Prevent deep recursions on nested COLLATE operators.
[sqlite.git] / src /
1 /*
2 ** 2001-09-15
3 **
4 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
5 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
6 **
7 ** May you do good and not evil.
8 ** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
9 ** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
11 *************************************************************************
12 ** This header file defines the interface that the SQLite library
13 ** presents to client programs. If a C-function, structure, datatype,
14 ** or constant definition does not appear in this file, then it is
15 ** not a published API of SQLite, is subject to change without
16 ** notice, and should not be referenced by programs that use SQLite.
18 ** Some of the definitions that are in this file are marked as
19 ** "experimental". Experimental interfaces are normally new
20 ** features recently added to SQLite. We do not anticipate changes
21 ** to experimental interfaces but reserve the right to make minor changes
22 ** if experience from use "in the wild" suggest such changes are prudent.
24 ** The official C-language API documentation for SQLite is derived
25 ** from comments in this file. This file is the authoritative source
26 ** on how SQLite interfaces are supposed to operate.
28 ** The name of this file under configuration management is "".
29 ** The makefile makes some minor changes to this file (such as inserting
30 ** the version number) and changes its name to "sqlite3.h" as
31 ** part of the build process.
33 #ifndef SQLITE3_H
34 #define SQLITE3_H
35 #include <stdarg.h> /* Needed for the definition of va_list */
38 ** Make sure we can call this stuff from C++.
40 #ifdef __cplusplus
41 extern "C" {
42 #endif
46 ** Provide the ability to override linkage features of the interface.
48 #ifndef SQLITE_EXTERN
49 # define SQLITE_EXTERN extern
50 #endif
51 #ifndef SQLITE_API
52 # define SQLITE_API
53 #endif
54 #ifndef SQLITE_CDECL
55 # define SQLITE_CDECL
56 #endif
58 # define SQLITE_APICALL
59 #endif
62 #endif
65 #endif
66 #ifndef SQLITE_SYSAPI
67 # define SQLITE_SYSAPI
68 #endif
71 ** These no-op macros are used in front of interfaces to mark those
72 ** interfaces as either deprecated or experimental. New applications
73 ** should not use deprecated interfaces - they are supported for backwards
74 ** compatibility only. Application writers should be aware that
75 ** experimental interfaces are subject to change in point releases.
77 ** These macros used to resolve to various kinds of compiler magic that
78 ** would generate warning messages when they were used. But that
79 ** compiler magic ended up generating such a flurry of bug reports
80 ** that we have taken it all out and gone back to using simple
81 ** noop macros.
87 ** Ensure these symbols were not defined by some previous header file.
91 #endif
94 #endif
97 ** CAPI3REF: Compile-Time Library Version Numbers
99 ** ^(The [SQLITE_VERSION] C preprocessor macro in the sqlite3.h header
100 ** evaluates to a string literal that is the SQLite version in the
101 ** format "X.Y.Z" where X is the major version number (always 3 for
102 ** SQLite3) and Y is the minor version number and Z is the release number.)^
103 ** ^(The [SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER] C preprocessor macro resolves to an integer
104 ** with the value (X*1000000 + Y*1000 + Z) where X, Y, and Z are the same
105 ** numbers used in [SQLITE_VERSION].)^
106 ** The SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER for any given release of SQLite will also
107 ** be larger than the release from which it is derived. Either Y will
108 ** be held constant and Z will be incremented or else Y will be incremented
109 ** and Z will be reset to zero.
111 ** Since [version 3.6.18] ([dateof:3.6.18]),
112 ** SQLite source code has been stored in the
113 ** <a href="">Fossil configuration management
114 ** system</a>. ^The SQLITE_SOURCE_ID macro evaluates to
115 ** a string which identifies a particular check-in of SQLite
116 ** within its configuration management system. ^The SQLITE_SOURCE_ID
117 ** string contains the date and time of the check-in (UTC) and a SHA1
118 ** or SHA3-256 hash of the entire source tree. If the source code has
119 ** been edited in any way since it was last checked in, then the last
120 ** four hexadecimal digits of the hash may be modified.
122 ** See also: [sqlite3_libversion()],
123 ** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()],
124 ** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
126 #define SQLITE_VERSION "--VERS--"
128 #define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "--SOURCE-ID--"
131 ** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers
132 ** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_version sqlite3_sourceid
134 ** These interfaces provide the same information as the [SQLITE_VERSION],
135 ** [SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER], and [SQLITE_SOURCE_ID] C preprocessor macros
136 ** but are associated with the library instead of the header file. ^(Cautious
137 ** programmers might include assert() statements in their application to
138 ** verify that values returned by these interfaces match the macros in
139 ** the header, and thus ensure that the application is
140 ** compiled with matching library and header files.
142 ** <blockquote><pre>
143 ** assert( sqlite3_libversion_number()==SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER );
144 ** assert( strncmp(sqlite3_sourceid(),SQLITE_SOURCE_ID,80)==0 );
145 ** assert( strcmp(sqlite3_libversion(),SQLITE_VERSION)==0 );
146 ** </pre></blockquote>)^
148 ** ^The sqlite3_version[] string constant contains the text of [SQLITE_VERSION]
149 ** macro. ^The sqlite3_libversion() function returns a pointer to the
150 ** to the sqlite3_version[] string constant. The sqlite3_libversion()
151 ** function is provided for use in DLLs since DLL users usually do not have
152 ** direct access to string constants within the DLL. ^The
153 ** sqlite3_libversion_number() function returns an integer equal to
154 ** [SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER]. ^(The sqlite3_sourceid() function returns
155 ** a pointer to a string constant whose value is the same as the
156 ** [SQLITE_SOURCE_ID] C preprocessor macro. Except if SQLite is built
157 ** using an edited copy of [the amalgamation], then the last four characters
158 ** of the hash might be different from [SQLITE_SOURCE_ID].)^
160 ** See also: [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
162 SQLITE_EXTERN const char sqlite3_version[];
163 const char *sqlite3_libversion(void);
164 const char *sqlite3_sourceid(void);
165 int sqlite3_libversion_number(void);
168 ** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Compilation Options Diagnostics
170 ** ^The sqlite3_compileoption_used() function returns 0 or 1
171 ** indicating whether the specified option was defined at
172 ** compile time. ^The SQLITE_ prefix may be omitted from the
173 ** option name passed to sqlite3_compileoption_used().
175 ** ^The sqlite3_compileoption_get() function allows iterating
176 ** over the list of options that were defined at compile time by
177 ** returning the N-th compile time option string. ^If N is out of range,
178 ** sqlite3_compileoption_get() returns a NULL pointer. ^The SQLITE_
179 ** prefix is omitted from any strings returned by
180 ** sqlite3_compileoption_get().
182 ** ^Support for the diagnostic functions sqlite3_compileoption_used()
183 ** and sqlite3_compileoption_get() may be omitted by specifying the
184 ** [SQLITE_OMIT_COMPILEOPTION_DIAGS] option at compile time.
186 ** See also: SQL functions [sqlite_compileoption_used()] and
187 ** [sqlite_compileoption_get()] and the [compile_options pragma].
190 int sqlite3_compileoption_used(const char *zOptName);
191 const char *sqlite3_compileoption_get(int N);
192 #endif
195 ** CAPI3REF: Test To See If The Library Is Threadsafe
197 ** ^The sqlite3_threadsafe() function returns zero if and only if
198 ** SQLite was compiled with mutexing code omitted due to the
199 ** [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] compile-time option being set to 0.
201 ** SQLite can be compiled with or without mutexes. When
202 ** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] C preprocessor macro is 1 or 2, mutexes
203 ** are enabled and SQLite is threadsafe. When the
204 ** [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] macro is 0,
205 ** the mutexes are omitted. Without the mutexes, it is not safe
206 ** to use SQLite concurrently from more than one thread.
208 ** Enabling mutexes incurs a measurable performance penalty.
209 ** So if speed is of utmost importance, it makes sense to disable
210 ** the mutexes. But for maximum safety, mutexes should be enabled.
211 ** ^The default behavior is for mutexes to be enabled.
213 ** This interface can be used by an application to make sure that the
214 ** version of SQLite that it is linking against was compiled with
215 ** the desired setting of the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] macro.
217 ** This interface only reports on the compile-time mutex setting
218 ** of the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] flag. If SQLite is compiled with
219 ** SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1 or =2 then mutexes are enabled by default but
220 ** can be fully or partially disabled using a call to [sqlite3_config()]
222 ** or [SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED]. ^(The return value of the
223 ** sqlite3_threadsafe() function shows only the compile-time setting of
224 ** thread safety, not any run-time changes to that setting made by
225 ** sqlite3_config(). In other words, the return value from sqlite3_threadsafe()
226 ** is unchanged by calls to sqlite3_config().)^
228 ** See the [threading mode] documentation for additional information.
230 int sqlite3_threadsafe(void);
233 ** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Handle
234 ** KEYWORDS: {database connection} {database connections}
236 ** Each open SQLite database is represented by a pointer to an instance of
237 ** the opaque structure named "sqlite3". It is useful to think of an sqlite3
238 ** pointer as an object. The [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], and
239 ** [sqlite3_open_v2()] interfaces are its constructors, and [sqlite3_close()]
240 ** and [sqlite3_close_v2()] are its destructors. There are many other
241 ** interfaces (such as
242 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_create_function()], and
243 ** [sqlite3_busy_timeout()] to name but three) that are methods on an
244 ** sqlite3 object.
246 typedef struct sqlite3 sqlite3;
249 ** CAPI3REF: 64-Bit Integer Types
250 ** KEYWORDS: sqlite_int64 sqlite_uint64
252 ** Because there is no cross-platform way to specify 64-bit integer types
253 ** SQLite includes typedefs for 64-bit signed and unsigned integers.
255 ** The sqlite3_int64 and sqlite3_uint64 are the preferred type definitions.
256 ** The sqlite_int64 and sqlite_uint64 types are supported for backwards
257 ** compatibility only.
259 ** ^The sqlite3_int64 and sqlite_int64 types can store integer values
260 ** between -9223372036854775808 and +9223372036854775807 inclusive. ^The
261 ** sqlite3_uint64 and sqlite_uint64 types can store integer values
262 ** between 0 and +18446744073709551615 inclusive.
264 #ifdef SQLITE_INT64_TYPE
265 typedef SQLITE_INT64_TYPE sqlite_int64;
266 # ifdef SQLITE_UINT64_TYPE
267 typedef SQLITE_UINT64_TYPE sqlite_uint64;
268 # else
269 typedef unsigned SQLITE_INT64_TYPE sqlite_uint64;
270 # endif
271 #elif defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
272 typedef __int64 sqlite_int64;
273 typedef unsigned __int64 sqlite_uint64;
274 #else
275 typedef long long int sqlite_int64;
276 typedef unsigned long long int sqlite_uint64;
277 #endif
278 typedef sqlite_int64 sqlite3_int64;
279 typedef sqlite_uint64 sqlite3_uint64;
282 ** If compiling for a processor that lacks floating point support,
283 ** substitute integer for floating-point.
286 # define double sqlite3_int64
287 #endif
290 ** CAPI3REF: Closing A Database Connection
291 ** DESTRUCTOR: sqlite3
293 ** ^The sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() routines are destructors
294 ** for the [sqlite3] object.
295 ** ^Calls to sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() return [SQLITE_OK] if
296 ** the [sqlite3] object is successfully destroyed and all associated
297 ** resources are deallocated.
299 ** ^If the database connection is associated with unfinalized prepared
300 ** statements or unfinished sqlite3_backup objects then sqlite3_close()
301 ** will leave the database connection open and return [SQLITE_BUSY].
302 ** ^If sqlite3_close_v2() is called with unfinalized prepared statements
303 ** and/or unfinished sqlite3_backups, then the database connection becomes
304 ** an unusable "zombie" which will automatically be deallocated when the
305 ** last prepared statement is finalized or the last sqlite3_backup is
306 ** finished. The sqlite3_close_v2() interface is intended for use with
307 ** host languages that are garbage collected, and where the order in which
308 ** destructors are called is arbitrary.
310 ** Applications should [sqlite3_finalize | finalize] all [prepared statements],
311 ** [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [BLOB handles], and
312 ** [sqlite3_backup_finish | finish] all [sqlite3_backup] objects associated
313 ** with the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object. ^If
314 ** sqlite3_close_v2() is called on a [database connection] that still has
315 ** outstanding [prepared statements], [BLOB handles], and/or
316 ** [sqlite3_backup] objects then it returns [SQLITE_OK] and the deallocation
317 ** of resources is deferred until all [prepared statements], [BLOB handles],
318 ** and [sqlite3_backup] objects are also destroyed.
320 ** ^If an [sqlite3] object is destroyed while a transaction is open,
321 ** the transaction is automatically rolled back.
323 ** The C parameter to [sqlite3_close(C)] and [sqlite3_close_v2(C)]
324 ** must be either a NULL
325 ** pointer or an [sqlite3] object pointer obtained
326 ** from [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], or
327 ** [sqlite3_open_v2()], and not previously closed.
328 ** ^Calling sqlite3_close() or sqlite3_close_v2() with a NULL pointer
329 ** argument is a harmless no-op.
331 int sqlite3_close(sqlite3*);
332 int sqlite3_close_v2(sqlite3*);
335 ** The type for a callback function.
336 ** This is legacy and deprecated. It is included for historical
337 ** compatibility and is not documented.
339 typedef int (*sqlite3_callback)(void*,int,char**, char**);
342 ** CAPI3REF: One-Step Query Execution Interface
343 ** METHOD: sqlite3
345 ** The sqlite3_exec() interface is a convenience wrapper around
346 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_step()], and [sqlite3_finalize()],
347 ** that allows an application to run multiple statements of SQL
348 ** without having to use a lot of C code.
350 ** ^The sqlite3_exec() interface runs zero or more UTF-8 encoded,
351 ** semicolon-separate SQL statements passed into its 2nd argument,
352 ** in the context of the [database connection] passed in as its 1st
353 ** argument. ^If the callback function of the 3rd argument to
354 ** sqlite3_exec() is not NULL, then it is invoked for each result row
355 ** coming out of the evaluated SQL statements. ^The 4th argument to
356 ** sqlite3_exec() is relayed through to the 1st argument of each
357 ** callback invocation. ^If the callback pointer to sqlite3_exec()
358 ** is NULL, then no callback is ever invoked and result rows are
359 ** ignored.
361 ** ^If an error occurs while evaluating the SQL statements passed into
362 ** sqlite3_exec(), then execution of the current statement stops and
363 ** subsequent statements are skipped. ^If the 5th parameter to sqlite3_exec()
364 ** is not NULL then any error message is written into memory obtained
365 ** from [sqlite3_malloc()] and passed back through the 5th parameter.
366 ** To avoid memory leaks, the application should invoke [sqlite3_free()]
367 ** on error message strings returned through the 5th parameter of
368 ** sqlite3_exec() after the error message string is no longer needed.
369 ** ^If the 5th parameter to sqlite3_exec() is not NULL and no errors
370 ** occur, then sqlite3_exec() sets the pointer in its 5th parameter to
371 ** NULL before returning.
373 ** ^If an sqlite3_exec() callback returns non-zero, the sqlite3_exec()
374 ** routine returns SQLITE_ABORT without invoking the callback again and
375 ** without running any subsequent SQL statements.
377 ** ^The 2nd argument to the sqlite3_exec() callback function is the
378 ** number of columns in the result. ^The 3rd argument to the sqlite3_exec()
379 ** callback is an array of pointers to strings obtained as if from
380 ** [sqlite3_column_text()], one for each column. ^If an element of a
381 ** result row is NULL then the corresponding string pointer for the
382 ** sqlite3_exec() callback is a NULL pointer. ^The 4th argument to the
383 ** sqlite3_exec() callback is an array of pointers to strings where each
384 ** entry represents the name of corresponding result column as obtained
385 ** from [sqlite3_column_name()].
387 ** ^If the 2nd parameter to sqlite3_exec() is a NULL pointer, a pointer
388 ** to an empty string, or a pointer that contains only whitespace and/or
389 ** SQL comments, then no SQL statements are evaluated and the database
390 ** is not changed.
392 ** Restrictions:
394 ** <ul>
395 ** <li> The application must ensure that the 1st parameter to sqlite3_exec()
396 ** is a valid and open [database connection].
397 ** <li> The application must not close the [database connection] specified by
398 ** the 1st parameter to sqlite3_exec() while sqlite3_exec() is running.
399 ** <li> The application must not modify the SQL statement text passed into
400 ** the 2nd parameter of sqlite3_exec() while sqlite3_exec() is running.
401 ** </ul>
403 int sqlite3_exec(
404 sqlite3*, /* An open database */
405 const char *sql, /* SQL to be evaluated */
406 int (*callback)(void*,int,char**,char**), /* Callback function */
407 void *, /* 1st argument to callback */
408 char **errmsg /* Error msg written here */
412 ** CAPI3REF: Result Codes
413 ** KEYWORDS: {result code definitions}
415 ** Many SQLite functions return an integer result code from the set shown
416 ** here in order to indicate success or failure.
418 ** New error codes may be added in future versions of SQLite.
420 ** See also: [extended result code definitions]
422 #define SQLITE_OK 0 /* Successful result */
423 /* beginning-of-error-codes */
424 #define SQLITE_ERROR 1 /* Generic error */
425 #define SQLITE_INTERNAL 2 /* Internal logic error in SQLite */
426 #define SQLITE_PERM 3 /* Access permission denied */
427 #define SQLITE_ABORT 4 /* Callback routine requested an abort */
428 #define SQLITE_BUSY 5 /* The database file is locked */
429 #define SQLITE_LOCKED 6 /* A table in the database is locked */
430 #define SQLITE_NOMEM 7 /* A malloc() failed */
431 #define SQLITE_READONLY 8 /* Attempt to write a readonly database */
432 #define SQLITE_INTERRUPT 9 /* Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()*/
433 #define SQLITE_IOERR 10 /* Some kind of disk I/O error occurred */
434 #define SQLITE_CORRUPT 11 /* The database disk image is malformed */
435 #define SQLITE_NOTFOUND 12 /* Unknown opcode in sqlite3_file_control() */
436 #define SQLITE_FULL 13 /* Insertion failed because database is full */
437 #define SQLITE_CANTOPEN 14 /* Unable to open the database file */
438 #define SQLITE_PROTOCOL 15 /* Database lock protocol error */
439 #define SQLITE_EMPTY 16 /* Internal use only */
440 #define SQLITE_SCHEMA 17 /* The database schema changed */
441 #define SQLITE_TOOBIG 18 /* String or BLOB exceeds size limit */
442 #define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT 19 /* Abort due to constraint violation */
443 #define SQLITE_MISMATCH 20 /* Data type mismatch */
444 #define SQLITE_MISUSE 21 /* Library used incorrectly */
445 #define SQLITE_NOLFS 22 /* Uses OS features not supported on host */
446 #define SQLITE_AUTH 23 /* Authorization denied */
447 #define SQLITE_FORMAT 24 /* Not used */
448 #define SQLITE_RANGE 25 /* 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range */
449 #define SQLITE_NOTADB 26 /* File opened that is not a database file */
450 #define SQLITE_NOTICE 27 /* Notifications from sqlite3_log() */
451 #define SQLITE_WARNING 28 /* Warnings from sqlite3_log() */
452 #define SQLITE_ROW 100 /* sqlite3_step() has another row ready */
453 #define SQLITE_DONE 101 /* sqlite3_step() has finished executing */
454 /* end-of-error-codes */
457 ** CAPI3REF: Extended Result Codes
458 ** KEYWORDS: {extended result code definitions}
460 ** In its default configuration, SQLite API routines return one of 30 integer
461 ** [result codes]. However, experience has shown that many of
462 ** these result codes are too coarse-grained. They do not provide as
463 ** much information about problems as programmers might like. In an effort to
464 ** address this, newer versions of SQLite (version 3.3.8 [dateof:3.3.8]
465 ** and later) include
466 ** support for additional result codes that provide more detailed information
467 ** about errors. These [extended result codes] are enabled or disabled
468 ** on a per database connection basis using the
469 ** [sqlite3_extended_result_codes()] API. Or, the extended code for
470 ** the most recent error can be obtained using
471 ** [sqlite3_extended_errcode()].
474 #define SQLITE_ERROR_RETRY (SQLITE_ERROR | (2<<8))
475 #define SQLITE_IOERR_READ (SQLITE_IOERR | (1<<8))
477 #define SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE (SQLITE_IOERR | (3<<8))
478 #define SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC (SQLITE_IOERR | (4<<8))
481 #define SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT (SQLITE_IOERR | (7<<8))
484 #define SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE (SQLITE_IOERR | (10<<8))
486 #define SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM (SQLITE_IOERR | (12<<8))
487 #define SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS (SQLITE_IOERR | (13<<8))
489 #define SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK (SQLITE_IOERR | (15<<8))
490 #define SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE (SQLITE_IOERR | (16<<8))
495 #define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP (SQLITE_IOERR | (21<<8))
496 #define SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK (SQLITE_IOERR | (22<<8))
498 #define SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP (SQLITE_IOERR | (24<<8))
501 #define SQLITE_IOERR_VNODE (SQLITE_IOERR | (27<<8))
502 #define SQLITE_IOERR_AUTH (SQLITE_IOERR | (28<<8))
534 #define SQLITE_AUTH_USER (SQLITE_AUTH | (1<<8))
538 ** CAPI3REF: Flags For File Open Operations
540 ** These bit values are intended for use in the
541 ** 3rd parameter to the [sqlite3_open_v2()] interface and
542 ** in the 4th parameter to the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] method.
544 #define SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY 0x00000001 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
545 #define SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE 0x00000002 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
546 #define SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE 0x00000004 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
547 #define SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE 0x00000008 /* VFS only */
548 #define SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE 0x00000010 /* VFS only */
549 #define SQLITE_OPEN_AUTOPROXY 0x00000020 /* VFS only */
550 #define SQLITE_OPEN_URI 0x00000040 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
551 #define SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY 0x00000080 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
552 #define SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB 0x00000100 /* VFS only */
553 #define SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB 0x00000200 /* VFS only */
554 #define SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB 0x00000400 /* VFS only */
555 #define SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL 0x00000800 /* VFS only */
556 #define SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_JOURNAL 0x00001000 /* VFS only */
557 #define SQLITE_OPEN_SUBJOURNAL 0x00002000 /* VFS only */
558 #define SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL 0x00004000 /* VFS only */
559 #define SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX 0x00008000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
560 #define SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX 0x00010000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
561 #define SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE 0x00020000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
562 #define SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE 0x00040000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
563 #define SQLITE_OPEN_WAL 0x00080000 /* VFS only */
565 /* Reserved: 0x00F00000 */
568 ** CAPI3REF: Device Characteristics
570 ** The xDeviceCharacteristics method of the [sqlite3_io_methods]
571 ** object returns an integer which is a vector of these
572 ** bit values expressing I/O characteristics of the mass storage
573 ** device that holds the file that the [sqlite3_io_methods]
574 ** refers to.
576 ** The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC property means that all writes of
577 ** any size are atomic. The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMICnnn values
578 ** mean that writes of blocks that are nnn bytes in size and
579 ** are aligned to an address which is an integer multiple of
580 ** nnn are atomic. The SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND value means
581 ** that when data is appended to a file, the data is appended
582 ** first then the size of the file is extended, never the other
583 ** way around. The SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL property means that
584 ** information is written to disk in the same order as calls
585 ** to xWrite(). The SQLITE_IOCAP_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE property means that
586 ** after reboot following a crash or power loss, the only bytes in a
587 ** file that were written at the application level might have changed
588 ** and that adjacent bytes, even bytes within the same sector are
589 ** guaranteed to be unchanged. The SQLITE_IOCAP_UNDELETABLE_WHEN_OPEN
590 ** flag indicates that a file cannot be deleted when open. The
591 ** SQLITE_IOCAP_IMMUTABLE flag indicates that the file is on
592 ** read-only media and cannot be changed even by processes with
593 ** elevated privileges.
595 ** The SQLITE_IOCAP_BATCH_ATOMIC property means that the underlying
596 ** filesystem supports doing multiple write operations atomically when those
597 ** write operations are bracketed by [SQLITE_FCNTL_BEGIN_ATOMIC_WRITE] and
600 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC 0x00000001
601 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512 0x00000002
602 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC1K 0x00000004
603 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC2K 0x00000008
604 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC4K 0x00000010
605 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC8K 0x00000020
606 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC16K 0x00000040
607 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC32K 0x00000080
608 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC64K 0x00000100
609 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND 0x00000200
610 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL 0x00000400
613 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_IMMUTABLE 0x00002000
614 #define SQLITE_IOCAP_BATCH_ATOMIC 0x00004000
617 ** CAPI3REF: File Locking Levels
619 ** SQLite uses one of these integer values as the second
620 ** argument to calls it makes to the xLock() and xUnlock() methods
621 ** of an [sqlite3_io_methods] object.
623 #define SQLITE_LOCK_NONE 0
624 #define SQLITE_LOCK_SHARED 1
630 ** CAPI3REF: Synchronization Type Flags
632 ** When SQLite invokes the xSync() method of an
633 ** [sqlite3_io_methods] object it uses a combination of
634 ** these integer values as the second argument.
636 ** When the SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY flag is used, it means that the
637 ** sync operation only needs to flush data to mass storage. Inode
638 ** information need not be flushed. If the lower four bits of the flag
639 ** equal SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL, that means to use normal fsync() semantics.
640 ** If the lower four bits equal SQLITE_SYNC_FULL, that means
641 ** to use Mac OS X style fullsync instead of fsync().
643 ** Do not confuse the SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL and SQLITE_SYNC_FULL flags
644 ** with the [PRAGMA synchronous]=NORMAL and [PRAGMA synchronous]=FULL
645 ** settings. The [synchronous pragma] determines when calls to the
646 ** xSync VFS method occur and applies uniformly across all platforms.
647 ** The SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL and SQLITE_SYNC_FULL flags determine how
648 ** energetic or rigorous or forceful the sync operations are and
649 ** only make a difference on Mac OSX for the default SQLite code.
650 ** (Third-party VFS implementations might also make the distinction
651 ** between SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL and SQLITE_SYNC_FULL, but among the
652 ** operating systems natively supported by SQLite, only Mac OSX
653 ** cares about the difference.)
655 #define SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL 0x00002
656 #define SQLITE_SYNC_FULL 0x00003
657 #define SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY 0x00010
660 ** CAPI3REF: OS Interface Open File Handle
662 ** An [sqlite3_file] object represents an open file in the
663 ** [sqlite3_vfs | OS interface layer]. Individual OS interface
664 ** implementations will
665 ** want to subclass this object by appending additional fields
666 ** for their own use. The pMethods entry is a pointer to an
667 ** [sqlite3_io_methods] object that defines methods for performing
668 ** I/O operations on the open file.
670 typedef struct sqlite3_file sqlite3_file;
671 struct sqlite3_file {
672 const struct sqlite3_io_methods *pMethods; /* Methods for an open file */
676 ** CAPI3REF: OS Interface File Virtual Methods Object
678 ** Every file opened by the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] method populates an
679 ** [sqlite3_file] object (or, more commonly, a subclass of the
680 ** [sqlite3_file] object) with a pointer to an instance of this object.
681 ** This object defines the methods used to perform various operations
682 ** against the open file represented by the [sqlite3_file] object.
684 ** If the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] method sets the sqlite3_file.pMethods element
685 ** to a non-NULL pointer, then the sqlite3_io_methods.xClose method
686 ** may be invoked even if the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] reported that it failed. The
687 ** only way to prevent a call to xClose following a failed [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen]
688 ** is for the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] to set the sqlite3_file.pMethods element
689 ** to NULL.
691 ** The flags argument to xSync may be one of [SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL] or
692 ** [SQLITE_SYNC_FULL]. The first choice is the normal fsync().
693 ** The second choice is a Mac OS X style fullsync. The [SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY]
694 ** flag may be ORed in to indicate that only the data of the file
695 ** and not its inode needs to be synced.
697 ** The integer values to xLock() and xUnlock() are one of
698 ** <ul>
699 ** <li> [SQLITE_LOCK_NONE],
700 ** <li> [SQLITE_LOCK_SHARED],
702 ** <li> [SQLITE_LOCK_PENDING], or
704 ** </ul>
705 ** xLock() increases the lock. xUnlock() decreases the lock.
706 ** The xCheckReservedLock() method checks whether any database connection,
707 ** either in this process or in some other process, is holding a RESERVED,
708 ** PENDING, or EXCLUSIVE lock on the file. It returns true
709 ** if such a lock exists and false otherwise.
711 ** The xFileControl() method is a generic interface that allows custom
712 ** VFS implementations to directly control an open file using the
713 ** [sqlite3_file_control()] interface. The second "op" argument is an
714 ** integer opcode. The third argument is a generic pointer intended to
715 ** point to a structure that may contain arguments or space in which to
716 ** write return values. Potential uses for xFileControl() might be
717 ** functions to enable blocking locks with timeouts, to change the
718 ** locking strategy (for example to use dot-file locks), to inquire
719 ** about the status of a lock, or to break stale locks. The SQLite
720 ** core reserves all opcodes less than 100 for its own use.
721 ** A [file control opcodes | list of opcodes] less than 100 is available.
722 ** Applications that define a custom xFileControl method should use opcodes
723 ** greater than 100 to avoid conflicts. VFS implementations should
724 ** return [SQLITE_NOTFOUND] for file control opcodes that they do not
725 ** recognize.
727 ** The xSectorSize() method returns the sector size of the
728 ** device that underlies the file. The sector size is the
729 ** minimum write that can be performed without disturbing
730 ** other bytes in the file. The xDeviceCharacteristics()
731 ** method returns a bit vector describing behaviors of the
732 ** underlying device:
734 ** <ul>
736 ** <li> [SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512]
741 ** <li> [SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC16K]
742 ** <li> [SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC32K]
743 ** <li> [SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC64K]
750 ** </ul>
752 ** The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC property means that all writes of
753 ** any size are atomic. The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMICnnn values
754 ** mean that writes of blocks that are nnn bytes in size and
755 ** are aligned to an address which is an integer multiple of
756 ** nnn are atomic. The SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND value means
757 ** that when data is appended to a file, the data is appended
758 ** first then the size of the file is extended, never the other
759 ** way around. The SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL property means that
760 ** information is written to disk in the same order as calls
761 ** to xWrite().
763 ** If xRead() returns SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ it must also fill
764 ** in the unread portions of the buffer with zeros. A VFS that
765 ** fails to zero-fill short reads might seem to work. However,
766 ** failure to zero-fill short reads will eventually lead to
767 ** database corruption.
769 typedef struct sqlite3_io_methods sqlite3_io_methods;
770 struct sqlite3_io_methods {
771 int iVersion;
772 int (*xClose)(sqlite3_file*);
773 int (*xRead)(sqlite3_file*, void*, int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst);
774 int (*xWrite)(sqlite3_file*, const void*, int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst);
775 int (*xTruncate)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 size);
776 int (*xSync)(sqlite3_file*, int flags);
777 int (*xFileSize)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 *pSize);
778 int (*xLock)(sqlite3_file*, int);
779 int (*xUnlock)(sqlite3_file*, int);
780 int (*xCheckReservedLock)(sqlite3_file*, int *pResOut);
781 int (*xFileControl)(sqlite3_file*, int op, void *pArg);
782 int (*xSectorSize)(sqlite3_file*);
783 int (*xDeviceCharacteristics)(sqlite3_file*);
784 /* Methods above are valid for version 1 */
785 int (*xShmMap)(sqlite3_file*, int iPg, int pgsz, int, void volatile**);
786 int (*xShmLock)(sqlite3_file*, int offset, int n, int flags);
787 void (*xShmBarrier)(sqlite3_file*);
788 int (*xShmUnmap)(sqlite3_file*, int deleteFlag);
789 /* Methods above are valid for version 2 */
790 int (*xFetch)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 iOfst, int iAmt, void **pp);
791 int (*xUnfetch)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 iOfst, void *p);
792 /* Methods above are valid for version 3 */
793 /* Additional methods may be added in future releases */
797 ** CAPI3REF: Standard File Control Opcodes
798 ** KEYWORDS: {file control opcodes} {file control opcode}
800 ** These integer constants are opcodes for the xFileControl method
801 ** of the [sqlite3_io_methods] object and for the [sqlite3_file_control()]
802 ** interface.
804 ** <ul>
806 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE] opcode is used for debugging. This
807 ** opcode causes the xFileControl method to write the current state of
808 ** the lock (one of [SQLITE_LOCK_NONE], [SQLITE_LOCK_SHARED],
810 ** into an integer that the pArg argument points to. This capability
811 ** is used during testing and is only available when the SQLITE_TEST
812 ** compile-time option is used.
815 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT] opcode is used by SQLite to give the VFS
816 ** layer a hint of how large the database file will grow to be during the
817 ** current transaction. This hint is not guaranteed to be accurate but it
818 ** is often close. The underlying VFS might choose to preallocate database
819 ** file space based on this hint in order to help writes to the database
820 ** file run faster.
823 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE] opcode is used to request that the VFS
824 ** extends and truncates the database file in chunks of a size specified
825 ** by the user. The fourth argument to [sqlite3_file_control()] should
826 ** point to an integer (type int) containing the new chunk-size to use
827 ** for the nominated database. Allocating database file space in large
828 ** chunks (say 1MB at a time), may reduce file-system fragmentation and
829 ** improve performance on some systems.
832 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER] opcode is used to obtain a pointer
833 ** to the [sqlite3_file] object associated with a particular database
834 ** connection. See also [SQLITE_FCNTL_JOURNAL_POINTER].
837 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_JOURNAL_POINTER] opcode is used to obtain a pointer
838 ** to the [sqlite3_file] object associated with the journal file (either
839 ** the [rollback journal] or the [write-ahead log]) for a particular database
840 ** connection. See also [SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER].
843 ** No longer in use.
845 ** <li>[[SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC]]
846 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC] opcode is generated internally by SQLite and
847 ** sent to the VFS immediately before the xSync method is invoked on a
848 ** database file descriptor. Or, if the xSync method is not invoked
849 ** because the user has configured SQLite with
850 ** [PRAGMA synchronous | PRAGMA synchronous=OFF] it is invoked in place
851 ** of the xSync method. In most cases, the pointer argument passed with
852 ** this file-control is NULL. However, if the database file is being synced
853 ** as part of a multi-database commit, the argument points to a nul-terminated
854 ** string containing the transactions master-journal file name. VFSes that
855 ** do not need this signal should silently ignore this opcode. Applications
856 ** should not call [sqlite3_file_control()] with this opcode as doing so may
857 ** disrupt the operation of the specialized VFSes that do require it.
860 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_COMMIT_PHASETWO] opcode is generated internally by SQLite
861 ** and sent to the VFS after a transaction has been committed immediately
862 ** but before the database is unlocked. VFSes that do not need this signal
863 ** should silently ignore this opcode. Applications should not call
864 ** [sqlite3_file_control()] with this opcode as doing so may disrupt the
865 ** operation of the specialized VFSes that do require it.
867 ** <li>[[SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_AV_RETRY]]
868 ** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_AV_RETRY] opcode is used to configure automatic
869 ** retry counts and intervals for certain disk I/O operations for the
870 ** windows [VFS] in order to provide robustness in the presence of
871 ** anti-virus programs. By default, the windows VFS will retry file read,
872 ** file write, and file delete operations up to 10 times, with a delay
873 ** of 25 milliseconds before the first retry and with the delay increasing
874 ** by an additional 25 milliseconds with each subsequent retry. This
875 ** opcode allows these two values (10 retries and 25 milliseconds of delay)
876 ** to be adjusted. The values are changed for all database connections
877 ** within the same process. The argument is a pointer to an array of two
878 ** integers where the first integer is the new retry count and the second
879 ** integer is the delay. If either integer is negative, then the setting
880 ** is not changed but instead the prior value of that setting is written
881 ** into the array entry, allowing the current retry settings to be
882 ** interrogated. The zDbName parameter is ignored.
885 ** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_PERSIST_WAL] opcode is used to set or query the
886 ** persistent [WAL | Write Ahead Log] setting. By default, the auxiliary
887 ** write ahead log and shared memory files used for transaction control
888 ** are automatically deleted when the latest connection to the database
889 ** closes. Setting persistent WAL mode causes those files to persist after
890 ** close. Persisting the files is useful when other processes that do not
891 ** have write permission on the directory containing the database file want
892 ** to read the database file, as the WAL and shared memory files must exist
893 ** in order for the database to be readable. The fourth parameter to
894 ** [sqlite3_file_control()] for this opcode should be a pointer to an integer.
895 ** That integer is 0 to disable persistent WAL mode or 1 to enable persistent
896 ** WAL mode. If the integer is -1, then it is overwritten with the current
897 ** WAL persistence setting.
900 ** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE] opcode is used to set or query the
901 ** persistent "powersafe-overwrite" or "PSOW" setting. The PSOW setting
902 ** determines the [SQLITE_IOCAP_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE] bit of the
903 ** xDeviceCharacteristics methods. The fourth parameter to
904 ** [sqlite3_file_control()] for this opcode should be a pointer to an integer.
905 ** That integer is 0 to disable zero-damage mode or 1 to enable zero-damage
906 ** mode. If the integer is -1, then it is overwritten with the current
907 ** zero-damage mode setting.
910 ** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_OVERWRITE] opcode is invoked by SQLite after opening
911 ** a write transaction to indicate that, unless it is rolled back for some
912 ** reason, the entire database file will be overwritten by the current
913 ** transaction. This is used by VACUUM operations.
916 ** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME] opcode can be used to obtain the names of
917 ** all [VFSes] in the VFS stack. The names are of all VFS shims and the
918 ** final bottom-level VFS are written into memory obtained from
919 ** [sqlite3_malloc()] and the result is stored in the char* variable
920 ** that the fourth parameter of [sqlite3_file_control()] points to.
921 ** The caller is responsible for freeing the memory when done. As with
922 ** all file-control actions, there is no guarantee that this will actually
923 ** do anything. Callers should initialize the char* variable to a NULL
924 ** pointer in case this file-control is not implemented. This file-control
925 ** is intended for diagnostic use only.
928 ** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_VFS_POINTER] opcode finds a pointer to the top-level
929 ** [VFSes] currently in use. ^(The argument X in
930 ** sqlite3_file_control(db,SQLITE_FCNTL_VFS_POINTER,X) must be
931 ** of type "[sqlite3_vfs] **". This opcodes will set *X
932 ** to a pointer to the top-level VFS.)^
933 ** ^When there are multiple VFS shims in the stack, this opcode finds the
934 ** upper-most shim only.
936 ** <li>[[SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA]]
937 ** ^Whenever a [PRAGMA] statement is parsed, an [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA]
938 ** file control is sent to the open [sqlite3_file] object corresponding
939 ** to the database file to which the pragma statement refers. ^The argument
940 ** to the [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] file control is an array of
941 ** pointers to strings (char**) in which the second element of the array
942 ** is the name of the pragma and the third element is the argument to the
943 ** pragma or NULL if the pragma has no argument. ^The handler for an
944 ** [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] file control can optionally make the first element
945 ** of the char** argument point to a string obtained from [sqlite3_mprintf()]
946 ** or the equivalent and that string will become the result of the pragma or
947 ** the error message if the pragma fails. ^If the
948 ** [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] file control returns [SQLITE_NOTFOUND], then normal
949 ** [PRAGMA] processing continues. ^If the [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA]
950 ** file control returns [SQLITE_OK], then the parser assumes that the
951 ** VFS has handled the PRAGMA itself and the parser generates a no-op
952 ** prepared statement if result string is NULL, or that returns a copy
953 ** of the result string if the string is non-NULL.
954 ** ^If the [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] file control returns
955 ** any result code other than [SQLITE_OK] or [SQLITE_NOTFOUND], that means
956 ** that the VFS encountered an error while handling the [PRAGMA] and the
957 ** compilation of the PRAGMA fails with an error. ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA]
958 ** file control occurs at the beginning of pragma statement analysis and so
959 ** it is able to override built-in [PRAGMA] statements.
963 ** file-control may be invoked by SQLite on the database file handle
964 ** shortly after it is opened in order to provide a custom VFS with access
965 ** to the connections busy-handler callback. The argument is of type (void **)
966 ** - an array of two (void *) values. The first (void *) actually points
967 ** to a function of type (int (*)(void *)). In order to invoke the connections
968 ** busy-handler, this function should be invoked with the second (void *) in
969 ** the array as the only argument. If it returns non-zero, then the operation
970 ** should be retried. If it returns zero, the custom VFS should abandon the
971 ** current operation.
974 ** ^Application can invoke the [SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME] file-control
975 ** to have SQLite generate a
976 ** temporary filename using the same algorithm that is followed to generate
977 ** temporary filenames for TEMP tables and other internal uses. The
978 ** argument should be a char** which will be filled with the filename
979 ** written into memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()]. The caller should
980 ** invoke [sqlite3_free()] on the result to avoid a memory leak.
983 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE] file control is used to query or set the
984 ** maximum number of bytes that will be used for memory-mapped I/O.
985 ** The argument is a pointer to a value of type sqlite3_int64 that
986 ** is an advisory maximum number of bytes in the file to memory map. The
987 ** pointer is overwritten with the old value. The limit is not changed if
988 ** the value originally pointed to is negative, and so the current limit
989 ** can be queried by passing in a pointer to a negative number. This
990 ** file-control is used internally to implement [PRAGMA mmap_size].
992 ** <li>[[SQLITE_FCNTL_TRACE]]
993 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_TRACE] file control provides advisory information
994 ** to the VFS about what the higher layers of the SQLite stack are doing.
995 ** This file control is used by some VFS activity tracing [shims].
996 ** The argument is a zero-terminated string. Higher layers in the
997 ** SQLite stack may generate instances of this file control if
998 ** the [SQLITE_USE_FCNTL_TRACE] compile-time option is enabled.
1000 ** <li>[[SQLITE_FCNTL_HAS_MOVED]]
1001 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_HAS_MOVED] file control interprets its argument as a
1002 ** pointer to an integer and it writes a boolean into that integer depending
1003 ** on whether or not the file has been renamed, moved, or deleted since it
1004 ** was first opened.
1007 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_GET_HANDLE] opcode can be used to obtain the
1008 ** underlying native file handle associated with a file handle. This file
1009 ** control interprets its argument as a pointer to a native file handle and
1010 ** writes the resulting value there.
1013 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_SET_HANDLE] opcode is used for debugging. This
1014 ** opcode causes the xFileControl method to swap the file handle with the one
1015 ** pointed to by the pArg argument. This capability is used during testing
1016 ** and only needs to be supported when SQLITE_TEST is defined.
1018 ** <li>[[SQLITE_FCNTL_WAL_BLOCK]]
1019 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_WAL_BLOCK] is a signal to the VFS layer that it might
1020 ** be advantageous to block on the next WAL lock if the lock is not immediately
1021 ** available. The WAL subsystem issues this signal during rare
1022 ** circumstances in order to fix a problem with priority inversion.
1023 ** Applications should <em>not</em> use this file-control.
1025 ** <li>[[SQLITE_FCNTL_ZIPVFS]]
1026 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_ZIPVFS] opcode is implemented by zipvfs only. All other
1027 ** VFS should return SQLITE_NOTFOUND for this opcode.
1029 ** <li>[[SQLITE_FCNTL_RBU]]
1030 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_RBU] opcode is implemented by the special VFS used by
1031 ** the RBU extension only. All other VFS should return SQLITE_NOTFOUND for
1032 ** this opcode.
1035 ** If the [SQLITE_FCNTL_BEGIN_ATOMIC_WRITE] opcode returns SQLITE_OK, then
1036 ** the file descriptor is placed in "batch write mode", which
1037 ** means all subsequent write operations will be deferred and done
1038 ** atomically at the next [SQLITE_FCNTL_COMMIT_ATOMIC_WRITE]. Systems
1039 ** that do not support batch atomic writes will return SQLITE_NOTFOUND.
1040 ** ^Following a successful SQLITE_FCNTL_BEGIN_ATOMIC_WRITE and prior to
1041 ** the closing [SQLITE_FCNTL_COMMIT_ATOMIC_WRITE] or
1043 ** no VFS interface calls on the same [sqlite3_file] file descriptor
1044 ** except for calls to the xWrite method and the xFileControl method
1045 ** with [SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT].
1048 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_COMMIT_ATOMIC_WRITE] opcode causes all write
1049 ** operations since the previous successful call to
1050 ** [SQLITE_FCNTL_BEGIN_ATOMIC_WRITE] to be performed atomically.
1051 ** This file control returns [SQLITE_OK] if and only if the writes were
1052 ** all performed successfully and have been committed to persistent storage.
1053 ** ^Regardless of whether or not it is successful, this file control takes
1054 ** the file descriptor out of batch write mode so that all subsequent
1055 ** write operations are independent.
1056 ** ^SQLite will never invoke SQLITE_FCNTL_COMMIT_ATOMIC_WRITE without
1057 ** a prior successful call to [SQLITE_FCNTL_BEGIN_ATOMIC_WRITE].
1060 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_ROLLBACK_ATOMIC_WRITE] opcode causes all write
1061 ** operations since the previous successful call to
1062 ** [SQLITE_FCNTL_BEGIN_ATOMIC_WRITE] to be rolled back.
1063 ** ^This file control takes the file descriptor out of batch write mode
1064 ** so that all subsequent write operations are independent.
1065 ** ^SQLite will never invoke SQLITE_FCNTL_ROLLBACK_ATOMIC_WRITE without
1066 ** a prior successful call to [SQLITE_FCNTL_BEGIN_ATOMIC_WRITE].
1069 ** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCK_TIMEOUT] opcode causes attempts to obtain
1070 ** a file lock using the xLock or xShmLock methods of the VFS to wait
1071 ** for up to M milliseconds before failing, where M is the single
1072 ** unsigned integer parameter.
1073 ** </ul>
1083 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_AV_RETRY 9
1086 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME 12
1088 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA 14
1091 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE 18
1092 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_TRACE 19
1093 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_HAS_MOVED 20
1094 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC 21
1097 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_WAL_BLOCK 24
1098 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_ZIPVFS 25
1099 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_RBU 26
1103 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_PDB 30
1109 /* deprecated names */
1116 ** CAPI3REF: Mutex Handle
1118 ** The mutex module within SQLite defines [sqlite3_mutex] to be an
1119 ** abstract type for a mutex object. The SQLite core never looks
1120 ** at the internal representation of an [sqlite3_mutex]. It only
1121 ** deals with pointers to the [sqlite3_mutex] object.
1123 ** Mutexes are created using [sqlite3_mutex_alloc()].
1125 typedef struct sqlite3_mutex sqlite3_mutex;
1128 ** CAPI3REF: Loadable Extension Thunk
1130 ** A pointer to the opaque sqlite3_api_routines structure is passed as
1131 ** the third parameter to entry points of [loadable extensions]. This
1132 ** structure must be typedefed in order to work around compiler warnings
1133 ** on some platforms.
1135 typedef struct sqlite3_api_routines sqlite3_api_routines;
1138 ** CAPI3REF: OS Interface Object
1140 ** An instance of the sqlite3_vfs object defines the interface between
1141 ** the SQLite core and the underlying operating system. The "vfs"
1142 ** in the name of the object stands for "virtual file system". See
1143 ** the [VFS | VFS documentation] for further information.
1145 ** The VFS interface is sometimes extended by adding new methods onto
1146 ** the end. Each time such an extension occurs, the iVersion field
1147 ** is incremented. The iVersion value started out as 1 in
1148 ** SQLite [version 3.5.0] on [dateof:3.5.0], then increased to 2
1149 ** with SQLite [version 3.7.0] on [dateof:3.7.0], and then increased
1150 ** to 3 with SQLite [version 3.7.6] on [dateof:3.7.6]. Additional fields
1151 ** may be appended to the sqlite3_vfs object and the iVersion value
1152 ** may increase again in future versions of SQLite.
1153 ** Note that the structure
1154 ** of the sqlite3_vfs object changes in the transition from
1155 ** SQLite [version 3.5.9] to [version 3.6.0] on [dateof:3.6.0]
1156 ** and yet the iVersion field was not modified.
1158 ** The szOsFile field is the size of the subclassed [sqlite3_file]
1159 ** structure used by this VFS. mxPathname is the maximum length of
1160 ** a pathname in this VFS.
1162 ** Registered sqlite3_vfs objects are kept on a linked list formed by
1163 ** the pNext pointer. The [sqlite3_vfs_register()]
1164 ** and [sqlite3_vfs_unregister()] interfaces manage this list
1165 ** in a thread-safe way. The [sqlite3_vfs_find()] interface
1166 ** searches the list. Neither the application code nor the VFS
1167 ** implementation should use the pNext pointer.
1169 ** The pNext field is the only field in the sqlite3_vfs
1170 ** structure that SQLite will ever modify. SQLite will only access
1171 ** or modify this field while holding a particular static mutex.
1172 ** The application should never modify anything within the sqlite3_vfs
1173 ** object once the object has been registered.
1175 ** The zName field holds the name of the VFS module. The name must
1176 ** be unique across all VFS modules.
1178 ** [[sqlite3_vfs.xOpen]]
1179 ** ^SQLite guarantees that the zFilename parameter to xOpen
1180 ** is either a NULL pointer or string obtained
1181 ** from xFullPathname() with an optional suffix added.
1182 ** ^If a suffix is added to the zFilename parameter, it will
1183 ** consist of a single "-" character followed by no more than
1184 ** 11 alphanumeric and/or "-" characters.
1185 ** ^SQLite further guarantees that
1186 ** the string will be valid and unchanged until xClose() is
1187 ** called. Because of the previous sentence,
1188 ** the [sqlite3_file] can safely store a pointer to the
1189 ** filename if it needs to remember the filename for some reason.
1190 ** If the zFilename parameter to xOpen is a NULL pointer then xOpen
1191 ** must invent its own temporary name for the file. ^Whenever the
1192 ** xFilename parameter is NULL it will also be the case that the
1193 ** flags parameter will include [SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE].
1195 ** The flags argument to xOpen() includes all bits set in
1196 ** the flags argument to [sqlite3_open_v2()]. Or if [sqlite3_open()]
1197 ** or [sqlite3_open16()] is used, then flags includes at least
1199 ** If xOpen() opens a file read-only then it sets *pOutFlags to
1200 ** include [SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY]. Other bits in *pOutFlags may be set.
1202 ** ^(SQLite will also add one of the following flags to the xOpen()
1203 ** call, depending on the object being opened:
1205 ** <ul>
1206 ** <li> [SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB]
1208 ** <li> [SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB]
1213 ** <li> [SQLITE_OPEN_WAL]
1214 ** </ul>)^
1216 ** The file I/O implementation can use the object type flags to
1217 ** change the way it deals with files. For example, an application
1218 ** that does not care about crash recovery or rollback might make
1219 ** the open of a journal file a no-op. Writes to this journal would
1220 ** also be no-ops, and any attempt to read the journal would return
1221 ** SQLITE_IOERR. Or the implementation might recognize that a database
1222 ** file will be doing page-aligned sector reads and writes in a random
1223 ** order and set up its I/O subsystem accordingly.
