 Given a polynomial P and integer exponent N, raise P to power
1036 N in floor(lg(N)) + 1(N) multiplications, where lg(N) stands
1037 for binary logarithm and 1(N) is the number of ones in binary
1038 representation of N.
1040 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
1042 [1] D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming: Seminumerical
1043 Algorithms, v.2, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1997, pp. 461
1046 other = sympify(other)
1048 if isinstance(other, Poly):
1049 if other.is_constant:
1050 other = sympify(other.lead_coeff)
1051 else:
1052 return self.as_basic()**other.as_basic()
1054 if other.is_Integer:
1055 if other is S.One:
1056 return self
1058 P = self.__class__(S.One, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1060 if other is S.Zero:
1061 return P
1063 N, Q = abs(int(other)), self
1065 while True:
1066 N, M = N/2, N
1068 if M & 1:
1069 P *= Q
1071 if N == 0:
1072 break
1074 Q *= Q
1076 if other.is_positive:
1077 return P
1078 else:
1079 return Pow(P, S.NegativeOne)
1080 else:
1081 return self.as_basic()**other
1083 def __div__(self, other):
1084 try:
1085 return sympy.polys.algorithms.poly_div(self, other)[0]
1086 except PolynomialError:
1087 return self.as_basic() / other.as_basic()
1089 def __mod__(self, other):
1090 try:
1091 return sympy.polys.algorithms.poly_div(self, other)[1]
1092 except PolynomialError:
1093 return S.Zero
1095 def __divmod__(self, other):
1096 try:
1097 return sympy.polys.algorithms.poly_div(self, other)
1098 except PolynomialError:
1099 return (self.as_basic() / other.as_basic(), S.Zero)
1101 __truediv__ = __div__
1103 @property
1104 def is_zero(self):
1105 return self.coeffs in ((S.Zero,), (0,))
1107 @property
1108 def is_one(self):
1109 return self.coeffs in ((S.One,), (1,)) and \
1110 all(e == 0 for e in self.monoms[0])
1112 @property
1113 def is_number(self):
1114 return self.is_constant and self.coeffs[0].is_number
1116 @property
1117 def is_constant(self):
1118 return len(self.monoms) == 1 and \
1119 all(e == 0 for e in self.monoms[0])
1121 @property
1122 def is_monomial(self):
1123 return len(self.monoms) == 1
1125 @property
1126 def is_univariate(self):
1127 return len(self.symbols) == 1
1129 @property
1130 def is_multivariate(self):
1131 return len(self.symbols) != 1
1133 @property
1134 def is_homogeneous(self):
1135 return any(e != 0 for e in self.monoms[-1])
1137 @property
1138 def is_inhomogeneous(self):
1139 return all(e == 0 for e in self.monoms[-1])
1141 @property
1142 def is_sparse(self):
1143 return not self.is_dense
1145 @property
1146 def is_dense(self):
1147 """Returns True if 'self' is dense.
1149 Let 'self' be a polynomial in M variables of a total degree N
1150 and having L terms (with non-zero coefficients). Let K be the
1151 number of monomials in M variables of degree at most N. Then
1152 'self' is considered dense if it's at least 90% filled.
1154 The total number of monomials is given by (M + N)! / (M! N!),
1155 where the factorials are estimated using improved Stirling's
1156 approximation:
1158 n! = sqrt((2 n + 1/3) pi) n**n exp(-n)
1160 For more information on this subject refer to:
1162 http://mathworld.wolfram.com/StirlingsApproximation.html
1165 def enum(M, N):
1166 U = float(M+N)
1167 V = (6*M+1)*(6*N+1)
1168 S = 2.4*math.sqrt(U/V)
1169 A = math.pow(U/M, M)
1170 B = math.pow(U/N, N)
1171 return S * A * B
1173 V, N = len(self.symbols), self.total_degree
1175 return (self.length / enum(V, N)) > 0.9
1177 @property
1178 def is_primitive(self):
1179 return self.content in (S.One, 1)
1181 @property
1182 def is_monic(self):
1183 return self.lead_coeff in (S.One, 1)
1185 @property
1186 def is_squarefree(self):
1187 """Returns True if 'self' has no factors of multiplicity >= 2.
