Snapshot of upstream SQLite
[sqlcipher.git] / Makefile.vxworks
1 #!/usr/make
3 # Makefile for SQLITE on VxWorks
5 ifeq ($(FORCPU),)
6 FORCPU = SH32gnule
7 endif
11 include $(WIND_USR)/tool/gnu/make.$(FORCPU)
13 #### The toplevel directory of the source tree. This is the directory
14 # that contains this "" and the "" script.
16 TOP = .
18 #### C Compiler and options for use in building executables that
19 # will run on the platform that is doing the build.
21 BCC = gcc -g -O2
22 #BCC = /opt/ancic/bin/c89 -0
24 #### If the target operating system supports the "usleep()" system
25 # call, then define the HAVE_USLEEP macro for all C modules.
30 #### If you want the SQLite library to be safe for use within a
31 # multi-threaded program, then define the following macro
32 # appropriately:
37 #### Specify any extra linker options needed to make the library
38 # thread safe
40 #THREADLIB = -lpthread
43 #### Specify any extra libraries needed to access required functions.
45 ifeq ($(CPU),SH32)
46 # for SH4 shared library
47 TLIBS_SHARED += -L$(WIND_USR)/lib/sh/SH32/commonle/PIC
48 else
49 # for all other CPUs shared library
51 endif
52 # for static library
55 #### Leave SQLITE_DEBUG undefined for maximum speed. Use SQLITE_DEBUG=1
56 # to check for memory leaks. Use SQLITE_DEBUG=2 to print a log of all
57 # malloc()s and free()s in order to track down memory leaks.
59 # SQLite uses some expensive assert() statements in the inner loop.
60 # You can make the library go almost twice as fast if you compile
61 # with -DNDEBUG=1
65 #OPTS =
73 #### The suffix to add to executable files. ".exe" for windows.
74 # Nothing for unix.
76 EXE = .vxe
77 #EXE =
79 #### C Compile and options for use in building executables that
80 # will run on the target platform. This is usually the same
81 # as BCC, unless you are cross-compiling.
83 #TCC = gcc -O6
84 #TCC = gcc -g -O0 -Wall
85 #TCC = gcc -g -O0 -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
86 #TCC = /opt/mingw/bin/i386-mingw32-gcc -O6
88 TCC += -I$(WIND_USR)/h -I$(WIND_USR)/h/wrn/coreip
89 #TCC = /opt/ansic/bin/c89 -O +z -Wl,-a,archive
94 #### Tools used to build a static library.
96 #ARX = ar cr
97 #ARX = /opt/mingw/bin/i386-mingw32-ar cr
98 AR += cr
99 #RANLIB = ranlib
100 #RANLIB = /opt/mingw/bin/i386-mingw32-ranlib
102 #MKSHLIB = gcc -shared
103 #SO = so
104 #SHPREFIX = lib
106 SO = so
107 SHPREFIX = lib
109 #### Extra compiler options needed for programs that use the TCL library.
111 #TCL_FLAGS =
113 TCL_FLAGS = -I/home/drh/tcltk/8.5linux
114 #TCL_FLAGS = -I/home/drh/tcltk/8.5win -DSTATIC_BUILD=1
115 #TCL_FLAGS = -I/home/drh/tcltk/8.3hpux
117 #### Linker options needed to link against the TCL library.
119 #LIBTCL = -ltcl -lm -ldl
120 LIBTCL = /home/drh/tcltk/8.5linux/libtcl8.5g.a -lm -ldl
121 #LIBTCL = /home/drh/tcltk/8.5win/libtcl85s.a -lmsvcrt
122 #LIBTCL = /home/drh/tcltk/8.3hpux/libtcl8.3.a -ldld -lm -lc
124 #### Additional objects for SQLite library when TCL support is enabled.
125 TCLOBJ =
126 #TCLOBJ = tclsqlite.o
128 #### Compiler options needed for programs that use the readline() library.
131 #READLINE_FLAGS = -DHAVE_READLINE=1 -I/usr/include/readline
133 #### Linker options needed by programs using readline() must link against.
