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14 <P><HR><P>
17 <H3><A NAME="SEC82" HREF="suif1_toc.html#TOC82">Unregistered Annotations in the Input File</A></H3>
19 <P>
20 When an unregistered annotation is read from a SUIF input file, it is
21 automatically registered as a flat annotation. This is done so that the
22 manager knows to write the annotation back in the output.
24 </P>
25 <P>
26 Annotations are often added to a SUIF file in one pass to record some
27 sort of information, perhaps the results of a data flow analysis. Those
28 annotations may then used in later passes to guide various
29 transformations. Even if intervening passes do not recognize the
30 annotations, they will still be propagated to the output. (It is up to
31 the user, of course, to make sure that the intervening passes do not
32 invalidate the information in the annotations without updating them.)
34 </P>
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