1225 ** SQLite might also add one of the following flags to the xOpen method:
1227 ** <ul>
1230 ** </ul>
1232 ** The [SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE] flag means the file should be
1233 ** deleted when it is closed. ^The [SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE]
1234 ** will be set for TEMP databases and their journals, transient
1235 ** databases, and subjournals.
1237 ** ^The [SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE] flag is always used in conjunction
1238 ** with the [SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE] flag, which are both directly
1239 ** analogous to the O_EXCL and O_CREAT flags of the POSIX open()
1240 ** API. The SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE flag, when paired with the
1241 ** SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, is used to indicate that file should always
1242 ** be created, and that it is an error if it already exists.
1243 ** It is <i>not</i> used to indicate the file should be opened
1244 ** for exclusive access.
1246 ** ^At least szOsFile bytes of memory are allocated by SQLite
1247 ** to hold the [sqlite3_file] structure passed as the third
1248 ** argument to xOpen. The xOpen method does not have to
1249 ** allocate the structure; it should just fill it in. Note that
1250 ** the xOpen method must set the sqlite3_file.pMethods to either
1251 ** a valid [sqlite3_io_methods] object or to NULL. xOpen must do
1252 ** this even if the open fails. SQLite expects that the sqlite3_file.pMethods
1253 ** element will be valid after xOpen returns regardless of the success
1254 ** or failure of the xOpen call.
1256 ** [[sqlite3_vfs.xAccess]]
1257 ** ^The flags argument to xAccess() may be [SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS]
1258 ** to test for the existence of a file, or [SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE] to
1259 ** test whether a file is readable and writable, or [SQLITE_ACCESS_READ]
1260 ** to test whether a file is at least readable. The file can be a
1261 ** directory.
1263 ** ^SQLite will always allocate at least mxPathname+1 bytes for the
1264 ** output buffer xFullPathname. The exact size of the output buffer
1265 ** is also passed as a parameter to both methods. If the output buffer
1266 ** is not large enough, [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] should be returned. Since this is
1267 ** handled as a fatal error by SQLite, vfs implementations should endeavor
1268 ** to prevent this by setting mxPathname to a sufficiently large value.
1270 ** The xRandomness(), xSleep(), xCurrentTime(), and xCurrentTimeInt64()
1271 ** interfaces are not strictly a part of the filesystem, but they are
1272 ** included in the VFS structure for completeness.
1273 ** The xRandomness() function attempts to return nBytes bytes
1274 ** of good-quality randomness into zOut. The return value is
1275 ** the actual number of bytes of randomness obtained.
1276 ** The xSleep() method causes the calling thread to sleep for at
1277 ** least the number of microseconds given. ^The xCurrentTime()
1278 ** method returns a Julian Day Number for the current date and time as
1279 ** a floating point value.
1280 ** ^The xCurrentTimeInt64() method returns, as an integer, the Julian
1281 ** Day Number multiplied by 86400000 (the number of milliseconds in
1282 ** a 24-hour day).
1283 ** ^SQLite will use the xCurrentTimeInt64() method to get the current
1284 ** date and time if that method is available (if iVersion is 2 or
1285 ** greater and the function pointer is not NULL) and will fall back
1286 ** to xCurrentTime() if xCurrentTimeInt64() is unavailable.
1288 ** ^The xSetSystemCall(), xGetSystemCall(), and xNestSystemCall() interfaces
1289 ** are not used by the SQLite core. These optional interfaces are provided
1290 ** by some VFSes to facilitate testing of the VFS code. By overriding
1291 ** system calls with functions under its control, a test program can
1292 ** simulate faults and error conditions that would otherwise be difficult
1293 ** or impossible to induce. The set of system calls that can be overridden
1294 ** varies from one VFS to another, and from one version of the same VFS to the
1295 ** next. Applications that use these interfaces must be prepared for any
1296 ** or all of these interfaces to be NULL or for their behavior to change
1297 ** from one release to the next. Applications must not attempt to access
1298 ** any of these methods if the iVersion of the VFS is less than 3.
1300 typedef struct sqlite3_vfs sqlite3_vfs;
1301 typedef void (*sqlite3_syscall_ptr)(void);
1302 struct sqlite3_vfs {
1303 int iVersion; /* Structure version number (currently 3) */
1304 int szOsFile; /* Size of subclassed sqlite3_file */
1305 int mxPathname; /* Maximum file pathname length */
1306 sqlite3_vfs *pNext; /* Next registered VFS */
1307 const char *zName; /* Name of this virtual file system */
1308 void *pAppData; /* Pointer to application-specific data */
1309 int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, sqlite3_file*,
1310 int flags, int *pOutFlags);
1311 int (*xDelete)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int syncDir);
1312 int (*xAccess)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int flags, int *pResOut);
1313 int (*xFullPathname)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int nOut, char *zOut);
1314 void *(*xDlOpen)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zFilename);
1315 void (*xDlError)(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zErrMsg);
1316 void (*(*xDlSym)(sqlite3_vfs*,void*, const char *zSymbol))(void);
1317 void (*xDlClose)(sqlite3_vfs*, void*);
1318 int (*xRandomness)(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zOut);
1319 int (*xSleep)(sqlite3_vfs*, int microseconds);
1320 int (*xCurrentTime)(sqlite3_vfs*, double*);
1321 int (*xGetLastError)(sqlite3_vfs*, int, char *);
1323 ** The methods above are in version 1 of the sqlite_vfs object
1324 ** definition. Those that follow are added in version 2 or later
1326 int (*xCurrentTimeInt64)(sqlite3_vfs*, sqlite3_int64*);
1328 ** The methods above are in versions 1 and 2 of the sqlite_vfs object.
1329 ** Those below are for version 3 and greater.
1331 int (*xSetSystemCall)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, sqlite3_syscall_ptr);
1332 sqlite3_syscall_ptr (*xGetSystemCall)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName);
1333 const char *(*xNextSystemCall)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName);
1335 ** The methods above are in versions 1 through 3 of the sqlite_vfs object.
1336 ** New fields may be appended in future versions. The iVersion
1337 ** value will increment whenever this happens.
1342 ** CAPI3REF: Flags for the xAccess VFS method
1344 ** These integer constants can be used as the third parameter to
1345 ** the xAccess method of an [sqlite3_vfs] object. They determine
1346 ** what kind of permissions the xAccess method is looking for.
1347 ** With SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS, the xAccess method
1348 ** simply checks whether the file exists.
1349 ** With SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE, the xAccess method
1350 ** checks whether the named directory is both readable and writable
1351 ** (in other words, if files can be added, removed, and renamed within
1352 ** the directory).
1353 ** The SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE constant is currently used only by the
1354 ** [temp_store_directory pragma], though this could change in a future
1355 ** release of SQLite.
1356 ** With SQLITE_ACCESS_READ, the xAccess method
1357 ** checks whether the file is readable. The SQLITE_ACCESS_READ constant is
1358 ** currently unused, though it might be used in a future release of
1359 ** SQLite.
1362 #define SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE 1 /* Used by PRAGMA temp_store_directory */
1363 #define SQLITE_ACCESS_READ 2 /* Unused */
1366 ** CAPI3REF: Flags for the xShmLock VFS method
1368 ** These integer constants define the various locking operations
1369 ** allowed by the xShmLock method of [sqlite3_io_methods]. The
1370 ** following are the only legal combinations of flags to the
1371 ** xShmLock method:
1373 ** <ul>
1378 ** </ul>
1380 ** When unlocking, the same SHARED or EXCLUSIVE flag must be supplied as
1381 ** was given on the corresponding lock.
1383 ** The xShmLock method can transition between unlocked and SHARED or
1384 ** between unlocked and EXCLUSIVE. It cannot transition between SHARED
1385 ** and EXCLUSIVE.
1387 #define SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK 1
1388 #define SQLITE_SHM_LOCK 2
1389 #define SQLITE_SHM_SHARED 4
1393 ** CAPI3REF: Maximum xShmLock index
1395 ** The xShmLock method on [sqlite3_io_methods] may use values
1396 ** between 0 and this upper bound as its "offset" argument.
1397 ** The SQLite core will never attempt to acquire or release a
1398 ** lock outside of this range
1400 #define SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK 8
1404 ** CAPI3REF: Initialize The SQLite Library
1406 ** ^The sqlite3_initialize() routine initializes the
1407 ** SQLite library. ^The sqlite3_shutdown() routine
1408 ** deallocates any resources that were allocated by sqlite3_initialize().
1409 ** These routines are designed to aid in process initialization and
1410 ** shutdown on embedded systems. Workstation applications using
1411 ** SQLite normally do not need to invoke either of these routines.
1413 ** A call to sqlite3_initialize() is an "effective" call if it is
1414 ** the first time sqlite3_initialize() is invoked during the lifetime of
1415 ** the process, or if it is the first time sqlite3_initialize() is invoked
1416 ** following a call to sqlite3_shutdown(). ^(Only an effective call
1417 ** of sqlite3_initialize() does any initialization. All other calls
1418 ** are harmless no-ops.)^
1420 ** A call to sqlite3_shutdown() is an "effective" call if it is the first
1421 ** call to sqlite3_shutdown() since the last sqlite3_initialize(). ^(Only
1422 ** an effective call to sqlite3_shutdown() does any deinitialization.
1423 ** All other valid calls to sqlite3_shutdown() are harmless no-ops.)^
1425 ** The sqlite3_initialize() interface is threadsafe, but sqlite3_shutdown()
1426 ** is not. The sqlite3_shutdown() interface must only be called from a
1427 ** single thread. All open [database connections] must be closed and all
1428 ** other SQLite resources must be deallocated prior to invoking
1429 ** sqlite3_shutdown().
1431 ** Among other things, ^sqlite3_initialize() will invoke
1432 ** sqlite3_os_init(). Similarly, ^sqlite3_shutdown()
1433 ** will invoke sqlite3_os_end().
1435 ** ^The sqlite3_initialize() routine returns [SQLITE_OK] on success.
1436 ** ^If for some reason, sqlite3_initialize() is unable to initialize
1437 ** the library (perhaps it is unable to allocate a needed resource such
1438 ** as a mutex) it returns an [error code] other than [SQLITE_OK].
1440 ** ^The sqlite3_initialize() routine is called internally by many other
1441 ** SQLite interfaces so that an application usually does not need to
1442 ** invoke sqlite3_initialize() directly. For example, [sqlite3_open()]
1443 ** calls sqlite3_initialize() so the SQLite library will be automatically
1444 ** initialized when [sqlite3_open()] is called if it has not be initialized
1445 ** already. ^However, if SQLite is compiled with the [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT]
1446 ** compile-time option, then the automatic calls to sqlite3_initialize()
1447 ** are omitted and the application must call sqlite3_initialize() directly
1448 ** prior to using any other SQLite interface. For maximum portability,
1449 ** it is recommended that applications always invoke sqlite3_initialize()
1450 ** directly prior to using any other SQLite interface. Future releases
1451 ** of SQLite may require this. In other words, the behavior exhibited
1452 ** when SQLite is compiled with [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT] might become the
1453 ** default behavior in some future release of SQLite.
1455 ** The sqlite3_os_init() routine does operating-system specific
1456 ** initialization of the SQLite library. The sqlite3_os_end()
1457 ** routine undoes the effect of sqlite3_os_init(). Typical tasks
1458 ** performed by these routines include allocation or deallocation
1459 ** of static resources, initialization of global variables,
1460 ** setting up a default [sqlite3_vfs] module, or setting up
1461 ** a default configuration using [sqlite3_config()].
1463 ** The application should never invoke either sqlite3_os_init()
1464 ** or sqlite3_os_end() directly. The application should only invoke
1465 ** sqlite3_initialize() and sqlite3_shutdown(). The sqlite3_os_init()
1466 ** interface is called automatically by sqlite3_initialize() and
1467 ** sqlite3_os_end() is called by sqlite3_shutdown(). Appropriate
1468 ** implementations for sqlite3_os_init() and sqlite3_os_end()
1469 ** are built into SQLite when it is compiled for Unix, Windows, or OS/2.
1470 ** When [custom builds | built for other platforms]
1471 ** (using the [SQLITE_OS_OTHER=1] compile-time
1472 ** option) the application must supply a suitable implementation for
1473 ** sqlite3_os_init() and sqlite3_os_end(). An application-supplied
1474 ** implementation of sqlite3_os_init() or sqlite3_os_end()
1475 ** must return [SQLITE_OK] on success and some other [error code] upon
1476 ** failure.
1478 int sqlite3_initialize(void);
1479 int sqlite3_shutdown(void);
1480 int sqlite3_os_init(void);
1481 int sqlite3_os_end(void);
1484 ** CAPI3REF: Configuring The SQLite Library
1486 ** The sqlite3_config() interface is used to make global configuration
1487 ** changes to SQLite in order to tune SQLite to the specific needs of
1488 ** the application. The default configuration is recommended for most
1489 ** applications and so this routine is usually not necessary. It is
1490 ** provided to support rare applications with unusual needs.
1492 ** <b>The sqlite3_config() interface is not threadsafe. The application
1493 ** must ensure that no other SQLite interfaces are invoked by other
1494 ** threads while sqlite3_config() is running.</b>
1496 ** The sqlite3_config() interface
1497 ** may only be invoked prior to library initialization using
1498 ** [sqlite3_initialize()] or after shutdown by [sqlite3_shutdown()].
1499 ** ^If sqlite3_config() is called after [sqlite3_initialize()] and before
1500 ** [sqlite3_shutdown()] then it will return SQLITE_MISUSE.
1501 ** Note, however, that ^sqlite3_config() can be called as part of the
1502 ** implementation of an application-defined [sqlite3_os_init()].
1504 ** The first argument to sqlite3_config() is an integer
1505 ** [configuration option] that determines
1506 ** what property of SQLite is to be configured. Subsequent arguments
1507 ** vary depending on the [configuration option]
1508 ** in the first argument.
1510 ** ^When a configuration option is set, sqlite3_config() returns [SQLITE_OK].
1511 ** ^If the option is unknown or SQLite is unable to set the option
1512 ** then this routine returns a non-zero [error code].
1514 int sqlite3_config(int, ...);
1517 ** CAPI3REF: Configure database connections
1518 ** METHOD: sqlite3
1520 ** The sqlite3_db_config() interface is used to make configuration
1521 ** changes to a [database connection]. The interface is similar to
1522 ** [sqlite3_config()] except that the changes apply to a single
1523 ** [database connection] (specified in the first argument).
1525 ** The second argument to sqlite3_db_config(D,V,...) is the
1526 ** [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE | configuration verb] - an integer code
1527 ** that indicates what aspect of the [database connection] is being configured.
1528 ** Subsequent arguments vary depending on the configuration verb.
1530 ** ^Calls to sqlite3_db_config() return SQLITE_OK if and only if
1531 ** the call is considered successful.
1533 int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...);
1536 ** CAPI3REF: Memory Allocation Routines
1538 ** An instance of this object defines the interface between SQLite
1539 ** and low-level memory allocation routines.
1541 ** This object is used in only one place in the SQLite interface.
1542 ** A pointer to an instance of this object is the argument to
1543 ** [sqlite3_config()] when the configuration option is
1545 ** By creating an instance of this object
1546 ** and passing it to [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC])
1547 ** during configuration, an application can specify an alternative
1548 ** memory allocation subsystem for SQLite to use for all of its
1549 ** dynamic memory needs.
1551 ** Note that SQLite comes with several [built-in memory allocators]
1552 ** that are perfectly adequate for the overwhelming majority of applications
1553 ** and that this object is only useful to a tiny minority of applications
1554 ** with specialized memory allocation requirements. This object is
1555 ** also used during testing of SQLite in order to specify an alternative
1556 ** memory allocator that simulates memory out-of-memory conditions in
1557 ** order to verify that SQLite recovers gracefully from such
1558 ** conditions.
1560 ** The xMalloc, xRealloc, and xFree methods must work like the
1561 ** malloc(), realloc() and free() functions from the standard C library.
1562 ** ^SQLite guarantees that the second argument to
1563 ** xRealloc is always a value returned by a prior call to xRoundup.
1565 ** xSize should return the allocated size of a memory allocation
1566 ** previously obtained from xMalloc or xRealloc. The allocated size
1567 ** is always at least as big as the requested size but may be larger.
1569 ** The xRoundup method returns what would be the allocated size of
1570 ** a memory allocation given a particular requested size. Most memory
1571 ** allocators round up memory allocations at least to the next multiple
1572 ** of 8. Some allocators round up to a larger multiple or to a power of 2.
1573 ** Every memory allocation request coming in through [sqlite3_malloc()]
1574 ** or [sqlite3_realloc()] first calls xRoundup. If xRoundup returns 0,
1575 ** that causes the corresponding memory allocation to fail.
1577 ** The xInit method initializes the memory allocator. For example,
1578 ** it might allocate any require mutexes or initialize internal data
1579 ** structures. The xShutdown method is invoked (indirectly) by
1580 ** [sqlite3_shutdown()] and should deallocate any resources acquired
1581 ** by xInit. The pAppData pointer is used as the only parameter to
1582 ** xInit and xShutdown.
1584 ** SQLite holds the [SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER] mutex when it invokes
1585 ** the xInit method, so the xInit method need not be threadsafe. The
1586 ** xShutdown method is only called from [sqlite3_shutdown()] so it does
1587 ** not need to be threadsafe either. For all other methods, SQLite
1588 ** holds the [SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM] mutex as long as the
1589 ** [SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS] configuration option is turned on (which
1590 ** it is by default) and so the methods are automatically serialized.
1591 ** However, if [SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS] is disabled, then the other
1592 ** methods must be threadsafe or else make their own arrangements for
1593 ** serialization.
1595 ** SQLite will never invoke xInit() more than once without an intervening
1596 ** call to xShutdown().
1598 typedef struct sqlite3_mem_methods sqlite3_mem_methods;
1599 struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
1600 void *(*xMalloc)(int); /* Memory allocation function */
1601 void (*xFree)(void*); /* Free a prior allocation */
1602 void *(*xRealloc)(void*,int); /* Resize an allocation */
1603 int (*xSize)(void*); /* Return the size of an allocation */
1604 int (*xRoundup)(int); /* Round up request size to allocation size */
1605 int (*xInit)(void*); /* Initialize the memory allocator */
1606 void (*xShutdown)(void*); /* Deinitialize the memory allocator */
1607 void *pAppData; /* Argument to xInit() and xShutdown() */
1611 ** CAPI3REF: Configuration Options
1612 ** KEYWORDS: {configuration option}
1614 ** These constants are the available integer configuration options that
1615 ** can be passed as the first argument to the [sqlite3_config()] interface.
1617 ** New configuration options may be added in future releases of SQLite.
1618 ** Existing configuration options might be discontinued. Applications
1619 ** should check the return code from [sqlite3_config()] to make sure that
1620 ** the call worked. The [sqlite3_config()] interface will return a
1621 ** non-zero [error code] if a discontinued or unsupported configuration option
1622 ** is invoked.
1624 ** <dl>
1626 ** <dd>There are no arguments to this option. ^This option sets the
1627 ** [threading mode] to Single-thread. In other words, it disables
1628 ** all mutexing and puts SQLite into a mode where it can only be used
1629 ** by a single thread. ^If SQLite is compiled with
1630 ** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then
1631 ** it is not possible to change the [threading mode] from its default
1632 ** value of Single-thread and so [sqlite3_config()] will return
1634 ** configuration option.</dd>
1637 ** <dd>There are no arguments to this option. ^This option sets the
1638 ** [threading mode] to Multi-thread. In other words, it disables
1639 ** mutexing on [database connection] and [prepared statement] objects.
1640 ** The application is responsible for serializing access to
1641 ** [database connections] and [prepared statements]. But other mutexes
1642 ** are enabled so that SQLite will be safe to use in a multi-threaded
1643 ** environment as long as no two threads attempt to use the same
1644 ** [database connection] at the same time. ^If SQLite is compiled with
1645 ** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then
1646 ** it is not possible to set the Multi-thread [threading mode] and
1647 ** [sqlite3_config()] will return [SQLITE_ERROR] if called with the
1648 ** SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD configuration option.</dd>
1651 ** <dd>There are no arguments to this option. ^This option sets the
1652 ** [threading mode] to Serialized. In other words, this option enables
1653 ** all mutexes including the recursive
1654 ** mutexes on [database connection] and [prepared statement] objects.
1655 ** In this mode (which is the default when SQLite is compiled with
1656 ** [SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1]) the SQLite library will itself serialize access
1657 ** to [database connections] and [prepared statements] so that the
1658 ** application is free to use the same [database connection] or the
1659 ** same [prepared statement] in different threads at the same time.
1660 ** ^If SQLite is compiled with
1661 ** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then
1662 ** it is not possible to set the Serialized [threading mode] and
1663 ** [sqlite3_config()] will return [SQLITE_ERROR] if called with the
1664 ** SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED configuration option.</dd>
1667 ** <dd> ^(The SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC option takes a single argument which is
1668 ** a pointer to an instance of the [sqlite3_mem_methods] structure.
1669 ** The argument specifies
1670 ** alternative low-level memory allocation routines to be used in place of
1671 ** the memory allocation routines built into SQLite.)^ ^SQLite makes
1672 ** its own private copy of the content of the [sqlite3_mem_methods] structure
1673 ** before the [sqlite3_config()] call returns.</dd>
1676 ** <dd> ^(The SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMALLOC option takes a single argument which
1677 ** is a pointer to an instance of the [sqlite3_mem_methods] structure.
1678 ** The [sqlite3_mem_methods]
1679 ** structure is filled with the currently defined memory allocation routines.)^
1680 ** This option can be used to overload the default memory allocation
1681 ** routines with a wrapper that simulations memory allocation failure or
1682 ** tracks memory usage, for example. </dd>
1685 ** <dd> ^The SQLITE_CONFIG_SMALL_MALLOC option takes single argument of
1686 ** type int, interpreted as a boolean, which if true provides a hint to
1687 ** SQLite that it should avoid large memory allocations if possible.
1688 ** SQLite will run faster if it is free to make large memory allocations,
1689 ** but some application might prefer to run slower in exchange for
1690 ** guarantees about memory fragmentation that are possible if large
1691 ** allocations are avoided. This hint is normally off.
1692 ** </dd>
1695 ** <dd> ^The SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS option takes single argument of type int,
1696 ** interpreted as a boolean, which enables or disables the collection of
1697 ** memory allocation statistics. ^(When memory allocation statistics are
1698 ** disabled, the following SQLite interfaces become non-operational:
1699 ** <ul>
1700 ** <li> [sqlite3_memory_used()]
1701 ** <li> [sqlite3_memory_highwater()]
1702 ** <li> [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64()]
1703 ** <li> [sqlite3_status64()]
1704 ** </ul>)^
1705 ** ^Memory allocation statistics are enabled by default unless SQLite is
1706 ** compiled with [SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS]=0 in which case memory
1707 ** allocation statistics are disabled by default.
1708 ** </dd>
1711 ** <dd> The SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH option is no longer used.
1712 ** </dd>
1715 ** <dd> ^The SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE option specifies a memory pool
1716 ** that SQLite can use for the database page cache with the default page
1717 ** cache implementation.
1718 ** This configuration option is a no-op if an application-define page
1719 ** cache implementation is loaded using the [SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2].
1720 ** ^There are three arguments to SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE: A pointer to
1721 ** 8-byte aligned memory (pMem), the size of each page cache line (sz),
1722 ** and the number of cache lines (N).
1723 ** The sz argument should be the size of the largest database page
1724 ** (a power of two between 512 and 65536) plus some extra bytes for each
1725 ** page header. ^The number of extra bytes needed by the page header
1726 ** can be determined using [SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE_HDRSZ].
1727 ** ^It is harmless, apart from the wasted memory,
1728 ** for the sz parameter to be larger than necessary. The pMem
1729 ** argument must be either a NULL pointer or a pointer to an 8-byte
1730 ** aligned block of memory of at least sz*N bytes, otherwise
1731 ** subsequent behavior is undefined.
1732 ** ^When pMem is not NULL, SQLite will strive to use the memory provided
1733 ** to satisfy page cache needs, falling back to [sqlite3_malloc()] if
1734 ** a page cache line is larger than sz bytes or if all of the pMem buffer
1735 ** is exhausted.
1736 ** ^If pMem is NULL and N is non-zero, then each database connection
1737 ** does an initial bulk allocation for page cache memory
1738 ** from [sqlite3_malloc()] sufficient for N cache lines if N is positive or
1739 ** of -1024*N bytes if N is negative, . ^If additional
1740 ** page cache memory is needed beyond what is provided by the initial
1741 ** allocation, then SQLite goes to [sqlite3_malloc()] separately for each
1742 ** additional cache line. </dd>
1745 ** <dd> ^The SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP option specifies a static memory buffer
1746 ** that SQLite will use for all of its dynamic memory allocation needs
1747 ** beyond those provided for by [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE].
1748 ** ^The SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP option is only available if SQLite is compiled
1749 ** with either [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS3] or [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5] and returns
1750 ** [SQLITE_ERROR] if invoked otherwise.
1751 ** ^There are three arguments to SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP:
1752 ** An 8-byte aligned pointer to the memory,
1753 ** the number of bytes in the memory buffer, and the minimum allocation size.
1754 ** ^If the first pointer (the memory pointer) is NULL, then SQLite reverts
1755 ** to using its default memory allocator (the system malloc() implementation),
1756 ** undoing any prior invocation of [SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC]. ^If the
1757 ** memory pointer is not NULL then the alternative memory
1758 ** allocator is engaged to handle all of SQLites memory allocation needs.
1759 ** The first pointer (the memory pointer) must be aligned to an 8-byte
1760 ** boundary or subsequent behavior of SQLite will be undefined.
1761 ** The minimum allocation size is capped at 2**12. Reasonable values
1762 ** for the minimum allocation size are 2**5 through 2**8.</dd>
1765 ** <dd> ^(The SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX option takes a single argument which is a
1766 ** pointer to an instance of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure.
1767 ** The argument specifies alternative low-level mutex routines to be used
1768 ** in place the mutex routines built into SQLite.)^ ^SQLite makes a copy of
1769 ** the content of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure before the call to
1770 ** [sqlite3_config()] returns. ^If SQLite is compiled with
1771 ** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then
1772 ** the entire mutexing subsystem is omitted from the build and hence calls to
1773 ** [sqlite3_config()] with the SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX configuration option will
1774 ** return [SQLITE_ERROR].</dd>
1777 ** <dd> ^(The SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMUTEX option takes a single argument which
1778 ** is a pointer to an instance of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure. The
1779 ** [sqlite3_mutex_methods]
1780 ** structure is filled with the currently defined mutex routines.)^
1781 ** This option can be used to overload the default mutex allocation
1782 ** routines with a wrapper used to track mutex usage for performance
1783 ** profiling or testing, for example. ^If SQLite is compiled with
1784 ** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then
1785 ** the entire mutexing subsystem is omitted from the build and hence calls to
1786 ** [sqlite3_config()] with the SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMUTEX configuration option will
1787 ** return [SQLITE_ERROR].</dd>
1790 ** <dd> ^(The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE option takes two arguments that determine
1791 ** the default size of lookaside memory on each [database connection].
1792 ** The first argument is the
1793 ** size of each lookaside buffer slot and the second is the number of
1794 ** slots allocated to each database connection.)^ ^(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE
1795 ** sets the <i>default</i> lookaside size. The [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE]
1796 ** option to [sqlite3_db_config()] can be used to change the lookaside
1797 ** configuration on individual connections.)^ </dd>
1800 ** <dd> ^(The SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2 option takes a single argument which is
1801 ** a pointer to an [sqlite3_pcache_methods2] object. This object specifies
1802 ** the interface to a custom page cache implementation.)^
1803 ** ^SQLite makes a copy of the [sqlite3_pcache_methods2] object.</dd>
1806 ** <dd> ^(The SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE2 option takes a single argument which
1807 ** is a pointer to an [sqlite3_pcache_methods2] object. SQLite copies of
1808 ** the current page cache implementation into that object.)^ </dd>
1811 ** <dd> The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG option is used to configure the SQLite
1812 ** global [error log].
1813 ** (^The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG option takes two arguments: a pointer to a
1814 ** function with a call signature of void(*)(void*,int,const char*),
1815 ** and a pointer to void. ^If the function pointer is not NULL, it is
1816 ** invoked by [sqlite3_log()] to process each logging event. ^If the
1817 ** function pointer is NULL, the [sqlite3_log()] interface becomes a no-op.
1818 ** ^The void pointer that is the second argument to SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG is
1819 ** passed through as the first parameter to the application-defined logger
1820 ** function whenever that function is invoked. ^The second parameter to
1821 ** the logger function is a copy of the first parameter to the corresponding
1822 ** [sqlite3_log()] call and is intended to be a [result code] or an
1823 ** [extended result code]. ^The third parameter passed to the logger is
1824 ** log message after formatting via [sqlite3_snprintf()].
1825 ** The SQLite logging interface is not reentrant; the logger function
1826 ** supplied by the application must not invoke any SQLite interface.
1827 ** In a multi-threaded application, the application-defined logger
1828 ** function must be threadsafe. </dd>
1831 ** <dd>^(The SQLITE_CONFIG_URI option takes a single argument of type int.
1832 ** If non-zero, then URI handling is globally enabled. If the parameter is zero,
1833 ** then URI handling is globally disabled.)^ ^If URI handling is globally
1834 ** enabled, all filenames passed to [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open_v2()],
1835 ** [sqlite3_open16()] or
1836 ** specified as part of [ATTACH] commands are interpreted as URIs, regardless
1837 ** of whether or not the [SQLITE_OPEN_URI] flag is set when the database
1838 ** connection is opened. ^If it is globally disabled, filenames are
1839 ** only interpreted as URIs if the SQLITE_OPEN_URI flag is set when the
1840 ** database connection is opened. ^(By default, URI handling is globally
1841 ** disabled. The default value may be changed by compiling with the
1842 ** [SQLITE_USE_URI] symbol defined.)^
1845 ** <dd>^The SQLITE_CONFIG_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN option takes a single integer
1846 ** argument which is interpreted as a boolean in order to enable or disable
1847 ** the use of covering indices for full table scans in the query optimizer.
1848 ** ^The default setting is determined
1849 ** by the [SQLITE_ALLOW_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN] compile-time option, or is "on"
1850 ** if that compile-time option is omitted.
1851 ** The ability to disable the use of covering indices for full table scans
1852 ** is because some incorrectly coded legacy applications might malfunction
1853 ** when the optimization is enabled. Providing the ability to
1854 ** disable the optimization allows the older, buggy application code to work
1855 ** without change even with newer versions of SQLite.
1859 ** <dd> These options are obsolete and should not be used by new code.
1860 ** They are retained for backwards compatibility but are now no-ops.
1861 ** </dd>
1865 ** <dd>This option is only available if sqlite is compiled with the
1866 ** [SQLITE_ENABLE_SQLLOG] pre-processor macro defined. The first argument should
1867 ** be a pointer to a function of type void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,const char*, int).
1868 ** The second should be of type (void*). The callback is invoked by the library
1869 ** in three separate circumstances, identified by the value passed as the
1870 ** fourth parameter. If the fourth parameter is 0, then the database connection
1871 ** passed as the second argument has just been opened. The third argument
1872 ** points to a buffer containing the name of the main database file. If the
1873 ** fourth parameter is 1, then the SQL statement that the third parameter
1874 ** points to has just been executed. Or, if the fourth parameter is 2, then
1875 ** the connection being passed as the second parameter is being closed. The
1876 ** third parameter is passed NULL In this case. An example of using this
1877 ** configuration option can be seen in the "test_sqllog.c" source file in
1878 ** the canonical SQLite source tree.</dd>
1882 ** <dd>^SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE takes two 64-bit integer (sqlite3_int64) values
1883 ** that are the default mmap size limit (the default setting for
1884 ** [PRAGMA mmap_size]) and the maximum allowed mmap size limit.
1885 ** ^The default setting can be overridden by each database connection using
1886 ** either the [PRAGMA mmap_size] command, or by using the
1887 ** [SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE] file control. ^(The maximum allowed mmap size
1888 ** will be silently truncated if necessary so that it does not exceed the
1889 ** compile-time maximum mmap size set by the
1890 ** [SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE] compile-time option.)^
1891 ** ^If either argument to this option is negative, then that argument is
1892 ** changed to its compile-time default.
1896 ** <dd>^The SQLITE_CONFIG_WIN32_HEAPSIZE option is only available if SQLite is
1897 ** compiled for Windows with the [SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC] pre-processor macro
1898 ** defined. ^SQLITE_CONFIG_WIN32_HEAPSIZE takes a 32-bit unsigned integer value
1899 ** that specifies the maximum size of the created heap.
1903 ** <dd>^The SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE_HDRSZ option takes a single parameter which
1904 ** is a pointer to an integer and writes into that integer the number of extra
1905 ** bytes per page required for each page in [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE].
1906 ** The amount of extra space required can change depending on the compiler,
1907 ** target platform, and SQLite version.
1911 ** <dd>^The SQLITE_CONFIG_PMASZ option takes a single parameter which
1912 ** is an unsigned integer and sets the "Minimum PMA Size" for the multithreaded
1913 ** sorter to that integer. The default minimum PMA Size is set by the
1914 ** [SQLITE_SORTER_PMASZ] compile-time option. New threads are launched
1915 ** to help with sort operations when multithreaded sorting
1916 ** is enabled (using the [PRAGMA threads] command) and the amount of content
1917 ** to be sorted exceeds the page size times the minimum of the
1918 ** [PRAGMA cache_size] setting and this value.
1922 ** <dd>^The SQLITE_CONFIG_STMTJRNL_SPILL option takes a single parameter which
1923 ** becomes the [statement journal] spill-to-disk threshold.
1924 ** [Statement journals] are held in memory until their size (in bytes)
1925 ** exceeds this threshold, at which point they are written to disk.
1926 ** Or if the threshold is -1, statement journals are always held
1927 ** exclusively in memory.
1928 ** Since many statement journals never become large, setting the spill
1929 ** threshold to a value such as 64KiB can greatly reduce the amount of
1930 ** I/O required to support statement rollback.
1931 ** The default value for this setting is controlled by the
1932 ** [SQLITE_STMTJRNL_SPILL] compile-time option.
1936 ** <dd>The SQLITE_CONFIG_SORTERREF_SIZE option accepts a single parameter
1937 ** of type (int) - the new value of the sorter-reference size threshold.
1938 ** Usually, when SQLite uses an external sort to order records according
1939 ** to an ORDER BY clause, all fields required by the caller are present in the
1940 ** sorted records. However, if SQLite determines based on the declared type
1941 ** of a table column that its values are likely to be very large - larger
1942 ** than the configured sorter-reference size threshold - then a reference
1943 ** is stored in each sorted record and the required column values loaded
1944 ** from the database as records are returned in sorted order. The default
1945 ** value for this option is to never use this optimization. Specifying a
1946 ** negative value for this option restores the default behaviour.
1947 ** This option is only available if SQLite is compiled with the
1948 ** [SQLITE_ENABLE_SORTER_REFERENCES] compile-time option.
1949 ** </dl>
1951 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD 1 /* nil */
1952 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD 2 /* nil */
1953 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED 3 /* nil */
1954 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC 4 /* sqlite3_mem_methods* */
1955 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMALLOC 5 /* sqlite3_mem_methods* */
1956 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH 6 /* No longer used */
1957 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE 7 /* void*, int sz, int N */
1958 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP 8 /* void*, int nByte, int min */
1959 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS 9 /* boolean */
1960 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX 10 /* sqlite3_mutex_methods* */
1961 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMUTEX 11 /* sqlite3_mutex_methods* */
1962 /* previously SQLITE_CONFIG_CHUNKALLOC 12 which is now unused. */
1963 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE 13 /* int int */
1964 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE 14 /* no-op */
1965 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE 15 /* no-op */
1966 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG 16 /* xFunc, void* */
1967 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_URI 17 /* int */
1968 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2 18 /* sqlite3_pcache_methods2* */
1969 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE2 19 /* sqlite3_pcache_methods2* */
1970 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN 20 /* int */
1971 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_SQLLOG 21 /* xSqllog, void* */
1972 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE 22 /* sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_int64 */
1973 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_WIN32_HEAPSIZE 23 /* int nByte */
1974 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE_HDRSZ 24 /* int *psz */
1975 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_PMASZ 25 /* unsigned int szPma */
1976 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_STMTJRNL_SPILL 26 /* int nByte */
1977 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_SMALL_MALLOC 27 /* boolean */
1978 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_SORTERREF_SIZE 28 /* int nByte */
1981 ** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Configuration Options
1983 ** These constants are the available integer configuration options that
1984 ** can be passed as the second argument to the [sqlite3_db_config()] interface.
1986 ** New configuration options may be added in future releases of SQLite.
1987 ** Existing configuration options might be discontinued. Applications
1988 ** should check the return code from [sqlite3_db_config()] to make sure that
1989 ** the call worked. ^The [sqlite3_db_config()] interface will return a
1990 ** non-zero [error code] if a discontinued or unsupported configuration option
1991 ** is invoked.
1993 ** <dl>
1995 ** <dd> ^This option takes three additional arguments that determine the
1996 ** [lookaside memory allocator] configuration for the [database connection].
1997 ** ^The first argument (the third parameter to [sqlite3_db_config()] is a
1998 ** pointer to a memory buffer to use for lookaside memory.
1999 ** ^The first argument after the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE verb
2000 ** may be NULL in which case SQLite will allocate the
2001 ** lookaside buffer itself using [sqlite3_malloc()]. ^The second argument is the
2002 ** size of each lookaside buffer slot. ^The third argument is the number of
2003 ** slots. The size of the buffer in the first argument must be greater than
2004 ** or equal to the product of the second and third arguments. The buffer
2005 ** must be aligned to an 8-byte boundary. ^If the second argument to
2006 ** SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE is not a multiple of 8, it is internally
2007 ** rounded down to the next smaller multiple of 8. ^(The lookaside memory
2008 ** configuration for a database connection can only be changed when that
2009 ** connection is not currently using lookaside memory, or in other words
2010 ** when the "current value" returned by
2011 ** [sqlite3_db_status](D,[SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE],...) is zero.
2012 ** Any attempt to change the lookaside memory configuration when lookaside
2013 ** memory is in use leaves the configuration unchanged and returns
2014 ** [SQLITE_BUSY].)^</dd>
2017 ** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the enforcement of
2018 ** [foreign key constraints]. There should be two additional arguments.
2019 ** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable FK enforcement,
2020 ** positive to enable FK enforcement or negative to leave FK enforcement
2021 ** unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
2022 ** is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether FK enforcement is off or on
2023 ** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
2024 ** which case the FK enforcement setting is not reported back. </dd>
2027 ** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable [CREATE TRIGGER | triggers].
2028 ** There should be two additional arguments.
2029 ** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable triggers,
2030 ** positive to enable triggers or negative to leave the setting unchanged.
2031 ** The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
2032 ** is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether triggers are disabled or enabled
2033 ** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
2034 ** which case the trigger setting is not reported back. </dd>
2037 ** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the two-argument
2038 ** version of the [fts3_tokenizer()] function which is part of the
2039 ** [FTS3] full-text search engine extension.
2040 ** There should be two additional arguments.
2041 ** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable fts3_tokenizer() or
2042 ** positive to enable fts3_tokenizer() or negative to leave the setting
2043 ** unchanged.
2044 ** The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
2045 ** is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether fts3_tokenizer is disabled or enabled
2046 ** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
2047 ** which case the new setting is not reported back. </dd>
2050 ** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the [sqlite3_load_extension()]
2051 ** interface independently of the [load_extension()] SQL function.
2052 ** The [sqlite3_enable_load_extension()] API enables or disables both the
2053 ** C-API [sqlite3_load_extension()] and the SQL function [load_extension()].
2054 ** There should be two additional arguments.
2055 ** When the first argument to this interface is 1, then only the C-API is
2056 ** enabled and the SQL function remains disabled. If the first argument to
2057 ** this interface is 0, then both the C-API and the SQL function are disabled.
2058 ** If the first argument is -1, then no changes are made to state of either the
2059 ** C-API or the SQL function.
2060 ** The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
2061 ** is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether [sqlite3_load_extension()] interface
2062 ** is disabled or enabled following this call. The second parameter may
2063 ** be a NULL pointer, in which case the new setting is not reported back.
2064 ** </dd>
2067 ** <dd> ^This option is used to change the name of the "main" database
2068 ** schema. ^The sole argument is a pointer to a constant UTF8 string
2069 ** which will become the new schema name in place of "main". ^SQLite
2070 ** does not make a copy of the new main schema name string, so the application
2071 ** must ensure that the argument passed into this DBCONFIG option is unchanged
2072 ** until after the database connection closes.
2073 ** </dd>
2076 ** <dd> Usually, when a database in wal mode is closed or detached from a
2077 ** database handle, SQLite checks if this will mean that there are now no
2078 ** connections at all to the database. If so, it performs a checkpoint
2079 ** operation before closing the connection. This option may be used to
2080 ** override this behaviour. The first parameter passed to this operation
2081 ** is an integer - positive to disable checkpoints-on-close, or zero (the
2082 ** default) to enable them, and negative to leave the setting unchanged.
2083 ** The second parameter is a pointer to an integer
2084 ** into which is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether checkpoints-on-close
2085 ** have been disabled - 0 if they are not disabled, 1 if they are.
2086 ** </dd>
2089 ** <dd>^(The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG option activates or deactivates
2090 ** the [query planner stability guarantee] (QPSG). When the QPSG is active,
2091 ** a single SQL query statement will always use the same algorithm regardless
2092 ** of values of [bound parameters].)^ The QPSG disables some query optimizations
2093 ** that look at the values of bound parameters, which can make some queries
2094 ** slower. But the QPSG has the advantage of more predictable behavior. With
2095 ** the QPSG active, SQLite will always use the same query plan in the field as
2096 ** was used during testing in the lab.
2097 ** The first argument to this setting is an integer which is 0 to disable
2098 ** the QPSG, positive to enable QPSG, or negative to leave the setting
2099 ** unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
2100 ** is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether the QPSG is disabled or enabled
2101 ** following this call.
2102 ** </dd>
2105 ** <dd> By default, the output of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN commands does not
2106 ** include output for any operations performed by trigger programs. This
2107 ** option is used to set or clear (the default) a flag that governs this
2108 ** behavior. The first parameter passed to this operation is an integer -
2109 ** positive to enable output for trigger programs, or zero to disable it,
2110 ** or negative to leave the setting unchanged.
2111 ** The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which is written
2112 ** 0 or 1 to indicate whether output-for-triggers has been disabled - 0 if
2113 ** it is not disabled, 1 if it is.
2114 ** </dd>
2115 ** </dl>
2117 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAINDBNAME 1000 /* const char* */
2118 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE 1001 /* void* int int */
2119 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY 1002 /* int int* */
2120 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER 1003 /* int int* */
2121 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER 1004 /* int int* */
2122 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION 1005 /* int int* */
2123 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE 1006 /* int int* */
2124 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG 1007 /* int int* */
2125 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP 1008 /* int int* */
2126 #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX 1008 /* Largest DBCONFIG */
2129 ** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extended Result Codes
2130 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2132 ** ^The sqlite3_extended_result_codes() routine enables or disables the
2133 ** [extended result codes] feature of SQLite. ^The extended result
2134 ** codes are disabled by default for historical compatibility.
2136 int sqlite3_extended_result_codes(sqlite3*, int onoff);
2139 ** CAPI3REF: Last Insert Rowid
2140 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2142 ** ^Each entry in most SQLite tables (except for [WITHOUT ROWID] tables)
2143 ** has a unique 64-bit signed
2144 ** integer key called the [ROWID | "rowid"]. ^The rowid is always available
2145 ** as an undeclared column named ROWID, OID, or _ROWID_ as long as those
2146 ** names are not also used by explicitly declared columns. ^If
2147 ** the table has a column of type [INTEGER PRIMARY KEY] then that column
2148 ** is another alias for the rowid.
2150 ** ^The sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(D) interface usually returns the [rowid] of
2151 ** the most recent successful [INSERT] into a rowid table or [virtual table]
2152 ** on database connection D. ^Inserts into [WITHOUT ROWID] tables are not
2153 ** recorded. ^If no successful [INSERT]s into rowid tables have ever occurred
2154 ** on the database connection D, then sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(D) returns
2155 ** zero.
2157 ** As well as being set automatically as rows are inserted into database
2158 ** tables, the value returned by this function may be set explicitly by
2159 ** [sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid()]
2161 ** Some virtual table implementations may INSERT rows into rowid tables as
2162 ** part of committing a transaction (e.g. to flush data accumulated in memory
2163 ** to disk). In this case subsequent calls to this function return the rowid
2164 ** associated with these internal INSERT operations, which leads to
2165 ** unintuitive results. Virtual table implementations that do write to rowid
2166 ** tables in this way can avoid this problem by restoring the original
2167 ** rowid value using [sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid()] before returning
2168 ** control to the user.
2170 ** ^(If an [INSERT] occurs within a trigger then this routine will
2171 ** return the [rowid] of the inserted row as long as the trigger is
2172 ** running. Once the trigger program ends, the value returned
2173 ** by this routine reverts to what it was before the trigger was fired.)^
2175 ** ^An [INSERT] that fails due to a constraint violation is not a
2176 ** successful [INSERT] and does not change the value returned by this
2178 ** and INSERT OR ABORT make no changes to the return value of this
2179 ** routine when their insertion fails. ^(When INSERT OR REPLACE
2180 ** encounters a constraint violation, it does not fail. The
2181 ** INSERT continues to completion after deleting rows that caused
2182 ** the constraint problem so INSERT OR REPLACE will always change
2183 ** the return value of this interface.)^
2185 ** ^For the purposes of this routine, an [INSERT] is considered to
2186 ** be successful even if it is subsequently rolled back.
2188 ** This function is accessible to SQL statements via the
2189 ** [last_insert_rowid() SQL function].
2191 ** If a separate thread performs a new [INSERT] on the same
2192 ** database connection while the [sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()]
2193 ** function is running and thus changes the last insert [rowid],
2194 ** then the value returned by [sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()] is
2195 ** unpredictable and might not equal either the old or the new
2196 ** last insert [rowid].
2198 sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*);
2201 ** CAPI3REF: Set the Last Insert Rowid value.
2202 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2204 ** The sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid(D, R) method allows the application to
2205 ** set the value returned by calling sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(D) to R
2206 ** without inserting a row into the database.
2208 void sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*,sqlite3_int64);
2211 ** CAPI3REF: Count The Number Of Rows Modified
2212 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2214 ** ^This function returns the number of rows modified, inserted or
2215 ** deleted by the most recently completed INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE
2216 ** statement on the database connection specified by the only parameter.
2217 ** ^Executing any other type of SQL statement does not modify the value
2218 ** returned by this function.
2220 ** ^Only changes made directly by the INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement are
2221 ** considered - auxiliary changes caused by [CREATE TRIGGER | triggers],
2222 ** [foreign key actions] or [REPLACE] constraint resolution are not counted.
2224 ** Changes to a view that are intercepted by
2225 ** [INSTEAD OF trigger | INSTEAD OF triggers] are not counted. ^The value
2226 ** returned by sqlite3_changes() immediately after an INSERT, UPDATE or
2227 ** DELETE statement run on a view is always zero. Only changes made to real
2228 ** tables are counted.
2230 ** Things are more complicated if the sqlite3_changes() function is
2231 ** executed while a trigger program is running. This may happen if the
2232 ** program uses the [changes() SQL function], or if some other callback
2233 ** function invokes sqlite3_changes() directly. Essentially:
2235 ** <ul>
2236 ** <li> ^(Before entering a trigger program the value returned by
2237 ** sqlite3_changes() function is saved. After the trigger program
2238 ** has finished, the original value is restored.)^
2240 ** <li> ^(Within a trigger program each INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE
2241 ** statement sets the value returned by sqlite3_changes()
2242 ** upon completion as normal. Of course, this value will not include
2243 ** any changes performed by sub-triggers, as the sqlite3_changes()
2244 ** value will be saved and restored after each sub-trigger has run.)^
2245 ** </ul>
2247 ** ^This means that if the changes() SQL function (or similar) is used
2248 ** by the first INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement within a trigger, it
2249 ** returns the value as set when the calling statement began executing.
2250 ** ^If it is used by the second or subsequent such statement within a trigger
2251 ** program, the value returned reflects the number of rows modified by the
2252 ** previous INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement within the same trigger.
2254 ** See also the [sqlite3_total_changes()] interface, the
2255 ** [count_changes pragma], and the [changes() SQL function].
2257 ** If a separate thread makes changes on the same database connection
2258 ** while [sqlite3_changes()] is running then the value returned
2259 ** is unpredictable and not meaningful.
2261 int sqlite3_changes(sqlite3*);
2264 ** CAPI3REF: Total Number Of Rows Modified
2265 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2267 ** ^This function returns the total number of rows inserted, modified or
2268 ** deleted by all [INSERT], [UPDATE] or [DELETE] statements completed
2269 ** since the database connection was opened, including those executed as
2270 ** part of trigger programs. ^Executing any other type of SQL statement
2271 ** does not affect the value returned by sqlite3_total_changes().
2273 ** ^Changes made as part of [foreign key actions] are included in the
2274 ** count, but those made as part of REPLACE constraint resolution are
2275 ** not. ^Changes to a view that are intercepted by INSTEAD OF triggers
2276 ** are not counted.
2278 ** See also the [sqlite3_changes()] interface, the
2279 ** [count_changes pragma], and the [total_changes() SQL function].
2281 ** If a separate thread makes changes on the same database connection
2282 ** while [sqlite3_total_changes()] is running then the value
2283 ** returned is unpredictable and not meaningful.
2285 int sqlite3_total_changes(sqlite3*);
2288 ** CAPI3REF: Interrupt A Long-Running Query
2289 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2291 ** ^This function causes any pending database operation to abort and
2292 ** return at its earliest opportunity. This routine is typically
2293 ** called in response to a user action such as pressing "Cancel"
2294 ** or Ctrl-C where the user wants a long query operation to halt
2295 ** immediately.
2297 ** ^It is safe to call this routine from a thread different from the
2298 ** thread that is currently running the database operation. But it
2299 ** is not safe to call this routine with a [database connection] that
2300 ** is closed or might close before sqlite3_interrupt() returns.
2302 ** ^If an SQL operation is very nearly finished at the time when
2303 ** sqlite3_interrupt() is called, then it might not have an opportunity
2304 ** to be interrupted and might continue to completion.
2306 ** ^An SQL operation that is interrupted will return [SQLITE_INTERRUPT].
2307 ** ^If the interrupted SQL operation is an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
2308 ** that is inside an explicit transaction, then the entire transaction
2309 ** will be rolled back automatically.
2311 ** ^The sqlite3_interrupt(D) call is in effect until all currently running
2312 ** SQL statements on [database connection] D complete. ^Any new SQL statements
2313 ** that are started after the sqlite3_interrupt() call and before the
2314 ** running statements reaches zero are interrupted as if they had been
2315 ** running prior to the sqlite3_interrupt() call. ^New SQL statements
2316 ** that are started after the running statement count reaches zero are
2317 ** not effected by the sqlite3_interrupt().
