Partial support for integer divisions in access vectors
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6 <TITLE>The SUIF Version 1 Library - Load Constant Instructions</TITLE>
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14 <P><HR><P>
17 <H2><A NAME="SEC34" HREF="suif1_toc.html#TOC34">Load Constant Instructions</A></H2>
18 <P>
19 <A NAME="IDX204"></A>
20 <A NAME="IDX205"></A>
22 </P>
23 <P>
24 <A NAME="IDX206"></A>
25 <A NAME="IDX207"></A>
26 <A NAME="IDX208"></A>
27 Rather than allowing constant values to be used directly as operands,
28 SUIF uses separate <CODE>ldc</CODE> instructions to load constant values. The
29 <CODE>in_ldc</CODE> class holds these instructions. Instead of the usual
30 source operands, this class has an immediate value field
31 (see section <A HREF="suif1_100.html#SEC100">Immediate Values</A>). The <CODE>value</CODE> and <CODE>set_value</CODE> methods may be
32 used to access this field.
34 </P>
35 <P>
36 Only certain kinds of immediate values are supported in an <CODE>ldc</CODE>
37 instruction:
39 </P>
42 <DT>Symbolic addresses (See section <A HREF="suif1_101.html#SEC101">Symbolic Addresses</A>)
43 <DD>
44 The result type of the instruction must be a pointer type.
46 <DT>Integers
47 <DD>
48 The result type must be an integer or pointer type. Pointer types are
49 allowed so that the null pointer can be loaded as the integer value
50 zero.
52 <DT>Floating-point values
53 <DD>
54 The result type must be a floating-point type.
55 </DL>
57 <P>
58 Other kinds of immediate values may be stored in the <CODE>value</CODE> field
59 of an <CODE>ldc</CODE> instruction, but most SUIF passes and certain library
60 functions will not be able to handle them.
62 </P>
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