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6 <TITLE>The SUIF Version 1 Library - Generic Lists</TITLE>
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14 <P><HR><P>
17 <H2><A NAME="SEC92" HREF="suif1_toc.html#TOC92">Generic Lists</A></H2>
18 <P>
19 <A NAME="IDX654"></A>
20 <A NAME="IDX655"></A>
21 <A NAME="IDX656"></A>
23 </P>
24 <P>
25 <A NAME="IDX657"></A>
26 While linked lists are not very efficient data structures, they are
27 flexible and work well for a research compiler like SUIF. Various kinds
28 of lists are used throughout the SUIF library and most SUIF programs.
29 Almost all of these lists are derived from the <CODE>glist</CODE> base class.
30 The files <TT>`glist.h'</TT> and <TT>`'</TT> contain the declaration and
31 implementation of this class.
33 </P>
34 <P>
35 <A NAME="IDX658"></A>
36 The individual elements of these lists are derived from the
37 <CODE>glist_e</CODE> class. The base class only contains a pointer to the
38 next element. To make a useful list, a derived class must add data
39 fields to the list elements. For doubly-linked lists, the list elements
40 are further extended to include backwards pointers (see section <A HREF="suif1_95.html#SEC95">Doubly-Linked Lists</A>).
42 </P>
43 <P>
44 The <CODE>glist</CODE> class includes pointers to the head and tail elements.
45 This makes it possible to efficiently add elements at either end of the
46 list. A variety of methods are provided to insert and remove individual
47 elements, as well as to combine entire lists in different ways. All of
48 these operations are straightforward and are clearly documented in the
49 code.
51 </P>
52 <P>
53 <A NAME="IDX659"></A>
54 <A NAME="IDX660"></A>
55 The SUIF library also provides iterators for lists. This allows you to
56 write code at a higher level of abstraction. Instead of rewriting the
57 same code everywhere that your program traverses lists, you can just use
58 the built-in iterators. The base iterator class is <CODE>glist_iter</CODE>.
59 An iterator is initialized with a pointer to a particular list. It then
60 returns successive elements from the list (via the <CODE>step</CODE> method)
61 until the <CODE>is_empty</CODE> method returns <CODE>TRUE</CODE>. Other methods are
62 available to access the current and next list elements without advancing
63 the iterator.
65 </P>
66 <P>
67 <A NAME="IDX661"></A>
68 To make a list with a particular type of elements, one must derive new
69 list classes that inherit from the base classes described above. While
70 this is not difficult, it is cumbersome and time consuming. Instead of
71 explicitly declaring these derived classes, the
72 <CODE>DECLARE_LIST_CLASS</CODE> macro may be used to declare them
73 automatically. This macro takes two arguments: the name of the new list
74 class and the type for the data in the list elements. It then creates
75 classes derived from <CODE>glist</CODE>, <CODE>glist_e</CODE>, and <CODE>glist_iter</CODE>
76 that use the specified type for the element data <A NAME="DOCF6" HREF="suif1_foot.html#FOOT6">(6)</A>.
77 For example, <CODE>DECLARE_LIST_CLASS(string_list, char*)</CODE> generates
78 classes named <CODE>string_list</CODE>, <CODE>string_list_e</CODE>, and
79 <CODE>string_list_iter</CODE>. The <CODE>string_list_e</CODE> class includes a
80 <CODE>contents</CODE> field with type <CODE>char*</CODE>. The methods in all of
81 these classes are changed to use the <CODE>char*</CODE> type where appropriate
82 and some new methods are added. (Once the element data type is known,
83 it is possible to provide methods, such as <CODE>copy</CODE>, that must access
84 the data fields.)
86 </P>
87 <P>
88 The <CODE>DECLARE_LIST_CLASS</CODE> macro is implemented by other macros, one
89 for each kind of class. Using these other macros directly gives you
90 more control over the names of the new classes and allows you to add
91 more methods in the derived classes. There are several examples of this
92 in the library code. Another advanced feature of the
93 <CODE>DECLARE_LIST_CLASS</CODE> macro is the virtual <CODE>set_elem</CODE> method
94 which is included in the generated list class. This method is called
95 for every element that is added to a list. The base <CODE>set_elem</CODE>
96 method does nothing, but a derived class can change this method to
97 automatically update information in list elements when they are
98 added to a list.
100 </P>
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