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6 <TITLE>The SUIF Version 1 Library - Label Instructions</TITLE>
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14 <P><HR><P>
17 <H2><A NAME="SEC38" HREF="suif1_toc.html#TOC38">Label Instructions</A></H2>
18 <P>
19 <A NAME="IDX249"></A>
20 <A NAME="IDX250"></A>
22 </P>
23 <P>
24 <A NAME="IDX251"></A>
25 <A NAME="IDX252"></A>
26 <A NAME="IDX253"></A>
27 SUIF uses special pseudo-instructions to mark the positions of labels
28 within the lists of instructions. These label (<CODE>lab</CODE>) instructions
29 are represented by the <CODE>in_lab</CODE> class, which contains a single
30 field holding the symbol for a label. The <CODE>label</CODE> and
31 <CODE>set_label</CODE> methods access this field.
33 </P>
34 <P>
35 No operation is performed by a label instruction. Its only purpose is
36 to mark the location of a label symbol in an instruction list. The
37 <CODE>label</CODE> field must be a pointer to the symbol for the label, which
38 must be defined within the scope where the label instruction occurs.
39 The destination operand is unused and trying to set it will cause an
40 error. The result type should always be the SUIF <CODE>void</CODE> type.
42 </P>
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