[sqlgg.git] / src / gen.ml
1 (* Code generation *)
3 open Printf
4 open ExtLib
5 open Sqlgg
6 open Prelude
7 open Stmt
9 type subst_mode = | Named | Unnamed | Oracle | PostgreSQL
11 type stmt = { schema : Sql.Schema.t; vars : Sql.var list; kind : kind; props : Props.t; }
13 (** defines substitution function for parameter literals *)
14 let params_mode = ref None
16 let (inc_indent,dec_indent,make_indent) =
17 let v = ref 0 in
18 (fun () -> v := !v + 2),
19 (fun () -> v := !v - 2),
20 (fun () -> String.make !v ' ')
22 let print_indent () = print_string (make_indent ())
23 let indent s = print_indent (); print_string s
24 let indent_endline s = print_indent (); print_endline s
25 let output fmt = kprintf indent_endline fmt
26 let output_l = List.iter indent_endline
27 let print fmt = kprintf print_endline fmt
28 let indented k = inc_indent (); k (); dec_indent ()
30 let name_of attr index =
31 match attr.Sql.name with
32 | "" -> sprintf "_%u" index
33 | s -> s
35 let make_param_name index (p:Sql.param_id) =
36 match p.label with
37 | None -> sprintf "_%u" index
38 | Some s -> s
40 let show_param_name (p:Sql.param) index = make_param_name index p.id
42 let make_name props default = Option.default default (Props.get props "name")
43 let default_name str index = sprintf "%s_%u" str index
45 let choose_name props kind index =
46 let safename = String.map begin function
47 | ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '_' as c) -> c
48 | _ -> '_'
49 end in
50 let fix' s =
51 match Props.get props "subst" with
52 | Some x -> let (_,s) = String.replace ~str:s ~sub:("%%"^x^"%%") ~by:x in safename s
53 | None -> safename s
55 let fix t = fix' @@ Sql.show_table_name t in
56 let name = match kind with
57 | Create t -> sprintf "create_%s" (fix t)
58 | CreateIndex t -> sprintf "create_index_%s" (fix' t)
59 | Update (Some t) -> sprintf "update_%s_%u" (fix t) index
60 | Update None -> sprintf "update_%u" index
61 | Insert (_,t) -> sprintf "insert_%s_%u" (fix t) index
62 | Delete t -> sprintf "delete_%s_%u" (String.concat "_" @@ List.map fix t) index
63 | Alter t -> sprintf "alter_%s_%u" (String.concat "_" @@ List.map fix t) index
64 | Drop t -> sprintf "drop_%s" (fix t)
65 | Select _ -> sprintf "select_%u" index
66 | CreateRoutine s -> sprintf "create_routine_%s" (fix' s)
67 | Other -> sprintf "statement_%u" index
69 make_name props name
71 type sql = Static of string | Dynamic of (Sql.param_id * (Sql.param_id * Sql.var list option * sql list) list) | SubstIn of Sql.param
73 let substitute_vars s vars subst_param =
74 let rec loop acc i parami vars =
75 match vars with
76 | [] -> acc, i
77 | Sql.Single param :: tl ->
78 let (i1,i2) = param.id.pos in
79 assert (i2 > i1);
80 assert (i1 > i);
81 let acc, parami =
82 match subst_param with
83 | None -> Static (String.slice ~first:i ~last:i2 s) :: acc, parami
84 | Some subst ->
85 Static (subst parami param) ::
86 Static (String.slice ~first:i ~last:i1 s) ::
87 acc,
88 parami + 1
90 loop acc i2 parami tl
91 | SingleIn param :: tl ->
92 let (i1,i2) = param.id.pos in
93 assert (i2 > i1);
94 assert (i1 > i);
95 let acc = SubstIn param :: Static (String.slice ~first:i ~last:i1 s) :: acc in
96 loop acc i2 parami tl
97 | Choice (name,ctors) :: tl ->
98 let dyn = ctors |> List.map begin function
99 | Sql.Simple (ctor,args) ->
100 let (c1,c2) = ctor.pos in
101 assert ((c2 = 0 && c1 = 1) || c2 > c1);
102 assert (c1 > i);
103 let pieces =
104 match args with
105 | None -> [Static ""]
106 | Some l ->
107 let (acc,last) = loop [] c1 0 l in
108 List.rev (Static (String.slice ~first:last ~last:c2 s) :: acc)
110 ctor, args, pieces
111 | Verbatim (n,v) -> { label = Some n; pos = (0,0) }, Some [], [Static v]
114 let (i1,i2) = name.pos in
115 assert (i2 > i1);
116 assert (i1 > i);
117 let acc = Dynamic (name, dyn) :: Static (String.slice ~first:i ~last:i1 s) :: acc in
118 loop acc i2 parami tl
120 let (acc,last) = loop [] 0 0 vars in
121 let acc = List.rev (Static (String.slice ~first:last s) :: acc) in
122 let rec squash acc = function
123 | [] -> List.rev acc
124 | Static s1 :: Static s2 :: tl -> squash acc (Static (s1 ^ s2) :: tl)
125 | x::xs -> squash (x::acc) xs
127 squash [] acc
129 let subst_named index p = "@" ^ (show_param_name p index)
130 let subst_oracle index p = ":" ^ (show_param_name p index)
131 let subst_postgresql index _ = "$" ^ string_of_int (index + 1)
132 let subst_unnamed _ _ = "?"
