Export valid KML geometry for passages and walls
[survex.git] / src / hpgl.cc
1 /* hpgl.cc
2 * Export from Aven as HPGL.
3 */
4 /* Copyright (C) 1993-2003,2005,2010,2014,2015,2016 Olly Betts
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
21 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
22 # include <config.h>
23 #endif
25 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include "hpgl.h"
28 #include "useful.h"
30 # define HPGL_USE_UC
31 /*# define HPGL_USE_SR */ /* for text sized relative to page size */
33 # define HPGL_UNITS_PER_MM 40
34 # define HPGL_EOL "\003" /* terminates labelling commands: LB<string>\003 */
36 # ifndef HPGL_USE_UC
37 # define HPGL_SO "\016" /* shift in & shift out of extended character set */
38 # define HPGL_SI "\017"
39 # endif
41 # define HPGL_CROSS_SIZE 28 /* length of cross arms (in HPGL units) */
43 static long xpPageWidth, ypPageDepth;
45 static long x_org = 0, y_org = 0;
46 static bool fNewLines = fTrue;
47 static bool fOriginInCentre = fFalse;
49 /* Check if this line intersects the current page */
50 /* Initialise HPGL routines. */
51 void HPGL::header(const char *, const char *, time_t,
52 double, double, double, double, double, double)
54 // FIXME: mm_across_page, mm_down_page, origin_in_centre, scale
55 double PaperWidth = 9999999, PaperDepth = 9999999;
56 fOriginInCentre = true;
58 xpPageWidth = (long)(HPGL_UNITS_PER_MM * (double)PaperWidth);
59 ypPageDepth = (long)(HPGL_UNITS_PER_MM * (double)PaperDepth);
61 /* SR scales characters relative to P1 and P2 */
62 /* SI scales characters to size given (in cm) */
63 /* INitialise; Select Pen 1; */
64 /* Either: Scale chars Relative to P1 & P2 0.5,1.0 (2/3 deflt size) */
65 /* Or: Scale chars absolute to 2/3 of default size on A4 page */
66 fputs("IN;SP1;"
67 #ifndef HPGL_USE_UC
68 "CA-1;GM0,800;" /* Char set Alternate -1; Get Memory; */
69 #endif
70 #ifdef HPGL_USE_SR
71 "SR0.5,1.0;"
72 #else
73 "SI0.125,.179;"
74 #endif
75 , fh);
76 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);
78 #ifndef HPGL_USE_UC
79 /* define degree and copyright symbols */
80 fputs("DL32,10,30,12,30,13,29,13,27,12,26,10,26,9,27,9,29,"
81 "10,30;DL40,0,0;", fh); /* Hope this works! Seems to for BP */
82 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);
84 fputs("DL67,16,14,16,18,17,22,19,25,22,28,26,30,31,31,37,32,"
85 "43,32,49,31,53,30,58,28,61,25,63,22,64,18,64,14,63,10,"
86 "61,7,58,4,53,2,49,1,43,0,37,0,31,1,26,2,22,4,19,7,17,10,"
87 "16,14;", fh);
88 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);
90 fputs("DL41,4,20,3,19,0,23,-4,24,-9,24,-14,23,-17,22,-20,19,"
91 "-21,16,-20,13,-17,10,-14,9,-9,8,-4,8,0,9,3,11,4,12;", fh);
92 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);
93 #endif
94 #if 0
95 /* and set clipping (Input Window!) on plotter (left,bottom,right,top) */
96 fprintf(fh, "IW%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld;", clip.x_min - x_org, clip.y_min - y_org,
97 clip.x_min - x_org + xpPageWidth, clip.y_min - y_org + ypPageDepth);
98 #endif
101 void
102 HPGL::line(const img_point *p1, const img_point *p, unsigned /*flags*/, bool fPending)
104 if (fPending) {
105 fprintf(fh, "PU%ld,%ld;", long(p1->x - x_org), long(p1->y - y_org));
107 fprintf(fh, "PD%ld,%ld;", long(p->x - x_org), long(p->y - y_org));
110 #define CS HPGL_CROSS_SIZE
111 #define CS2 (2 * HPGL_CROSS_SIZE)
112 void
113 HPGL::cross(const img_point *p, bool /*fSurface*/)
115 fprintf(fh, "PU%ld,%ld;", long(p->x - x_org), long(p->y - y_org));
116 /* SM plots a symbol at each point, but it isn't very convenient here */
117 /* We can write PDPR%d,%dPR%d,%d... but the HP7475A manual doesn't say */
118 /* clearly if this will work on older plotters (such as the HP9872) */
119 fprintf(fh, "PD;PR%d,%d;PR%d,%d;PU%d,0;PD%d,%d;PU%d,%d;PA;",
120 CS, CS, -CS2, -CS2, CS2, /*0,*/ -CS2, CS2, CS, -CS);
121 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);
123 #undef CS
124 #undef CS2
126 void
127 HPGL::label(const img_point *p, const char *s, bool /*fSurface*/, int)
129 /* LB is a text label, terminated with a ^C */
130 fprintf(fh, "PU%ld,%ld;LB", long(p->x - x_org), long(p->y - y_org));
131 while (*s) {
132 switch (*s) {
133 case '\xB0':
134 #ifdef HPGL_USE_UC
135 /* draw a degree sign */
136 fputs(HPGL_EOL";UC1.25,7.5,99,.25,0,.125,-.25,0,-.5,"
137 "-.125,-.25,-.25,0,-.125,.25,0,.5,.125,.25;LB", fh);
138 #else
139 /* KLUDGE: this prints the degree sign if the plotter supports
140 * extended chars or a space if not, since we tried to redefine
141 * space. Nifty, eh? */
142 fputs(HPGL_SO" "HPGL_SI, fh);
143 #endif
144 break;
145 case '\xA9':
146 #ifdef HPGL_USE_UC
147 /* (C) needs two chars to look right! */
148 /* This bit does the circle of the (C) symbol: */
149 fputs(HPGL_EOL";", fh);
150 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);
151 fputs("UC2,3.5,99,0,1,0.125,1,0.25,.75,0.375,.75,"
152 ".5,.5,.625,.25,.75,.25,.75,0,.75,-.25,.625,-.25,"
153 ".5,-.5,.375,-.75,.25,-.75,.125,-1,0,-1,-0.125,-1,"
154 "-0.25,-.75,-0.375,-.75,-.5,-.5,-.625,-.25,-.75,-.25,"
155 "-.75,0,-.75,.25,-.625,.25,-.5,.5,-.375,.75,-.25,.75,"
156 "-.125,1;", fh);
157 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);
158 /* And this bit's the c in the middle: */
159 fputs("UC.5,5,99,-.125,.25,-.375,.5,-.5,.25,-.625,0,"
160 "-.625,-.25,-.375,-.25,-.375,-.75,-.125,-.75,.125,-.75,"
161 ".375,-.75,.375,-.25,.625,-.25,.625,0,.5,.25,.375,.5,"
162 ".125,.25;", fh);
163 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);
164 fputs("LB", fh);
165 #else
166 fputs(HPGL_SO"(C)"HPGL_SI, fh);
167 #endif
168 break;
169 default:
170 PUTC(*s, fh);
172 s++;
174 fputs(HPGL_EOL";", fh);
175 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);
178 void
179 HPGL::footer()
181 /* Clear clipping window; New page. NB PG is a no-op on the HP7475A */
182 fputs("IW;PG;", fh);
183 if (fNewLines) PUTC('\n', fh);