prepare release 0.4.4
[sqlgg.git] / lib /
1 (** *)
3 open Printf
4 open ExtLib
6 module Type =
7 struct
8 type t = | Int | Text | Blob | Float | Bool | Datetime | Any
9 [@@deriving show {with_path=false}]
11 let to_string = show
13 let matches x y =
14 match x,y with
15 | Any, _ | _, Any -> true
16 | _ -> x = y
18 type tyvar = Typ of t | Var of int
19 let string_of_tyvar = function Typ t -> to_string t | Var i -> sprintf "'%c" (Char.chr @@ Char.code 'a' + i)
21 type func =
22 | Group of t * bool (* 'a -> t ; bool = multi-column *)
23 | Agg (* 'a -> 'a *)
24 | Poly of t (* 'a -> 'a -> t *) (* = F (Typ t, [Var 0; Var 0]) *)
25 | Ret of t (* _ -> t *)
26 | F of tyvar * tyvar list
28 let fixed ret args = F (Typ ret, (fun t -> Typ t) args)
30 let pp_func pp =
31 let open Format in
32 function
33 | Agg -> fprintf pp "|'a| -> 'a"
34 | Group (ret,multi) -> fprintf pp "|%s'a| -> %s" (if multi then "{...} as " else "") (to_string ret)
35 | Poly ret -> fprintf pp "'a -> 'a -> %s" (to_string ret)
36 | Ret ret -> fprintf pp "_ -> %s" (to_string ret)
37 | F (ret, args) -> fprintf pp "%s -> %s" (String.concat " -> " @@ string_of_tyvar args) (string_of_tyvar ret)
39 let string_of_func = Format.asprintf "%a" pp_func
41 let is_grouping = function
42 | Group _ | Agg -> true
43 | Ret _ | Poly _ | F _ -> false
44 end
46 module Constraint =
47 struct
48 type conflict_algo = | Ignore | Replace | Abort | Fail | Rollback
49 [@@deriving show {with_path=false}]
51 type t = | PrimaryKey | NotNull | Unique | Autoincrement | OnConflict of conflict_algo
52 [@@deriving show {with_path=false}]
53 end
55 type attr = {name : string; domain : Type.t;}
56 [@@deriving show {with_path=false}]
58 let attr n d = {name=n;domain=d}
60 module Schema =
61 struct
62 type t = attr list
63 [@@deriving show]
65 exception Error of t * string
67 (** FIXME attribute case sensitivity? *)
68 let by_name name = function attr -> = name
69 let find_by_name t name = List.find_all (by_name name) t
71 let find t name =
72 match find_by_name t name with
73 | [x] -> x
74 | [] -> raise (Error (t,"missing attribute : " ^ name))
75 | _ -> raise (Error (t,"duplicate attribute : " ^ name))
77 let make_unique = List.unique ~cmp:(fun a1 a2 -> = && <> "")
78 let is_unique t = List.length (make_unique t) = List.length t
79 let check_unique t = is_unique t || raise (Error (t,"duplicate attributes"))
81 let project names t = (find t) names
83 let change_inplace t before after =
84 (fun attr ->
85 match by_name before attr with
86 | true -> after
87 | false -> attr ) t
89 let cross t1 t2 = t1 @ t2
91 (** [contains t attr] tests whether schema [t] contains attribute [attr] *)
92 let contains t attr = find t = attr
94 let check_contains t attr =
95 if not (contains t attr) then
96 raise (Error (t,"type mismatch for attribute " ^
98 let sub l a = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x a)) l
100 let to_string v = v |> (fun attr -> sprintf "%s %s" (Type.to_string attr.domain) |>
101 String.concat ", " |> sprintf "[%s]"
102 let names t = t |> (fun attr -> |> String.concat "," |> sprintf "[%s]"
104 let natural_ t1 t2 =
105 let (common,t1only) = List.partition (fun x -> List.mem x t2) t1 in
106 if 0 = List.length common then failwith "natural'";
107 let t2only = sub t2 common in
108 common @ t1only @ t2only
110 let natural t1 t2 =
111 try natural_ t1 t2 with
112 | _ -> raise (Error (t1,"no common attributes for natural join of " ^
113 (names t1) ^ " and " ^ (names t2)))
115 let join_using l t1 t2 =
116 let common = (find t1) l in
117 List.iter (check_contains t2) common;
118 common @ sub t1 common @ sub t2 common
120 let check_types t1 t2 =
121 List.iter2 (fun a1 a2 ->
122 match a1.domain, a2.domain with
123 | Type.Any, _
124 | _, Type.Any -> ()
125 | x, y when x = y -> ()
126 | _ -> raise (Error (t1, sprintf "Atributes do not match : %s of type %s and %s of type %s"
127 (Type.to_string a1.domain)
128 (Type.to_string a2.domain)))) t1 t2
130 let check_types t1 t2 =
131 try check_types t1 t2 with
132 | List.Different_list_size _ -> raise (Error (t1, (to_string t1) ^ " differs in size to " ^ (to_string t2)))
134 let compound t1 t2 = check_types t1 t2; t1
136 let add t col pos =
137 match find_by_name t with
138 | [] ->
139 begin
140 match pos with
141 | `First -> col::t
142 | `Default -> t @ [col]
143 | `After name ->
145 let (i,_) = List.findi (fun _ attr -> by_name name attr) t in
146 let (l1,l2) = List.split_nth (i+1) t in
147 l1 @ (col :: l2)
148 with
149 Not_found -> raise (Error (t,"Can't insert column " ^ ^ " after non-existing column " ^ name))
151 | _ -> raise (Error (t,"Already has column " ^