1189 >>> from sympy import *
1190 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
1192 >>> Poly(x-1, x).is_squarefree
1193 True
1195 >>> Poly((x-1)**2, x).is_squarefree
1196 False
1199 return self.as_squarefree() is self
1201 @property
1202 def is_linear(self):
1203 return all(sum(monom) <= 1 for monom in self.iter_monoms())
1205 @property
1206 def has_integer_coeffs(self):
1207 return self.domain == 'Z'
1209 @property
1210 def has_rational_coeffs(self):
1211 return self.domain == 'Q'
1213 @property
1214 def has_radical_coeffs(self):
1215 return self.domain == 'R'
1217 @property
1218 def has_complex_coeffs(self):
1219 return self.domain == 'C'
1221 @property
1222 def has_symbolic_coeffs(self):
1223 return self.domain == 'S'
1225 def as_monic(self):
1226 """Returns a monic polynomial.
1228 >>> from sympy import *
1229 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
1231 >>> Poly(x**2 + 4, x).as_monic()
1232 Poly(x**2 + 4, x)
1234 >>> Poly(2*x**2 + 4, x).as_monic()
1235 Poly(x**2 + 2, x)
1237 >>> Poly(y*x**2 + y**2 + y, x).as_monic()
1238 Poly(x**2 + 1 + y, x)
1241 LC = self.lead_coeff
1243 if not self or LC is S.One:
1244 return self
1246 coeffs = [ coeff / LC for coeff in self.coeffs ]
1248 for i, coeff in enumerate(coeffs):
1249 coeffs[i] = Poly.cancel(coeff)
1251 return self.__class__((coeffs, self.monoms),
1252 *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1254 def as_integer(self):
1255 """Makes all coefficients integers if possible.
1257 Given a polynomial with rational coefficients, returns a tuple
1258 consisting of a common denominator of those coefficients and an
1259 integer polynomial. Otherwise an exception is being raised.
1261 >>> from sympy import *
1262 >>> x,y = symbols("xy")
1264 >>> Poly(3*x**2 + x, x).as_integer()
1265 (1, Poly(3*x**2 + x, x))
1267 >>> Poly(3*x**2 + x/2, x).as_integer()
1268 (2, Poly(6*x**2 + x, x))
1271 denom = 1
1273 for coeff in self.iter_coeffs():
1274 if coeff.is_Rational:
1275 if not coeff.is_Integer:
1276 denom = ilcm(denom, coeff.q)
1277 else:
1278 raise CoefficientError("%s is not a rational number" % coeff)
1280 denom = sympify(denom)
1282 if denom is S.One:
1283 return denom, self
1284 else:
1285 coeffs = [ coeff * denom for coeff in self.iter_coeffs() ]
1287 return denom, self.__class__((coeffs, self.monoms),
1288 *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1290 @property
1291 def content(self):
1292 """Returns integer GCD of all the coefficients.
1294 >>> from sympy import *
1295 >>> x,y,z = symbols('xyz')
1297 >>> p = Poly(2*x + 5*x*y, x, y)
1298 >>> p.content
1301 >>> p = Poly(2*x + 4*x*y, x, y)
1302 >>> p.content
1305 >>> p = Poly(2*x + z*x*y, x, y)
1306 >>> p.content
1310 if self.is_zero:
1311 return S.One
1312 else:
1313 content = 0
1315 for coeff in self.coeffs:
1316 if coeff.is_Rational:
1317 content = igcd(content, coeff.p)
1318 else:
1319 return S.One
1321 return Integer(content)
1323 def as_primitive(self):
1324 """Returns content and primitive part of a polynomial.
