[sqlgg.git] / gen_xml.ml
1 (** XML generation *)
3 open ExtList
4 open ExtString
5 open Operators
6 open Printf
8 open Stmt
9 open Gen
10 open Sql
12 type xml = | Node of (string * (string * string) list * xml list)
13 | Comment of string
15 let xml_escape s =
16 let b = Buffer.create 10 in
17 let add s = Buffer.add_string b s in
18 String.iter (function
19 | '&' -> add "&"
20 | '"' -> add """
21 | '\n' -> add "
22 | '\r' -> ()
23 | '<' -> add "&lt;"
24 | '>' -> add "&gt;"
25 | c -> Buffer.add_char b c) s;
26 Buffer.contents b
28 let xml_to_string xml =
29 let b = Buffer.create 1000 in
30 let rec iter spaces = function
31 | Node (name,attrs,children) ->
32 bprintf b "\n%s<%s" spaces name;
33 List.iter (fun (n,v) -> bprintf b " %s=\"%s\"" n (xml_escape v)) attrs;
34 begin match children with
35 | [] -> bprintf b "/>"
36 | _ -> bprintf b ">"; List.iter (iter (spaces ^ " ")) children; bprintf b "\n%s</%s>" spaces name
37 end
38 | Comment text -> bprintf b "\n<!-- %s -->" (Gen_caml.replace_all ~str:text ~sub:"--" ~by:"&mdash;")
40 iter "" xml;
41 Buffer.contents b
44 let _ =
45 Node ("test",["name","d\"s&quot;ds"],[]) >> xml_to_string >> print_endline
48 let comment (x,_) fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> x := Comment s :: !x) fmt
49 let empty_line _ = ()
51 let value n t = Node ("value",["name",n; "type",t;],[])
53 open Gen_caml.L
54 open Gen_caml.T
56 let params_to_values = List.map (fun (n,t) -> value n t) & all_params_to_values
57 let schema_to_values = List.map (fun (n,t) -> value n t) & schema_to_values
59 type t = xml list ref * xml list ref
61 let start () = ref [], ref []
63 let generate_code (x,_) index stmt =
64 let name = choose_name stmt.props stmt.kind index in
65 let input = Node ("in",[],params_to_values stmt.params) in
66 let output = Node ("out",[],schema_to_values stmt.schema) in
67 let sql = get_sql stmt in
68 x := Node ("stmt",["name",name; "sql",sql;],[input; output]) :: !x
70 let start_output (x,pre) = pre := !x; x := []
72 let finish_output (x,pre) =
73 print_endline "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
74 List.iter (fun z -> z >> xml_to_string >> print_endline) (List.rev !pre);
75 Node ("sqlgg",[],List.rev !x) >> xml_to_string >> print_endline;
76 x := [];
77 pre := []
79 let generate out name stmts =
80 start_output out;
81 Enum.iteri (generate_code out) stmts;
82 finish_output out