Merge French translation update
[survex.git] / doc / sorterr.sgml
1 <refmeta>
2 <refentrytitle>sorterr</refentrytitle>
3 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
4 </refmeta>
6 <refnamediv>
7 <refname>sorterr</refname>
8 <refpurpose>re-sort .err file by various criteria
9 </refpurpose>
10 </refnamediv>
12 <refsynopsisdiv>
13 <cmdsynopsis>
14 <command>sorterr</command>
15 <arg choice="opt">options</arg>
16 <arg choice="req">.err file</arg>
17 <arg choice="opt">how many</arg>
18 </cmdsynopsis>
19 </refsynopsisdiv>
20 <!-- FIXME:
21 -h, - -horizontal Sort by horizontal error factor
22 -v, - -vertical Sort by vertical error factor
23 -p, - -percentage Sort by percentage error
24 -l, - -per-leg Sort by error per leg
25 -r, - -replace Replace .err file with resorted version
26 -->
28 <refsect1><title>Description</title>
30 <Para>
31 Sorterr re-sorts a .err file by the specified criterion (or by the
32 error ratio by default). Output is sent to stdout, or if --replace is
33 specified the input file is replaced with the sorted version. By
34 default all entries in the file are included - if a second parameter
35 is given then only the top entries after sorting are returned.
36 </Para>
38 </refsect1>