escape comments
[sqlgg.git] /
1 (* C++ code generation *)
3 open Sql
4 open Printf
5 open ExtList
6 open ExtString
7 open Operators
9 module Cpp =
10 struct
11 type param = string * string
12 type t = param list
14 let to_string x =
15 String.concat ", " ( (fun (t,n) -> t ^ " " ^ n) x)
17 let inline x =
18 String.concat ", " ( (fun (t,n) -> n) x)
19 end
21 let (inc_indent,dec_indent,make_indent) =
22 let v = ref 0 in
23 (fun () -> v := !v + 2),
24 (fun () -> v := !v - 2),
25 (fun () -> String.make !v ' ')
27 let print_indent () = print_string (make_indent ())
28 let indent s = print_indent (); print_string s
29 let indent_endline s = print_indent (); print_endline s
30 let empty_line () = print_newline ()
31 let output fmt = Printf.kprintf indent_endline fmt
32 let print fmt = Printf.kprintf print_endline fmt
33 let quote_comment_inline = String.replace_chars (function '\n' -> "\n// " | c -> String.make 1 c)
34 let comment fmt = Printf.kprintf (indent_endline & quote_comment_inline & (^) "// ") fmt
35 let open_curly () = output "{"; inc_indent ()
36 let close_curly fmt = dec_indent (); indent "}"; print fmt
37 let start_struct name =
38 output "struct %s" name;
39 open_curly ()
40 let end_struct name =
41 close_curly "; // struct %s" name;
42 empty_line ()
43 let out_public () = dec_indent(); output "public:"; inc_indent()
44 let out_private () = dec_indent(); output "private:"; inc_indent()
45 let in_namespace name f =
46 output "namespace %s" name;
47 open_curly ();
48 f ();
49 close_curly " // namespace %s" name;
50 empty_line ()
52 let generate_header () =
53 output "// DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY";
54 output "";
55 output "// generated by sql2cpp";
56 output "";
57 output "#pragma once";
58 output ""
61 let ns_name table = table.Table.cpp_name
62 let item_name _ = "row"
63 let prefix_name _ = ""
66 let set_column attr index =
67 output "Traits::set_column_%s(stmt, %u, obj.%s);"
68 (Type.to_string attr.RA.domain)
69 index
72 let get_column attr index =
73 output "Traits::get_column_%s(stmt, %u, obj.%s);"
74 (Type.to_string attr.RA.domain)
75 index
78 open Stmt.Raw
80 let set_param_code param index =
81 let (id,t) = param in
82 sprintf "Traits::set_param_%s(stmt, obj.%s, %u);"
83 (Option.map_default Type.to_string "Any" t)
84 (match id with
85 | Next -> sprintf "_%u" index
86 | Numbered x -> sprintf "_%u" x
87 | Named s -> s)
88 index
90 let output_scheme_binder index scheme =
91 let name = sprintf "binder_%u" index in
92 output "template <class T>";
93 start_struct name;
95 output "static void of_stmt(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, T& obj)";
96 open_curly ();
97 List.iteri (fun index attr -> get_column attr index) scheme;
98 close_curly "";
100 output "static void to_stmt(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, const T& obj)";
101 open_curly ();
102 List.iteri (fun index attr -> set_column attr (index + 1)) scheme;
103 close_curly "";
104 end_struct name;
105 name
107 let output_scheme_binder i s = in_namespace "detail" (fun () -> output_scheme_binder i s)
109 let generate_table_code table =
110 out_public ();
111 start_struct (item_name table);
112 List.iter
113 (fun col -> output (sprintf "%s %s;" (Col.type_to_cpp_string col) col.Col.cpp_name))
114 table.Table.cols;
115 end_struct (item_name table)
117 let make_const_params inputs =
118 ( (fun (name,t) -> (sprintf "const %s&" (Type.to_cpp_string t)),name) inputs)
120 let output_extra_param_defs placeholders =
121 List.iter (fun (name,t) -> output (sprintf "const %s& %s_;" (Type.to_cpp_string t) name)) placeholders
123 let output_extra_params_init names =
124 match names with
125 | [] -> ()
126 | _ -> output (" : " ^ (String.concat "," ( (fun name -> sprintf "%s_(%s)" name name) names)))
128 let output_params_binder binder_index cols_binder ofs inputs =
129 out_private ();
130 let name = (sprintf "params_binder_%u" binder_index) in
131 start_struct name;
132 output_extra_param_defs inputs;
133 begin match cols_binder with
134 | Some binder -> output (sprintf "const row& obj_;")
135 | None -> ()
136 end;
137 output "";
138 let params = (match cols_binder with | Some binder -> [sprintf "const row&","obj"] | None -> []) @
139 (make_const_params inputs)
141 output (sprintf "%s(%s)" name (Cpp.to_string params));
142 let names = (fun (name,_) -> name) inputs in
143 let names = (match cols_binder with | Some _ -> "obj"::names | None -> names) in
144 output_extra_params_init names;
145 open_curly ();
146 close_curly "";
147 output "";
148 output (sprintf "void set_params(sqlite3_stmt* stmt)");
149 open_curly ();
