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6 <TITLE>The SUIF Version 1 Library - Fortran</TITLE>
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17 <H1><A NAME="SEC89" HREF="suif1_toc.html#TOC89">Features for Compiling Fortran</A></H1>
18 <P>
19 <A NAME="IDX648"></A>
21 </P>
22 <P>
23 SUIF is roughly based on C semantics and does not directly support some
24 Fortran features. In particular, call-by-reference parameters occur
25 frequently in Fortran programs and must be implemented in terms of
26 other SUIF features. This introduces extra complexity that makes it
27 harder to analyze and optimize the procedures. Fortunately this
28 complexity can be hidden somewhat by converting the procedures to the
29 SUIF Fortran form. The SUIF library provides functions to translate a
30 procedure to this Fortran form after it is read from a file and to
31 translate it back to the original SUIF form before it is written out.
32 Common blocks and equivalences are generally handled using
33 sub-variables, so the library's Fortran form does not need to do
34 anything special to deal with them. Other more obscure Fortran
35 features are also not handled in the Fortran form because they are
36 less common and hard to deal with however they are represented.
38 </P>
40 <UL>
41 <LI><A HREF="suif1_90.html#SEC90">Call-By-Ref Parameters</A>: Passing parameters by reference.
42 </UL>
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