minimal PSETF,SETQ,PSETQ, add DO,DO*, fix RETURN,LET, add block to DEFUN, tests
[swf2.git] / compile / special-forms.lisp
1 (in-package :avm2-compiler)
3 ;;;; special forms (and probably some things that are techically
4 ;;;; macros/functions according to CL, but implemented directly here
5 ;;;; for now...)
7 ;; official list of special operators:
8 ;;
11 ;;+ let*
12 ;;+ if
13 ;;+ progn
14 ;;+ let
16 ;;+ go
17 ;;+ tagbody
19 ;; quote
21 ;; function
22 ;; setq
24 ;; symbol-macrolet
25 ;; flet
26 ;; macrolet
27 ;; labels
29 ;; block
30 ;; catch
31 ;; return-from
32 ;; throw
33 ;; unwind-protect
35 ;; progv
37 ;; multiple-value-call
38 ;; multiple-value-prog1
40 ;; the
42 ;; load-time-value
43 ;; eval-when
44 ;; locally
47 (define-special* progn (cdr)
48 (loop for rest on cdr
49 for form = (car rest)
50 for next = (cdr rest)
51 append (scompile form)
52 ;; ignore return values from intermediate steps
53 when (or next (and (consp form) (eql (car form) 'return)))
54 append '((:pop))))
57 ;; (scompile '(progn "foo" "bar" :true))
59 #+nil(define-special return (value)
60 `(,@(scompile value)
61 (:return-value)))
63 ;;; fixme: this adds a :pop after :return-value, is that correct?
64 ;; (scompile '(progn "foo" (return :false) :true))
69 (define-special let (bindings &rest body)
70 (let ((bindings-indices
71 (loop for binding in bindings
72 for j from (last-local-index)
73 for init = (if (listp binding) (second binding) nil)
74 for name = (if (listp binding) (first binding) binding)
75 collect `(,init ,name . ,j))))
76 (with-cleanup ((gensym "LET-CLEANUP")
77 `(%asm (:comment "let-kill")
78 ,@(loop for (nil nil . index) in bindings-indices
79 collect `(:kill ,index))
80 (:push-null)))
81 (append
82 ;; set up bindings
83 (loop for (init nil . index) in bindings-indices
84 append (scompile init)
85 collect `(:set-local ,index ))
86 (with-local-vars ((mapcar 'cdr bindings-indices))
87 ;; compile the body as a progn, and kill the locals on exit
88 `(,@(scompile
89 `(progn ,@body))
90 ,@(loop for (nil nil . index) in bindings-indices
91 collect `(:kill ,index))))))))
92 ;; (with-lambda-context (:args '(foo)) (scompile '(let ((foo 1.23) (bar foo)) foo)))
94 ;;; let* is uglier to implement without modifying lambda context stuff
95 ;;; directly, so implementing in terms of let with a macro in cl lib
96 ;;; stuff
97 ;;(define-special let* (bindings &rest body)
98 ;; (with-nested-lambda-context
99 ;; (append
100 ;; ;; set up bindings
101 ;; (loop for binding in bindings
102 ;; for j from (length (locals *current-lambda*))
103 ;; if (consp binding)
104 ;; append (scompile (second binding))
105 ;; and collect `(:set-local ,j )
106 ;; and do (push (cons (car binding) j) (locals *current-lambda*))
107 ;; else
108 ;; do (push (cons binding j) (locals *current-lambda*)))
109 ;; ;; compile the body as a progn, and kill the locals on exit
110 ;; `(,@(scompile `(progn ,@body))
111 ;; ,@(loop for binding in bindings
112 ;; for name = (if (consp binding) (car binding) binding)
113 ;; collect `(:kill ,(get-lambda-local-index name)))))))
114 ;; (with-simple-lambda-context (foo) (scompile '(let* ((foo 1.23) (bar foo)) foo)))
117 (define-special %set-local (local value)
118 ;; (%set-local var value) -> value
119 `(,@(scompile value) ;; calculate value
120 (:dup) ;; copy value so we can reurn it
121 (:set-local ,(get-lambda-local-index local))))
122 ;; (with-lambda-context (foo) (scompile '(%set-local foo 2.3)))
124 (define-special %asm (&rest cdr)
125 ;; todo: add a version (or option?) to compile args, so we don't need to guess local indices, or compile them by hand
126 ;; (%asm (op1 args) (op2 ...) ... )
127 (copy-list cdr))
130 (define-special %label (target)
131 ;; (%label name) ;; for reverse jumps only
132 `((:%label ,target)
133 ;; hack since we always pop after each statement in a progn, gets
134 ;; removed later by peephole pass
135 (:push-null)))
137 (define-special %dlabel (target)
138 ;; (%dlabel name) ;; for forward jumps only
139 `((:%dlabel ,target)
140 (:push-null)))
142 (define-special %go (target)
