Name <trk> in GPX output
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1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W4C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
3 <TITLE>Survex 3d Format Specification</TITLE>
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18 <H1>Survex 3d Format Specification</H1>
20 <P>If you're writing in C or C++ it's <b>strongly</b> recommended
21 that you use the img routine provided with Survex to read and write
22 3d files. Doing so means that you can take advantage of any revisions
23 to the 3d format by simply rebuilding your software with the updated
24 img routines, rather than having to update your own code. It also
25 allows you to read a sub-set of the data in the file, restricted by
26 Survey prefix.</P>
28 <P>This document only describes the most recent revision of the 3d format
29 (version 8) which is produced by versions from 1.2.7. A <a
30 href="3dformat-old.htm">separate document</a> describes older versions.
31 </P>
33 <P>If you try to use this specification and find details which aren't
34 spelled out clearly enough (or at all!) or any errors, please let us know.
35 At least two people have successfully written code to read 3d files
36 using this document, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved.
37 </P>
39 <H2>File Header</H2>
41 <P>This consists of:</P>
43 <ul>
44 <li> File ID: the string "Survex 3D Image File" followed by a linefeed
45 (decimal 10, hex 0a). [Note: v0.01 files can have a carriage return
46 before this and other linefeeds - this is a file format error in any
47 other format version].
48 <li> File format version: "v8" followed by a linefeed.
49 Any future versions will be "v9", "v10", "v11", etc.
50 <li> Assorted string metadata - the sublist below lists these, and they
51 must appear in the order given, separated by zero bytes, with the end of
52 the metadata marked by a linefeed. More items may be added, so ignore any
53 additional ones which are present. Any trailing items with empty values
54 can be omitted along with the separating zero byte before them.
55 <ul>
56 <li>Survey title: Human readable description of the data in the file.
57 There's no length limit on this string.
58 <li>Coordinate system: PROJ4 string describing the coordinate
59 system in use.
60 </ul>
61 <li> Timestamp: A string consisting of an '@' followed by a count of
62 seconds since the start of 1970 in UTC ("Unix time_t") as a string
63 (for example: "@1371300355"), followed by a linefeed. This is intended to be
64 the time the file was generated, rather than the time the survey data was
65 collected.
66 <li> File-wide flags: a single byte. If bit 7 is set, this is an extended
67 elevation. All other bits are reserved - set them to 0 when writing, and
68 ignore them when reading.
69 </ul>
71 <H2>Items</H2>
73 <P>Following the header are a number of items. The last item must be a 0x00
74 byte when the current label is empty, which marks the end of the data. The
75 first byte of an item is a code identifying what the item is:</P>
77 <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
78 <tr>
79 <th class="code">Code</th>
80 <th class="code">Type</th>
81 <th class="data">Data</th>
82 <th class="desc" colspan="2">Meaning</th>
83 <th class="version">Version</th>
84 </tr>
85 <tr>
86 <td class="code">0x00</td>
87 <td class="type">STYLE_NORMAL / STOP</td>
88 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
89 <td colspan="2">
90 Set style for following legs to tape, compass and clino.
91 <p>
92 If the style is already set to STYLE_NORMAL, this code signifies the
93 end of the data in the 3d file.</td>
94 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
95 </tr>
96 <tr>
97 <td class="code">0x01</td>
98 <td class="type">STYLE_DIVING</td>
99 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
100 <td colspan="2">
101 Set style for following legs to diving data</td>
102 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
103 </tr>
104 <tr>
105 <td class="code">0x02</td>
106 <td class="type">STYLE_CARTESIAN</td>
107 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
108 <td colspan="2">
109 Set style for following legs to cartesian data</td>
110 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
111 </tr>
112 <tr>
113 <td class="code">0x03</td>
114 <td class="type">STYLE_CYLPOLAR</td>
115 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
116 <td colspan="2">
117 Set style for following legs to cylindrical polar data</td>
118 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
119 </tr>
120 <tr>
121 <td class="code">0x04</td>
122 <td class="type">STYLE_NOSURVEY</td>
123 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
124 <td colspan="2">
125 Set style for following legs to unsurveyed</td>
126 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
127 </tr>
128 <tr class="reserved">
129 <td class="code">0x05 - 0x0e</td>
130 <td class="type">&nbsp;</td>
131 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
132 <td class="desc" colspan="3">Reserved</td>
133 </tr>
134 <tr>
135 <td class="code">0x0f</td>
136 <td class="type">MOVE</td>
