draft implementation of arbitrary PDF
[sympy.git] / sympy / core / logic.py
1 """Logic expressions handling
4 ----
6 at present this is mainly needed for facts.py , feel free however to improve
7 this stuff for general purpose.
8 """
10 def fuzzy_not(v):
11 """'not' in fuzzy logic"""
12 if v is None:
13 return v
14 else:
15 return not v
18 def name_not(k):
19 """negate a name
21 >>> name_not('zero')
22 '!zero'
24 >>> name_not('!zero')
25 'zero'
26 """
27 if k[:1] != '!':
28 return '!'+k
29 else:
30 return k[1:]
33 class Logic(object):
34 """Logical expression"""
36 __slots__ = ['args']
38 # {} 'op' -> LogicClass
39 op_2class = {}
42 def __new__(cls, args):
43 obj = object.__new__(cls)
44 obj.args = tuple(args)
46 # XXX do we need this:
47 #print 'L: %s' % (obj.args,)
48 assert not isinstance(obj.args[0], tuple)
50 return obj
53 def __hash__(self):
54 return hash( (type(self).__name__, self.args) )
57 def __eq__(a, b):
58 if not isinstance(b, type(a)):
59 return False
60 else:
61 return a.args == b.args
63 def __ne__(a, b):
64 if not isinstance(b, type(a)):
65 return True
66 else:
67 return a.args != b.args
70 def __cmp__(a, b):
71 if type(a) is not type(b):
72 return cmp( str(type(a)), str(type(b)) )
74 else:
75 return cmp(a.args, b.args)
80 # XXX later, we may want to change how expressions are printed
81 def __str__(self):
82 return '%s(%s)' % (self.op, ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.args))
84 # XXX this is not good ...
85 __repr__ = __str__
88 @staticmethod
89 def fromstring(text):
90 """Logic from string
92 e.g.
94 !a & !b | c
95 """
96 # XXX this is not general, but good enough
97 terms = text.split()
99 lexpr = None # current logical expression
100 schedop = None # scheduled operation
102 while True:
103 # pop next term and exit loop if there is no terms left
104 try:
105 term = terms.pop(0)
106 except IndexError:
107 break
109 # operation symbol
110 if term in '&|':
111 if schedop is not None:
112 raise ValueError('double op forbidden: "%s %s"' % (term, schedop))
114 if lexpr is None:
115 raise ValueError('%s cannot be in the beginning of expression' % term)
117 schedop = term
118 continue
121 # already scheduled operation, e.g. '&'
122 if schedop:
123 lexpr = Logic.op_2class[schedop] ( *(lexpr, term) )
124 schedop = None
125 continue
127 # this should be atom
128 if lexpr is not None:
129 raise ValueError('missing op between "%s" and "%s"' % (lexpr, term))
131 lexpr = term
134 # let's check that we ended up in correct state
135 if schedop is not None:
136 raise ValueError('premature end-of-expression in "%s"' % text)
137 if lexpr is None:
138 raise ValueError('"%s" is empty' % text)
140 # everything looks good now
141 return lexpr
144 # XXX better name?
145 class AndOr_Base(Logic):
147 __slots__ = []
149 def __new__(cls, *args):
150 if len(args) == 0:
151 raise TypeError('%s requires at least one argument' % cls.__name__)
153 # process bool args early
154 bargs = []
156 for a in args:
157 # &(F, ...) -> F
158 # |(T, ...) -> T
159 if a == cls.op_x_notx:
160 return a
162 # &(T, ...) -> &(...)
163 # |(F, ...) -> |(...)
164 elif a == (not cls.op_x_notx):
165 continue # skip this argument
168 bargs.append(a)
171 args = bargs
173 # &(a, !a) -> F
174 # |(a, !a) -> T
175 # XXX suboptinal
176 for a in args:
177 if Not(a) in args:
178 return cls.op_x_notx
180 args = cls.flatten(args)
182 # canonicalize arguments
183 # XXX do we always need this?
184 # NB: this is needed to reduce number of &-nodes in beta-network
185 args = sorted(args)
187 # now let's kill duplicate arguments, e.g. &(a,a,b) -> &(a,b)
188 prev = None
189 uargs= []
190 for a in args:
191 if a != prev:
192 uargs.append(a)
193 prev = a
195 args = uargs
197 # &(a) -> a
198 # |(a) -> a
199 if len(args) == 1:
200 return args[0]
202 # when we are at this stage, it means that _all_ arguments were T/F and
203 # all arguments were accepted as "let's see what follows next", so at
204 # _this_ point the rule is:
205 # |() -> F (*not* T)
206 # &() -> T (*not* F)
207 elif len(args) == 0:
208 return not cls.op_x_notx
210 return Logic.__new__(cls, args)
213 @classmethod
214 def flatten(cls, args):
215 # quick-n-dirty flattening for And and Or
216 args_queue = list(args)
217 res = []
219 while True:
221 try:
222 arg = args_queue.pop(0)
223 except IndexError:
224 break
226 if isinstance(arg, Logic):
227 if arg.op == cls.op:
228 #print 'flattening...', fargs, i, arg.args
229 args_queue.extend( arg.args )
230 continue
233 # another op -- leave it as is
234 res.append( arg )
236 args = tuple(res)
237 return args
239 expand_lvl=0
241 class And(AndOr_Base):
242 op = '&'
243 op_x_notx = False
245 __slots__ = []
247 def _eval_propagate_not(self):
248 # !(a&b&c ...) == !a | !b | !c ...
249 return Or( *[Not(a) for a in self.args] )
252 # (a|b|...) & c == (a&c) | (b&c) | ...
253 def expand(self):
255 # first locate Or
256 for i in range(len(self.args)):
257 arg = self.args[i]
258 if isinstance(arg, Or):
259 arest = self.args[:i] + self.args[i+1:]
261 orterms = [And( *(arest + (a,)) ) for a in arg.args]
262 for j in range(len(orterms)):
263 if isinstance(orterms[j], Logic):
264 orterms[j] = orterms[j].expand()
266 res = Or(*orterms)
267 return res
269 else:
270 return self
272 def dbg_expand(self):
273 global expand_lvl
274 print '%sexpand %s' % (' '*expand_lvl, self)
276 expand_lvl += 1
277 try:
278 return self.old_expand()
279 finally:
280 expand_lvl -= 1
283 #old_expand = expand
284 #expand = dbg_expand
286 class Or(AndOr_Base):
287 op = '|'
288 op_x_notx = True
290 __slots__ = []
292 def _eval_propagate_not(self):
293 # !(a|b|c ...) == !a & !b & !c ...
294 return And( *[Not(a) for a in self.args] )
296 class Not(Logic):
297 op = '!'
299 __slots__ = []
301 def __new__(cls, arg):
302 if isinstance(arg, str):
303 return name_not(arg)
305 elif isinstance(arg, bool):
306 return not arg
308 elif isinstance(arg, Logic):
309 # XXX this is a hack to expand right from the beginning
310 arg = arg._eval_propagate_not()
311 return arg
313 obj = Logic.__new__(cls, (arg,))
314 return obj
316 else:
317 raise ValueError('Not: unknow argument %r' % (arg,))
323 Logic.op_2class['&'] = And
324 Logic.op_2class['|'] = Or
325 Logic.op_2class['!'] = Not