2318 ** ^A call to sqlite3_interrupt(D) that occurs when there are no running
2319 ** SQL statements is a no-op and has no effect on SQL statements
2320 ** that are started after the sqlite3_interrupt() call returns.
2322 void sqlite3_interrupt(sqlite3*);
2325 ** CAPI3REF: Determine If An SQL Statement Is Complete
2327 ** These routines are useful during command-line input to determine if the
2328 ** currently entered text seems to form a complete SQL statement or
2329 ** if additional input is needed before sending the text into
2330 ** SQLite for parsing. ^These routines return 1 if the input string
2331 ** appears to be a complete SQL statement. ^A statement is judged to be
2332 ** complete if it ends with a semicolon token and is not a prefix of a
2333 ** well-formed CREATE TRIGGER statement. ^Semicolons that are embedded within
2334 ** string literals or quoted identifier names or comments are not
2335 ** independent tokens (they are part of the token in which they are
2336 ** embedded) and thus do not count as a statement terminator. ^Whitespace
2337 ** and comments that follow the final semicolon are ignored.
2339 ** ^These routines return 0 if the statement is incomplete. ^If a
2340 ** memory allocation fails, then SQLITE_NOMEM is returned.
2342 ** ^These routines do not parse the SQL statements thus
2343 ** will not detect syntactically incorrect SQL.
2345 ** ^(If SQLite has not been initialized using [sqlite3_initialize()] prior
2346 ** to invoking sqlite3_complete16() then sqlite3_initialize() is invoked
2347 ** automatically by sqlite3_complete16(). If that initialization fails,
2348 ** then the return value from sqlite3_complete16() will be non-zero
2349 ** regardless of whether or not the input SQL is complete.)^
2351 ** The input to [sqlite3_complete()] must be a zero-terminated
2352 ** UTF-8 string.
2354 ** The input to [sqlite3_complete16()] must be a zero-terminated
2355 ** UTF-16 string in native byte order.
2357 int sqlite3_complete(const char *sql);
2358 int sqlite3_complete16(const void *sql);
2361 ** CAPI3REF: Register A Callback To Handle SQLITE_BUSY Errors
2362 ** KEYWORDS: {busy-handler callback} {busy handler}
2363 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2365 ** ^The sqlite3_busy_handler(D,X,P) routine sets a callback function X
2366 ** that might be invoked with argument P whenever
2367 ** an attempt is made to access a database table associated with
2368 ** [database connection] D when another thread
2369 ** or process has the table locked.
2370 ** The sqlite3_busy_handler() interface is used to implement
2371 ** [sqlite3_busy_timeout()] and [PRAGMA busy_timeout].
2373 ** ^If the busy callback is NULL, then [SQLITE_BUSY]
2374 ** is returned immediately upon encountering the lock. ^If the busy callback
2375 ** is not NULL, then the callback might be invoked with two arguments.
2377 ** ^The first argument to the busy handler is a copy of the void* pointer which
2378 ** is the third argument to sqlite3_busy_handler(). ^The second argument to
2379 ** the busy handler callback is the number of times that the busy handler has
2380 ** been invoked previously for the same locking event. ^If the
2381 ** busy callback returns 0, then no additional attempts are made to
2382 ** access the database and [SQLITE_BUSY] is returned
2383 ** to the application.
2384 ** ^If the callback returns non-zero, then another attempt
2385 ** is made to access the database and the cycle repeats.
2387 ** The presence of a busy handler does not guarantee that it will be invoked
2388 ** when there is lock contention. ^If SQLite determines that invoking the busy
2389 ** handler could result in a deadlock, it will go ahead and return [SQLITE_BUSY]
2390 ** to the application instead of invoking the
2391 ** busy handler.
2392 ** Consider a scenario where one process is holding a read lock that
2393 ** it is trying to promote to a reserved lock and
2394 ** a second process is holding a reserved lock that it is trying
2395 ** to promote to an exclusive lock. The first process cannot proceed
2396 ** because it is blocked by the second and the second process cannot
2397 ** proceed because it is blocked by the first. If both processes
2398 ** invoke the busy handlers, neither will make any progress. Therefore,
2399 ** SQLite returns [SQLITE_BUSY] for the first process, hoping that this
2400 ** will induce the first process to release its read lock and allow
2401 ** the second process to proceed.
2403 ** ^The default busy callback is NULL.
2405 ** ^(There can only be a single busy handler defined for each
2406 ** [database connection]. Setting a new busy handler clears any
2407 ** previously set handler.)^ ^Note that calling [sqlite3_busy_timeout()]
2408 ** or evaluating [PRAGMA busy_timeout=N] will change the
2409 ** busy handler and thus clear any previously set busy handler.
2411 ** The busy callback should not take any actions which modify the
2412 ** database connection that invoked the busy handler. In other words,
2413 ** the busy handler is not reentrant. Any such actions
2414 ** result in undefined behavior.
2416 ** A busy handler must not close the database connection
2417 ** or [prepared statement] that invoked the busy handler.
2419 int sqlite3_busy_handler(sqlite3*,int(*)(void*,int),void*);
2422 ** CAPI3REF: Set A Busy Timeout
2423 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2425 ** ^This routine sets a [sqlite3_busy_handler | busy handler] that sleeps
2426 ** for a specified amount of time when a table is locked. ^The handler
2427 ** will sleep multiple times until at least "ms" milliseconds of sleeping
2428 ** have accumulated. ^After at least "ms" milliseconds of sleeping,
2429 ** the handler returns 0 which causes [sqlite3_step()] to return
2430 ** [SQLITE_BUSY].
2432 ** ^Calling this routine with an argument less than or equal to zero
2433 ** turns off all busy handlers.
2435 ** ^(There can only be a single busy handler for a particular
2436 ** [database connection] at any given moment. If another busy handler
2437 ** was defined (using [sqlite3_busy_handler()]) prior to calling
2438 ** this routine, that other busy handler is cleared.)^
2440 ** See also: [PRAGMA busy_timeout]
2442 int sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3*, int ms);
2445 ** CAPI3REF: Convenience Routines For Running Queries
2446 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2448 ** This is a legacy interface that is preserved for backwards compatibility.
2449 ** Use of this interface is not recommended.
2451 ** Definition: A <b>result table</b> is memory data structure created by the
2452 ** [sqlite3_get_table()] interface. A result table records the
2453 ** complete query results from one or more queries.
2455 ** The table conceptually has a number of rows and columns. But
2456 ** these numbers are not part of the result table itself. These
2457 ** numbers are obtained separately. Let N be the number of rows
2458 ** and M be the number of columns.
2460 ** A result table is an array of pointers to zero-terminated UTF-8 strings.
2461 ** There are (N+1)*M elements in the array. The first M pointers point
2462 ** to zero-terminated strings that contain the names of the columns.
2463 ** The remaining entries all point to query results. NULL values result
2464 ** in NULL pointers. All other values are in their UTF-8 zero-terminated
2465 ** string representation as returned by [sqlite3_column_text()].
2467 ** A result table might consist of one or more memory allocations.
2468 ** It is not safe to pass a result table directly to [sqlite3_free()].
2469 ** A result table should be deallocated using [sqlite3_free_table()].
2471 ** ^(As an example of the result table format, suppose a query result
2472 ** is as follows:
2474 ** <blockquote><pre>
2475 ** Name | Age
2476 ** -----------------------
2477 ** Alice | 43
2478 ** Bob | 28
2479 ** Cindy | 21
2480 ** </pre></blockquote>
2482 ** There are two column (M==2) and three rows (N==3). Thus the
2483 ** result table has 8 entries. Suppose the result table is stored
2484 ** in an array names azResult. Then azResult holds this content:
2486 ** <blockquote><pre>
2487 ** azResult&#91;0] = "Name";
2488 ** azResult&#91;1] = "Age";
2489 ** azResult&#91;2] = "Alice";
2490 ** azResult&#91;3] = "43";
2491 ** azResult&#91;4] = "Bob";
2492 ** azResult&#91;5] = "28";
2493 ** azResult&#91;6] = "Cindy";
2494 ** azResult&#91;7] = "21";
2495 ** </pre></blockquote>)^
2497 ** ^The sqlite3_get_table() function evaluates one or more
2498 ** semicolon-separated SQL statements in the zero-terminated UTF-8
2499 ** string of its 2nd parameter and returns a result table to the
2500 ** pointer given in its 3rd parameter.
2502 ** After the application has finished with the result from sqlite3_get_table(),
2503 ** it must pass the result table pointer to sqlite3_free_table() in order to
2504 ** release the memory that was malloced. Because of the way the
2505 ** [sqlite3_malloc()] happens within sqlite3_get_table(), the calling
2506 ** function must not try to call [sqlite3_free()] directly. Only
2507 ** [sqlite3_free_table()] is able to release the memory properly and safely.
2509 ** The sqlite3_get_table() interface is implemented as a wrapper around
2510 ** [sqlite3_exec()]. The sqlite3_get_table() routine does not have access
2511 ** to any internal data structures of SQLite. It uses only the public
2512 ** interface defined here. As a consequence, errors that occur in the
2513 ** wrapper layer outside of the internal [sqlite3_exec()] call are not
2514 ** reflected in subsequent calls to [sqlite3_errcode()] or
2515 ** [sqlite3_errmsg()].
2517 int sqlite3_get_table(
2518 sqlite3 *db, /* An open database */
2519 const char *zSql, /* SQL to be evaluated */
2520 char ***pazResult, /* Results of the query */
2521 int *pnRow, /* Number of result rows written here */
2522 int *pnColumn, /* Number of result columns written here */
2523 char **pzErrmsg /* Error msg written here */
2525 void sqlite3_free_table(char **result);
2528 ** CAPI3REF: Formatted String Printing Functions
2530 ** These routines are work-alikes of the "printf()" family of functions
2531 ** from the standard C library.
2532 ** These routines understand most of the common formatting options from
2533 ** the standard library printf()
2534 ** plus some additional non-standard formats ([%q], [%Q], [%w], and [%z]).
2535 ** See the [built-in printf()] documentation for details.
2537 ** ^The sqlite3_mprintf() and sqlite3_vmprintf() routines write their
2538 ** results into memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc64()].
2539 ** The strings returned by these two routines should be
2540 ** released by [sqlite3_free()]. ^Both routines return a
2541 ** NULL pointer if [sqlite3_malloc64()] is unable to allocate enough
2542 ** memory to hold the resulting string.
2544 ** ^(The sqlite3_snprintf() routine is similar to "snprintf()" from
2545 ** the standard C library. The result is written into the
2546 ** buffer supplied as the second parameter whose size is given by
2547 ** the first parameter. Note that the order of the
2548 ** first two parameters is reversed from snprintf().)^ This is an
2549 ** historical accident that cannot be fixed without breaking
2550 ** backwards compatibility. ^(Note also that sqlite3_snprintf()
2551 ** returns a pointer to its buffer instead of the number of
2552 ** characters actually written into the buffer.)^ We admit that
2553 ** the number of characters written would be a more useful return
2554 ** value but we cannot change the implementation of sqlite3_snprintf()
2555 ** now without breaking compatibility.
2557 ** ^As long as the buffer size is greater than zero, sqlite3_snprintf()
2558 ** guarantees that the buffer is always zero-terminated. ^The first
2559 ** parameter "n" is the total size of the buffer, including space for
2560 ** the zero terminator. So the longest string that can be completely
2561 ** written will be n-1 characters.
2563 ** ^The sqlite3_vsnprintf() routine is a varargs version of sqlite3_snprintf().
2565 ** See also: [built-in printf()], [printf() SQL function]
2567 char *sqlite3_mprintf(const char*,...);
2568 char *sqlite3_vmprintf(const char*, va_list);
2569 char *sqlite3_snprintf(int,char*,const char*, ...);
2570 char *sqlite3_vsnprintf(int,char*,const char*, va_list);
2573 ** CAPI3REF: Memory Allocation Subsystem
2575 ** The SQLite core uses these three routines for all of its own
2576 ** internal memory allocation needs. "Core" in the previous sentence
2577 ** does not include operating-system specific VFS implementation. The
2578 ** Windows VFS uses native malloc() and free() for some operations.
2580 ** ^The sqlite3_malloc() routine returns a pointer to a block
2581 ** of memory at least N bytes in length, where N is the parameter.
2582 ** ^If sqlite3_malloc() is unable to obtain sufficient free
2583 ** memory, it returns a NULL pointer. ^If the parameter N to
2584 ** sqlite3_malloc() is zero or negative then sqlite3_malloc() returns
2585 ** a NULL pointer.
2587 ** ^The sqlite3_malloc64(N) routine works just like
2588 ** sqlite3_malloc(N) except that N is an unsigned 64-bit integer instead
2589 ** of a signed 32-bit integer.
2591 ** ^Calling sqlite3_free() with a pointer previously returned
2592 ** by sqlite3_malloc() or sqlite3_realloc() releases that memory so
2593 ** that it might be reused. ^The sqlite3_free() routine is
2594 ** a no-op if is called with a NULL pointer. Passing a NULL pointer
2595 ** to sqlite3_free() is harmless. After being freed, memory
2596 ** should neither be read nor written. Even reading previously freed
2597 ** memory might result in a segmentation fault or other severe error.
2598 ** Memory corruption, a segmentation fault, or other severe error
2599 ** might result if sqlite3_free() is called with a non-NULL pointer that
2600 ** was not obtained from sqlite3_malloc() or sqlite3_realloc().
2602 ** ^The sqlite3_realloc(X,N) interface attempts to resize a
2603 ** prior memory allocation X to be at least N bytes.
2604 ** ^If the X parameter to sqlite3_realloc(X,N)
2605 ** is a NULL pointer then its behavior is identical to calling
2606 ** sqlite3_malloc(N).
2607 ** ^If the N parameter to sqlite3_realloc(X,N) is zero or
2608 ** negative then the behavior is exactly the same as calling
2609 ** sqlite3_free(X).
2610 ** ^sqlite3_realloc(X,N) returns a pointer to a memory allocation
2611 ** of at least N bytes in size or NULL if insufficient memory is available.
2612 ** ^If M is the size of the prior allocation, then min(N,M) bytes
2613 ** of the prior allocation are copied into the beginning of buffer returned
2614 ** by sqlite3_realloc(X,N) and the prior allocation is freed.
2615 ** ^If sqlite3_realloc(X,N) returns NULL and N is positive, then the
2616 ** prior allocation is not freed.
2618 ** ^The sqlite3_realloc64(X,N) interfaces works the same as
2619 ** sqlite3_realloc(X,N) except that N is a 64-bit unsigned integer instead
2620 ** of a 32-bit signed integer.
2622 ** ^If X is a memory allocation previously obtained from sqlite3_malloc(),
2623 ** sqlite3_malloc64(), sqlite3_realloc(), or sqlite3_realloc64(), then
2624 ** sqlite3_msize(X) returns the size of that memory allocation in bytes.
2625 ** ^The value returned by sqlite3_msize(X) might be larger than the number
2626 ** of bytes requested when X was allocated. ^If X is a NULL pointer then
2627 ** sqlite3_msize(X) returns zero. If X points to something that is not
2628 ** the beginning of memory allocation, or if it points to a formerly
2629 ** valid memory allocation that has now been freed, then the behavior
2630 ** of sqlite3_msize(X) is undefined and possibly harmful.
2632 ** ^The memory returned by sqlite3_malloc(), sqlite3_realloc(),
2633 ** sqlite3_malloc64(), and sqlite3_realloc64()
2634 ** is always aligned to at least an 8 byte boundary, or to a
2635 ** 4 byte boundary if the [SQLITE_4_BYTE_ALIGNED_MALLOC] compile-time
2636 ** option is used.
2638 ** In SQLite version 3.5.0 and 3.5.1, it was possible to define
2639 ** the SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATION which would cause the built-in
2640 ** implementation of these routines to be omitted. That capability
2641 ** is no longer provided. Only built-in memory allocators can be used.
2643 ** Prior to SQLite version 3.7.10, the Windows OS interface layer called
2644 ** the system malloc() and free() directly when converting
2645 ** filenames between the UTF-8 encoding used by SQLite
2646 ** and whatever filename encoding is used by the particular Windows
2647 ** installation. Memory allocation errors were detected, but
2648 ** they were reported back as [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] or
2649 ** [SQLITE_IOERR] rather than [SQLITE_NOMEM].
2651 ** The pointer arguments to [sqlite3_free()] and [sqlite3_realloc()]
2652 ** must be either NULL or else pointers obtained from a prior
2653 ** invocation of [sqlite3_malloc()] or [sqlite3_realloc()] that have
2654 ** not yet been released.
2656 ** The application must not read or write any part of
2657 ** a block of memory after it has been released using
2658 ** [sqlite3_free()] or [sqlite3_realloc()].
2660 void *sqlite3_malloc(int);
2661 void *sqlite3_malloc64(sqlite3_uint64);
2662 void *sqlite3_realloc(void*, int);
2663 void *sqlite3_realloc64(void*, sqlite3_uint64);
2664 void sqlite3_free(void*);
2665 sqlite3_uint64 sqlite3_msize(void*);
2668 ** CAPI3REF: Memory Allocator Statistics
2670 ** SQLite provides these two interfaces for reporting on the status
2671 ** of the [sqlite3_malloc()], [sqlite3_free()], and [sqlite3_realloc()]
2672 ** routines, which form the built-in memory allocation subsystem.
2674 ** ^The [sqlite3_memory_used()] routine returns the number of bytes
2675 ** of memory currently outstanding (malloced but not freed).
2676 ** ^The [sqlite3_memory_highwater()] routine returns the maximum
2677 ** value of [sqlite3_memory_used()] since the high-water mark
2678 ** was last reset. ^The values returned by [sqlite3_memory_used()] and
2679 ** [sqlite3_memory_highwater()] include any overhead
2680 ** added by SQLite in its implementation of [sqlite3_malloc()],
2681 ** but not overhead added by the any underlying system library
2682 ** routines that [sqlite3_malloc()] may call.
2684 ** ^The memory high-water mark is reset to the current value of
2685 ** [sqlite3_memory_used()] if and only if the parameter to
2686 ** [sqlite3_memory_highwater()] is true. ^The value returned
2687 ** by [sqlite3_memory_highwater(1)] is the high-water mark
2688 ** prior to the reset.
2690 sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_memory_used(void);
2691 sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_memory_highwater(int resetFlag);
2694 ** CAPI3REF: Pseudo-Random Number Generator
2696 ** SQLite contains a high-quality pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) used to
2697 ** select random [ROWID | ROWIDs] when inserting new records into a table that
2698 ** already uses the largest possible [ROWID]. The PRNG is also used for
2699 ** the build-in random() and randomblob() SQL functions. This interface allows
2700 ** applications to access the same PRNG for other purposes.
2702 ** ^A call to this routine stores N bytes of randomness into buffer P.
2703 ** ^The P parameter can be a NULL pointer.
2705 ** ^If this routine has not been previously called or if the previous
2706 ** call had N less than one or a NULL pointer for P, then the PRNG is
2707 ** seeded using randomness obtained from the xRandomness method of
2708 ** the default [sqlite3_vfs] object.
2709 ** ^If the previous call to this routine had an N of 1 or more and a
2710 ** non-NULL P then the pseudo-randomness is generated
2711 ** internally and without recourse to the [sqlite3_vfs] xRandomness
2712 ** method.
2714 void sqlite3_randomness(int N, void *P);
2717 ** CAPI3REF: Compile-Time Authorization Callbacks
2718 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2719 ** KEYWORDS: {authorizer callback}
2721 ** ^This routine registers an authorizer callback with a particular
2722 ** [database connection], supplied in the first argument.
2723 ** ^The authorizer callback is invoked as SQL statements are being compiled
2724 ** by [sqlite3_prepare()] or its variants [sqlite3_prepare_v2()],
2725 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v3()], [sqlite3_prepare16()], [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()],
2726 ** and [sqlite3_prepare16_v3()]. ^At various
2727 ** points during the compilation process, as logic is being created
2728 ** to perform various actions, the authorizer callback is invoked to
2729 ** see if those actions are allowed. ^The authorizer callback should
2730 ** return [SQLITE_OK] to allow the action, [SQLITE_IGNORE] to disallow the
2731 ** specific action but allow the SQL statement to continue to be
2732 ** compiled, or [SQLITE_DENY] to cause the entire SQL statement to be
2733 ** rejected with an error. ^If the authorizer callback returns
2734 ** any value other than [SQLITE_IGNORE], [SQLITE_OK], or [SQLITE_DENY]
2735 ** then the [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or equivalent call that triggered
2736 ** the authorizer will fail with an error message.
2738 ** When the callback returns [SQLITE_OK], that means the operation
2739 ** requested is ok. ^When the callback returns [SQLITE_DENY], the
2740 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or equivalent call that triggered the
2741 ** authorizer will fail with an error message explaining that
2742 ** access is denied.
2744 ** ^The first parameter to the authorizer callback is a copy of the third
2745 ** parameter to the sqlite3_set_authorizer() interface. ^The second parameter
2746 ** to the callback is an integer [SQLITE_COPY | action code] that specifies
2747 ** the particular action to be authorized. ^The third through sixth parameters
2748 ** to the callback are either NULL pointers or zero-terminated strings
2749 ** that contain additional details about the action to be authorized.
2750 ** Applications must always be prepared to encounter a NULL pointer in any
2751 ** of the third through the sixth parameters of the authorization callback.
2753 ** ^If the action code is [SQLITE_READ]
2754 ** and the callback returns [SQLITE_IGNORE] then the
2755 ** [prepared statement] statement is constructed to substitute
2756 ** a NULL value in place of the table column that would have
2757 ** been read if [SQLITE_OK] had been returned. The [SQLITE_IGNORE]
2758 ** return can be used to deny an untrusted user access to individual
2759 ** columns of a table.
2760 ** ^When a table is referenced by a [SELECT] but no column values are
2761 ** extracted from that table (for example in a query like
2762 ** "SELECT count(*) FROM tab") then the [SQLITE_READ] authorizer callback
2763 ** is invoked once for that table with a column name that is an empty string.
2764 ** ^If the action code is [SQLITE_DELETE] and the callback returns
2765 ** [SQLITE_IGNORE] then the [DELETE] operation proceeds but the
2766 ** [truncate optimization] is disabled and all rows are deleted individually.
2768 ** An authorizer is used when [sqlite3_prepare | preparing]
2769 ** SQL statements from an untrusted source, to ensure that the SQL statements
2770 ** do not try to access data they are not allowed to see, or that they do not
2771 ** try to execute malicious statements that damage the database. For
2772 ** example, an application may allow a user to enter arbitrary
2773 ** SQL queries for evaluation by a database. But the application does
2774 ** not want the user to be able to make arbitrary changes to the
2775 ** database. An authorizer could then be put in place while the
2776 ** user-entered SQL is being [sqlite3_prepare | prepared] that
2777 ** disallows everything except [SELECT] statements.
2779 ** Applications that need to process SQL from untrusted sources
2780 ** might also consider lowering resource limits using [sqlite3_limit()]
2781 ** and limiting database size using the [max_page_count] [PRAGMA]
2782 ** in addition to using an authorizer.
2784 ** ^(Only a single authorizer can be in place on a database connection
2785 ** at a time. Each call to sqlite3_set_authorizer overrides the
2786 ** previous call.)^ ^Disable the authorizer by installing a NULL callback.
2787 ** The authorizer is disabled by default.
2789 ** The authorizer callback must not do anything that will modify
2790 ** the database connection that invoked the authorizer callback.
2791 ** Note that [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and [sqlite3_step()] both modify their
2792 ** database connections for the meaning of "modify" in this paragraph.
2794 ** ^When [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] is used to prepare a statement, the
2795 ** statement might be re-prepared during [sqlite3_step()] due to a
2796 ** schema change. Hence, the application should ensure that the
2797 ** correct authorizer callback remains in place during the [sqlite3_step()].
2799 ** ^Note that the authorizer callback is invoked only during
2800 ** [sqlite3_prepare()] or its variants. Authorization is not
2801 ** performed during statement evaluation in [sqlite3_step()], unless
2802 ** as stated in the previous paragraph, sqlite3_step() invokes
2803 ** sqlite3_prepare_v2() to reprepare a statement after a schema change.
2805 int sqlite3_set_authorizer(
2806 sqlite3*,
2807 int (*xAuth)(void*,int,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*),
2808 void *pUserData
2812 ** CAPI3REF: Authorizer Return Codes
2814 ** The [sqlite3_set_authorizer | authorizer callback function] must
2815 ** return either [SQLITE_OK] or one of these two constants in order
2816 ** to signal SQLite whether or not the action is permitted. See the
2817 ** [sqlite3_set_authorizer | authorizer documentation] for additional
2818 ** information.
2820 ** Note that SQLITE_IGNORE is also used as a [conflict resolution mode]
2821 ** returned from the [sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict()] interface.
2823 #define SQLITE_DENY 1 /* Abort the SQL statement with an error */
2824 #define SQLITE_IGNORE 2 /* Don't allow access, but don't generate an error */
2827 ** CAPI3REF: Authorizer Action Codes
2829 ** The [sqlite3_set_authorizer()] interface registers a callback function
2830 ** that is invoked to authorize certain SQL statement actions. The
2831 ** second parameter to the callback is an integer code that specifies
2832 ** what action is being authorized. These are the integer action codes that
2833 ** the authorizer callback may be passed.
2835 ** These action code values signify what kind of operation is to be
2836 ** authorized. The 3rd and 4th parameters to the authorization
2837 ** callback function will be parameters or NULL depending on which of these
2838 ** codes is used as the second parameter. ^(The 5th parameter to the
2839 ** authorizer callback is the name of the database ("main", "temp",
2840 ** etc.) if applicable.)^ ^The 6th parameter to the authorizer callback
2841 ** is the name of the inner-most trigger or view that is responsible for
2842 ** the access attempt or NULL if this access attempt is directly from
2843 ** top-level SQL code.
2845 /******************************************* 3rd ************ 4th ***********/
2846 #define SQLITE_CREATE_INDEX 1 /* Index Name Table Name */
2847 #define SQLITE_CREATE_TABLE 2 /* Table Name NULL */
2848 #define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_INDEX 3 /* Index Name Table Name */
2849 #define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TABLE 4 /* Table Name NULL */
2850 #define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER 5 /* Trigger Name Table Name */
2851 #define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_VIEW 6 /* View Name NULL */
2852 #define SQLITE_CREATE_TRIGGER 7 /* Trigger Name Table Name */
2853 #define SQLITE_CREATE_VIEW 8 /* View Name NULL */
2854 #define SQLITE_DELETE 9 /* Table Name NULL */
2855 #define SQLITE_DROP_INDEX 10 /* Index Name Table Name */
2856 #define SQLITE_DROP_TABLE 11 /* Table Name NULL */
2857 #define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_INDEX 12 /* Index Name Table Name */
2858 #define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TABLE 13 /* Table Name NULL */
2859 #define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TRIGGER 14 /* Trigger Name Table Name */
2860 #define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_VIEW 15 /* View Name NULL */
2861 #define SQLITE_DROP_TRIGGER 16 /* Trigger Name Table Name */
2862 #define SQLITE_DROP_VIEW 17 /* View Name NULL */
2863 #define SQLITE_INSERT 18 /* Table Name NULL */
2864 #define SQLITE_PRAGMA 19 /* Pragma Name 1st arg or NULL */
2865 #define SQLITE_READ 20 /* Table Name Column Name */
2866 #define SQLITE_SELECT 21 /* NULL NULL */
2867 #define SQLITE_TRANSACTION 22 /* Operation NULL */
2868 #define SQLITE_UPDATE 23 /* Table Name Column Name */
2869 #define SQLITE_ATTACH 24 /* Filename NULL */
2870 #define SQLITE_DETACH 25 /* Database Name NULL */
2871 #define SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE 26 /* Database Name Table Name */
2872 #define SQLITE_REINDEX 27 /* Index Name NULL */
2873 #define SQLITE_ANALYZE 28 /* Table Name NULL */
2874 #define SQLITE_CREATE_VTABLE 29 /* Table Name Module Name */
2875 #define SQLITE_DROP_VTABLE 30 /* Table Name Module Name */
2876 #define SQLITE_FUNCTION 31 /* NULL Function Name */
2877 #define SQLITE_SAVEPOINT 32 /* Operation Savepoint Name */
2878 #define SQLITE_COPY 0 /* No longer used */
2879 #define SQLITE_RECURSIVE 33 /* NULL NULL */
2882 ** CAPI3REF: Tracing And Profiling Functions
2883 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2885 ** These routines are deprecated. Use the [sqlite3_trace_v2()] interface
2886 ** instead of the routines described here.
2888 ** These routines register callback functions that can be used for
2889 ** tracing and profiling the execution of SQL statements.
2891 ** ^The callback function registered by sqlite3_trace() is invoked at
2892 ** various times when an SQL statement is being run by [sqlite3_step()].
2893 ** ^The sqlite3_trace() callback is invoked with a UTF-8 rendering of the
2894 ** SQL statement text as the statement first begins executing.
2895 ** ^(Additional sqlite3_trace() callbacks might occur
2896 ** as each triggered subprogram is entered. The callbacks for triggers
2897 ** contain a UTF-8 SQL comment that identifies the trigger.)^
2899 ** The [SQLITE_TRACE_SIZE_LIMIT] compile-time option can be used to limit
2900 ** the length of [bound parameter] expansion in the output of sqlite3_trace().
2902 ** ^The callback function registered by sqlite3_profile() is invoked
2903 ** as each SQL statement finishes. ^The profile callback contains
2904 ** the original statement text and an estimate of wall-clock time
2905 ** of how long that statement took to run. ^The profile callback
2906 ** time is in units of nanoseconds, however the current implementation
2907 ** is only capable of millisecond resolution so the six least significant
2908 ** digits in the time are meaningless. Future versions of SQLite
2909 ** might provide greater resolution on the profiler callback. The
2910 ** sqlite3_profile() function is considered experimental and is
2911 ** subject to change in future versions of SQLite.
2913 SQLITE_DEPRECATED void *sqlite3_trace(sqlite3*,
2914 void(*xTrace)(void*,const char*), void*);
2915 SQLITE_DEPRECATED void *sqlite3_profile(sqlite3*,
2916 void(*xProfile)(void*,const char*,sqlite3_uint64), void*);
2919 ** CAPI3REF: SQL Trace Event Codes
2922 ** These constants identify classes of events that can be monitored
2923 ** using the [sqlite3_trace_v2()] tracing logic. The M argument
2924 ** to [sqlite3_trace_v2(D,M,X,P)] is an OR-ed combination of one or more of
2925 ** the following constants. ^The first argument to the trace callback
2926 ** is one of the following constants.
2928 ** New tracing constants may be added in future releases.
2930 ** ^A trace callback has four arguments: xCallback(T,C,P,X).
2931 ** ^The T argument is one of the integer type codes above.
2932 ** ^The C argument is a copy of the context pointer passed in as the
2933 ** fourth argument to [sqlite3_trace_v2()].
2934 ** The P and X arguments are pointers whose meanings depend on T.
2936 ** <dl>
2938 ** <dd>^An SQLITE_TRACE_STMT callback is invoked when a prepared statement
2939 ** first begins running and possibly at other times during the
2940 ** execution of the prepared statement, such as at the start of each
2941 ** trigger subprogram. ^The P argument is a pointer to the
2942 ** [prepared statement]. ^The X argument is a pointer to a string which
2943 ** is the unexpanded SQL text of the prepared statement or an SQL comment
2944 ** that indicates the invocation of a trigger. ^The callback can compute
2945 ** the same text that would have been returned by the legacy [sqlite3_trace()]
2946 ** interface by using the X argument when X begins with "--" and invoking
2947 ** [sqlite3_expanded_sql(P)] otherwise.
2950 ** <dd>^An SQLITE_TRACE_PROFILE callback provides approximately the same
2951 ** information as is provided by the [sqlite3_profile()] callback.
2952 ** ^The P argument is a pointer to the [prepared statement] and the
2953 ** X argument points to a 64-bit integer which is the estimated of
2954 ** the number of nanosecond that the prepared statement took to run.
2955 ** ^The SQLITE_TRACE_PROFILE callback is invoked when the statement finishes.
2958 ** <dd>^An SQLITE_TRACE_ROW callback is invoked whenever a prepared
2959 ** statement generates a single row of result.
2960 ** ^The P argument is a pointer to the [prepared statement] and the
2961 ** X argument is unused.
2964 ** <dd>^An SQLITE_TRACE_CLOSE callback is invoked when a database
2965 ** connection closes.
2966 ** ^The P argument is a pointer to the [database connection] object
2967 ** and the X argument is unused.
2968 ** </dl>
2970 #define SQLITE_TRACE_STMT 0x01
2971 #define SQLITE_TRACE_PROFILE 0x02
2972 #define SQLITE_TRACE_ROW 0x04
2973 #define SQLITE_TRACE_CLOSE 0x08
2976 ** CAPI3REF: SQL Trace Hook
2977 ** METHOD: sqlite3
2979 ** ^The sqlite3_trace_v2(D,M,X,P) interface registers a trace callback
2980 ** function X against [database connection] D, using property mask M
2981 ** and context pointer P. ^If the X callback is
2982 ** NULL or if the M mask is zero, then tracing is disabled. The
2983 ** M argument should be the bitwise OR-ed combination of
2984 ** zero or more [SQLITE_TRACE] constants.
2986 ** ^Each call to either sqlite3_trace() or sqlite3_trace_v2() overrides
2987 ** (cancels) any prior calls to sqlite3_trace() or sqlite3_trace_v2().
2989 ** ^The X callback is invoked whenever any of the events identified by
2990 ** mask M occur. ^The integer return value from the callback is currently
2991 ** ignored, though this may change in future releases. Callback
2992 ** implementations should return zero to ensure future compatibility.
2994 ** ^A trace callback is invoked with four arguments: callback(T,C,P,X).
2995 ** ^The T argument is one of the [SQLITE_TRACE]
2996 ** constants to indicate why the callback was invoked.
2997 ** ^The C argument is a copy of the context pointer.
2998 ** The P and X arguments are pointers whose meanings depend on T.
3000 ** The sqlite3_trace_v2() interface is intended to replace the legacy
3001 ** interfaces [sqlite3_trace()] and [sqlite3_profile()], both of which
3002 ** are deprecated.
3004 int sqlite3_trace_v2(
3005 sqlite3*,
3006 unsigned uMask,
3007 int(*xCallback)(unsigned,void*,void*,void*),
3008 void *pCtx
3012 ** CAPI3REF: Query Progress Callbacks
3013 ** METHOD: sqlite3
3015 ** ^The sqlite3_progress_handler(D,N,X,P) interface causes the callback
3016 ** function X to be invoked periodically during long running calls to
3017 ** [sqlite3_exec()], [sqlite3_step()] and [sqlite3_get_table()] for
3018 ** database connection D. An example use for this
3019 ** interface is to keep a GUI updated during a large query.
3021 ** ^The parameter P is passed through as the only parameter to the
3022 ** callback function X. ^The parameter N is the approximate number of
3023 ** [virtual machine instructions] that are evaluated between successive
3024 ** invocations of the callback X. ^If N is less than one then the progress
3025 ** handler is disabled.
3027 ** ^Only a single progress handler may be defined at one time per
3028 ** [database connection]; setting a new progress handler cancels the
3029 ** old one. ^Setting parameter X to NULL disables the progress handler.
3030 ** ^The progress handler is also disabled by setting N to a value less
3031 ** than 1.
3033 ** ^If the progress callback returns non-zero, the operation is
3034 ** interrupted. This feature can be used to implement a
3035 ** "Cancel" button on a GUI progress dialog box.
3037 ** The progress handler callback must not do anything that will modify
3038 ** the database connection that invoked the progress handler.
3039 ** Note that [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and [sqlite3_step()] both modify their
3040 ** database connections for the meaning of "modify" in this paragraph.
3043 void sqlite3_progress_handler(sqlite3*, int, int(*)(void*), void*);
3046 ** CAPI3REF: Opening A New Database Connection
3047 ** CONSTRUCTOR: sqlite3
3049 ** ^These routines open an SQLite database file as specified by the
3050 ** filename argument. ^The filename argument is interpreted as UTF-8 for
3051 ** sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open_v2() and as UTF-16 in the native byte
3052 ** order for sqlite3_open16(). ^(A [database connection] handle is usually
3053 ** returned in *ppDb, even if an error occurs. The only exception is that
3054 ** if SQLite is unable to allocate memory to hold the [sqlite3] object,
3055 ** a NULL will be written into *ppDb instead of a pointer to the [sqlite3]
3056 ** object.)^ ^(If the database is opened (and/or created) successfully, then
3057 ** [SQLITE_OK] is returned. Otherwise an [error code] is returned.)^ ^The
3058 ** [sqlite3_errmsg()] or [sqlite3_errmsg16()] routines can be used to obtain
3059 ** an English language description of the error following a failure of any
3060 ** of the sqlite3_open() routines.
3062 ** ^The default encoding will be UTF-8 for databases created using
3063 ** sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2(). ^The default encoding for databases
3064 ** created using sqlite3_open16() will be UTF-16 in the native byte order.
3066 ** Whether or not an error occurs when it is opened, resources
3067 ** associated with the [database connection] handle should be released by
3068 ** passing it to [sqlite3_close()] when it is no longer required.
3070 ** The sqlite3_open_v2() interface works like sqlite3_open()
3071 ** except that it accepts two additional parameters for additional control
3072 ** over the new database connection. ^(The flags parameter to
3073 ** sqlite3_open_v2() can take one of
3074 ** the following three values, optionally combined with the
3078 ** <dl>
3079 ** ^(<dt>[SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY]</dt>
3080 ** <dd>The database is opened in read-only mode. If the database does not
3081 ** already exist, an error is returned.</dd>)^
3083 ** ^(<dt>[SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE]</dt>
3084 ** <dd>The database is opened for reading and writing if possible, or reading
3085 ** only if the file is write protected by the operating system. In either
3086 ** case the database must already exist, otherwise an error is returned.</dd>)^
3089 ** <dd>The database is opened for reading and writing, and is created if
3090 ** it does not already exist. This is the behavior that is always used for
3091 ** sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open16().</dd>)^
3092 ** </dl>
3094 ** If the 3rd parameter to sqlite3_open_v2() is not one of the
3095 ** combinations shown above optionally combined with other
3097 ** then the behavior is undefined.
3099 ** ^If the [SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX] flag is set, then the database connection
3100 ** opens in the multi-thread [threading mode] as long as the single-thread
3101 ** mode has not been set at compile-time or start-time. ^If the
3102 ** [SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX] flag is set then the database connection opens
3103 ** in the serialized [threading mode] unless single-thread was
3104 ** previously selected at compile-time or start-time.
3105 ** ^The [SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE] flag causes the database connection to be
3106 ** eligible to use [shared cache mode], regardless of whether or not shared
3107 ** cache is enabled using [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache()]. ^The
3108 ** [SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE] flag causes the database connection to not
3109 ** participate in [shared cache mode] even if it is enabled.
3111 ** ^The fourth parameter to sqlite3_open_v2() is the name of the
3112 ** [sqlite3_vfs] object that defines the operating system interface that
3113 ** the new database connection should use. ^If the fourth parameter is
3114 ** a NULL pointer then the default [sqlite3_vfs] object is used.
3116 ** ^If the filename is ":memory:", then a private, temporary in-memory database
3117 ** is created for the connection. ^This in-memory database will vanish when
3118 ** the database connection is closed. Future versions of SQLite might
3119 ** make use of additional special filenames that begin with the ":" character.
3120 ** It is recommended that when a database filename actually does begin with
3121 ** a ":" character you should prefix the filename with a pathname such as
3122 ** "./" to avoid ambiguity.
3124 ** ^If the filename is an empty string, then a private, temporary
3125 ** on-disk database will be created. ^This private database will be
3126 ** automatically deleted as soon as the database connection is closed.
3128 ** [[URI filenames in sqlite3_open()]] <h3>URI Filenames</h3>
3130 ** ^If [URI filename] interpretation is enabled, and the filename argument
3131 ** begins with "file:", then the filename is interpreted as a URI. ^URI
3132 ** filename interpretation is enabled if the [SQLITE_OPEN_URI] flag is
3133 ** set in the third argument to sqlite3_open_v2(), or if it has
3134 ** been enabled globally using the [SQLITE_CONFIG_URI] option with the
3135 ** [sqlite3_config()] method or by the [SQLITE_USE_URI] compile-time option.
3136 ** URI filename interpretation is turned off
3137 ** by default, but future releases of SQLite might enable URI filename
3138 ** interpretation by default. See "[URI filenames]" for additional
3139 ** information.
3141 ** URI filenames are parsed according to RFC 3986. ^If the URI contains an
3142 ** authority, then it must be either an empty string or the string
3143 ** "localhost". ^If the authority is not an empty string or "localhost", an
3144 ** error is returned to the caller. ^The fragment component of a URI, if
3145 ** present, is ignored.
3147 ** ^SQLite uses the path component of the URI as the name of the disk file
3148 ** which contains the database. ^If the path begins with a '/' character,
3149 ** then it is interpreted as an absolute path. ^If the path does not begin
3150 ** with a '/' (meaning that the authority section is omitted from the URI)
3151 ** then the path is interpreted as a relative path.
3152 ** ^(On windows, the first component of an absolute path
3153 ** is a drive specification (e.g. "C:").)^
3155 ** [[core URI query parameters]]
3156 ** The query component of a URI may contain parameters that are interpreted
3157 ** either by SQLite itself, or by a [VFS | custom VFS implementation].
3158 ** SQLite and its built-in [VFSes] interpret the
3159 ** following query parameters:
3161 ** <ul>
3162 ** <li> <b>vfs</b>: ^The "vfs" parameter may be used to specify the name of
3163 ** a VFS object that provides the operating system interface that should
3164 ** be used to access the database file on disk. ^If this option is set to
3165 ** an empty string the default VFS object is used. ^Specifying an unknown
3166 ** VFS is an error. ^If sqlite3_open_v2() is used and the vfs option is
3167 ** present, then the VFS specified by the option takes precedence over
3168 ** the value passed as the fourth parameter to sqlite3_open_v2().
3170 ** <li> <b>mode</b>: ^(The mode parameter may be set to either "ro", "rw",
3171 ** "rwc", or "memory". Attempting to set it to any other value is
3172 ** an error)^.
3173 ** ^If "ro" is specified, then the database is opened for read-only
3174 ** access, just as if the [SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY] flag had been set in the
3175 ** third argument to sqlite3_open_v2(). ^If the mode option is set to
3176 ** "rw", then the database is opened for read-write (but not create)
3177 ** access, as if SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE (but not SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE) had
3178 ** been set. ^Value "rwc" is equivalent to setting both
3179 ** SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE and SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE. ^If the mode option is
3180 ** set to "memory" then a pure [in-memory database] that never reads
3181 ** or writes from disk is used. ^It is an error to specify a value for
3182 ** the mode parameter that is less restrictive than that specified by
3183 ** the flags passed in the third parameter to sqlite3_open_v2().
3185 ** <li> <b>cache</b>: ^The cache parameter may be set to either "shared" or
3186 ** "private". ^Setting it to "shared" is equivalent to setting the
3187 ** SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE bit in the flags argument passed to
3188 ** sqlite3_open_v2(). ^Setting the cache parameter to "private" is
3189 ** equivalent to setting the SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE bit.
3190 ** ^If sqlite3_open_v2() is used and the "cache" parameter is present in
3191 ** a URI filename, its value overrides any behavior requested by setting
3194 ** <li> <b>psow</b>: ^The psow parameter indicates whether or not the
3195 ** [powersafe overwrite] property does or does not apply to the
3196 ** storage media on which the database file resides.
3198 ** <li> <b>nolock</b>: ^The nolock parameter is a boolean query parameter
3199 ** which if set disables file locking in rollback journal modes. This
3200 ** is useful for accessing a database on a filesystem that does not
3201 ** support locking. Caution: Database corruption might result if two
3202 ** or more processes write to the same database and any one of those
3203 ** processes uses nolock=1.
3205 ** <li> <b>immutable</b>: ^The immutable parameter is a boolean query
3206 ** parameter that indicates that the database file is stored on
3207 ** read-only media. ^When immutable is set, SQLite assumes that the
3208 ** database file cannot be changed, even by a process with higher
3209 ** privilege, and so the database is opened read-only and all locking
3210 ** and change detection is disabled. Caution: Setting the immutable
3211 ** property on a database file that does in fact change can result
3212 ** in incorrect query results and/or [SQLITE_CORRUPT] errors.
3213 ** See also: [SQLITE_IOCAP_IMMUTABLE].
3215 ** </ul>
3217 ** ^Specifying an unknown parameter in the query component of a URI is not an
3218 ** error. Future versions of SQLite might understand additional query
3219 ** parameters. See "[query parameters with special meaning to SQLite]" for
3220 ** additional information.
3222 ** [[URI filename examples]] <h3>URI filename examples</h3>
3224 ** <table border="1" align=center cellpadding=5>
3225 ** <tr><th> URI filenames <th> Results
3226 ** <tr><td> file:data.db <td>
3227 ** Open the file "data.db" in the current directory.
3228 ** <tr><td> file:/home/fred/data.db<br>
3229 ** file:///home/fred/data.db <br>
3230 ** file://localhost/home/fred/data.db <br> <td>
3231 ** Open the database file "/home/fred/data.db".
3232 ** <tr><td> file://darkstar/home/fred/data.db <td>
3233 ** An error. "darkstar" is not a recognized authority.
3234 ** <tr><td style="white-space:nowrap">
3235 ** file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/fred/Desktop/data.db
3236 ** <td> Windows only: Open the file "data.db" on fred's desktop on drive
3237 ** C:. Note that the %20 escaping in this example is not strictly
3238 ** necessary - space characters can be used literally
3239 ** in URI filenames.
3240 ** <tr><td> file:data.db?mode=ro&cache=private <td>
3241 ** Open file "data.db" in the current directory for read-only access.
3242 ** Regardless of whether or not shared-cache mode is enabled by
3243 ** default, use a private cache.
3244 ** <tr><td> file:/home/fred/data.db?vfs=unix-dotfile <td>
3245 ** Open file "/home/fred/data.db". Use the special VFS "unix-dotfile"
3246 ** that uses dot-files in place of posix advisory locking.
3247 ** <tr><td> file:data.db?mode=readonly <td>
3248 ** An error. "readonly" is not a valid option for the "mode" parameter.
3249 ** </table>
3251 ** ^URI hexadecimal escape sequences (%HH) are supported within the path and
3252 ** query components of a URI. A hexadecimal escape sequence consists of a
3253 ** percent sign - "%" - followed by exactly two hexadecimal digits
3254 ** specifying an octet value. ^Before the path or query components of a
3255 ** URI filename are interpreted, they are encoded using UTF-8 and all
3256 ** hexadecimal escape sequences replaced by a single byte containing the
3257 ** corresponding octet. If this process generates an invalid UTF-8 encoding,
3258 ** the results are undefined.
3260 ** <b>Note to Windows users:</b> The encoding used for the filename argument
3261 ** of sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open_v2() must be UTF-8, not whatever
3262 ** codepage is currently defined. Filenames containing international
3263 ** characters must be converted to UTF-8 prior to passing them into
3264 ** sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2().
3266 ** <b>Note to Windows Runtime users:</b> The temporary directory must be set
3267 ** prior to calling sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2(). Otherwise, various
3268 ** features that require the use of temporary files may fail.
3270 ** See also: [sqlite3_temp_directory]
3272 int sqlite3_open(
3273 const char *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-8) */
3274 sqlite3 **ppDb /* OUT: SQLite db handle */
3276 int sqlite3_open16(
3277 const void *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-16) */
3278 sqlite3 **ppDb /* OUT: SQLite db handle */
3280 int sqlite3_open_v2(
3281 const char *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-8) */
3282 sqlite3 **ppDb, /* OUT: SQLite db handle */
3283 int flags, /* Flags */
3284 const char *zVfs /* Name of VFS module to use */
3288 ** CAPI3REF: Obtain Values For URI Parameters
3290 ** These are utility routines, useful to VFS implementations, that check
3291 ** to see if a database file was a URI that contained a specific query
3292 ** parameter, and if so obtains the value of that query parameter.
3294 ** If F is the database filename pointer passed into the xOpen() method of
3295 ** a VFS implementation when the flags parameter to xOpen() has one or
3296 ** more of the [SQLITE_OPEN_URI] or [SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB] bits set and
3297 ** P is the name of the query parameter, then
3298 ** sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns the value of the P
3299 ** parameter if it exists or a NULL pointer if P does not appear as a
3300 ** query parameter on F. If P is a query parameter of F
3301 ** has no explicit value, then sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns
3302 ** a pointer to an empty string.
3304 ** The sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routine assumes that P is a boolean
3305 ** parameter and returns true (1) or false (0) according to the value
3306 ** of P. The sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routine returns true (1) if the
3307 ** value of query parameter P is one of "yes", "true", or "on" in any
3308 ** case or if the value begins with a non-zero number. The
3309 ** sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routines returns false (0) if the value of
3310 ** query parameter P is one of "no", "false", or "off" in any case or
3311 ** if the value begins with a numeric zero. If P is not a query
3312 ** parameter on F or if the value of P is does not match any of the
3313 ** above, then sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) returns (B!=0).
3315 ** The sqlite3_uri_int64(F,P,D) routine converts the value of P into a
3316 ** 64-bit signed integer and returns that integer, or D if P does not
3317 ** exist. If the value of P is something other than an integer, then
3318 ** zero is returned.
3320 ** If F is a NULL pointer, then sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns NULL and
3321 ** sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) returns B. If F is not a NULL pointer and
3322 ** is not a database file pathname pointer that SQLite passed into the xOpen
3323 ** VFS method, then the behavior of this routine is undefined and probably
3324 ** undesirable.
3326 const char *sqlite3_uri_parameter(const char *zFilename, const char *zParam);
3327 int sqlite3_uri_boolean(const char *zFile, const char *zParam, int bDefault);
3328 sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_uri_int64(const char*, const char*, sqlite3_int64);
3332 ** CAPI3REF: Error Codes And Messages
3333 ** METHOD: sqlite3
3335 ** ^If the most recent sqlite3_* API call associated with
3336 ** [database connection] D failed, then the sqlite3_errcode(D) interface
3337 ** returns the numeric [result code] or [extended result code] for that
3338 ** API call.
3339 ** If the most recent API call was successful,
3340 ** then the return value from sqlite3_errcode() is undefined.
3341 ** ^The sqlite3_extended_errcode()
3342 ** interface is the same except that it always returns the
3343 ** [extended result code] even when extended result codes are
3344 ** disabled.
3346 ** ^The sqlite3_errmsg() and sqlite3_errmsg16() return English-language
3347 ** text that describes the error, as either UTF-8 or UTF-16 respectively.
3348 ** ^(Memory to hold the error message string is managed internally.
3349 ** The application does not need to worry about freeing the result.
3350 ** However, the error string might be overwritten or deallocated by
3351 ** subsequent calls to other SQLite interface functions.)^
3353 ** ^The sqlite3_errstr() interface returns the English-language text
3354 ** that describes the [result code], as UTF-8.
3355 ** ^(Memory to hold the error message string is managed internally
3356 ** and must not be freed by the application)^.
