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14 <P><HR><P>
17 <H3><A NAME="SEC57" HREF="suif1_toc.html#TOC57">Sub-Variables</A></H3>
18 <P>
19 <A NAME="IDX392"></A>
21 </P>
22 <P>
23 The data objects represented by variable symbols are allowed to
24 overlap, but only in a carefully controlled way. The mechanism that
25 allows this is the existence of sub-variables. One variable symbol is
26 allowed to be a sub-variable of another, occupying a portion of the
27 parent variable symbol specified by an offset and the types of the two
28 variables. This allows arbitrary hierarchies of variable symbols and
29 the relations among them are known at all times.
31 </P>
32 <P>
33 For any hierarchy, there will always be one root ancestor in terms of
34 which everything else can be specified. If neither of two variables
35 is a sub-variable of anything else, the two variables are guaranteed
36 to be completely independent objects.
38 </P>
39 <P>
40 Use of sub-variables is optional. Anything that can be represented
41 with the sub-variable can be represented in terms of its parent by
42 loading from the parent's address plus the offset and with the type of
43 the child variable.
45 </P>
46 <P>
47 Sub-variable names are independent of their parent variable symbols.
48 Whether or not they have the <CODE>userdef</CODE> flag set is also independent
49 of the parent. There is nothing inconsistent in having a parent which
50 is user-defined and a sub-variable which is not (if some stage of the
51 compiler decides a particular piece of a larger user-defined object has
52 some special property and wants a handle on it), and neither is there
53 anything inconsistent in a sub-variable that is user-defined in a parent
54 which is not (user-defined variables that are equivalenced cause the
55 system to create a new aggregate object).
57 </P>
58 <P>
59 Among the properties general to the <CODE>sym_node</CODE> class that may be
60 changed by the user, the only one for which sub-variables have any
61 special restriction is the symbol table in which they reside.
62 A sub-variable should be in the same symbol table as its parent. They
63 may be temporarily in different symbol tables while being moved
64 around, so the library doesn't enforce the restriction that they
65 always be in the same symbol table at all times. The library does
66 enforce the restrictions that they must be in the same table when a
67 symbol is first linked in as a sub-variable by the
68 <CODE>var_sym::add_child</CODE> method and when the owning symbol table of
69 the parent or child variable is written out.
71 </P>
72 <P>
73 <A NAME="IDX393"></A>
74 Among properties specific to variable symbols that the user has
75 control over, some may be set independently in sub-variables, and some
76 are kept consistent between sub-variables and their parents. For the
77 properties that are kept consistent, the value of the property in the
78 sub-variable is slaved to that in the parent. In that case, either
79 setting or getting the property from the sub-variable has exactly the
80 same effect as getting or setting it from the parent variable. If and
81 when the sub-variable is removed from being a sub-variable by the
82 <CODE>var_sym::remove_child</CODE> method, the current values of those
83 properties in the sub-variable are set to the values of the parent at
84 the time of separation and can be changed independently from then on.
86 </P>
87 <P>
88 <A NAME="IDX394"></A>
89 <A NAME="IDX395"></A>
90 Sub-variables are attached to parent variables by the <CODE>add_child</CODE>
91 method. The user tells the parent which variable symbol is to be the
92 sub-variable and at what offset it begins and the library makes it a
93 sub-variable. If it is ever necessary to remove a sub-variable, the
94 <CODE>remove_child</CODE> method may be used. It undoes what
95 <CODE>add_child</CODE> did making the sub-variable into a fully independent
96 variable. The argument of <CODE>remove_child</CODE> must already be a
97 sub-variable of the given variable. This method should be called
98 before a sub-variable is deleted, or else there will be dangling
99 pointers from the parent.
101 </P>
103 <A NAME="IDX396"></A>
104 <A NAME="IDX397"></A>
105 Two methods, <CODE>parent_var</CODE> and <CODE>offset</CODE>, provide a way to see
106 whether a variable is a sub-variable, and if so what variable it is a
107 sub-variable of and where it is in that variable. If a variable is
108 not a sub-variable, <CODE>parent_var</CODE> will return <CODE>NULL</CODE>. If it
109 is a sub-variable, this method will return the variable symbol for the
110 variable of which it is a sub-variable. If it is a sub-variable, the
111 <CODE>offset</CODE> method will return the offset in bits of the beginning
112 of the sub-variable from the beginning of the parent variable. If
113 called on a variable that is not a sub-variable, <CODE>offset</CODE> will
114 return zero.
116 </P>
118 <A NAME="IDX398"></A>
119 <A NAME="IDX399"></A>
120 There are also methods provided to access all the variables that are
121 sub-variables of a given variable. The <CODE>num_children</CODE> method
122 will return the number of sub-variables for a given variable symbol.
123 Given a non-negative number less than the number of children, the
124 <CODE>child_var</CODE> method will return one of the sub-variables. The
125 ordering of the sub-variables is the order in which they were added,
126 starting with zero for the oldest remaining sub-variable. For
127 example, <CODE>child_var(2)</CODE> will return the sub-variable that was the
128 third added of those that are still sub-variables. Hence calling this
129 method for each integer from zero through the number of children minus
130 one will give all the sub-variables. It is an error to call
131 <CODE>child_var</CODE> with an argument greater than or equal to the number
132 of sub-variables or less than zero.
134 </P>
136 <A NAME="IDX400"></A>
137 <A NAME="IDX401"></A>
138 <A NAME="IDX402"></A>
139 Given a variable that may or may not be a sub-variable, the
140 <CODE>root_ancestor</CODE> will return the unique ancestor of a sub-variable
141 that is not itself a sub-variable, or the variable itself if it is not
142 a sub-variable. The <CODE>root_offset</CODE> method will return the offset
143 of the variable within that root ancestor, which will be the sum of
144 all the offsets along the path up. The <CODE>overlaps</CODE> method is
145 provided to determine whether any two variables overlap to any extent.
146 If the result is <CODE>TRUE</CODE>, then they definitely overlap, at least
147 in part; otherwise, the result is <CODE>FALSE</CODE>, and the variables do
148 not overlap at all.
150 </P>
152 <A NAME="IDX403"></A>
153 It is often useful to know whether a given portion of a variable
154 treated as a given type has a corresponding sub-variable. The
155 <CODE>find_child</CODE> method will answer that question. If such a
156 sub-variable exists, it will return a pointer to it, otherwise it will
157 return NULL.
159 </P>
161 <A NAME="IDX404"></A>
162 As an alternative to attaching an existing variable symbol as a
163 sub-variable to another variable, the <CODE>build_child</CODE> method is
164 provided. Given a location and type within a variable and a name, it
165 creates an sub-variable, installs it in the proper symbol table if the
166 parent variable was in a symbol table, and adds it as a sub-variable,
167 all at once.
169 </P>
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