Fixed exception that occured in some cases when removing nodes.
[straw.git] / straw /
1 """
3 Module for polling the feeds.
4 """
5 __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2002-4 Juri Pakaste <>"
6 __license__ = """ GNU General Public License
8 Straw is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
10 Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
11 version.
13 Straw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
14 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
15 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
18 this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
19 Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """
21 import gobject
22 import Config
23 from MainloopManager import MainloopManager
24 import NetworkConstants
25 import URLFetch
26 import SummaryParser
27 import time
28 import socket
29 import error
31 import straw
32 from straw import helpers
34 class PollStopper(gobject.GObject):
36 __gsignals__ = {
37 'stopped' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ())
40 def __init__(self, stopper, object):
41 gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
42 self._stopper = stopper
43 self._object = object
45 stopper = property(lambda self: self._stopper)
46 object = property(lambda self: self._object)
48 def stop(self):
49 if self._stopper is not None:
50 self._stopper()
51 self._stopper = None
52 self.emit_signal('stopped')
54 class PollManager:
55 def __init__(self):
56 config = Config.get_instance()
57 self._feedlist = feeds.feedlist
59 config.connect('refresh-changed', self.poll_changed)
60 config.connect('offline-mode-changed', self.offline_changed)
62 self._feedlist.connect('changed', self.feeds_changed)
64 self._is_offline = config.offline
65 self._poll_frequency = config.poll_frequency
66 self._last_poll = config.last_poll
67 self._feeds = self._feedlist.flatten_list()
68 self._pollers = {}
70 def poll_changed(self, config):
71 """ called when global poll frequency has changed"""
72 self._poll_frequency = config.poll_frequency
74 def offline_changed(self, config):
75 self._is_offline = config.offline
77 def feeds_changed(self, *args):
78 self._feedlist = feeds.feedlist
79 self._feeds = self._feedlist.flatten_list()
81 def start_polling_loop(self):
82 mlmgr = MainloopManager.get_instance()
83 mlmgr.set_repeating_timer(NetworkConstants.POLL_INTERVAL, self.maybe_poll)
85 ##########################
86 # Why both pollcontext and self._pollers?
87 # self._pollers is there to make sure that there are no simultaneous
88 # pollers on the same object. So the user doesn't accidentally start
89 # a poller for an object being polled.
90 # pollcontext is there so that we can avoid starting pollers many
91 # times - even though they wouldn't overlap - on the same object within
92 # one polling run.
94 # because maybe_poll is used as an idle handler, it must always return
95 # True or else it's removed from the handler list
96 def maybe_poll(self):
97 self._maybe_poll()
99 def _maybe_poll(self):
100 now = int(time.time())
101 if self._is_offline:
102 return True
103 try:
104 context = {}
105 config_pf = self._poll_frequency
106 feed_use_default = feeds.Feed.DEFAULT
107 self.poll([feed for feed, timediff, fpf in
108 [(feed, now - feed.last_poll, feed.poll_frequency)
109 for feed in self._feeds]
110 if ((timediff > fpf > 0) or
111 (fpf == feed_use_default and
112 timediff > config_pf > 0))], context)
115 self.poll_categories([cat for cat, sub, timediff in
116 [(cat, cat.subscription, now - cat.subscription.last_poll)
117 for cat in feeds.category_list.all_categories
118 if cat.subscription is not None]
119 if ((timediff > sub.frequency > 0) or
120 (sub.frequency == sub.REFRESH_DEFAULT and
121 timediff > config_pf > 0))], context, False)
122 except:
123 error.log_exc("Caught an exception while polling")
124 return True
126 def poll(self, obj, pollcontext = None):
127 """ obj must be a list of Feed objects"""
128 if pollcontext is None:
129 pollcontext = {}
130 stoppers = []
131 for f in obj:
132 sf = None
133 if not self._pollers.has_key(f) and not pollcontext.has_key(f):
134 self._pollers[f] = True
135 pollcontext[f] = True
136 sf = FeedPoller(f).poll()
137 stoppers.append(sf)
138 return stoppers
140 def poll_categories(self, cats, pollcontext = None, feeds = True):
141 """Polls categories and, if feeds is True, the feeds
142 associated with them. Returns a list of list containing
143 PollStopper objects. poll_categories([c1, c2, c3]) -> [[sc1,
144 sc1f1, sc1f2 ...], [sc2, sc2f1, sc2f2 ...], ...] where cN is a
145 category, scN is a PollStopper for cN, scNfM is a stopper for
146 a feed in cN. If no polling was started for that cN or cNfM,
147 in its place is None. """
148 stoppers = []
149 if pollcontext is None:
150 pollcontext = {}
151 for c in cats:
152 category_stoppers = []
153 sc = None
154 if c.subscription is not None and not self._pollers.has_key(c) and not pollcontext.has_key(c):
155 self._pollers[c] = True
156 pollcontext[c] = True
157 sc = CategoryPoller(c, pollcontext).poll()