136 #LIBREADLINE = -static -lreadline -ltermcap
138 #### Which "awk" program provides nawk compatibilty
140 # NAWK = nawk
141 NAWK = awk
144 #### Pasted and adapted file
145 ###############################################################################
146 # The following macros should be defined before this script is
147 # invoked:
149 # TOP The toplevel directory of the source tree. This is the
150 # directory that contains this "" and the
151 # "" script.
153 # BCC C Compiler and options for use in building executables that
154 # will run on the platform that is doing the build.
156 # THREADLIB Specify any extra linker options needed to make the library
157 # thread safe
159 # OPTS Extra compiler command-line options.
161 # EXE The suffix to add to executable files. ".exe" for windows
162 # and "" for Unix.
164 # TCC C Compiler and options for use in building executables that
165 # will run on the target platform. This is usually the same
166 # as BCC, unless you are cross-compiling.
168 # AR Tools used to build a static library.
169 # RANLIB
171 # TCL_FLAGS Extra compiler options needed for programs that use the
172 # TCL library.
174 # LIBTCL Linker options needed to link against the TCL library.
176 # READLINE_FLAGS Compiler options needed for programs that use the
177 # readline() library.
179 # LIBREADLINE Linker options needed by programs using readline() must
180 # link against.
182 # NAWK Nawk compatible awk program. Older (obsolete?) solaris
183 # systems need this to avoid using the original AT&T AWK.
185 # Once the macros above are defined, the rest of this make script will
186 # build the SQLite library and testing tools.
187 ################################################################################
189 # This is how we compile
191 TCCX = $(TCC) $(OPTS) -I. -I$(TOP)/src -I$(TOP)
192 TCCX_SHARED = $(TCC_SHARED) $(OPTS) -I. -I$(TOP)/src -I$(TOP) \
193 -I$(TOP)/ext/rtree -I$(TOP)/ext/icu -I$(TOP)/ext/fts3 \
194 -I$(TOP)/ext/async
196 # Object files for the SQLite library.
198 LIBOBJ+= alter.o analyze.o attach.o auth.o \
199 backup.o bitvec.o btmutex.o btree.o build.o \
200 callback.o complete.o date.o delete.o expr.o fault.o \
201 fts3.o fts3_expr.o fts3_hash.o fts3_icu.o fts3_porter.o \
202 fts3_tokenizer.o fts3_tokenizer1.o \
203 func.o global.o hash.o \
204 icu.o insert.o journal.o legacy.o loadext.o \
205 main.o malloc.o mem0.o mem1.o mem2.o mem3.o mem5.o \
206 memjournal.o \
207 mutex.o mutex_noop.o mutex_unix.o mutex_w32.o \
208 notify.o opcodes.o os.o os_unix.o os_win.o \
209 pager.o parse.o pcache.o pcache1.o pragma.o prepare.o printf.o \
210 random.o resolve.o rowset.o rtree.o select.o status.o \
211 table.o tokenize.o trigger.o \
212 update.o util.o vacuum.o \
213 vdbe.o vdbeapi.o vdbeaux.o vdbeblob.o vdbemem.o \
214 walker.o where.o utf.o vtab.o
218 # All of the source code files.
