releasing package survex version 1.4.11-3
[survex.git] / doc / HACKING.htm
2 <TITLE>Survex Hacker's Guide</TITLE>
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8 <H1>Hacking Survex</H1>
10 <p>(That's hacking in the "tinkering with code" sense, not in the
11 "breaking into other people's computer systems" sense).
13 <p>This is currently a random collection of notes that need to be written
14 down while I remember. With time it should evolve into a more
15 coherent document. If you have any questions which this should answer
16 but doesn't then ask me and I'll add them.
18 <H2>Network code debugging</H2>
20 <P>You can pick which network simplifications are attempted using "-z"
21 with an argument listing code letters. So:
23 <ul>
24 <li>-z= no special simplifications (articulation still performed)
25 <li>-z=l remove "lollipops"
26 <li>-z=p remove parallel legs
27 <li>-z=d convert deltas to stars
28 </ul>
30 <P>And you can combine these in any combination:
32 <ul>
33 <li>-z=lp remove "lollipops" and parallel legs
34 <li>-z=lpd remove "lollipops" and parallel legs; convert deltas to stars
35 </ul>
37 <P>"-z=lpd" is the default (in 0.99 at least - more transformations may
38 conceivably be added in future, although the simple common cases are
39 already covered).
41 <H2>Developing on Unix Platforms</H2>
43 <P>You'll need automake 1.5 or later (earlier versions don't support
44 per-executable CFLAGS; 1.6 has been tested and works, but wasn't a
45 very stable release - automake 1.6.1 is a better bet)
46 and autoconf 2.50 or later (autoconf 2.52, 2.53, 2.64 and 2.71 have all
47 been used successfully).
49 <p>The wxWidgets library is used for aven's UI. Currently &gt;= 3.0.0 is
50 supported.
52 <p>The PROJ library is used for coordinate conversions. Currently &gt;= 6.2.0 is
53 supported.
55 <P>The Perl Locale::PO module is used for process message translation files.
57 <P>For building the documentation you'll need sphinx-doc (Debian/Ubuntu package
58 <tt>python3-sphinx</tt>) and w3m.
60 <P>And for building unifont.pixelfont, you'll need unifont installed.
62 <P>On Debian, you can install the required packages using:
64 <pre>
65 sudo apt-get install autoconf automake liblocale-po-perl libproj-dev libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev inkscape netpbm python3-sphinx w3m unifont
66 </pre>
68 <H2>Building on Non-Unix Platforms</H2>
70 <H3>Mingw (Microsoft Windows)</H3>
72 <p>Survex can be built in an MSYS2+mingw64 environment - since 1.4.9 the
73 pre-built installer for Microsoft Windows is built in such an environment
74 by a CI job running on Github Actions.
75 </p>
77 <p>
78 It should also be possible to use a Linux-hosted cross-compiler, which is
79 how we used to built releases, but this requires cross-building a lot of
80 required libraries so we gave up on doing this. Some notes on this are
81 left below in case anyone wants to try.
82 </p>
84 <p>
85 I use the packaged cross-compiler in the debian testing/unstable distribution:
86 </p>
88 <pre>
89 sudo apt-get install mingw-w64-i686-dev
90 </pre>
92 <p>
93 Then install the various libraries by compiling from source. For wxWidgets
94 I apply a
95 <a href="">patch</a> to
96 disable a pointless and annoying compiler ABI check
97 (with this check aven stops working each time my cross compiler package is
98 upgraded to a new GCC version; without it everything works fine).
99 </p>
102 Then I configure, build and install with:
103 </p>
105 <pre>
106 ./configure --prefix=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32 --host i686-w64-mingw32 --with-msw --with-opengl --enable-display --disable-shared host_alias=i686-w64-mingw32
107 make
108 sudo make install
109 </pre>
112 For sqlite (needed by PROJ):
113 </p>
115 <pre>
116 wget
117 tar xvf sqlite-autoconf-3360000.tar.gz
118 mkdir BUILD
119 cd BUILD
120 ../configure --prefix=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32 --host i686-w64-mingw32 --disable-shared --disable-fts4 --disable-fts5 --disable-json1 --disable-rtree host_alias=i686-w64-mingw32
121 make
122 sudo make install
123 </pre>
126 Sadly newer versions of PROJ have to be built with cmake. For PROJ 9.3.0
127 I used the following (TIFF is apparently useful for some grids, but would also
128 need libtiff):
129 </p>
131 <pre>
132 mkdir BUILD
133 cd BUILD
135 make
136 sudo make install
137 </pre>
139 <p>where <tt>cross-mingw.cmake</tt> contains:</p>
141 <pre>
142 # the name of the target operating system
143 set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Windows)
145 # which compilers to use for C and C++
146 set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER i686-w64-mingw32-gcc)
147 set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER i686-w64-mingw32-g++)
149 # where is the target environment located
150 set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH /usr/i686-w64-mingw32)
152 # adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands:
153 # search programs in the host environment
156 # search headers and libraries in the target environment
159 </pre>
162 For ffmpeg 4.4.1:
163 </p>
165 <pre>
166 sudo apt-get install yasm
167 mkdir BUILD
168 cd BUILD
169 ../configure --prefix=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32 --cross-prefix=i686-w64-mingw32- --enable-cross-compile --target-os=mingw32 --arch=i686 --disable-shared --disable-decoders --disable-demuxers --disable-programs --disable-network --disable-bsfs --disable-protocols --disable-devices
170 make
171 sudo make install
172 </pre>
175 You'll also need to install GDAL, which requires a lot of other libraries
176 installed to build. I gave up at this point.
177 </p>
179 <H2>Microsoft Windows Installer Builder</H2>
181 <p>We use <A HREF="">InnoSetup</A> to
182 build the MS Windows Installer. Since 1.4.9 we use the InnoSetup version
183 which is pre-installed in the Github CI images.
184 </p>
187 Survex 1.4.8 was built using InnoSetup 6.2.2.
188 </p>
191 Here are some random notes on the old cross-building approach:
192 </p>
194 <H3>Packages Needed</H3>
196 <P>On Debian unstable/testing:
198 <pre>
199 sudo apt-get install wine wx3.0-i18n
200 </pre>
202 <P>And then run:
204 <pre>
205 wine ~/Downloads/innosetup-6.2.2.exe
206 </pre>
208 <H3>Translations</H3>
210 <P>In addition to the translations included with InnoSetup as standard, we also
211 add these, which you can find in the <code>lib</code> subdirectory of Survex's
212 source tree:
214 <UL>
215 <li>ChineseSimplified.isl (6.1.0+)
216 <li>ChineseTraditional.isl (6.1.0+)
217 <li>EnglishBritish.isl (6.1.0+)
218 <li>Greek.isl (6.1.0+)
219 <li>Indonesian.isl (6.1.0+)
220 <li>Romanian.isl (6.1.0+)
221 </UL>
223 These are taken from the <a href="">Inno
224 Setup Translations</a> page.
226 <H3>survex.iss</H3>
228 <P>This file is generated by configure (from the template
229 We could instead have a static survex.iss which uses #include to pull in
230 a file with the Survex version info in, but the current method works well
231 enough so we'll stick with it for now (I suspect #include was introduced since
232 we started using InnoSetup).
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