143 ;; (go asm-label)
144 `((:jump ,target)
145 (:push-null)))
147 (define-special* tagbody (body)
148 (let ((tags (loop for tag-or-form in body
149 when (atom tag-or-form)
150 collect (cons tag-or-form
151 (gensym (format nil "TAGBODY-~a-" tag-or-form))))))
152 (with-nested-lambda-tags (tags)
153 ;; fixme: use dlabel for forward jumps
154 `(,@(loop for tag-or-form in body
155 if (atom tag-or-form)
156 collect `(:%label ,(get-lambda-tag tag-or-form))
157 else
158 append (scompile tag-or-form)
159 and collect `(:pop))
160 (:push-null)))))
162 (define-special go (tag)
163 (scompile-cons '%go (list (get-lambda-tag tag))))
165 ;; (with-lambda-context () (scompile '(tagbody foo (go baz) bar 1 baz 2)))
167 (define-special %when (cond label)
168 ;; (%when cond label)
169 `(,@(scompile cond)
170 (:if-true ,label)
171 (:push-null)))
173 #+nil(define-special when (cond &rest body)
174 ;; (when cond body)
175 (let ((label (gensym "WHEN1-"))
176 (label2 (gensym "WHEN2-")))
177 `(,@(scompile cond)
178 (:if-false ,label)
179 ,@(scompile `(progn ,@body))
180 (:jump ,label2)
181 (:%dlabel ,label)
182 (:push-null)
183 (:coerce-any)
184 (:%dlabel ,label2))))
186 (define-special %if (cond false-test true-branch false-branch)
187 (let (#+nil(true-label (gensym "%IF-TRUE-"))
188 (false-label (gensym "%IF-FALSE-"))
189 (end-label (gensym "%IF-END-")))
190 `(,@(scompile cond)
191 (,false-test ,false-label)
192 ,@(scompile true-branch)
193 (:jump ,end-label)
194 (:%dlabel ,false-label)
195 ,@(scompile false-branch)
196 (:%dlabel ,end-label))))
198 (define-special if (cond true-branch false-branch)
199 `(,@(scompile `(%if ,cond :if-false ,true-branch ,false-branch))))
201 ;; (avm2-asm::with-assembler-context (avm2-asm::code (avm2-asm:assemble-method-body (scompile '(when :true 1)) )))
204 (define-special %inc-local-i (var)
205 ;; (%inc-local-i var)
206 `((:inc-local-i ,(get-lambda-local-index var))
207 ;; hack since we always pop after each statement in a progn :/
208 (:get-local ,(get-lambda-local-index var))))
210 #+nil(define-special dotimes ((var count &optional result) &rest body)
211 ;; (dotimes (var count &optional result) body)
213 ;; set local for counter
214 ;; set local for limit
215 ;;(format t "dotimes : var=~s count=~s result=~s~%body=~s~%" var count result body)
216 (let ((label (gensym "LABEL-"))
217 (label2 (gensym "LABEL2-"))
218 (max (gensym "MAX-")))
219 (scompile ; format t "~s"
220 `(let ((,max ,count)
221 ;; var should not be valid while evaluating max
222 (,var 0))
223 (%go ,label2)
224 (%label ,label)
225 ,@body
226 ;(%set-local ,var (+ ,var 1))
227 (%inc-local-i ,var)
228 (%dlabel ,label2)
229 (%when (%2< ,var ,max) ,label)
230 ;; fixme: make sure var is still valid, and = max while evaluating result
231 ,@(if result
232 '(result)
233 '((%asm
234 (:push-null)
235 (:coerce-any))))))))
239 #+nil(defmethod scompile-cons ((car (eql 'and)) cdr)
240 (case (length cdr)
241 (0 `((:push-true)))
242 (1 (scompile (first cdr)))
244 (let ((true-label (gensym "true-"))
245 (false-label (gensym "false-")))
246 (append
247 (loop for first = t then nil
248 for i in cdr
249 unless first collect `(:pop)
250 append (scompile i)
251 collect `(:dup)
252 collect `(:if-false ,false-label))
253 `((:jump ,true-label)
254 (:%dlabel ,false-label)
255 (:pop)
256 (:push-false)
257 (:%dlabel ,true-label)))))))
259 ;;(scompile '(and))
260 ;;(scompile '(and 1))
261 ;;(scompile '(and 1 2))
264 (define-special* %array (args)
265 ;; (%array ... ) -> array
266 `(,@(loop for i in args
267 append (scompile i)) ;; calculate args
268 (:new-array ,(length args))))
271 (define-special %error (value)
272 `(,@(scompile value)
273 (:throw)))
275 #+nil(define-special %typep (object type)
276 `(,@(scompile object)
277 (:is-type ,type)))
279 (define-special %typep (object type)
280 `(,@(scompile object)
281 (:get-lex ,type)
282 (:is-type-late )))
284 (define-special %type-of (object)
285 `(,@(scompile object)
286 (:type-of)))
289 ;;; block/return-from
291 ;;; store list of blocks in context, each block has cleanup code and a jump target?
