7 let named s
= (Some s
8 let param = (None
9 let p name t
= (named name
, t
11 let cmp_params p1 p2
13 List.for_all2
(fun ((name1
) ((name2
) ->
14 name1
= name2
&& t1
= t2
&& pos1
= (0,0) && snd pos2
> fst pos2
20 match Main.parse_one
,[]) with
21 | exception exn
-> assert_failure
@@ sprintf
"failed : %s : %s" (Printexc.to_string exn
) sql
22 | None
-> assert_failure
@@ sprintf
"Failed to parse : %s" sql
25 let do_test sql ?kind schema params
26 let stmt = parse sql
27 assert_equal ~msg
:"schema" ~printer
:Sql.Schema.to_string schema
28 assert_equal ~msg
:"params" ~cmp
:cmp_params ~printer
:Sql.params_to_string params
30 | Some k
-> assert_equal ~msg
:"kind" ~printer
: Stmt.kind
] k
33 let tt sql ?kind schema params
34 let test () = do_test sql ?kind schema params
38 sql
>:: (fun () -> ("Expected error in : " ^ sql
) @?
(try ignore
,[])); false with _
-> true))
41 tt "CREATE TABLE test (id INT, str TEXT, name TEXT)" [] [];
42 tt "SELECT str FROM test WHERE id=?"
45 tt "SELECT x,y+? AS z FROM (SELECT id AS y,CONCAT(str,name) AS x FROM test WHERE id=@id*2) ORDER BY x,x+z LIMIT @lim"
46 [attr
"x" Text
; attr
"z" Int
47 [param,Int
; named "id", Int
; named "lim",Int
; ];
48 tt "select test.name,other.name as other_name from test, test as other where test.id=other.id + @delta"
49 [attr
"name" Text
; attr
"other_name" Text
51 tt "select test.name from test where test.id + @x = ? or test.id - @x = ?"
53 [named "x", Int
; param, Int
; named "x", Int
; param, Int
54 tt "insert into test values"
56 [p "id" Int
; p "str" Text
; p "name" Text
57 tt "insert into test (str,name) values"
59 [p "str" Text
; p "name" Text
60 tt "insert into test values (2,'hello' || ' world',@name)"
63 tt "insert or replace into test values (2,?,?)" [] [param,Text
; param,Text
64 tt "replace into test values (2,?,?)" [] [param,Text
; param,Text
65 tt "select str, case when id > @id then name when id < @id then 'qqq' else @def end as q from test"
66 [attr
"str" Text
; attr
"q" Text
67 [p "id" Int
; p "id" Int
; p "def" Text
68 wrong "insert into test values (1,2)";
69 wrong "insert into test (str,name) values (1,'str','name')";
70 (* check precedence of boolean and arithmetic operators *)
71 tt "select str from test where id>=@id and id-@x<@id"
73 [p "id" Int
; p "x" Int
; p "id" Int
77 tt "CREATE TABLE test2 (id INT, str TEXT)" [] [];
78 tt "update test, (select * from test2) as x set str = x.str where test.id=x.id" [] [];
79 tt "update test, (select * from test2) as x set name = x.str where test.id=x.id" [] [];
80 tt "update test, (select * from test2) as x set test.str = x.str where test.id=x.id" [] [];
81 wrong "update test, (select * from test2) as x set test.name = x.name where test.id=x.id";
82 wrong "update test, (select * from test2) as x set test.str = str where test.id=x.id";
86 tt "SELECT id FROM test WHERE str IN ( SELECT str FROM test2 )" [attr
"id" Int
] [];
87 "tuples" >:: (fun () -> todo
88 (* from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1063866/sql-portability-gotchas/1063946#1063946 *)
89 (* tt "SELECT id FROM test WHERE (id, str) IN ( SELECT id, str FROM test2)" [attr "id" Int] []; *)
93 let a = [attr
"" Int
] in
95 tt "CREATE TABLE test4 (x INT, y INT)" [] [];
96 tt "select max(x) as q from test4" [attr
"q" Int