3358 ** When the serialized [threading mode] is in use, it might be the
3359 ** case that a second error occurs on a separate thread in between
3360 ** the time of the first error and the call to these interfaces.
3361 ** When that happens, the second error will be reported since these
3362 ** interfaces always report the most recent result. To avoid
3363 ** this, each thread can obtain exclusive use of the [database connection] D
3364 ** by invoking [sqlite3_mutex_enter]([sqlite3_db_mutex](D)) before beginning
3365 ** to use D and invoking [sqlite3_mutex_leave]([sqlite3_db_mutex](D)) after
3366 ** all calls to the interfaces listed here are completed.
3368 ** If an interface fails with SQLITE_MISUSE, that means the interface
3369 ** was invoked incorrectly by the application. In that case, the
3370 ** error code and message may or may not be set.
3372 int sqlite3_errcode(sqlite3 *db);
3373 int sqlite3_extended_errcode(sqlite3 *db);
3374 const char *sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite3*);
3375 const void *sqlite3_errmsg16(sqlite3*);
3376 const char *sqlite3_errstr(int);
3379 ** CAPI3REF: Prepared Statement Object
3380 ** KEYWORDS: {prepared statement} {prepared statements}
3382 ** An instance of this object represents a single SQL statement that
3383 ** has been compiled into binary form and is ready to be evaluated.
3385 ** Think of each SQL statement as a separate computer program. The
3386 ** original SQL text is source code. A prepared statement object
3387 ** is the compiled object code. All SQL must be converted into a
3388 ** prepared statement before it can be run.
3390 ** The life-cycle of a prepared statement object usually goes like this:
3392 ** <ol>
3393 ** <li> Create the prepared statement object using [sqlite3_prepare_v2()].
3394 ** <li> Bind values to [parameters] using the sqlite3_bind_*()
3395 ** interfaces.
3396 ** <li> Run the SQL by calling [sqlite3_step()] one or more times.
3397 ** <li> Reset the prepared statement using [sqlite3_reset()] then go back
3398 ** to step 2. Do this zero or more times.
3399 ** <li> Destroy the object using [sqlite3_finalize()].
3400 ** </ol>
3402 typedef struct sqlite3_stmt sqlite3_stmt;
3405 ** CAPI3REF: Run-time Limits
3406 ** METHOD: sqlite3
3408 ** ^(This interface allows the size of various constructs to be limited
3409 ** on a connection by connection basis. The first parameter is the
3410 ** [database connection] whose limit is to be set or queried. The
3411 ** second parameter is one of the [limit categories] that define a
3412 ** class of constructs to be size limited. The third parameter is the
3413 ** new limit for that construct.)^
3415 ** ^If the new limit is a negative number, the limit is unchanged.
3416 ** ^(For each limit category SQLITE_LIMIT_<i>NAME</i> there is a
3417 ** [limits | hard upper bound]
3418 ** set at compile-time by a C preprocessor macro called
3419 ** [limits | SQLITE_MAX_<i>NAME</i>].
3420 ** (The "_LIMIT_" in the name is changed to "_MAX_".))^
3421 ** ^Attempts to increase a limit above its hard upper bound are
3422 ** silently truncated to the hard upper bound.
3424 ** ^Regardless of whether or not the limit was changed, the
3425 ** [sqlite3_limit()] interface returns the prior value of the limit.
3426 ** ^Hence, to find the current value of a limit without changing it,
3427 ** simply invoke this interface with the third parameter set to -1.
3429 ** Run-time limits are intended for use in applications that manage
3430 ** both their own internal database and also databases that are controlled
3431 ** by untrusted external sources. An example application might be a
3432 ** web browser that has its own databases for storing history and
3433 ** separate databases controlled by JavaScript applications downloaded
3434 ** off the Internet. The internal databases can be given the
3435 ** large, default limits. Databases managed by external sources can
3436 ** be given much smaller limits designed to prevent a denial of service
3437 ** attack. Developers might also want to use the [sqlite3_set_authorizer()]
3438 ** interface to further control untrusted SQL. The size of the database
3439 ** created by an untrusted script can be contained using the
3440 ** [max_page_count] [PRAGMA].
3442 ** New run-time limit categories may be added in future releases.
3444 int sqlite3_limit(sqlite3*, int id, int newVal);
3447 ** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Limit Categories
3448 ** KEYWORDS: {limit category} {*limit categories}
3450 ** These constants define various performance limits
3451 ** that can be lowered at run-time using [sqlite3_limit()].
3452 ** The synopsis of the meanings of the various limits is shown below.
3453 ** Additional information is available at [limits | Limits in SQLite].
3455 ** <dl>
3457 ** <dd>The maximum size of any string or BLOB or table row, in bytes.<dd>)^
3460 ** <dd>The maximum length of an SQL statement, in bytes.</dd>)^
3463 ** <dd>The maximum number of columns in a table definition or in the
3464 ** result set of a [SELECT] or the maximum number of columns in an index
3465 ** or in an ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause.</dd>)^
3468 ** <dd>The maximum depth of the parse tree on any expression.</dd>)^
3471 ** <dd>The maximum number of terms in a compound SELECT statement.</dd>)^
3474 ** <dd>The maximum number of instructions in a virtual machine program
3475 ** used to implement an SQL statement. If [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or
3476 ** the equivalent tries to allocate space for more than this many opcodes
3477 ** in a single prepared statement, an SQLITE_NOMEM error is returned.</dd>)^
3480 ** <dd>The maximum number of arguments on a function.</dd>)^
3483 ** <dd>The maximum number of [ATTACH | attached databases].)^</dd>
3487 ** <dd>The maximum length of the pattern argument to the [LIKE] or
3488 ** [GLOB] operators.</dd>)^
3492 ** <dd>The maximum index number of any [parameter] in an SQL statement.)^
3495 ** <dd>The maximum depth of recursion for triggers.</dd>)^
3498 ** <dd>The maximum number of auxiliary worker threads that a single
3499 ** [prepared statement] may start.</dd>)^
3500 ** </dl>
3502 #define SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH 0
3504 #define SQLITE_LIMIT_COLUMN 2
3507 #define SQLITE_LIMIT_VDBE_OP 5
3516 ** CAPI3REF: Prepare Flags
3518 ** These constants define various flags that can be passed into
3519 ** "prepFlags" parameter of the [sqlite3_prepare_v3()] and
3520 ** [sqlite3_prepare16_v3()] interfaces.
3522 ** New flags may be added in future releases of SQLite.
3524 ** <dl>
3526 ** <dd>The SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT flag is a hint to the query planner
3527 ** that the prepared statement will be retained for a long time and
3528 ** probably reused many times.)^ ^Without this flag, [sqlite3_prepare_v3()]
3529 ** and [sqlite3_prepare16_v3()] assume that the prepared statement will
3530 ** be used just once or at most a few times and then destroyed using
3531 ** [sqlite3_finalize()] relatively soon. The current implementation acts
3532 ** on this hint by avoiding the use of [lookaside memory] so as not to
3533 ** deplete the limited store of lookaside memory. Future versions of
3534 ** SQLite may act on this hint differently.
3535 ** </dl>
3540 ** CAPI3REF: Compiling An SQL Statement
3541 ** KEYWORDS: {SQL statement compiler}
3542 ** METHOD: sqlite3
3543 ** CONSTRUCTOR: sqlite3_stmt
3545 ** To execute an SQL statement, it must first be compiled into a byte-code
3546 ** program using one of these routines. Or, in other words, these routines
3547 ** are constructors for the [prepared statement] object.
3549 ** The preferred routine to use is [sqlite3_prepare_v2()]. The
3550 ** [sqlite3_prepare()] interface is legacy and should be avoided.
3551 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v3()] has an extra "prepFlags" option that is used
3552 ** for special purposes.
3554 ** The use of the UTF-8 interfaces is preferred, as SQLite currently
3555 ** does all parsing using UTF-8. The UTF-16 interfaces are provided
3556 ** as a convenience. The UTF-16 interfaces work by converting the
3557 ** input text into UTF-8, then invoking the corresponding UTF-8 interface.
3559 ** The first argument, "db", is a [database connection] obtained from a
3560 ** prior successful call to [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open_v2()] or
3561 ** [sqlite3_open16()]. The database connection must not have been closed.
3563 ** The second argument, "zSql", is the statement to be compiled, encoded
3564 ** as either UTF-8 or UTF-16. The sqlite3_prepare(), sqlite3_prepare_v2(),
3565 ** and sqlite3_prepare_v3()
3566 ** interfaces use UTF-8, and sqlite3_prepare16(), sqlite3_prepare16_v2(),
3567 ** and sqlite3_prepare16_v3() use UTF-16.
3569 ** ^If the nByte argument is negative, then zSql is read up to the
3570 ** first zero terminator. ^If nByte is positive, then it is the
3571 ** number of bytes read from zSql. ^If nByte is zero, then no prepared
3572 ** statement is generated.
3573 ** If the caller knows that the supplied string is nul-terminated, then
3574 ** there is a small performance advantage to passing an nByte parameter that
3575 ** is the number of bytes in the input string <i>including</i>
3576 ** the nul-terminator.
3578 ** ^If pzTail is not NULL then *pzTail is made to point to the first byte
3579 ** past the end of the first SQL statement in zSql. These routines only
3580 ** compile the first statement in zSql, so *pzTail is left pointing to
3581 ** what remains uncompiled.
3583 ** ^*ppStmt is left pointing to a compiled [prepared statement] that can be
3584 ** executed using [sqlite3_step()]. ^If there is an error, *ppStmt is set
3585 ** to NULL. ^If the input text contains no SQL (if the input is an empty
3586 ** string or a comment) then *ppStmt is set to NULL.
3587 ** The calling procedure is responsible for deleting the compiled
3588 ** SQL statement using [sqlite3_finalize()] after it has finished with it.
3589 ** ppStmt may not be NULL.
3591 ** ^On success, the sqlite3_prepare() family of routines return [SQLITE_OK];
3592 ** otherwise an [error code] is returned.
3594 ** The sqlite3_prepare_v2(), sqlite3_prepare_v3(), sqlite3_prepare16_v2(),
3595 ** and sqlite3_prepare16_v3() interfaces are recommended for all new programs.
3596 ** The older interfaces (sqlite3_prepare() and sqlite3_prepare16())
3597 ** are retained for backwards compatibility, but their use is discouraged.
3598 ** ^In the "vX" interfaces, the prepared statement
3599 ** that is returned (the [sqlite3_stmt] object) contains a copy of the
3600 ** original SQL text. This causes the [sqlite3_step()] interface to
3601 ** behave differently in three ways:
3603 ** <ol>
3604 ** <li>
3605 ** ^If the database schema changes, instead of returning [SQLITE_SCHEMA] as it
3606 ** always used to do, [sqlite3_step()] will automatically recompile the SQL
3607 ** statement and try to run it again. As many as [SQLITE_MAX_SCHEMA_RETRY]
3608 ** retries will occur before sqlite3_step() gives up and returns an error.
3609 ** </li>
3611 ** <li>
3612 ** ^When an error occurs, [sqlite3_step()] will return one of the detailed
3613 ** [error codes] or [extended error codes]. ^The legacy behavior was that
3614 ** [sqlite3_step()] would only return a generic [SQLITE_ERROR] result code
3615 ** and the application would have to make a second call to [sqlite3_reset()]
3616 ** in order to find the underlying cause of the problem. With the "v2" prepare
3617 ** interfaces, the underlying reason for the error is returned immediately.
3618 ** </li>
3620 ** <li>
3621 ** ^If the specific value bound to [parameter | host parameter] in the
3622 ** WHERE clause might influence the choice of query plan for a statement,
3623 ** then the statement will be automatically recompiled, as if there had been
3624 ** a schema change, on the first [sqlite3_step()] call following any change
3625 ** to the [sqlite3_bind_text | bindings] of that [parameter].
3626 ** ^The specific value of WHERE-clause [parameter] might influence the
3627 ** choice of query plan if the parameter is the left-hand side of a [LIKE]
3628 ** or [GLOB] operator or if the parameter is compared to an indexed column
3629 ** and the [SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3] compile-time option is enabled.
3630 ** </li>
3631 ** </ol>
3633 ** <p>^sqlite3_prepare_v3() differs from sqlite3_prepare_v2() only in having
3634 ** the extra prepFlags parameter, which is a bit array consisting of zero or
3635 ** more of the [SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT|SQLITE_PREPARE_*] flags. ^The
3636 ** sqlite3_prepare_v2() interface works exactly the same as
3637 ** sqlite3_prepare_v3() with a zero prepFlags parameter.
3639 int sqlite3_prepare(
3640 sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
3641 const char *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */
3642 int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */
3643 sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */
3644 const char **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */
3646 int sqlite3_prepare_v2(
3647 sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
3648 const char *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */
3649 int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */
3650 sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */
3651 const char **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */
3653 int sqlite3_prepare_v3(
3654 sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
3655 const char *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */
3656 int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */
3657 unsigned int prepFlags, /* Zero or more SQLITE_PREPARE_ flags */
3658 sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */
3659 const char **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */
3661 int sqlite3_prepare16(
3662 sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
3663 const void *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-16 encoded */
3664 int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */
3665 sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */
3666 const void **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */
3668 int sqlite3_prepare16_v2(
3669 sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
3670 const void *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-16 encoded */
3671 int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */
3672 sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */
3673 const void **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */
3675 int sqlite3_prepare16_v3(
3676 sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
3677 const void *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-16 encoded */
3678 int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */
3679 unsigned int prepFlags, /* Zero or more SQLITE_PREPARE_ flags */
3680 sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */
3681 const void **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */
3685 ** CAPI3REF: Retrieving Statement SQL
3686 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
3688 ** ^The sqlite3_sql(P) interface returns a pointer to a copy of the UTF-8
3689 ** SQL text used to create [prepared statement] P if P was
3690 ** created by [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_prepare_v3()],
3691 ** [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()], or [sqlite3_prepare16_v3()].
3692 ** ^The sqlite3_expanded_sql(P) interface returns a pointer to a UTF-8
3693 ** string containing the SQL text of prepared statement P with
3694 ** [bound parameters] expanded.
3696 ** ^(For example, if a prepared statement is created using the SQL
3697 ** text "SELECT $abc,:xyz" and if parameter $abc is bound to integer 2345
3698 ** and parameter :xyz is unbound, then sqlite3_sql() will return
3699 ** the original string, "SELECT $abc,:xyz" but sqlite3_expanded_sql()
3700 ** will return "SELECT 2345,NULL".)^
3702 ** ^The sqlite3_expanded_sql() interface returns NULL if insufficient memory
3703 ** is available to hold the result, or if the result would exceed the
3704 ** the maximum string length determined by the [SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH].
3706 ** ^The [SQLITE_TRACE_SIZE_LIMIT] compile-time option limits the size of
3707 ** bound parameter expansions. ^The [SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE] compile-time
3708 ** option causes sqlite3_expanded_sql() to always return NULL.
3710 ** ^The string returned by sqlite3_sql(P) is managed by SQLite and is
3711 ** automatically freed when the prepared statement is finalized.
3712 ** ^The string returned by sqlite3_expanded_sql(P), on the other hand,
3713 ** is obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()] and must be free by the application
3714 ** by passing it to [sqlite3_free()].
3716 const char *sqlite3_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
3717 char *sqlite3_expanded_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
3720 ** CAPI3REF: Determine If An SQL Statement Writes The Database
3721 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
3723 ** ^The sqlite3_stmt_readonly(X) interface returns true (non-zero) if
3724 ** and only if the [prepared statement] X makes no direct changes to
3725 ** the content of the database file.
3727 ** Note that [application-defined SQL functions] or
3728 ** [virtual tables] might change the database indirectly as a side effect.
3729 ** ^(For example, if an application defines a function "eval()" that
3730 ** calls [sqlite3_exec()], then the following SQL statement would
3731 ** change the database file through side-effects:
3733 ** <blockquote><pre>
3734 ** SELECT eval('DELETE FROM t1') FROM t2;
3735 ** </pre></blockquote>
3737 ** But because the [SELECT] statement does not change the database file
3738 ** directly, sqlite3_stmt_readonly() would still return true.)^
3740 ** ^Transaction control statements such as [BEGIN], [COMMIT], [ROLLBACK],
3741 ** [SAVEPOINT], and [RELEASE] cause sqlite3_stmt_readonly() to return true,
3742 ** since the statements themselves do not actually modify the database but
3743 ** rather they control the timing of when other statements modify the
3744 ** database. ^The [ATTACH] and [DETACH] statements also cause
3745 ** sqlite3_stmt_readonly() to return true since, while those statements
3746 ** change the configuration of a database connection, they do not make
3747 ** changes to the content of the database files on disk.
3748 ** ^The sqlite3_stmt_readonly() interface returns true for [BEGIN] since
3749 ** [BEGIN] merely sets internal flags, but the [BEGIN|BEGIN IMMEDIATE] and
3750 ** [BEGIN|BEGIN EXCLUSIVE] commands do touch the database and so
3751 ** sqlite3_stmt_readonly() returns false for those commands.
3753 int sqlite3_stmt_readonly(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
3756 ** CAPI3REF: Determine If A Prepared Statement Has Been Reset
3757 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
3759 ** ^The sqlite3_stmt_busy(S) interface returns true (non-zero) if the
3760 ** [prepared statement] S has been stepped at least once using
3761 ** [sqlite3_step(S)] but has neither run to completion (returned
3762 ** [SQLITE_DONE] from [sqlite3_step(S)]) nor
3763 ** been reset using [sqlite3_reset(S)]. ^The sqlite3_stmt_busy(S)
3764 ** interface returns false if S is a NULL pointer. If S is not a
3765 ** NULL pointer and is not a pointer to a valid [prepared statement]
3766 ** object, then the behavior is undefined and probably undesirable.
3768 ** This interface can be used in combination [sqlite3_next_stmt()]
3769 ** to locate all prepared statements associated with a database
3770 ** connection that are in need of being reset. This can be used,
3771 ** for example, in diagnostic routines to search for prepared
3772 ** statements that are holding a transaction open.
3774 int sqlite3_stmt_busy(sqlite3_stmt*);
3777 ** CAPI3REF: Dynamically Typed Value Object
3778 ** KEYWORDS: {protected sqlite3_value} {unprotected sqlite3_value}
3780 ** SQLite uses the sqlite3_value object to represent all values
3781 ** that can be stored in a database table. SQLite uses dynamic typing
3782 ** for the values it stores. ^Values stored in sqlite3_value objects
3783 ** can be integers, floating point values, strings, BLOBs, or NULL.
3785 ** An sqlite3_value object may be either "protected" or "unprotected".
3786 ** Some interfaces require a protected sqlite3_value. Other interfaces
3787 ** will accept either a protected or an unprotected sqlite3_value.
3788 ** Every interface that accepts sqlite3_value arguments specifies
3789 ** whether or not it requires a protected sqlite3_value. The
3790 ** [sqlite3_value_dup()] interface can be used to construct a new
3791 ** protected sqlite3_value from an unprotected sqlite3_value.
3793 ** The terms "protected" and "unprotected" refer to whether or not
3794 ** a mutex is held. An internal mutex is held for a protected
3795 ** sqlite3_value object but no mutex is held for an unprotected
3796 ** sqlite3_value object. If SQLite is compiled to be single-threaded
3797 ** (with [SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] and with [sqlite3_threadsafe()] returning 0)
3798 ** or if SQLite is run in one of reduced mutex modes
3800 ** then there is no distinction between protected and unprotected
3801 ** sqlite3_value objects and they can be used interchangeably. However,
3802 ** for maximum code portability it is recommended that applications
3803 ** still make the distinction between protected and unprotected
3804 ** sqlite3_value objects even when not strictly required.
3806 ** ^The sqlite3_value objects that are passed as parameters into the
3807 ** implementation of [application-defined SQL functions] are protected.
3808 ** ^The sqlite3_value object returned by
3809 ** [sqlite3_column_value()] is unprotected.
3810 ** Unprotected sqlite3_value objects may only be used as arguments
3811 ** to [sqlite3_result_value()], [sqlite3_bind_value()], and
3812 ** [sqlite3_value_dup()].
3813 ** The [sqlite3_value_blob | sqlite3_value_type()] family of
3814 ** interfaces require protected sqlite3_value objects.
3816 typedef struct sqlite3_value sqlite3_value;
3819 ** CAPI3REF: SQL Function Context Object
3821 ** The context in which an SQL function executes is stored in an
3822 ** sqlite3_context object. ^A pointer to an sqlite3_context object
3823 ** is always first parameter to [application-defined SQL functions].
3824 ** The application-defined SQL function implementation will pass this
3825 ** pointer through into calls to [sqlite3_result_int | sqlite3_result()],
3826 ** [sqlite3_aggregate_context()], [sqlite3_user_data()],
3827 ** [sqlite3_context_db_handle()], [sqlite3_get_auxdata()],
3828 ** and/or [sqlite3_set_auxdata()].
3830 typedef struct sqlite3_context sqlite3_context;
3833 ** CAPI3REF: Binding Values To Prepared Statements
3834 ** KEYWORDS: {host parameter} {host parameters} {host parameter name}
3835 ** KEYWORDS: {SQL parameter} {SQL parameters} {parameter binding}
3836 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
3838 ** ^(In the SQL statement text input to [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and its variants,
3839 ** literals may be replaced by a [parameter] that matches one of following
3840 ** templates:
3842 ** <ul>
3843 ** <li> ?
3844 ** <li> ?NNN
3845 ** <li> :VVV
3846 ** <li> @VVV
3847 ** <li> $VVV
3848 ** </ul>
3850 ** In the templates above, NNN represents an integer literal,
3851 ** and VVV represents an alphanumeric identifier.)^ ^The values of these
3852 ** parameters (also called "host parameter names" or "SQL parameters")
3853 ** can be set using the sqlite3_bind_*() routines defined here.
3855 ** ^The first argument to the sqlite3_bind_*() routines is always
3856 ** a pointer to the [sqlite3_stmt] object returned from
3857 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or its variants.
3859 ** ^The second argument is the index of the SQL parameter to be set.
3860 ** ^The leftmost SQL parameter has an index of 1. ^When the same named
3861 ** SQL parameter is used more than once, second and subsequent
3862 ** occurrences have the same index as the first occurrence.
3863 ** ^The index for named parameters can be looked up using the
3864 ** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()] API if desired. ^The index
3865 ** for "?NNN" parameters is the value of NNN.
3866 ** ^The NNN value must be between 1 and the [sqlite3_limit()]
3867 ** parameter [SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER] (default value: 999).
3869 ** ^The third argument is the value to bind to the parameter.
3870 ** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16()
3871 ** or sqlite3_bind_blob() is a NULL pointer then the fourth parameter
3872 ** is ignored and the end result is the same as sqlite3_bind_null().
3874 ** ^(In those routines that have a fourth argument, its value is the
3875 ** number of bytes in the parameter. To be clear: the value is the
3876 ** number of <u>bytes</u> in the value, not the number of characters.)^
3877 ** ^If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16()
3878 ** is negative, then the length of the string is
3879 ** the number of bytes up to the first zero terminator.
3880 ** If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_blob() is negative, then
3881 ** the behavior is undefined.
3882 ** If a non-negative fourth parameter is provided to sqlite3_bind_text()
3883 ** or sqlite3_bind_text16() or sqlite3_bind_text64() then
3884 ** that parameter must be the byte offset
3885 ** where the NUL terminator would occur assuming the string were NUL
3886 ** terminated. If any NUL characters occur at byte offsets less than
3887 ** the value of the fourth parameter then the resulting string value will
3888 ** contain embedded NULs. The result of expressions involving strings
3889 ** with embedded NULs is undefined.
3891 ** ^The fifth argument to the BLOB and string binding interfaces
3892 ** is a destructor used to dispose of the BLOB or
3893 ** string after SQLite has finished with it. ^The destructor is called
3894 ** to dispose of the BLOB or string even if the call to bind API fails.
3895 ** ^If the fifth argument is
3896 ** the special value [SQLITE_STATIC], then SQLite assumes that the
3897 ** information is in static, unmanaged space and does not need to be freed.
3898 ** ^If the fifth argument has the value [SQLITE_TRANSIENT], then
3899 ** SQLite makes its own private copy of the data immediately, before
3900 ** the sqlite3_bind_*() routine returns.
3902 ** ^The sixth argument to sqlite3_bind_text64() must be one of
3904 ** to specify the encoding of the text in the third parameter. If
3905 ** the sixth argument to sqlite3_bind_text64() is not one of the
3906 ** allowed values shown above, or if the text encoding is different
3907 ** from the encoding specified by the sixth parameter, then the behavior
3908 ** is undefined.
3910 ** ^The sqlite3_bind_zeroblob() routine binds a BLOB of length N that
3911 ** is filled with zeroes. ^A zeroblob uses a fixed amount of memory
3912 ** (just an integer to hold its size) while it is being processed.
3913 ** Zeroblobs are intended to serve as placeholders for BLOBs whose
3914 ** content is later written using
3915 ** [sqlite3_blob_open | incremental BLOB I/O] routines.
3916 ** ^A negative value for the zeroblob results in a zero-length BLOB.
3918 ** ^The sqlite3_bind_pointer(S,I,P,T,D) routine causes the I-th parameter in
3919 ** [prepared statement] S to have an SQL value of NULL, but to also be
3920 ** associated with the pointer P of type T. ^D is either a NULL pointer or
3921 ** a pointer to a destructor function for P. ^SQLite will invoke the
3922 ** destructor D with a single argument of P when it is finished using
3923 ** P. The T parameter should be a static string, preferably a string
3924 ** literal. The sqlite3_bind_pointer() routine is part of the
3925 ** [pointer passing interface] added for SQLite 3.20.0.
3927 ** ^If any of the sqlite3_bind_*() routines are called with a NULL pointer
3928 ** for the [prepared statement] or with a prepared statement for which
3929 ** [sqlite3_step()] has been called more recently than [sqlite3_reset()],
3930 ** then the call will return [SQLITE_MISUSE]. If any sqlite3_bind_()
3931 ** routine is passed a [prepared statement] that has been finalized, the
3932 ** result is undefined and probably harmful.
3934 ** ^Bindings are not cleared by the [sqlite3_reset()] routine.
3935 ** ^Unbound parameters are interpreted as NULL.
3937 ** ^The sqlite3_bind_* routines return [SQLITE_OK] on success or an
3938 ** [error code] if anything goes wrong.
3939 ** ^[SQLITE_TOOBIG] might be returned if the size of a string or BLOB
3940 ** exceeds limits imposed by [sqlite3_limit]([SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH]) or
3942 ** ^[SQLITE_RANGE] is returned if the parameter
3943 ** index is out of range. ^[SQLITE_NOMEM] is returned if malloc() fails.
3945 ** See also: [sqlite3_bind_parameter_count()],
3946 ** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_name()], and [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()].
3948 int sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const void*, int n, void(*)(void*));
3949 int sqlite3_bind_blob64(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const void*, sqlite3_uint64,
3950 void(*)(void*));
3951 int sqlite3_bind_double(sqlite3_stmt*, int, double);
3952 int sqlite3_bind_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int, int);
3953 int sqlite3_bind_int64(sqlite3_stmt*, int, sqlite3_int64);
3954 int sqlite3_bind_null(sqlite3_stmt*, int);
3955 int sqlite3_bind_text(sqlite3_stmt*,int,const char*,int,void(*)(void*));
3956 int sqlite3_bind_text16(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const void*, int, void(*)(void*));
3957 int sqlite3_bind_text64(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const char*, sqlite3_uint64,
3958 void(*)(void*), unsigned char encoding);
3959 int sqlite3_bind_value(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const sqlite3_value*);
3960 int sqlite3_bind_pointer(sqlite3_stmt*, int, void*, const char*,void(*)(void*));
3961 int sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(sqlite3_stmt*, int, int n);
3962 int sqlite3_bind_zeroblob64(sqlite3_stmt*, int, sqlite3_uint64);
3965 ** CAPI3REF: Number Of SQL Parameters
3966 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
3968 ** ^This routine can be used to find the number of [SQL parameters]
3969 ** in a [prepared statement]. SQL parameters are tokens of the
3970 ** form "?", "?NNN", ":AAA", "$AAA", or "@AAA" that serve as
3971 ** placeholders for values that are [sqlite3_bind_blob | bound]
3972 ** to the parameters at a later time.
3974 ** ^(This routine actually returns the index of the largest (rightmost)
3975 ** parameter. For all forms except ?NNN, this will correspond to the
3976 ** number of unique parameters. If parameters of the ?NNN form are used,
3977 ** there may be gaps in the list.)^
3979 ** See also: [sqlite3_bind_blob|sqlite3_bind()],
3980 ** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_name()], and
3981 ** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()].
3983 int sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(sqlite3_stmt*);
3986 ** CAPI3REF: Name Of A Host Parameter
3987 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
3989 ** ^The sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(P,N) interface returns
3990 ** the name of the N-th [SQL parameter] in the [prepared statement] P.
3991 ** ^(SQL parameters of the form "?NNN" or ":AAA" or "@AAA" or "$AAA"
3992 ** have a name which is the string "?NNN" or ":AAA" or "@AAA" or "$AAA"
3993 ** respectively.
3994 ** In other words, the initial ":" or "$" or "@" or "?"
3995 ** is included as part of the name.)^
3996 ** ^Parameters of the form "?" without a following integer have no name
3997 ** and are referred to as "nameless" or "anonymous parameters".
3999 ** ^The first host parameter has an index of 1, not 0.
4001 ** ^If the value N is out of range or if the N-th parameter is
4002 ** nameless, then NULL is returned. ^The returned string is
4003 ** always in UTF-8 encoding even if the named parameter was
4004 ** originally specified as UTF-16 in [sqlite3_prepare16()],
4005 ** [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()], or [sqlite3_prepare16_v3()].
4007 ** See also: [sqlite3_bind_blob|sqlite3_bind()],
4008 ** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_count()], and
4009 ** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()].
4011 const char *sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(sqlite3_stmt*, int);
4014 ** CAPI3REF: Index Of A Parameter With A Given Name
4015 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4017 ** ^Return the index of an SQL parameter given its name. ^The
4018 ** index value returned is suitable for use as the second
4019 ** parameter to [sqlite3_bind_blob|sqlite3_bind()]. ^A zero
4020 ** is returned if no matching parameter is found. ^The parameter
4021 ** name must be given in UTF-8 even if the original statement
4022 ** was prepared from UTF-16 text using [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()] or
4023 ** [sqlite3_prepare16_v3()].
4025 ** See also: [sqlite3_bind_blob|sqlite3_bind()],
4026 ** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_count()], and
4027 ** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_name()].
4029 int sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(sqlite3_stmt*, const char *zName);
4032 ** CAPI3REF: Reset All Bindings On A Prepared Statement
4033 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4035 ** ^Contrary to the intuition of many, [sqlite3_reset()] does not reset
4036 ** the [sqlite3_bind_blob | bindings] on a [prepared statement].
4037 ** ^Use this routine to reset all host parameters to NULL.
4039 int sqlite3_clear_bindings(sqlite3_stmt*);
4042 ** CAPI3REF: Number Of Columns In A Result Set
4043 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4045 ** ^Return the number of columns in the result set returned by the
4046 ** [prepared statement]. ^If this routine returns 0, that means the
4047 ** [prepared statement] returns no data (for example an [UPDATE]).
4048 ** ^However, just because this routine returns a positive number does not
4049 ** mean that one or more rows of data will be returned. ^A SELECT statement
4050 ** will always have a positive sqlite3_column_count() but depending on the
4051 ** WHERE clause constraints and the table content, it might return no rows.
4053 ** See also: [sqlite3_data_count()]
4055 int sqlite3_column_count(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
4058 ** CAPI3REF: Column Names In A Result Set
4059 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4061 ** ^These routines return the name assigned to a particular column
4062 ** in the result set of a [SELECT] statement. ^The sqlite3_column_name()
4063 ** interface returns a pointer to a zero-terminated UTF-8 string
4064 ** and sqlite3_column_name16() returns a pointer to a zero-terminated
4065 ** UTF-16 string. ^The first parameter is the [prepared statement]
4066 ** that implements the [SELECT] statement. ^The second parameter is the
4067 ** column number. ^The leftmost column is number 0.
4069 ** ^The returned string pointer is valid until either the [prepared statement]
4070 ** is destroyed by [sqlite3_finalize()] or until the statement is automatically
4071 ** reprepared by the first call to [sqlite3_step()] for a particular run
4072 ** or until the next call to
4073 ** sqlite3_column_name() or sqlite3_column_name16() on the same column.
4075 ** ^If sqlite3_malloc() fails during the processing of either routine
4076 ** (for example during a conversion from UTF-8 to UTF-16) then a
4077 ** NULL pointer is returned.
4079 ** ^The name of a result column is the value of the "AS" clause for
4080 ** that column, if there is an AS clause. If there is no AS clause
4081 ** then the name of the column is unspecified and may change from
4082 ** one release of SQLite to the next.
4084 const char *sqlite3_column_name(sqlite3_stmt*, int N);
4085 const void *sqlite3_column_name16(sqlite3_stmt*, int N);
4088 ** CAPI3REF: Source Of Data In A Query Result
4089 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4091 ** ^These routines provide a means to determine the database, table, and
4092 ** table column that is the origin of a particular result column in
4093 ** [SELECT] statement.
4094 ** ^The name of the database or table or column can be returned as
4095 ** either a UTF-8 or UTF-16 string. ^The _database_ routines return
4096 ** the database name, the _table_ routines return the table name, and
4097 ** the origin_ routines return the column name.
4098 ** ^The returned string is valid until the [prepared statement] is destroyed
4099 ** using [sqlite3_finalize()] or until the statement is automatically
4100 ** reprepared by the first call to [sqlite3_step()] for a particular run
4101 ** or until the same information is requested
4102 ** again in a different encoding.
4104 ** ^The names returned are the original un-aliased names of the
4105 ** database, table, and column.
4107 ** ^The first argument to these interfaces is a [prepared statement].
4108 ** ^These functions return information about the Nth result column returned by
4109 ** the statement, where N is the second function argument.
4110 ** ^The left-most column is column 0 for these routines.
4112 ** ^If the Nth column returned by the statement is an expression or
4113 ** subquery and is not a column value, then all of these functions return
4114 ** NULL. ^These routine might also return NULL if a memory allocation error
4115 ** occurs. ^Otherwise, they return the name of the attached database, table,
4116 ** or column that query result column was extracted from.
4118 ** ^As with all other SQLite APIs, those whose names end with "16" return
4119 ** UTF-16 encoded strings and the other functions return UTF-8.
4121 ** ^These APIs are only available if the library was compiled with the
4122 ** [SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA] C-preprocessor symbol.
4124 ** If two or more threads call one or more of these routines against the same
4125 ** prepared statement and column at the same time then the results are
4126 ** undefined.
4128 ** If two or more threads call one or more
4129 ** [sqlite3_column_database_name | column metadata interfaces]
4130 ** for the same [prepared statement] and result column
4131 ** at the same time then the results are undefined.
4133 const char *sqlite3_column_database_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
4134 const void *sqlite3_column_database_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
4135 const char *sqlite3_column_table_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
4136 const void *sqlite3_column_table_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
4137 const char *sqlite3_column_origin_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
4138 const void *sqlite3_column_origin_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
4141 ** CAPI3REF: Declared Datatype Of A Query Result
4142 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4144 ** ^(The first parameter is a [prepared statement].
4145 ** If this statement is a [SELECT] statement and the Nth column of the
4146 ** returned result set of that [SELECT] is a table column (not an
4147 ** expression or subquery) then the declared type of the table
4148 ** column is returned.)^ ^If the Nth column of the result set is an
4149 ** expression or subquery, then a NULL pointer is returned.
4150 ** ^The returned string is always UTF-8 encoded.
4152 ** ^(For example, given the database schema:
4154 ** CREATE TABLE t1(c1 VARIANT);
4156 ** and the following statement to be compiled:
4158 ** SELECT c1 + 1, c1 FROM t1;
4160 ** this routine would return the string "VARIANT" for the second result
4161 ** column (i==1), and a NULL pointer for the first result column (i==0).)^
4163 ** ^SQLite uses dynamic run-time typing. ^So just because a column
4164 ** is declared to contain a particular type does not mean that the
4165 ** data stored in that column is of the declared type. SQLite is
4166 ** strongly typed, but the typing is dynamic not static. ^Type
4167 ** is associated with individual values, not with the containers
4168 ** used to hold those values.
4170 const char *sqlite3_column_decltype(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
4171 const void *sqlite3_column_decltype16(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
4174 ** CAPI3REF: Evaluate An SQL Statement
4175 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4177 ** After a [prepared statement] has been prepared using any of
4178 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_prepare_v3()], [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()],
4179 ** or [sqlite3_prepare16_v3()] or one of the legacy
4180 ** interfaces [sqlite3_prepare()] or [sqlite3_prepare16()], this function
4181 ** must be called one or more times to evaluate the statement.
4183 ** The details of the behavior of the sqlite3_step() interface depend
4184 ** on whether the statement was prepared using the newer "vX" interfaces
4185 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v3()], [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_prepare16_v3()],
4186 ** [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()] or the older legacy
4187 ** interfaces [sqlite3_prepare()] and [sqlite3_prepare16()]. The use of the
4188 ** new "vX" interface is recommended for new applications but the legacy
4189 ** interface will continue to be supported.
4191 ** ^In the legacy interface, the return value will be either [SQLITE_BUSY],
4193 ** ^With the "v2" interface, any of the other [result codes] or
4194 ** [extended result codes] might be returned as well.
4196 ** ^[SQLITE_BUSY] means that the database engine was unable to acquire the
4197 ** database locks it needs to do its job. ^If the statement is a [COMMIT]
4198 ** or occurs outside of an explicit transaction, then you can retry the
4199 ** statement. If the statement is not a [COMMIT] and occurs within an
4200 ** explicit transaction then you should rollback the transaction before
4201 ** continuing.
4203 ** ^[SQLITE_DONE] means that the statement has finished executing
4204 ** successfully. sqlite3_step() should not be called again on this virtual
4205 ** machine without first calling [sqlite3_reset()] to reset the virtual
4206 ** machine back to its initial state.
4208 ** ^If the SQL statement being executed returns any data, then [SQLITE_ROW]
4209 ** is returned each time a new row of data is ready for processing by the
4210 ** caller. The values may be accessed using the [column access functions].
4211 ** sqlite3_step() is called again to retrieve the next row of data.
4213 ** ^[SQLITE_ERROR] means that a run-time error (such as a constraint
4214 ** violation) has occurred. sqlite3_step() should not be called again on
4215 ** the VM. More information may be found by calling [sqlite3_errmsg()].
4216 ** ^With the legacy interface, a more specific error code (for example,
4218 ** can be obtained by calling [sqlite3_reset()] on the
4219 ** [prepared statement]. ^In the "v2" interface,
4220 ** the more specific error code is returned directly by sqlite3_step().
4222 ** [SQLITE_MISUSE] means that the this routine was called inappropriately.
4223 ** Perhaps it was called on a [prepared statement] that has
4224 ** already been [sqlite3_finalize | finalized] or on one that had
4225 ** previously returned [SQLITE_ERROR] or [SQLITE_DONE]. Or it could
4226 ** be the case that the same database connection is being used by two or
4227 ** more threads at the same moment in time.
4229 ** For all versions of SQLite up to and including, a call to
4230 ** [sqlite3_reset()] was required after sqlite3_step() returned anything
4231 ** other than [SQLITE_ROW] before any subsequent invocation of
4232 ** sqlite3_step(). Failure to reset the prepared statement using
4233 ** [sqlite3_reset()] would result in an [SQLITE_MISUSE] return from
4234 ** sqlite3_step(). But after [version] ([dateof:],
4235 ** sqlite3_step() began
4236 ** calling [sqlite3_reset()] automatically in this circumstance rather
4237 ** than returning [SQLITE_MISUSE]. This is not considered a compatibility
4238 ** break because any application that ever receives an SQLITE_MISUSE error
4239 ** is broken by definition. The [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTORESET] compile-time option
4240 ** can be used to restore the legacy behavior.
4242 ** <b>Goofy Interface Alert:</b> In the legacy interface, the sqlite3_step()
4243 ** API always returns a generic error code, [SQLITE_ERROR], following any
4244 ** error other than [SQLITE_BUSY] and [SQLITE_MISUSE]. You must call
4245 ** [sqlite3_reset()] or [sqlite3_finalize()] in order to find one of the
4246 ** specific [error codes] that better describes the error.
4247 ** We admit that this is a goofy design. The problem has been fixed
4248 ** with the "v2" interface. If you prepare all of your SQL statements
4249 ** using [sqlite3_prepare_v3()] or [sqlite3_prepare_v2()]
4250 ** or [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()] or [sqlite3_prepare16_v3()] instead
4251 ** of the legacy [sqlite3_prepare()] and [sqlite3_prepare16()] interfaces,
4252 ** then the more specific [error codes] are returned directly
4253 ** by sqlite3_step(). The use of the "vX" interfaces is recommended.
4255 int sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt*);
4258 ** CAPI3REF: Number of columns in a result set
4259 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4261 ** ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) interface returns the number of columns in the
4262 ** current row of the result set of [prepared statement] P.
4263 ** ^If prepared statement P does not have results ready to return
4264 ** (via calls to the [sqlite3_column_int | sqlite3_column_*()] of
4265 ** interfaces) then sqlite3_data_count(P) returns 0.
4266 ** ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) routine also returns 0 if P is a NULL pointer.
4267 ** ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) routine returns 0 if the previous call to
4268 ** [sqlite3_step](P) returned [SQLITE_DONE]. ^The sqlite3_data_count(P)
4269 ** will return non-zero if previous call to [sqlite3_step](P) returned
4270 ** [SQLITE_ROW], except in the case of the [PRAGMA incremental_vacuum]
4271 ** where it always returns zero since each step of that multi-step
4272 ** pragma returns 0 columns of data.
4274 ** See also: [sqlite3_column_count()]
4276 int sqlite3_data_count(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
4279 ** CAPI3REF: Fundamental Datatypes
4282 ** ^(Every value in SQLite has one of five fundamental datatypes:
4284 ** <ul>
4285 ** <li> 64-bit signed integer
4286 ** <li> 64-bit IEEE floating point number
4287 ** <li> string
4288 ** <li> BLOB
4289 ** <li> NULL
4290 ** </ul>)^
4292 ** These constants are codes for each of those types.
4294 ** Note that the SQLITE_TEXT constant was also used in SQLite version 2
4295 ** for a completely different meaning. Software that links against both
4296 ** SQLite version 2 and SQLite version 3 should use SQLITE3_TEXT, not
4297 ** SQLITE_TEXT.
4299 #define SQLITE_INTEGER 1
4300 #define SQLITE_FLOAT 2
4301 #define SQLITE_BLOB 4
4302 #define SQLITE_NULL 5
4303 #ifdef SQLITE_TEXT
4304 # undef SQLITE_TEXT
4305 #else
4306 # define SQLITE_TEXT 3
4307 #endif
4308 #define SQLITE3_TEXT 3
4311 ** CAPI3REF: Result Values From A Query
4312 ** KEYWORDS: {column access functions}
4313 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4315 ** <b>Summary:</b>
4316 ** <blockquote><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
4317 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_blob</b><td>&rarr;<td>BLOB result
4318 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_double</b><td>&rarr;<td>REAL result
4319 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_int</b><td>&rarr;<td>32-bit INTEGER result
4320 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_int64</b><td>&rarr;<td>64-bit INTEGER result
4321 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_text</b><td>&rarr;<td>UTF-8 TEXT result
4322 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_text16</b><td>&rarr;<td>UTF-16 TEXT result
4323 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_value</b><td>&rarr;<td>The result as an
4324 ** [sqlite3_value|unprotected sqlite3_value] object.
4325 ** <tr><td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;
4326 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_bytes</b><td>&rarr;<td>Size of a BLOB
4327 ** or a UTF-8 TEXT result in bytes
4328 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_bytes16&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
4329 ** <td>&rarr;&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>Size of UTF-16
4330 ** TEXT in bytes
4331 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_column_type</b><td>&rarr;<td>Default
4332 ** datatype of the result
4333 ** </table></blockquote>
4335 ** <b>Details:</b>
4337 ** ^These routines return information about a single column of the current
4338 ** result row of a query. ^In every case the first argument is a pointer
4339 ** to the [prepared statement] that is being evaluated (the [sqlite3_stmt*]
4340 ** that was returned from [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or one of its variants)
4341 ** and the second argument is the index of the column for which information
4342 ** should be returned. ^The leftmost column of the result set has the index 0.
4343 ** ^The number of columns in the result can be determined using
4344 ** [sqlite3_column_count()].
4346 ** If the SQL statement does not currently point to a valid row, or if the
4347 ** column index is out of range, the result is undefined.
4348 ** These routines may only be called when the most recent call to
4349 ** [sqlite3_step()] has returned [SQLITE_ROW] and neither
4350 ** [sqlite3_reset()] nor [sqlite3_finalize()] have been called subsequently.
4351 ** If any of these routines are called after [sqlite3_reset()] or
4352 ** [sqlite3_finalize()] or after [sqlite3_step()] has returned
4353 ** something other than [SQLITE_ROW], the results are undefined.
4354 ** If [sqlite3_step()] or [sqlite3_reset()] or [sqlite3_finalize()]
4355 ** are called from a different thread while any of these routines
4356 ** are pending, then the results are undefined.
4358 ** The first six interfaces (_blob, _double, _int, _int64, _text, and _text16)
4359 ** each return the value of a result column in a specific data format. If
4360 ** the result column is not initially in the requested format (for example,
4361 ** if the query returns an integer but the sqlite3_column_text() interface
4362 ** is used to extract the value) then an automatic type conversion is performed.
4364 ** ^The sqlite3_column_type() routine returns the
4365 ** [SQLITE_INTEGER | datatype code] for the initial data type
4366 ** of the result column. ^The returned value is one of [SQLITE_INTEGER],
4368 ** The return value of sqlite3_column_type() can be used to decide which
4369 ** of the first six interface should be used to extract the column value.
4370 ** The value returned by sqlite3_column_type() is only meaningful if no
4371 ** automatic type conversions have occurred for the value in question.
4372 ** After a type conversion, the result of calling sqlite3_column_type()
4373 ** is undefined, though harmless. Future
4374 ** versions of SQLite may change the behavior of sqlite3_column_type()
4375 ** following a type conversion.
4377 ** If the result is a BLOB or a TEXT string, then the sqlite3_column_bytes()
4378 ** or sqlite3_column_bytes16() interfaces can be used to determine the size
4379 ** of that BLOB or string.
4381 ** ^If the result is a BLOB or UTF-8 string then the sqlite3_column_bytes()
4382 ** routine returns the number of bytes in that BLOB or string.
4383 ** ^If the result is a UTF-16 string, then sqlite3_column_bytes() converts
4384 ** the string to UTF-8 and then returns the number of bytes.
4385 ** ^If the result is a numeric value then sqlite3_column_bytes() uses
4386 ** [sqlite3_snprintf()] to convert that value to a UTF-8 string and returns
4387 ** the number of bytes in that string.
4388 ** ^If the result is NULL, then sqlite3_column_bytes() returns zero.
4390 ** ^If the result is a BLOB or UTF-16 string then the sqlite3_column_bytes16()
4391 ** routine returns the number of bytes in that BLOB or string.
4392 ** ^If the result is a UTF-8 string, then sqlite3_column_bytes16() converts
4393 ** the string to UTF-16 and then returns the number of bytes.
4394 ** ^If the result is a numeric value then sqlite3_column_bytes16() uses
4395 ** [sqlite3_snprintf()] to convert that value to a UTF-16 string and returns
4396 ** the number of bytes in that string.
4397 ** ^If the result is NULL, then sqlite3_column_bytes16() returns zero.
4399 ** ^The values returned by [sqlite3_column_bytes()] and
4400 ** [sqlite3_column_bytes16()] do not include the zero terminators at the end
4401 ** of the string. ^For clarity: the values returned by
4402 ** [sqlite3_column_bytes()] and [sqlite3_column_bytes16()] are the number of
4403 ** bytes in the string, not the number of characters.
4405 ** ^Strings returned by sqlite3_column_text() and sqlite3_column_text16(),
4406 ** even empty strings, are always zero-terminated. ^The return
4407 ** value from sqlite3_column_blob() for a zero-length BLOB is a NULL pointer.
4409 ** <b>Warning:</b> ^The object returned by [sqlite3_column_value()] is an
4410 ** [unprotected sqlite3_value] object. In a multithreaded environment,
4411 ** an unprotected sqlite3_value object may only be used safely with
4412 ** [sqlite3_bind_value()] and [sqlite3_result_value()].
4413 ** If the [unprotected sqlite3_value] object returned by
4414 ** [sqlite3_column_value()] is used in any other way, including calls
4415 ** to routines like [sqlite3_value_int()], [sqlite3_value_text()],
4416 ** or [sqlite3_value_bytes()], the behavior is not threadsafe.
4417 ** Hence, the sqlite3_column_value() interface
4418 ** is normally only useful within the implementation of
4419 ** [application-defined SQL functions] or [virtual tables], not within
4420 ** top-level application code.
4422 ** The these routines may attempt to convert the datatype of the result.
4423 ** ^For example, if the internal representation is FLOAT and a text result
4424 ** is requested, [sqlite3_snprintf()] is used internally to perform the
4425 ** conversion automatically. ^(The following table details the conversions
4426 ** that are applied:
4428 ** <blockquote>
4429 ** <table border="1">
4430 ** <tr><th> Internal<br>Type <th> Requested<br>Type <th> Conversion
4432 ** <tr><td> NULL <td> INTEGER <td> Result is 0
4433 ** <tr><td> NULL <td> FLOAT <td> Result is 0.0
4434 ** <tr><td> NULL <td> TEXT <td> Result is a NULL pointer
4435 ** <tr><td> NULL <td> BLOB <td> Result is a NULL pointer
4436 ** <tr><td> INTEGER <td> FLOAT <td> Convert from integer to float
4437 ** <tr><td> INTEGER <td> TEXT <td> ASCII rendering of the integer
4438 ** <tr><td> INTEGER <td> BLOB <td> Same as INTEGER->TEXT
4439 ** <tr><td> FLOAT <td> INTEGER <td> [CAST] to INTEGER
4440 ** <tr><td> FLOAT <td> TEXT <td> ASCII rendering of the float
4441 ** <tr><td> FLOAT <td> BLOB <td> [CAST] to BLOB
4442 ** <tr><td> TEXT <td> INTEGER <td> [CAST] to INTEGER
4443 ** <tr><td> TEXT <td> FLOAT <td> [CAST] to REAL
4444 ** <tr><td> TEXT <td> BLOB <td> No change
4445 ** <tr><td> BLOB <td> INTEGER <td> [CAST] to INTEGER
4446 ** <tr><td> BLOB <td> FLOAT <td> [CAST] to REAL
4447 ** <tr><td> BLOB <td> TEXT <td> Add a zero terminator if needed
4448 ** </table>
4449 ** </blockquote>)^
4451 ** Note that when type conversions occur, pointers returned by prior
4452 ** calls to sqlite3_column_blob(), sqlite3_column_text(), and/or
4453 ** sqlite3_column_text16() may be invalidated.
