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5 <HEAD>
6 <TITLE>Man page for s2c.1</TITLE>
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8 <BODY bgcolor=white>
9 <A HREF="#toc">Table of Contents</A><P>
11 <H2><A NAME="sect0" HREF="#toc0">Name</A></H2>
13 <P>
14 s2c - convert a SUIF file to C
16 <H2><A NAME="sect1" HREF="#toc1"><B>Synopsis</B></A></H2>
18 <P>
19 <B>s2c</B> [ <I>options</I> ] SUIF-file [C-file]
21 <H2><A NAME="sect2" HREF="#toc2"><B>Description</B></A></H2>
23 <P>
24 The <I>s2c</I> program reads the specified SUIF file and prints
25 out its translation into the Standard C language, if possible.
26 If the <I>C-file</I> specification is given, it is used
27 for output, otherwise the C code is written to standard
28 output.
29 <P>
30 The output conforms to the ANSI/ISO specifications for
31 Standard C. Each output file is self contained and does
32 not use <I>#include</I> to include any other files. The output
33 is <I>not</I> machine independent, however. The SUIF system
34 determines the sizes of all data types and the locations
35 of fields in structures and elements in arrays. To produce
36 C output that retains type information for debugging,
37 readability of the C code, and to allow for easier optimizations
38 by the back-end C compiler, SUIF structures and
39 arrays are translated into the corresponding C types, and
40 direct structure and array accesses are translated into
41 their C versions. In doing all of this, <I>s2c</I> makes assumptions
42 about how the back-end C compiler will lay out and
43 align the data within structures and arrays. It also must
44 make assumptions about sizes of all types when doing
45 pointer arithmetic or array indexing.
46 <P>
47 For these reasons, the C compiler used as a back end must
48 use the same data size, alignment, and layout rules used
49 by <I>snoot,</I> the SUIF C front end. If a particular existing
50 C compiler is to be used as a back end for SUIF, <I>snoot</I>
51 must have its configuration parameters set up to match
52 that compiler. See the <I>snoot</I> documentation for more
53 information.
55 <H2><A NAME="sect3" HREF="#toc3"><B>Options</B></A></H2>
57 <P>
58 <B>-logic-simp</B><BR>
60 Do simple logical simplification on the resulting C
61 code before writing it.
63 <DL>
65 <DT><B>-pseudo</B></DT></DT>
66 <DD>
67 Write pseudo-C code if the SUIF code cannot be represented
68 by correct C code. This can happen, for
69 example, if the SUIF code uses integer types with a
70 size different from any of those available in the
71 target C compiler. The default is to abort if correct
72 C code cannot be written. In either case, a
73 diagnostic message is printed to standard output.
74 </DD>
75 </DL>
76 <P>
77 The pseudo-C written sticks as close to C as possible.
78 The idea is that even if the C code can't be
79 run, the pseudo-C provides an easy-to-read way of
80 looking at the contents of a SUIF file.
82 <DL>
84 <DT><B>-keep-casts</B></DT></DT>
85 <DD>
86 Put a C type cast everywhere there was a SUIF convert
87 instruction. The default is to fold type
88 casts away where C would implicitly do type conversion
89 anyway.
90 </DD>
92 <DT><B>-omit-header</B></DT></DT>
93 <DD>
94 Omit the header comment that normally comes at the
95 very top of the output C file. By default this
96 header is inserted to record when the file was created
97 and exactly what version of <I>s2c</I> created it.
98 </DD>
100 <DT><B>-no-warn</B></DT></DT>
101 <DD>
102 Do not issue any warning messages.
103 </DD>
105 <DT><B>-always-intnum</B></DT></DT>
106 <DD>
107 When writing integer types, never use C types,
108 always use pseudo-types of the form <B>int</B><I>n</I> where <I>n</I> is
109 the size in bits, e.g. <B>int8</B> instead of <B>char.</B>
110 </DD>
112 <DT><B>-array-exprs</B></DT></DT>
113 <DD>
114 Write out SUIF array expressions directly as if C
115 allowed array expressions. By default, SUIF
116 expressions with array type are handled by casting
117 their locations to pointers to dummy structures of
118 the appropriate size and then using the structure
119 type to access them. The semantics of C turn anything
120 with array type into a pointer and implicitly
121 take the location of it, so expressions of array
122 type cannot exist in real C code. With this
123 option, the output is not valid C, and cannot even
124 be evaluated with any consistent semantics, because
125 both arrays and locations of arrays are written the
126 same way and cannot be distinguished. This flag
127 exists to make certain unusual kinds of SUIF code
128 more readable.