153 let drop t col =
154 ignore (find t col);
155 List.remove_if (by_name col) t
157 let change t oldcol col pos =
158 match pos with
159 | `Default -> change_inplace t oldcol col
160 | `First | `After _ -> add (drop t oldcol) col pos
162 let to_string = show
163 let print x = prerr_endline (to_string x)
167 type table = string * Schema.t [@@deriving show]
168 type schema = Schema.t
170 let print_table out (name,schema) =
171 IO.write_line out name;
172 schema |> List.iter (fun {name=name;domain=domain} ->
173 IO.printf out "%10s %s\n" (Type.to_string domain) name);
174 IO.write_line out ""
176 (** optional name and start/end position in string *)
177 type param_id = string option * (int * int) [@@deriving show]
178 type param = param_id * Type.t [@@deriving show]
179 type params = param list [@@deriving show]
181 let params_to_string = show_params
183 type alter_pos = [ `After of string | `Default | `First ]
184 type alter_action = [ `Add of attr * alter_pos | `Drop of string | `Change of string * attr * alter_pos | `None ]
186 type select_result = (schema * param list)
188 type int_or_param = [`Const of int | `Limit of param]
189 type limit_t = [ `Limit | `Offset ]
190 type col_name = {
191 cname : string; (** column name *)
192 tname : string option; (** table name *)
194 and limit = (param_id * Type.t) list * bool
195 and source1 = [ `Select of select | `Table of string ]
196 and source = source1 * string option
197 and join_cond = [ `Cross | `Search of expr | `Default | `Natural | `Using of string list ]
198 and select = {
199 columns : column list;
200 from : (source * (source * join_cond) list) option;
201 where : expr option;
202 group : expr list;
203 having : expr option;
205 and select_full = {
206 select : select * select list;
207 order : expr list;
208 limit : limit option;
210 and expr =
211 | Value of Type.t (** literal value *)
212 | Param of param
213 | Fun of Type.func * expr list (** parameters *)
214 | Select of select_full * bool (* single *)
215 | Column of col_name
216 | Inserted of string (** inserted value *)
217 and column =
218 | All
219 | AllOf of string
220 | Expr of expr * string option (** name *)
221 [@@deriving show {with_path=false}]
223 type columns = column list [@@deriving show]
225 type expr_q = [ `Value of Type.t (** literal value *)
226 | `Param of param
227 | `Func of Type.func * expr_q list (** return type, grouping, parameters *)
229 [@@deriving show]
231 let expr_to_string = show_expr
233 type assignments = (col_name * expr) list
235 type insert_action =
237 target : string;
238 action : [ `Set of assignments option
239 | `Values of (string list option * expr list option)
240 | `Select of (string list option * select_full) ];
241 on_duplicate : assignments option;
244 type stmt =
245 | Create of string * [ `Schema of schema | `Select of select_full ]
246 | Drop of string
247 | Alter of string * alter_action list
248 | CreateIndex of string * string * string list (* index name, table name, columns *)
249 | Insert of insert_action
250 | Delete of string * expr option
251 | Set of string * expr
252 | Update of string * assignments * expr option * expr list * param list (* where, order, limit *)
253 | UpdateMulti of source list * assignments * expr option
254 | Select of select_full
255 | CreateRoutine of string * Type.t option * (string * Type.t * expr option) list
258 open Schema
260 let test = [{name="a";domain=Type.Int}; {name="b";domain=Type.Int}; {name="c";domain=Type.Text};];;
262 let () = print test
263 let () = print (project ["b";"c";"b"] test)
264 let () = print (project ["b";"d"] test)
265 let () = print (rename test "a" "new_a")
268 module SMap = Map.Make(String)
270 let functions = ref SMap.empty
272 let add_function k ret =
273 let add map k v =
274 let k = String.lowercase k in
275 if SMap.mem k map then
276 failwith (sprintf "Function %S already defined" k)
277 else
278 SMap.add k v map
280 functions := add !functions k ret
282 let get_function name =
284 SMap.find (String.lowercase name) !functions
285 with
286 Not_found -> failwith (sprintf "Unknown function %S" name)
288 let () =
289 let module T = Type in
290 let func ret l = List.iter (fun x -> add_function x ret) l in
291 func T.Agg ["max";"min";"sum"];
292 func T.(Group (Int,true)) ["count"];
293 func T.(Group (Float,false)) ["avg"];
294 func T.(fixed Text [Text;Text]) ["strftime"];
295 func T.(fixed Text [Text]) ["lower";"upper"];
296 func T.(Ret Text) ["concat"];
297 func T.(Ret Any) ["coalesce"];
298 func T.(Ret Int) ["length"; "random";"unix_timestamp";"least";"greatest"];