stuff for defining avm classes, more CL(cons,car,cdr,if,case,typep,nil,etc)
[swf2.git] / file / write.lisp
1 (in-package :as3-compiler)
3 ;;; code to write out abc tag/hard coded simple .swf file to seekable
4 ;;; stream or file
7 ;; todo: range checks
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
10 ;;; low level writers
12 (defun write-u8 (byte &optional (stream *standard-output*))
13 (write-byte byte stream))
15 (defun write-u16 (integer &optional (stream *standard-output*))
16 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) integer) stream)
17 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) integer) stream))
19 (defun write-u24 (integer &optional (stream *standard-output*))
20 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) integer) stream)
21 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) integer) stream)
22 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 16) integer) stream))
24 (defun write-u32-raw (integer &optional (stream *standard-output*))
25 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) integer) stream)
26 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) integer) stream)
27 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 16) integer) stream)
28 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 24) integer) stream))
30 (defun write-variable-length-encoded (integer &optional (stream *standard-output*))
31 (loop
32 for i = integer then i2
33 for i2 = (ash i -7)
34 for b = (ldb (byte 7 0) i)
35 for done = (or (= i2 0) (= i2 -1))
36 when (not done)
37 do (setf b (logior #x80 b))
38 do (write-byte b stream)
39 until done))
41 (defun write-u30 (integer &optional (stream *standard-output*))
42 (assert (<= 0 integer (expt 2 30)))
43 (write-variable-length-encoded integer stream))
45 (defun write-u32 (integer &optional (stream *standard-output*))
46 (assert (<= 0 integer (expt 2 32)))
47 (write-variable-length-encoded integer stream))
49 (defun write-s32 (integer &optional (stream *standard-output*))
50 ;; flash 9/mxmlc seems to want negative #s stored as if they were
51 ;; casted to uints first :/
53 (assert (<= (abs integer) (expt 2 32)))
54 (when (< integer 0) (setf integer (+ (expt 2 32) integer)))
55 (write-variable-length-encoded integer stream))
57 (defun write-double (float &optional (stream *standard-output*))
58 (loop with d = (ieee-floats::encode-float64 float)
59 for i from 0 below 64 by 8
60 do (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 i) d) stream)))
62 (defun write-counted-sequence (function seq &key (count-adjust 0) (start 0))
63 (declare (ignorable start))
64 ;;(format *error-output* "counted seq ~d (+ ~d ) entries ~a ~%" (length seq) count-adjust function)
65 (if (<= (length seq) start)
66 (write-u30 0)
67 (progn
68 (write-u30 (+ (length seq) count-adjust))
69 (loop for i from start below (length seq)
70 do (funcall function (elt seq i))))))
72 (defun write-string-info (string &optional (stream *standard-output*))
73 (let ((utf8 (sb-ext:string-to-octets string :external-format :utf-8)))
74 (write-u30 (length utf8))
75 (write-sequence utf8 stream)))
77 (defun write-0-terminated-string (string &optional (stream *standard-output*))
78 (let ((utf8 (sb-ext:string-to-octets string :external-format :utf-8)))
79 (write-sequence utf8 stream)
80 (write-u8 0 stream)))
82 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
83 ;;; writers for asm level data structures
86 (defmethod write-generic ((trait as3-asm::trait-info) &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
87 (format *trace-output* "trait-data : ~s ~s~%"
88 (as3-asm::name trait)
89 (as3-asm::trait-data trait))
90 (write-u30 (as3-asm::name trait))
91 (write-generic (as3-asm::trait-data trait))
92 (when (not (zerop (logand #x40 (as3-asm::kind (as3-asm::trait-data trait)))))
93 (write-counted-sequence 'write-u30 (as3-asm::metadata trait))))
95 (defmethod write-generic ((td as3-asm::trait-data-slot/const) &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
96 (format *trace-output* "trait-data-slot/const :~s ~s ~s ~s ~s~%"
97 (as3-asm::kind td)
98 ( as3-asm::slot-id td)
99 ( as3-asm::type-name td)
100 (as3-asm::vindex td)
101 (as3-asm::vkind td))
102 (write-u8 (as3-asm::kind td))
103 (write-u30 (as3-asm::slot-id td))
104 (write-u30 (as3-asm::type-name td))
105 (write-u30 (as3-asm::vindex td))
106 (unless (zerop (as3-asm::vindex td))
107 (write-u8 (as3-asm::vkind td))))