129 </DD>
131 <DT><B>-annotes-all</B></DT></DT>
132 <DD>
133 Write out all annotations on the SUIF code as C
134 comments. Annotations used internally by <I>s2c</I> cannot
135 be written out as comments, but all others will
137 </DD>
139 <DT><B>-annotes-named</B> <I>name</I></DT></DT>
140 <DD>
141 Write out all annotations with the annotation name
142 <I>name.</I> No other annotations will be written unless
143 they are specified by other command-line options.
144 </DD>
146 <DT><B>-annotes-opcode</B> <I>opcode</I></DT></DT>
147 <DD>
148 Write out all annotations on instructions with
149 opcode <I>opcode.</I>
150 </DD>
152 <DT><B>-annotes-object-kind</B> <I>kind</I></DT></DT>
153 <DD>
154 Write out all the annotations on one specific kind
155 of object, where <I>kind</I> is one of the following:
156 </DD>
157 </DL>
159 <B>fses</B> -- all file set entries
161 <B>nodes</B> -- all tree nodes (except tree_instr nodes,
162 because no permanent annotations are allowed on
163 tree_instrs)
165 <B>loops</B> -- all ``loop'' nodes
167 <B>fors</B> -- all ``for'' nodes
169 <B>ifs</B> -- all ``if'' nodes
171 <B>blocks</B> -- all ``block'' nodes
173 <B>all-instrs</B> -- all instructions
175 <B>symtabs</B> -- all symbol tables
177 <B>all-syms</B> -- all symbols
179 <B>vars</B> -- all variable symbols
181 <B>proc-syms</B> -- all procedure symbols
183 <B>labels</B> -- all label symbols
185 <B>var-defs</B> -- all variable definitions
187 <B>types</B> -- all types
189 <DL>
191 <DT><B>-gcc-bug</B></DT></DT>
192 <DD>
193 Write C code that uses a work-around to avoid a bug
194 in the way gcc handles initialization of unnamed
195 bit-fields. The ANSI rules say that unnamed bit
196 fields are to be ignored in initialization of
197 structures, and <I>s2c</I> assumes this when writing output
198 code. Currect versions of gcc, however, try to
199 assign initializers to the unnamed bit fields and
200 all the initializers get assigned to the wrong
201 fields, resulting in compile-time warnings and
202 errors, and run-time failures. The work-around
203 causes <I>s2c</I> to put in named fields to replace
204 unnamed bit fields whenever possible.
205 </DD>
207 <DT><B>-drop-bounds</B></DT></DT>
208 <DD>
209 Make for bounds into temporary variables if they
210 contain loads, uses of symbols with their addresses
211 possibly taken, including global variables, or SUIF
212 intrinsics that might be turned into control-flow,
213 such as io_max instructions or io_gen macros. The
214 idea is to make sure it is clear to the back-end C
215 compiler that the bounds are loop invariant, so
216 loop optimizations such as software pipelining may
217 be done.
218 </DD>
220 <DT><B>-ll-suffix</B></DT></DT>
221 <DD>
222 If the type of an integer constant is ``long long''
223 use the suffix ``ll'' and if the type is ``unsigned
224 long long'' use the suffix ``ull'' instead of trying
225 to cast the constant to the given type. This
226 is an extension to the ANSI ``l'' and ``ul'' suffixes
227 on integer constants. Since ``long long''
228 types are not part of the ANSI C standard, the
229 standard says nothing of suffixes for integer constants
230 to get these types. This is left as an
231 optional switch because some implementations that
232 accept ``long long'' might not accept these two new
233 suffixes. The idea is to keep the default behavior
234 as portable as possible.
235 </DD>
237 <DT><B>-explicit-zero-init</B></DT></DT>
238 <DD>
239 Make all initializations to zero explicit. Normally,
240 static data that is initiailized to zero is
241 given no explicit initialization unless it's the
242 initialization of a structure or array with nonzero
243 initializers to come, in which case some zero
244 initializers are needed to position the non-zero
245 initializers properly. This takes advantage of the
246 fact that ANSI C guarantees all static data is
247 implicitly initialized to zero if there is no
248 explicit initialization. This flag overrides that
249 feature to force explicit initialization even when
250 the data is zero. This flag may be useful under
251 some circumstances when using a Solaris C compiler
252 as a back-end compiler, because the Solaris compiler
253 reportedly puts explicitly and implicitly
254 initialized data in different segments. This
255 causes the source code to bison to break because
256 bison redefines optind, which is also in libc, and
257 which segment optind is in determines which version
258 of optind the linker tries to use.
