+ flip
[sqlgg.git] / rA.ml
1 (*
2 Relational Algebra
3 *)
5 open ListMore
6 open Printf
7 open Operators
9 module Type = Sql.Type
11 type attr = {name : string; domain : Type.t;}
12 deriving (Show)
14 let attr n d = {name=n;domain=d}
16 module Schema =
17 struct
18 type t = attr list
19 deriving (Show)
21 exception Error of t * string
23 (** FIXME attribute case sensitivity? *)
24 let by_name name = function attr -> attr.name = name
25 let find_by_name t name = List.find_all (by_name name) t
27 let find t name =
28 match find_by_name t name with
29 | [x] -> x
30 | [] -> raise (Error (t,"missing attribute : " ^ name))
31 | _ -> raise (Error (t,"duplicate attribute : " ^ name))
33 let is_unique t =
34 let t1 = List.unique ~cmp:(fun a1 a2 -> a1.name = a2.name && a1.name <> "") t in
35 List.length t1 = List.length t
37 let check_unique t = is_unique t || raise (Error (t,"duplicate attributes"))
39 let project names t = List.map (find t) names
41 let rename t before after =
42 List.map (fun attr ->
43 match attr.name with
44 | x when x = before -> { attr with name=after }
45 | _ -> attr ) t
47 let cross t1 t2 = t1 @ t2
49 (** [contains t attr] tests whether schema [t] contains attribute [attr] *)
50 let contains t attr = find t attr.name = attr
52 let check_contains t attr =
53 if not (contains t attr) then
54 raise (Error (t,"type mismatch for attribute " ^ attr.name))
56 let sub l a = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x a)) l
58 let to_string v = Show.show<t>(v)
59 let names t = t >> List.map (fun attr -> attr.name) >> String.concat "," >> sprintf "[%s]"
61 let natural_ t1 t2 =
62 let (common,t1only) = List.partition (fun x -> List.mem x t2) t1 in
63 if 0 = List.length common then failwith "natural'";
64 let t2only = sub t2 common in
65 common @ t1only @ t2only
67 let natural t1 t2 =
68 try natural_ t1 t2 with
69 | _ -> raise (Error (t1,"no common attributes for natural join of " ^
70 (names t1) ^ " and " ^ (names t2)))
72 let join_using l t1 t2 =
73 let common = List.map (find t1) l in
74 List.iter (check_contains t2) common;
75 common @ sub t1 common @ sub t2 common
77 let compound t1 t2 =
78 let types = List.map (fun attr -> attr.domain) in
79 if types t1 <> types t2 then
80 raise (Error (t1, (to_string t1) ^ " not equal to " ^ (to_string t2)))
81 else
84 let add t col pos =
85 match find_by_name t col.name with
86 | [] ->
87 begin
88 match pos with
89 | `First -> col::t
90 | `Last -> t @ [col]
91 | `After name ->
92 try
93 let (i,_) = List.findi (fun _ attr -> by_name name attr) t in
94 let (l1,l2) = List.split_nth (i+1) t in
95 l1 @ (col :: l2)
96 with
97 Not_found -> raise (Error (t,"Can't insert column " ^ col.name ^ " after non-existing column " ^ name))
98 end
99 | _ -> raise (Error (t,"Already has column " ^ col.name))
101 let drop t col =
102 ignore (find t col);
103 List.remove_if (by_name col) t
105 let to_string x = Show.show<t>(x)
106 let print x = prerr_endline (to_string x)
110 type table = string * Schema.t deriving (Show)
112 let print_table t = print_endline (Show.show<table>(t))
115 open Schema
117 let test = [{name="a";domain=Type.Int}; {name="b";domain=Type.Int}; {name="c";domain=Type.Text};];;
119 let () = print test
120 let () = print (project ["b";"c";"b"] test)
121 let () = print (project ["b";"d"] test)
122 let () = print (rename test "a" "new_a")