109 (defmethod write-generic ((td as3-asm::trait-data-class) &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
110 (write-u8 (as3-asm::kind td))
111 (write-u30 (as3-asm::slot-id td))
112 (write-u30 (as3-asm::classi td)))
114 (defmethod write-generic ((td as3-asm::trait-data-function) &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
115 (write-u8 (as3-asm::kind td))
116 (write-u30 (as3-asm::slot-id td))
117 (write-u30 (as3-asm::fn td)))
119 (defmethod write-generic ((td as3-asm::trait-data-method/get/set) &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
120 (write-u8 (as3-asm::kind td))
121 (write-u30 (as3-asm::slot-id td))
122 (write-u30 (as3-asm::method-id td)))
125 (defun write-namespace (namespace &optional (stream *standard-output*))
126 "storing namespace_info as (kind name_index) for now "
127 (write-u8 (first namespace) stream)
128 (write-u30 (second namespace) stream))
130 (defun write-namespace-set (namespace-set &optional (stream *standard-output*))
131 "namespace-set (ns_set_info) = (ns1 ns2 ... nsN)"
132 (write-u30 (length namespace-set) stream)
133 (loop for i in namespace-set
134 do (write-u30 i stream)))
136 (defun write-multiname (multiname &optional (stream *standard-output*))
137 "multiname_info = (kind values*) for now, 0-2 values depending on kind"
138 ;;; TODO: error checking
139 (let ((kind (first multiname)))
140 (write-u8 kind stream)
141 (loop for i in (cdr multiname)
142 do (write-u30 i stream))))
145 (defun write-method-info (method-info &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
146 "u30 param-count, u30 return-type, u30 param-type[param-count], u30 name,
147 u8 flags, option_info, param-info ==
148 (name (param types = multinames) return-type flags (option) (param names)"
149 (destructuring-bind (name param-types return-type flags &optional optional-params pnames)
150 method-info
151 (write-u30 (length param-types))
152 (write-u30 return-type)
153 (map 'nil 'write-u30 param-types)
154 (write-u30 name)
155 (write-u8 flags)
156 (when optional-params
157 (write-u30 (length optional-params))
158 ;; optional-param = (( val . kind )
159 (map 'nil (lambda (a)
160 (write-u30 (car a))
161 (write-u8 (cdr a))) optional-params))
162 (when pnames
163 (write-u30 (length pnames))
164 (map 'nil 'write-u30 pnames))))
166 (defun write-metadata-info (metadata &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
167 "metadata = (name (item_info ... )), item_info = (key . value)"
168 (write-u30 (car metadata))
169 (write-u30 (length (second metadata)))
170 (map 'nil (lambda (a) (write-u30 (car a)) (write-u30 (cdr a)))
171 (second metadata)))
173 (defun write-instance (instance &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
174 (destructuring-bind
175 (name super-name flags interfaces iinit traits
176 &optional protected-ns) instance
177 (format *trace-output* "write instance ~s~% ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s~% ~s~%"
178 instance
179 name super-name flags interfaces iinit traits protected-ns
180 (assoc iinit (function-names *compiler-context*) :test 'equal))
181 (write-u30 name)
182 (write-u30 super-name)
183 (write-u8 flags)
184 (when (not (zerop (logand flags as3-asm::+class-protected-ns+)))
185 (write-u30 protected-ns))
186 (write-counted-sequence 'write-u30 interfaces)
187 (write-u30 iinit)
188 (write-counted-sequence 'write-generic traits)))
190 (defun write-class (class &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
191 " class = (cinit trait1 trait2 ... traitN)"
192 (format *trace-output* "write class ~s~% ~s~% ~S~%"
193 class
194 (assoc (car class) (function-names *compiler-context*) :test 'equal)
195 (cdr class))
196 (write-u30 (car class))
197 (write-counted-sequence 'write-generic (cdr class)))
201 (defun write-script (script &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
202 " script = (init trait1 trait2 ... traitN)"
203 (write-u30 (car script))
204 (write-counted-sequence 'write-generic (cdr script)))
206 (defun write-method-body (method-body &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
207 (write-u30 (as3-asm::method-id method-body))
208 (write-u30 (as3-asm::max-stack method-body))
209 (write-u30 (1+ (as3-asm::local-count method-body)))
210 (write-u30 (as3-asm::init-scope-depth method-body))
211 (write-u30 (as3-asm::max-scope-depth method-body))
212 (write-counted-sequence 'write-u8 (as3-asm::code method-body))
213 (write-counted-sequence 'write-generic (as3-asm::exceptions method-body))
