descriptionSexy Text Editor Engine
last changeSat, 2 Mar 2024 10:24:37 +0000 (2 10:24 +0000)
content tags
2024-03-02 ketmarimplemented "M-`" in TTY modemaster
2024-02-29 ketmarsome cosmetic fixes in sex scripts
2024-01-06 ketmarfixes to db cleanup scripts
2024-01-01 ketmarimplemented option to set indent space count (for Brian...
2023-12-19 ketmarvarious cosmetix
2023-11-12 ketmaraatree: commented out AATree API i've never used (will...
2023-11-06 ketmarframe: use cyclic incremental search (this is what...
2023-11-06 ketmarframe: rollback owner frame cursor position in incremen...
2023-11-06 ketmarcosmetix
2023-10-31 ketmarword up/locaser script cosmetix
2023-10-29 ketmarscripts and highlighters fixes/extensions
2023-10-16 ketmarlibsfrm: look back up to 1MB for autocompletion (was...
2023-10-11 ketmarjamrules: use globs in install target; this is wrong...
2023-10-05 ketmarx11: properly send "SIGINT" to slave tty process group...
2023-09-29 ketmarurforth syntax fixes
2023-09-29 ketmarfixed syntax parser
2 years ago degfood
8 weeks ago master
20 months ago tty_backend