220 SRC = \
221 $(TOP)/src/alter.c \
222 $(TOP)/src/analyze.c \
223 $(TOP)/src/attach.c \
224 $(TOP)/src/auth.c \
225 $(TOP)/src/backup.c \
226 $(TOP)/src/bitvec.c \
227 $(TOP)/src/btmutex.c \
228 $(TOP)/src/btree.c \
229 $(TOP)/src/btree.h \
230 $(TOP)/src/btreeInt.h \
231 $(TOP)/src/build.c \
232 $(TOP)/src/callback.c \
233 $(TOP)/src/complete.c \
234 $(TOP)/src/ctime.c \
235 $(TOP)/src/date.c \
236 $(TOP)/src/delete.c \
237 $(TOP)/src/expr.c \
238 $(TOP)/src/fault.c \
239 $(TOP)/src/func.c \
240 $(TOP)/src/global.c \
241 $(TOP)/src/hash.c \
242 $(TOP)/src/hash.h \
243 $(TOP)/src/hwtime.h \
244 $(TOP)/src/insert.c \
245 $(TOP)/src/journal.c \
246 $(TOP)/src/legacy.c \
247 $(TOP)/src/loadext.c \
248 $(TOP)/src/main.c \
249 $(TOP)/src/malloc.c \
250 $(TOP)/src/mem0.c \
251 $(TOP)/src/mem1.c \
252 $(TOP)/src/mem2.c \
253 $(TOP)/src/mem3.c \
254 $(TOP)/src/mem5.c \
255 $(TOP)/src/memjournal.c \
256 $(TOP)/src/msvc.h \
257 $(TOP)/src/mutex.c \
258 $(TOP)/src/mutex.h \
259 $(TOP)/src/mutex_noop.c \
260 $(TOP)/src/mutex_unix.c \
261 $(TOP)/src/mutex_w32.c \
262 $(TOP)/src/notify.c \
263 $(TOP)/src/os.c \
264 $(TOP)/src/os.h \
265 $(TOP)/src/os_common.h \
266 $(TOP)/src/os_setup.h \
267 $(TOP)/src/os_unix.c \
268 $(TOP)/src/os_win.c \
269 $(TOP)/src/os_win.h \
270 $(TOP)/src/pager.c \
271 $(TOP)/src/pager.h \
272 $(TOP)/src/parse.y \
273 $(TOP)/src/pcache.c \
274 $(TOP)/src/pcache.h \
275 $(TOP)/src/pcache1.c \
276 $(TOP)/src/pragma.c \
277 $(TOP)/src/prepare.c \
278 $(TOP)/src/printf.c \
279 $(TOP)/src/random.c \
280 $(TOP)/src/resolve.c \
281 $(TOP)/src/rowset.c \
282 $(TOP)/src/select.c \
283 $(TOP)/src/status.c \
284 $(TOP)/src/shell.c \
285 $(TOP)/src/ \
286 $(TOP)/src/sqlite3ext.h \
287 $(TOP)/src/sqliteInt.h \
288 $(TOP)/src/sqliteLimit.h \
289 $(TOP)/src/table.c \
290 $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c \
291 $(TOP)/src/tokenize.c \
292 $(TOP)/src/trigger.c \
293 $(TOP)/src/utf.c \
294 $(TOP)/src/update.c \
295 $(TOP)/src/util.c \
296 $(TOP)/src/vacuum.c \
297 $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c \
298 $(TOP)/src/vdbe.h \
299 $(TOP)/src/vdbeapi.c \
300 $(TOP)/src/vdbeaux.c \
301 $(TOP)/src/vdbeblob.c \
302 $(TOP)/src/vdbemem.c \
303 $(TOP)/src/vdbeInt.h \
304 $(TOP)/src/vtab.c \
305 $(TOP)/src/walker.c \
306 $(TOP)/src/where.c
308 # Source code for extensions
310 SRC += \
311 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1.c \
312 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1.h \
313 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_hash.c \
314 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_hash.h \
315 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_porter.c \
316 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_tokenizer.h \
317 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_tokenizer1.c
318 SRC += \
319 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2.c \
320 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2.h \
321 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_hash.c \
322 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_hash.h \
323 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_icu.c \
324 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_porter.c \
325 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_tokenizer.h \
326 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_tokenizer.c \
327 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_tokenizer1.c
328 SRC += \
329 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3.c \
330 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3.h \
331 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_expr.c \
332 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_expr.h \
333 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_hash.c \
334 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_hash.h \
335 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_icu.c \
336 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_porter.c \
337 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer.h \
338 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer.c \
339 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer1.c
340 SRC += \
341 $(TOP)/ext/icu/sqliteicu.h \
342 $(TOP)/ext/icu/icu.c
343 SRC += \
344 $(TOP)/ext/rtree/rtree.h \
345 $(TOP)/ext/rtree/rtree.c
348 # Generated source code files
350 SRC += \
351 keywordhash.h \
352 opcodes.c \
353 opcodes.h \
354 parse.c \
355 parse.h \
356 sqlite3.h
359 # Source code to the test files.