214 (write-counted-sequence 'write-generic (as3-asm::traits method-body)))
216 (defmethod write-generic ((ei as3-asm::exception-info) &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
217 (write-u30 (as3-asm::from ei))
218 (write-u30 (as3-asm::to ei))
219 (write-u30 (as3-asm::target ei))
220 (write-u30 (as3-asm::exc-type ei))
221 (write-u30 (as3-asm::var-name ei)))
225 (defun write-abc-file (&optional (data as3-asm::*assembler-context*) (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
226 (with-accessors
227 ((ints as3-asm::ints) (uints as3-asm::uints) (doubles as3-asm::doubles)
228 (strings as3-asm::strings) (namespaces as3-asm::namespaces)
229 (ns-sets as3-asm::ns-sets) (multinames as3-asm::multinames)
230 (method-infos as3-asm::method-infos) (metadata as3-asm::metadata)
231 (classes as3-asm::classes) (instances as3-asm::instances)
232 (scripts as3-asm::scripts) (method-bodies as3-asm::method-bodies))
233 data
235 (write-u16 16) ;minor version
236 (write-u16 46) ;major version
237 ;; constant pool
238 (write-counted-sequence 'write-s32 ints :start 1)
239 (write-counted-sequence 'write-u32 uints :start 1)
240 (write-counted-sequence 'write-double doubles :start 1)
241 (write-counted-sequence 'write-string-info strings :start 1)
242 (write-counted-sequence 'write-namespace namespaces :start 1)
243 (write-counted-sequence 'write-namespace-set ns-sets :start 1)
244 (write-counted-sequence 'write-multiname multinames :start 1)
245 ;; methods, etc
246 (write-counted-sequence 'write-method-info method-infos)
247 (write-counted-sequence 'write-metadata-info metadata)
248 (write-counted-sequence 'write-instance instances)
249 ;; classes and instances share the same length field
250 (map 'nil 'write-class classes)
251 (write-counted-sequence 'write-script scripts)
252 (write-counted-sequence 'write-method-body method-bodies)))
254 (defun write-as3-tag (as3 tag-name &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*))
255 ;; always use the long form for size for now...
256 (let ((size-pos (file-position *standard-output*)) start)
257 ;; (write-u16 (logior (ash #x48 6) 63)) ;; was #x48, (x52?)
258 ;; tag DoABC = 82
259 (write-u16 (logior (ash #x52 6) 63))
260 (setf size-pos (file-position *standard-output*))
261 (write-u32-raw 0) ;; size, to be filled in later
262 (setf start (file-position *standard-output*))
263 ;; flags 1 = lazy initialize
264 (write-sequence '(01 00 00 00) *standard-output*)
265 ;; tag name
266 (write-0-terminated-string tag-name *standard-output*)
267 ;; write the abc data
268 (write-abc-file as3)
269 ;; fill in the tag size
270 (let* ((here (file-position *standard-output*))
271 (length (- here start)))
272 (file-position *standard-output* size-pos)
273 (write-u32-raw (+ length ))
274 (file-position *standard-output* here))))
276 (defmacro write-tag ((tag stream) &body body)
277 ;; fixme: handle short tags more efficiently
278 (let ((start (gensym))
279 (end (gensym)))
280 `(let ((,start (file-position ,stream)))
281 (write-u16 (logior (ash ,tag 6) 63) ,stream)
282 (setf ,start (file-position ,stream))
283 (write-u32-raw 0 ,stream) ;; size, to be filled in later
284 ,@body
285 ;; fill in the tag size
286 (let* ((,end (file-position ,stream)))
287 (file-position ,stream ,start)
288 (write-u32-raw (- ,end ,start 4) ,stream)
289 (file-position ,stream ,end)))))
292 (defun write-swf (stream frame-label symbol-classes)
293 ;;; write out a minimal .swf, based on the stuff hxasm writes
294 (write-sequence '(#x46 #x57 #x53 #x09) stream) ;;magic "FWS9"
295 ;; (write-u32-raw (+ #x17 6 (length as3) (if (>= (length as3) 63) 6 2)) stream)
296 ;; file length (filled in later)
297 (write-u32-raw 0 stream)
298 ;; 8000x6000 twips = 400x300 pels
299 (write-sequence '(#x78 #x00 #x03 #xe8 #x00 #x00 #x0b #xb8 #x00) stream)
300 (write-u16 #x1e00 stream) ;; 30fps
301 (write-u16 #x0001 stream) ;; 1 frame
303 ;; FileAttributes tag
304 (write-u16 (logior (ash #x45 6) 4) stream) ;; type=69 + length=4
305 (write-u8 #b00011001 stream) ;; flags: reserved=000, HasMetadata=1,AS3=1,res=00, UseNetwork=1
306 (write-u8 0 stream) ;;reserved
307 (write-u8 0 stream) ;;reserved
308 (write-u8 0 stream) ;;reserved
310 ;; Script Limits tag type=65, length = 4
311 (write-sequence '(#x44 #x10 #xe8 #x03 #x3c #x00) stream) ;; script limits? stack 1000, time 60
313 ;; SetBackgroundColor tag type=9, length=3 color=#x869ca7
314 (write-sequence '(#x43 #x02 #x86 #x9c #xa7 ) stream) ;; bg color?
