Remove a few more warnings.
[suif.git] / src / basesuif / suif1 / symtab.h
1 /* Symbol Table Classes */
3 /* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University
5 All rights reserved.
7 This software is provided under the terms described in
8 the "suif_copyright.h" include file. */
10 #include <suif_copyright.h>
12 #ifndef SYMTAB_H
13 #define SYMTAB_H
15 #pragma interface
17 RCS_HEADER(symtab_h,
18 "$Id: symtab.h,v 1.2 1999/08/25 03:29:17 brm Exp $")
20 class in_stream;
21 class out_stream;
22 class base_symtab_list;
23 class file_set_entry;
24 class tree_block;
25 struct replacements;
28 enum symtab_kinds {
35 /* These functions affect how base_symtab::write() writes out the duplicate
36 * symbol names. */
38 extern void enable_automatic_renaming(void);
39 extern void disable_automatic_renaming(void);
42 * The ID numbers used for sym_nodes and type_nodes are divided into
43 * three ranges. To make it easier to read an ID number, this function
44 * prints it as a single character to identify the range ("g" = global,
45 * "f" = file, "p" = procedure) combined with the offset of the number
46 * within that range.
49 extern void print_id_number(FILE *fp, unsigned id);
53 * A symtab contains lists of symbols and types that may be used within the
54 * scope associated with the symtab. The base_symtab class is abstract and
55 * contains variables and methods shared by all of the other symbol tables.
56 * The symtabs form a strict hierarchy starting with the global symtab,
57 * followed by one symtab per file, followed by symtabs for the individual
58 * procedures and blocks. Each symtab has a name and all of the children of
59 * a particular symtab should have unique names. Symtabs are automatically
60 * removed and destroyed along with the corresponding "scopes", e.g.
61 * deleting a tree_block also deletes its block_symtab.
64 class base_symtab : public suif_object {
65 friend class sym_node;
66 friend class type_node;
67 friend class var_def;
69 private:
70 void chain_name_helper();
72 protected:
73 sym_node_list *syms; /* list of symbols */
74 var_def_list *defs; /* variable definitions */
75 type_node_list *typs; /* list of types */
76 base_symtab *par; /* parent symtab */
77 base_symtab_list *childs; /* list of child symtabs */
78 const char *nm; /* name of this symtab */
79 unsigned next_sym_id; /* next unused symbol ID number */
80 unsigned next_type_id; /* next unused type ID number */
81 unsigned var_counter; /* for creating unique var_syms */
82 string_index *sym_name_index; /* for fast lookups by name */
83 ptr_index *def_index; /* for fast lookups by var_sym */
84 ptr_index *sym_id_index; /* for fast lookups by id # */
85 ptr_index *type_id_index; /* for fast lookups by id # */
87 void print_contents(FILE *fp, int depth);
89 void add_contents_to_replacements(replacements *r);
90 virtual base_symtab *new_peer(char *n) = 0;
91 /* create a new symtab of the same
92 sub-class as this one */
94 void register_name_change(sym_node *the_sym, const char *new_name);
95 void register_sym_id_change(sym_node *the_sym, unsigned new_id);
96 void register_type_id_change(type_node *the_type, unsigned new_id);
97 void add_name_entry(sym_node *the_sym, const char *new_name);
98 void remove_name_entry(sym_node *the_sym, const char *old_name);
99 void register_def_sym_change(var_def *the_def, var_sym *new_var);
101 void set_sym_extern(sym_node *the_sym, boolean new_value)
102 { the_sym->set_extern(new_value); }
103 void set_sym_id(sym_node *the_sym, unsigned new_id)
104 { the_sym->set_sym_id(new_id); }
106 void remove_def_internal(var_def *d, boolean in_destructor);
108 public:
109 base_symtab(const char *n); /* the symtab name */
110 virtual ~base_symtab();
112 object_kinds object_kind() { return SYMTAB_OBJ; }
114 virtual symtab_kinds kind() = 0;
116 boolean is_global() { return ((kind() == SYMTAB_GLOBAL) ||
117 (kind() == SYMTAB_FILE)); }
118 boolean is_file() { return (kind() == SYMTAB_FILE); }