361 TESTSRC = \
362 $(TOP)/src/test1.c \
363 $(TOP)/src/test2.c \
364 $(TOP)/src/test3.c \
365 $(TOP)/src/test4.c \
366 $(TOP)/src/test5.c \
367 $(TOP)/src/test6.c \
368 $(TOP)/src/test7.c \
369 $(TOP)/src/test8.c \
370 $(TOP)/src/test9.c \
371 $(TOP)/src/test_autoext.c \
372 $(TOP)/src/test_async.c \
373 $(TOP)/src/test_backup.c \
374 $(TOP)/src/test_btree.c \
375 $(TOP)/src/test_config.c \
376 $(TOP)/src/test_devsym.c \
377 $(TOP)/src/test_func.c \
378 $(TOP)/src/test_hexio.c \
379 $(TOP)/src/test_journal.c \
380 $(TOP)/src/test_malloc.c \
381 $(TOP)/src/test_md5.c \
382 $(TOP)/src/test_mutex.c \
383 $(TOP)/src/test_onefile.c \
384 $(TOP)/src/test_osinst.c \
385 $(TOP)/src/test_pcache.c \
386 $(TOP)/src/test_schema.c \
387 $(TOP)/src/test_server.c \
388 $(TOP)/src/test_tclvar.c \
389 $(TOP)/src/test_thread.c \
390 $(TOP)/src/test_vfs.c \
391 $(TOP)/src/test_wsd.c \
393 #TESTSRC += $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_tokenizer.c
394 #TESTSRC += $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer.c
396 TESTSRC2 = \
397 $(TOP)/src/attach.c $(TOP)/src/backup.c $(TOP)/src/btree.c \
398 $(TOP)/src/build.c $(TOP)/src/ctime.c $(TOP)/src/date.c \
399 $(TOP)/src/expr.c $(TOP)/src/func.c $(TOP)/src/insert.c $(TOP)/src/os.c \
400 $(TOP)/src/os_unix.c $(TOP)/src/os_win.c \
401 $(TOP)/src/pager.c $(TOP)/src/pragma.c $(TOP)/src/prepare.c \
402 $(TOP)/src/printf.c $(TOP)/src/random.c $(TOP)/src/pcache.c \
403 $(TOP)/src/pcache1.c $(TOP)/src/select.c $(TOP)/src/tokenize.c \
404 $(TOP)/src/utf.c $(TOP)/src/util.c $(TOP)/src/vdbeapi.c $(TOP)/src/vdbeaux.c \
405 $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c $(TOP)/src/vdbemem.c $(TOP)/src/where.c parse.c \
406 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3.c $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_expr.c \
407 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer.c \
408 $(TOP)/ext/async/sqlite3async.c
410 # Header files used by all library source files.
412 HDR = \
413 $(TOP)/src/btree.h \
414 $(TOP)/src/btreeInt.h \
415 $(TOP)/src/hash.h \
416 $(TOP)/src/hwtime.h \
417 keywordhash.h \
418 $(TOP)/src/msvc.h \
419 $(TOP)/src/mutex.h \
420 opcodes.h \
421 $(TOP)/src/os.h \
422 $(TOP)/src/os_common.h \
423 $(TOP)/src/os_setup.h \
424 $(TOP)/src/os_win.h \
425 $(TOP)/src/pager.h \
426 $(TOP)/src/pcache.h \
427 parse.h \
428 sqlite3.h \
429 $(TOP)/src/sqlite3ext.h \
430 $(TOP)/src/sqliteInt.h \
431 $(TOP)/src/sqliteLimit.h \
432 $(TOP)/src/vdbe.h \
433 $(TOP)/src/vdbeInt.h
435 # Header files used by extensions
437 EXTHDR += \
438 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1.h \
439 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_hash.h \
440 $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_tokenizer.h
441 EXTHDR += \
442 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2.h \
443 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_hash.h \
444 $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_tokenizer.h
445 EXTHDR += \
446 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3.h \
447 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_expr.h \
448 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_hash.h \
449 $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer.h
450 EXTHDR += \
451 $(TOP)/ext/rtree/rtree.h
452 EXTHDR += \
453 $(TOP)/ext/icu/sqliteicu.h
455 # This is the default Makefile target. The objects listed here
456 # are what get build when you type just "make" with no arguments.