4454 ** Type conversions and pointer invalidations might occur
4455 ** in the following cases:
4457 ** <ul>
4458 ** <li> The initial content is a BLOB and sqlite3_column_text() or
4459 ** sqlite3_column_text16() is called. A zero-terminator might
4460 ** need to be added to the string.</li>
4461 ** <li> The initial content is UTF-8 text and sqlite3_column_bytes16() or
4462 ** sqlite3_column_text16() is called. The content must be converted
4463 ** to UTF-16.</li>
4464 ** <li> The initial content is UTF-16 text and sqlite3_column_bytes() or
4465 ** sqlite3_column_text() is called. The content must be converted
4466 ** to UTF-8.</li>
4467 ** </ul>
4469 ** ^Conversions between UTF-16be and UTF-16le are always done in place and do
4470 ** not invalidate a prior pointer, though of course the content of the buffer
4471 ** that the prior pointer references will have been modified. Other kinds
4472 ** of conversion are done in place when it is possible, but sometimes they
4473 ** are not possible and in those cases prior pointers are invalidated.
4475 ** The safest policy is to invoke these routines
4476 ** in one of the following ways:
4478 ** <ul>
4479 ** <li>sqlite3_column_text() followed by sqlite3_column_bytes()</li>
4480 ** <li>sqlite3_column_blob() followed by sqlite3_column_bytes()</li>
4481 ** <li>sqlite3_column_text16() followed by sqlite3_column_bytes16()</li>
4482 ** </ul>
4484 ** In other words, you should call sqlite3_column_text(),
4485 ** sqlite3_column_blob(), or sqlite3_column_text16() first to force the result
4486 ** into the desired format, then invoke sqlite3_column_bytes() or
4487 ** sqlite3_column_bytes16() to find the size of the result. Do not mix calls
4488 ** to sqlite3_column_text() or sqlite3_column_blob() with calls to
4489 ** sqlite3_column_bytes16(), and do not mix calls to sqlite3_column_text16()
4490 ** with calls to sqlite3_column_bytes().
4492 ** ^The pointers returned are valid until a type conversion occurs as
4493 ** described above, or until [sqlite3_step()] or [sqlite3_reset()] or
4494 ** [sqlite3_finalize()] is called. ^The memory space used to hold strings
4495 ** and BLOBs is freed automatically. Do not pass the pointers returned
4496 ** from [sqlite3_column_blob()], [sqlite3_column_text()], etc. into
4497 ** [sqlite3_free()].
4499 ** ^(If a memory allocation error occurs during the evaluation of any
4500 ** of these routines, a default value is returned. The default value
4501 ** is either the integer 0, the floating point number 0.0, or a NULL
4502 ** pointer. Subsequent calls to [sqlite3_errcode()] will return
4503 ** [SQLITE_NOMEM].)^
4505 const void *sqlite3_column_blob(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4506 double sqlite3_column_double(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4507 int sqlite3_column_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4508 sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_column_int64(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4509 const unsigned char *sqlite3_column_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4510 const void *sqlite3_column_text16(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4511 sqlite3_value *sqlite3_column_value(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4512 int sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4513 int sqlite3_column_bytes16(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4514 int sqlite3_column_type(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
4517 ** CAPI3REF: Destroy A Prepared Statement Object
4518 ** DESTRUCTOR: sqlite3_stmt
4520 ** ^The sqlite3_finalize() function is called to delete a [prepared statement].
4521 ** ^If the most recent evaluation of the statement encountered no errors
4522 ** or if the statement is never been evaluated, then sqlite3_finalize() returns
4523 ** SQLITE_OK. ^If the most recent evaluation of statement S failed, then
4524 ** sqlite3_finalize(S) returns the appropriate [error code] or
4525 ** [extended error code].
4527 ** ^The sqlite3_finalize(S) routine can be called at any point during
4528 ** the life cycle of [prepared statement] S:
4529 ** before statement S is ever evaluated, after
4530 ** one or more calls to [sqlite3_reset()], or after any call
4531 ** to [sqlite3_step()] regardless of whether or not the statement has
4532 ** completed execution.
4534 ** ^Invoking sqlite3_finalize() on a NULL pointer is a harmless no-op.
4536 ** The application must finalize every [prepared statement] in order to avoid
4537 ** resource leaks. It is a grievous error for the application to try to use
4538 ** a prepared statement after it has been finalized. Any use of a prepared
4539 ** statement after it has been finalized can result in undefined and
4540 ** undesirable behavior such as segfaults and heap corruption.
4542 int sqlite3_finalize(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
4545 ** CAPI3REF: Reset A Prepared Statement Object
4546 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
4548 ** The sqlite3_reset() function is called to reset a [prepared statement]
4549 ** object back to its initial state, ready to be re-executed.
4550 ** ^Any SQL statement variables that had values bound to them using
4551 ** the [sqlite3_bind_blob | sqlite3_bind_*() API] retain their values.
4552 ** Use [sqlite3_clear_bindings()] to reset the bindings.
4554 ** ^The [sqlite3_reset(S)] interface resets the [prepared statement] S
4555 ** back to the beginning of its program.
4557 ** ^If the most recent call to [sqlite3_step(S)] for the
4558 ** [prepared statement] S returned [SQLITE_ROW] or [SQLITE_DONE],
4559 ** or if [sqlite3_step(S)] has never before been called on S,
4560 ** then [sqlite3_reset(S)] returns [SQLITE_OK].
4562 ** ^If the most recent call to [sqlite3_step(S)] for the
4563 ** [prepared statement] S indicated an error, then
4564 ** [sqlite3_reset(S)] returns an appropriate [error code].
4566 ** ^The [sqlite3_reset(S)] interface does not change the values
4567 ** of any [sqlite3_bind_blob|bindings] on the [prepared statement] S.
4569 int sqlite3_reset(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
4572 ** CAPI3REF: Create Or Redefine SQL Functions
4573 ** KEYWORDS: {function creation routines}
4574 ** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL function}
4575 ** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL functions}
4576 ** METHOD: sqlite3
4578 ** ^These functions (collectively known as "function creation routines")
4579 ** are used to add SQL functions or aggregates or to redefine the behavior
4580 ** of existing SQL functions or aggregates. The only differences between
4581 ** these routines are the text encoding expected for
4582 ** the second parameter (the name of the function being created)
4583 ** and the presence or absence of a destructor callback for
4584 ** the application data pointer.
4586 ** ^The first parameter is the [database connection] to which the SQL
4587 ** function is to be added. ^If an application uses more than one database
4588 ** connection then application-defined SQL functions must be added
4589 ** to each database connection separately.
4591 ** ^The second parameter is the name of the SQL function to be created or
4592 ** redefined. ^The length of the name is limited to 255 bytes in a UTF-8
4593 ** representation, exclusive of the zero-terminator. ^Note that the name
4594 ** length limit is in UTF-8 bytes, not characters nor UTF-16 bytes.
4595 ** ^Any attempt to create a function with a longer name
4596 ** will result in [SQLITE_MISUSE] being returned.
4598 ** ^The third parameter (nArg)
4599 ** is the number of arguments that the SQL function or
4600 ** aggregate takes. ^If this parameter is -1, then the SQL function or
4601 ** aggregate may take any number of arguments between 0 and the limit
4602 ** set by [sqlite3_limit]([SQLITE_LIMIT_FUNCTION_ARG]). If the third
4603 ** parameter is less than -1 or greater than 127 then the behavior is
4604 ** undefined.
4606 ** ^The fourth parameter, eTextRep, specifies what
4607 ** [SQLITE_UTF8 | text encoding] this SQL function prefers for
4608 ** its parameters. The application should set this parameter to
4609 ** [SQLITE_UTF16LE] if the function implementation invokes
4610 ** [sqlite3_value_text16le()] on an input, or [SQLITE_UTF16BE] if the
4611 ** implementation invokes [sqlite3_value_text16be()] on an input, or
4612 ** [SQLITE_UTF16] if [sqlite3_value_text16()] is used, or [SQLITE_UTF8]
4613 ** otherwise. ^The same SQL function may be registered multiple times using
4614 ** different preferred text encodings, with different implementations for
4615 ** each encoding.
4616 ** ^When multiple implementations of the same function are available, SQLite
4617 ** will pick the one that involves the least amount of data conversion.
4619 ** ^The fourth parameter may optionally be ORed with [SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC]
4620 ** to signal that the function will always return the same result given
4621 ** the same inputs within a single SQL statement. Most SQL functions are
4622 ** deterministic. The built-in [random()] SQL function is an example of a
4623 ** function that is not deterministic. The SQLite query planner is able to
4624 ** perform additional optimizations on deterministic functions, so use
4625 ** of the [SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC] flag is recommended where possible.
4627 ** ^(The fifth parameter is an arbitrary pointer. The implementation of the
4628 ** function can gain access to this pointer using [sqlite3_user_data()].)^
4630 ** ^The sixth, seventh and eighth parameters, xFunc, xStep and xFinal, are
4631 ** pointers to C-language functions that implement the SQL function or
4632 ** aggregate. ^A scalar SQL function requires an implementation of the xFunc
4633 ** callback only; NULL pointers must be passed as the xStep and xFinal
4634 ** parameters. ^An aggregate SQL function requires an implementation of xStep
4635 ** and xFinal and NULL pointer must be passed for xFunc. ^To delete an existing
4636 ** SQL function or aggregate, pass NULL pointers for all three function
4637 ** callbacks.
4639 ** ^(If the ninth parameter to sqlite3_create_function_v2() is not NULL,
4640 ** then it is destructor for the application data pointer.
4641 ** The destructor is invoked when the function is deleted, either by being
4642 ** overloaded or when the database connection closes.)^
4643 ** ^The destructor is also invoked if the call to
4644 ** sqlite3_create_function_v2() fails.
4645 ** ^When the destructor callback of the tenth parameter is invoked, it
4646 ** is passed a single argument which is a copy of the application data
4647 ** pointer which was the fifth parameter to sqlite3_create_function_v2().
4649 ** ^It is permitted to register multiple implementations of the same
4650 ** functions with the same name but with either differing numbers of
4651 ** arguments or differing preferred text encodings. ^SQLite will use
4652 ** the implementation that most closely matches the way in which the
4653 ** SQL function is used. ^A function implementation with a non-negative
4654 ** nArg parameter is a better match than a function implementation with
4655 ** a negative nArg. ^A function where the preferred text encoding
4656 ** matches the database encoding is a better
4657 ** match than a function where the encoding is different.
4658 ** ^A function where the encoding difference is between UTF16le and UTF16be
4659 ** is a closer match than a function where the encoding difference is
4660 ** between UTF8 and UTF16.
4662 ** ^Built-in functions may be overloaded by new application-defined functions.
4664 ** ^An application-defined function is permitted to call other
4665 ** SQLite interfaces. However, such calls must not
4666 ** close the database connection nor finalize or reset the prepared
4667 ** statement in which the function is running.
4669 int sqlite3_create_function(
4670 sqlite3 *db,
4671 const char *zFunctionName,
4672 int nArg,
4673 int eTextRep,
4674 void *pApp,
4675 void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
4676 void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
4677 void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*)
4679 int sqlite3_create_function16(
4680 sqlite3 *db,
4681 const void *zFunctionName,
4682 int nArg,
4683 int eTextRep,
4684 void *pApp,
4685 void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
4686 void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
4687 void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*)
4689 int sqlite3_create_function_v2(
4690 sqlite3 *db,
4691 const char *zFunctionName,
4692 int nArg,
4693 int eTextRep,
4694 void *pApp,
4695 void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
4696 void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
4697 void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*),
4698 void(*xDestroy)(void*)
4702 ** CAPI3REF: Text Encodings
4704 ** These constant define integer codes that represent the various
4705 ** text encodings supported by SQLite.
4707 #define SQLITE_UTF8 1 /* IMP: R-37514-35566 */
4708 #define SQLITE_UTF16LE 2 /* IMP: R-03371-37637 */
4709 #define SQLITE_UTF16BE 3 /* IMP: R-51971-34154 */
4710 #define SQLITE_UTF16 4 /* Use native byte order */
4711 #define SQLITE_ANY 5 /* Deprecated */
4712 #define SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED 8 /* sqlite3_create_collation only */
4715 ** CAPI3REF: Function Flags
4717 ** These constants may be ORed together with the
4718 ** [SQLITE_UTF8 | preferred text encoding] as the fourth argument
4719 ** to [sqlite3_create_function()], [sqlite3_create_function16()], or
4720 ** [sqlite3_create_function_v2()].
4722 #define SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC 0x800
4725 ** CAPI3REF: Deprecated Functions
4728 ** These functions are [deprecated]. In order to maintain
4729 ** backwards compatibility with older code, these functions continue
4730 ** to be supported. However, new applications should avoid
4731 ** the use of these functions. To encourage programmers to avoid
4732 ** these functions, we will not explain what they do.
4735 SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_aggregate_count(sqlite3_context*);
4736 SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_expired(sqlite3_stmt*);
4737 SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_transfer_bindings(sqlite3_stmt*, sqlite3_stmt*);
4738 SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_global_recover(void);
4739 SQLITE_DEPRECATED void sqlite3_thread_cleanup(void);
4740 SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int64,int),
4741 void*,sqlite3_int64);
4742 #endif
4745 ** CAPI3REF: Obtaining SQL Values
4746 ** METHOD: sqlite3_value
4748 ** <b>Summary:</b>
4749 ** <blockquote><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
4750 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_blob</b><td>&rarr;<td>BLOB value
4751 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_double</b><td>&rarr;<td>REAL value
4752 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_int</b><td>&rarr;<td>32-bit INTEGER value
4753 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_int64</b><td>&rarr;<td>64-bit INTEGER value
4754 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_pointer</b><td>&rarr;<td>Pointer value
4755 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_text</b><td>&rarr;<td>UTF-8 TEXT value
4756 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_text16</b><td>&rarr;<td>UTF-16 TEXT value in
4757 ** the native byteorder
4758 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_text16be</b><td>&rarr;<td>UTF-16be TEXT value
4759 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_text16le</b><td>&rarr;<td>UTF-16le TEXT value
4760 ** <tr><td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;
4761 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_bytes</b><td>&rarr;<td>Size of a BLOB
4762 ** or a UTF-8 TEXT in bytes
4763 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_bytes16&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
4764 ** <td>&rarr;&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>Size of UTF-16
4765 ** TEXT in bytes
4766 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_type</b><td>&rarr;<td>Default
4767 ** datatype of the value
4768 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_numeric_type&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
4769 ** <td>&rarr;&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>Best numeric datatype of the value
4770 ** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_nochange&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
4771 ** <td>&rarr;&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>True if the column is unchanged in an UPDATE
4772 ** against a virtual table.
4773 ** </table></blockquote>
4775 ** <b>Details:</b>
4777 ** These routines extract type, size, and content information from
4778 ** [protected sqlite3_value] objects. Protected sqlite3_value objects
4779 ** are used to pass parameter information into implementation of
4780 ** [application-defined SQL functions] and [virtual tables].
4782 ** These routines work only with [protected sqlite3_value] objects.
4783 ** Any attempt to use these routines on an [unprotected sqlite3_value]
4784 ** is not threadsafe.
4786 ** ^These routines work just like the corresponding [column access functions]
4787 ** except that these routines take a single [protected sqlite3_value] object
4788 ** pointer instead of a [sqlite3_stmt*] pointer and an integer column number.
4790 ** ^The sqlite3_value_text16() interface extracts a UTF-16 string
4791 ** in the native byte-order of the host machine. ^The
4792 ** sqlite3_value_text16be() and sqlite3_value_text16le() interfaces
4793 ** extract UTF-16 strings as big-endian and little-endian respectively.
4795 ** ^If [sqlite3_value] object V was initialized
4796 ** using [sqlite3_bind_pointer(S,I,P,X,D)] or [sqlite3_result_pointer(C,P,X,D)]
4797 ** and if X and Y are strings that compare equal according to strcmp(X,Y),
4798 ** then sqlite3_value_pointer(V,Y) will return the pointer P. ^Otherwise,
4799 ** sqlite3_value_pointer(V,Y) returns a NULL. The sqlite3_bind_pointer()
4800 ** routine is part of the [pointer passing interface] added for SQLite 3.20.0.
4802 ** ^(The sqlite3_value_type(V) interface returns the
4803 ** [SQLITE_INTEGER | datatype code] for the initial datatype of the
4804 ** [sqlite3_value] object V. The returned value is one of [SQLITE_INTEGER],
4806 ** Other interfaces might change the datatype for an sqlite3_value object.
4807 ** For example, if the datatype is initially SQLITE_INTEGER and
4808 ** sqlite3_value_text(V) is called to extract a text value for that
4809 ** integer, then subsequent calls to sqlite3_value_type(V) might return
4810 ** SQLITE_TEXT. Whether or not a persistent internal datatype conversion
4811 ** occurs is undefined and may change from one release of SQLite to the next.
4813 ** ^(The sqlite3_value_numeric_type() interface attempts to apply
4814 ** numeric affinity to the value. This means that an attempt is
4815 ** made to convert the value to an integer or floating point. If
4816 ** such a conversion is possible without loss of information (in other
4817 ** words, if the value is a string that looks like a number)
4818 ** then the conversion is performed. Otherwise no conversion occurs.
4819 ** The [SQLITE_INTEGER | datatype] after conversion is returned.)^
4821 ** ^Within the [xUpdate] method of a [virtual table], the
4822 ** sqlite3_value_nochange(X) interface returns true if and only if
4823 ** the column corresponding to X is unchanged by the UPDATE operation
4824 ** that the xUpdate method call was invoked to implement and if
4825 ** and the prior [xColumn] method call that was invoked to extracted
4826 ** the value for that column returned without setting a result (probably
4827 ** because it queried [sqlite3_vtab_nochange()] and found that the column
4828 ** was unchanging). ^Within an [xUpdate] method, any value for which
4829 ** sqlite3_value_nochange(X) is true will in all other respects appear
4830 ** to be a NULL value. If sqlite3_value_nochange(X) is invoked anywhere other
4831 ** than within an [xUpdate] method call for an UPDATE statement, then
4832 ** the return value is arbitrary and meaningless.
4834 ** Please pay particular attention to the fact that the pointer returned
4835 ** from [sqlite3_value_blob()], [sqlite3_value_text()], or
4836 ** [sqlite3_value_text16()] can be invalidated by a subsequent call to
4837 ** [sqlite3_value_bytes()], [sqlite3_value_bytes16()], [sqlite3_value_text()],
4838 ** or [sqlite3_value_text16()].
4840 ** These routines must be called from the same thread as
4841 ** the SQL function that supplied the [sqlite3_value*] parameters.
4843 const void *sqlite3_value_blob(sqlite3_value*);
4844 double sqlite3_value_double(sqlite3_value*);
4845 int sqlite3_value_int(sqlite3_value*);
4846 sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_value_int64(sqlite3_value*);
4847 void *sqlite3_value_pointer(sqlite3_value*, const char*);
4848 const unsigned char *sqlite3_value_text(sqlite3_value*);
4849 const void *sqlite3_value_text16(sqlite3_value*);
4850 const void *sqlite3_value_text16le(sqlite3_value*);
4851 const void *sqlite3_value_text16be(sqlite3_value*);
4852 int sqlite3_value_bytes(sqlite3_value*);
4853 int sqlite3_value_bytes16(sqlite3_value*);
4854 int sqlite3_value_type(sqlite3_value*);
4855 int sqlite3_value_numeric_type(sqlite3_value*);
4856 int sqlite3_value_nochange(sqlite3_value*);
4859 ** CAPI3REF: Finding The Subtype Of SQL Values
4860 ** METHOD: sqlite3_value
4862 ** The sqlite3_value_subtype(V) function returns the subtype for
4863 ** an [application-defined SQL function] argument V. The subtype
4864 ** information can be used to pass a limited amount of context from
4865 ** one SQL function to another. Use the [sqlite3_result_subtype()]
4866 ** routine to set the subtype for the return value of an SQL function.
4868 unsigned int sqlite3_value_subtype(sqlite3_value*);
4871 ** CAPI3REF: Copy And Free SQL Values
4872 ** METHOD: sqlite3_value
4874 ** ^The sqlite3_value_dup(V) interface makes a copy of the [sqlite3_value]
4875 ** object D and returns a pointer to that copy. ^The [sqlite3_value] returned
4876 ** is a [protected sqlite3_value] object even if the input is not.
4877 ** ^The sqlite3_value_dup(V) interface returns NULL if V is NULL or if a
4878 ** memory allocation fails.
4880 ** ^The sqlite3_value_free(V) interface frees an [sqlite3_value] object
4881 ** previously obtained from [sqlite3_value_dup()]. ^If V is a NULL pointer
4882 ** then sqlite3_value_free(V) is a harmless no-op.
4884 sqlite3_value *sqlite3_value_dup(const sqlite3_value*);
4885 void sqlite3_value_free(sqlite3_value*);
4888 ** CAPI3REF: Obtain Aggregate Function Context
4889 ** METHOD: sqlite3_context
4891 ** Implementations of aggregate SQL functions use this
4892 ** routine to allocate memory for storing their state.
4894 ** ^The first time the sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine is called
4895 ** for a particular aggregate function, SQLite
4896 ** allocates N of memory, zeroes out that memory, and returns a pointer
4897 ** to the new memory. ^On second and subsequent calls to
4898 ** sqlite3_aggregate_context() for the same aggregate function instance,
4899 ** the same buffer is returned. Sqlite3_aggregate_context() is normally
4900 ** called once for each invocation of the xStep callback and then one
4901 ** last time when the xFinal callback is invoked. ^(When no rows match
4902 ** an aggregate query, the xStep() callback of the aggregate function
4903 ** implementation is never called and xFinal() is called exactly once.
4904 ** In those cases, sqlite3_aggregate_context() might be called for the
4905 ** first time from within xFinal().)^
4907 ** ^The sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine returns a NULL pointer
4908 ** when first called if N is less than or equal to zero or if a memory
4909 ** allocate error occurs.
4911 ** ^(The amount of space allocated by sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) is
4912 ** determined by the N parameter on first successful call. Changing the
4913 ** value of N in subsequent call to sqlite3_aggregate_context() within
4914 ** the same aggregate function instance will not resize the memory
4915 ** allocation.)^ Within the xFinal callback, it is customary to set
4916 ** N=0 in calls to sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) so that no
4917 ** pointless memory allocations occur.
4919 ** ^SQLite automatically frees the memory allocated by
4920 ** sqlite3_aggregate_context() when the aggregate query concludes.
4922 ** The first parameter must be a copy of the
4923 ** [sqlite3_context | SQL function context] that is the first parameter
4924 ** to the xStep or xFinal callback routine that implements the aggregate
4925 ** function.
4927 ** This routine must be called from the same thread in which
4928 ** the aggregate SQL function is running.
4930 void *sqlite3_aggregate_context(sqlite3_context*, int nBytes);
4933 ** CAPI3REF: User Data For Functions
4934 ** METHOD: sqlite3_context
4936 ** ^The sqlite3_user_data() interface returns a copy of
4937 ** the pointer that was the pUserData parameter (the 5th parameter)
4938 ** of the [sqlite3_create_function()]
4939 ** and [sqlite3_create_function16()] routines that originally
4940 ** registered the application defined function.
4942 ** This routine must be called from the same thread in which
4943 ** the application-defined function is running.
4945 void *sqlite3_user_data(sqlite3_context*);
4948 ** CAPI3REF: Database Connection For Functions
4949 ** METHOD: sqlite3_context
4951 ** ^The sqlite3_context_db_handle() interface returns a copy of
4952 ** the pointer to the [database connection] (the 1st parameter)
4953 ** of the [sqlite3_create_function()]
4954 ** and [sqlite3_create_function16()] routines that originally
4955 ** registered the application defined function.
4957 sqlite3 *sqlite3_context_db_handle(sqlite3_context*);
4960 ** CAPI3REF: Function Auxiliary Data
4961 ** METHOD: sqlite3_context
4963 ** These functions may be used by (non-aggregate) SQL functions to
4964 ** associate metadata with argument values. If the same value is passed to
4965 ** multiple invocations of the same SQL function during query execution, under
4966 ** some circumstances the associated metadata may be preserved. An example
4967 ** of where this might be useful is in a regular-expression matching
4968 ** function. The compiled version of the regular expression can be stored as
4969 ** metadata associated with the pattern string.
4970 ** Then as long as the pattern string remains the same,
4971 ** the compiled regular expression can be reused on multiple
4972 ** invocations of the same function.
4974 ** ^The sqlite3_get_auxdata(C,N) interface returns a pointer to the metadata
4975 ** associated by the sqlite3_set_auxdata(C,N,P,X) function with the Nth argument
4976 ** value to the application-defined function. ^N is zero for the left-most
4977 ** function argument. ^If there is no metadata
4978 ** associated with the function argument, the sqlite3_get_auxdata(C,N) interface
4979 ** returns a NULL pointer.
4981 ** ^The sqlite3_set_auxdata(C,N,P,X) interface saves P as metadata for the N-th
4982 ** argument of the application-defined function. ^Subsequent
4983 ** calls to sqlite3_get_auxdata(C,N) return P from the most recent
4984 ** sqlite3_set_auxdata(C,N,P,X) call if the metadata is still valid or
4985 ** NULL if the metadata has been discarded.
4986 ** ^After each call to sqlite3_set_auxdata(C,N,P,X) where X is not NULL,
4987 ** SQLite will invoke the destructor function X with parameter P exactly
4988 ** once, when the metadata is discarded.
4989 ** SQLite is free to discard the metadata at any time, including: <ul>
4990 ** <li> ^(when the corresponding function parameter changes)^, or
4991 ** <li> ^(when [sqlite3_reset()] or [sqlite3_finalize()] is called for the
4992 ** SQL statement)^, or
4993 ** <li> ^(when sqlite3_set_auxdata() is invoked again on the same
4994 ** parameter)^, or
4995 ** <li> ^(during the original sqlite3_set_auxdata() call when a memory
4996 ** allocation error occurs.)^ </ul>
4998 ** Note the last bullet in particular. The destructor X in
4999 ** sqlite3_set_auxdata(C,N,P,X) might be called immediately, before the
5000 ** sqlite3_set_auxdata() interface even returns. Hence sqlite3_set_auxdata()
5001 ** should be called near the end of the function implementation and the
5002 ** function implementation should not make any use of P after
5003 ** sqlite3_set_auxdata() has been called.
5005 ** ^(In practice, metadata is preserved between function calls for
5006 ** function parameters that are compile-time constants, including literal
5007 ** values and [parameters] and expressions composed from the same.)^
5009 ** The value of the N parameter to these interfaces should be non-negative.
5010 ** Future enhancements may make use of negative N values to define new
5011 ** kinds of function caching behavior.
5013 ** These routines must be called from the same thread in which
5014 ** the SQL function is running.
5016 void *sqlite3_get_auxdata(sqlite3_context*, int N);
5017 void sqlite3_set_auxdata(sqlite3_context*, int N, void*, void (*)(void*));
5021 ** CAPI3REF: Constants Defining Special Destructor Behavior
5023 ** These are special values for the destructor that is passed in as the
5024 ** final argument to routines like [sqlite3_result_blob()]. ^If the destructor
5025 ** argument is SQLITE_STATIC, it means that the content pointer is constant
5026 ** and will never change. It does not need to be destroyed. ^The
5027 ** SQLITE_TRANSIENT value means that the content will likely change in
5028 ** the near future and that SQLite should make its own private copy of
5029 ** the content before returning.
5031 ** The typedef is necessary to work around problems in certain
5032 ** C++ compilers.
5034 typedef void (*sqlite3_destructor_type)(void*);
5035 #define SQLITE_STATIC ((sqlite3_destructor_type)0)
5036 #define SQLITE_TRANSIENT ((sqlite3_destructor_type)-1)
5039 ** CAPI3REF: Setting The Result Of An SQL Function
5040 ** METHOD: sqlite3_context
5042 ** These routines are used by the xFunc or xFinal callbacks that
5043 ** implement SQL functions and aggregates. See
5044 ** [sqlite3_create_function()] and [sqlite3_create_function16()]
5045 ** for additional information.
5047 ** These functions work very much like the [parameter binding] family of
5048 ** functions used to bind values to host parameters in prepared statements.
5049 ** Refer to the [SQL parameter] documentation for additional information.
5051 ** ^The sqlite3_result_blob() interface sets the result from
5052 ** an application-defined function to be the BLOB whose content is pointed
5053 ** to by the second parameter and which is N bytes long where N is the
5054 ** third parameter.
5056 ** ^The sqlite3_result_zeroblob(C,N) and sqlite3_result_zeroblob64(C,N)
5057 ** interfaces set the result of the application-defined function to be
5058 ** a BLOB containing all zero bytes and N bytes in size.
5060 ** ^The sqlite3_result_double() interface sets the result from
5061 ** an application-defined function to be a floating point value specified
5062 ** by its 2nd argument.
5064 ** ^The sqlite3_result_error() and sqlite3_result_error16() functions
5065 ** cause the implemented SQL function to throw an exception.
5066 ** ^SQLite uses the string pointed to by the
5067 ** 2nd parameter of sqlite3_result_error() or sqlite3_result_error16()
5068 ** as the text of an error message. ^SQLite interprets the error
5069 ** message string from sqlite3_result_error() as UTF-8. ^SQLite
5070 ** interprets the string from sqlite3_result_error16() as UTF-16 in native
5071 ** byte order. ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_result_error()
5072 ** or sqlite3_result_error16() is negative then SQLite takes as the error
5073 ** message all text up through the first zero character.
5074 ** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_result_error() or
5075 ** sqlite3_result_error16() is non-negative then SQLite takes that many
5076 ** bytes (not characters) from the 2nd parameter as the error message.
5077 ** ^The sqlite3_result_error() and sqlite3_result_error16()
5078 ** routines make a private copy of the error message text before
5079 ** they return. Hence, the calling function can deallocate or
5080 ** modify the text after they return without harm.
5081 ** ^The sqlite3_result_error_code() function changes the error code
5082 ** returned by SQLite as a result of an error in a function. ^By default,
5083 ** the error code is SQLITE_ERROR. ^A subsequent call to sqlite3_result_error()
5084 ** or sqlite3_result_error16() resets the error code to SQLITE_ERROR.
5086 ** ^The sqlite3_result_error_toobig() interface causes SQLite to throw an
5087 ** error indicating that a string or BLOB is too long to represent.
5089 ** ^The sqlite3_result_error_nomem() interface causes SQLite to throw an
5090 ** error indicating that a memory allocation failed.
5092 ** ^The sqlite3_result_int() interface sets the return value
5093 ** of the application-defined function to be the 32-bit signed integer
5094 ** value given in the 2nd argument.
5095 ** ^The sqlite3_result_int64() interface sets the return value
5096 ** of the application-defined function to be the 64-bit signed integer
5097 ** value given in the 2nd argument.
5099 ** ^The sqlite3_result_null() interface sets the return value
5100 ** of the application-defined function to be NULL.
5102 ** ^The sqlite3_result_text(), sqlite3_result_text16(),
5103 ** sqlite3_result_text16le(), and sqlite3_result_text16be() interfaces
5104 ** set the return value of the application-defined function to be
5105 ** a text string which is represented as UTF-8, UTF-16 native byte order,
5106 ** UTF-16 little endian, or UTF-16 big endian, respectively.
5107 ** ^The sqlite3_result_text64() interface sets the return value of an
5108 ** application-defined function to be a text string in an encoding
5109 ** specified by the fifth (and last) parameter, which must be one
5110 ** of [SQLITE_UTF8], [SQLITE_UTF16], [SQLITE_UTF16BE], or [SQLITE_UTF16LE].
5111 ** ^SQLite takes the text result from the application from
5112 ** the 2nd parameter of the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces.
5113 ** ^If the 3rd parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces
5114 ** is negative, then SQLite takes result text from the 2nd parameter
5115 ** through the first zero character.
5116 ** ^If the 3rd parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces
5117 ** is non-negative, then as many bytes (not characters) of the text
5118 ** pointed to by the 2nd parameter are taken as the application-defined
5119 ** function result. If the 3rd parameter is non-negative, then it
5120 ** must be the byte offset into the string where the NUL terminator would
5121 ** appear if the string where NUL terminated. If any NUL characters occur
5122 ** in the string at a byte offset that is less than the value of the 3rd
5123 ** parameter, then the resulting string will contain embedded NULs and the
5124 ** result of expressions operating on strings with embedded NULs is undefined.
5125 ** ^If the 4th parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces
5126 ** or sqlite3_result_blob is a non-NULL pointer, then SQLite calls that
5127 ** function as the destructor on the text or BLOB result when it has
5128 ** finished using that result.
5129 ** ^If the 4th parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces or to
5130 ** sqlite3_result_blob is the special constant SQLITE_STATIC, then SQLite
5131 ** assumes that the text or BLOB result is in constant space and does not
5132 ** copy the content of the parameter nor call a destructor on the content
5133 ** when it has finished using that result.
5134 ** ^If the 4th parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces
5135 ** or sqlite3_result_blob is the special constant SQLITE_TRANSIENT
5136 ** then SQLite makes a copy of the result into space obtained
5137 ** from [sqlite3_malloc()] before it returns.
5139 ** ^The sqlite3_result_value() interface sets the result of
5140 ** the application-defined function to be a copy of the
5141 ** [unprotected sqlite3_value] object specified by the 2nd parameter. ^The
5142 ** sqlite3_result_value() interface makes a copy of the [sqlite3_value]
5143 ** so that the [sqlite3_value] specified in the parameter may change or
5144 ** be deallocated after sqlite3_result_value() returns without harm.
5145 ** ^A [protected sqlite3_value] object may always be used where an
5146 ** [unprotected sqlite3_value] object is required, so either
5147 ** kind of [sqlite3_value] object can be used with this interface.
5149 ** ^The sqlite3_result_pointer(C,P,T,D) interface sets the result to an
5150 ** SQL NULL value, just like [sqlite3_result_null(C)], except that it
5151 ** also associates the host-language pointer P or type T with that
5152 ** NULL value such that the pointer can be retrieved within an
5153 ** [application-defined SQL function] using [sqlite3_value_pointer()].
5154 ** ^If the D parameter is not NULL, then it is a pointer to a destructor
5155 ** for the P parameter. ^SQLite invokes D with P as its only argument
5156 ** when SQLite is finished with P. The T parameter should be a static
5157 ** string and preferably a string literal. The sqlite3_result_pointer()
5158 ** routine is part of the [pointer passing interface] added for SQLite 3.20.0.
5160 ** If these routines are called from within the different thread
5161 ** than the one containing the application-defined function that received
5162 ** the [sqlite3_context] pointer, the results are undefined.
5164 void sqlite3_result_blob(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int, void(*)(void*));
5165 void sqlite3_result_blob64(sqlite3_context*,const void*,
5166 sqlite3_uint64,void(*)(void*));
5167 void sqlite3_result_double(sqlite3_context*, double);
5168 void sqlite3_result_error(sqlite3_context*, const char*, int);
5169 void sqlite3_result_error16(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int);
5170 void sqlite3_result_error_toobig(sqlite3_context*);
5171 void sqlite3_result_error_nomem(sqlite3_context*);
5172 void sqlite3_result_error_code(sqlite3_context*, int);
5173 void sqlite3_result_int(sqlite3_context*, int);
5174 void sqlite3_result_int64(sqlite3_context*, sqlite3_int64);
5175 void sqlite3_result_null(sqlite3_context*);
5176 void sqlite3_result_text(sqlite3_context*, const char*, int, void(*)(void*));
5177 void sqlite3_result_text64(sqlite3_context*, const char*,sqlite3_uint64,
5178 void(*)(void*), unsigned char encoding);
5179 void sqlite3_result_text16(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int, void(*)(void*));
5180 void sqlite3_result_text16le(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int,void(*)(void*));
5181 void sqlite3_result_text16be(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int,void(*)(void*));
5182 void sqlite3_result_value(sqlite3_context*, sqlite3_value*);
5183 void sqlite3_result_pointer(sqlite3_context*, void*,const char*,void(*)(void*));
5184 void sqlite3_result_zeroblob(sqlite3_context*, int n);
5185 int sqlite3_result_zeroblob64(sqlite3_context*, sqlite3_uint64 n);
5189 ** CAPI3REF: Setting The Subtype Of An SQL Function
5190 ** METHOD: sqlite3_context
5192 ** The sqlite3_result_subtype(C,T) function causes the subtype of
5193 ** the result from the [application-defined SQL function] with
5194 ** [sqlite3_context] C to be the value T. Only the lower 8 bits
5195 ** of the subtype T are preserved in current versions of SQLite;
5196 ** higher order bits are discarded.
5197 ** The number of subtype bytes preserved by SQLite might increase
5198 ** in future releases of SQLite.
5200 void sqlite3_result_subtype(sqlite3_context*,unsigned int);
5203 ** CAPI3REF: Define New Collating Sequences
5204 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5206 ** ^These functions add, remove, or modify a [collation] associated
5207 ** with the [database connection] specified as the first argument.
5209 ** ^The name of the collation is a UTF-8 string
5210 ** for sqlite3_create_collation() and sqlite3_create_collation_v2()
5211 ** and a UTF-16 string in native byte order for sqlite3_create_collation16().
5212 ** ^Collation names that compare equal according to [sqlite3_strnicmp()] are
5213 ** considered to be the same name.
5215 ** ^(The third argument (eTextRep) must be one of the constants:
5216 ** <ul>
5217 ** <li> [SQLITE_UTF8],
5218 ** <li> [SQLITE_UTF16LE],
5219 ** <li> [SQLITE_UTF16BE],
5220 ** <li> [SQLITE_UTF16], or
5221 ** <li> [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED].
5222 ** </ul>)^
5223 ** ^The eTextRep argument determines the encoding of strings passed
5224 ** to the collating function callback, xCallback.
5225 ** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16] and [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] values for eTextRep
5226 ** force strings to be UTF16 with native byte order.
5227 ** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] value for eTextRep forces strings to begin
5228 ** on an even byte address.
5230 ** ^The fourth argument, pArg, is an application data pointer that is passed
5231 ** through as the first argument to the collating function callback.
5233 ** ^The fifth argument, xCallback, is a pointer to the collating function.
5234 ** ^Multiple collating functions can be registered using the same name but
5235 ** with different eTextRep parameters and SQLite will use whichever
5236 ** function requires the least amount of data transformation.
5237 ** ^If the xCallback argument is NULL then the collating function is
5238 ** deleted. ^When all collating functions having the same name are deleted,
5239 ** that collation is no longer usable.
5241 ** ^The collating function callback is invoked with a copy of the pArg
5242 ** application data pointer and with two strings in the encoding specified
5243 ** by the eTextRep argument. The collating function must return an
5244 ** integer that is negative, zero, or positive
5245 ** if the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second,
5246 ** respectively. A collating function must always return the same answer
5247 ** given the same inputs. If two or more collating functions are registered
5248 ** to the same collation name (using different eTextRep values) then all
5249 ** must give an equivalent answer when invoked with equivalent strings.
5250 ** The collating function must obey the following properties for all
5251 ** strings A, B, and C:
5253 ** <ol>
5254 ** <li> If A==B then B==A.
5255 ** <li> If A==B and B==C then A==C.
5256 ** <li> If A&lt;B THEN B&gt;A.
5257 ** <li> If A&lt;B and B&lt;C then A&lt;C.
5258 ** </ol>
5260 ** If a collating function fails any of the above constraints and that
5261 ** collating function is registered and used, then the behavior of SQLite
5262 ** is undefined.
5264 ** ^The sqlite3_create_collation_v2() works like sqlite3_create_collation()
5265 ** with the addition that the xDestroy callback is invoked on pArg when
5266 ** the collating function is deleted.
5267 ** ^Collating functions are deleted when they are overridden by later
5268 ** calls to the collation creation functions or when the
5269 ** [database connection] is closed using [sqlite3_close()].
5271 ** ^The xDestroy callback is <u>not</u> called if the
5272 ** sqlite3_create_collation_v2() function fails. Applications that invoke
5273 ** sqlite3_create_collation_v2() with a non-NULL xDestroy argument should
5274 ** check the return code and dispose of the application data pointer
5275 ** themselves rather than expecting SQLite to deal with it for them.
5276 ** This is different from every other SQLite interface. The inconsistency
5277 ** is unfortunate but cannot be changed without breaking backwards
5278 ** compatibility.
5280 ** See also: [sqlite3_collation_needed()] and [sqlite3_collation_needed16()].
5282 int sqlite3_create_collation(
5283 sqlite3*,
5284 const char *zName,
5285 int eTextRep,
5286 void *pArg,
5287 int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*)
5289 int sqlite3_create_collation_v2(
5290 sqlite3*,
5291 const char *zName,
5292 int eTextRep,
5293 void *pArg,
5294 int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*),
5295 void(*xDestroy)(void*)
5297 int sqlite3_create_collation16(
5298 sqlite3*,
5299 const void *zName,
5300 int eTextRep,
5301 void *pArg,
5302 int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*)
5306 ** CAPI3REF: Collation Needed Callbacks
5307 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5309 ** ^To avoid having to register all collation sequences before a database
5310 ** can be used, a single callback function may be registered with the
5311 ** [database connection] to be invoked whenever an undefined collation
5312 ** sequence is required.
5314 ** ^If the function is registered using the sqlite3_collation_needed() API,
5315 ** then it is passed the names of undefined collation sequences as strings
5316 ** encoded in UTF-8. ^If sqlite3_collation_needed16() is used,
5317 ** the names are passed as UTF-16 in machine native byte order.
5318 ** ^A call to either function replaces the existing collation-needed callback.
5320 ** ^(When the callback is invoked, the first argument passed is a copy
5321 ** of the second argument to sqlite3_collation_needed() or
5322 ** sqlite3_collation_needed16(). The second argument is the database
5323 ** connection. The third argument is one of [SQLITE_UTF8], [SQLITE_UTF16BE],
5324 ** or [SQLITE_UTF16LE], indicating the most desirable form of the collation
5325 ** sequence function required. The fourth parameter is the name of the
5326 ** required collation sequence.)^
5328 ** The callback function should register the desired collation using
5329 ** [sqlite3_create_collation()], [sqlite3_create_collation16()], or
5330 ** [sqlite3_create_collation_v2()].
5332 int sqlite3_collation_needed(
5333 sqlite3*,
5334 void*,
5335 void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const char*)
5337 int sqlite3_collation_needed16(
5338 sqlite3*,
5339 void*,
5340 void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const void*)
5343 #ifdef SQLITE_HAS_CODEC
5345 ** Specify the key for an encrypted database. This routine should be
5346 ** called right after sqlite3_open().
5348 ** The code to implement this API is not available in the public release
5349 ** of SQLite.
5351 int sqlite3_key(
5352 sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */
5353 const void *pKey, int nKey /* The key */
5355 int sqlite3_key_v2(
5356 sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */
5357 const char *zDbName, /* Name of the database */
5358 const void *pKey, int nKey /* The key */
5362 ** Change the key on an open database. If the current database is not
5363 ** encrypted, this routine will encrypt it. If pNew==0 or nNew==0, the
5364 ** database is decrypted.
5366 ** The code to implement this API is not available in the public release
5367 ** of SQLite.
5369 int sqlite3_rekey(
5370 sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */
5371 const void *pKey, int nKey /* The new key */
5373 int sqlite3_rekey_v2(
5374 sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */
5375 const char *zDbName, /* Name of the database */
5376 const void *pKey, int nKey /* The new key */
5380 ** Specify the activation key for a SEE database. Unless
5381 ** activated, none of the SEE routines will work.
5383 void sqlite3_activate_see(
5384 const char *zPassPhrase /* Activation phrase */
5386 #endif
5390 ** Specify the activation key for a CEROD database. Unless
5391 ** activated, none of the CEROD routines will work.
5393 void sqlite3_activate_cerod(
5394 const char *zPassPhrase /* Activation phrase */
5396 #endif
5399 ** CAPI3REF: Suspend Execution For A Short Time
5401 ** The sqlite3_sleep() function causes the current thread to suspend execution
5402 ** for at least a number of milliseconds specified in its parameter.
5404 ** If the operating system does not support sleep requests with
5405 ** millisecond time resolution, then the time will be rounded up to
5406 ** the nearest second. The number of milliseconds of sleep actually
5407 ** requested from the operating system is returned.
5409 ** ^SQLite implements this interface by calling the xSleep()
5410 ** method of the default [sqlite3_vfs] object. If the xSleep() method
5411 ** of the default VFS is not implemented correctly, or not implemented at
5412 ** all, then the behavior of sqlite3_sleep() may deviate from the description
5413 ** in the previous paragraphs.
5415 int sqlite3_sleep(int);
5418 ** CAPI3REF: Name Of The Folder Holding Temporary Files
5420 ** ^(If this global variable is made to point to a string which is
5421 ** the name of a folder (a.k.a. directory), then all temporary files
5422 ** created by SQLite when using a built-in [sqlite3_vfs | VFS]
5423 ** will be placed in that directory.)^ ^If this variable
5424 ** is a NULL pointer, then SQLite performs a search for an appropriate
5425 ** temporary file directory.
5427 ** Applications are strongly discouraged from using this global variable.
5428 ** It is required to set a temporary folder on Windows Runtime (WinRT).
5429 ** But for all other platforms, it is highly recommended that applications
5430 ** neither read nor write this variable. This global variable is a relic
5431 ** that exists for backwards compatibility of legacy applications and should
5432 ** be avoided in new projects.
5434 ** It is not safe to read or modify this variable in more than one
5435 ** thread at a time. It is not safe to read or modify this variable
5436 ** if a [database connection] is being used at the same time in a separate
5437 ** thread.
5438 ** It is intended that this variable be set once
5439 ** as part of process initialization and before any SQLite interface
5440 ** routines have been called and that this variable remain unchanged
5441 ** thereafter.
5443 ** ^The [temp_store_directory pragma] may modify this variable and cause
5444 ** it to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]. ^Furthermore,
5445 ** the [temp_store_directory pragma] always assumes that any string
5446 ** that this variable points to is held in memory obtained from
5447 ** [sqlite3_malloc] and the pragma may attempt to free that memory
5448 ** using [sqlite3_free].
5449 ** Hence, if this variable is modified directly, either it should be
5450 ** made NULL or made to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]
5451 ** or else the use of the [temp_store_directory pragma] should be avoided.
5452 ** Except when requested by the [temp_store_directory pragma], SQLite
5453 ** does not free the memory that sqlite3_temp_directory points to. If
5454 ** the application wants that memory to be freed, it must do
5455 ** so itself, taking care to only do so after all [database connection]
5456 ** objects have been destroyed.
5458 ** <b>Note to Windows Runtime users:</b> The temporary directory must be set
5459 ** prior to calling [sqlite3_open] or [sqlite3_open_v2]. Otherwise, various
5460 ** features that require the use of temporary files may fail. Here is an
5461 ** example of how to do this using C++ with the Windows Runtime:
5463 ** <blockquote><pre>
5464 ** LPCWSTR zPath = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->
5465 ** &nbsp; TemporaryFolder->Path->Data();
5466 ** char zPathBuf&#91;MAX_PATH + 1&#93;;
5467 ** memset(zPathBuf, 0, sizeof(zPathBuf));
5468 ** WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, zPath, -1, zPathBuf, sizeof(zPathBuf),
5469 ** &nbsp; NULL, NULL);
5470 ** sqlite3_temp_directory = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zPathBuf);
5471 ** </pre></blockquote>
5473 SQLITE_EXTERN char *sqlite3_temp_directory;
5476 ** CAPI3REF: Name Of The Folder Holding Database Files
5478 ** ^(If this global variable is made to point to a string which is
5479 ** the name of a folder (a.k.a. directory), then all database files
5480 ** specified with a relative pathname and created or accessed by
5481 ** SQLite when using a built-in windows [sqlite3_vfs | VFS] will be assumed
5482 ** to be relative to that directory.)^ ^If this variable is a NULL
5483 ** pointer, then SQLite assumes that all database files specified
5484 ** with a relative pathname are relative to the current directory
5485 ** for the process. Only the windows VFS makes use of this global
5486 ** variable; it is ignored by the unix VFS.
5488 ** Changing the value of this variable while a database connection is
5489 ** open can result in a corrupt database.
5491 ** It is not safe to read or modify this variable in more than one
5492 ** thread at a time. It is not safe to read or modify this variable
5493 ** if a [database connection] is being used at the same time in a separate
5494 ** thread.
5495 ** It is intended that this variable be set once
5496 ** as part of process initialization and before any SQLite interface
5497 ** routines have been called and that this variable remain unchanged
5498 ** thereafter.
5500 ** ^The [data_store_directory pragma] may modify this variable and cause
5501 ** it to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]. ^Furthermore,
5502 ** the [data_store_directory pragma] always assumes that any string
5503 ** that this variable points to is held in memory obtained from
5504 ** [sqlite3_malloc] and the pragma may attempt to free that memory
5505 ** using [sqlite3_free].
5506 ** Hence, if this variable is modified directly, either it should be
5507 ** made NULL or made to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]
5508 ** or else the use of the [data_store_directory pragma] should be avoided.
5510 SQLITE_EXTERN char *sqlite3_data_directory;
5513 ** CAPI3REF: Win32 Specific Interface
5515 ** These interfaces are available only on Windows. The
5516 ** [sqlite3_win32_set_directory] interface is used to set the value associated
5517 ** with the [sqlite3_temp_directory] or [sqlite3_data_directory] variable, to
5518 ** zValue, depending on the value of the type parameter. The zValue parameter
5519 ** should be NULL to cause the previous value to be freed via [sqlite3_free];
5520 ** a non-NULL value will be copied into memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]
5521 ** prior to being used. The [sqlite3_win32_set_directory] interface returns
5522 ** [SQLITE_OK] to indicate success, [SQLITE_ERROR] if the type is unsupported,
5523 ** or [SQLITE_NOMEM] if memory could not be allocated. The value of the
5524 ** [sqlite3_data_directory] variable is intended to act as a replacement for
5525 ** the current directory on the sub-platforms of Win32 where that concept is
5526 ** not present, e.g. WinRT and UWP.
5528 int sqlite3_win32_set_directory(
5529 unsigned long type, /* Identifier for directory being set or reset */
5530 void *zValue /* New value for directory being set or reset */
5534 ** CAPI3REF: Win32 Directory Types
5536 ** These macros are only available on Windows. They define the allowed values
5537 ** for the type argument to the [sqlite3_win32_set_directory] interface.
5543 ** CAPI3REF: Test For Auto-Commit Mode
5544 ** KEYWORDS: {autocommit mode}
5545 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5547 ** ^The sqlite3_get_autocommit() interface returns non-zero or
5548 ** zero if the given database connection is or is not in autocommit mode,
5549 ** respectively. ^Autocommit mode is on by default.
5550 ** ^Autocommit mode is disabled by a [BEGIN] statement.
5551 ** ^Autocommit mode is re-enabled by a [COMMIT] or [ROLLBACK].
5553 ** If certain kinds of errors occur on a statement within a multi-statement
5554 ** transaction (errors including [SQLITE_FULL], [SQLITE_IOERR],
5556 ** transaction might be rolled back automatically. The only way to
5557 ** find out whether SQLite automatically rolled back the transaction after
5558 ** an error is to use this function.