1326 >>> from sympy import *
1327 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
1329 >>> p = Poly(4*x**2 + 2*x, x)
1330 >>> p.as_primitive()
1331 (2, Poly(2*x**2 + x, x))
1334 content = self.content
1336 if content is S.Zero or content is S.One:
1337 return content, self
1338 else:
1339 coeffs = [ coeff / content for coeff in self.coeffs ]
1341 return content, self.__class__((coeffs,
1342 self.monoms), *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1344 def as_squarefree(self):
1345 """Returns square-free part of a polynomial.
1347 >>> from sympy import *
1348 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
1350 >>> Poly((x-1)**2, x).as_squarefree()
1351 Poly(x - 1, x)
1354 f, A = self, sympy.polys.algorithms
1356 if f.is_univariate:
1357 F = f.as_primitive()[1]
1359 h = f.diff()
1361 g = A.poly_gcd(F, h)
1362 r = A.poly_div(f, g)
1364 return r[0]
1365 else:
1366 raise MultivariatePolyError(f)
1368 def as_reduced(self):
1369 """Remove GCD of monomials from 'self'.
1371 >>> from sympy import *
1372 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
1374 >>> Poly(x**3 + x, x).as_reduced()
1375 ((1,), Poly(x**2 + 1, x))
1377 >>> Poly(x**3*y+x**2*y**2, x, y).as_reduced()
1378 ((2, 1), Poly(x + y, x, y))
1381 if self.is_inhomogeneous:
1382 return (0,)*len(self.symbols), self
1383 else:
1384 if self.is_univariate:
1385 gcd = self.monoms[-1]
1387 terms = self.coeffs, [ (monom - gcd[0],)
1388 for (monom,) in self.monoms ]
1389 else:
1390 gcd = monomial_min(*self.monoms)
1392 if all(not n for n in gcd):
1393 return gcd, self
1395 terms = {}
1397 for coeff, monom in self.iter_terms():
1398 terms[monomial_div(monom, gcd)] = coeff
1400 return gcd, Poly(terms, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1402 def map_coeffs(self, f, *args, **kwargs):
1403 """Apply a function to all the coefficients.
1405 >>> from sympy import *
1406 >>> x,y,u,v = symbols('xyuv')
1408 >>> p = Poly(x**2 + 2*x*y, x, y)
1409 >>> q = p.map_coeffs(lambda c: 2*c)
1411 >>> q.as_basic()
1412 4*x*y + 2*x**2
1414 >>> p = Poly(u*x**2 + v*x*y, x, y)
1415 >>> q = p.map_coeffs(expand, complex=True)
1417 >>> q.as_basic()
1418 x**2*(I*im(u) + re(u)) + x*y*(I*im(v) + re(v))
1421 terms = []
1423 for coeff, monom in self.iter_terms():
1424 coeff = f(coeff, *args, **kwargs)
1426 if coeff.has_any_symbols(*self.symbols):
1427 raise CoefficientError("%s coefficient is dependent" \
1428 " of polynomial's symbols %s" % (coeff, self.symbols))
1429 elif coeff is not S.Zero:
1430 terms.append((coeff, monom))
1432 return self.__class__(terms, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1434 def coeff(self, *monom):
1435 """Returns coefficient of a particular monomial.
1437 >>> from sympy import *
1438 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
1440 >>> p = Poly(3*x**2*y + 4*x*y**2 + 1, x, y)
1442 >>> p.coeff(2, 1)
1444 >>> p.coeff(1, 2)
1446 >>> p.coeff(1, 1)
1449 If len(monom) == 0 then returns coeff of the constant term:
1451 >>> p.coeff(0, 0)
1453 >>> p.coeff()
1457 if not monom:
1458 if all(e == 0 for e in self.monoms[-1]):
1459 return self.coeffs[-1]
1460 else:
1461 for i in xrange(len(self.monoms)):
1462 if self.monoms[i] == monom:
1463 return self.coeffs[i]
1465 return S.Zero
1467 def unify_with(self, other):
1468 """Unify 'self' with a polynomial or a set of polynomials.
