Support empty sets in (x IN @foo) exprs (#109)
[sqlgg.git] / src /
1 (* C++ code generation *)
3 open Printf
4 open ExtLib
5 open Sqlgg
6 open Prelude
8 open Gen
9 open Sql
11 module Values = struct
13 let names = fst
14 let join = String.concat ", "
15 let inline = join $ names
16 let to_string = join $ ( (fun (n,t) -> t ^ " " ^ n))
17 let inject = (fun v -> v.vname, v.vtyp)
19 end
21 let rec freshname name scope =
22 match List.find_all ((=) name) scope with
23 | [] -> name
24 | _ -> freshname (name ^ "_") scope
26 let quote = String.replace_chars (function '\n' -> "\\n\\\n" | '\r' -> "" | '"' -> "\\\"" | c -> String.make 1 c)
27 let quote s = "\"" ^ quote s ^ "\""
29 let quote_comment_inline = String.replace_chars (function '\n' -> "\n// " | c -> String.make 1 c)
30 let comment () fmt = Printf.kprintf (indent_endline $ quote_comment_inline $ (^) "// ") fmt
31 let empty_line () = print_newline ()
32 let open_curly () = output "{"; inc_indent ()
33 let close_curly fmt = dec_indent (); indent "}"; print fmt
34 let start_struct name =
35 output "struct %s" name;
36 open_curly ()
37 let end_struct name =
38 close_curly "; // struct %s" name;
39 empty_line ()
40 let out_public () = dec_indent(); output "public:"; inc_indent()
41 let out_private () = dec_indent(); output "private:"; inc_indent()
43 module L = struct
44 let as_api_type = Type.to_string
45 let as_lang_type t = "typename Traits::" ^ (as_api_type t)
46 end
48 module T = Translate(L)
50 open L
51 open T
53 let column_action action attr index =
54 let typ = as_api_type attr.domain in
55 let name = name_of attr index in
56 output "Traits::%s_column_%s(row, %u, %s);" action typ index name
58 let func head name args ?tail k =
59 let tail = match tail with
60 | Some s -> " " ^ s
61 | None -> ""
63 let head = match head with "" -> "" | s -> s ^ " " in
64 output "%s%s(%s)%s" head name (Values.to_string args) tail;
65 open_curly ();
66 k ();
67 close_curly ""
69 let set_param arg index param =
70 output "Traits::set_param(%s, %s, %u);"
71 (* (param_type_to_string t) *)
72 arg
73 (make_param_name index
74 index
76 let output_value_defs vals =
77 vals |> List.iter (fun (name,t) -> output "%s %s;" t name)
79 let output_schema_binder _ schema =
80 out_private ();
81 let name = "output" in
82 output "template <class T>";
83 start_struct name;
85 let vals = Values.inject @@ schema_to_values schema in
86 output_value_defs vals;
87 empty_line ();
89 output "enum { count = %u };" (List.length schema);
90 empty_line ();
92 let mthd action active =
93 func "void" action
94 (["row","typename Traits::row"] @ (if active then ["result","T"] else []))
95 (fun () ->
96 List.iteri (fun index attr -> column_action action attr index) schema;
97 if active then output "result(%s);" (Values.inline vals)
101 mthd "get" true;
102 mthd "bind" false;
104 end_struct name;
105 name
107 let output_schema_binder index schema =
108 match schema with
109 | [] -> None
110 | _ -> Some (output_schema_binder index schema)
112 let make_const_values = (fun (name,t) -> name, sprintf "%s const&" t)
115 let output_schema_data index schema =
116 out_public ();
117 let name = "data" in
118 start_struct name;
119 schema |> schema_to_values |> output_value_defs;
120 end_struct name
123 let value_inits vals =
124 match vals with
125 | [] -> ""
126 | _ -> sprintf ": %s" (String.concat "," ( (fun (name,_) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" name name) vals))
128 let struct_params name values k =
129 start_struct name;
130 output_value_defs values;
131 empty_line ();
132 k ();
133 end_struct name
135 let struct_ctor name values k =
136 struct_params name values (fun () ->
137 func "" name values ~tail:(value_inits values) identity;
138 empty_line ();
139 k ())
141 let output_params_binder _ params =
142 out_private ();
143 let name = "params" in
144 let values = Values.inject @@ values_of_params params in
145 struct_ctor name (make_const_values values) (fun () ->
146 comment () "binding slots in a query (one param may be bound several times)";
147 output "enum { count = %u };" (List.length params);
148 empty_line ();
149 let arg = freshname "target" (name :: Values.names values) in
150 output "template <class T>";
151 func "void" "set_params" [arg,"T&"] (fun () -> List.iteri (set_param arg) params);
152 empty_line ()
154 name
156 let output_params_binder index params =
157 match params with
158 | [] -> "typename Traits::no_params"
159 | _ -> output_params_binder index params
161 type t = unit
163 let start () = ()
165 let make_stmt index stmt =
166 let name = choose_name stmt.props stmt.kind index in
167 let sql = quote (get_sql_string_only stmt) in
168 let params = params_only stmt.vars in
169 struct_params name ["stmt","typename Traits::statement"] (fun () ->
170 func "" name ["db","typename Traits::connection"] ~tail:(sprintf ": stmt(db,SQLGG_STR(%s))" sql) identity;
171 let schema_binder_name = output_schema_binder index stmt.schema in
172 let params_binder_name = output_params_binder index params in
173 (* if (Option.is_some schema_binder_name) then output_schema_data index stmt.schema; *)
174 out_public ();
175 if (Option.is_some schema_binder_name) then output "template<class T>";
176 let values = Values.inject @@ values_of_params params in
177 let result = match schema_binder_name with None -> [] | Some _ -> ["result","T"] in
178 let all_params = (make_const_values values) @ result in
179 let inline_params = Values.inline (make_const_values values) in
180 func "bool" "operator()" all_params (fun () ->
181 begin match schema_binder_name with
182 | None -> output "return stmt.execute(%s(%s));" params_binder_name inline_params
183 | Some schema_name -> output "return,%s<T>(),%s(%s));"
184 schema_name params_binder_name inline_params
185 end);
187 name
189 let make_all name names =
190 List.iter (fun name -> output "%s %s;" name name) names;
191 empty_line ();
192 let tail = match names with
193 | [] -> ""
194 | _ -> ": " ^ (String.concat ", " ( (fun name -> sprintf "%s(db)" name) names))
196 func "" name ["db","typename Traits::connection"] ~tail identity
198 let generate () name stmts =
199 output "#pragma once";
200 empty_line ();
201 output "template <class Traits>";
202 start_struct name;
203 let names = List.mapi make_stmt stmts in
204 make_all name names;
205 end_struct name