10 prerr_endline (sprintf "Lexer error : %s" callerID);
12 raise Parsing.Parse_error
14 let pos lexbuf = (lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf)
16 let advance_line_pos pos =
17 { pos with pos_lnum = pos.pos_lnum + 1; pos_bol = pos.pos_cnum; }
19 let advance_line lexbuf =
20 lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- advance_line_pos lexbuf.lex_curr_p
40 "precision",PRECISION;
48 "character",CHARACTER;
79 "intersect",INTERSECT;
81 "temporary",TEMPORARY;
88 "references",REFERENCES;
92 "timestamp",TIMESTAMP;
99 "constraint",CONSTRAINT;
128 "interval", INTERVAL;
129 "microsecond", MICROSECOND;
138 "second_microsecond", SECOND_MICROSECOND;
139 "minute_microsecond", MINUTE_MICROSECOND;
140 "minute_second", MINUTE_SECOND;
141 "hour_microsecond", HOUR_MICROSECOND;
142 "hour_second", HOUR_SECOND;
143 "hour_minute", HOUR_MINUTE;
144 "day_microsecond", DAY_MICROSECOND;
145 "day_second", DAY_SECOND;
146 "day_minute", DAY_MINUTE;
147 "day_hour", DAY_HOUR;
148 "year_month", YEAR_MONTH;
151 "duplicate", DUPLICATE;
152 "function", FUNCTION;
153 "procedure", PROCEDURE;
157 "language", LANGUAGE;
158 "substring", SUBSTRING;
161 let all token l = k := !k @ List.map (fun x -> x,token) l in
162 all DATETIME_FUNC ["current_date";"current_timestamp";"current_time";"localtime";"localtimestamp";"now";];
163 all DATETIME_FUNC ["getdate"]; (* mssql? *)
164 all CONFLICT_ALGO ["ignore"; "abort"; "fail"; "rollback"];
165 all JOIN_TYPE1 ["left";"right";"full"];
166 all JOIN_TYPE2 ["inner";"outer"];
167 all LIKE_OP ["glob";"regexp";"match"];
168 all AUTOINCREMENT ["autoincrement";"auto_increment"];
169 (* standard built-in types
177 all T_INTEGER ["integer";"int";"smallint";"bigint";"tinyint";"mediumint";"middleint";"serial";"identity"];
178 all T_INTEGER ["numeric";"decimal";"dec";"fixed"];
179 all T_INTEGER ["number"]; (* oracle *)
180 all T_BOOLEAN ["bool";"boolean"];
181 all T_FLOAT ["float";"real";"double";"float4";"float8";"int1";"int2";"int3";"int4";"int8"];
182 all T_BLOB ["blob";"varbinary";"tinyblob";"mediumblob";"longblob"];
183 all T_TEXT ["text";"char";"varchar";"tinytext";"mediumtext";"longtext"];
184 all T_TEXT ["varchar2"]; (* oracle *)
185 all T_DATETIME ["datetime"];
186 all T_UUID ["uuid"]; (* http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/datatype-uuid.html *)
190 Q: Why not convert all input to lowercase before lexing?
191 A: Sometimes SQL is case-sensitive, also string contents should be preserved
194 module Keywords = Map.Make(String)
198 let k = String.lowercase k in
199 if Keywords.mem k map then
200 failwith (sprintf "Lexeme %s is already associated with keyword." k)
204 List.fold_left add Keywords.empty keywords
206 (* FIXME case sensitivity??! *)
209 let str = String.lowercase str in
210 try Keywords.find str keywords with Not_found -> IDENT str
212 let ident str = IDENT (String.lowercase str)
214 let as_literal ch s =
215 let s = String.replace_chars (fun x -> String.make (if x = ch then 2 else 1) x) s in
216 sprintf "%c%s%c" ch s ch
219 let digit = ['0'-'9']
220 let alpha = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
221 let ident = (alpha) (alpha | digit | '_' )*
222 let wsp = [' ' '\r' '\t']
223 let cmnt = "--" | "//" | "#"
225 (* extract separate statements *)
226 rule ruleStatement = parse
227 | ['\n' ' ' '\r' '\t']+ as tok { `Space tok }
228 | cmnt wsp* "[sqlgg]" wsp+ (ident+ as n) wsp* "=" wsp* ([^'\n']* as v) '\n' { `Prop (n,v) }
229 | cmnt wsp* "@" (ident+ as name) [^'\n']* '\n' { `Prop ("name",name) }
230 | '"' { let s = ruleInQuotes "" lexbuf in `Token (as_literal '"' s) }
231 | "'" { let s = ruleInSingleQuotes "" lexbuf in `Token (as_literal '\'' s) }
232 | "$" (ident? as tag) "$" { let s = ruleInDollarQuotes tag "" lexbuf in `Token (sprintf "$%s$%s$%s$" tag s tag) }
233 | cmnt as s { `Comment (s ^ ruleComment "" lexbuf) }
234 | "/*" { `Comment ("/*" ^ ruleCommentMulti "" lexbuf ^ "*/") }