137 <td class="data">&lt;x&gt; &lt;y&gt; &lt;z&gt;</td>
138 <td class="desc" colspan="2">
139 Set current position to the coordinates given. Coordinates
140 are 4 byte little-endian signed integers representing
141 values in centimetres (0.01 metres).</td>
142 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
143 </tr>
144 <tr>
145 <td class="code">0x10</td>
146 <td class="type">DATE</td>
147 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
148 <td colspan="2">
149 No survey date information was specified.</td>
150 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
151 </tr>
152 <tr>
153 <td class="code">0x11</td>
154 <td class="type">DATE</td>
155 <td class="data">&lt;date&gt;</td>
156 <td colspan="2">
157 Set survey date of legs: date is a 2 byte little-endian unsigned integer
158 counting days from the start of 1900.</td>
159 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
160 </tr>
161 <tr>
162 <td class="code">0x12</td>
163 <td class="type">DATE</td>
164 <td class="data">&lt;date1&gt;&lt;datespan&gt;</td>
165 <td colspan="2">
166 Set survey date of legs to a range: date1 is a
167 2 byte little-endian unsigned integer counting days since the start of
168 1900, and datespan is an unsigned byte counting days from date1.</td>
169 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
170 </tr>
171 <tr>
172 <td class="code">0x13</td>
173 <td class="type">DATE</td>
174 <td class="data">&lt;date1&gt;&lt;date2&gt;</td>
175 <td colspan="2">
176 Set survey date of legs to a range: date1, date2 are
177 2 byte little-endian unsigned integers counting days since the
178 start of 1900.</td>
179 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
180 </tr>
181 <tr class="reserved">
182 <td class="code">0x14 - 0x1e</td>
183 <td class="type">&nbsp;</td>
184 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
185 <td colspan="3">Reserved</td>
186 </tr>
187 <tr>
188 <td class="code">0x1f</td>
189 <td class="type">ERROR</td>
190 <td class="data">&lt;legs&gt;&lt;length&gt;&lt;E&gt;&lt;H&gt;&lt;V&gt;</td>
191 <td colspan="2">
192 Error information for the current traverse. &lt;legs&gt; is the number of
193 legs. &lt;length&gt; is the total length of the
194 traverse in cm (0.01m). E, H and V are the error and the horizontal and
195 vertical components in cm. (All values are 4 byte little-endian signed integers) </td>
196 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
197 </tr>
198 <tr class="reserved">
199 <td class="code">0x20 - 0x2f</td>
200 <td class="type">&nbsp;</td>
201 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
202 <td colspan="3">Reserved</td>
203 </tr>
204 <tr>
205 <td class="code" rowspan="3">0x30 - 0x31</td>
206 <td class="type" rowspan="3">XSECT</td>
207 <td class="data" rowspan="3">&lt;label&gt; &lt;L&gt; &lt;R&gt; &lt;U&gt; &lt;D&gt;</td>
208 <td colspan="2">
209 Modify the current label buffer according to &lt;label&gt; (see below for
210 details). The updated contents of the label buffer give the full name of
211 the survey station which these dimensions were measured at. Dimensions are
212 2 byte little-endian signed integers representing values in centimetres
213 (0.01 metres). Omitted dimensions are encoded as 0xffff. Station flags are
214 (N &amp; 0x01):
215 </td>
216 <td class="version" rowspan="3">&ge;8</td>
217 </tr>
218 <tr>
219 <th>Flag (N &amp; 0x01)</th>
220 <th>Meaning</th>
221 </tr>
222 <tr>
223 <td>0x01</td>
224 <td>Station is last one in this passage</td>
225 </tr>
226 <tr>
227 <td class="code" rowspan="3">0x32 - 0x33</td>
228 <td class="type" rowspan="3">XSECT</td>
229 <td class="data" rowspan="3">&lt;label&gt; &lt;L&gt; &lt;R&gt; &lt;U&gt; &lt;D&gt;</td>
230 <td colspan="2">
231 Modify the current label buffer according to &lt;label&gt; (see below for
232 details). The updated contents of the label buffer give the full name of
233 the survey station which these dimensions were measured at. Dimensions are
234 4 byte little-endian signed integers representing values in centimetres
235 (0.01 metres). Omitted dimensions are encoded as 0xffffffff.
236 </td>
237 <td class="version" rowspan="3">&ge;8</td>
238 </tr>
239 <tr>
240 <th>Flag (N &amp; 0x01)</th>
241 <th>Meaning</th>
242 </tr>
243 <tr>
244 <td>0x01</td>
245 <td>Station is last one in this passage</td>
246 </tr>
247 <tr class="reserved">
248 <td class="code">0x34 - 0x3f</td>
249 <td class="type">&nbsp;</td>
250 <td class="data">&nbsp;</td>
251 <td colspan="3">Reserved</td>
252 </tr>
253 <!-- Checked to here! -->
254 <tr>
255 <td class="code" rowspan="8">0x40 - 0x7f</td>
256 <td class="type" rowspan="8">LINE</td>
257 <td class="data" rowspan="8">&lt;label&gt; &lt;x&gt; &lt;y&gt; &lt;z&gt;</td>
258 <td colspan="2">
259 Modify the current label buffer according to &lt;label&gt; (see below for
260 details) - if &lt;label&gt; is omitted due to flag bit 0x20 being set then
261 the current label buffer is used unmodified. The updated contents of the
262 label buffer give the survey that the leg is in. Return leg from current
263 position to coordinates given, and update current position to coordinates
264 given.
