Merge branch 'master' of git@lemon:sqlgg
[sqlgg.git] /
1 (*
2 Relational Algebra
3 *)
5 open ListMore
6 open Printf
7 open Operators
9 module Type = Sql.Type
11 type attr = {name : string; domain : Type.t;}
12 deriving (Show)
14 let attr n d = {name=n;domain=d}
16 module Scheme =
17 struct
18 type t = attr list
19 deriving (Show)
21 exception Error of t * string
23 let find t name =
24 match List.find_all (fun attr -> = name) t with
25 | [x] -> x
26 | [] -> raise (Error (t,"missing attribute : " ^ name))
27 | _ -> raise (Error (t,"duplicate attribute : " ^ name))
29 let check_unique t =
30 let t1 = List.unique ~cmp:(fun a1 a2 -> = t in
31 if (List.length t1 <> List.length t) then raise (Error (t,"duplicate attributes"))
33 let project names t = (find t) names
35 let rename t before after =
36 (fun attr ->
37 match with
38 | x when x = before -> { attr with name=after }
39 | _ -> attr ) t
41 let cross t1 t2 = t1 @ t2
43 let compound t1 t2 =
44 if t1 <> t2 then
45 raise (Error (t1, (<t>(t1)) ^ " not equal to " ^ (<t>(t2))))
46 else
49 let to_string x =<t>(x)
50 let print x = print_endline (to_string x)
53 let of_table t =
54 (fun col -> { = None; orig = Some (col,t); domain = col.Col.sqltype}) t.Table.cols
56 end
58 type table = string * Scheme.t deriving (Show)
60 let print_table t = print_endline (<table>(t))
63 open Scheme
65 let test = [{name="a";domain=Type.Int}; {name="b";domain=Type.Int}; {name="c";domain=Type.Text};];;
67 let () = print test
68 let () = print (project ["b";"c";"b"] test)
69 let () = print (project ["b";"d"] test)
70 let () = print (rename test "a" "new_a")