correct generated code
[sqlgg.git] /
1 (* $Id$ *)
3 open Printf
4 open ExtString
5 open ListMore
7 type value_t = string * Sql.Type.t (** name and type *)
8 deriving (Show)
10 type values = value_t list
11 deriving (Show)
13 module Raw =
14 struct
15 type param_id = | Named of string | Numbered of int | Next deriving (Show)
16 type param_type = Sql.Type.t option deriving (Show)
17 type param = param_id * param_type deriving (Show)
18 type params = param list deriving (Show)
20 let to_string ps =<params>(ps)
23 type kind = | Select of column_list
24 | Insert of column_list
25 | Create of Sql.Table.t
26 | Update of column_list
27 | Delete
28 deriving (Show)
30 type parsed = kind
31 * string (** table name as string *)
32 * values (** placeholders for input parameters *)
33 deriving (Show)
35 type t = kind
36 * string (** table name as string *)
37 * values (** placeholders for input parameters *)
38 * Props.t (** some user directives *)
39 * string (** raw sql untouched *)
40 deriving (Show)
42 let to_sql k table sql =
43 match k with
44 | Insert All ->
45 sprintf "%s (%s)"
46 sql
47 (String.concat "," ( (fun _ -> "?") table.Sql.Table.cols))
48 | Insert (Cols cols) ->
49 sprintf "%s (%s)"
50 sql
51 (String.concat "," ( (fun _ -> "?") cols))
52 | Delete
53 | Update _
54 | Create _
55 | Select _ -> sql
57 let to_sql k table sql =
58 let escape = function
59 | '\n' -> "\\\n"
60 | c -> String.make 1 c
61 in
62 String.replace_chars escape (to_sql k table sql)
65 end (* module Raw *)
68 type column = Sql.Col.t * Sql.Table.t
69 deriving (Show)
71 type kind = | Select of column list (** rowset *)
72 * values (** rowset expressions *)
73 * values (** input parameters *)
74 | Create
75 | Modify of column list (** modified columns *)
76 * values (** input parameters *)
77 | Delete of values (** input parameters *)
78 deriving (Show)
80 type t = kind
81 * Sql.Table.t (** this is temporary workaround *)
82 * Props.t (** some user directives *)
83 * string (** corresponding SQL query *)
84 deriving (Show)
86 exception Bad_column of Sql.Table.t * string
88 (** resolve all names given as strings to corresponding values *)
89 let resolve stmts =
90 let tables = ref [] in
91 let get_table name = List.find_option (fun table -> = name) !tables in
92 let get_column table name = List.find_option (fun col -> = name) table.Sql.Table.cols in
93 (* fix here for multiple tables *)
94 let resolve_columns table columns =
95 match columns with
96 | Raw.All -> (fun col -> col,table) table.Sql.Table.cols
97 | Raw.Cols cols ->
98 (fun colname -> match get_column table colname with
99 | Some col -> col, table
100 | None -> raise (Bad_column (table,colname))) cols
102 let resolve_one stmt =
103 let (kind,name,inputs,props,raw_sql) = stmt in
104 let sql table = Raw.to_sql kind table raw_sql in
105 match get_table name with
106 | None ->
107 begin match kind with
108 | Raw.Create table ->
109 tables := table::!tables;
110 assert (List.length inputs = 0);
111 Some (Create, table, props, sql table)
112 | _ -> Error.log "No such table %s" name; None
114 | Some table ->
115 begin try
116 (match kind with
117 | Raw.Create _ -> Error.log "Duplicate CREATE for table %s" name; None
118 | Raw.Select colnames ->
119 let outputs = resolve_columns table colnames in
120 Some (Select (outputs,[],inputs), table, props, sql table)
121 | Raw.Insert colnames
122 | Raw.Update colnames ->
123 let cols = resolve_columns table colnames in
124 Some (Modify (cols,inputs), table, props, sql table)
125 | Raw.Delete -> Some (Delete inputs, table, props, sql table))
126 with
127 Bad_column (table,column) ->
128 Error.log "Column %s not found in %s" column;
129 None
132 List.filter_map resolve_one stmts