7 - sqlite date handling - apparently, sqlite accepts every string as data in TIMESTAMP/DATETIME
8 columns (see http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html#affinity) so we have to implement date handling
13 - Implement ItemLoader - spawns workers that load feed items incrementally (by 50/100/whatever
14 items) - that would allow for smooth feed list navigation; obstacles to overcome here mainly
15 involve UI stuff - how to handle not-yet-loaded parts of the item list?
23 - JobManager: stopping a job = allow for graceful shutdown
24 - JobManager: consider using stack instead of FIFO queue to allow adding priority tasks
25 when job is already running
28 - Fix and migrate tray icon
29 - Downloading/displaying feed icons (check if there are user interaction and usability issues)
30 - Storing application window state - restore it after restart - things like last selected feed,
31 state of the tree view (expand branches that were expanded previously), width/height of the panes
33 * Lower priority (but would be nice to have!)
35 - Subscription Import Assistant - make importing more interactive: first select OPML,
36 then parse OPML, show OPML contents + let the user choose which feeds exactly to import
37 (default would be all) and where to put them; see also feed discovery dialog
39 - Tags - allow labeling feeds/feed items + UI for browsing tag contents
41 - Flexible item list - support for selecting/sorting/grouping criteria - then we get stuff like
42 Search Folders (a.k.a. Virtual Folders, Saved Searches etc) for free!
48 * Ideas for the future
50 - Don't keep everything in memory when it's in the db too.
51 Update 1: Done for images
52 Update v0.26: Loading and unloading of feed content on feed selection.
53 - Customization of the rendering, maybe allow for user-supplied CSS or at
54 least some sort of customization dialogs.
55 - An interface to syndic8, bloglines, feedster, etc...
56 - Allow for dragging stuff from Straw too.
57 - Popup menu to html view
58 - copying urls to clipboards [ DONE ]
60 - Alternative views of the feeds/items, 2-pane and 3-pane views.
62 - Article diffs: show the user why an article was marked as unread again
64 * The following aren't Straw bugs, but affect it:
66 - First item of a list getting selected when nothing is selected and
67 user clicks on something:
69 http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=82344 [RESOLVED DUPLICATE of 94837 (which is fixed)]
71 - Occasional repeatable segfault with certain items:
73 http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=87490 [RESOLVED FIXED]
74 http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=87567 [RESOLVED DUPLICATE of 79782 (which is fixed)]