236 | [^ ';'] as c { `Char c }
239 (* extract tail of the input *)
242 | _* as str { ruleTail (acc ^ str) lexbuf }
245 | wsp { ruleMain lexbuf }
246 (* update line number *)
247 | '\n' { advance_line lexbuf; ruleMain lexbuf}
253 | '{' { LCURLY (lexeme_start lexbuf) }
254 | '}' { RCURLY (lexeme_start lexbuf) }
256 | cmnt { ignore (ruleComment "" lexbuf); ruleMain lexbuf }
257 | "/*" { ignore (ruleCommentMulti "" lexbuf); ruleMain lexbuf }
267 | "/" | "%" { NUM_DIV_OP }
268 | "<<" | ">>" { NUM_BIT_SHIFT }
270 | "&" { NUM_BIT_AND }
271 | ">" | ">=" | "<=" | "<" { NUM_CMP_OP }
272 | "<>" | "!=" | "==" { NUM_EQ_OP }
273 | "<=>" { NOT_DISTINCT_OP }
275 | "?" { PARAM (None,pos lexbuf) }
276 | [':' '@'] (ident as str) { PARAM (Some str,pos lexbuf) }
278 | '"' { ident (ruleInQuotes "" lexbuf) }
279 | "'" { TEXT (ruleInSingleQuotes "" lexbuf) }
280 (* http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-DOLLAR-QUOTING *)
281 | "$" (ident? as tag) "$" { TEXT (ruleInDollarQuotes tag "" lexbuf) }
282 | "`" { ident (ruleInBackQuotes "" lexbuf) }
283 | "[" { ident (ruleInBrackets "" lexbuf) }
284 | ['x' 'X'] "'" { BLOB (ruleInSingleQuotes "" lexbuf) }
286 | ident as str { get_ident str }
287 | digit+ as str { INTEGER (int_of_string str) }
288 | digit+ '.' digit+ as str { FLOAT (float_of_string str) }
290 | _ { error lexbuf "ruleMain" }
292 (* FIXME factor out all that ruleIn* rules *)
293 ruleInQuotes acc = parse
295 | eof { error lexbuf "no terminating quote" }
296 | '\n' { advance_line lexbuf; error lexbuf "EOL before terminating quote" }
297 | "\"\"" { ruleInQuotes (acc^"\"") lexbuf }
298 | [^'"' '\n']+ as s { ruleInQuotes (acc^s) lexbuf }
299 | _ { error lexbuf "ruleInQuotes" }
301 ruleInBrackets acc = parse
303 | eof { error lexbuf "no terminating bracket" }
304 | '\n' { advance_line lexbuf; error lexbuf "EOL before terminating bracket" }
305 (* | "\"\"" { ruleInQuotes (acc ^ "\"") lexbuf } *)
306 | [^']' '\n']+ { ruleInBrackets (acc ^ lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf }
307 | _ { error lexbuf "ruleInBrackets" }
309 ruleInSingleQuotes acc = parse
311 | eof { error lexbuf "no terminating single quote" }
312 | '\n' { advance_line lexbuf; error lexbuf "EOL before terminating single quote" }
313 | "''" { ruleInSingleQuotes (acc ^ "'") lexbuf }
314 | [^'\'' '\n']+ { ruleInSingleQuotes (acc ^ lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf }
315 | _ { error lexbuf "ruleInSingleQuotes" }
317 ruleInBackQuotes acc = parse
319 | eof { error lexbuf "no terminating back quote" }
320 | '\n' { advance_line lexbuf; error lexbuf "EOL before terminating back quote" }
321 | "``" { ruleInBackQuotes (acc ^ "`") lexbuf }
322 | [^'`' '\n']+ { ruleInBackQuotes (acc ^ lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf }
323 | _ { error lexbuf "ruleInBackQuotes" }
325 ruleInDollarQuotes tag acc = parse
326 | "$" (ident? as tag_) "$" { if tag_ = tag then acc else ruleInDollarQuotes tag (acc ^ sprintf "$%s$" tag_) lexbuf }
327 | eof { error lexbuf "no terminating dollar quote" }
328 | '\n' { advance_line lexbuf; ruleInDollarQuotes tag (acc ^ "\n") lexbuf }
329 (* match one char at a time to make sure delimiter matches longer *)
330 | [^'\n'] { ruleInDollarQuotes tag (acc ^ lexeme lexbuf) lexbuf }
331 | _ { error lexbuf "ruleInDollarQuotes" }
333 ruleComment acc = parse
334 | '\n' { advance_line lexbuf; acc }
336 | [^'\n']+ { let s = lexeme lexbuf in ruleComment (acc ^ s) lexbuf; }
337 | _ { error lexbuf "ruleComment"; }
339 ruleCommentMulti acc = parse
340 | '\n' { advance_line lexbuf; ruleCommentMulti (acc ^ "\n") lexbuf }
343 | [^'\n' '*']+ { let s = lexeme lexbuf in ruleCommentMulti (acc ^ s) lexbuf }
344 | _ { error lexbuf "ruleCommentMulti" }
348 let parse_rule lexbuf =
349 let module P = Parser_state in
350 let token = ruleMain lexbuf in
354 (* eprintf "ignored: %s\n" (lexeme lexbuf); *)
355 if (token = EOF) then token else IGNORED