5560 ** If another thread changes the autocommit status of the database
5561 ** connection while this routine is running, then the return value
5562 ** is undefined.
5564 int sqlite3_get_autocommit(sqlite3*);
5567 ** CAPI3REF: Find The Database Handle Of A Prepared Statement
5568 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
5570 ** ^The sqlite3_db_handle interface returns the [database connection] handle
5571 ** to which a [prepared statement] belongs. ^The [database connection]
5572 ** returned by sqlite3_db_handle is the same [database connection]
5573 ** that was the first argument
5574 ** to the [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] call (or its variants) that was used to
5575 ** create the statement in the first place.
5577 sqlite3 *sqlite3_db_handle(sqlite3_stmt*);
5580 ** CAPI3REF: Return The Filename For A Database Connection
5581 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5583 ** ^The sqlite3_db_filename(D,N) interface returns a pointer to a filename
5584 ** associated with database N of connection D. ^The main database file
5585 ** has the name "main". If there is no attached database N on the database
5586 ** connection D, or if database N is a temporary or in-memory database, then
5587 ** a NULL pointer is returned.
5589 ** ^The filename returned by this function is the output of the
5590 ** xFullPathname method of the [VFS]. ^In other words, the filename
5591 ** will be an absolute pathname, even if the filename used
5592 ** to open the database originally was a URI or relative pathname.
5594 const char *sqlite3_db_filename(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDbName);
5597 ** CAPI3REF: Determine if a database is read-only
5598 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5600 ** ^The sqlite3_db_readonly(D,N) interface returns 1 if the database N
5601 ** of connection D is read-only, 0 if it is read/write, or -1 if N is not
5602 ** the name of a database on connection D.
5604 int sqlite3_db_readonly(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDbName);
5607 ** CAPI3REF: Find the next prepared statement
5608 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5610 ** ^This interface returns a pointer to the next [prepared statement] after
5611 ** pStmt associated with the [database connection] pDb. ^If pStmt is NULL
5612 ** then this interface returns a pointer to the first prepared statement
5613 ** associated with the database connection pDb. ^If no prepared statement
5614 ** satisfies the conditions of this routine, it returns NULL.
5616 ** The [database connection] pointer D in a call to
5617 ** [sqlite3_next_stmt(D,S)] must refer to an open database
5618 ** connection and in particular must not be a NULL pointer.
5620 sqlite3_stmt *sqlite3_next_stmt(sqlite3 *pDb, sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
5623 ** CAPI3REF: Commit And Rollback Notification Callbacks
5624 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5626 ** ^The sqlite3_commit_hook() interface registers a callback
5627 ** function to be invoked whenever a transaction is [COMMIT | committed].
5628 ** ^Any callback set by a previous call to sqlite3_commit_hook()
5629 ** for the same database connection is overridden.
5630 ** ^The sqlite3_rollback_hook() interface registers a callback
5631 ** function to be invoked whenever a transaction is [ROLLBACK | rolled back].
5632 ** ^Any callback set by a previous call to sqlite3_rollback_hook()
5633 ** for the same database connection is overridden.
5634 ** ^The pArg argument is passed through to the callback.
5635 ** ^If the callback on a commit hook function returns non-zero,
5636 ** then the commit is converted into a rollback.
5638 ** ^The sqlite3_commit_hook(D,C,P) and sqlite3_rollback_hook(D,C,P) functions
5639 ** return the P argument from the previous call of the same function
5640 ** on the same [database connection] D, or NULL for
5641 ** the first call for each function on D.
5643 ** The commit and rollback hook callbacks are not reentrant.
5644 ** The callback implementation must not do anything that will modify
5645 ** the database connection that invoked the callback. Any actions
5646 ** to modify the database connection must be deferred until after the
5647 ** completion of the [sqlite3_step()] call that triggered the commit
5648 ** or rollback hook in the first place.
5649 ** Note that running any other SQL statements, including SELECT statements,
5650 ** or merely calling [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and [sqlite3_step()] will modify
5651 ** the database connections for the meaning of "modify" in this paragraph.
5653 ** ^Registering a NULL function disables the callback.
5655 ** ^When the commit hook callback routine returns zero, the [COMMIT]
5656 ** operation is allowed to continue normally. ^If the commit hook
5657 ** returns non-zero, then the [COMMIT] is converted into a [ROLLBACK].
5658 ** ^The rollback hook is invoked on a rollback that results from a commit
5659 ** hook returning non-zero, just as it would be with any other rollback.
5661 ** ^For the purposes of this API, a transaction is said to have been
5662 ** rolled back if an explicit "ROLLBACK" statement is executed, or
5663 ** an error or constraint causes an implicit rollback to occur.
5664 ** ^The rollback callback is not invoked if a transaction is
5665 ** automatically rolled back because the database connection is closed.
5667 ** See also the [sqlite3_update_hook()] interface.
5669 void *sqlite3_commit_hook(sqlite3*, int(*)(void*), void*);
5670 void *sqlite3_rollback_hook(sqlite3*, void(*)(void *), void*);
5673 ** CAPI3REF: Data Change Notification Callbacks
5674 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5676 ** ^The sqlite3_update_hook() interface registers a callback function
5677 ** with the [database connection] identified by the first argument
5678 ** to be invoked whenever a row is updated, inserted or deleted in
5679 ** a [rowid table].
5680 ** ^Any callback set by a previous call to this function
5681 ** for the same database connection is overridden.
5683 ** ^The second argument is a pointer to the function to invoke when a
5684 ** row is updated, inserted or deleted in a rowid table.
5685 ** ^The first argument to the callback is a copy of the third argument
5686 ** to sqlite3_update_hook().
5687 ** ^The second callback argument is one of [SQLITE_INSERT], [SQLITE_DELETE],
5688 ** or [SQLITE_UPDATE], depending on the operation that caused the callback
5689 ** to be invoked.
5690 ** ^The third and fourth arguments to the callback contain pointers to the
5691 ** database and table name containing the affected row.
5692 ** ^The final callback parameter is the [rowid] of the row.
5693 ** ^In the case of an update, this is the [rowid] after the update takes place.
5695 ** ^(The update hook is not invoked when internal system tables are
5696 ** modified (i.e. sqlite_master and sqlite_sequence).)^
5697 ** ^The update hook is not invoked when [WITHOUT ROWID] tables are modified.
5699 ** ^In the current implementation, the update hook
5700 ** is not invoked when conflicting rows are deleted because of an
5701 ** [ON CONFLICT | ON CONFLICT REPLACE] clause. ^Nor is the update hook
5702 ** invoked when rows are deleted using the [truncate optimization].
5703 ** The exceptions defined in this paragraph might change in a future
5704 ** release of SQLite.
5706 ** The update hook implementation must not do anything that will modify
5707 ** the database connection that invoked the update hook. Any actions
5708 ** to modify the database connection must be deferred until after the
5709 ** completion of the [sqlite3_step()] call that triggered the update hook.
5710 ** Note that [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and [sqlite3_step()] both modify their
5711 ** database connections for the meaning of "modify" in this paragraph.
5713 ** ^The sqlite3_update_hook(D,C,P) function
5714 ** returns the P argument from the previous call
5715 ** on the same [database connection] D, or NULL for
5716 ** the first call on D.
5718 ** See also the [sqlite3_commit_hook()], [sqlite3_rollback_hook()],
5719 ** and [sqlite3_preupdate_hook()] interfaces.
5721 void *sqlite3_update_hook(
5722 sqlite3*,
5723 void(*)(void *,int ,char const *,char const *,sqlite3_int64),
5724 void*
5728 ** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Shared Pager Cache
5730 ** ^(This routine enables or disables the sharing of the database cache
5731 ** and schema data structures between [database connection | connections]
5732 ** to the same database. Sharing is enabled if the argument is true
5733 ** and disabled if the argument is false.)^
5735 ** ^Cache sharing is enabled and disabled for an entire process.
5736 ** This is a change as of SQLite [version 3.5.0] ([dateof:3.5.0]).
5737 ** In prior versions of SQLite,
5738 ** sharing was enabled or disabled for each thread separately.
5740 ** ^(The cache sharing mode set by this interface effects all subsequent
5741 ** calls to [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open_v2()], and [sqlite3_open16()].
5742 ** Existing database connections continue use the sharing mode
5743 ** that was in effect at the time they were opened.)^
5745 ** ^(This routine returns [SQLITE_OK] if shared cache was enabled or disabled
5746 ** successfully. An [error code] is returned otherwise.)^
5748 ** ^Shared cache is disabled by default. But this might change in
5749 ** future releases of SQLite. Applications that care about shared
5750 ** cache setting should set it explicitly.
5752 ** Note: This method is disabled on MacOS X 10.7 and iOS version 5.0
5753 ** and will always return SQLITE_MISUSE. On those systems,
5754 ** shared cache mode should be enabled per-database connection via
5755 ** [sqlite3_open_v2()] with [SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE].
5757 ** This interface is threadsafe on processors where writing a
5758 ** 32-bit integer is atomic.
5760 ** See Also: [SQLite Shared-Cache Mode]
5762 int sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(int);
5765 ** CAPI3REF: Attempt To Free Heap Memory
5767 ** ^The sqlite3_release_memory() interface attempts to free N bytes
5768 ** of heap memory by deallocating non-essential memory allocations
5769 ** held by the database library. Memory used to cache database
5770 ** pages to improve performance is an example of non-essential memory.
5771 ** ^sqlite3_release_memory() returns the number of bytes actually freed,
5772 ** which might be more or less than the amount requested.
5773 ** ^The sqlite3_release_memory() routine is a no-op returning zero
5774 ** if SQLite is not compiled with [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT].
5776 ** See also: [sqlite3_db_release_memory()]
5778 int sqlite3_release_memory(int);
5781 ** CAPI3REF: Free Memory Used By A Database Connection
5782 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5784 ** ^The sqlite3_db_release_memory(D) interface attempts to free as much heap
5785 ** memory as possible from database connection D. Unlike the
5786 ** [sqlite3_release_memory()] interface, this interface is in effect even
5787 ** when the [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT] compile-time option is
5788 ** omitted.
5790 ** See also: [sqlite3_release_memory()]
5792 int sqlite3_db_release_memory(sqlite3*);
5795 ** CAPI3REF: Impose A Limit On Heap Size
5797 ** ^The sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() interface sets and/or queries the
5798 ** soft limit on the amount of heap memory that may be allocated by SQLite.
5799 ** ^SQLite strives to keep heap memory utilization below the soft heap
5800 ** limit by reducing the number of pages held in the page cache
5801 ** as heap memory usages approaches the limit.
5802 ** ^The soft heap limit is "soft" because even though SQLite strives to stay
5803 ** below the limit, it will exceed the limit rather than generate
5804 ** an [SQLITE_NOMEM] error. In other words, the soft heap limit
5805 ** is advisory only.
5807 ** ^The return value from sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() is the size of
5808 ** the soft heap limit prior to the call, or negative in the case of an
5809 ** error. ^If the argument N is negative
5810 ** then no change is made to the soft heap limit. Hence, the current
5811 ** size of the soft heap limit can be determined by invoking
5812 ** sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() with a negative argument.
5814 ** ^If the argument N is zero then the soft heap limit is disabled.
5816 ** ^(The soft heap limit is not enforced in the current implementation
5817 ** if one or more of following conditions are true:
5819 ** <ul>
5820 ** <li> The soft heap limit is set to zero.
5821 ** <li> Memory accounting is disabled using a combination of the
5822 ** [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS],...) start-time option and
5823 ** the [SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS] compile-time option.
5824 ** <li> An alternative page cache implementation is specified using
5825 ** [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2],...).
5826 ** <li> The page cache allocates from its own memory pool supplied
5827 ** by [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE],...) rather than
5828 ** from the heap.
5829 ** </ul>)^
5831 ** Beginning with SQLite [version 3.7.3] ([dateof:3.7.3]),
5832 ** the soft heap limit is enforced
5833 ** regardless of whether or not the [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT]
5834 ** compile-time option is invoked. With [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT],
5835 ** the soft heap limit is enforced on every memory allocation. Without
5836 ** [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT], the soft heap limit is only enforced
5837 ** when memory is allocated by the page cache. Testing suggests that because
5838 ** the page cache is the predominate memory user in SQLite, most
5839 ** applications will achieve adequate soft heap limit enforcement without
5842 ** The circumstances under which SQLite will enforce the soft heap limit may
5843 ** changes in future releases of SQLite.
5845 sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(sqlite3_int64 N);
5848 ** CAPI3REF: Deprecated Soft Heap Limit Interface
5851 ** This is a deprecated version of the [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64()]
5852 ** interface. This routine is provided for historical compatibility
5853 ** only. All new applications should use the
5854 ** [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64()] interface rather than this one.
5856 SQLITE_DEPRECATED void sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(int N);
5860 ** CAPI3REF: Extract Metadata About A Column Of A Table
5861 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5863 ** ^(The sqlite3_table_column_metadata(X,D,T,C,....) routine returns
5864 ** information about column C of table T in database D
5865 ** on [database connection] X.)^ ^The sqlite3_table_column_metadata()
5866 ** interface returns SQLITE_OK and fills in the non-NULL pointers in
5867 ** the final five arguments with appropriate values if the specified
5868 ** column exists. ^The sqlite3_table_column_metadata() interface returns
5869 ** SQLITE_ERROR and if the specified column does not exist.
5870 ** ^If the column-name parameter to sqlite3_table_column_metadata() is a
5871 ** NULL pointer, then this routine simply checks for the existence of the
5872 ** table and returns SQLITE_OK if the table exists and SQLITE_ERROR if it
5873 ** does not. If the table name parameter T in a call to
5874 ** sqlite3_table_column_metadata(X,D,T,C,...) is NULL then the result is
5875 ** undefined behavior.
5877 ** ^The column is identified by the second, third and fourth parameters to
5878 ** this function. ^(The second parameter is either the name of the database
5879 ** (i.e. "main", "temp", or an attached database) containing the specified
5880 ** table or NULL.)^ ^If it is NULL, then all attached databases are searched
5881 ** for the table using the same algorithm used by the database engine to
5882 ** resolve unqualified table references.
5884 ** ^The third and fourth parameters to this function are the table and column
5885 ** name of the desired column, respectively.
5887 ** ^Metadata is returned by writing to the memory locations passed as the 5th
5888 ** and subsequent parameters to this function. ^Any of these arguments may be
5889 ** NULL, in which case the corresponding element of metadata is omitted.
5891 ** ^(<blockquote>
5892 ** <table border="1">
5893 ** <tr><th> Parameter <th> Output<br>Type <th> Description
5895 ** <tr><td> 5th <td> const char* <td> Data type
5896 ** <tr><td> 6th <td> const char* <td> Name of default collation sequence
5897 ** <tr><td> 7th <td> int <td> True if column has a NOT NULL constraint
5898 ** <tr><td> 8th <td> int <td> True if column is part of the PRIMARY KEY
5899 ** <tr><td> 9th <td> int <td> True if column is [AUTOINCREMENT]
5900 ** </table>
5901 ** </blockquote>)^
5903 ** ^The memory pointed to by the character pointers returned for the
5904 ** declaration type and collation sequence is valid until the next
5905 ** call to any SQLite API function.
5907 ** ^If the specified table is actually a view, an [error code] is returned.
5909 ** ^If the specified column is "rowid", "oid" or "_rowid_" and the table
5910 ** is not a [WITHOUT ROWID] table and an
5911 ** [INTEGER PRIMARY KEY] column has been explicitly declared, then the output
5912 ** parameters are set for the explicitly declared column. ^(If there is no
5913 ** [INTEGER PRIMARY KEY] column, then the outputs
5914 ** for the [rowid] are set as follows:
5916 ** <pre>
5917 ** data type: "INTEGER"
5918 ** collation sequence: "BINARY"
5919 ** not null: 0
5920 ** primary key: 1
5921 ** auto increment: 0
5922 ** </pre>)^
5924 ** ^This function causes all database schemas to be read from disk and
5925 ** parsed, if that has not already been done, and returns an error if
5926 ** any errors are encountered while loading the schema.
5928 int sqlite3_table_column_metadata(
5929 sqlite3 *db, /* Connection handle */
5930 const char *zDbName, /* Database name or NULL */
5931 const char *zTableName, /* Table name */
5932 const char *zColumnName, /* Column name */
5933 char const **pzDataType, /* OUTPUT: Declared data type */
5934 char const **pzCollSeq, /* OUTPUT: Collation sequence name */
5935 int *pNotNull, /* OUTPUT: True if NOT NULL constraint exists */
5936 int *pPrimaryKey, /* OUTPUT: True if column part of PK */
5937 int *pAutoinc /* OUTPUT: True if column is auto-increment */
5941 ** CAPI3REF: Load An Extension
5942 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5944 ** ^This interface loads an SQLite extension library from the named file.
5946 ** ^The sqlite3_load_extension() interface attempts to load an
5947 ** [SQLite extension] library contained in the file zFile. If
5948 ** the file cannot be loaded directly, attempts are made to load
5949 ** with various operating-system specific extensions added.
5950 ** So for example, if "samplelib" cannot be loaded, then names like
5951 ** "" or "samplelib.dylib" or "samplelib.dll" might
5952 ** be tried also.
5954 ** ^The entry point is zProc.
5955 ** ^(zProc may be 0, in which case SQLite will try to come up with an
5956 ** entry point name on its own. It first tries "sqlite3_extension_init".
5957 ** If that does not work, it constructs a name "sqlite3_X_init" where the
5958 ** X is consists of the lower-case equivalent of all ASCII alphabetic
5959 ** characters in the filename from the last "/" to the first following
5960 ** "." and omitting any initial "lib".)^
5961 ** ^The sqlite3_load_extension() interface returns
5962 ** [SQLITE_OK] on success and [SQLITE_ERROR] if something goes wrong.
5963 ** ^If an error occurs and pzErrMsg is not 0, then the
5964 ** [sqlite3_load_extension()] interface shall attempt to
5965 ** fill *pzErrMsg with error message text stored in memory
5966 ** obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()]. The calling function
5967 ** should free this memory by calling [sqlite3_free()].
5969 ** ^Extension loading must be enabled using
5970 ** [sqlite3_enable_load_extension()] or
5971 ** [sqlite3_db_config](db,[SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION],1,NULL)
5972 ** prior to calling this API,
5973 ** otherwise an error will be returned.
5975 ** <b>Security warning:</b> It is recommended that the
5976 ** [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION] method be used to enable only this
5977 ** interface. The use of the [sqlite3_enable_load_extension()] interface
5978 ** should be avoided. This will keep the SQL function [load_extension()]
5979 ** disabled and prevent SQL injections from giving attackers
5980 ** access to extension loading capabilities.
5982 ** See also the [load_extension() SQL function].
5984 int sqlite3_load_extension(
5985 sqlite3 *db, /* Load the extension into this database connection */
5986 const char *zFile, /* Name of the shared library containing extension */
5987 const char *zProc, /* Entry point. Derived from zFile if 0 */
5988 char **pzErrMsg /* Put error message here if not 0 */
5992 ** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extension Loading
5993 ** METHOD: sqlite3
5995 ** ^So as not to open security holes in older applications that are
5996 ** unprepared to deal with [extension loading], and as a means of disabling
5997 ** [extension loading] while evaluating user-entered SQL, the following API
5998 ** is provided to turn the [sqlite3_load_extension()] mechanism on and off.
6000 ** ^Extension loading is off by default.
6001 ** ^Call the sqlite3_enable_load_extension() routine with onoff==1
6002 ** to turn extension loading on and call it with onoff==0 to turn
6003 ** it back off again.
6005 ** ^This interface enables or disables both the C-API
6006 ** [sqlite3_load_extension()] and the SQL function [load_extension()].
6007 ** ^(Use [sqlite3_db_config](db,[SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION],..)
6008 ** to enable or disable only the C-API.)^
6010 ** <b>Security warning:</b> It is recommended that extension loading
6011 ** be disabled using the [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION] method
6012 ** rather than this interface, so the [load_extension()] SQL function
6013 ** remains disabled. This will prevent SQL injections from giving attackers
6014 ** access to extension loading capabilities.
6016 int sqlite3_enable_load_extension(sqlite3 *db, int onoff);
6019 ** CAPI3REF: Automatically Load Statically Linked Extensions
6021 ** ^This interface causes the xEntryPoint() function to be invoked for
6022 ** each new [database connection] that is created. The idea here is that
6023 ** xEntryPoint() is the entry point for a statically linked [SQLite extension]
6024 ** that is to be automatically loaded into all new database connections.
6026 ** ^(Even though the function prototype shows that xEntryPoint() takes
6027 ** no arguments and returns void, SQLite invokes xEntryPoint() with three
6028 ** arguments and expects an integer result as if the signature of the
6029 ** entry point where as follows:
6031 ** <blockquote><pre>
6032 ** &nbsp; int xEntryPoint(
6033 ** &nbsp; sqlite3 *db,
6034 ** &nbsp; const char **pzErrMsg,
6035 ** &nbsp; const struct sqlite3_api_routines *pThunk
6036 ** &nbsp; );
6037 ** </pre></blockquote>)^
6039 ** If the xEntryPoint routine encounters an error, it should make *pzErrMsg
6040 ** point to an appropriate error message (obtained from [sqlite3_mprintf()])
6041 ** and return an appropriate [error code]. ^SQLite ensures that *pzErrMsg
6042 ** is NULL before calling the xEntryPoint(). ^SQLite will invoke
6043 ** [sqlite3_free()] on *pzErrMsg after xEntryPoint() returns. ^If any
6044 ** xEntryPoint() returns an error, the [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()],
6045 ** or [sqlite3_open_v2()] call that provoked the xEntryPoint() will fail.
6047 ** ^Calling sqlite3_auto_extension(X) with an entry point X that is already
6048 ** on the list of automatic extensions is a harmless no-op. ^No entry point
6049 ** will be called more than once for each database connection that is opened.
6051 ** See also: [sqlite3_reset_auto_extension()]
6052 ** and [sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension()]
6054 int sqlite3_auto_extension(void(*xEntryPoint)(void));
6057 ** CAPI3REF: Cancel Automatic Extension Loading
6059 ** ^The [sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension(X)] interface unregisters the
6060 ** initialization routine X that was registered using a prior call to
6061 ** [sqlite3_auto_extension(X)]. ^The [sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension(X)]
6062 ** routine returns 1 if initialization routine X was successfully
6063 ** unregistered and it returns 0 if X was not on the list of initialization
6064 ** routines.
6066 int sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension(void(*xEntryPoint)(void));
6069 ** CAPI3REF: Reset Automatic Extension Loading
6071 ** ^This interface disables all automatic extensions previously
6072 ** registered using [sqlite3_auto_extension()].
6074 void sqlite3_reset_auto_extension(void);
6077 ** The interface to the virtual-table mechanism is currently considered
6078 ** to be experimental. The interface might change in incompatible ways.
6079 ** If this is a problem for you, do not use the interface at this time.
6081 ** When the virtual-table mechanism stabilizes, we will declare the
6082 ** interface fixed, support it indefinitely, and remove this comment.
6086 ** Structures used by the virtual table interface
6088 typedef struct sqlite3_vtab sqlite3_vtab;
6089 typedef struct sqlite3_index_info sqlite3_index_info;
6090 typedef struct sqlite3_vtab_cursor sqlite3_vtab_cursor;
6091 typedef struct sqlite3_module sqlite3_module;
6094 ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Object
6095 ** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_module {virtual table module}
6097 ** This structure, sometimes called a "virtual table module",
6098 ** defines the implementation of a [virtual tables].
6099 ** This structure consists mostly of methods for the module.
6101 ** ^A virtual table module is created by filling in a persistent
6102 ** instance of this structure and passing a pointer to that instance
6103 ** to [sqlite3_create_module()] or [sqlite3_create_module_v2()].
6104 ** ^The registration remains valid until it is replaced by a different
6105 ** module or until the [database connection] closes. The content
6106 ** of this structure must not change while it is registered with
6107 ** any database connection.
6109 struct sqlite3_module {
6110 int iVersion;
6111 int (*xCreate)(sqlite3*, void *pAux,
6112 int argc, const char *const*argv,
6113 sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab, char**);
6114 int (*xConnect)(sqlite3*, void *pAux,
6115 int argc, const char *const*argv,
6116 sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab, char**);
6117 int (*xBestIndex)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_index_info*);
6118 int (*xDisconnect)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
6119 int (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
6120 int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor);
6121 int (*xClose)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
6122 int (*xFilter)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
6123 int argc, sqlite3_value **argv);
6124 int (*xNext)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
6125 int (*xEof)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
6126 int (*xColumn)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite3_context*, int);
6127 int (*xRowid)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite3_int64 *pRowid);
6128 int (*xUpdate)(sqlite3_vtab *, int, sqlite3_value **, sqlite3_int64 *);
6129 int (*xBegin)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
6130 int (*xSync)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
6131 int (*xCommit)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
6132 int (*xRollback)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
6133 int (*xFindFunction)(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, int nArg, const char *zName,
6134 void (**pxFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
6135 void **ppArg);
6136 int (*xRename)(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, const char *zNew);
6137 /* The methods above are in version 1 of the sqlite_module object. Those
6138 ** below are for version 2 and greater. */
6139 int (*xSavepoint)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, int);
6140 int (*xRelease)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, int);
6141 int (*xRollbackTo)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, int);
6145 ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Indexing Information
6146 ** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_index_info
6148 ** The sqlite3_index_info structure and its substructures is used as part
6149 ** of the [virtual table] interface to
6150 ** pass information into and receive the reply from the [xBestIndex]
6151 ** method of a [virtual table module]. The fields under **Inputs** are the
6152 ** inputs to xBestIndex and are read-only. xBestIndex inserts its
6153 ** results into the **Outputs** fields.
6155 ** ^(The aConstraint[] array records WHERE clause constraints of the form:
6157 ** <blockquote>column OP expr</blockquote>
6159 ** where OP is =, &lt;, &lt;=, &gt;, or &gt;=.)^ ^(The particular operator is
6160 ** stored in aConstraint[].op using one of the
6162 ** ^(The index of the column is stored in
6163 ** aConstraint[].iColumn.)^ ^(aConstraint[].usable is TRUE if the
6164 ** expr on the right-hand side can be evaluated (and thus the constraint
6165 ** is usable) and false if it cannot.)^
6167 ** ^The optimizer automatically inverts terms of the form "expr OP column"
6168 ** and makes other simplifications to the WHERE clause in an attempt to
6169 ** get as many WHERE clause terms into the form shown above as possible.
6170 ** ^The aConstraint[] array only reports WHERE clause terms that are
6171 ** relevant to the particular virtual table being queried.
6173 ** ^Information about the ORDER BY clause is stored in aOrderBy[].
6174 ** ^Each term of aOrderBy records a column of the ORDER BY clause.
6176 ** The colUsed field indicates which columns of the virtual table may be
6177 ** required by the current scan. Virtual table columns are numbered from
6178 ** zero in the order in which they appear within the CREATE TABLE statement
6179 ** passed to sqlite3_declare_vtab(). For the first 63 columns (columns 0-62),
6180 ** the corresponding bit is set within the colUsed mask if the column may be
6181 ** required by SQLite. If the table has at least 64 columns and any column
6182 ** to the right of the first 63 is required, then bit 63 of colUsed is also
6183 ** set. In other words, column iCol may be required if the expression
6184 ** (colUsed & ((sqlite3_uint64)1 << (iCol>=63 ? 63 : iCol))) evaluates to
6185 ** non-zero.
6187 ** The [xBestIndex] method must fill aConstraintUsage[] with information
6188 ** about what parameters to pass to xFilter. ^If argvIndex>0 then
6189 ** the right-hand side of the corresponding aConstraint[] is evaluated
6190 ** and becomes the argvIndex-th entry in argv. ^(If aConstraintUsage[].omit
6191 ** is true, then the constraint is assumed to be fully handled by the
6192 ** virtual table and is not checked again by SQLite.)^
6194 ** ^The idxNum and idxPtr values are recorded and passed into the
6195 ** [xFilter] method.
6196 ** ^[sqlite3_free()] is used to free idxPtr if and only if
6197 ** needToFreeIdxPtr is true.
6199 ** ^The orderByConsumed means that output from [xFilter]/[xNext] will occur in
6200 ** the correct order to satisfy the ORDER BY clause so that no separate
6201 ** sorting step is required.
6203 ** ^The estimatedCost value is an estimate of the cost of a particular
6204 ** strategy. A cost of N indicates that the cost of the strategy is similar
6205 ** to a linear scan of an SQLite table with N rows. A cost of log(N)
6206 ** indicates that the expense of the operation is similar to that of a
6207 ** binary search on a unique indexed field of an SQLite table with N rows.
6209 ** ^The estimatedRows value is an estimate of the number of rows that
6210 ** will be returned by the strategy.
6212 ** The xBestIndex method may optionally populate the idxFlags field with a
6213 ** mask of SQLITE_INDEX_SCAN_* flags. Currently there is only one such flag -
6214 ** SQLITE_INDEX_SCAN_UNIQUE. If the xBestIndex method sets this flag, SQLite
6215 ** assumes that the strategy may visit at most one row.
6217 ** Additionally, if xBestIndex sets the SQLITE_INDEX_SCAN_UNIQUE flag, then
6218 ** SQLite also assumes that if a call to the xUpdate() method is made as
6219 ** part of the same statement to delete or update a virtual table row and the
6220 ** implementation returns SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, then there is no need to rollback
6221 ** any database changes. In other words, if the xUpdate() returns
6222 ** SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, the database contents must be exactly as they were
6223 ** before xUpdate was called. By contrast, if SQLITE_INDEX_SCAN_UNIQUE is not
6224 ** set and xUpdate returns SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, any database changes made by
6225 ** the xUpdate method are automatically rolled back by SQLite.
6227 ** IMPORTANT: The estimatedRows field was added to the sqlite3_index_info
6228 ** structure for SQLite [version 3.8.2] ([dateof:3.8.2]).
6229 ** If a virtual table extension is
6230 ** used with an SQLite version earlier than 3.8.2, the results of attempting
6231 ** to read or write the estimatedRows field are undefined (but are likely
6232 ** to included crashing the application). The estimatedRows field should
6233 ** therefore only be used if [sqlite3_libversion_number()] returns a
6234 ** value greater than or equal to 3008002. Similarly, the idxFlags field
6235 ** was added for [version 3.9.0] ([dateof:3.9.0]).
6236 ** It may therefore only be used if
6237 ** sqlite3_libversion_number() returns a value greater than or equal to
6238 ** 3009000.
6240 struct sqlite3_index_info {
6241 /* Inputs */
6242 int nConstraint; /* Number of entries in aConstraint */
6243 struct sqlite3_index_constraint {
6244 int iColumn; /* Column constrained. -1 for ROWID */
6245 unsigned char op; /* Constraint operator */
6246 unsigned char usable; /* True if this constraint is usable */
6247 int iTermOffset; /* Used internally - xBestIndex should ignore */
6248 } *aConstraint; /* Table of WHERE clause constraints */
6249 int nOrderBy; /* Number of terms in the ORDER BY clause */
6250 struct sqlite3_index_orderby {
6251 int iColumn; /* Column number */
6252 unsigned char desc; /* True for DESC. False for ASC. */
6253 } *aOrderBy; /* The ORDER BY clause */
6254 /* Outputs */
6255 struct sqlite3_index_constraint_usage {
6256 int argvIndex; /* if >0, constraint is part of argv to xFilter */
6257 unsigned char omit; /* Do not code a test for this constraint */
6258 } *aConstraintUsage;
6259 int idxNum; /* Number used to identify the index */
6260 char *idxStr; /* String, possibly obtained from sqlite3_malloc */
6261 int needToFreeIdxStr; /* Free idxStr using sqlite3_free() if true */
6262 int orderByConsumed; /* True if output is already ordered */
6263 double estimatedCost; /* Estimated cost of using this index */
6264 /* Fields below are only available in SQLite 3.8.2 and later */
6265 sqlite3_int64 estimatedRows; /* Estimated number of rows returned */
6266 /* Fields below are only available in SQLite 3.9.0 and later */
6267 int idxFlags; /* Mask of SQLITE_INDEX_SCAN_* flags */
6268 /* Fields below are only available in SQLite 3.10.0 and later */
6269 sqlite3_uint64 colUsed; /* Input: Mask of columns used by statement */
6273 ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Scan Flags
6275 #define SQLITE_INDEX_SCAN_UNIQUE 1 /* Scan visits at most 1 row */
6278 ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Constraint Operator Codes
6280 ** These macros defined the allowed values for the
6281 ** [sqlite3_index_info].aConstraint[].op field. Each value represents
6282 ** an operator that is part of a constraint term in the wHERE clause of
6283 ** a query that uses a [virtual table].
6301 ** CAPI3REF: Register A Virtual Table Implementation
6302 ** METHOD: sqlite3
6304 ** ^These routines are used to register a new [virtual table module] name.
6305 ** ^Module names must be registered before
6306 ** creating a new [virtual table] using the module and before using a
6307 ** preexisting [virtual table] for the module.
6309 ** ^The module name is registered on the [database connection] specified
6310 ** by the first parameter. ^The name of the module is given by the
6311 ** second parameter. ^The third parameter is a pointer to
6312 ** the implementation of the [virtual table module]. ^The fourth
6313 ** parameter is an arbitrary client data pointer that is passed through
6314 ** into the [xCreate] and [xConnect] methods of the virtual table module
6315 ** when a new virtual table is be being created or reinitialized.
6317 ** ^The sqlite3_create_module_v2() interface has a fifth parameter which
6318 ** is a pointer to a destructor for the pClientData. ^SQLite will
6319 ** invoke the destructor function (if it is not NULL) when SQLite
6320 ** no longer needs the pClientData pointer. ^The destructor will also
6321 ** be invoked if the call to sqlite3_create_module_v2() fails.
6322 ** ^The sqlite3_create_module()
6323 ** interface is equivalent to sqlite3_create_module_v2() with a NULL
6324 ** destructor.
6326 int sqlite3_create_module(
6327 sqlite3 *db, /* SQLite connection to register module with */
6328 const char *zName, /* Name of the module */
6329 const sqlite3_module *p, /* Methods for the module */
6330 void *pClientData /* Client data for xCreate/xConnect */
6332 int sqlite3_create_module_v2(
6333 sqlite3 *db, /* SQLite connection to register module with */
6334 const char *zName, /* Name of the module */
6335 const sqlite3_module *p, /* Methods for the module */
6336 void *pClientData, /* Client data for xCreate/xConnect */
6337 void(*xDestroy)(void*) /* Module destructor function */
6341 ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Instance Object
6342 ** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_vtab
6344 ** Every [virtual table module] implementation uses a subclass
6345 ** of this object to describe a particular instance
6346 ** of the [virtual table]. Each subclass will
6347 ** be tailored to the specific needs of the module implementation.
6348 ** The purpose of this superclass is to define certain fields that are
6349 ** common to all module implementations.
6351 ** ^Virtual tables methods can set an error message by assigning a
6352 ** string obtained from [sqlite3_mprintf()] to zErrMsg. The method should
6353 ** take care that any prior string is freed by a call to [sqlite3_free()]
6354 ** prior to assigning a new string to zErrMsg. ^After the error message
6355 ** is delivered up to the client application, the string will be automatically
6356 ** freed by sqlite3_free() and the zErrMsg field will be zeroed.
6358 struct sqlite3_vtab {
6359 const sqlite3_module *pModule; /* The module for this virtual table */
6360 int nRef; /* Number of open cursors */
6361 char *zErrMsg; /* Error message from sqlite3_mprintf() */
6362 /* Virtual table implementations will typically add additional fields */
6366 ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Cursor Object
6367 ** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_vtab_cursor {virtual table cursor}
6369 ** Every [virtual table module] implementation uses a subclass of the
6370 ** following structure to describe cursors that point into the
6371 ** [virtual table] and are used
6372 ** to loop through the virtual table. Cursors are created using the
6373 ** [sqlite3_module.xOpen | xOpen] method of the module and are destroyed
6374 ** by the [sqlite3_module.xClose | xClose] method. Cursors are used
6375 ** by the [xFilter], [xNext], [xEof], [xColumn], and [xRowid] methods
6376 ** of the module. Each module implementation will define
6377 ** the content of a cursor structure to suit its own needs.
6379 ** This superclass exists in order to define fields of the cursor that
6380 ** are common to all implementations.
6382 struct sqlite3_vtab_cursor {
6383 sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; /* Virtual table of this cursor */
6384 /* Virtual table implementations will typically add additional fields */
6388 ** CAPI3REF: Declare The Schema Of A Virtual Table
6390 ** ^The [xCreate] and [xConnect] methods of a
6391 ** [virtual table module] call this interface
6392 ** to declare the format (the names and datatypes of the columns) of
6393 ** the virtual tables they implement.
6395 int sqlite3_declare_vtab(sqlite3*, const char *zSQL);
6398 ** CAPI3REF: Overload A Function For A Virtual Table
6399 ** METHOD: sqlite3
6401 ** ^(Virtual tables can provide alternative implementations of functions
6402 ** using the [xFindFunction] method of the [virtual table module].
6403 ** But global versions of those functions
6404 ** must exist in order to be overloaded.)^
6406 ** ^(This API makes sure a global version of a function with a particular
6407 ** name and number of parameters exists. If no such function exists
6408 ** before this API is called, a new function is created.)^ ^The implementation
6409 ** of the new function always causes an exception to be thrown. So
6410 ** the new function is not good for anything by itself. Its only
6411 ** purpose is to be a placeholder function that can be overloaded
6412 ** by a [virtual table].
6414 int sqlite3_overload_function(sqlite3*, const char *zFuncName, int nArg);
6417 ** The interface to the virtual-table mechanism defined above (back up
6418 ** to a comment remarkably similar to this one) is currently considered
6419 ** to be experimental. The interface might change in incompatible ways.
6420 ** If this is a problem for you, do not use the interface at this time.
6422 ** When the virtual-table mechanism stabilizes, we will declare the
6423 ** interface fixed, support it indefinitely, and remove this comment.
6427 ** CAPI3REF: A Handle To An Open BLOB
6428 ** KEYWORDS: {BLOB handle} {BLOB handles}
6430 ** An instance of this object represents an open BLOB on which
6431 ** [sqlite3_blob_open | incremental BLOB I/O] can be performed.
6432 ** ^Objects of this type are created by [sqlite3_blob_open()]
6433 ** and destroyed by [sqlite3_blob_close()].
6434 ** ^The [sqlite3_blob_read()] and [sqlite3_blob_write()] interfaces
6435 ** can be used to read or write small subsections of the BLOB.
6436 ** ^The [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface returns the size of the BLOB in bytes.
6438 typedef struct sqlite3_blob sqlite3_blob;
6441 ** CAPI3REF: Open A BLOB For Incremental I/O
6442 ** METHOD: sqlite3
6443 ** CONSTRUCTOR: sqlite3_blob
6445 ** ^(This interfaces opens a [BLOB handle | handle] to the BLOB located
6446 ** in row iRow, column zColumn, table zTable in database zDb;
6447 ** in other words, the same BLOB that would be selected by:
6449 ** <pre>
6450 ** SELECT zColumn FROM zDb.zTable WHERE [rowid] = iRow;
6451 ** </pre>)^
6453 ** ^(Parameter zDb is not the filename that contains the database, but
6454 ** rather the symbolic name of the database. For attached databases, this is
6455 ** the name that appears after the AS keyword in the [ATTACH] statement.
6456 ** For the main database file, the database name is "main". For TEMP
6457 ** tables, the database name is "temp".)^
6459 ** ^If the flags parameter is non-zero, then the BLOB is opened for read
6460 ** and write access. ^If the flags parameter is zero, the BLOB is opened for
6461 ** read-only access.
6463 ** ^(On success, [SQLITE_OK] is returned and the new [BLOB handle] is stored
6464 ** in *ppBlob. Otherwise an [error code] is returned and, unless the error
6465 ** code is SQLITE_MISUSE, *ppBlob is set to NULL.)^ ^This means that, provided
6466 ** the API is not misused, it is always safe to call [sqlite3_blob_close()]
6467 ** on *ppBlob after this function it returns.
6469 ** This function fails with SQLITE_ERROR if any of the following are true:
6470 ** <ul>
6471 ** <li> ^(Database zDb does not exist)^,
6472 ** <li> ^(Table zTable does not exist within database zDb)^,
6473 ** <li> ^(Table zTable is a WITHOUT ROWID table)^,
6474 ** <li> ^(Column zColumn does not exist)^,
6475 ** <li> ^(Row iRow is not present in the table)^,
6476 ** <li> ^(The specified column of row iRow contains a value that is not
6477 ** a TEXT or BLOB value)^,
6478 ** <li> ^(Column zColumn is part of an index, PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE
6479 ** constraint and the blob is being opened for read/write access)^,
6480 ** <li> ^([foreign key constraints | Foreign key constraints] are enabled,
6481 ** column zColumn is part of a [child key] definition and the blob is
6482 ** being opened for read/write access)^.
6483 ** </ul>
6485 ** ^Unless it returns SQLITE_MISUSE, this function sets the
6486 ** [database connection] error code and message accessible via
6487 ** [sqlite3_errcode()] and [sqlite3_errmsg()] and related functions.
6489 ** A BLOB referenced by sqlite3_blob_open() may be read using the
6490 ** [sqlite3_blob_read()] interface and modified by using
6491 ** [sqlite3_blob_write()]. The [BLOB handle] can be moved to a
6492 ** different row of the same table using the [sqlite3_blob_reopen()]
6493 ** interface. However, the column, table, or database of a [BLOB handle]
6494 ** cannot be changed after the [BLOB handle] is opened.
6496 ** ^(If the row that a BLOB handle points to is modified by an
6497 ** [UPDATE], [DELETE], or by [ON CONFLICT] side-effects
6498 ** then the BLOB handle is marked as "expired".
6499 ** This is true if any column of the row is changed, even a column
6500 ** other than the one the BLOB handle is open on.)^
6501 ** ^Calls to [sqlite3_blob_read()] and [sqlite3_blob_write()] for
6502 ** an expired BLOB handle fail with a return code of [SQLITE_ABORT].
6503 ** ^(Changes written into a BLOB prior to the BLOB expiring are not
6504 ** rolled back by the expiration of the BLOB. Such changes will eventually
6505 ** commit if the transaction continues to completion.)^
6507 ** ^Use the [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface to determine the size of
6508 ** the opened blob. ^The size of a blob may not be changed by this
6509 ** interface. Use the [UPDATE] SQL command to change the size of a
6510 ** blob.
6512 ** ^The [sqlite3_bind_zeroblob()] and [sqlite3_result_zeroblob()] interfaces
6513 ** and the built-in [zeroblob] SQL function may be used to create a
6514 ** zero-filled blob to read or write using the incremental-blob interface.
6516 ** To avoid a resource leak, every open [BLOB handle] should eventually
6517 ** be released by a call to [sqlite3_blob_close()].
6519 ** See also: [sqlite3_blob_close()],
6520 ** [sqlite3_blob_reopen()], [sqlite3_blob_read()],
6521 ** [sqlite3_blob_bytes()], [sqlite3_blob_write()].
6523 int sqlite3_blob_open(
6524 sqlite3*,
6525 const char *zDb,
6526 const char *zTable,
6527 const char *zColumn,
6528 sqlite3_int64 iRow,
6529 int flags,
6530 sqlite3_blob **ppBlob
6534 ** CAPI3REF: Move a BLOB Handle to a New Row
6535 ** METHOD: sqlite3_blob
6537 ** ^This function is used to move an existing [BLOB handle] so that it points
6538 ** to a different row of the same database table. ^The new row is identified
6539 ** by the rowid value passed as the second argument. Only the row can be
6540 ** changed. ^The database, table and column on which the blob handle is open
6541 ** remain the same. Moving an existing [BLOB handle] to a new row is
6542 ** faster than closing the existing handle and opening a new one.
6544 ** ^(The new row must meet the same criteria as for [sqlite3_blob_open()] -
6545 ** it must exist and there must be either a blob or text value stored in
6546 ** the nominated column.)^ ^If the new row is not present in the table, or if
6547 ** it does not contain a blob or text value, or if another error occurs, an
6548 ** SQLite error code is returned and the blob handle is considered aborted.
6549 ** ^All subsequent calls to [sqlite3_blob_read()], [sqlite3_blob_write()] or
6550 ** [sqlite3_blob_reopen()] on an aborted blob handle immediately return
6551 ** SQLITE_ABORT. ^Calling [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] on an aborted blob handle
6552 ** always returns zero.
6554 ** ^This function sets the database handle error code and message.
6556 int sqlite3_blob_reopen(sqlite3_blob *, sqlite3_int64);
6559 ** CAPI3REF: Close A BLOB Handle
6560 ** DESTRUCTOR: sqlite3_blob
6562 ** ^This function closes an open [BLOB handle]. ^(The BLOB handle is closed
6563 ** unconditionally. Even if this routine returns an error code, the
6564 ** handle is still closed.)^
6566 ** ^If the blob handle being closed was opened for read-write access, and if
6567 ** the database is in auto-commit mode and there are no other open read-write
6568 ** blob handles or active write statements, the current transaction is
6569 ** committed. ^If an error occurs while committing the transaction, an error
6570 ** code is returned and the transaction rolled back.
6572 ** Calling this function with an argument that is not a NULL pointer or an
6573 ** open blob handle results in undefined behaviour. ^Calling this routine
6574 ** with a null pointer (such as would be returned by a failed call to
6575 ** [sqlite3_blob_open()]) is a harmless no-op. ^Otherwise, if this function
6576 ** is passed a valid open blob handle, the values returned by the
6577 ** sqlite3_errcode() and sqlite3_errmsg() functions are set before returning.
6579 int sqlite3_blob_close(sqlite3_blob *);
6582 ** CAPI3REF: Return The Size Of An Open BLOB
6583 ** METHOD: sqlite3_blob
6585 ** ^Returns the size in bytes of the BLOB accessible via the
6586 ** successfully opened [BLOB handle] in its only argument. ^The
6587 ** incremental blob I/O routines can only read or overwriting existing
6588 ** blob content; they cannot change the size of a blob.
6590 ** This routine only works on a [BLOB handle] which has been created
6591 ** by a prior successful call to [sqlite3_blob_open()] and which has not
6592 ** been closed by [sqlite3_blob_close()]. Passing any other pointer in
6593 ** to this routine results in undefined and probably undesirable behavior.
6595 int sqlite3_blob_bytes(sqlite3_blob *);
6598 ** CAPI3REF: Read Data From A BLOB Incrementally
6599 ** METHOD: sqlite3_blob
6601 ** ^(This function is used to read data from an open [BLOB handle] into a
6602 ** caller-supplied buffer. N bytes of data are copied into buffer Z
6603 ** from the open BLOB, starting at offset iOffset.)^
6605 ** ^If offset iOffset is less than N bytes from the end of the BLOB,
6606 ** [SQLITE_ERROR] is returned and no data is read. ^If N or iOffset is
6607 ** less than zero, [SQLITE_ERROR] is returned and no data is read.
6608 ** ^The size of the blob (and hence the maximum value of N+iOffset)
6609 ** can be determined using the [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface.
6611 ** ^An attempt to read from an expired [BLOB handle] fails with an
6612 ** error code of [SQLITE_ABORT].
6614 ** ^(On success, sqlite3_blob_read() returns SQLITE_OK.
6615 ** Otherwise, an [error code] or an [extended error code] is returned.)^
6617 ** This routine only works on a [BLOB handle] which has been created
6618 ** by a prior successful call to [sqlite3_blob_open()] and which has not
6619 ** been closed by [sqlite3_blob_close()]. Passing any other pointer in
6620 ** to this routine results in undefined and probably undesirable behavior.
6622 ** See also: [sqlite3_blob_write()].
6624 int sqlite3_blob_read(sqlite3_blob *, void *Z, int N, int iOffset);
6627 ** CAPI3REF: Write Data Into A BLOB Incrementally
6628 ** METHOD: sqlite3_blob
6630 ** ^(This function is used to write data into an open [BLOB handle] from a
6631 ** caller-supplied buffer. N bytes of data are copied from the buffer Z
6632 ** into the open BLOB, starting at offset iOffset.)^
6634 ** ^(On success, sqlite3_blob_write() returns SQLITE_OK.
6635 ** Otherwise, an [error code] or an [extended error code] is returned.)^
6636 ** ^Unless SQLITE_MISUSE is returned, this function sets the
6637 ** [database connection] error code and message accessible via
6638 ** [sqlite3_errcode()] and [sqlite3_errmsg()] and related functions.
6640 ** ^If the [BLOB handle] passed as the first argument was not opened for
6641 ** writing (the flags parameter to [sqlite3_blob_open()] was zero),
6642 ** this function returns [SQLITE_READONLY].
6644 ** This function may only modify the contents of the BLOB; it is
6645 ** not possible to increase the size of a BLOB using this API.
6646 ** ^If offset iOffset is less than N bytes from the end of the BLOB,
6647 ** [SQLITE_ERROR] is returned and no data is written. The size of the
6648 ** BLOB (and hence the maximum value of N+iOffset) can be determined
6649 ** using the [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface. ^If N or iOffset are less
6650 ** than zero [SQLITE_ERROR] is returned and no data is written.
6652 ** ^An attempt to write to an expired [BLOB handle] fails with an
6653 ** error code of [SQLITE_ABORT]. ^Writes to the BLOB that occurred
6654 ** before the [BLOB handle] expired are not rolled back by the
6655 ** expiration of the handle, though of course those changes might
6656 ** have been overwritten by the statement that expired the BLOB handle
6657 ** or by other independent statements.
6659 ** This routine only works on a [BLOB handle] which has been created
6660 ** by a prior successful call to [sqlite3_blob_open()] and which has not
6661 ** been closed by [sqlite3_blob_close()]. Passing any other pointer in
6662 ** to this routine results in undefined and probably undesirable behavior.
6664 ** See also: [sqlite3_blob_read()].
6666 int sqlite3_blob_write(sqlite3_blob *, const void *z, int n, int iOffset);
6669 ** CAPI3REF: Virtual File System Objects
6671 ** A virtual filesystem (VFS) is an [sqlite3_vfs] object
6672 ** that SQLite uses to interact
6673 ** with the underlying operating system. Most SQLite builds come with a
6674 ** single default VFS that is appropriate for the host computer.
6675 ** New VFSes can be registered and existing VFSes can be unregistered.
6676 ** The following interfaces are provided.
6678 ** ^The sqlite3_vfs_find() interface returns a pointer to a VFS given its name.
6679 ** ^Names are case sensitive.
6680 ** ^Names are zero-terminated UTF-8 strings.
6681 ** ^If there is no match, a NULL pointer is returned.
6682 ** ^If zVfsName is NULL then the default VFS is returned.
6684 ** ^New VFSes are registered with sqlite3_vfs_register().
6685 ** ^Each new VFS becomes the default VFS if the makeDflt flag is set.
6686 ** ^The same VFS can be registered multiple times without injury.