119 boolean is_block() { return ((kind() == SYMTAB_BLOCK) ||
120 (kind() == SYMTAB_PROC)); }
121 boolean is_proc() { return kind() == SYMTAB_PROC; }
123 base_symtab *parent() { return par; }
124 sym_node_list *symbols() { return syms; }
125 var_def_list *var_defs() { return defs; }
126 base_symtab_list *children() { return childs; }
127 type_node_list *types() { return typs; }
128 const char *name() { return nm; }
129 char *chain_name(); /* writes to static buffer! */
131 void set_name(const char *n);
132 void rename_duplicates(); /* give unique names to everything */
134 base_symtab *lookup_child(const char *name);
135 var_def *lookup_var_def(var_sym *v);
136 type_node *lookup_type(type_node *t, boolean up=TRUE);
137 sym_node *lookup_sym(const char *name, sym_kinds k, boolean up=TRUE);
138 var_sym *lookup_var(const char *name, boolean up=TRUE)
139 { return (var_sym *)lookup_sym(name, SYM_VAR, up); }
141 boolean is_visible(type_node *the_type)
142 { return is_ancestor(the_type->parent()); }
143 boolean is_visible(sym_node *the_sym)
144 { return is_ancestor(the_sym->parent()); }
146 sym_node *lookup_sym_id(unsigned i);
147 type_node *lookup_type_id(unsigned i);
149 var_sym *new_var(type_node *t, const char *n);
150 var_sym *new_unique_var(type_node *t, const char *base = NULL);
151 var_def *define_var(var_sym *v, int a);
153 boolean is_ancestor(base_symtab *s);
155 /* add a type and its component types if they do not already exist in this
156 or a parent symtab; deletes type_nodes that are replaced */
157 type_node *install_type(type_node *t);
159 /* attempt to move a type so that it is visible in this scope */
160 boolean make_type_visible(type_node *t, boolean check = FALSE);
162 void resolve_exposed_refs(replacements *r);
163 base_symtab *clone_helper(replacements *r, boolean no_copy = FALSE);
165 void add_child(base_symtab *c); /* sets c->parent */
166 virtual void add_sym(sym_node *s); /* sets s->table */
167 void add_type(type_node *t); /* sets t->table */
168 void add_def(var_def *d); /* sets d->table */
170 void remove_child(base_symtab *c); /* doesn't delete c */
171 void remove_sym(sym_node *s); /* doesn't delete s */
172 void remove_type(type_node *t); /* doesn't delete t */
173 void remove_def(var_def *d); /* doesn't delete d */
175 virtual void print(FILE *fp=stdout, int depth=0) = 0;
176 virtual void write(out_stream *os);
177 virtual void read(in_stream *is);
180 DECLARE_DLIST_CLASS(base_symtab_list, base_symtab*);
184 * The global_symtab at the root of the symbol table hierarchy is used to
185 * hold symbols and types shared across files (i.e. those with external
186 * linkage). This class is also reused as the base class for file_symtabs.
187 * Since only global and file symtabs may contain procedure symbols, this
188 * class includes methods to create new proc_syms and to lookup existing
189 * ones. The number_globals function is automatically called just before
190 * writing the symtab to assign ID numbers to new symbol and type nodes.
193 class global_symtab : public base_symtab {
194 friend class file_set;
196 protected:
197 virtual base_symtab *new_peer(char *n) { return new global_symtab(n); }
199 public:
200 global_symtab(const char *n); /* name (usually "global") */
202 symtab_kinds kind() { return SYMTAB_GLOBAL; }
204 proc_sym *new_proc(func_type *r, src_lang_type src, const char *n);
205 proc_sym *lookup_proc(const char *s, boolean up=TRUE)
206 { return (proc_sym *)lookup_sym(s, SYM_PROC, up); }
208 void predefine_types(); /* create common types */
209 void number_globals();
211 void add_sym(sym_node *s);
212 void print(FILE *fp=stdout, int depth=0);
213 void write(out_stream *os);
218 * A file symtab is associated with a particular file_set_entry to hold
219 * symbols and types declared in the scope of the file (e.g. it contains
220 * the global variables declared with "static" linkage). This class is
221 * identical to the global_symtab class except for the file_set_entry
222 * pointer.