1470 This method will return polynomials of the same type, dominated
1471 by 'self', with a common set of symbols (which is a union of all
1472 symbols from all polynomials) and with common monomial ordering.
1474 You can pass a polynomial or an expression to this method, or
1475 a list or a tuple of polynomials or expressions. If any of the
1476 inputs would be an expression then it will be converted to a
1477 polynomial.
1480 symbols, stamp = self.symbols, self.stamp
1481 flags, cls = self.flags, self.__class__
1483 if isinstance(other, (tuple, list, set)):
1484 for poly in other:
1485 if isinstance(poly, Poly):
1486 stamp |= poly.stamp
1487 #elif atoms:
1488 # stamp |= poly.atoms(Symbol)
1490 if not (stamp <= self.stamp):
1491 symbols = tuple(sorted(stamp))
1492 self = cls(self, *symbols, **flags)
1494 other = other.__class__( cls(poly,
1495 *symbols, **flags) for poly in other )
1496 else:
1497 other = sympify(other)
1499 if isinstance(other, Poly):
1500 stamp |= other.stamp
1501 #elif atoms:
1502 # stamp |= other.atoms(Symbol)
1504 if not (stamp <= self.stamp):
1505 symbols = tuple(sorted(stamp))
1506 self = cls(self, *symbols, **flags)
1508 other = cls(other, *symbols, **flags)
1510 return self, other
1512 def diff(self, *symbols):
1513 """Efficiently differentiate polynomials.
1515 Differentiate a polynomial with respect to a set of symbols. If
1516 a symbol is polynomial's variable, then monomial differentiation
1517 is performed and coefficients updated with integer factors. In
1518 other case each of the coefficients is differentiated.
1520 Additionally, for each of the symbols you can specify a single
1521 positive integer which will indicate the number of times to
1522 perform differentiation using this symbol.
1524 >>> from sympy import *
1525 >>> x,y,z = symbols('xyz')
1527 >>> p = Poly(x**2*y + z**2, x, y)
1529 >>> p.diff(x)
1530 Poly(2*x*y, x, y)
1532 >>> p.diff(x, 2)
1533 Poly(2*y, x, y)
1535 >>> p.diff(x, 2, y)
1536 Poly(2, x, y)
1538 >>> p.diff(z)
1539 Poly(2*z, x, y)
1542 if self.is_zero:
1543 return self
1545 new_symbols = []
1547 for s in symbols:
1548 s = sympify(s)
1550 if s.is_Symbol:
1551 new_symbols.append((s, 1))
1552 elif s.is_Integer:
1553 sym, _ = new_symbols.pop()
1554 new_symbols.append((sym, int(s)))
1555 else:
1556 raise TypeError
1558 if not new_symbols:
1559 if self.is_univariate:
1560 new_symbols = [(self.symbols[0], 1)]
1561 else:
1562 return self
1564 indices, symbols = {}, self.stamp
1566 for i, s in enumerate(self.symbols):
1567 indices[s] = i
1569 poly = self.as_dict()
1571 for s, k in new_symbols:
1572 new_poly = {}
1574 if s in symbols:
1575 i = indices[s]
1577 for M, coeff in poly.iteritems():
1578 n = M[i] - k
1580 if n >= 0:
1581 monom = M[:i]+(n,)+M[i+1:]
1583 for j in xrange(n, M[i]):
1584 coeff *= j+1
1586 if new_poly.has_key(monom):
1587 coeff += new_poly[monom]
1589 if not coeff:
1590 del new_poly[monom]
1591 continue
1593 new_poly[monom] = coeff
1594 elif not isinstance(self, IntegerPoly):
1595 for monom, coeff in poly.iteritems():
1596 if coeff.has_any_symbols(s):
1597 coeff = coeff.diff(*([s]*k))
1599 if coeff:
1600 new_poly[monom] = coeff
1602 poly = new_poly
1604 if not poly:
1605 break
1607 return self.__class__(poly, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1609 def integrate(self, *symbols):
1610 """Efficiently integrate polynomials.