6687 ** ^To make an existing VFS into the default VFS, register it again
6688 ** with the makeDflt flag set. If two different VFSes with the
6689 ** same name are registered, the behavior is undefined. If a
6690 ** VFS is registered with a name that is NULL or an empty string,
6691 ** then the behavior is undefined.
6693 ** ^Unregister a VFS with the sqlite3_vfs_unregister() interface.
6694 ** ^(If the default VFS is unregistered, another VFS is chosen as
6695 ** the default. The choice for the new VFS is arbitrary.)^
6697 sqlite3_vfs *sqlite3_vfs_find(const char *zVfsName);
6698 int sqlite3_vfs_register(sqlite3_vfs*, int makeDflt);
6699 int sqlite3_vfs_unregister(sqlite3_vfs*);
6702 ** CAPI3REF: Mutexes
6704 ** The SQLite core uses these routines for thread
6705 ** synchronization. Though they are intended for internal
6706 ** use by SQLite, code that links against SQLite is
6707 ** permitted to use any of these routines.
6709 ** The SQLite source code contains multiple implementations
6710 ** of these mutex routines. An appropriate implementation
6711 ** is selected automatically at compile-time. The following
6712 ** implementations are available in the SQLite core:
6714 ** <ul>
6716 ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_W32
6717 ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP
6718 ** </ul>
6720 ** The SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP implementation is a set of routines
6721 ** that does no real locking and is appropriate for use in
6722 ** a single-threaded application. The SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS and
6723 ** SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 implementations are appropriate for use on Unix
6724 ** and Windows.
6726 ** If SQLite is compiled with the SQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF preprocessor
6727 ** macro defined (with "-DSQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF=1"), then no mutex
6728 ** implementation is included with the library. In this case the
6729 ** application must supply a custom mutex implementation using the
6730 ** [SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX] option of the sqlite3_config() function
6731 ** before calling sqlite3_initialize() or any other public sqlite3_
6732 ** function that calls sqlite3_initialize().
6734 ** ^The sqlite3_mutex_alloc() routine allocates a new
6735 ** mutex and returns a pointer to it. ^The sqlite3_mutex_alloc()
6736 ** routine returns NULL if it is unable to allocate the requested
6737 ** mutex. The argument to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() must one of these
6738 ** integer constants:
6740 ** <ul>
6741 ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST
6755 ** </ul>
6757 ** ^The first two constants (SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST and SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE)
6758 ** cause sqlite3_mutex_alloc() to create
6759 ** a new mutex. ^The new mutex is recursive when SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE
6760 ** is used but not necessarily so when SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST is used.
6761 ** The mutex implementation does not need to make a distinction
6762 ** between SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE and SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST if it does
6763 ** not want to. SQLite will only request a recursive mutex in
6764 ** cases where it really needs one. If a faster non-recursive mutex
6765 ** implementation is available on the host platform, the mutex subsystem
6766 ** might return such a mutex in response to SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST.
6768 ** ^The other allowed parameters to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() (anything other
6769 ** than SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST and SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) each return
6770 ** a pointer to a static preexisting mutex. ^Nine static mutexes are
6771 ** used by the current version of SQLite. Future versions of SQLite
6772 ** may add additional static mutexes. Static mutexes are for internal
6773 ** use by SQLite only. Applications that use SQLite mutexes should
6774 ** use only the dynamic mutexes returned by SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST or
6777 ** ^Note that if one of the dynamic mutex parameters (SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST
6778 ** or SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) is used then sqlite3_mutex_alloc()
6779 ** returns a different mutex on every call. ^For the static
6780 ** mutex types, the same mutex is returned on every call that has
6781 ** the same type number.
6783 ** ^The sqlite3_mutex_free() routine deallocates a previously
6784 ** allocated dynamic mutex. Attempting to deallocate a static
6785 ** mutex results in undefined behavior.
6787 ** ^The sqlite3_mutex_enter() and sqlite3_mutex_try() routines attempt
6788 ** to enter a mutex. ^If another thread is already within the mutex,
6789 ** sqlite3_mutex_enter() will block and sqlite3_mutex_try() will return
6790 ** SQLITE_BUSY. ^The sqlite3_mutex_try() interface returns [SQLITE_OK]
6791 ** upon successful entry. ^(Mutexes created using
6792 ** SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE can be entered multiple times by the same thread.
6793 ** In such cases, the
6794 ** mutex must be exited an equal number of times before another thread
6795 ** can enter.)^ If the same thread tries to enter any mutex other
6796 ** than an SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE more than once, the behavior is undefined.
6798 ** ^(Some systems (for example, Windows 95) do not support the operation
6799 ** implemented by sqlite3_mutex_try(). On those systems, sqlite3_mutex_try()
6800 ** will always return SQLITE_BUSY. The SQLite core only ever uses
6801 ** sqlite3_mutex_try() as an optimization so this is acceptable
6802 ** behavior.)^
6804 ** ^The sqlite3_mutex_leave() routine exits a mutex that was
6805 ** previously entered by the same thread. The behavior
6806 ** is undefined if the mutex is not currently entered by the
6807 ** calling thread or is not currently allocated.
6809 ** ^If the argument to sqlite3_mutex_enter(), sqlite3_mutex_try(), or
6810 ** sqlite3_mutex_leave() is a NULL pointer, then all three routines
6811 ** behave as no-ops.
6813 ** See also: [sqlite3_mutex_held()] and [sqlite3_mutex_notheld()].
6815 sqlite3_mutex *sqlite3_mutex_alloc(int);
6816 void sqlite3_mutex_free(sqlite3_mutex*);
6817 void sqlite3_mutex_enter(sqlite3_mutex*);
6818 int sqlite3_mutex_try(sqlite3_mutex*);
6819 void sqlite3_mutex_leave(sqlite3_mutex*);
6822 ** CAPI3REF: Mutex Methods Object
6824 ** An instance of this structure defines the low-level routines
6825 ** used to allocate and use mutexes.
6827 ** Usually, the default mutex implementations provided by SQLite are
6828 ** sufficient, however the application has the option of substituting a custom
6829 ** implementation for specialized deployments or systems for which SQLite
6830 ** does not provide a suitable implementation. In this case, the application
6831 ** creates and populates an instance of this structure to pass
6832 ** to sqlite3_config() along with the [SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX] option.
6833 ** Additionally, an instance of this structure can be used as an
6834 ** output variable when querying the system for the current mutex
6835 ** implementation, using the [SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMUTEX] option.
6837 ** ^The xMutexInit method defined by this structure is invoked as
6838 ** part of system initialization by the sqlite3_initialize() function.
6839 ** ^The xMutexInit routine is called by SQLite exactly once for each
6840 ** effective call to [sqlite3_initialize()].
6842 ** ^The xMutexEnd method defined by this structure is invoked as
6843 ** part of system shutdown by the sqlite3_shutdown() function. The
6844 ** implementation of this method is expected to release all outstanding
6845 ** resources obtained by the mutex methods implementation, especially
6846 ** those obtained by the xMutexInit method. ^The xMutexEnd()
6847 ** interface is invoked exactly once for each call to [sqlite3_shutdown()].
6849 ** ^(The remaining seven methods defined by this structure (xMutexAlloc,
6850 ** xMutexFree, xMutexEnter, xMutexTry, xMutexLeave, xMutexHeld and
6851 ** xMutexNotheld) implement the following interfaces (respectively):
6853 ** <ul>
6854 ** <li> [sqlite3_mutex_alloc()] </li>
6855 ** <li> [sqlite3_mutex_free()] </li>
6856 ** <li> [sqlite3_mutex_enter()] </li>
6857 ** <li> [sqlite3_mutex_try()] </li>
6858 ** <li> [sqlite3_mutex_leave()] </li>
6859 ** <li> [sqlite3_mutex_held()] </li>
6860 ** <li> [sqlite3_mutex_notheld()] </li>
6861 ** </ul>)^
6863 ** The only difference is that the public sqlite3_XXX functions enumerated
6864 ** above silently ignore any invocations that pass a NULL pointer instead
6865 ** of a valid mutex handle. The implementations of the methods defined
6866 ** by this structure are not required to handle this case, the results
6867 ** of passing a NULL pointer instead of a valid mutex handle are undefined
6868 ** (i.e. it is acceptable to provide an implementation that segfaults if
6869 ** it is passed a NULL pointer).
6871 ** The xMutexInit() method must be threadsafe. It must be harmless to
6872 ** invoke xMutexInit() multiple times within the same process and without
6873 ** intervening calls to xMutexEnd(). Second and subsequent calls to
6874 ** xMutexInit() must be no-ops.
6876 ** xMutexInit() must not use SQLite memory allocation ([sqlite3_malloc()]
6877 ** and its associates). Similarly, xMutexAlloc() must not use SQLite memory
6878 ** allocation for a static mutex. ^However xMutexAlloc() may use SQLite
6879 ** memory allocation for a fast or recursive mutex.
6881 ** ^SQLite will invoke the xMutexEnd() method when [sqlite3_shutdown()] is
6882 ** called, but only if the prior call to xMutexInit returned SQLITE_OK.
6883 ** If xMutexInit fails in any way, it is expected to clean up after itself
6884 ** prior to returning.
6886 typedef struct sqlite3_mutex_methods sqlite3_mutex_methods;
6887 struct sqlite3_mutex_methods {
6888 int (*xMutexInit)(void);
6889 int (*xMutexEnd)(void);
6890 sqlite3_mutex *(*xMutexAlloc)(int);
6891 void (*xMutexFree)(sqlite3_mutex *);
6892 void (*xMutexEnter)(sqlite3_mutex *);
6893 int (*xMutexTry)(sqlite3_mutex *);
6894 void (*xMutexLeave)(sqlite3_mutex *);
6895 int (*xMutexHeld)(sqlite3_mutex *);
6896 int (*xMutexNotheld)(sqlite3_mutex *);
6900 ** CAPI3REF: Mutex Verification Routines
6902 ** The sqlite3_mutex_held() and sqlite3_mutex_notheld() routines
6903 ** are intended for use inside assert() statements. The SQLite core
6904 ** never uses these routines except inside an assert() and applications
6905 ** are advised to follow the lead of the core. The SQLite core only
6906 ** provides implementations for these routines when it is compiled
6907 ** with the SQLITE_DEBUG flag. External mutex implementations
6908 ** are only required to provide these routines if SQLITE_DEBUG is
6909 ** defined and if NDEBUG is not defined.
6911 ** These routines should return true if the mutex in their argument
6912 ** is held or not held, respectively, by the calling thread.
6914 ** The implementation is not required to provide versions of these
6915 ** routines that actually work. If the implementation does not provide working
6916 ** versions of these routines, it should at least provide stubs that always
6917 ** return true so that one does not get spurious assertion failures.
6919 ** If the argument to sqlite3_mutex_held() is a NULL pointer then
6920 ** the routine should return 1. This seems counter-intuitive since
6921 ** clearly the mutex cannot be held if it does not exist. But
6922 ** the reason the mutex does not exist is because the build is not
6923 ** using mutexes. And we do not want the assert() containing the
6924 ** call to sqlite3_mutex_held() to fail, so a non-zero return is
6925 ** the appropriate thing to do. The sqlite3_mutex_notheld()
6926 ** interface should also return 1 when given a NULL pointer.
6928 #ifndef NDEBUG
6929 int sqlite3_mutex_held(sqlite3_mutex*);
6930 int sqlite3_mutex_notheld(sqlite3_mutex*);
6931 #endif
6934 ** CAPI3REF: Mutex Types
6936 ** The [sqlite3_mutex_alloc()] interface takes a single argument
6937 ** which is one of these integer constants.
6939 ** The set of static mutexes may change from one SQLite release to the
6940 ** next. Applications that override the built-in mutex logic must be
6941 ** prepared to accommodate additional static mutexes.
6943 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST 0
6946 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM 3 /* sqlite3_malloc() */
6947 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM2 4 /* NOT USED */
6948 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_OPEN 4 /* sqlite3BtreeOpen() */
6949 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_PRNG 5 /* sqlite3_randomness() */
6950 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_LRU 6 /* lru page list */
6951 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_LRU2 7 /* NOT USED */
6952 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_PMEM 7 /* sqlite3PageMalloc() */
6953 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_APP1 8 /* For use by application */
6954 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_APP2 9 /* For use by application */
6955 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_APP3 10 /* For use by application */
6956 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_VFS1 11 /* For use by built-in VFS */
6957 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_VFS2 12 /* For use by extension VFS */
6958 #define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_VFS3 13 /* For use by application VFS */
6961 ** CAPI3REF: Retrieve the mutex for a database connection
6962 ** METHOD: sqlite3
6964 ** ^This interface returns a pointer the [sqlite3_mutex] object that
6965 ** serializes access to the [database connection] given in the argument
6966 ** when the [threading mode] is Serialized.
6967 ** ^If the [threading mode] is Single-thread or Multi-thread then this
6968 ** routine returns a NULL pointer.
6970 sqlite3_mutex *sqlite3_db_mutex(sqlite3*);
6973 ** CAPI3REF: Low-Level Control Of Database Files
6974 ** METHOD: sqlite3
6976 ** ^The [sqlite3_file_control()] interface makes a direct call to the
6977 ** xFileControl method for the [sqlite3_io_methods] object associated
6978 ** with a particular database identified by the second argument. ^The
6979 ** name of the database is "main" for the main database or "temp" for the
6980 ** TEMP database, or the name that appears after the AS keyword for
6981 ** databases that are added using the [ATTACH] SQL command.
6982 ** ^A NULL pointer can be used in place of "main" to refer to the
6983 ** main database file.
6984 ** ^The third and fourth parameters to this routine
6985 ** are passed directly through to the second and third parameters of
6986 ** the xFileControl method. ^The return value of the xFileControl
6987 ** method becomes the return value of this routine.
6989 ** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER] value for the op parameter causes
6990 ** a pointer to the underlying [sqlite3_file] object to be written into
6991 ** the space pointed to by the 4th parameter. ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER]
6992 ** case is a short-circuit path which does not actually invoke the
6993 ** underlying sqlite3_io_methods.xFileControl method.
6995 ** ^If the second parameter (zDbName) does not match the name of any
6996 ** open database file, then SQLITE_ERROR is returned. ^This error
6997 ** code is not remembered and will not be recalled by [sqlite3_errcode()]
6998 ** or [sqlite3_errmsg()]. The underlying xFileControl method might
6999 ** also return SQLITE_ERROR. There is no way to distinguish between
7000 ** an incorrect zDbName and an SQLITE_ERROR return from the underlying
7001 ** xFileControl method.
7003 ** See also: [file control opcodes]
7005 int sqlite3_file_control(sqlite3*, const char *zDbName, int op, void*);
7008 ** CAPI3REF: Testing Interface
7010 ** ^The sqlite3_test_control() interface is used to read out internal
7011 ** state of SQLite and to inject faults into SQLite for testing
7012 ** purposes. ^The first parameter is an operation code that determines
7013 ** the number, meaning, and operation of all subsequent parameters.
7015 ** This interface is not for use by applications. It exists solely
7016 ** for verifying the correct operation of the SQLite library. Depending
7017 ** on how the SQLite library is compiled, this interface might not exist.
7019 ** The details of the operation codes, their meanings, the parameters
7020 ** they take, and what they do are all subject to change without notice.
7021 ** Unlike most of the SQLite API, this function is not guaranteed to
7022 ** operate consistently from one release to the next.
7024 int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...);
7027 ** CAPI3REF: Testing Interface Operation Codes
7029 ** These constants are the valid operation code parameters used
7030 ** as the first argument to [sqlite3_test_control()].
7032 ** These parameters and their meanings are subject to change
7033 ** without notice. These values are for testing purposes only.
7034 ** Applications should not use any of these parameters or the
7035 ** [sqlite3_test_control()] interface.
7061 #define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_LAST 26 /* Largest TESTCTRL */
7064 ** CAPI3REF: SQL Keyword Checking
7066 ** These routines provide access to the set of SQL language keywords
7067 ** recognized by SQLite. Applications can uses these routines to determine
7068 ** whether or not a specific identifier needs to be escaped (for example,
7069 ** by enclosing in double-quotes) so as not to confuse the parser.
7071 ** The sqlite3_keyword_count() interface returns the number of distinct
7072 ** keywords understood by SQLite.
7074 ** The sqlite3_keyword_name(N,Z,L) interface finds the N-th keyword and
7075 ** makes *Z point to that keyword expressed as UTF8 and writes the number
7076 ** of bytes in the keyword into *L. The string that *Z points to is not
7077 ** zero-terminated. The sqlite3_keyword_name(N,Z,L) routine returns
7078 ** SQLITE_OK if N is within bounds and SQLITE_ERROR if not. If either Z
7079 ** or L are NULL or invalid pointers then calls to
7080 ** sqlite3_keyword_name(N,Z,L) result in undefined behavior.
7082 ** The sqlite3_keyword_check(Z,L) interface checks to see whether or not
7083 ** the L-byte UTF8 identifier that Z points to is a keyword, returning non-zero
7084 ** if it is and zero if not.
7086 ** The parser used by SQLite is forgiving. It is often possible to use
7087 ** a keyword as an identifier as long as such use does not result in a
7088 ** parsing ambiguity. For example, the statement
7089 ** "CREATE TABLE BEGIN(REPLACE,PRAGMA,END);" is accepted by SQLite, and
7090 ** creates a new table named "BEGIN" with three columns named
7091 ** "REPLACE", "PRAGMA", and "END". Nevertheless, best practice is to avoid
7092 ** using keywords as identifiers. Common techniques used to avoid keyword
7093 ** name collisions include:
7094 ** <ul>
7095 ** <li> Put all indentifier names inside double-quotes. This is the official
7096 ** SQL way to escape identifier names.
7097 ** <li> Put identifier names inside &#91;...&#93;. This is not standard SQL,
7098 ** but it is what SQL Server does and so lots of programmers use this
7099 ** technique.
7100 ** <li> Begin every identifier with the letter "Z" as no SQL keywords start
7101 ** with "Z".
7102 ** <li> Include a digit somewhere in every identifier name.
7103 ** </ul>
7105 ** Note that the number of keywords understood by SQLite can depend on
7106 ** compile-time options. For example, "VACUUM" is not a keyword if
7107 ** SQLite is compiled with the [-DSQLITE_OMIT_VACUUM] option. Also,
7108 ** new keywords may be added to future releases of SQLite.
7110 int sqlite3_keyword_count(void);
7111 int sqlite3_keyword_name(int,const char**,int*);
7112 int sqlite3_keyword_check(const char*,int);
7115 ** CAPI3REF: SQLite Runtime Status
7117 ** ^These interfaces are used to retrieve runtime status information
7118 ** about the performance of SQLite, and optionally to reset various
7119 ** highwater marks. ^The first argument is an integer code for
7120 ** the specific parameter to measure. ^(Recognized integer codes
7121 ** are of the form [status parameters | SQLITE_STATUS_...].)^
7122 ** ^The current value of the parameter is returned into *pCurrent.
7123 ** ^The highest recorded value is returned in *pHighwater. ^If the
7124 ** resetFlag is true, then the highest record value is reset after
7125 ** *pHighwater is written. ^(Some parameters do not record the highest
7126 ** value. For those parameters
7127 ** nothing is written into *pHighwater and the resetFlag is ignored.)^
7128 ** ^(Other parameters record only the highwater mark and not the current
7129 ** value. For these latter parameters nothing is written into *pCurrent.)^
7131 ** ^The sqlite3_status() and sqlite3_status64() routines return
7132 ** SQLITE_OK on success and a non-zero [error code] on failure.
7134 ** If either the current value or the highwater mark is too large to
7135 ** be represented by a 32-bit integer, then the values returned by
7136 ** sqlite3_status() are undefined.
7138 ** See also: [sqlite3_db_status()]
7140 int sqlite3_status(int op, int *pCurrent, int *pHighwater, int resetFlag);
7141 int sqlite3_status64(
7142 int op,
7143 sqlite3_int64 *pCurrent,
7144 sqlite3_int64 *pHighwater,
7145 int resetFlag
7150 ** CAPI3REF: Status Parameters
7151 ** KEYWORDS: {status parameters}
7153 ** These integer constants designate various run-time status parameters
7154 ** that can be returned by [sqlite3_status()].
7156 ** <dl>
7158 ** <dd>This parameter is the current amount of memory checked out
7159 ** using [sqlite3_malloc()], either directly or indirectly. The
7160 ** figure includes calls made to [sqlite3_malloc()] by the application
7161 ** and internal memory usage by the SQLite library. Auxiliary page-cache
7162 ** memory controlled by [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE] is not included in
7163 ** this parameter. The amount returned is the sum of the allocation
7164 ** sizes as reported by the xSize method in [sqlite3_mem_methods].</dd>)^
7167 ** <dd>This parameter records the largest memory allocation request
7168 ** handed to [sqlite3_malloc()] or [sqlite3_realloc()] (or their
7169 ** internal equivalents). Only the value returned in the
7170 ** *pHighwater parameter to [sqlite3_status()] is of interest.
7171 ** The value written into the *pCurrent parameter is undefined.</dd>)^
7174 ** <dd>This parameter records the number of separate memory allocations
7175 ** currently checked out.</dd>)^
7178 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number of pages used out of the
7179 ** [pagecache memory allocator] that was configured using
7181 ** value returned is in pages, not in bytes.</dd>)^
7185 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number of bytes of page cache
7186 ** allocation which could not be satisfied by the [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE]
7187 ** buffer and where forced to overflow to [sqlite3_malloc()]. The
7188 ** returned value includes allocations that overflowed because they
7189 ** where too large (they were larger than the "sz" parameter to
7190 ** [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE]) and allocations that overflowed because
7191 ** no space was left in the page cache.</dd>)^
7194 ** <dd>This parameter records the largest memory allocation request
7195 ** handed to [pagecache memory allocator]. Only the value returned in the
7196 ** *pHighwater parameter to [sqlite3_status()] is of interest.
7197 ** The value written into the *pCurrent parameter is undefined.</dd>)^
7200 ** <dd>No longer used.</dd>
7203 ** <dd>No longer used.</dd>
7206 ** <dd>No longer used.</dd>
7209 ** <dd>The *pHighwater parameter records the deepest parser stack.
7210 ** The *pCurrent value is undefined. The *pHighwater value is only
7211 ** meaningful if SQLite is compiled with [YYTRACKMAXSTACKDEPTH].</dd>)^
7212 ** </dl>
7214 ** New status parameters may be added from time to time.
7228 ** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Status
7229 ** METHOD: sqlite3
7231 ** ^This interface is used to retrieve runtime status information
7232 ** about a single [database connection]. ^The first argument is the
7233 ** database connection object to be interrogated. ^The second argument
7234 ** is an integer constant, taken from the set of
7235 ** [SQLITE_DBSTATUS options], that
7236 ** determines the parameter to interrogate. The set of
7237 ** [SQLITE_DBSTATUS options] is likely
7238 ** to grow in future releases of SQLite.
7240 ** ^The current value of the requested parameter is written into *pCur
7241 ** and the highest instantaneous value is written into *pHiwtr. ^If
7242 ** the resetFlg is true, then the highest instantaneous value is
7243 ** reset back down to the current value.
7245 ** ^The sqlite3_db_status() routine returns SQLITE_OK on success and a
7246 ** non-zero [error code] on failure.
7248 ** See also: [sqlite3_status()] and [sqlite3_stmt_status()].
7250 int sqlite3_db_status(sqlite3*, int op, int *pCur, int *pHiwtr, int resetFlg);
7253 ** CAPI3REF: Status Parameters for database connections
7256 ** These constants are the available integer "verbs" that can be passed as
7257 ** the second argument to the [sqlite3_db_status()] interface.
7259 ** New verbs may be added in future releases of SQLite. Existing verbs
7260 ** might be discontinued. Applications should check the return code from
7261 ** [sqlite3_db_status()] to make sure that the call worked.
7262 ** The [sqlite3_db_status()] interface will return a non-zero error code
7263 ** if a discontinued or unsupported verb is invoked.
7265 ** <dl>
7267 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number of lookaside memory slots currently
7268 ** checked out.</dd>)^
7271 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that were
7272 ** satisfied using lookaside memory. Only the high-water value is meaningful;
7273 ** the current value is always zero.)^
7277 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that might have
7278 ** been satisfied using lookaside memory but failed due to the amount of
7279 ** memory requested being larger than the lookaside slot size.
7280 ** Only the high-water value is meaningful;
7281 ** the current value is always zero.)^
7285 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that might have
7286 ** been satisfied using lookaside memory but failed due to all lookaside
7287 ** memory already being in use.
7288 ** Only the high-water value is meaningful;
7289 ** the current value is always zero.)^
7292 ** <dd>This parameter returns the approximate number of bytes of heap
7293 ** memory used by all pager caches associated with the database connection.)^
7294 ** ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED is always 0.
7298 ** <dd>This parameter is similar to DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED, except that if a
7299 ** pager cache is shared between two or more connections the bytes of heap
7300 ** memory used by that pager cache is divided evenly between the attached
7301 ** connections.)^ In other words, if none of the pager caches associated
7302 ** with the database connection are shared, this request returns the same
7303 ** value as DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED. Or, if one or more or the pager caches are
7304 ** shared, the value returned by this call will be smaller than that returned
7305 ** by DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED. ^The highwater mark associated with
7309 ** <dd>This parameter returns the approximate number of bytes of heap
7310 ** memory used to store the schema for all databases associated
7311 ** with the connection - main, temp, and any [ATTACH]-ed databases.)^
7312 ** ^The full amount of memory used by the schemas is reported, even if the
7313 ** schema memory is shared with other database connections due to
7314 ** [shared cache mode] being enabled.
7315 ** ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED is always 0.
7318 ** <dd>This parameter returns the approximate number of bytes of heap
7319 ** and lookaside memory used by all prepared statements associated with
7320 ** the database connection.)^
7321 ** ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED is always 0.
7322 ** </dd>
7325 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number of pager cache hits that have
7326 ** occurred.)^ ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT
7327 ** is always 0.
7328 ** </dd>
7331 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number of pager cache misses that have
7332 ** occurred.)^ ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS
7333 ** is always 0.
7334 ** </dd>
7337 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number of dirty cache entries that have
7338 ** been written to disk. Specifically, the number of pages written to the
7339 ** wal file in wal mode databases, or the number of pages written to the
7340 ** database file in rollback mode databases. Any pages written as part of
7341 ** transaction rollback or database recovery operations are not included.
7342 ** If an IO or other error occurs while writing a page to disk, the effect
7343 ** on subsequent SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE requests is undefined.)^ ^The
7344 ** highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE is always 0.
7345 ** </dd>
7348 ** <dd>This parameter returns the number of dirty cache entries that have
7349 ** been written to disk in the middle of a transaction due to the page
7350 ** cache overflowing. Transactions are more efficient if they are written
7351 ** to disk all at once. When pages spill mid-transaction, that introduces
7352 ** additional overhead. This parameter can be used help identify
7353 ** inefficiencies that can be resolve by increasing the cache size.
7354 ** </dd>
7357 ** <dd>This parameter returns zero for the current value if and only if
7358 ** all foreign key constraints (deferred or immediate) have been
7359 ** resolved.)^ ^The highwater mark is always 0.
7360 ** </dd>
7361 ** </dl>
7376 #define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_MAX 12 /* Largest defined DBSTATUS */
7380 ** CAPI3REF: Prepared Statement Status
7381 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
7383 ** ^(Each prepared statement maintains various
7384 ** [SQLITE_STMTSTATUS counters] that measure the number
7385 ** of times it has performed specific operations.)^ These counters can
7386 ** be used to monitor the performance characteristics of the prepared
7387 ** statements. For example, if the number of table steps greatly exceeds
7388 ** the number of table searches or result rows, that would tend to indicate
7389 ** that the prepared statement is using a full table scan rather than
7390 ** an index.
7392 ** ^(This interface is used to retrieve and reset counter values from
7393 ** a [prepared statement]. The first argument is the prepared statement
7394 ** object to be interrogated. The second argument
7395 ** is an integer code for a specific [SQLITE_STMTSTATUS counter]
7396 ** to be interrogated.)^
7397 ** ^The current value of the requested counter is returned.
7398 ** ^If the resetFlg is true, then the counter is reset to zero after this
7399 ** interface call returns.
7401 ** See also: [sqlite3_status()] and [sqlite3_db_status()].
7403 int sqlite3_stmt_status(sqlite3_stmt*, int op,int resetFlg);
7406 ** CAPI3REF: Status Parameters for prepared statements
7409 ** These preprocessor macros define integer codes that name counter
7410 ** values associated with the [sqlite3_stmt_status()] interface.
7411 ** The meanings of the various counters are as follows:
7413 ** <dl>
7415 ** <dd>^This is the number of times that SQLite has stepped forward in
7416 ** a table as part of a full table scan. Large numbers for this counter
7417 ** may indicate opportunities for performance improvement through
7418 ** careful use of indices.</dd>
7421 ** <dd>^This is the number of sort operations that have occurred.
7422 ** A non-zero value in this counter may indicate an opportunity to
7423 ** improvement performance through careful use of indices.</dd>
7426 ** <dd>^This is the number of rows inserted into transient indices that
7427 ** were created automatically in order to help joins run faster.
7428 ** A non-zero value in this counter may indicate an opportunity to
7429 ** improvement performance by adding permanent indices that do not
7430 ** need to be reinitialized each time the statement is run.</dd>
7433 ** <dd>^This is the number of virtual machine operations executed
7434 ** by the prepared statement if that number is less than or equal
7435 ** to 2147483647. The number of virtual machine operations can be
7436 ** used as a proxy for the total work done by the prepared statement.
7437 ** If the number of virtual machine operations exceeds 2147483647
7438 ** then the value returned by this statement status code is undefined.
7441 ** <dd>^This is the number of times that the prepare statement has been
7442 ** automatically regenerated due to schema changes or change to
7443 ** [bound parameters] that might affect the query plan.
7446 ** <dd>^This is the number of times that the prepared statement has
7447 ** been run. A single "run" for the purposes of this counter is one
7448 ** or more calls to [sqlite3_step()] followed by a call to [sqlite3_reset()].
7449 ** The counter is incremented on the first [sqlite3_step()] call of each
7450 ** cycle.
7453 ** <dd>^This is the approximate number of bytes of heap memory
7454 ** used to store the prepared statement. ^This value is not actually
7455 ** a counter, and so the resetFlg parameter to sqlite3_stmt_status()
7456 ** is ignored when the opcode is SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_MEMUSED.
7457 ** </dd>
7458 ** </dl>
7469 ** CAPI3REF: Custom Page Cache Object
7471 ** The sqlite3_pcache type is opaque. It is implemented by
7472 ** the pluggable module. The SQLite core has no knowledge of
7473 ** its size or internal structure and never deals with the
7474 ** sqlite3_pcache object except by holding and passing pointers
7475 ** to the object.
7477 ** See [sqlite3_pcache_methods2] for additional information.
7479 typedef struct sqlite3_pcache sqlite3_pcache;
7482 ** CAPI3REF: Custom Page Cache Object
7484 ** The sqlite3_pcache_page object represents a single page in the
7485 ** page cache. The page cache will allocate instances of this
7486 ** object. Various methods of the page cache use pointers to instances
7487 ** of this object as parameters or as their return value.
7489 ** See [sqlite3_pcache_methods2] for additional information.
7491 typedef struct sqlite3_pcache_page sqlite3_pcache_page;
7492 struct sqlite3_pcache_page {
7493 void *pBuf; /* The content of the page */
7494 void *pExtra; /* Extra information associated with the page */
7498 ** CAPI3REF: Application Defined Page Cache.
7499 ** KEYWORDS: {page cache}
7501 ** ^(The [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2], ...) interface can
7502 ** register an alternative page cache implementation by passing in an
7503 ** instance of the sqlite3_pcache_methods2 structure.)^
7504 ** In many applications, most of the heap memory allocated by
7505 ** SQLite is used for the page cache.
7506 ** By implementing a
7507 ** custom page cache using this API, an application can better control
7508 ** the amount of memory consumed by SQLite, the way in which
7509 ** that memory is allocated and released, and the policies used to
7510 ** determine exactly which parts of a database file are cached and for
7511 ** how long.
7513 ** The alternative page cache mechanism is an
7514 ** extreme measure that is only needed by the most demanding applications.
7515 ** The built-in page cache is recommended for most uses.
7517 ** ^(The contents of the sqlite3_pcache_methods2 structure are copied to an
7518 ** internal buffer by SQLite within the call to [sqlite3_config]. Hence
7519 ** the application may discard the parameter after the call to
7520 ** [sqlite3_config()] returns.)^
7522 ** [[the xInit() page cache method]]
7523 ** ^(The xInit() method is called once for each effective
7524 ** call to [sqlite3_initialize()])^
7525 ** (usually only once during the lifetime of the process). ^(The xInit()
7526 ** method is passed a copy of the sqlite3_pcache_methods2.pArg value.)^
7527 ** The intent of the xInit() method is to set up global data structures
7528 ** required by the custom page cache implementation.
7529 ** ^(If the xInit() method is NULL, then the
7530 ** built-in default page cache is used instead of the application defined
7531 ** page cache.)^
7533 ** [[the xShutdown() page cache method]]
7534 ** ^The xShutdown() method is called by [sqlite3_shutdown()].
7535 ** It can be used to clean up
7536 ** any outstanding resources before process shutdown, if required.
7537 ** ^The xShutdown() method may be NULL.
7539 ** ^SQLite automatically serializes calls to the xInit method,
7540 ** so the xInit method need not be threadsafe. ^The
7541 ** xShutdown method is only called from [sqlite3_shutdown()] so it does
7542 ** not need to be threadsafe either. All other methods must be threadsafe
7543 ** in multithreaded applications.
7545 ** ^SQLite will never invoke xInit() more than once without an intervening
7546 ** call to xShutdown().
7548 ** [[the xCreate() page cache methods]]
7549 ** ^SQLite invokes the xCreate() method to construct a new cache instance.
7550 ** SQLite will typically create one cache instance for each open database file,
7551 ** though this is not guaranteed. ^The
7552 ** first parameter, szPage, is the size in bytes of the pages that must
7553 ** be allocated by the cache. ^szPage will always a power of two. ^The
7554 ** second parameter szExtra is a number of bytes of extra storage
7555 ** associated with each page cache entry. ^The szExtra parameter will
7556 ** a number less than 250. SQLite will use the
7557 ** extra szExtra bytes on each page to store metadata about the underlying
7558 ** database page on disk. The value passed into szExtra depends
7559 ** on the SQLite version, the target platform, and how SQLite was compiled.
7560 ** ^The third argument to xCreate(), bPurgeable, is true if the cache being
7561 ** created will be used to cache database pages of a file stored on disk, or
7562 ** false if it is used for an in-memory database. The cache implementation
7563 ** does not have to do anything special based with the value of bPurgeable;
7564 ** it is purely advisory. ^On a cache where bPurgeable is false, SQLite will
7565 ** never invoke xUnpin() except to deliberately delete a page.
7566 ** ^In other words, calls to xUnpin() on a cache with bPurgeable set to
7567 ** false will always have the "discard" flag set to true.
7568 ** ^Hence, a cache created with bPurgeable false will
7569 ** never contain any unpinned pages.
7571 ** [[the xCachesize() page cache method]]
7572 ** ^(The xCachesize() method may be called at any time by SQLite to set the
7573 ** suggested maximum cache-size (number of pages stored by) the cache
7574 ** instance passed as the first argument. This is the value configured using
7575 ** the SQLite "[PRAGMA cache_size]" command.)^ As with the bPurgeable
7576 ** parameter, the implementation is not required to do anything with this
7577 ** value; it is advisory only.
7579 ** [[the xPagecount() page cache methods]]
7580 ** The xPagecount() method must return the number of pages currently
7581 ** stored in the cache, both pinned and unpinned.
7583 ** [[the xFetch() page cache methods]]
7584 ** The xFetch() method locates a page in the cache and returns a pointer to
7585 ** an sqlite3_pcache_page object associated with that page, or a NULL pointer.
7586 ** The pBuf element of the returned sqlite3_pcache_page object will be a
7587 ** pointer to a buffer of szPage bytes used to store the content of a
7588 ** single database page. The pExtra element of sqlite3_pcache_page will be
7589 ** a pointer to the szExtra bytes of extra storage that SQLite has requested
7590 ** for each entry in the page cache.
7592 ** The page to be fetched is determined by the key. ^The minimum key value
7593 ** is 1. After it has been retrieved using xFetch, the page is considered
7594 ** to be "pinned".
7596 ** If the requested page is already in the page cache, then the page cache
7597 ** implementation must return a pointer to the page buffer with its content
7598 ** intact. If the requested page is not already in the cache, then the
7599 ** cache implementation should use the value of the createFlag
7600 ** parameter to help it determined what action to take:
7602 ** <table border=1 width=85% align=center>
7603 ** <tr><th> createFlag <th> Behavior when page is not already in cache
7604 ** <tr><td> 0 <td> Do not allocate a new page. Return NULL.
7605 ** <tr><td> 1 <td> Allocate a new page if it easy and convenient to do so.
7606 ** Otherwise return NULL.
7607 ** <tr><td> 2 <td> Make every effort to allocate a new page. Only return
7608 ** NULL if allocating a new page is effectively impossible.
7609 ** </table>
7611 ** ^(SQLite will normally invoke xFetch() with a createFlag of 0 or 1. SQLite
7612 ** will only use a createFlag of 2 after a prior call with a createFlag of 1
7613 ** failed.)^ In between the to xFetch() calls, SQLite may
7614 ** attempt to unpin one or more cache pages by spilling the content of
7615 ** pinned pages to disk and synching the operating system disk cache.
7617 ** [[the xUnpin() page cache method]]
7618 ** ^xUnpin() is called by SQLite with a pointer to a currently pinned page
7619 ** as its second argument. If the third parameter, discard, is non-zero,
7620 ** then the page must be evicted from the cache.
7621 ** ^If the discard parameter is
7622 ** zero, then the page may be discarded or retained at the discretion of
7623 ** page cache implementation. ^The page cache implementation
7624 ** may choose to evict unpinned pages at any time.
7626 ** The cache must not perform any reference counting. A single
7627 ** call to xUnpin() unpins the page regardless of the number of prior calls
7628 ** to xFetch().
7630 ** [[the xRekey() page cache methods]]
7631 ** The xRekey() method is used to change the key value associated with the
7632 ** page passed as the second argument. If the cache
7633 ** previously contains an entry associated with newKey, it must be
7634 ** discarded. ^Any prior cache entry associated with newKey is guaranteed not
7635 ** to be pinned.
7637 ** When SQLite calls the xTruncate() method, the cache must discard all
7638 ** existing cache entries with page numbers (keys) greater than or equal
7639 ** to the value of the iLimit parameter passed to xTruncate(). If any
7640 ** of these pages are pinned, they are implicitly unpinned, meaning that
7641 ** they can be safely discarded.
7643 ** [[the xDestroy() page cache method]]
7644 ** ^The xDestroy() method is used to delete a cache allocated by xCreate().
7645 ** All resources associated with the specified cache should be freed. ^After
7646 ** calling the xDestroy() method, SQLite considers the [sqlite3_pcache*]
7647 ** handle invalid, and will not use it with any other sqlite3_pcache_methods2
7648 ** functions.
7650 ** [[the xShrink() page cache method]]
7651 ** ^SQLite invokes the xShrink() method when it wants the page cache to
7652 ** free up as much of heap memory as possible. The page cache implementation
7653 ** is not obligated to free any memory, but well-behaved implementations should
7654 ** do their best.
7656 typedef struct sqlite3_pcache_methods2 sqlite3_pcache_methods2;
7657 struct sqlite3_pcache_methods2 {
7658 int iVersion;
7659 void *pArg;
7660 int (*xInit)(void*);
7661 void (*xShutdown)(void*);
7662 sqlite3_pcache *(*xCreate)(int szPage, int szExtra, int bPurgeable);
7663 void (*xCachesize)(sqlite3_pcache*, int nCachesize);
7664 int (*xPagecount)(sqlite3_pcache*);
7665 sqlite3_pcache_page *(*xFetch)(sqlite3_pcache*, unsigned key, int createFlag);
7666 void (*xUnpin)(sqlite3_pcache*, sqlite3_pcache_page*, int discard);
7667 void (*xRekey)(sqlite3_pcache*, sqlite3_pcache_page*,
7668 unsigned oldKey, unsigned newKey);
7669 void (*xTruncate)(sqlite3_pcache*, unsigned iLimit);
7670 void (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_pcache*);
7671 void (*xShrink)(sqlite3_pcache*);
7675 ** This is the obsolete pcache_methods object that has now been replaced
7676 ** by sqlite3_pcache_methods2. This object is not used by SQLite. It is
7677 ** retained in the header file for backwards compatibility only.
7679 typedef struct sqlite3_pcache_methods sqlite3_pcache_methods;
7680 struct sqlite3_pcache_methods {
7681 void *pArg;
7682 int (*xInit)(void*);
7683 void (*xShutdown)(void*);
7684 sqlite3_pcache *(*xCreate)(int szPage, int bPurgeable);
7685 void (*xCachesize)(sqlite3_pcache*, int nCachesize);
7686 int (*xPagecount)(sqlite3_pcache*);
7687 void *(*xFetch)(sqlite3_pcache*, unsigned key, int createFlag);
7688 void (*xUnpin)(sqlite3_pcache*, void*, int discard);
7689 void (*xRekey)(sqlite3_pcache*, void*, unsigned oldKey, unsigned newKey);
7690 void (*xTruncate)(sqlite3_pcache*, unsigned iLimit);
7691 void (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_pcache*);
7696 ** CAPI3REF: Online Backup Object
7698 ** The sqlite3_backup object records state information about an ongoing
7699 ** online backup operation. ^The sqlite3_backup object is created by
7700 ** a call to [sqlite3_backup_init()] and is destroyed by a call to
7701 ** [sqlite3_backup_finish()].
7703 ** See Also: [Using the SQLite Online Backup API]
7705 typedef struct sqlite3_backup sqlite3_backup;
7708 ** CAPI3REF: Online Backup API.
7710 ** The backup API copies the content of one database into another.
7711 ** It is useful either for creating backups of databases or
7712 ** for copying in-memory databases to or from persistent files.
7714 ** See Also: [Using the SQLite Online Backup API]
7716 ** ^SQLite holds a write transaction open on the destination database file
7717 ** for the duration of the backup operation.
7718 ** ^The source database is read-locked only while it is being read;
7719 ** it is not locked continuously for the entire backup operation.
7720 ** ^Thus, the backup may be performed on a live source database without
7721 ** preventing other database connections from
7722 ** reading or writing to the source database while the backup is underway.
7724 ** ^(To perform a backup operation:
7725 ** <ol>
7726 ** <li><b>sqlite3_backup_init()</b> is called once to initialize the
7727 ** backup,
7728 ** <li><b>sqlite3_backup_step()</b> is called one or more times to transfer
7729 ** the data between the two databases, and finally
7730 ** <li><b>sqlite3_backup_finish()</b> is called to release all resources
7731 ** associated with the backup operation.
7732 ** </ol>)^
7733 ** There should be exactly one call to sqlite3_backup_finish() for each
7734 ** successful call to sqlite3_backup_init().
7736 ** [[sqlite3_backup_init()]] <b>sqlite3_backup_init()</b>
7738 ** ^The D and N arguments to sqlite3_backup_init(D,N,S,M) are the
7739 ** [database connection] associated with the destination database
7740 ** and the database name, respectively.
7741 ** ^The database name is "main" for the main database, "temp" for the
7742 ** temporary database, or the name specified after the AS keyword in
7743 ** an [ATTACH] statement for an attached database.
7744 ** ^The S and M arguments passed to
7745 ** sqlite3_backup_init(D,N,S,M) identify the [database connection]
7746 ** and database name of the source database, respectively.
7747 ** ^The source and destination [database connections] (parameters S and D)
7748 ** must be different or else sqlite3_backup_init(D,N,S,M) will fail with
7749 ** an error.
7751 ** ^A call to sqlite3_backup_init() will fail, returning NULL, if
7752 ** there is already a read or read-write transaction open on the
7753 ** destination database.
7755 ** ^If an error occurs within sqlite3_backup_init(D,N,S,M), then NULL is
7756 ** returned and an error code and error message are stored in the
7757 ** destination [database connection] D.
7758 ** ^The error code and message for the failed call to sqlite3_backup_init()
7759 ** can be retrieved using the [sqlite3_errcode()], [sqlite3_errmsg()], and/or
7760 ** [sqlite3_errmsg16()] functions.
7761 ** ^A successful call to sqlite3_backup_init() returns a pointer to an
7762 ** [sqlite3_backup] object.
7763 ** ^The [sqlite3_backup] object may be used with the sqlite3_backup_step() and
7764 ** sqlite3_backup_finish() functions to perform the specified backup
7765 ** operation.
7767 ** [[sqlite3_backup_step()]] <b>sqlite3_backup_step()</b>
7769 ** ^Function sqlite3_backup_step(B,N) will copy up to N pages between
7770 ** the source and destination databases specified by [sqlite3_backup] object B.
7771 ** ^If N is negative, all remaining source pages are copied.
7772 ** ^If sqlite3_backup_step(B,N) successfully copies N pages and there
7773 ** are still more pages to be copied, then the function returns [SQLITE_OK].
7774 ** ^If sqlite3_backup_step(B,N) successfully finishes copying all pages
7775 ** from source to destination, then it returns [SQLITE_DONE].
7776 ** ^If an error occurs while running sqlite3_backup_step(B,N),
7777 ** then an [error code] is returned. ^As well as [SQLITE_OK] and
7778 ** [SQLITE_DONE], a call to sqlite3_backup_step() may return [SQLITE_READONLY],
7780 ** [SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS | SQLITE_IOERR_XXX] extended error code.
7782 ** ^(The sqlite3_backup_step() might return [SQLITE_READONLY] if
7783 ** <ol>
7784 ** <li> the destination database was opened read-only, or
7785 ** <li> the destination database is using write-ahead-log journaling
7786 ** and the destination and source page sizes differ, or
7787 ** <li> the destination database is an in-memory database and the
7788 ** destination and source page sizes differ.
7789 ** </ol>)^
7791 ** ^If sqlite3_backup_step() cannot obtain a required file-system lock, then
7792 ** the [sqlite3_busy_handler | busy-handler function]
7793 ** is invoked (if one is specified). ^If the
7794 ** busy-handler returns non-zero before the lock is available, then
7795 ** [SQLITE_BUSY] is returned to the caller. ^In this case the call to
7796 ** sqlite3_backup_step() can be retried later. ^If the source
7797 ** [database connection]
7798 ** is being used to write to the source database when sqlite3_backup_step()
7799 ** is called, then [SQLITE_LOCKED] is returned immediately. ^Again, in this
7800 ** case the call to sqlite3_backup_step() can be retried later on. ^(If
7802 ** [SQLITE_READONLY] is returned, then
7803 ** there is no point in retrying the call to sqlite3_backup_step(). These
7804 ** errors are considered fatal.)^ The application must accept
7805 ** that the backup operation has failed and pass the backup operation handle
7806 ** to the sqlite3_backup_finish() to release associated resources.
7808 ** ^The first call to sqlite3_backup_step() obtains an exclusive lock
7809 ** on the destination file. ^The exclusive lock is not released until either
7810 ** sqlite3_backup_finish() is called or the backup operation is complete
7811 ** and sqlite3_backup_step() returns [SQLITE_DONE]. ^Every call to
7812 ** sqlite3_backup_step() obtains a [shared lock] on the source database that
7813 ** lasts for the duration of the sqlite3_backup_step() call.
7814 ** ^Because the source database is not locked between calls to
7815 ** sqlite3_backup_step(), the source database may be modified mid-way
7816 ** through the backup process. ^If the source database is modified by an
7817 ** external process or via a database connection other than the one being
7818 ** used by the backup operation, then the backup will be automatically
7819 ** restarted by the next call to sqlite3_backup_step(). ^If the source
7820 ** database is modified by the using the same database connection as is used
7821 ** by the backup operation, then the backup database is automatically
7822 ** updated at the same time.
7824 ** [[sqlite3_backup_finish()]] <b>sqlite3_backup_finish()</b>
7826 ** When sqlite3_backup_step() has returned [SQLITE_DONE], or when the
7827 ** application wishes to abandon the backup operation, the application
7828 ** should destroy the [sqlite3_backup] by passing it to sqlite3_backup_finish().
7829 ** ^The sqlite3_backup_finish() interfaces releases all
7830 ** resources associated with the [sqlite3_backup] object.
7831 ** ^If sqlite3_backup_step() has not yet returned [SQLITE_DONE], then any
7832 ** active write-transaction on the destination database is rolled back.
7833 ** The [sqlite3_backup] object is invalid
7834 ** and may not be used following a call to sqlite3_backup_finish().
7836 ** ^The value returned by sqlite3_backup_finish is [SQLITE_OK] if no
7837 ** sqlite3_backup_step() errors occurred, regardless or whether or not
7838 ** sqlite3_backup_step() completed.
7839 ** ^If an out-of-memory condition or IO error occurred during any prior
7840 ** sqlite3_backup_step() call on the same [sqlite3_backup] object, then
7841 ** sqlite3_backup_finish() returns the corresponding [error code].
7843 ** ^A return of [SQLITE_BUSY] or [SQLITE_LOCKED] from sqlite3_backup_step()
7844 ** is not a permanent error and does not affect the return value of
7845 ** sqlite3_backup_finish().
7847 ** [[sqlite3_backup_remaining()]] [[sqlite3_backup_pagecount()]]
7848 ** <b>sqlite3_backup_remaining() and sqlite3_backup_pagecount()</b>
7850 ** ^The sqlite3_backup_remaining() routine returns the number of pages still
7851 ** to be backed up at the conclusion of the most recent sqlite3_backup_step().
7852 ** ^The sqlite3_backup_pagecount() routine returns the total number of pages
7853 ** in the source database at the conclusion of the most recent
7854 ** sqlite3_backup_step().
7855 ** ^(The values returned by these functions are only updated by
7856 ** sqlite3_backup_step(). If the source database is modified in a way that
7857 ** changes the size of the source database or the number of pages remaining,
7858 ** those changes are not reflected in the output of sqlite3_backup_pagecount()
7859 ** and sqlite3_backup_remaining() until after the next
7860 ** sqlite3_backup_step().)^
7862 ** <b>Concurrent Usage of Database Handles</b>
7864 ** ^The source [database connection] may be used by the application for other
7865 ** purposes while a backup operation is underway or being initialized.
7866 ** ^If SQLite is compiled and configured to support threadsafe database
7867 ** connections, then the source database connection may be used concurrently
7868 ** from within other threads.
7870 ** However, the application must guarantee that the destination
7871 ** [database connection] is not passed to any other API (by any thread) after
7872 ** sqlite3_backup_init() is called and before the corresponding call to
7873 ** sqlite3_backup_finish(). SQLite does not currently check to see
7874 ** if the application incorrectly accesses the destination [database connection]
7875 ** and so no error code is reported, but the operations may malfunction
7876 ** nevertheless. Use of the destination database connection while a
7877 ** backup is in progress might also also cause a mutex deadlock.
