[sqlgg.git] / gen_caml.ml
1 (* OCaml code generation *)
3 open ExtList
4 open ExtString
5 open Operators
6 open Printf
8 open Stmt
9 open Gen
10 open Sql
12 let inline_values = String.concat " "
14 let quote = String.replace_chars (function '\n' -> "\\n\\\n" | '\r' -> "" | '"' -> "\\\"" | c -> String.make 1 c)
15 let quote s = "\"" ^ quote s ^ "\""
17 let rec replace_all ~str ~sub ~by =
18 match String.replace ~str ~sub ~by with
19 | (true,s) -> replace_all ~str:s ~sub ~by
20 | (false,s) -> s
22 let quote_comment_inline str =
23 let str = replace_all ~str ~sub:"*)" ~by:"* )" in
24 replace_all ~str ~sub:"(*" ~by:"( *"
26 let make_comment str = "(* " ^ (quote_comment_inline str) ^ " *)"
27 let comment () fmt = Printf.kprintf (indent_endline & make_comment) fmt
29 let empty_line () = print_newline ()
31 let get_column attr index =
32 output "(T.get_column_%s stmt %u)"
33 (Type.to_string attr.RA.domain)
34 index
36 module L = struct
37 let as_lang_type = Type.to_string
38 let as_api_type = as_lang_type
39 end
41 module T = Translate(L)
43 open L
44 open T
46 let set_param index param =
47 let (id,t) = param in
48 output "T.set_param_%s stmt %u %s;"
49 (param_type_to_string t)
50 index
51 (param_name_to_string id index)
53 let output_schema_binder index schema =
54 let name = "invoke_callback" in
55 output "let %s stmt =" name;
56 inc_indent ();
57 output "callback";
58 inc_indent ();
59 List.iteri (fun index attr -> get_column attr index) schema;
60 dec_indent ();
61 dec_indent ();
62 output "in";
63 name
65 let output_schema_binder index schema =
66 match schema with
67 | [] -> None
68 | _ -> Some (output_schema_binder index schema)
70 let params_to_values = List.map fst & params_to_values
72 let output_params_binder index params =
73 output "let set_params stmt =";
74 inc_indent ();
75 List.iteri set_param params;
76 output "()";
77 dec_indent ();
78 output "in";
79 "set_params"
81 let output_params_binder index params =
82 match params with
83 | [] -> "(fun _ -> ())"
84 | _ -> output_params_binder index params
86 let prepend prefix = function s -> prefix ^ s
88 type t = unit
90 let start () = ()
92 let generate_stmt index stmt =
93 let name = choose_name stmt.props stmt.kind index >> String.uncapitalize in
94 let values = params_to_values stmt.params >> List.map (prepend "~") >> inline_values in
95 let all_params = match stmt.schema with [] -> values | _ -> "callback " ^ values in
96 output "let %s db %s =" name all_params;
97 inc_indent ();
98 let sql = quote (get_sql stmt) in
99 let schema_binder_name = output_schema_binder index stmt.schema in
100 let params_binder_name = output_params_binder index stmt.params in
101 begin match schema_binder_name with
102 | None ->
103 output "T.execute db %s %s" sql params_binder_name
104 | Some schema_binder_name ->
105 output "T.select db %s %s %s" sql schema_binder_name params_binder_name
106 end;
107 dec_indent ();
108 empty_line ()
110 let generate () name stmts =
111 output "module %s (T : Sqlgg_traits.M) = struct" (String.capitalize name);
112 empty_line ();
113 inc_indent ();
114 Enum.iteri generate_stmt stmts;
115 dec_indent ();
116 output "end (* module %s *)" (String.capitalize name)