458 all: sqlite3.h libsqlite3.a sqlite3$(EXE)
460 libsqlite3.a: $(LIBOBJ)
461 $(AR) libsqlite3.a $(LIBOBJ)
462 $(RANLIB) libsqlite3.a
464 $(SHPREFIX)sqlite3.$(SO): $(LIBOBJ)
465 $(MKSHLIB) -o $(SHPREFIX)sqlite3.$(SO) $(LIBOBJ) $(TLIBS_SHARED)
467 sqlite3$(EXE): $(TOP)/src/shell.c libsqlite3.a sqlite3.h
468 $(TCCX) $(READLINE_FLAGS) -o sqlite3$(EXE) \
469 $(TOP)/src/shell.c \
470 $(LIBREADLINE) $(TLIBS) $(THREADLIB) -L. -lsqlite3
472 # This target creates a directory named "tsrc" and fills it with
473 # copies of all of the C source code and header files needed to
474 # build on the target system. Some of the C source code and header
475 # files are automatically generated. This target takes care of
476 # all that automatic generation.
478 target_source: $(SRC)
479 rm -rf tsrc
480 mkdir tsrc
481 cp -f $(SRC) tsrc
482 rm tsrc/ tsrc/parse.y
483 touch target_source
485 sqlite3.c: target_source $(TOP)/tool/mksqlite3c.tcl
486 tclsh $(TOP)/tool/mksqlite3c.tcl
487 cp sqlite3.c tclsqlite3.c
488 cat $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c >>tclsqlite3.c
490 fts2amal.c: target_source $(TOP)/ext/fts2/mkfts2amal.tcl
491 tclsh $(TOP)/ext/fts2/mkfts2amal.tcl
493 fts3amal.c: target_source $(TOP)/ext/fts3/mkfts3amal.tcl
494 tclsh $(TOP)/ext/fts3/mkfts3amal.tcl
496 # Rules to build the LEMON compiler generator
498 lemon: $(TOP)/tool/lemon.c $(TOP)/src/lempar.c
499 $(BCC) -o lemon $(TOP)/tool/lemon.c
500 cp $(TOP)/src/lempar.c .
502 # Rules to build individual *.o files from generated *.c files. This
503 # applies to:
505 # parse.o
506 # opcodes.o
508 %.o: %.c $(HDR)
509 $(TCCX_SHARED) -c $<
511 # Rules to build individual *.o files from files in the src directory.
513 %.o: $(TOP)/src/%.c $(HDR)
514 $(TCCX_SHARED) -c $<
516 tclsqlite.o: $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c $(HDR)
517 $(TCCX_SHARED) $(TCL_FLAGS) -c $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c
521 # Rules to build opcodes.c and opcodes.h
523 opcodes.c: opcodes.h $(TOP)/mkopcodec.awk
524 $(NAWK) -f $(TOP)/mkopcodec.awk opcodes.h >opcodes.c
526 opcodes.h: parse.h $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c $(TOP)/mkopcodeh.awk
527 cat parse.h $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c | \
528 $(NAWK) -f $(TOP)/mkopcodeh.awk >opcodes.h
530 # Rules to build parse.c and parse.h - the outputs of lemon.
532 parse.h: parse.c
534 parse.c: $(TOP)/src/parse.y lemon $(TOP)/addopcodes.awk
535 cp $(TOP)/src/parse.y .
536 rm -f parse.h
537 ./lemon $(OPTS) parse.y
538 mv parse.h parse.h.temp
539 awk -f $(TOP)/addopcodes.awk parse.h.temp >parse.h
541 sqlite3.h: $(TOP)/src/
542 sed -e s/--VERS--/`cat ${TOP}/VERSION`/ \
543 -e s/--VERSION-NUMBER--/`cat ${TOP}/VERSION | sed 's/[^0-9]/ /g' | $(NAWK) '{printf "%d%03d%03d",$$1,$$2,$$3}'`/ \
544 $(TOP)/src/ >sqlite3.h
546 keywordhash.h: $(TOP)/tool/mkkeywordhash.c
547 $(BCC) -o mkkeywordhash $(OPTS) $(TOP)/tool/mkkeywordhash.c
548 ./mkkeywordhash >keywordhash.h
552 # Rules to build the extension objects.