150 begin match cols_binder with
151 | Some binder -> output (sprintf "%s::to_stmt(stmt,obj_);" binder)
152 | None -> ()
153 end;
154 List.iteri (fun index param -> output (param_binder_code (index+1+ofs) param)) inputs;
155 close_curly "";
156 output "";
157 end_struct name;
158 name
160 let output_params_binder index table cols inputs =
161 let binder_name = (match cols with
162 | [] -> None
163 | _ -> Some (output_scheme_binder table cols index))
165 match binder_name,inputs with
166 | None,[] -> "typename Traits::no_params"
167 | _,_ -> output_params_binder index binder_name (List.length cols) inputs
169 let make_name props default =
170 match Props.get props "name" with
171 | Some v -> v
172 | None -> default
174 let default_name table str index = sprintf "%s%s_%u" (prefix_name table) str index
177 let generate_select_code index scheme params =
178 let scheme_binder_name = output_scheme_binder index scheme in
179 ignore (scheme_binder_name);
180 (* let params_binder_name = output_params_binder index params in *)
182 out_public ();
183 output "template<class T>";
184 let params = Cpp.Params.to_string
185 (["sqlite3*","db"; "T&","result"] @ (make_const_params inputs))
187 let name = make_name props (default_name table "select" index) in
188 output
189 (sprintf "static bool %s(%s)" name params);
190 open_curly ();
191 output
192 (sprintf "return Traits::do_select(db,result,_T(\"%s\"),%s(),%s(%s));"
193 sql binder_name params_binder_name (Cpp.Params.inline (make_const_params inputs)));
194 close_curly "";
196 output ""
198 let generate_insert_code columns table index (placeholders,props) sql =
199 out_public ();
200 let name = make_name props (default_name table "insert" index) in
201 output (sprintf "static bool %s(sqlite3* db, const %s& val)" name (item_name table));
202 open_curly ();
203 output (sprintf "return Traits::do_insert<binder_%s>(db,val,_T(\"%s\"));" (item_name table) sql);
204 close_curly "";
205 output ""
209 let generate_modify_code table cols inputs index props sql =
210 (* if there is only one input column - do not require full object as a param *)
211 let (cols,inputs) = match cols with
212 | [(x,_)] -> [],(,x.Sql.Col.sqltype)::inputs
213 | _ -> cols,inputs
215 let params_binder_name = output_params_binder index table cols inputs in
216 out_public ();
217 let data_params = make_const_params inputs in
218 let data_params = (match cols with
219 | [] -> data_params
220 | _ -> ((sprintf "const %s&" (item_name table)),"val")::data_params)
222 let params = Cpp.Params.to_string (("sqlite3*","db") :: data_params) in
223 let name = make_name props (default_name table "modify" index) in
224 output (sprintf "static int %s(%s)" name params);
225 open_curly ();
226 output (sprintf "return Traits::do_execute(db,\"%s\",%s(%s));" sql
227 params_binder_name (Cpp.inline data_params));
228 close_curly "";
229 output ""
231 let generate_delete_code table inputs index props sql =
232 let params_binder_name = output_params_binder index table [] inputs in
233 out_public ();
234 let data_params = make_const_params inputs in
235 let params = Cpp.Params.to_string (("sqlite3*","db") :: data_params) in
236 let name = make_name props (default_name table "delete" index) in
237 output (sprintf "static int %s(%s)" name params);
238 open_curly ();
239 output (sprintf "return Traits::do_execute(db,\"%s\",%s(%s));" sql
240 params_binder_name (Cpp.Params.inline data_params));
241 close_curly "";
242 output ""
244 let generate_create_code table sql =
245 out_public ();
246 output (sprintf "static int %screate(sqlite3* db)" (prefix_name table));
247 open_curly ();
248 output (sprintf "return Traits::do_execute(db,\"%s\",typename Traits::no_params());" sql);
249 close_curly "";
250 output ""
253 let generate_code index stmt =
254 let ((scheme,params),props) = stmt in
255 begin match Props.get props "sql" with
256 | Some s -> comment "%s" s
257 | None -> ()
258 end;
259 generate_select_code index scheme params
261 let process stmts =
263 let generate_code index stmt =
264 let (kind,table,props,sql) = stmt in
265 match kind with
266 | Stmt.Create -> generate_table_code table;
267 generate_create_code table sql
268 | Stmt.Select (outputs,exprs,inputs) ->
269 generate_select_code table inputs outputs index props sql
270 | Stmt.Modify (cols,inputs) -> generate_modify_code table cols inputs index props sql
271 | Stmt.Delete (inputs) -> generate_delete_code table inputs index props sql
274 generate_header ();
275 output "namespace sql2cpp";
276 open_curly ();
277 List.iteri generate_code stmts;
278 close_curly " // namespace sql2cpp"