134 let get_sql stmt =
135 let sql = Props.get stmt.props "sql" |> Option.get in
136 let subst =
137 match !params_mode with
138 | None -> None
139 | Some subst ->
140 Some (match subst with
141 | Named -> subst_named
142 | Unnamed -> subst_unnamed
143 | Oracle -> subst_oracle
144 | PostgreSQL -> subst_postgresql)
146 substitute_vars sql stmt.vars subst
148 let get_sql_string_only stmt =
149 match get_sql stmt with
150 | Static s :: [] -> s
151 | _ -> fail "dynamic choices not supported for this language"
153 let time_string () =
154 let module U = Unix in
155 let t = U.time () |> U.gmtime in
156 sprintf "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02uZ" (1900 + t.U.tm_year) (t.U.tm_mon+1) t.U.tm_mday t.U.tm_hour t.U.tm_min
158 module type LangTypes = sig
160 val as_api_type : Sql.Type.t -> string
161 val as_lang_type : Sql.Type.t -> string
165 let is_param_nullable param =
166 let open Sql in
167 match param.attr with None -> false | Some attr -> Constraints.mem Null attr.extra || Constraints.mem Autoincrement attr.extra
169 let is_attr_nullable attr =
170 let open Sql in
171 Constraints.mem Null attr.extra
173 type value = { vname : string; vtyp : string; nullable : bool; }
175 module Translate(T : LangTypes) = struct
177 let show_param_type p = T.as_api_type p.Sql.typ
178 let schema_to_values = List.mapi (fun i attr -> { vname = name_of attr i; vtyp = T.as_lang_type attr.Sql.domain; nullable = is_attr_nullable attr })
179 (* let schema_to_string = G.Values.to_string $ schema_to_values *)
180 let all_params_to_values l =
181 l |> List.mapi (fun i p -> { vname = show_param_name p i; vtyp = T.as_lang_type p.typ; nullable = is_param_nullable p; })
182 |> List.unique ~cmp:(fun v1 v2 -> String.equal v1.vname v2.vname)
183 (* rev unique rev -- to preserve ordering with respect to first occurrences *)
184 let values_of_params = List.rev $ List.unique ~cmp:(=) $ List.rev $ all_params_to_values
185 let names_of_vars l =
186 l |> List.mapi (fun i v -> make_param_name i (match v with Sql.Single p | SingleIn p -> p.id | Choice (id,_) -> id)) |> List.unique ~cmp:String.equal
188 let params_only =
189 List.filter_map
190 (function
191 | Sql.Single p -> Some p
192 | SingleIn _ -> None
193 | Choice _ -> fail "dynamic choices not supported for this host language")
195 let inparams_only =
196 List.filter_map
197 (function
198 | Sql.SingleIn p -> Some p
199 | _ -> None)
203 module type Generator = sig
204 type t
205 val generate : t -> string -> stmt list -> unit
206 val start : unit -> t
207 val comment : t -> ('a,unit,string,unit) format4 -> 'a
208 val empty_line : t -> unit
211 module Make(S : Generator) = struct
213 let generate_header out mode =
214 S.comment out "DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY";
215 S.comment out "";
216 let time_str =
217 match mode with
218 | `Full -> " on " ^ time_string ()
219 | `Without_timestamp -> ""
221 S.comment out "generated by sqlgg %s%s" Sqlgg_config.version time_str;
222 S.empty_line out
224 let process name stmts =
225 let out = S.start () in
226 Option.may (generate_header out) !Sqlgg_config.gen_header;
227 S.generate out name stmts