315 ;; FrameLabel tag type=43, length=4
316 ;; (write-sequence '(#xc4 #x0a #x66 #x6f #x6f 00) stream) ;; frame label
317 (write-tag (43 stream)
318 (write-0-terminated-string frame-label stream))
320 ;; AS3 tag
321 (write-as3-tag as3-asm::*assembler-context* "frame" stream)
322 ;; SymbolClass tag, tag=76 length=8
323 ;;(write-u16 #x1308 stream) ;;tag+length
324 ;; NumSymbols=#x0001 Tag[1] = #x0000 Name[1]="foo"#x0
325 ;; (write-sequence '(#x01 00 00 00 #x66 #x6f #x6f 00) stream)
326 (write-tag (76 stream)
327 (write-u16 (length symbol-classes) stream) ;; # of symbols
328 (loop for i in symbol-classes
330 (write-u16 (first i) stream) ;; tag
331 (write-0-terminated-string (second i) stream))) ;; name
333 ;; ShowFrame tag type=1, length=0
334 (write-u16 (logior (ash #x01 6) 0) stream) ;; show frame tag
335 ;; End tag type=1, length=0
336 (write-u16 (logior (ash #x00 6) 0) stream) ;; end tag
337 ;; fill in the file size
338 (file-position stream 4)
339 (write-u32-raw (file-length stream) stream)
343 ;;; fixme: deal with package stuff, possibly reorganize stuff between asm/compiler...
345 (defun super-names (name)
346 (let ((s (assoc name *flash-player-classes* :test 'string=)))
347 (if s
348 (cons (second s) (super-names (second s)))
349 s)))
351 (defun push-lex-scope (mn-index)
352 `((:get-lex ,(if (integerp mn-index) `(:id ,mn-index)mn-index))
353 (:push-scope)))
355 (defun new-class+scopes (class-id)
356 ;; fixme: allow class lookup instead of using class-id directly?
357 (format t "cid = ~a classes=~s~%" class-id (as3-asm::classes as3-asm::*assembler-context*))
358 (format t " instances = ~s~%" (as3-asm::instances as3-asm::*assembler-context*))
359 (let* ((class (aref (as3-asm::classes as3-asm::*assembler-context*) class-id))
360 (inst (aref (as3-asm::instances as3-asm::*assembler-context*) class-id)))
361 (declare (ignorable class))
362 (destructuring-bind (name-mn super-mn flags interfaces instance-init traits protected-ns)
363 inst
364 (declare (ignorable name-mn super-mn flags interfaces instance-init traits protected-ns))
365 (format t "cid = ~a name-mn = ~a=~a super-mn = ~a=~a ~%"
366 class-id name-mn (as3-asm::qname-string name-mn)
367 super-mn (as3-asm::qname-string super-mn))
368 ;;(format t " supers = ~s~%" (reverse (super-names (as3-asm::qname-string super-mn))))
369 (let ((supers (reverse (super-names (as3-asm::qname-string super-mn)))))
370 `((:get-scope-object 0)
371 ,@(loop for i in supers
372 append (push-lex-scope i))
373 ,@(push-lex-scope super-mn)
374 (:get-lex (:id ,super-mn))
375 (:new-class ,class-id)
376 ,@(loop repeat (1+ (length supers))
377 collect `(:pop-scope))
378 (:init-property (:id ,name-mn)))))))
381 (defun assemble-function (name)
382 (format t "--assemble-function ~s :~%" name)
383 (destructuring-bind (n nid argtypes return-type flags asm)
384 (find-swf-function name)
385 (let ((mid (as3-asm::as3-method nid argtypes return-type flags
386 :body (as3-asm::assemble-method-body asm))))
387 (push (list n mid) (function-names *compiler-context*)))))
389 (defun assemble-class (name ns super properties constructor)
390 (let* ((constructor-mid (as3-asm::as3-method
391 0 ;; name
392 (loop for i in (first constructor)
393 collect 0) ;; constructor arg types
395 :body
396 (as3-asm::assemble-method-body
397 (%compile-defun (first constructor)
398 (second constructor) t t))))
399 ;; fixme: probably should make this configurable at some point
400 (class-init (as3-asm::as3-method 0 nil 0 0 ;; meta-class init
401 :body
402 (as3-asm::assemble-method-body
403 `((:get-local-0)
404 (:push-scope)
405 (:return-void))
406 :init-scope 0)))
407 (junk (as3-asm::as3-ns-intern ns))
408 (bleh ())