259 </DD>
261 <DT><B>-limit-escape-sequences</B></DT></DT>
262 <DD>
263 Do not produce simple alphabetic escape sequences
264 other than \n in string constants or string literals.
265 That is, no \a, \b, \f, \r, \t, or \v.
266 Instead, other representations, such as \007, are
267 used. This is a work-around for some back-end compilers
268 that don't recognize all the ANSI C required
269 alphabetic escape sequences. The DEC OSF 3.2 cc
270 compiler, for example, doesn't recognize \a.
271 </DD>
273 <DT><B>-fill-field-space-with-char-arrays</B></DT></DT>
274 <DD>
275 Use character arrays to pad structures instead of
276 bit fields, when possible. This is a work-around
277 for back-end compilers that lay out bit fields differently.
278 </DD>
279 </DL>
281 <H2><A NAME="sect4" HREF="#toc4"><B>Annotations</B></A></H2>
284 The <I>s2c</I> program reserves all annotations names beginning
285 with the prefix ``s2c `' for its own use. Some annotations
286 it uses internally, and some are recognized on input
287 files and may be used to affect the behavior of <I>s2c.</I> The
288 following are the annotations <I>s2c</I> recognizes on its input.
290 <B>``s2c</B> <B>comments''</B><BR>
292 This annotation is used to specify comments to be
293 inserted into the C code. Its data should be a
294 list of any number of strings, each of which is
295 interpreted as a separate comment. Each comment
296 should consist of all the text between the ``/*''
297 and ``*/'' markers. Comments can be put on SUIF
298 ``mark'' instructions, in which case they will be
299 put on lines of their own, or they may be put on
300 any other SUIF object and they will be put in the C
301 code near the C code that most directly results
302 from that SUIF object.
304 <B>``s2c</B> <B>pragma''</B><BR>
306 This annotation is used to specify pragmas to be
307 inserted into the C code. <I>s2c</I> looks for this annotation
308 on file_set_entries, symbol tables, and
309 io_mrk instructions. There may be multiple pragma
310 annotations on an object. Each such annotation
311 generates one pragma line in the output.
313 The exact form of the output line is the string
314 ``#pragma'' followed by a space followed by the
315 printed representations of the immeds in the annotation,
316 separated by a space if there are multiple
317 immeds. Strings are printed without extra quotes
318 around them or any other interpretation, so a
319 pragma annotation with a single string immed as its
320 data allows the form of the pragma line to be specified
321 exactly. All other immeds are printed in
322 natural ways.
324 An example of the use of this annotation would be
325 with a global symbol table containing an annotation
328 pragma": \x01no side effects\x02 &lt;sqrt,0&gt;]
330 which would give this output line:
332 <B>``s2c</B> <B>preamble</B> <B>pragma''</B><BR>
334 This annotation is is just like the ``s2c pragma''
335 annotation except that it only has an effect when
336 it is placed on the global symbol table and the
337 pragmas for this annotation are printed before the
338 declarations for the global symbol table instead of
339 after those declarations.
341 <B>``s2c</B> <B>pound</B> <B>line''</B><BR>
343 This annotation provides a general way to insert
344 pre-processing directives into the C code. They
345 are similar to ``s2c pragma'' annotation except
346 that instead of beginning with ``#pragma'' and a
347 space, the lines in the C code begin with only
348 ``#'' and no space, followed directly by the
349 immeds. This allows ``#define'', ``#ifdef'',
350 ``#line'', or any other pre-processing directives
351 at all to be inserted into the code. Whoever creates
352 these annotations is of course responsible for
353 insuring that they are valid pre-processing directives
354 and that they interact properly with whatever
355 else <I>s2c</I> puts in the C file.
357 An example of the use of this annotation would be
358 with an io_mrk instruction containing an annotation
361 pound line": \x01line\x02 37 \x01\"file.c\""]
363 which would give this output line:
365 <B>``s2c</B> <B>genop</B> <B>format''</B><BR>
367 This annotation may be used on the global symbol
368 table to specify the way that SUIF ``io_genop''
369 instructions will be written. Note that
370 ``io_genop'' instructions cannot in general be
371 translated to valid C code, so this annotation is
372 useful only with the <I>-pseudo</I> command-line option.
373 In that case, <I>s2c</I> functions to make the SUIF code
374 easy to read for a human. To that end, this annotation
375 allows flexibility in the way ``io_genop''
376 instructions are written.
378 There are two forms that are recognized for the
379 data of this annotation. The first is two strings.