158 category_stoppers.append(sc)
159 if feeds:
160 for f in c.feeds:
161 sf = None
162 if not self._pollers.has_key(f) and not pollcontext.has_key(f):
163 self._pollers[f] = True
164 pollcontext[f] = True
165 sf = FeedPoller(f).poll(), f
166 category_stoppers.append(sf)
167 stoppers.append(category_stoppers)
168 return stoppers
170 def poll_done(self, obj):
171 if self._pollers.has_key(obj):
172 del self._pollers[obj]
174 class FeedPoller:
175 def __init__(self, feed):
176 self._feed = feed
178 def poll(self):
179 MainloopManager.get_instance().call_pending()
181 url, user, pw = self._feed.access_info
182 parsed = None
183 config = Config.get_instance()
184 self._feed.last_poll = int (time.time())
185 ps = None
186 try:
187 try:
188 stopper = URLFetch.get_instance().request(
189 url, self, user, pw, priority=NetworkConstants.PRIORITY_RSS)
190 ps = PollStopper(stopper, self._feed)
191 except Exception, e:
192 error.log_exc("Caught an exception while polling")
193 self.http_failed(e)
194 else:
195 self._feed.router.start_polling()
196 self._feed.router.stopper = ps
197 finally:
198 return ps
200 def http_results(self, status, data):
201 MainloopManager.get_instance().call_pending()
202 try:
203 try:
204 err = ""
205 read_data = True
206 #if status is None:
207 # err = _("No data")
208 #elif status[1] == 304:
209 # self._feed.router.route_no_data()
210 # read_data = False
211 #elif status[1] == 410 or status[1] == 404:
212 # err = _("Unable to find the feed (%s: %s)") % (
213 # status[1], status[2].strip())
214 #elif status[1] == 401:
215 # err = _("Invalid username and password.")
216 #elif status[1] > 299:
217 # err = _("Updating feed resulted in abnormal status '%s' (code %d)") % (
218 # status[2].strip(), status[1])
220 (x, code, message) = status
221 if code == 304:
222 self._feed.router.route_no_data()
223 read_data = False
224 elif code > 299:
225 err = "%s" % message
227 if err:
228 self._feed.router.set_error(err)
229 elif read_data:
230 try:
231 parsed = SummaryParser.parse(data, self._feed)
232 except Exception, e:
233 error.log_exc("exception in summaryparser")
234 self._feed.router.set_error(
235 _("An error occurred while processing feed: %s") %
236 str(e))
237 else:
238 self._feed.router.route_all(parsed)
239 straw.post_status_message(_("Updating %s done.") % self._feed.title)
240 except Exception, ex:
241 error.log_exc("error while parsing results")
242 self._feed.router.set_error(str(ex))
243 finally:
244 get_instance().poll_done(self._feed)
246 def http_failed(self, exception):
247 try:
248 if isinstance(exception, socket.error):
249 self._feed.router.route_no_data()
250 else:
251 self._feed.router.set_error(str(exception))
252 straw.post_status_message(_("Updating %s failed") % self._feed.title)
253 self._feed.poll_done()
254 finally:
255 get_instance().poll_done(self._feed)
257 def http_permanent_redirect(self, location):
258 # XXX
259 (oldloc, u, p) = self._feed.access_info
260 self._feed.access_info = (location, u, p)
262 def operation_stopped(self):
263 self._feed.router.route_no_data()
264 self._feed.poll_done()
265 get_instance().poll_done(self._feed)
267 class CategoryPoller:
268 def __init__(self, category, pollcontext):
269 self._category = category
270 self._pollcontext = pollcontext
272 def poll(self):
273 sub = self._category.subscription
274 if sub is None or sub.location is None or len(sub.location) == 0:
275 return None
276 sub.last_poll = int(time.time())
277 ps = None
278 try:
279 try:
280 stopper = URLFetch.get_instance().request(
281 sub.location, self, sub.username, sub.password, priority=NetworkConstants.PRIORITY_RSS)
282 ps = PollStopper(stopper, self._category)
283 except Exception, e:
284 error.log_exc("Caught an exception while polling category")
285 finally:
286 return ps
288 def http_results(self, status, data):
289 sub = self._category.subscription
290 try:
291 try:
292 err = None
293 (x, code, message) = status
294 if code == 304:
295 self._feed.router.route_no_data()
296 read_data = False
297 elif code > 299:
298 err = "%s" % message
300 if err is not None:
301 self._category.subscription.error = err
302 else:
303 sub.parse(data)
304 old_feeds = self._category.feeds
305 self._category.read_contents_from_subscription()
306 common, inold, innew = helpers.listdiff(
307 old_feeds, self._category.feeds)
308 if len(innew) > 0:
309 get_instance().poll(innew, self._pollcontext)
310 except Exception, e:
311 self._category.subscription.error = str(e)
312 finally:
313 get_instance().poll_done(self._category)
315 def http_failed(self, exception):
316 self._category.subscription.error = str(exception)
317 get_instance().poll_done(self._category)
319 def http_permanent_redirect(self, location):
320 error.logparam(locals(), "location")
322 def operation_stopped(self):
323 get_instance().poll_done(self._category)
325 pollmanager_instance = None
327 def get_instance():
328 global pollmanager_instance
329 if pollmanager_instance is None:
330 pollmanager_instance = PollManager()
331 return pollmanager_instance