more precise typing of CASE without selector
[sqlgg.git] / src /
1 (**
2 Main
3 *)
5 open ExtLib
7 module L = List
8 module S = String
10 let is_alpha = function
11 | 'a'..'z' -> true
12 | 'A'..'Z' -> true
13 | _ -> false
15 let common_prefix = function
16 | [] -> 0
17 | x::_ as l ->
18 let rec loop i =
19 if String.length x <= i then i
20 else
21 if List.for_all (fun s -> i < String.length s && s.[i] = x.[i]) l then
22 loop (i+1)
23 else
26 let i = loop 0 in
27 (* do not allow empty names or starting not with alpha *)
28 if List.exists (fun s -> i = String.length s || not (is_alpha s.[i])) l then 0 else i
30 let parse_one_exn (sql,props) =
31 if Sqlgg_config.debug1 () then prerr_endline sql;
32 let (schema,params,kind) = Syntax.eval @@ Parser.parse_stmt sql in
33 (* fill inferred sql for VALUES or SET *)
34 let (sql,params) = match kind with
35 | Stmt.Insert (Some (kind,schema), _) ->
36 let (pre,each,post) = match kind with
37 | Stmt.Values -> "(", (fun _ -> ""), ")"
38 | Stmt.Assign -> "", (fun name -> name ^" = "), ""
40 let module B = Buffer in
41 let b = B.create 100 in
42 B.add_string b sql;
43 B.add_string b " ";
44 B.add_string b pre;
45 let params' = ref [] in
46 let first = common_prefix @@ (fun attr -> schema in
47 schema |> List.iter (fun attr ->
48 if !params' <> [] then B.add_string b ",";
49 let attr_ref_prefix = each in
50 let attr_name = String.slice ~first in
51 let attr_ref = "@" ^ attr_name in
52 let pos_start = B.length b + String.length attr_ref_prefix in
53 let pos_end = pos_start + String.length attr_ref in
54 let param = ((Some attr_name,(pos_start,pos_end)),attr.Sql.domain) in
55 B.add_string b attr_ref_prefix;
56 B.add_string b attr_ref;
57 params' := param :: !params'
59 B.add_string b post;
60 (B.contents b, params @ (List.rev !params'))
61 | _ -> (sql,params)
63 {Stmt.schema=schema; params=params; kind=kind; props=Props.set props "sql" sql}
65 let parse_one (sql, props as x) =
66 try
67 Some (parse_one_exn x)
68 with
69 | Parser_utils.Error (exn,(line,cnum,tok,tail)) ->
70 begin
71 let extra = match exn with
72 | Sql.Schema.Error (_,msg) -> msg
73 | exn -> Printexc.to_string exn
75 Error.log "==> %s" sql;
76 if cnum = String.length sql && tok = "" then
77 Error.log "Error: %s" extra
78 else
79 Error.log "Position %u:%u Tokens: %s%s\nError: %s" line cnum tok (String.slice ~last:32 tail) extra;
80 None
81 end
82 | exn ->
83 Error.log "Failed %s: %s" (Option.default "" @@ Props.get props "name") sql;
84 raise exn
86 let parse_one (sql,props as x) =
87 match Props.get props "noparse" with
88 | Some _ -> Some { Stmt.schema=[]; params=[]; kind=Stmt.Other; props=Props.set props "sql" sql }
89 | None -> parse_one x
91 let drop_while p e =
92 while p (Enum.peek e) = Some true do
93 Enum.junk e
94 done
96 type token = [`Comment of string | `Token of string | `Char of char |
97 `Space of string | `Prop of string * string | `Semicolon ]
99 let get_statements ch =
100 let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ch in
101 let tokens = Enum.from (fun () ->
102 if lexbuf.Lexing.lex_eof_reached then raise Enum.No_more_elements else
103 match Sql_lexer.ruleStatement lexbuf with
104 | `Eof -> raise Enum.No_more_elements
105 | #token as x -> x)
107 let extract () =
108 let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
109 let props = ref Props.empty in
110 let answer () = Buffer.contents b, !props in
111 let rec loop smth =
112 match Enum.get tokens with
113 | None -> if smth then Some (answer ()) else None
114 | Some x ->
115 match x with
116 | `Comment s -> ignore s; loop smth (* do not include comments (option?) *)
117 | `Char c -> Buffer.add_char b c; loop true
118 | `Space _ when smth = false -> loop smth (* drop leading whitespaces *)
119 | `Token s | `Space s -> Buffer.add_string b s; loop true
120 | `Prop (n,v) -> props := Props.set !props n v; loop smth
121 | `Semicolon -> Some (answer ())
123 loop false
125 let extract () = try extract () with e -> Error.log "lexer failed (%s)" (Printexc.to_string e); None in
126 let rec next () =
127 match extract () with
128 | None -> raise Enum.No_more_elements
129 | Some sql ->
130 begin match parse_one sql with
131 | None -> next ()
132 | Some stmt ->
133 if not (Sql.Schema.is_unique stmt.Stmt.schema) then
134 Error.log "Error: this SQL statement will produce rowset with duplicate column names:\n%s\n" (fst sql);
135 stmt
138 Enum.from next |> List.of_enum
140 let with_channel filename f =
141 match try Some (open_in filename) with _ -> None with
142 | None -> Error.log "cannot open file : %s" filename; f None
143 | Some ch -> Std.finally (fun () -> close_in_noerr ch) f (Some ch)