409 (class (as3-asm::as3-class
410 (as3-asm::asm-intern-multiname name)
411 (as3-asm::asm-intern-multiname
412 (or (car (find-swf-class super))
413 super))
414 ;; todo: add interfaces
415 09 nil ;; flags, interfaces
416 constructor-mid
417 (loop for i in properties
418 collect
419 (make-instance
420 'as3-asm::trait-info
421 'as3-asm::name (as3-asm::asm-intern-multiname i)
422 'as3-asm::trait-data
423 (make-instance 'as3-asm::trait-data-slot/const
424 'as3-asm::kind 0
425 'as3-asm::slot-id 0 ;; auto-assign
426 'as3-asm::type-name 0 ;; */t
427 'as3-asm::vindex 0 ;; no value
428 'as3-asm::vkind 0 ;; no value
430 class-init
431 :protected-ns junk
432 ;; todo: class traits
433 ;; :class-traits nil
435 (push (list name class) (class-names *compiler-context*))))
437 (defparameter *break-compile* nil)
438 ;;(setf *break-compile* t)
439 ;;; quick hack for testing, need to write a proper API at some point, which
440 ;;; compiles functions from a list of packages or whatever
441 (defmacro with-compilation-to-stream (s (frame-name exports) &body body)
442 (let ((script-init (gensym))
443 (i (gensym)))
445 `(let ((as3-asm::*assembler-context* (make-instance 'as3-asm::assembler-context))
446 (*compiler-context* (make-instance 'compiler-context))
447 (*symbol-table* (make-instance 'symbol-table :inherit (list *cl-symbol-table*))))
448 ;; fixme: add these to assembler-context constructor or something
449 (as3-asm::as3-intern "")
450 (as3-asm::as3-ns-intern "")
451 (format t "==-== body~%")
452 ;; compile the body code
453 ,@body
454 (format t "==-== classes~%")
455 ;; assemble classes
456 (loop for k being the hash-keys of (classes *cl-symbol-table*)
457 using (hash-value v)
458 for (swf-name ns super properties constructor) = v
459 when (or properties constructor)
460 do (assemble-class swf-name ns super properties constructor))
461 (loop for k being the hash-keys of (classes *symbol-table*)
462 using (hash-value v)
463 for (swf-name ns super properties constructor) = v
464 when (or properties constructor)
465 do (assemble-class swf-name ns super properties constructor))
466 (format t "==-== functions~%")
467 ;; assemble functions
468 (loop for k being the hash-keys of (functions *cl-symbol-table*)
469 do (assemble-function k))
470 (loop for k being the hash-keys of (functions *symbol-table*)
471 do (assemble-function k))
472 (format t "==-== boilerplate~%")
473 ;; script boilerplate
474 (let ((,script-init
475 (as3-asm::as3-method
476 0 () 0 0
477 :body
478 (as3-asm::assemble-method-body
479 `((:get-local-0)
480 (:push-scope)
481 ,@(loop for ,i below (length (as3-asm::classes as3-asm::*assembler-context*))
482 append (new-class+scopes ,i))
483 (:return-void))))))
484 (format t "==-== boilerplate2~%")
485 (vector-push-extend
486 `(,,script-init
487 ,@(loop for i in (class-names *compiler-context*)
488 do (format t "-=c-~s~%" i)
489 collect (make-instance 'as3-asm::trait-info
490 'as3-asm::name
491 (as3-asm::asm-intern-multiname (first i))
492 'as3-asm::trait-data
493 (make-instance 'as3-asm::trait-data-class
494 'as3-asm::slot-id 0
495 'as3-asm::classi (second i))))
496 ,@(loop for i in (function-names *compiler-context*)
497 do (format t "-=f-~s~%" i)
498 collect (make-instance 'as3-asm::trait-info
499 'as3-asm::name
500 (if (numberp (first i))
501 (first i)
502 (as3-asm::asm-intern-multiname (first i)))
503 'as3-asm::trait-data (make-instance 'as3-asm::trait-data-method/get/set
504 'as3-asm::slot-id 0
505 'as3-asm::method (second i)))))
506 (as3-asm::scripts as3-asm::*assembler-context*)))
508 (when *break-compile* (break))
509 (format t "==-== write~%")
510 ;; write out the .swf
511 (write-swf ,s ,frame-name ,exports))))