] [] ~kind
:(Select `One
97 tt "select max(x) from test4" a [] ~kind
:(Select `One
98 tt "select max(x) from test4" a [] ~kind
:(Select `One
99 tt "select max(x+y) from test4 limit 1" a [] ~kind
:(Select `One
100 tt "select max(y) from test4 limit 2" a [] ~kind
:(Select `One
101 tt "select max(x,y) from test4" a [] ~kind
:(Select `Nat
102 tt "select max(x,y) from test4" a [] ~kind
:(Select `Nat
103 tt "select max(x,y) from test4 limit 1" a [] ~kind
:(Select `Zero_one
104 tt "select max(x,y) from test4 limit 2" a [] ~kind
:(Select `Nat
105 tt "select 1" a [] ~kind
:(Select `One
106 tt "select greatest(1+2,10)" a [] ~kind
:(Select `One
107 tt "select greatest(1+2,10) where 1 = 2" a [] ~kind
:(Select `Zero_one
108 tt "select 1 from test4" a [] ~kind
:(Select `Nat
109 tt "select 1+2 from test4" a [] ~kind
:(Select `Nat
110 tt "select least(10+unix_timestamp(),random()), concat('test',upper('qqqq')) from test"
111 [attr
"" Int
; attr
"" Text
] [] ~kind
:(Select `Nat
112 tt "select greatest(10,x) from test4" a [] ~kind
:(Select `Nat
113 tt "select 1+2 from test4 where x=y" a [] ~kind
:(Select `Nat
114 tt "select max(x) as q from test4 where y = x + @n" [attr
"q" Int
] [named "n", Int
] ~kind
:(Select `One
115 tt "select coalesce(max(x),0) as q from test4 where y = x + @n" [attr
"q" Int
] [named "n", Int
] ~kind
:(Select `One
120 tt "SELECT 2+3, 2+-3, -10 FROM test5_1" [attr
"" Int
; attr
"" Int
; attr
"" Int
] [];
124 see MySQL 5.4 refman -- JOIN Syntax
125 see SQL:2008 -- 7.7 <joined table>
127 let test_join_result_cols () =
129 let ints = List.map
(fun name
-> attr name Int
) in
130 do_test "CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT, j INT)" [] [];
131 do_test "CREATE TABLE t2 (k INT, j INT)" [] [];
132 do_test "SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON i=t1.j" (ints ["i";"j";"k";"j"]) [];
133 do_test "SELECT * FROM t1 NATURAL JOIN t2" (ints ["j";"i";"k"]) [];
134 do_test "SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 USING (j)" (ints ["j";"i";"k"]) [];
135 (* NATURAL JOIN with common column in WHERE *)
140 (* NATURAL JOIN with common column qualified in WHERE *)
142 "SELECT * FROM t1 NATURAL JOIN t2 WHERE t2.j > @x"
149 let printer = [%derive
: int list
] in
150 fun x y z
-> assert_equal ~
printer (Schema.natural_ x y
) z
152 test [1;2;3;4] [1;2;5;6] [1;2;3;4;5;6];
153 test [1;2;3;4] [4;3;2;1] [1;2;3;4];
154 test [1;2;3;4] [5;4;3;7;5;7] [3;4;1;2;5;7;5;7];
155 test [1;2;3;4] [5;2;2] [2;1;3;4;5]; (* ?! *)
159 tt "CREATE TABLE test6 (x enum('true','false') COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, y INT DEFAULT 0) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8" [] [];
160 tt "SELECT * FROM test6" [attr
"x" Text
; attr
"y" Int
] [];
161 tt "SELECT x, y+10 FROM test6" [attr
"x" Text
; attr
"" Int
] [];
165 Gen.params_mode
:= Some Named
169 "multi-table UPDATE" >::: test2;
170 "gotchas" >::: test3;
171 "single-row SELECT" >::: test4;
172 "parsing" >::: test_parsing;
173 "JOIN result columns" >:: test_join_result_cols;
174 "misc" >:: test_misc;
175 "enum" >::: test_enum;
178 let test_suite = "main" >::: tests in
179 let results = run_test_tt
test_suite in
180 exit
@@ if List.exists
(function RFailure _
| RError _
-> true | _
-> false) results then 1 else 0