293 ;; return-from needs to be careful with stack, if it isn't just
294 ;; calling :Return-foo
296 ;; simple case:
297 (block foo (return-from foo 1))
298 push block foo, label = (gensym block-foo)
299 ,@body
300 ,@compile return-value
301 jump ,label
302 dlabel ,label
303 pop block
305 ;; simple uwp
306 (block bleh (unwind-protect (return-from bleh 1) 2))
307 push block bleh, label1 = gensym
308 push block uwp, label2 = gensym, cleanup = gensym
309 ,@compile return-value = 1
310 set-local foo <index of goto to come back here>
311 jump cleanup
312 label %foo
313 jump label1
314 dlabel cleanup
315 ,@compile cleanup = 2
317 computed-goto back to %foo
318 dlabel label2
319 pop block uwp
320 dlabel label1
321 pop block bleh
323 ;; misc tests:
324 (block bleh (unwind-protect (unwind-protect 1 2) 3))
328 (define-special block (name &body body)
329 (let ((end (gensym "BLOCK-END-")))
330 (with-nested-lambda-block ((cons name (make-lambda-block name end nil end))
331 end)
332 `(,@(scompile `(progn ,@body))
333 (:set-local ,(get-lambda-local-index end))
334 (:%dlabel ,end)
335 (:get-local ,(get-lambda-local-index end))))))
337 (define-special %flet ((fn-name (&rest fn-args) &body fn-body) &body body)
338 "limited version of flet, only handles 1 function, can't manipulate
339 the function directly, can only call it within the current function,
340 only normal args (no &rest,&key,&optional,etc)
341 call with %flet-call, which sets up hidden return label arg
343 ;; todo: handle multiple functions?
344 ;; fixme:would be nicer to put these at the end with the continuation table,
345 ;; but just compiling inline with a jump over it for now...
346 (let* ((end-label (gensym "%FLET-END-"))
347 (return-arg (gensym "%FLET-CONTINUATION-"))
348 (locals (loop for arg in (cons return-arg fn-args)
349 for j from (last-local-index)
350 collect (cons arg j))))
351 ;; locals for a flet are ugly, since they need to keep their
352 ;; indices allocated during body, but names are only valid during
353 ;; fn-body, so we wrap both in with-local-vars, but kill the names
354 ;; after fn-body
355 ;; we also add an implicit 'return' param to specify the continuation
356 (with-local-vars (locals)
357 ;;fixme: hack- write real code for this
358 (push (cons fn-name locals) (%flets *current-lambda*))
359 `((:jump ,end-label)
360 (:%label ,fn-name)
361 ;; load parameters into regs
362 #+nil,@(loop for (nil . i) in locals
363 collect `(:set-local ,i) into temp
364 finally (return (nreverse temp)))
365 ;; compile %flet body
366 ,@(scompile `(progn ,@fn-body))
367 ;; store return value
368 (:set-local ,(get-lambda-local-index (local-return-var *current-lambda*)))
369 ;; push return address index
370 (:get-local ,(get-lambda-local-index return-arg))
371 (:set-local ,(get-lambda-local-index (continuation-var *current-lambda*)))
372 ;; kill locals
373 ,@(loop for (nil . i) in locals
374 collect `(:kill ,i))
375 ;; return through continuation table
376 (:jump ,(continuation-var *current-lambda*))
377 ;; remove local variable names from current scope (keeping indices used)
378 ,@(progn (kill-lambda-local-names fn-args)
379 nil)
380 (:%dlabel ,end-label)
381 ;; compile main body
382 ,@(scompile `(progn ,@body))))))
384 (define-special call-%flet (name &rest args)
