rearrange code between lib and cli
[sqlgg.git] / sql / stress.sql
1  SELECT xx.xx_rec_id                                    promise_unit_ID,
2         xx.xx_volume                                    aggregate_volume,
3         xx_category                                     category,
4         xx_difference                                   difference,
5         xx_initial_liability_amt                        initial_liability,
6         xx_out_of_pocket                                out_of_pocket,
7         xx_holdings_Secured_Flag                        holdings_UNSECURED_FLAG,
8         xx.xx_normal_liability_chart                    normal_liability_chart,
9         xx.xx_facility_liability_chart                  FACILITY_liability_chart,
10         yy.yy_rec_i                                     target_REC_ID,
11         yy.yy_prediction_meter                          chart_prediction_meter,
12         yy.yy_unique_instance_liability_chart           unique_instance_liability_chart,
13         yy.yy_target_liability_chart                    target_liability_chart,
14         xx.xx_indicator_id,
15         xx.xx_unused_src_calc                           UNUSED_count_SOURCE,
16         yy.yy_target_nm                                 target_identifier,
17         yy.yy_target_id                                 target_ID,
18         xx.xx_facility_id                               mqxy_promise_unit_ID,
19         xx.xx_amt                                       mqxy_unit_present_count,
20         xx.xx_units                                     mqxy_unit_present_units,
21         xx.xx_standard_amt                              mqxy_standard_promise_count,
22         xx.xx_units                                     mqxy_standard_unit_units,
23         to_CHAR(trunc(xx_during_contract_DT))           during_contract_DATE,
24         to_CHAR(trunc(xx_termination_DT))               termination_DATE,
25         to_CHAR(trunc(xx.xx_expiration_DT))             expiration_DATE,
26         nvl(agreement_aggregate.agreement_aggregate,0)  agreement_aggregate,
27         nvl(lc_aggregate.lc_aggregate,0)                LC_aggregate,
28         r.r_xoynx_RTG                                   xoynxS_RATING,
29         r.r_grrrr_RTG                                   grrrr_RATING
30  FROM   (SELECT yy.xx_rec_id,
31                 SUM(yy.l_count)                 agreement_aggregate
32         FROM    target                  yy,
33                 promise_agreement       zz,
34                 promise_unit            aa,
35                 agreement_unit          lo
36         WHERE   zz.yy_rec_id = yy.yy_rec_id AND
37                 xx.ca_rec_id = zz.ca_rec_id AND
38                 lo.xx_rec_id = xx.xx_rec_id
39         GROUP BY        yy.yy_rec_id,
40                         lo.xx_rec_id
41         )                       agreement_aggregate,
42         (SELECT lc.xx_rec_id,
43                 SUM(lc.lc_amt)          lc_aggregate
44         FROM    target                  yy,
45                 promise_agreement       zz,
46                 promise_unit            aa,
47                 lc_unit                 lc
48         WHERE   zz.yy_rec_id = yy.yy_rec_id AND
49                 xx.ca_rec_id = zz.ca_rec_id AND
50                 lc.xx_rec_id = xx.xx_rec_id
51         GROUP BY        yy.yy_rec_id,
52                         lc.xx_rec_id
53         )                       lc_aggregate,
54         target                  yy,
55         promise_agreement       zz,
56         rating                  r,
57         promise_unit            cs
58  WHERE  zz.yy_rec_id = yy.yy_rec_id AND
59         r.yy_rec_id = yy.yy_rec_id AND
60         xx.ca_rec_id = zz.ca_rec_id AND
61         lc_aggregate.xx_rec_id = xx.xx_rec_id AND
62         agreement_aggegate.xx_rec_id    = xx.xx_rec_id AND
63         xx.xx_indicator_id = 1 AND
64         zz.ca_indicator_id = 1 AND
65         (       r.r_indicator_id = 1 OR
66                 r.r_indicator_id IS NULL)
67  ORDER BY target_identifier