225 class file_symtab : public global_symtab {
226 friend class suif_linker;
228 private:
229 file_set_entry *fset; /* corresponding file_set_entry */
231 void set_fse(file_set_entry *new_fse) { fset = new_fse; }
233 protected:
234 virtual base_symtab *new_peer(char *n)
235 { return new file_symtab(n, fse()); }
237 public:
238 file_symtab(const char *n, /* name (usually the input filename) */
239 file_set_entry *fse); /* corresponding file_set_entry */
241 symtab_kinds kind() { return SYMTAB_FILE; }
242 file_set_entry *fse() { return fset; }
244 void print(FILE *fp=stdout, int depth=0);
249 * The block_symtab class is used for nested block symbol tables and as the
250 * base class for procedure symbol tables. Each one is associated with a
251 * particular tree_block (or tree_proc). The "new_unique_child" method can
252 * be used to create a new child block symtab with a unique name. Since
253 * label symbols may only be entered in symtabs within procedures, this
254 * class provides methods to create new labels and lookup existing ones.
257 class block_symtab : public base_symtab {
258 friend class tree_block;
259 friend class tree_proc;
261 private:
262 unsigned label_counter; /* for creating unique label_syms */
264 protected:
265 tree_block *blk; /* corresponding block */
267 void set_block(tree_block *b) { blk = b; }
268 void number_locals(unsigned *next_sym_idp, unsigned *next_type_idp);
270 virtual base_symtab *new_peer(char *n) { return new block_symtab(n); }
272 public:
273 block_symtab(const char *n); /* block name */
275 symtab_kinds kind() { return SYMTAB_BLOCK; }
276 tree_block *block() { return blk; }
278 block_symtab *new_unique_child(char *base = NULL);
280 label_sym *new_label(char *n);
281 label_sym *new_unique_label(const char *base = NULL);
283 label_sym *lookup_label(char *s, boolean up=TRUE)
284 { return (label_sym *)lookup_sym(s, SYM_LABEL, up); }
286 void find_exposed_refs(base_symtab *dst_scope, replacements *r);
287 block_symtab *clone_helper(replacements *r, boolean no_copy = FALSE);
289 void add_sym(sym_node *s);
290 void print(FILE *fp=stdout, int depth=0);
291 void write(out_stream *os);
292 void read(in_stream *is);
297 * A proc_symtab is used as the top-level symbol table for a procedure.
298 * This class is basically the same as the block_symtab class with a few
299 * extensions. The proc_symtab also contains the list of parameters for
300 * the procedure. This is an ordered list of pointers to var_syms in the
301 * symtab; the flags for these var_syms must also be set to indicate that
302 * they are parameters. All of the instructions within the procedure are
303 * assigned unique numbers, and the proc_symtab keeps track of the next
304 * instruction number to be used. (The "tree_proc::number_instrs" function
305 * is used to assign these instruction numbers.) Finally, the "number_locals"
306 * function is called automatically just before writing the symtab to
307 * assign ID numbers to the symbols and types in this symtab and all of its
308 * descendants.
311 class proc_symtab : public block_symtab {
312 friend class block_symtab;
313 friend class tree_proc;
315 private:
316 sym_node_list *prms; /* parameter list (in order) */
317 unsigned next_inum; /* next unused instruction number */
319 protected:
320 virtual base_symtab *new_peer(char *n) { return new proc_symtab(n); }
322 public:
323 proc_symtab(const char *n); /* name (usually the procedure name) */
324 ~proc_symtab();
326 symtab_kinds kind() { return SYMTAB_PROC; }
327 sym_node_list *params() { return prms; }
329 unsigned instr_num() { return next_inum; }
330 unsigned next_instr_num() { return next_inum++; }
332 void number_locals();
334 proc_symtab *clone_helper(replacements *r, boolean no_copy = FALSE);
336 void print(FILE *fp=stdout, int depth=0);
337 void write(out_stream *os);
338 void read(in_stream *is);
341 #endif /* SYMTAB_H */