1612 Integrate a polynomial with respect a set of symbols. If a
1613 symbol is polynomial's variable, then monomial integration
1614 is performed and coefficients updated with integer factors.
1615 In other case each of the coefficients is integrated.
1617 Additionally, for each of the symbols you can specify a
1618 single positive integer which will indicate the number
1619 of times to perform integration using this symbol.
1621 >>> from sympy import *
1622 >>> x,y,z = symbols('xyz')
1624 >>> p = Poly(x**2*y + z**2, x, y)
1626 >>> p.integrate(x)
1627 Poly(1/3*x**3*y + z**2*x, x, y)
1629 >>> p.integrate(x, 2)
1630 Poly(1/12*x**4*y + 1/2*z**2*x**2, x, y)
1632 >>> p.integrate(x, 2, y)
1633 Poly(1/24*x**4*y**2 + 1/2*z**2*x**2*y, x, y)
1635 >>> p.integrate(z)
1636 Poly(z*x**2*y + 1/3*z**3, x, y)
1639 if self.is_zero:
1640 return self
1642 new_symbols = []
1644 for s in symbols:
1645 s = sympify(s)
1647 if s.is_Symbol:
1648 new_symbols.append((s, 1))
1649 elif s.is_Integer:
1650 sym, _ = new_symbols.pop()
1651 new_symbols.append((sym, int(s)))
1652 else:
1653 raise TypeError
1655 indices, symbols = {}, self.stamp
1657 for i, s in enumerate(self.symbols):
1658 indices[s] = i
1660 poly = self.as_dict()
1662 for s, k in new_symbols:
1663 new_poly = {}
1665 if s in symbols:
1666 i = indices[s]
1668 for M, coeff in poly.iteritems():
1669 n = M[i] + k
1671 monom = M[:i]+(n,)+M[i+1:]
1673 for j in xrange(M[i], n):
1674 coeff /= j+1
1676 if new_poly.has_key(monom):
1677 coeff += new_poly[monom]
1679 if not coeff:
1680 del new_poly[monom]
1681 continue
1683 new_poly[monom] = coeff
1684 else:
1685 for M, coeff in poly.iteritems():
1686 new_poly[M] = C.Integral(coeff, *([s]*k)).doit()
1688 if not new_poly:
1689 break
1690 else:
1691 poly = new_poly
1693 return self.__class__(poly, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1695 def add_term(self, coeff, monom):
1696 """Efficiently add a single term to 'self'.
1698 The list of monomials is sorted at initialization time, this
1699 motivates usage of binary search algorithm to find an index
1700 of an existing monomial or a suitable place for a new one.
1701 This gives O(lg(n)) complexity, where 'n' is the initial
1702 number of terms, superior to naive approach.
1704 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
1706 [1] D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming: Sorting
1707 and Searching, v.1, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1998
1710 if self.is_zero:
1711 coeffs = (coeff,)
1712 monoms = (monom,)
1713 else:
1714 coeffs = list(self.coeffs)
1715 monoms = list(self.monoms)
1717 compare = monomial_cmp(self.order)
1719 if compare(monom, monoms[0]) > 0:
1720 coeffs.insert(0, coeff)
1721 monoms.insert(0, monom)
1722 elif compare(monom, monoms[-1]) < 0:
1723 coeffs.append(coeff)
1724 monoms.append(monom)
1725 else:
1726 lo, hi = 0, len(monoms)-1
1728 while lo <= hi:
1729 i = (lo + hi) // 2
1731 k = compare(monom, monoms[i])
1733 if not k:
1734 coeff += coeffs[i]
1736 if coeff:
1737 coeffs[i] = coeff
1738 else:
1739 del coeffs[i]
1740 del monoms[i]
1742 break
1743 else:
1744 if k > 0:
1745 hi = i - 1
1746 else:
1747 lo = i + 1
1748 else:
1749 coeffs.insert(i, coeff)
1750 monoms.insert(i, monom)
1752 return self.__class__((coeffs, monoms),
1753 *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1755 def sub_term(self, coeff, monom):
1756 """Efficiently subtract a single term from 'self'.
