add test for frames and bytes properties of empty movies
[swfdec.git] / test / trace /
1 // makeswf -v 7 -s 200x150 -r 1 -o movie68.swf
3 // note that the real checks are binary-modified to produce the desired tests.
4 // The branch offsets have been adjusted.
5 trace ("Check how jumping out of a With and back in works");
6 x = 0;
7 o = new Object ();
8 o.x = -10;
9 with (o) {
10 trace (x);
11 x++;
12 if (x > 10) {
13 asm {
14 branchalways "hi"
18 asm {
19 stop
20 branchalways "hi"
23 loadMovie ("FSCommand:quit", "");