265 </td>
266 <td class="version" rowspan="5">&ge;8</td>
267 </tr>
268 <tr>
269 <th>Flag (N &amp; 0x3f)</th>
270 <th>Meaning</th>
271 </tr>
272 <tr>
273 <td>0x01</td>
274 <td>Leg is above ground</td>
275 </tr>
276 <tr>
277 <td>0x02</td>
278 <td>Leg duplicates data in another leg (e.g. resurvey along a passage to
279 tie into a known station)</td>
280 </tr>
281 <tr>
282 <td>0x04</td>
283 <td>Leg is a splay shot in a chamber (radial shots from a central point)</td>
284 </tr>
285 <tr class="reserved">
286 <td>0x08</td>
287 <td colspan="2">Reserved</td>
288 </tr>
289 <tr class="reserved">
290 <td>0x10</td>
291 <td colspan="2">Reserved</td>
292 </tr>
293 <tr>
294 <td>0x20</td>
295 <td>No change to label (&lt;label&gt; omitted entirely)</td>
296 <td class="version">&ge;8</td>
297 </tr>
298 <tr>
299 <td class="code" rowspan="10">0x80 - 0xff</td>
300 <td class="type" rowspan="10">LABEL</td>
301 <td class="data" rowspan="10">&lt;label&gt; &lt;x&gt; &lt;y&gt; &lt;z&gt;</td>
302 <td colspan="2">
303 Modify the current label buffer according to &lt;label&gt; (see below for
304 details). The updated contents of the label buffer give the survey
305 station's full name.
306 </td>
307 <td class="version" rowspan="10">&ge;8</td>
308 </tr>
309 <tr>
310 <td colspan="2">
311 The station flags are encoded in the bottom 7 bits of the item code:</td>
312 </tr>
313 <tr>
314 <th>Flag (N &amp; 0x7f)</th>
315 <th>Meaning</th>
316 </tr>
317 <tr>
318 <td>0x01</td>
319 <td>Station is on leg above ground</td>
320 </tr>
321 <tr>
322 <td>0x02</td>
323 <td>Station is on an underground leg (both may be true at an entrance)</td>
324 </tr>
325 <tr>
326 <td>0x04</td>
327 <td>Station is marked as an entrance (with *entrance)</td>
328 </tr>
329 <tr>
330 <td>0x08</td>
331 <td>Station is exported (i.e. may be used as a connection point to other
332 surveys)</td>
333 </tr>
334 <tr>
335 <td>0x10</td>
336 <td>Station is a fixed point (control point)</td>
337 </tr>
338 <tr>
339 <td>0x20</td>
340 <td>Station is anonymous</td>
341 </tr>
342 <tr>
343 <td>0x40</td>
344 <td>Station is on the passage wall</td>
345 </tr>
346 </table>
348 <p>A &lt;label&gt; value in the tabel above encodes modifications to the
349 current label buffer, which consist of removing the last <i>D</i> bytes
350 from the buffer, and then appending the next <i>A</i> bytes from the file
351 to the buffer. <i>D</i> and <i>A</i> are encoded as follows:</p>
353 <ul>
354 <li>Read a byte - if it is non-zero then: <i>D</i> = <code>byte &gt;&gt; 4</code>, <i>A</i> = <code>byte &amp; 0x0f</code>
355 <li>Otherwise (i.e. the first byte is zero):
356 <ul>
357 <li>Read a byte and:
358 <ul>
359 <li>If it is not 255 then <i>D</i> = <code>byte</code>
360 <li>Otherwise, <i>D</i> = 4 byte unsigned integer read from the file
361 </ul>
362 <li>Read a byte and:
363 <ul>
364 <li>If it is not 255 then <i>A</i> = <code>byte</code>
365 <li>Otherwise, <i>A</i> = 4 byte unsigned integer read from the file
366 </ul>
367 </ul>
368 </ul>
370 <H2>Item order</H2>
371 <ul>
372 <li>A continuous section of centreline is defined by a &lt;MOVE&gt; item, followed
373 by one or more &lt;LINE&gt; items.</li>
374 <li>&lt;LABEL&gt; items may appear anywhere in the file after the header,
375 including within a &lt;MOVE&gt;&lt;LINE&gt;... sequence.</li>
376 <li>Duplicate &lt;LABEL&gt; items are permitted provided they also have identical
377 coordinate values. (The same coordinate values may also be shared by any
378 number of different &lt;LABEL&gt; items).</li>
379 <li>Stations must be defined in a &lt;LABEL&gt; item <u>before</u> being
380 referenced (e.g. in &lt;XSECT&gt; items)</li>
381 </ul>
383 <P>Authors: Olly Betts and Mike McCombe, last updated: 2016-05-17</P>
384 </BODY></HTML>