1758 The list of monomials is sorted at initialization time, this
1759 motivates usage of binary search algorithm to find an index
1760 of an existing monomial or a suitable place for a new one.
1761 This gives O(lg(n)) complexity, where 'n' is the initial
1762 number of terms, superior to naive approach.
1764 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
1766 [1] D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming: Sorting
1767 and Searching, v.2, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1998
1770 if self.is_zero:
1771 coeffs = (-coeff,)
1772 monoms = (monom,)
1773 else:
1774 coeffs = list(self.coeffs)
1775 monoms = list(self.monoms)
1777 compare = monomial_cmp(self.order)
1779 if compare(monom, monoms[0]) > 0:
1780 coeffs.insert(0, -coeff)
1781 monoms.insert(0, monom)
1782 elif compare(monom, monoms[-1]) < 0:
1783 coeffs.append(-coeff)
1784 monoms.append(monom)
1785 else:
1786 lo, hi = 0, len(monoms)-1
1788 while lo <= hi:
1789 i = (lo + hi) // 2
1791 k = compare(monom, monoms[i])
1793 if not k:
1794 coeff -= coeffs[i]
1796 if coeff:
1797 coeffs[i] = -coeff
1798 else:
1799 del coeffs[i]
1800 del monoms[i]
1802 break
1803 else:
1804 if k > 0:
1805 hi = i - 1
1806 else:
1807 lo = i + 1
1808 else:
1809 coeffs.insert(i, -coeff)
1810 monoms.insert(i, monom)
1812 return self.__class__((coeffs, monoms),
1813 *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1815 def mul_term(self, coeff, monom=None):
1816 """Efficiently multiply 'self' with a single term. """
1817 coeff = sympify(coeff)
1819 if coeff is S.Zero:
1820 terms = ()
1821 else:
1822 if coeff is S.One:
1823 if monom is None:
1824 return self
1825 else:
1826 coeffs = self.coeffs
1827 else:
1828 coeffs = [ p_coeff * coeff for p_coeff in self.coeffs ]
1830 for i, coeff in enumerate(coeffs):
1831 coeffs[i] = Poly.cancel(coeff)
1833 if monom is None:
1834 monoms = self.monoms
1835 else:
1836 monoms = [ monomial_mul(p_monom, monom)
1837 for p_monom in self.monoms ]
1839 terms = coeffs, monoms
1841 return self.__class__(terms, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1843 def div_term(self, coeff, monom=None):
1844 """Efficiently divide 'self' by a single term. """
1845 coeff = sympify(coeff)
1847 if coeff is S.Zero:
1848 raise ZeroDivisionError
1850 if coeff is S.One:
1851 if monom is None:
1852 return self
1853 else:
1854 coeffs = self.coeffs
1855 else:
1856 coeffs = [ p_coeff / coeff for p_coeff in self.coeffs ]
1858 for i, coeff in enumerate(coeffs):
1859 coeffs[i] = Poly.cancel(coeff)
1861 if monom is None:
1862 monoms = self.monoms
1863 else:
1864 monoms = [ monomial_div(p_monom, monom)
1865 for p_monom in self.monoms ]
1867 if any(monom is None for monom in monoms):
1868 raise PolynomialError("%s monomial must divide" \
1869 " exactly the given polynomial" % (monom,))
1871 return self.__class__((coeffs, monoms),
1872 *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1874 def kill_lead_term(self):
1875 """Removes leading term from 'self'. """
1876 terms = self.coeffs[1:], self.monoms[1:]
1877 return self.__class__(terms, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1879 def kill_last_term(self):
1880 """Removes last term from 'self'. """
1881 terms = self.coeffs[:-1], self.monoms[:-1]
1882 return self.__class__(terms, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
1884 def __call__(self, *point):
1885 """Efficiently evaluate polynomial at a given point.
