debug cmdline option for type inferrer
[sqlgg.git] / src /
1 (** SQL syntax and RA *)
3 open Stmt
4 open Operators
5 open ListMore
6 open Apply
7 open Sql
8 open Printf
10 type expr = [ `Value of Type.t (** literal value *)
11 | `Param of param
12 | `Func of Type.t * expr list (** return type, parameters *)
13 | `Column of string * string option (** name, table *)
15 deriving (Show)
17 type expr_q = [ `Value of Type.t (** literal value *)
18 | `Param of param
19 | `Func of Type.t * expr_q list (** return type, parameters *)
21 deriving (Show)
23 let expr_to_string =<expr>
25 type column =
26 | All
27 | AllOf of string
28 | Expr of expr * string option (** name *)
29 deriving (Show)
31 type columns = column list deriving (Show)
33 let collect f l = List.flatten ( f l)
35 (* FIXME *)
36 let schema_as_params = (fun attr -> (Some,(0,0)), Some attr.RA.domain)
38 (** replace every Column with Value of corresponding type *)
39 let resolve_columns tables joined_schema expr =
40 let schema_of_table name = name >> Tables.get_from tables >> snd in
41 let rec each e =
42 match e with
43 | `Value x -> `Value x
44 | `Column (name,table) ->
45 let attr = RA.Schema.find (Option.map_default schema_of_table joined_schema table) name in
46 `Value attr.RA.domain
47 | `Param x -> `Param x
48 | `Func (r,l) -> `Func (r,( each l))
50 each expr
52 (** assign types to parameters where possible *)
53 let assign_types expr =
54 let rec typeof e = (* FIXME simplify *)
55 match e with
56 | `Value t -> e, t
57 | `Func (ret,l) ->
58 (** Assumption: sql functions/operators have type schema 'a -> ... -> 'a -> 'a -> 'b
59 i.e. all parameters of some equal type *)
60 let (l,t) = l >> typeof >> List.split in
61 let t = match List.filter ((<>) Type.Any) t with
62 | [] -> Type.Any
63 | h::t -> if List.for_all ((=) h) t then h else Type.Any
65 let assign = function
66 | `Param (n,Type.Any) -> `Param (n,t)
67 | x -> x
69 let ret = if Type.Any <> ret then ret else t in
70 `Func (ret,( assign l)),ret
71 | `Param (_,t) -> e, t
73 typeof expr
75 let show_e e =<expr_q> (e) >> print_endline
77 let resolve_types tables joined_schema expr =
78 expr
79 >> resolve_columns tables joined_schema
80 >> tee (if Config.debug1 () then show_e else ignore)
81 >> assign_types
82 >> tee (if Config.debug1 () then print_newline & show_e & fst else ignore)
84 let infer_schema columns tables joined_schema =
85 (* let all = tables >> snd >> List.flatten in *)
86 let schema name = name >> Tables.get_from tables >> snd in
87 let resolve1 = function
88 | All -> joined_schema
89 | AllOf t -> schema t
90 | Expr (e,name) ->
91 let col = begin
92 match e with
93 | `Column (name,Some t) -> RA.Schema.find (schema t) name
94 | `Column (name,None) -> RA.Schema.find joined_schema name
95 | _ -> RA.attr "" (resolve_types tables joined_schema e >> snd)
96 end in
97 let col = Option.map_default (fun n -> {col with = n}) col name in
98 [ col ]
100 collect resolve1 columns
102 let get_params e =
103 let rec loop acc e =
104 match e with
105 | `Param p -> p::acc
106 | `Func (_,l) -> List.fold_left loop acc l
107 | `Value _ -> acc
109 loop [] e >> List.rev
111 let get_params tables joined_schema e =
112 e >> resolve_types tables joined_schema >> fst >> get_params
115 let _ =
116 let e = Sub [Value Type.Text; Param (Next,None); Sub []; Param (Named "ds", Some Type.Int);] in
117 e >> get_params >> to_string >> print_endline
120 let params_of_column tables j_s = function
121 | All | AllOf _ -> []
122 | Expr (e,_) -> get_params tables j_s e
124 let params_of_columns tables j_s = collect (params_of_column tables j_s)
126 let get_params_opt tables j_s = function
127 | Some x -> get_params tables j_s x
128 | None -> []
130 let get_params_l tables j_s l = collect (get_params tables j_s) l
132 let do_join (tables,params,schema) ((table1,params1),kind) =
133 let (_,schema1) = table1 in
134 let tables = tables @ [table1] in
135 let schema = match kind with
136 | `Cross
137 | `Search _
138 | `Default -> RA.Schema.cross schema schema1
139 | `Natural -> RA.Schema.natural schema schema1
140 | `Using l -> RA.Schema.join_using l schema schema1
142 let p = match kind with
143 | `Cross | `Default | `Natural | `Using _ -> []
144 | `Search e -> get_params tables schema e
146 tables,params @ params1 @ p , schema
148 let join ((t0,p0),joins) =
149 let (tables,params,joined_schema) = List.fold_left do_join ([t0],p0,snd t0) joins in
150 (* let joined_schema = tables >> snd >> List.flatten in *)
151 (tables,params,joined_schema)
153 let cross = List.fold_left RA.Schema.cross []
155 (* all columns from tables, without duplicates *)
156 (* FIXME check type of duplicates *)
157 let all_columns = RA.Schema.make_unique & cross
158 let all_tbl_columns = all_columns & snd
160 let split_column_assignments tables l =
161 let cols = ref [] in
162 let exprs = ref [] in
163 let all = all_tbl_columns tables in
164 List.iter (fun ((cname,tname as col),expr) ->
165 cols := col :: !cols;
166 let schema =
167 match tname with
168 | Some name -> Tables.get_from tables name >> snd
169 | None -> all
171 (* hint expression to unify with the column type *)
172 let typ = (RA.Schema.find schema cname).RA.domain in
173 exprs := (`Func (Type.Any, [`Value typ;expr])) :: !exprs) l;
174 (List.rev !cols, List.rev !exprs)
176 let params_of_assigns tables ss =
177 let (_,exprs) = split_column_assignments tables ss in
178 get_params_l tables (cross ( snd tables)) exprs
180 let params_of_order o final_schema tables =
181 get_params_l tables (final_schema :: ( snd tables) >> all_columns) o