380 The first string specifies the name of a ``genop''
381 and the other is a format string for printing the
382 ``genop''. The other form for the data is a
383 string, then an integer, then another string. In
384 this case the first and last string have the same
385 meanings as before, but the integer specifies the
386 number of arguments, and only ``genop''s with that
387 number of arguments use that format string.
389 For each ``genop'' to be printed, if there is a
390 format annotation specifying the right number of
391 arguments, that is used. Otherwise, if there is a
392 format annotations not specifying anything about
393 arguments, that is used. If neither of these cases
394 apply, the default method of printing ``genop''
395 instructions is used: they are printed as function
396 calls with the name of the ``genop'' as the function
397 name.
399 Each format string is interpreted as follows. The
400 ``%'' character is used as an escape in the format
401 string -- other characters are generally printed
402 directly. The following escape sequences are recognized:
404 <DL>
406 <DT>* %% </DT></DT>
407 <DD> -- print one ``%'' character
408 </DD>
410 <DT>* %a </DT></DT>
411 <DD> -- print one of the arguments
412 * %n <I>text</I> %m -- print all remaining unmatched
413 arguments,
414 separated by <I>text</I> if there is
415 more than
416 one, or nothing if there are
417 no unmatched
418 arguments
419 </DD>
420 </DL>
422 Note that there can be any number of ``%a'' directives,
423 possibly before and after the ``%n'' directive,
424 but there may only be one ``%n'' directive.
425 Arguments to all ``%a'' directives are matched
426 first, either from the beginning of the argument
427 list for those preceeding a ``%n'' directive or
428 from the end for those coming after one. It is an
429 error for there to be too few arguments to match
430 all ``%a'' directives, but it is not an error to
431 have too many arguments.
433 Within a ``%n'' directive, the <I>text</I> string may
434 include ``%%'', which translates to one ``%'', but
435 no other occurances of ``%''.
437 Note that the default format if nothing else is
438 given is equivalent to ``&lt;name&gt;(%n, %)'' if there
439 are any arguments or ``&lt;name&gt;'' if there are no
440 arguments, where &lt;name&gt; is the name of the generic
441 instruction.
443 <DL>
446 <DD>
447 </DD>
449 <DT>Format </DT></DT>
450 <DD> output
451 </DD>
453 <DT>\x01fun(%n, %)\x02 </DT></DT>
454 <DD>\x01fun()\x02 \x01<A HREF="man_fun.op1.html">fun(op1)</A>
455 \x02 \x01fun(op1, op2)"
456 \x01fun(op1, op2, op3)"
457 </DD>
459 <DT>\x01fun()\x02 </DT></DT>
460 <DD> \x01fun()\x02 \x01fun()\x02 \x01fun()"
461 \x01fun()"
462 \x01{%a: %n, %m}\x02 &lt;error&gt; \x01{op1: }\x02 \x01{op1: op2}"
463 \x01{op1: op2, op3}"
464 </DD>
466 <DT>\x01%a ? %a : %a\x02 &lt;error&gt; &lt;error&gt; </DT></DT>
467 <DD> &lt;error&gt;
468 \x01op1 ? op2 : op3"
469 </DD>
470 </DL>
472 <H2><A NAME="sect5" HREF="#toc5"><B>See</B> <B>Also</B></A></H2>
475 <A HREF="man_snoot.1.html">snoot(1)</A>
478 <H2><A NAME="sect6" HREF="#toc6"><B>History</B></A></H2>
481 Robert French wrote an <I>s2c</I> program for an earlier version
482 of the SUIF system. Due primarily to limitations of the
483 SUIF format of that time, the output of the early version
484 wasn't quite correct C code, but instead provided a useful
485 way to format a SUIF file for easy reading. Todd Smith
486 updated portions of the code to compensate for drastic
487 changes in the SUIF system. Chris Wilson made more
488 updates and rewrote parts of the program to produce correct
489 C output.
492 <HR><P>
493 <A NAME="toc"><B>Table of Contents</B></A><P>
494 <UL>
495 <LI><A NAME="toc0" HREF="#sect0">Name</A></LI>
496 <LI><A NAME="toc1" HREF="#sect1">Synopsis</A></LI>
497 <LI><A NAME="toc2" HREF="#sect2">Description</A></LI>
498 <LI><A NAME="toc3" HREF="#sect3">Options</A></LI>
499 <LI><A NAME="toc4" HREF="#sect4">Annotations</A></LI>
500 <LI><A NAME="toc5" HREF="#sect5">See Also</A></LI>
501 <LI><A NAME="toc6" HREF="#sect6">History</A></LI>
502 </UL>
503 </BODY></HTML>