1887 Evaluation is always done using Horner scheme. In multivariate
1888 case a greedy algorithm is used to obtain a sequence of partial
1889 evaluations which minimizes the total number of multiplications
1890 required to perform this evaluation. This strategy is efficient
1891 for most of multivariate polynomials.
1893 Note that evaluation is done for all variables, which means the
1894 dimension of the given point must match the number of symbols.
1896 If you wish to efficiently evaluate polynomial for a subset of
1897 symbols use 'evaluate' method instead. Alternatively one can
1898 use Basic.subs() for this purpose.
1900 >>> from sympy import *
1901 >>> x,y = symbols('xy')
1903 >>> p = Poly(x**2 + 2*x + 1, x)
1905 >>> p(2)
1907 >>> p(y)
1908 1 + y*(2 + y)
1910 For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:
1912 [1] M. Ceberio, V. Kreinovich, Greedy Algorithms for Optimizing
1913 Multivariate Horner Schemes, ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, Volume 38,
1914 Issue 1, 2004, pp. 8-15
1917 N = len(self.symbols)
1919 if len(point) != N:
1920 raise ValueError("Dimension of %s does not match" \
1921 " the number of symbols (%d)" % (point, N))
1923 if self.is_univariate:
1924 terms = self.as_uv_dict()
1926 point, result = point[0], 0
1928 for k in xrange(self.degree, -1, -1):
1929 result *= point
1931 if terms.has_key(k):
1932 result += terms[k]
1934 return result
1935 else:
1936 def evaluate(terms):
1937 count = [0] * N
1939 for monom in terms.iterkeys():
1940 for i, M in enumerate(monom):
1941 if M != 0:
1942 count[i] += 1
1944 K = max(count)
1946 if K <= 1:
1947 result = 0
1949 for monom, coeff in terms.iteritems():
1950 for base, exp in zip(point, monom):
1951 if exp != 0:
1952 if exp == 1:
1953 coeff *= base
1954 else:
1955 coeff *= base**exp
1957 result += coeff
1959 return result
1960 else:
1961 k, indeps, depend = count.index(K), {}, {}
1963 n = min([ M[k] for M in terms.iterkeys() if M[k] ])
1965 for M, coeff in terms.iteritems():
1966 if M[k] != 0:
1967 depend[M[:k]+(M[k]-n,)+M[k+1:]] = coeff
1968 else:
1969 indeps[M] = coeff
1971 result = point[k]**n * evaluate(depend)
1973 if indeps:
1974 return result + evaluate(indeps)
1975 else:
1976 return result
1978 return evaluate(self.as_dict())
1980 def evaluate(self, pattern):
1981 """Evaluates polynomial for a given set of symbols. """
1982 symbols = list(self.symbols)
1984 if type(pattern) is dict:
1985 pattern = pattern.items()
1986 elif type(pattern) is tuple:
1987 pattern = [pattern]
1989 poly = self.as_dict()
1991 for s, value in pattern:
1992 if s not in self.stamp:
1993 raise PolynomialError("%s symbol does" \
1994 " not belong to %s" % (s, self.symbols))
1995 else:
1996 i = symbols.index(s)
1998 # 'value' might be int | long
1999 if isinstance(value, Symbol):
2000 if value in self.stamp:
2001 raise PolynomialError("%s symbol must" \
2002 " not belong to %s" % (s, self.symbols))
2004 terms = {}
2006 for M, coeff in poly.iteritems():
2007 monom = M[:i] + M[i+1:]
2008 coeff *= value ** M[i]
2010 coeff = Poly.cancel(coeff)
2012 if terms.has_key(monom):
2013 coeff += terms[monom]
2015 if not coeff:
2016 del terms[monom]
2017 continue
2018 elif not coeff:
2019 continue
2021 terms[monom] = coeff
2023 del symbols[i]