385 (let* ((continuation-label (gensym "CALL-%FLET-CONTINUATION-"))
386 (continuation-index (add-lambda-local-continuation continuation-label))
387 (arg-indices (cdr (assoc name (%flets *current-lambda*)))))
388 `((:push-int ,continuation-index)
389 (:coerce-any)
390 (:set-local ,(cdr (car arg-indices)))
391 ,@(loop for arg in args
392 for (nil . i) in (cdr arg-indices)
393 append (scompile arg)
394 collect `(:set-local ,i))
395 (:comment "call-%flet" ,name ,(%flets *current-lambda*) ,(unless name (break)))
396 (:jump ,name)
397 ;; need real label instead of dlabel, since we jump backwards
398 ;; from lookupswitch at end
399 (:%label ,continuation-label)
400 ;; get return value
401 (:get-local ,(get-lambda-local-index (local-return-var *current-lambda*))))))
403 (define-special return-from (name &optional value)
404 (let ((block (get-lambda-block name))
405 (cleanups (get-lambda-cleanups name)))
406 `(,@(scompile value)
407 (:set-local ,(get-lambda-local-index (return-var block)))
408 ,@(loop for i in cleanups
409 collect `(:comment "return-from cleanup" ,i ,cleanups ,(blocks *current-lambda*))
410 append (scompile i)
411 collect `(:comment "return-from cleanup done")
412 collect '(:pop))
413 (:jump ,(end-label block)))))
415 (define-special prog1 (value-form &body body)
416 (let ((temp (gensym "PROG1-VALUE-")))
417 (scompile
418 `(let ((,temp ,value-form))
419 (progn
420 ,@body
421 ,temp)))))
423 (define-special %with-cleanup ((name code) form)
424 (with-cleanup (name code)
425 (scompile form)))
427 (define-special unwind-protect (protected &body cleanup)
428 (let ((cleanup-name (gensym "UWP-CLEANUP-")))
429 (scompile
430 `(%flet (,cleanup-name () ,@cleanup)
431 (%with-cleanup (,cleanup-name (call-%flet ,cleanup-name))
432 (prog1
433 ,protected
434 (call-%flet ,cleanup-name)))))))
436 (define-special* list (rest)
437 (labels ((expand-rest (rest)
438 (if (consp rest)
439 (list 'cons (car rest) (expand-rest (cdr rest)))
440 rest)))
441 (scompile (expand-rest rest))))
443 (define-special* list* (rest)
444 (labels ((expand-rest (rest)
445 (if (consp (cdr rest))
446 (list 'cons (car rest) (expand-rest (cdr rest)))
447 (car rest))))
448 (when (endp rest)
449 (error "not enough arguments to LIST*"))
450 (scompile (expand-rest rest))))
452 ;;; partial implementation of aref, handles single dimensional flash::Array
453 (define-special aref (array index)
454 `(,@(scompile array)
455 ,@(scompile index)
456 (:get-property (:multiname-l "" ""))))
459 ;;(scompile '(list* 1 2 3 4 5))
460 ;;(scompile '(list* 1))
462 #+nil(with-lambda-context ()
463 (scompile '(block foo 2 (if nil (return-from foo 4) 5) 3)))
466 #+nil
467 (avm2-asm::avm2-disassemble
468 (avm2-asm::code
469 (avm2-asm::with-assembler-context
470 (avm2-asm::assemble-method-body
471 (with-simple-lambda-context ()
472 (append
473 '((:%label foo))
474 (scompile '(%flet (bleh (a b c) (+ a b c))
475 (+ (call-%flet bleh 1 2 3)
476 (call-%flet bleh 5 6 7))))
477 (compile-lambda-context-cleanup 'foo)))))))
480 #+nil
481 (avm2-asm::avm2-disassemble
482 (avm2-asm::code
483 (avm2-asm::with-assembler-context
484 (avm2-asm::assemble-method-body
485 (dump-defun-asm () (let ((s2 "<"))
486 (block foo
487 (unwind-protect
488 (progn
489 (return-from foo "-ret-")
490 "bleh")
491 "baz"))
492 (+ s2 ">"))) ) ) ))