7879 ** If running in [shared cache mode], the application must
7880 ** guarantee that the shared cache used by the destination database
7881 ** is not accessed while the backup is running. In practice this means
7882 ** that the application must guarantee that the disk file being
7883 ** backed up to is not accessed by any connection within the process,
7884 ** not just the specific connection that was passed to sqlite3_backup_init().
7886 ** The [sqlite3_backup] object itself is partially threadsafe. Multiple
7887 ** threads may safely make multiple concurrent calls to sqlite3_backup_step().
7888 ** However, the sqlite3_backup_remaining() and sqlite3_backup_pagecount()
7889 ** APIs are not strictly speaking threadsafe. If they are invoked at the
7890 ** same time as another thread is invoking sqlite3_backup_step() it is
7891 ** possible that they return invalid values.
7893 sqlite3_backup *sqlite3_backup_init(
7894 sqlite3 *pDest, /* Destination database handle */
7895 const char *zDestName, /* Destination database name */
7896 sqlite3 *pSource, /* Source database handle */
7897 const char *zSourceName /* Source database name */
7899 int sqlite3_backup_step(sqlite3_backup *p, int nPage);
7900 int sqlite3_backup_finish(sqlite3_backup *p);
7901 int sqlite3_backup_remaining(sqlite3_backup *p);
7902 int sqlite3_backup_pagecount(sqlite3_backup *p);
7905 ** CAPI3REF: Unlock Notification
7906 ** METHOD: sqlite3
7908 ** ^When running in shared-cache mode, a database operation may fail with
7909 ** an [SQLITE_LOCKED] error if the required locks on the shared-cache or
7910 ** individual tables within the shared-cache cannot be obtained. See
7911 ** [SQLite Shared-Cache Mode] for a description of shared-cache locking.
7912 ** ^This API may be used to register a callback that SQLite will invoke
7913 ** when the connection currently holding the required lock relinquishes it.
7914 ** ^This API is only available if the library was compiled with the
7915 ** [SQLITE_ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY] C-preprocessor symbol defined.
7917 ** See Also: [Using the SQLite Unlock Notification Feature].
7919 ** ^Shared-cache locks are released when a database connection concludes
7920 ** its current transaction, either by committing it or rolling it back.
7922 ** ^When a connection (known as the blocked connection) fails to obtain a
7923 ** shared-cache lock and SQLITE_LOCKED is returned to the caller, the
7924 ** identity of the database connection (the blocking connection) that
7925 ** has locked the required resource is stored internally. ^After an
7926 ** application receives an SQLITE_LOCKED error, it may call the
7927 ** sqlite3_unlock_notify() method with the blocked connection handle as
7928 ** the first argument to register for a callback that will be invoked
7929 ** when the blocking connections current transaction is concluded. ^The
7930 ** callback is invoked from within the [sqlite3_step] or [sqlite3_close]
7931 ** call that concludes the blocking connections transaction.
7933 ** ^(If sqlite3_unlock_notify() is called in a multi-threaded application,
7934 ** there is a chance that the blocking connection will have already
7935 ** concluded its transaction by the time sqlite3_unlock_notify() is invoked.
7936 ** If this happens, then the specified callback is invoked immediately,
7937 ** from within the call to sqlite3_unlock_notify().)^
7939 ** ^If the blocked connection is attempting to obtain a write-lock on a
7940 ** shared-cache table, and more than one other connection currently holds
7941 ** a read-lock on the same table, then SQLite arbitrarily selects one of
7942 ** the other connections to use as the blocking connection.
7944 ** ^(There may be at most one unlock-notify callback registered by a
7945 ** blocked connection. If sqlite3_unlock_notify() is called when the
7946 ** blocked connection already has a registered unlock-notify callback,
7947 ** then the new callback replaces the old.)^ ^If sqlite3_unlock_notify() is
7948 ** called with a NULL pointer as its second argument, then any existing
7949 ** unlock-notify callback is canceled. ^The blocked connections
7950 ** unlock-notify callback may also be canceled by closing the blocked
7951 ** connection using [sqlite3_close()].
7953 ** The unlock-notify callback is not reentrant. If an application invokes
7954 ** any sqlite3_xxx API functions from within an unlock-notify callback, a
7955 ** crash or deadlock may be the result.
7957 ** ^Unless deadlock is detected (see below), sqlite3_unlock_notify() always
7958 ** returns SQLITE_OK.
7960 ** <b>Callback Invocation Details</b>
7962 ** When an unlock-notify callback is registered, the application provides a
7963 ** single void* pointer that is passed to the callback when it is invoked.
7964 ** However, the signature of the callback function allows SQLite to pass
7965 ** it an array of void* context pointers. The first argument passed to
7966 ** an unlock-notify callback is a pointer to an array of void* pointers,
7967 ** and the second is the number of entries in the array.
7969 ** When a blocking connections transaction is concluded, there may be
7970 ** more than one blocked connection that has registered for an unlock-notify
7971 ** callback. ^If two or more such blocked connections have specified the
7972 ** same callback function, then instead of invoking the callback function
7973 ** multiple times, it is invoked once with the set of void* context pointers
7974 ** specified by the blocked connections bundled together into an array.
7975 ** This gives the application an opportunity to prioritize any actions
7976 ** related to the set of unblocked database connections.
7978 ** <b>Deadlock Detection</b>
7980 ** Assuming that after registering for an unlock-notify callback a
7981 ** database waits for the callback to be issued before taking any further
7982 ** action (a reasonable assumption), then using this API may cause the
7983 ** application to deadlock. For example, if connection X is waiting for
7984 ** connection Y's transaction to be concluded, and similarly connection
7985 ** Y is waiting on connection X's transaction, then neither connection
7986 ** will proceed and the system may remain deadlocked indefinitely.
7988 ** To avoid this scenario, the sqlite3_unlock_notify() performs deadlock
7989 ** detection. ^If a given call to sqlite3_unlock_notify() would put the
7990 ** system in a deadlocked state, then SQLITE_LOCKED is returned and no
7991 ** unlock-notify callback is registered. The system is said to be in
7992 ** a deadlocked state if connection A has registered for an unlock-notify
7993 ** callback on the conclusion of connection B's transaction, and connection
7994 ** B has itself registered for an unlock-notify callback when connection
7995 ** A's transaction is concluded. ^Indirect deadlock is also detected, so
7996 ** the system is also considered to be deadlocked if connection B has
7997 ** registered for an unlock-notify callback on the conclusion of connection
7998 ** C's transaction, where connection C is waiting on connection A. ^Any
7999 ** number of levels of indirection are allowed.
8001 ** <b>The "DROP TABLE" Exception</b>
8003 ** When a call to [sqlite3_step()] returns SQLITE_LOCKED, it is almost
8004 ** always appropriate to call sqlite3_unlock_notify(). There is however,
8005 ** one exception. When executing a "DROP TABLE" or "DROP INDEX" statement,
8006 ** SQLite checks if there are any currently executing SELECT statements
8007 ** that belong to the same connection. If there are, SQLITE_LOCKED is
8008 ** returned. In this case there is no "blocking connection", so invoking
8009 ** sqlite3_unlock_notify() results in the unlock-notify callback being
8010 ** invoked immediately. If the application then re-attempts the "DROP TABLE"
8011 ** or "DROP INDEX" query, an infinite loop might be the result.
8013 ** One way around this problem is to check the extended error code returned
8014 ** by an sqlite3_step() call. ^(If there is a blocking connection, then the
8015 ** extended error code is set to SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE. Otherwise, in
8016 ** the special "DROP TABLE/INDEX" case, the extended error code is just
8017 ** SQLITE_LOCKED.)^
8019 int sqlite3_unlock_notify(
8020 sqlite3 *pBlocked, /* Waiting connection */
8021 void (*xNotify)(void **apArg, int nArg), /* Callback function to invoke */
8022 void *pNotifyArg /* Argument to pass to xNotify */
8027 ** CAPI3REF: String Comparison
8029 ** ^The [sqlite3_stricmp()] and [sqlite3_strnicmp()] APIs allow applications
8030 ** and extensions to compare the contents of two buffers containing UTF-8
8031 ** strings in a case-independent fashion, using the same definition of "case
8032 ** independence" that SQLite uses internally when comparing identifiers.
8034 int sqlite3_stricmp(const char *, const char *);
8035 int sqlite3_strnicmp(const char *, const char *, int);
8038 ** CAPI3REF: String Globbing
8040 ** ^The [sqlite3_strglob(P,X)] interface returns zero if and only if
8041 ** string X matches the [GLOB] pattern P.
8042 ** ^The definition of [GLOB] pattern matching used in
8043 ** [sqlite3_strglob(P,X)] is the same as for the "X GLOB P" operator in the
8044 ** SQL dialect understood by SQLite. ^The [sqlite3_strglob(P,X)] function
8045 ** is case sensitive.
8047 ** Note that this routine returns zero on a match and non-zero if the strings
8048 ** do not match, the same as [sqlite3_stricmp()] and [sqlite3_strnicmp()].
8050 ** See also: [sqlite3_strlike()].
8052 int sqlite3_strglob(const char *zGlob, const char *zStr);
8055 ** CAPI3REF: String LIKE Matching
8057 ** ^The [sqlite3_strlike(P,X,E)] interface returns zero if and only if
8058 ** string X matches the [LIKE] pattern P with escape character E.
8059 ** ^The definition of [LIKE] pattern matching used in
8060 ** [sqlite3_strlike(P,X,E)] is the same as for the "X LIKE P ESCAPE E"
8061 ** operator in the SQL dialect understood by SQLite. ^For "X LIKE P" without
8062 ** the ESCAPE clause, set the E parameter of [sqlite3_strlike(P,X,E)] to 0.
8063 ** ^As with the LIKE operator, the [sqlite3_strlike(P,X,E)] function is case
8064 ** insensitive - equivalent upper and lower case ASCII characters match
8065 ** one another.
8067 ** ^The [sqlite3_strlike(P,X,E)] function matches Unicode characters, though
8068 ** only ASCII characters are case folded.
8070 ** Note that this routine returns zero on a match and non-zero if the strings
8071 ** do not match, the same as [sqlite3_stricmp()] and [sqlite3_strnicmp()].
8073 ** See also: [sqlite3_strglob()].
8075 int sqlite3_strlike(const char *zGlob, const char *zStr, unsigned int cEsc);
8078 ** CAPI3REF: Error Logging Interface
8080 ** ^The [sqlite3_log()] interface writes a message into the [error log]
8081 ** established by the [SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG] option to [sqlite3_config()].
8082 ** ^If logging is enabled, the zFormat string and subsequent arguments are
8083 ** used with [sqlite3_snprintf()] to generate the final output string.
8085 ** The sqlite3_log() interface is intended for use by extensions such as
8086 ** virtual tables, collating functions, and SQL functions. While there is
8087 ** nothing to prevent an application from calling sqlite3_log(), doing so
8088 ** is considered bad form.
8090 ** The zFormat string must not be NULL.
8092 ** To avoid deadlocks and other threading problems, the sqlite3_log() routine
8093 ** will not use dynamically allocated memory. The log message is stored in
8094 ** a fixed-length buffer on the stack. If the log message is longer than
8095 ** a few hundred characters, it will be truncated to the length of the
8096 ** buffer.
8098 void sqlite3_log(int iErrCode, const char *zFormat, ...);
8101 ** CAPI3REF: Write-Ahead Log Commit Hook
8102 ** METHOD: sqlite3
8104 ** ^The [sqlite3_wal_hook()] function is used to register a callback that
8105 ** is invoked each time data is committed to a database in wal mode.
8107 ** ^(The callback is invoked by SQLite after the commit has taken place and
8108 ** the associated write-lock on the database released)^, so the implementation
8109 ** may read, write or [checkpoint] the database as required.
8111 ** ^The first parameter passed to the callback function when it is invoked
8112 ** is a copy of the third parameter passed to sqlite3_wal_hook() when
8113 ** registering the callback. ^The second is a copy of the database handle.
8114 ** ^The third parameter is the name of the database that was written to -
8115 ** either "main" or the name of an [ATTACH]-ed database. ^The fourth parameter
8116 ** is the number of pages currently in the write-ahead log file,
8117 ** including those that were just committed.
8119 ** The callback function should normally return [SQLITE_OK]. ^If an error
8120 ** code is returned, that error will propagate back up through the
8121 ** SQLite code base to cause the statement that provoked the callback
8122 ** to report an error, though the commit will have still occurred. If the
8123 ** callback returns [SQLITE_ROW] or [SQLITE_DONE], or if it returns a value
8124 ** that does not correspond to any valid SQLite error code, the results
8125 ** are undefined.
8127 ** A single database handle may have at most a single write-ahead log callback
8128 ** registered at one time. ^Calling [sqlite3_wal_hook()] replaces any
8129 ** previously registered write-ahead log callback. ^Note that the
8130 ** [sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint()] interface and the
8131 ** [wal_autocheckpoint pragma] both invoke [sqlite3_wal_hook()] and will
8132 ** overwrite any prior [sqlite3_wal_hook()] settings.
8134 void *sqlite3_wal_hook(
8135 sqlite3*,
8136 int(*)(void *,sqlite3*,const char*,int),
8137 void*
8141 ** CAPI3REF: Configure an auto-checkpoint
8142 ** METHOD: sqlite3
8144 ** ^The [sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint(D,N)] is a wrapper around
8145 ** [sqlite3_wal_hook()] that causes any database on [database connection] D
8146 ** to automatically [checkpoint]
8147 ** after committing a transaction if there are N or
8148 ** more frames in the [write-ahead log] file. ^Passing zero or
8149 ** a negative value as the nFrame parameter disables automatic
8150 ** checkpoints entirely.
8152 ** ^The callback registered by this function replaces any existing callback
8153 ** registered using [sqlite3_wal_hook()]. ^Likewise, registering a callback
8154 ** using [sqlite3_wal_hook()] disables the automatic checkpoint mechanism
8155 ** configured by this function.
8157 ** ^The [wal_autocheckpoint pragma] can be used to invoke this interface
8158 ** from SQL.
8160 ** ^Checkpoints initiated by this mechanism are
8161 ** [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2|PASSIVE].
8163 ** ^Every new [database connection] defaults to having the auto-checkpoint
8164 ** enabled with a threshold of 1000 or [SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT]
8165 ** pages. The use of this interface
8166 ** is only necessary if the default setting is found to be suboptimal
8167 ** for a particular application.
8169 int sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint(sqlite3 *db, int N);
8172 ** CAPI3REF: Checkpoint a database
8173 ** METHOD: sqlite3
8175 ** ^(The sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(D,X) is equivalent to
8176 ** [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2](D,X,[SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE],0,0).)^
8178 ** In brief, sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(D,X) causes the content in the
8179 ** [write-ahead log] for database X on [database connection] D to be
8180 ** transferred into the database file and for the write-ahead log to
8181 ** be reset. See the [checkpointing] documentation for addition
8182 ** information.
8184 ** This interface used to be the only way to cause a checkpoint to
8185 ** occur. But then the newer and more powerful [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()]
8186 ** interface was added. This interface is retained for backwards
8187 ** compatibility and as a convenience for applications that need to manually
8188 ** start a callback but which do not need the full power (and corresponding
8189 ** complication) of [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()].
8191 int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb);
8194 ** CAPI3REF: Checkpoint a database
8195 ** METHOD: sqlite3
8197 ** ^(The sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2(D,X,M,L,C) interface runs a checkpoint
8198 ** operation on database X of [database connection] D in mode M. Status
8199 ** information is written back into integers pointed to by L and C.)^
8200 ** ^(The M parameter must be a valid [checkpoint mode]:)^
8202 ** <dl>
8204 ** ^Checkpoint as many frames as possible without waiting for any database
8205 ** readers or writers to finish, then sync the database file if all frames
8206 ** in the log were checkpointed. ^The [busy-handler callback]
8207 ** is never invoked in the SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE mode.
8208 ** ^On the other hand, passive mode might leave the checkpoint unfinished
8209 ** if there are concurrent readers or writers.
8212 ** ^This mode blocks (it invokes the
8213 ** [sqlite3_busy_handler|busy-handler callback]) until there is no
8214 ** database writer and all readers are reading from the most recent database
8215 ** snapshot. ^It then checkpoints all frames in the log file and syncs the
8216 ** database file. ^This mode blocks new database writers while it is pending,
8217 ** but new database readers are allowed to continue unimpeded.
8220 ** ^This mode works the same way as SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL with the addition
8221 ** that after checkpointing the log file it blocks (calls the
8222 ** [busy-handler callback])
8223 ** until all readers are reading from the database file only. ^This ensures
8224 ** that the next writer will restart the log file from the beginning.
8225 ** ^Like SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL, this mode blocks new
8226 ** database writer attempts while it is pending, but does not impede readers.
8229 ** ^This mode works the same way as SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART with the
8230 ** addition that it also truncates the log file to zero bytes just prior
8231 ** to a successful return.
8232 ** </dl>
8234 ** ^If pnLog is not NULL, then *pnLog is set to the total number of frames in
8235 ** the log file or to -1 if the checkpoint could not run because
8236 ** of an error or because the database is not in [WAL mode]. ^If pnCkpt is not
8237 ** NULL,then *pnCkpt is set to the total number of checkpointed frames in the
8238 ** log file (including any that were already checkpointed before the function
8239 ** was called) or to -1 if the checkpoint could not run due to an error or
8240 ** because the database is not in WAL mode. ^Note that upon successful
8241 ** completion of an SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_TRUNCATE, the log file will have been
8242 ** truncated to zero bytes and so both *pnLog and *pnCkpt will be set to zero.
8244 ** ^All calls obtain an exclusive "checkpoint" lock on the database file. ^If
8245 ** any other process is running a checkpoint operation at the same time, the
8246 ** lock cannot be obtained and SQLITE_BUSY is returned. ^Even if there is a
8247 ** busy-handler configured, it will not be invoked in this case.
8249 ** ^The SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL, RESTART and TRUNCATE modes also obtain the
8250 ** exclusive "writer" lock on the database file. ^If the writer lock cannot be
8251 ** obtained immediately, and a busy-handler is configured, it is invoked and
8252 ** the writer lock retried until either the busy-handler returns 0 or the lock
8253 ** is successfully obtained. ^The busy-handler is also invoked while waiting for
8254 ** database readers as described above. ^If the busy-handler returns 0 before
8255 ** the writer lock is obtained or while waiting for database readers, the
8256 ** checkpoint operation proceeds from that point in the same way as
8257 ** SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE - checkpointing as many frames as possible
8258 ** without blocking any further. ^SQLITE_BUSY is returned in this case.
8260 ** ^If parameter zDb is NULL or points to a zero length string, then the
8261 ** specified operation is attempted on all WAL databases [attached] to
8262 ** [database connection] db. In this case the
8263 ** values written to output parameters *pnLog and *pnCkpt are undefined. ^If
8264 ** an SQLITE_BUSY error is encountered when processing one or more of the
8265 ** attached WAL databases, the operation is still attempted on any remaining
8266 ** attached databases and SQLITE_BUSY is returned at the end. ^If any other
8267 ** error occurs while processing an attached database, processing is abandoned
8268 ** and the error code is returned to the caller immediately. ^If no error
8269 ** (SQLITE_BUSY or otherwise) is encountered while processing the attached
8270 ** databases, SQLITE_OK is returned.
8272 ** ^If database zDb is the name of an attached database that is not in WAL
8273 ** mode, SQLITE_OK is returned and both *pnLog and *pnCkpt set to -1. ^If
8274 ** zDb is not NULL (or a zero length string) and is not the name of any
8275 ** attached database, SQLITE_ERROR is returned to the caller.
8277 ** ^Unless it returns SQLITE_MISUSE,
8278 ** the sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2() interface
8279 ** sets the error information that is queried by
8280 ** [sqlite3_errcode()] and [sqlite3_errmsg()].
8282 ** ^The [PRAGMA wal_checkpoint] command can be used to invoke this interface
8283 ** from SQL.
8285 int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2(
8286 sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
8287 const char *zDb, /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */
8288 int eMode, /* SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_* value */
8289 int *pnLog, /* OUT: Size of WAL log in frames */
8290 int *pnCkpt /* OUT: Total number of frames checkpointed */
8294 ** CAPI3REF: Checkpoint Mode Values
8295 ** KEYWORDS: {checkpoint mode}
8297 ** These constants define all valid values for the "checkpoint mode" passed
8298 ** as the third parameter to the [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()] interface.
8299 ** See the [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()] documentation for details on the
8300 ** meaning of each of these checkpoint modes.
8302 #define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE 0 /* Do as much as possible w/o blocking */
8303 #define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL 1 /* Wait for writers, then checkpoint */
8304 #define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART 2 /* Like FULL but wait for for readers */
8305 #define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_TRUNCATE 3 /* Like RESTART but also truncate WAL */
8308 ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Interface Configuration
8310 ** This function may be called by either the [xConnect] or [xCreate] method
8311 ** of a [virtual table] implementation to configure
8312 ** various facets of the virtual table interface.
8314 ** If this interface is invoked outside the context of an xConnect or
8315 ** xCreate virtual table method then the behavior is undefined.
8317 ** At present, there is only one option that may be configured using
8318 ** this function. (See [SQLITE_VTAB_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT].) Further options
8319 ** may be added in the future.
8321 int sqlite3_vtab_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...);
8324 ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Configuration Options
8326 ** These macros define the various options to the
8327 ** [sqlite3_vtab_config()] interface that [virtual table] implementations
8328 ** can use to customize and optimize their behavior.
8330 ** <dl>
8332 ** <dd>Calls of the form
8333 ** [sqlite3_vtab_config](db,SQLITE_VTAB_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT,X) are supported,
8334 ** where X is an integer. If X is zero, then the [virtual table] whose
8335 ** [xCreate] or [xConnect] method invoked [sqlite3_vtab_config()] does not
8336 ** support constraints. In this configuration (which is the default) if
8337 ** a call to the [xUpdate] method returns [SQLITE_CONSTRAINT], then the entire
8338 ** statement is rolled back as if [ON CONFLICT | OR ABORT] had been
8339 ** specified as part of the users SQL statement, regardless of the actual
8340 ** ON CONFLICT mode specified.
8342 ** If X is non-zero, then the virtual table implementation guarantees
8343 ** that if [xUpdate] returns [SQLITE_CONSTRAINT], it will do so before
8344 ** any modifications to internal or persistent data structures have been made.
8345 ** If the [ON CONFLICT] mode is ABORT, FAIL, IGNORE or ROLLBACK, SQLite
8346 ** is able to roll back a statement or database transaction, and abandon
8347 ** or continue processing the current SQL statement as appropriate.
8348 ** If the ON CONFLICT mode is REPLACE and the [xUpdate] method returns
8349 ** [SQLITE_CONSTRAINT], SQLite handles this as if the ON CONFLICT mode
8350 ** had been ABORT.
8352 ** Virtual table implementations that are required to handle OR REPLACE
8353 ** must do so within the [xUpdate] method. If a call to the
8354 ** [sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict()] function indicates that the current ON
8355 ** CONFLICT policy is REPLACE, the virtual table implementation should
8356 ** silently replace the appropriate rows within the xUpdate callback and
8357 ** return SQLITE_OK. Or, if this is not possible, it may return
8358 ** SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, in which case SQLite falls back to OR ABORT
8359 ** constraint handling.
8360 ** </dl>
8365 ** CAPI3REF: Determine The Virtual Table Conflict Policy
8367 ** This function may only be called from within a call to the [xUpdate] method
8368 ** of a [virtual table] implementation for an INSERT or UPDATE operation. ^The
8369 ** value returned is one of [SQLITE_ROLLBACK], [SQLITE_IGNORE], [SQLITE_FAIL],
8370 ** [SQLITE_ABORT], or [SQLITE_REPLACE], according to the [ON CONFLICT] mode
8371 ** of the SQL statement that triggered the call to the [xUpdate] method of the
8372 ** [virtual table].
8374 int sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict(sqlite3 *);
8377 ** CAPI3REF: Determine If Virtual Table Column Access Is For UPDATE
8379 ** If the sqlite3_vtab_nochange(X) routine is called within the [xColumn]
8380 ** method of a [virtual table], then it returns true if and only if the
8381 ** column is being fetched as part of an UPDATE operation during which the
8382 ** column value will not change. Applications might use this to substitute
8383 ** a lighter-weight value to return that the corresponding [xUpdate] method
8384 ** understands as a "no-change" value.
8386 ** If the [xColumn] method calls sqlite3_vtab_nochange() and finds that
8387 ** the column is not changed by the UPDATE statement, they the xColumn
8388 ** method can optionally return without setting a result, without calling
8389 ** any of the [sqlite3_result_int|sqlite3_result_xxxxx() interfaces].
8390 ** In that case, [sqlite3_value_nochange(X)] will return true for the
8391 ** same column in the [xUpdate] method.
8393 int sqlite3_vtab_nochange(sqlite3_context*);
8396 ** CAPI3REF: Determine The Collation For a Virtual Table Constraint
8398 ** This function may only be called from within a call to the [xBestIndex]
8399 ** method of a [virtual table].
8401 ** The first argument must be the sqlite3_index_info object that is the
8402 ** first parameter to the xBestIndex() method. The second argument must be
8403 ** an index into the aConstraint[] array belonging to the sqlite3_index_info
8404 ** structure passed to xBestIndex. This function returns a pointer to a buffer
8405 ** containing the name of the collation sequence for the corresponding
8406 ** constraint.
8408 SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL const char *sqlite3_vtab_collation(sqlite3_index_info*,int);
8411 ** CAPI3REF: Conflict resolution modes
8412 ** KEYWORDS: {conflict resolution mode}
8414 ** These constants are returned by [sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict()] to
8415 ** inform a [virtual table] implementation what the [ON CONFLICT] mode
8416 ** is for the SQL statement being evaluated.
8418 ** Note that the [SQLITE_IGNORE] constant is also used as a potential
8419 ** return value from the [sqlite3_set_authorizer()] callback and that
8420 ** [SQLITE_ABORT] is also a [result code].
8422 #define SQLITE_ROLLBACK 1
8423 /* #define SQLITE_IGNORE 2 // Also used by sqlite3_authorizer() callback */
8424 #define SQLITE_FAIL 3
8425 /* #define SQLITE_ABORT 4 // Also an error code */
8426 #define SQLITE_REPLACE 5
8429 ** CAPI3REF: Prepared Statement Scan Status Opcodes
8430 ** KEYWORDS: {scanstatus options}
8432 ** The following constants can be used for the T parameter to the
8433 ** [sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus(S,X,T,V)] interface. Each constant designates a
8434 ** different metric for sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus() to return.
8436 ** When the value returned to V is a string, space to hold that string is
8437 ** managed by the prepared statement S and will be automatically freed when
8438 ** S is finalized.
8440 ** <dl>
8442 ** <dd>^The [sqlite3_int64] variable pointed to by the T parameter will be
8443 ** set to the total number of times that the X-th loop has run.</dd>
8446 ** <dd>^The [sqlite3_int64] variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set
8447 ** to the total number of rows examined by all iterations of the X-th loop.</dd>
8450 ** <dd>^The "double" variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set to the
8451 ** query planner's estimate for the average number of rows output from each
8452 ** iteration of the X-th loop. If the query planner's estimates was accurate,
8453 ** then this value will approximate the quotient NVISIT/NLOOP and the
8454 ** product of this value for all prior loops with the same SELECTID will
8455 ** be the NLOOP value for the current loop.
8458 ** <dd>^The "const char *" variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set
8459 ** to a zero-terminated UTF-8 string containing the name of the index or table
8460 ** used for the X-th loop.
8463 ** <dd>^The "const char *" variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set
8464 ** to a zero-terminated UTF-8 string containing the [EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN]
8465 ** description for the X-th loop.
8468 ** <dd>^The "int" variable pointed to by the T parameter will be set to the
8469 ** "select-id" for the X-th loop. The select-id identifies which query or
8470 ** subquery the loop is part of. The main query has a select-id of zero.
8471 ** The select-id is the same value as is output in the first column
8472 ** of an [EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN] query.
8473 ** </dl>
8477 #define SQLITE_SCANSTAT_EST 2
8483 ** CAPI3REF: Prepared Statement Scan Status
8484 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
8486 ** This interface returns information about the predicted and measured
8487 ** performance for pStmt. Advanced applications can use this
8488 ** interface to compare the predicted and the measured performance and
8489 ** issue warnings and/or rerun [ANALYZE] if discrepancies are found.
8491 ** Since this interface is expected to be rarely used, it is only
8492 ** available if SQLite is compiled using the [SQLITE_ENABLE_STMT_SCANSTATUS]
8493 ** compile-time option.
8495 ** The "iScanStatusOp" parameter determines which status information to return.
8496 ** The "iScanStatusOp" must be one of the [scanstatus options] or the behavior
8497 ** of this interface is undefined.
8498 ** ^The requested measurement is written into a variable pointed to by
8499 ** the "pOut" parameter.
8500 ** Parameter "idx" identifies the specific loop to retrieve statistics for.
8501 ** Loops are numbered starting from zero. ^If idx is out of range - less than
8502 ** zero or greater than or equal to the total number of loops used to implement
8503 ** the statement - a non-zero value is returned and the variable that pOut
8504 ** points to is unchanged.
8506 ** ^Statistics might not be available for all loops in all statements. ^In cases
8507 ** where there exist loops with no available statistics, this function behaves
8508 ** as if the loop did not exist - it returns non-zero and leave the variable
8509 ** that pOut points to unchanged.
8511 ** See also: [sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus_reset()]
8513 int sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus(
8514 sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, /* Prepared statement for which info desired */
8515 int idx, /* Index of loop to report on */
8516 int iScanStatusOp, /* Information desired. SQLITE_SCANSTAT_* */
8517 void *pOut /* Result written here */
8521 ** CAPI3REF: Zero Scan-Status Counters
8522 ** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
8524 ** ^Zero all [sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus()] related event counters.
8526 ** This API is only available if the library is built with pre-processor
8527 ** symbol [SQLITE_ENABLE_STMT_SCANSTATUS] defined.
8529 void sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus_reset(sqlite3_stmt*);
8532 ** CAPI3REF: Flush caches to disk mid-transaction
8534 ** ^If a write-transaction is open on [database connection] D when the
8535 ** [sqlite3_db_cacheflush(D)] interface invoked, any dirty
8536 ** pages in the pager-cache that are not currently in use are written out
8537 ** to disk. A dirty page may be in use if a database cursor created by an
8538 ** active SQL statement is reading from it, or if it is page 1 of a database
8539 ** file (page 1 is always "in use"). ^The [sqlite3_db_cacheflush(D)]
8540 ** interface flushes caches for all schemas - "main", "temp", and
8541 ** any [attached] databases.
8543 ** ^If this function needs to obtain extra database locks before dirty pages
8544 ** can be flushed to disk, it does so. ^If those locks cannot be obtained
8545 ** immediately and there is a busy-handler callback configured, it is invoked
8546 ** in the usual manner. ^If the required lock still cannot be obtained, then
8547 ** the database is skipped and an attempt made to flush any dirty pages
8548 ** belonging to the next (if any) database. ^If any databases are skipped
8549 ** because locks cannot be obtained, but no other error occurs, this
8550 ** function returns SQLITE_BUSY.
8552 ** ^If any other error occurs while flushing dirty pages to disk (for
8553 ** example an IO error or out-of-memory condition), then processing is
8554 ** abandoned and an SQLite [error code] is returned to the caller immediately.
8556 ** ^Otherwise, if no error occurs, [sqlite3_db_cacheflush()] returns SQLITE_OK.
8558 ** ^This function does not set the database handle error code or message
8559 ** returned by the [sqlite3_errcode()] and [sqlite3_errmsg()] functions.
8561 int sqlite3_db_cacheflush(sqlite3*);
8564 ** CAPI3REF: The pre-update hook.
8566 ** ^These interfaces are only available if SQLite is compiled using the
8567 ** [SQLITE_ENABLE_PREUPDATE_HOOK] compile-time option.
8569 ** ^The [sqlite3_preupdate_hook()] interface registers a callback function
8570 ** that is invoked prior to each [INSERT], [UPDATE], and [DELETE] operation
8571 ** on a database table.
8572 ** ^At most one preupdate hook may be registered at a time on a single
8573 ** [database connection]; each call to [sqlite3_preupdate_hook()] overrides
8574 ** the previous setting.
8575 ** ^The preupdate hook is disabled by invoking [sqlite3_preupdate_hook()]
8576 ** with a NULL pointer as the second parameter.
8577 ** ^The third parameter to [sqlite3_preupdate_hook()] is passed through as
8578 ** the first parameter to callbacks.
8580 ** ^The preupdate hook only fires for changes to real database tables; the
8581 ** preupdate hook is not invoked for changes to [virtual tables] or to
8582 ** system tables like sqlite_master or sqlite_stat1.
8584 ** ^The second parameter to the preupdate callback is a pointer to
8585 ** the [database connection] that registered the preupdate hook.
8586 ** ^The third parameter to the preupdate callback is one of the constants
8587 ** [SQLITE_INSERT], [SQLITE_DELETE], or [SQLITE_UPDATE] to identify the
8588 ** kind of update operation that is about to occur.
8589 ** ^(The fourth parameter to the preupdate callback is the name of the
8590 ** database within the database connection that is being modified. This
8591 ** will be "main" for the main database or "temp" for TEMP tables or
8592 ** the name given after the AS keyword in the [ATTACH] statement for attached
8593 ** databases.)^
8594 ** ^The fifth parameter to the preupdate callback is the name of the
8595 ** table that is being modified.
8597 ** For an UPDATE or DELETE operation on a [rowid table], the sixth
8598 ** parameter passed to the preupdate callback is the initial [rowid] of the
8599 ** row being modified or deleted. For an INSERT operation on a rowid table,
8600 ** or any operation on a WITHOUT ROWID table, the value of the sixth
8601 ** parameter is undefined. For an INSERT or UPDATE on a rowid table the
8602 ** seventh parameter is the final rowid value of the row being inserted
8603 ** or updated. The value of the seventh parameter passed to the callback
8604 ** function is not defined for operations on WITHOUT ROWID tables, or for
8605 ** INSERT operations on rowid tables.
8607 ** The [sqlite3_preupdate_old()], [sqlite3_preupdate_new()],
8608 ** [sqlite3_preupdate_count()], and [sqlite3_preupdate_depth()] interfaces
8609 ** provide additional information about a preupdate event. These routines
8610 ** may only be called from within a preupdate callback. Invoking any of
8611 ** these routines from outside of a preupdate callback or with a
8612 ** [database connection] pointer that is different from the one supplied
8613 ** to the preupdate callback results in undefined and probably undesirable
8614 ** behavior.
8616 ** ^The [sqlite3_preupdate_count(D)] interface returns the number of columns
8617 ** in the row that is being inserted, updated, or deleted.
8619 ** ^The [sqlite3_preupdate_old(D,N,P)] interface writes into P a pointer to
8620 ** a [protected sqlite3_value] that contains the value of the Nth column of
8621 ** the table row before it is updated. The N parameter must be between 0
8622 ** and one less than the number of columns or the behavior will be
8623 ** undefined. This must only be used within SQLITE_UPDATE and SQLITE_DELETE
8624 ** preupdate callbacks; if it is used by an SQLITE_INSERT callback then the
8625 ** behavior is undefined. The [sqlite3_value] that P points to
8626 ** will be destroyed when the preupdate callback returns.
8628 ** ^The [sqlite3_preupdate_new(D,N,P)] interface writes into P a pointer to
8629 ** a [protected sqlite3_value] that contains the value of the Nth column of
8630 ** the table row after it is updated. The N parameter must be between 0
8631 ** and one less than the number of columns or the behavior will be
8632 ** undefined. This must only be used within SQLITE_INSERT and SQLITE_UPDATE
8633 ** preupdate callbacks; if it is used by an SQLITE_DELETE callback then the
8634 ** behavior is undefined. The [sqlite3_value] that P points to
8635 ** will be destroyed when the preupdate callback returns.
8637 ** ^The [sqlite3_preupdate_depth(D)] interface returns 0 if the preupdate
8638 ** callback was invoked as a result of a direct insert, update, or delete
8639 ** operation; or 1 for inserts, updates, or deletes invoked by top-level
8640 ** triggers; or 2 for changes resulting from triggers called by top-level
8641 ** triggers; and so forth.
8643 ** See also: [sqlite3_update_hook()]
8646 void *sqlite3_preupdate_hook(
8647 sqlite3 *db,
8648 void(*xPreUpdate)(
8649 void *pCtx, /* Copy of third arg to preupdate_hook() */
8650 sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
8651 int op, /* SQLITE_UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT */
8652 char const *zDb, /* Database name */
8653 char const *zName, /* Table name */
8654 sqlite3_int64 iKey1, /* Rowid of row about to be deleted/updated */
8655 sqlite3_int64 iKey2 /* New rowid value (for a rowid UPDATE) */
8657 void*
8659 int sqlite3_preupdate_old(sqlite3 *, int, sqlite3_value **);
8660 int sqlite3_preupdate_count(sqlite3 *);
8661 int sqlite3_preupdate_depth(sqlite3 *);
8662 int sqlite3_preupdate_new(sqlite3 *, int, sqlite3_value **);
8663 #endif
8666 ** CAPI3REF: Low-level system error code
8668 ** ^Attempt to return the underlying operating system error code or error
8669 ** number that caused the most recent I/O error or failure to open a file.
8670 ** The return value is OS-dependent. For example, on unix systems, after
8671 ** [sqlite3_open_v2()] returns [SQLITE_CANTOPEN], this interface could be
8672 ** called to get back the underlying "errno" that caused the problem, such
8673 ** as ENOSPC, EAUTH, EISDIR, and so forth.
8675 int sqlite3_system_errno(sqlite3*);
8678 ** CAPI3REF: Database Snapshot
8679 ** KEYWORDS: {snapshot} {sqlite3_snapshot}
8682 ** An instance of the snapshot object records the state of a [WAL mode]
8683 ** database for some specific point in history.
8685 ** In [WAL mode], multiple [database connections] that are open on the
8686 ** same database file can each be reading a different historical version
8687 ** of the database file. When a [database connection] begins a read
8688 ** transaction, that connection sees an unchanging copy of the database
8689 ** as it existed for the point in time when the transaction first started.
8690 ** Subsequent changes to the database from other connections are not seen
8691 ** by the reader until a new read transaction is started.
8693 ** The sqlite3_snapshot object records state information about an historical
8694 ** version of the database file so that it is possible to later open a new read
8695 ** transaction that sees that historical version of the database rather than
8696 ** the most recent version.
8698 ** The constructor for this object is [sqlite3_snapshot_get()]. The
8699 ** [sqlite3_snapshot_open()] method causes a fresh read transaction to refer
8700 ** to an historical snapshot (if possible). The destructor for
8701 ** sqlite3_snapshot objects is [sqlite3_snapshot_free()].
8703 typedef struct sqlite3_snapshot {
8704 unsigned char hidden[48];
8705 } sqlite3_snapshot;
8708 ** CAPI3REF: Record A Database Snapshot
8711 ** ^The [sqlite3_snapshot_get(D,S,P)] interface attempts to make a
8712 ** new [sqlite3_snapshot] object that records the current state of
8713 ** schema S in database connection D. ^On success, the
8714 ** [sqlite3_snapshot_get(D,S,P)] interface writes a pointer to the newly
8715 ** created [sqlite3_snapshot] object into *P and returns SQLITE_OK.
8716 ** If there is not already a read-transaction open on schema S when
8717 ** this function is called, one is opened automatically.
8719 ** The following must be true for this function to succeed. If any of
8720 ** the following statements are false when sqlite3_snapshot_get() is
8721 ** called, SQLITE_ERROR is returned. The final value of *P is undefined
8722 ** in this case.
8724 ** <ul>
8725 ** <li> The database handle must be in [autocommit mode].
8727 ** <li> Schema S of [database connection] D must be a [WAL mode] database.
8729 ** <li> There must not be a write transaction open on schema S of database
8730 ** connection D.
8732 ** <li> One or more transactions must have been written to the current wal
8733 ** file since it was created on disk (by any connection). This means
8734 ** that a snapshot cannot be taken on a wal mode database with no wal
8735 ** file immediately after it is first opened. At least one transaction
8736 ** must be written to it first.
8737 ** </ul>
8739 ** This function may also return SQLITE_NOMEM. If it is called with the
8740 ** database handle in autocommit mode but fails for some other reason,
8741 ** whether or not a read transaction is opened on schema S is undefined.
8743 ** The [sqlite3_snapshot] object returned from a successful call to
8744 ** [sqlite3_snapshot_get()] must be freed using [sqlite3_snapshot_free()]
8745 ** to avoid a memory leak.
8747 ** The [sqlite3_snapshot_get()] interface is only available when the
8748 ** SQLITE_ENABLE_SNAPSHOT compile-time option is used.
8750 SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_snapshot_get(
8751 sqlite3 *db,
8752 const char *zSchema,
8753 sqlite3_snapshot **ppSnapshot
8757 ** CAPI3REF: Start a read transaction on an historical snapshot
8760 ** ^The [sqlite3_snapshot_open(D,S,P)] interface starts a
8761 ** read transaction for schema S of
8762 ** [database connection] D such that the read transaction
8763 ** refers to historical [snapshot] P, rather than the most
8764 ** recent change to the database.
8765 ** ^The [sqlite3_snapshot_open()] interface returns SQLITE_OK on success
8766 ** or an appropriate [error code] if it fails.
8768 ** ^In order to succeed, a call to [sqlite3_snapshot_open(D,S,P)] must be
8769 ** the first operation following the [BEGIN] that takes the schema S
8770 ** out of [autocommit mode].
8771 ** ^In other words, schema S must not currently be in
8772 ** a transaction for [sqlite3_snapshot_open(D,S,P)] to work, but the
8773 ** database connection D must be out of [autocommit mode].
8774 ** ^A [snapshot] will fail to open if it has been overwritten by a
8775 ** [checkpoint].
8776 ** ^(A call to [sqlite3_snapshot_open(D,S,P)] will fail if the
8777 ** database connection D does not know that the database file for
8778 ** schema S is in [WAL mode]. A database connection might not know
8779 ** that the database file is in [WAL mode] if there has been no prior
8780 ** I/O on that database connection, or if the database entered [WAL mode]
8781 ** after the most recent I/O on the database connection.)^
8782 ** (Hint: Run "[PRAGMA application_id]" against a newly opened
8783 ** database connection in order to make it ready to use snapshots.)
8785 ** The [sqlite3_snapshot_open()] interface is only available when the
8786 ** SQLITE_ENABLE_SNAPSHOT compile-time option is used.
8788 SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_snapshot_open(
8789 sqlite3 *db,
8790 const char *zSchema,
8791 sqlite3_snapshot *pSnapshot
8795 ** CAPI3REF: Destroy a snapshot
8798 ** ^The [sqlite3_snapshot_free(P)] interface destroys [sqlite3_snapshot] P.
8799 ** The application must eventually free every [sqlite3_snapshot] object
8800 ** using this routine to avoid a memory leak.
8802 ** The [sqlite3_snapshot_free()] interface is only available when the
8803 ** SQLITE_ENABLE_SNAPSHOT compile-time option is used.
8805 SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL void sqlite3_snapshot_free(sqlite3_snapshot*);
8808 ** CAPI3REF: Compare the ages of two snapshot handles.
8811 ** The sqlite3_snapshot_cmp(P1, P2) interface is used to compare the ages
8812 ** of two valid snapshot handles.
8814 ** If the two snapshot handles are not associated with the same database
8815 ** file, the result of the comparison is undefined.
8817 ** Additionally, the result of the comparison is only valid if both of the
8818 ** snapshot handles were obtained by calling sqlite3_snapshot_get() since the
8819 ** last time the wal file was deleted. The wal file is deleted when the
8820 ** database is changed back to rollback mode or when the number of database
8821 ** clients drops to zero. If either snapshot handle was obtained before the
8822 ** wal file was last deleted, the value returned by this function
8823 ** is undefined.
8825 ** Otherwise, this API returns a negative value if P1 refers to an older
8826 ** snapshot than P2, zero if the two handles refer to the same database
8827 ** snapshot, and a positive value if P1 is a newer snapshot than P2.
8829 SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_snapshot_cmp(
8830 sqlite3_snapshot *p1,
8831 sqlite3_snapshot *p2
8835 ** CAPI3REF: Recover snapshots from a wal file
8838 ** If all connections disconnect from a database file but do not perform
8839 ** a checkpoint, the existing wal file is opened along with the database
8840 ** file the next time the database is opened. At this point it is only
8841 ** possible to successfully call sqlite3_snapshot_open() to open the most
8842 ** recent snapshot of the database (the one at the head of the wal file),
8843 ** even though the wal file may contain other valid snapshots for which
8844 ** clients have sqlite3_snapshot handles.
8846 ** This function attempts to scan the wal file associated with database zDb
8847 ** of database handle db and make all valid snapshots available to
8848 ** sqlite3_snapshot_open(). It is an error if there is already a read
8849 ** transaction open on the database, or if the database is not a wal mode
8850 ** database.
8852 ** SQLITE_OK is returned if successful, or an SQLite error code otherwise.
8854 SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_snapshot_recover(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb);
8857 ** CAPI3REF: Serialize a database
8859 ** The sqlite3_serialize(D,S,P,F) interface returns a pointer to memory
8860 ** that is a serialization of the S database on [database connection] D.
8861 ** If P is not a NULL pointer, then the size of the database in bytes
8862 ** is written into *P.
8864 ** For an ordinary on-disk database file, the serialization is just a
8865 ** copy of the disk file. For an in-memory database or a "TEMP" database,
8866 ** the serialization is the same sequence of bytes which would be written
8867 ** to disk if that database where backed up to disk.
8869 ** The usual case is that sqlite3_serialize() copies the serialization of
8870 ** the database into memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc64()] and returns
8871 ** a pointer to that memory. The caller is responsible for freeing the
8872 ** returned value to avoid a memory leak. However, if the F argument
8873 ** contains the SQLITE_SERIALIZE_NOCOPY bit, then no memory allocations
8874 ** are made, and the sqlite3_serialize() function will return a pointer
8875 ** to the contiguous memory representation of the database that SQLite
8876 ** is currently using for that database, or NULL if the no such contiguous
8877 ** memory representation of the database exists. A contiguous memory
8878 ** representation of the database will usually only exist if there has
8879 ** been a prior call to [sqlite3_deserialize(D,S,...)] with the same
8880 ** values of D and S.
8881 ** The size of the database is written into *P even if the
8882 ** SQLITE_SERIALIZE_NOCOPY bit is set but no contigious copy
8883 ** of the database exists.
8885 ** A call to sqlite3_serialize(D,S,P,F) might return NULL even if the
8886 ** SQLITE_SERIALIZE_NOCOPY bit is omitted from argument F if a memory
8887 ** allocation error occurs.
8889 ** This interface is only available if SQLite is compiled with the
8892 unsigned char *sqlite3_serialize(
8893 sqlite3 *db, /* The database connection */
8894 const char *zSchema, /* Which DB to serialize. ex: "main", "temp", ... */
8895 sqlite3_int64 *piSize, /* Write size of the DB here, if not NULL */
8896 unsigned int mFlags /* Zero or more SQLITE_SERIALIZE_* flags */
8900 ** CAPI3REF: Flags for sqlite3_serialize
8902 ** Zero or more of the following constants can be OR-ed together for
8903 ** the F argument to [sqlite3_serialize(D,S,P,F)].
8905 ** SQLITE_SERIALIZE_NOCOPY means that [sqlite3_serialize()] will return
8906 ** a pointer to contiguous in-memory database that it is currently using,
8907 ** without making a copy of the database. If SQLite is not currently using
8908 ** a contiguous in-memory database, then this option causes
8909 ** [sqlite3_serialize()] to return a NULL pointer. SQLite will only be
8910 ** using a contiguous in-memory database if it has been initialized by a
8911 ** prior call to [sqlite3_deserialize()].
8913 #define SQLITE_SERIALIZE_NOCOPY 0x001 /* Do no memory allocations */
8916 ** CAPI3REF: Deserialize a database
8918 ** The sqlite3_deserialize(D,S,P,N,M,F) interface causes the
8919 ** [database connection] D to disconnect from database S and then
8920 ** reopen S as an in-memory database based on the serialization contained
8921 ** in P. The serialized database P is N bytes in size. M is the size of
8922 ** the buffer P, which might be larger than N. If M is larger than N, and
8923 ** the SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_READONLY bit is not set in F, then SQLite is
8924 ** permitted to add content to the in-memory database as long as the total
8925 ** size does not exceed M bytes.
8927 ** If the SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_FREEONCLOSE bit is set in F, then SQLite will
8928 ** invoke sqlite3_free() on the serialization buffer when the database
8929 ** connection closes. If the SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_RESIZEABLE bit is set, then
8930 ** SQLite will try to increase the buffer size using sqlite3_realloc64()
8931 ** if writes on the database cause it to grow larger than M bytes.
8933 ** The sqlite3_deserialize() interface will fail with SQLITE_BUSY if the
8934 ** database is currently in a read transaction or is involved in a backup
8935 ** operation.
8937 ** If sqlite3_deserialize(D,S,P,N,M,F) fails for any reason and if the
8938 ** SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_FREEONCLOSE bit is set in argument F, then
8939 ** [sqlite3_free()] is invoked on argument P prior to returning.
8941 ** This interface is only available if SQLite is compiled with the
8944 int sqlite3_deserialize(
8945 sqlite3 *db, /* The database connection */
8946 const char *zSchema, /* Which DB to reopen with the deserialization */
8947 unsigned char *pData, /* The serialized database content */
8948 sqlite3_int64 szDb, /* Number bytes in the deserialization */
8949 sqlite3_int64 szBuf, /* Total size of buffer pData[] */
8950 unsigned mFlags /* Zero or more SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_* flags */
8954 ** CAPI3REF: Flags for sqlite3_deserialize()
8956 ** The following are allowed values for 6th argument (the F argument) to
8957 ** the [sqlite3_deserialize(D,S,P,N,M,F)] interface.
8959 ** The SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_FREEONCLOSE means that the database serialization
8960 ** in the P argument is held in memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc64()]
8961 ** and that SQLite should take ownership of this memory and automatically
8962 ** free it when it has finished using it. Without this flag, the caller
8963 ** is resposible for freeing any dynamically allocated memory.
8965 ** The SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_RESIZEABLE flag means that SQLite is allowed to
8966 ** grow the size of the database using calls to [sqlite3_realloc64()]. This
8967 ** flag should only be used if SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_FREEONCLOSE is also used.
8968 ** Without this flag, the deserialized database cannot increase in size beyond
8969 ** the number of bytes specified by the M parameter.
8971 ** The SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_READONLY flag means that the deserialized database
8972 ** should be treated as read-only.
8974 #define SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_FREEONCLOSE 1 /* Call sqlite3_free() on close */
8975 #define SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_RESIZEABLE 2 /* Resize using sqlite3_realloc64() */
8976 #define SQLITE_DESERIALIZE_READONLY 4 /* Database is read-only */
8979 ** Undo the hack that converts floating point types to integer for
8980 ** builds on processors without floating point support.
8983 # undef double
8984 #endif
8986 #ifdef __cplusplus
8987 } /* End of the 'extern "C"' block */
8988 #endif
8989 #endif /* SQLITE3_H */