554 icu.o: $(TOP)/ext/icu/icu.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
555 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/icu/icu.c
557 fts2.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
558 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2.c
560 fts2_hash.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_hash.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
561 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_hash.c
563 fts2_icu.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_icu.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
564 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_icu.c
566 fts2_porter.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_porter.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
567 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_porter.c
569 fts2_tokenizer.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_tokenizer.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
570 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_tokenizer.c
572 fts2_tokenizer1.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_tokenizer1.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
573 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts2/fts2_tokenizer1.c
575 fts3.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
576 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3.c
578 fts3_expr.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_expr.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
579 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_expr.c
581 fts3_hash.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_hash.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
582 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_hash.c
584 fts3_icu.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_icu.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
585 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_icu.c
587 fts3_porter.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_porter.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
588 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_porter.c
590 fts3_tokenizer.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
591 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer.c
593 fts3_tokenizer1.o: $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer1.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
594 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer1.c
596 rtree.o: $(TOP)/ext/rtree/rtree.c $(HDR) $(EXTHDR)
597 $(TCCX_SHARED) -DSQLITE_CORE -c $(TOP)/ext/rtree/rtree.c
600 # Rules for building test programs and for running tests
602 tclsqlite3: $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c libsqlite3.a
603 $(TCCX_SHARED) $(TCL_FLAGS) -DTCLSH=1 -o tclsqlite3 \
604 $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c libsqlite3.a $(LIBTCL) $(THREADLIB)
607 # Rules to build the 'testfixture' application.
612 testfixture$(EXE): $(TESTSRC2) libsqlite3.a $(TESTSRC) $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c
614 $(TESTSRC) $(TESTSRC2) $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c \
615 -o testfixture$(EXE) $(LIBTCL) $(THREADLIB) libsqlite3.a
617 amalgamation-testfixture$(EXE): sqlite3.c $(TESTSRC) $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c
619 $(TESTSRC) $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c sqlite3.c \
620 -o testfixture$(EXE) $(LIBTCL) $(THREADLIB)
622 fts3-testfixture$(EXE): sqlite3.c fts3amal.c $(TESTSRC) $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c
625 $(TESTSRC) $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c sqlite3.c fts3amal.c \
626 -o testfixture$(EXE) $(LIBTCL) $(THREADLIB)
628 fulltest: testfixture$(EXE) sqlite3$(EXE)
629 ./testfixture$(EXE) $(TOP)/test/all.test
631 soaktest: testfixture$(EXE) sqlite3$(EXE)
632 ./testfixture$(EXE) $(TOP)/test/all.test -soak=1
634 fulltestonly: testfixture$(EXE) sqlite3$(EXE)
635 ./testfixture$(EXE) $(TOP)/test/full.test
637 test: testfixture$(EXE) sqlite3$(EXE)
638 ./testfixture$(EXE) $(TOP)/test/veryquick.test
640 sqlite3_analyzer$(EXE): $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c sqlite3.c $(TESTSRC) \
641 $(TOP)/tool/spaceanal.tcl
642 sed \
643 -e '/^#/d' \
644 -e 's,\\,\\\\,g' \
645 -e 's,",\\",g' \
646 -e 's,^,",' \
647 -e 's,$$,\\n",' \
648 $(TOP)/tool/spaceanal.tcl >spaceanal_tcl.h
651 $(TESTSRC) $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c sqlite3.c \
652 -o sqlite3_analyzer$(EXE) \
655 TEST_EXTENSION = $(SHPREFIX)testloadext.$(SO)
656 $(TEST_EXTENSION): $(TOP)/src/test_loadext.c
657 $(MKSHLIB) $(TOP)/src/test_loadext.c -o $(TEST_EXTENSION)
659 extensiontest: testfixture$(EXE) $(TEST_EXTENSION)
660 ./testfixture$(EXE) $(TOP)/test/loadext.test
662 clean:
663 rm -f *.o sqlite3$(EXE) libsqlite3.a sqlite3.h opcodes.*
664 rm -f lemon lempar.c parse.* sqlite*.tar.gz mkkeywordhash keywordhash.h
665 rm -f $(PUBLISH)
666 rm -f *.da *.bb *.bbg gmon.out
667 rm -rf quota2a quota2b quota2c
668 rm -rf tsrc target_source
669 rm -f testloadext.dll
670 rm -f sqlite3.c fts?amal.c tclsqlite3.c
671 rm -f sqlite3rc.h
672 rm -f shell.c sqlite3ext.h
673 rm -f $(SHPREFIX)sqlite3.$(SO)