2024 poly = terms
2026 if not symbols:
2027 if not poly:
2028 return S.Zero
2029 else:
2030 return poly.popitem()[1]
2031 else:
2032 return self.__class__(poly, *symbols, **self.flags)
2034 def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
2035 symbols = list(self.symbols)
2037 if old in self.stamp:
2038 terms, i = {}, symbols.index(old)
2040 if new.is_Symbol:
2041 if new in self.stamp:
2042 j = symbols.index(new)
2044 for coeff, M in self.iter_terms():
2045 n, m = M[i], M[j]
2047 if i < j:
2048 monom = M[:i]+M[i+1:j]+(m+n,)+M[j+1:]
2049 else:
2050 monom = M[:j]+(m+n,)+M[j+1:i]+M[i+1:]
2052 if terms.has_key(monom):
2053 coeff += terms[monom]
2055 if not coeff:
2056 del terms[monom]
2057 continue
2059 terms[monom] = coeff
2061 del symbols[i]
2063 return self.__class__(terms, *symbols, **self.flags)
2064 else:
2065 for coeff in self.coeffs:
2066 if coeff.has_any_symbols(new):
2067 break
2068 else:
2069 symbols[i], terms = new, (self.coeffs, self.monoms)
2070 return self.__class__(terms, *symbols, **self.flags)
2071 elif new.is_number:
2072 if len(symbols) == 1:
2073 return self(new)
2074 else:
2075 return self.evaluate((old, new))
2076 elif not new.has_any_symbols(*symbols):
2077 coeffs = [ sympify(coeff).subs(old, new) for coeff in self.coeffs ]
2078 return self.__class__((coeffs, self.monoms), *symbols, **self.flags)
2080 result = self.as_basic().subs(old, new)
2082 try:
2083 return self.__class__(result, *symbols, **self.flags)
2084 except PolynomialError:
2085 return result
2087 def __eq__(self, other):
2088 """Compare polynomials up to order of symbols and monomials. """
2089 try:
2090 poly = self.__class__(other, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
2091 except PolynomialError:
2092 return False
2094 if self.length != poly.length:
2095 return False
2097 if hash(self.monoms) != hash(poly.monoms):
2098 return False
2100 if hash(self.coeffs) != hash(poly.coeffs):
2101 for a, b in zip(self.coeffs, poly.coeffs):
2102 if a != b:
2103 return False
2105 return True
2107 def __ne__(self, other):
2108 """Compare polynomials up to order of symbols and monomials. """
2109 try:
2110 poly = self.__class__(other, *self.symbols, **self.flags)
2111 except PolynomialError:
2112 return True
2114 if self.length != poly.length:
2115 return True
2117 if hash(self.monoms) != hash(poly.monoms):
2118 return True
2120 if hash(self.coeffs) != hash(poly.coeffs):
2121 for a, b in zip(self.coeffs, poly.coeffs):
2122 if a != b:
2123 return True
2125 return False
2127 def __nonzero__(self):
2128 return self.coeffs not in ((S.Zero,), (0,))
2130 def _eval_is_polynomial(self, symbols):
2131 try:
2132 self.__class__(self, *symbols, **self.flags)
2133 except PolynomialError:
2134 return False
2136 return True
2138 class IntegerPoly(Poly):
2139 pass
2141 def multinomial_as_basic(multinomial, *symbols):
2143 Converts the multinomial to Add/Mul/Pow instances.
2145 multinomial is a dict of {powers: coefficient} pairs, powers is a tuple of
2146 python integers, coefficient is a python integer.
2148 l = []
2149 for powers, k in multinomial.iteritems():
2150 term = [k]
2151 for i,e in enumerate(powers):
2152 term.append(Pow(symbols[i], powers[i]))
2153 l.append(Mul(*term))
2154 result = Add(*l)
2155 return result