[sqlgg.git] / syntax.ml
1 (* SQL syntax and RA *)
3 open Stmt
4 open Operators
5 open ListMore
7 type expr_q = [ `Value of Sql.Type.t
8 | `Param of param
9 | `Sub of expr_q list
11 deriving (Show)
13 type expr = [ `Value of Sql.Type.t
14 | `Param of param
15 | `Sub of expr list
16 | `Column of string * string option (** name, table *)
18 deriving (Show)
20 let expr_to_string = Show.show<expr>
22 type column =
23 | All
24 | AllOf of string
25 | Expr of expr * string option (** name *)
26 deriving (Show)
28 type columns = column list deriving (Show)
30 let collect f l = List.flatten (List.map f l)
32 let get_scheme columns tables =
33 let all = tables >> List.map snd >> List.flatten in
34 let scheme name = name >> Tables.get_from tables >> snd in
35 let resolve1 = function
36 | All -> all
37 | AllOf t -> scheme t
38 | Expr (e,name) ->
39 let col = begin
40 match e with
41 | `Column (name,Some t) -> RA.Scheme.find (scheme t) name
42 | `Column (name,None) -> RA.Scheme.find all name
43 | _ -> RA.attr "" Sql.Type.Text (* some expression *)
44 end in
45 let col = Option.map_default (fun n -> {col with RA.name = n}) col name in
46 [ col ]
48 collect resolve1 columns
50 let scheme_as_params = List.map (fun attr -> Named attr.RA.name, Some attr.RA.domain)
52 (** replace every Column with Value of corresponding type *)
53 let rebuild tables expr =
54 let all = tables >> List.map snd >> List.flatten in
55 let scheme name = name >> Tables.get_from tables >> snd in
56 let rec each e =
57 match e with
58 | `Value x -> `Value x
59 | `Column (name,x) ->
60 let attr = RA.Scheme.find (Option.map_default scheme all x) name in
61 `Value attr.RA.domain
62 | `Param x -> `Param x
63 | `Sub l -> `Sub (List.map each l)
65 each expr
67 (** assign types to parameters where possible *)
68 let assign_types expr =
69 let rec typeof e =
70 match e with
71 | `Value t -> e, Some t
72 | `Sub l ->
73 let t = match l >> List.map typeof >> List.map snd >> List.filter_valid with
74 | [] -> None
75 | h::t -> if List.for_all ((=) h) t then Some h else None
77 let assign = function
78 | `Param (n,None) -> `Param (n,t)
79 | x -> x
81 `Sub (List.map assign l), t
82 | `Param (_,t) -> e, t
84 typeof expr >> fst
86 let get_params e =
87 let rec loop acc e =
88 match e with
89 | `Param p -> p::acc
90 | `Sub l -> List.fold_left loop acc l
91 | `Column _ | `Value _ -> acc
93 loop [] e >> List.rev
95 let get_params tables (e:expr) =
96 get_params (assign_types (rebuild tables e))
97 (* e >> rebuild tables >> assign_types >> get_params *)
100 let _ =
101 let e = Sub [Value Sql.Type.Text; Param (Next,None); Sub []; Param (Named "ds", Some Sql.Type.Int);] in
102 e >> get_params >> to_string >> print_endline
105 let params_of_column tables = function
106 | All | AllOf _ -> []
107 | Expr (e,_) -> get_params tables e
109 let params_of_columns tables = collect (params_of_column tables)
111 let get_params_opt tables = function
112 | Some x -> get_params tables x
113 | None -> []
115 let get_params_l tables l = collect (get_params tables) l