[sqlgg.git] / src / cli.ml
1 (** command-line *)
3 open Printf
4 open ExtLib
5 open Sqlgg
7 module Cxx = Gen.Make(Gen_cxx)
8 module Caml = Gen.Make(Gen_caml.Generator)
9 module Caml_io = Gen.Make(Gen_caml.Generator_io)
10 module Xml_gen = Gen.Make(Gen_xml)
11 module Java = Gen.Make(Gen_java)
12 module CSharp = Gen.Make(Gen_csharp)
15 common usecase:
16 sqlgg [-gen none] ddl.sql -gen cxx dml.sql
18 let generate = ref None
19 let name = ref "sqlgg"
21 let set_out s =
22 generate :=
23 match (String.lowercase s) with
24 | "cxx" | "c++" | "cpp" -> Some Cxx.process
25 | "caml" | "ocaml" | "ml" -> Some Caml.process
26 | "caml_io" -> Some Caml_io.process
27 | "xml" -> Some Xml_gen.process
28 | "java" -> Some Java.process
29 | "csharp" | "c#" | "cs" -> Some CSharp.process
30 | "none" -> None
31 | _ -> failwith (sprintf "Unknown output language: %s" s)
33 let set_params_mode s =
34 Gen.params_mode :=
35 match String.lowercase s with
36 | "named" -> Some Gen.Named
37 | "unnamed" -> Some Gen.Unnamed
38 | "oracle" -> Some Gen.Oracle
39 | "postgresql" -> Some Gen.PostgreSQL
40 | "none" -> None
41 | _ -> failwith (sprintf "Unknown params mode: %s" s)
43 let all_categories = String.concat " " @@ List.map Stmt.show_category Stmt.all_categories
44 let category_of_string s =
45 match List.find (fun cat -> String.equal (String.lowercase @@ Stmt.show_category cat) s) Stmt.all_categories with
46 | exception _ -> failwith @@ sprintf "bad category %S" s
47 | x -> x
48 let set_category s =
49 let s = String.lowercase s in
50 Sqlgg_config.include_category :=
51 match s with
52 | "all" -> `All
53 | "none" -> `None
54 | "" -> failwith "bad category \"\""
55 | _ when s.[0] = '-' -> `Except (List.map category_of_string @@ String.nsplit (String.slice ~first:1 s) ",")
56 | _ -> `Only (List.map category_of_string @@ String.nsplit s ",")
57 let filter_category cat =
58 match !Sqlgg_config.include_category with
59 | `All -> true
60 | `None -> false
61 | `Only l -> List.mem cat l
62 | `Except l -> not (List.mem cat l)
64 let each_input =
65 let run input =
66 let l = match input with Some ch -> Main.get_statements ch | None -> [] in
67 match !generate with
68 | None -> []
69 | Some _ -> List.filter (fun stmt -> filter_category (Stmt.category_of_stmt_kind stmt.Gen.kind)) l
71 function
72 | "-" -> run (Some stdin)
73 | filename -> Main.with_channel filename run
75 let generate l =
76 match !generate with
77 | None -> ()
78 | Some f -> f !name l
80 let usage_msg =
81 let s1 = sprintf "SQL Guided (code) Generator ver. %s\n" Sqlgg_config.version in
82 let s2 = sprintf "Usage: %s <options> <file.sql> [<file2.sql> ...]\n" (Filename.basename Sys.executable_name) in
83 let s3 = "Options are:" in
84 s1 ^ s2 ^ s3
86 let show_version () = print_endline Sqlgg_config.version
88 let main () =
89 let l = ref [] in
90 let work s = l := each_input s :: !l in
91 let args = Arg.align
93 "-version", Arg.Unit show_version, " Show version";
94 "-category", Arg.String set_category, sprintf "{all|none|[-]<category>{,<category>}+} Only generate code for these specific query categories (possible values: %s)" all_categories;
95 "-gen", Arg.String set_out, "cxx|caml|java|xml|csharp|none Set output language (default: none)";
96 "-name", Arg.String (fun x -> name := x), "<identifier> Set output module name (default: sqlgg)";
97 "-params", Arg.String set_params_mode, "named|unnamed|oracle|postgresql|none Output query parameters substitution (default: none)";
98 "-debug", Arg.Int Sqlgg_config.set_debug_level, "<N> set debug level";
99 "-no-header", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Sqlgg_config.gen_header := None),
100 "do not put version header in generated output";
101 "-no-header-timestamp", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Sqlgg_config.gen_header := Some `Without_timestamp),
102 "do not put timestamp in version header in generated output";
103 "-show-tables", Arg.Unit Tables.print_all, " Show all current tables";
104 "-show-table", Arg.String Tables.print1, "<name> Show specified table";
105 "-", Arg.Unit (fun () -> work "-"), " Read sql from stdin";
106 "-test", Arg.Unit Test.run, " Run unit tests";
109 Arg.parse args work usage_msg;
110 match !l with
111 | [] -> if Array.length Sys.argv = 1 then Arg.usage args usage_msg; 0
112 | l ->
113 if !Error.errors then
114 begin Error.log "Errors encountered, no code generated"; 1 end
115 else
116 begin generate @@ List.concat @@ List.rev l; 0 end
118 let () = exit @@ main ()