Avoid implicit initialization + minor refactoring.
[splint-patched.git] / lib / stdlib.h
1 /*@constant int EXIT_FAILURE; @*/
2 /*@constant int EXIT_SUCCESS; @*/
3 /*@constant null anytype NULL = 0;@*/
4 /*@constant int RAND_MAX; @*/
5 /*@constant size_t MB_CUR_MAX; @*/
7 // div_t Structure type returned by div() function.
8 // ldiv_t
9 // Structure type returned by ldiv() function.
12 long a64l(const char *s) ;
14 /*@exits@*/ void abort (void) /*@*/ ;
15 extern int abs (int n) /*@*/ ;
16 int atexit(void (*func)(void));
18 extern double atof (char *s) /*@*/ ;
19 extern int atoi (char *s) /*@*/ ;
20 extern long int atol (char *s) /*@*/ ;
22 void * bsearch (const void *key, const void *base, size_t nel, size_t size,
23 int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) /*@*/
24 /*@requires maxSet(base) >= (nel - 1) @*/
27 extern /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ /*@only@*/ void *calloc (size_t nobj, size_t size)
28 /*@modifies errno@*/
29 /*@ensures MaxSet(result) == (nobj - 1); @*/ ;
32 This is defined in ansi.h
33 We include it here for reference
35 drl 1/4/2002
38 /*@-redef@*/
39 typedef /*@concrete@*/ struct
41 int quot;
42 int rem;
43 } div_t ;
44 /*@=redef@*/
48 extern div_t div (int num, int denom) /*@*/ ;
50 double drand48 (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ;
53 char *ecvt(double value, int ndigit, /*@out@*/ int *decpt, /*@out@*/ int *sign)
56 char *fcvt(double value, int ndigit, /*@out@*/ int *decpt, /*@out@*/int *sign);
58 char *gcvt(double value, int ndigit, char *buf)
59 /*@requires maxSet(buf) >= ndigit @*/
62 extern /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ char *getenv (const char *name) /*@*/ ;
64 extern int getsubopt(char **optionp, char * const *tokens, /*@out@*/ char **valuep)
65 /*@modifies optionp, valuep @*/ ;
67 extern int grantpt(int fildes)
68 /*@modifies fileSystem, errno @*/
70 char *initstate(unsigned int seed, char *state, size_t size)
71 /*@modifies internalState, state @*/ /*@requires maxSet(state) >= (size - 1) @*/ /*drl added 09-20-001*/
74 /*drl 1/4/2002: specifying the array sizes is meaningless but we include
75 them to be consistent with the unix specification at opengroup.org */
76 /*@-fixedformalarray@*/
77 long int jrand48 (unsigned short int xsubi[3]) /*@modifies internalState@*/ /*@requires maxSet(xsubi) >= 2 @*/ ;
79 char *l64a(long value) /*@ensures maxRead(result) <= 5 /\ maxSet(result) <= 5 @*/ ;
80 extern long int labs (long int n) /*@*/ ;
82 /*@-fixedformalarray@*/
83 extern void lcong48 (unsigned short int param[7]) /*@modifies internalState@*/ /*@requires maxRead(param) >= 6 @*/ ;
85 /*@=fixedformalarray@*/
88 This is already defined in ansi.h
89 We include it here for reference but
90 comment it out to avoid a warning
91 drl 1/4/2002
94 /*@-redef@*/
95 typedef /*@concrete@*/ struct
97 long int quot;
98 long int rem;
99 } ldiv_t ;
100 /*@=redef@*/
102 extern ldiv_t ldiv (long num, long denom) /*@*/ ;
104 long int lrand48 (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ;
107 extern /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ /*@only@*/ void *malloc (size_t size)
108 /*@modifies errno@*/
109 /*@ensures MaxSet(result) == (size - 1); @*/ ;
111 extern int mblen (char *s, size_t n)
112 /*@modifies errno@*/
113 /*@requires maxRead(s) >= (n - 1) @*/
114 /*drl 09-20-001 added errno*/ ;
116 size_t mbstowcs(/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ wchar_t *pwcs, const char *s, size_t n)
117 /*@requires maxSet(pwcs) >= (n - 1) @*/
118 /*drl 09-20-001 added errno*/ ;
120 extern int mbtowc (/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ wchar_t *pwc, /*@null@*/ char *s, size_t n)
121 /*@modifies *pwc, errno@*/ /*@requires maxRead(s) >= (n - 1) @*/ /*drl 09-20-001 added errno*/;
124 extern char *mktemp(char *template) /*@modifies template @*/
125 /*drl added 09-20-001*/ /*warn use mkstemp */
128 int mkstemp(char *template)
129 /*@modifies template, fileSystem @*/
131 /*drl added 09-20-001*/
134 long int mrand48 (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ;
137 /*drl 1/4/2002: specifying the array size is meaningless but we include
138 it to be consistent with the unix specification at opengroup.org */
139 /*@-fixedformalarray@*/
140 long int nrand48 (unsigned short int xsubi[3]) /*@modifies internalState, xsubi @*/
142 /*@requires maxSet(xsubi) >= 2 /\ maxRead(xsubi) >= 2 @*/
144 /*@=fixedformalarray@*/
146 extern /*@dependent@*/ /*check dependent */ char *ptsname(int fildes) /*drl added 09-20-01*/ ;
148 extern int
149 putenv (/*@kept@*/ const char *string)
150 /*@globals environ@*/
151 /*@modifies *environ, errno@*/
152 /*drl 09-20-01 added kept */
155 extern void qsort (void *base, size_t nel, size_t size,
156 int (*compar)(const void *, const void *) )
157 /*@requires maxRead(base) >= (nel - 1) @*/
158 /*@modifies *base, errno@*/ ;
162 /*@constant int RAND_MAX; @*/
163 extern int rand (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ;
165 extern int rand_r(unsigned int *seed) /*@modifies seed@*/ /*drl 09-20-01 added*/
169 long random(void) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ;
171 extern /*@null@*/ /*@only@*/ void *
172 realloc (/*@null@*/ /*@only@*/ /*@out@*/ /*@returned@*/ void *p, size_t size) /*@modifies *p, errno @*/ /*@ensures MaxSet(result) == (size - 1) @*/;
174 extern char *realpath(const char *file_name, /*@out@*/ char *resolved_name)
175 // *@requires maxSet(resolved_name) >= (PATH_MAX - 1) @*/
178 /*drl 1/4/2002: specifying the array sizes is meaningless but we include
179 them to be consistent with the unix specification at opengroup.org */
180 /*@-fixedformalarray@*/
181 unsigned short int *seed48 (unsigned short int seed16v[3]) /*@modifies internalState@*/
182 /*@requires maxRead(seed16v) >= 2 @*/
184 /*@=fixedformalarray@*/
186 void setkey(const char *key) /*@requires maxRead(key) >= 63 @*/
187 /*@modifies internalState, errno@*/
190 /*@only@*/ char *setstate(/*@kept@*/ const char *state) /*@modifies internalState, errno@*/ ;
192 extern void srand (unsigned int seed) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ;
194 extern void srand48 (long int seedval) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ;
196 extern void srandom(unsigned int seed) /*@modifies internalState@*/ /*drl added 09-20-001 */
198 extern double strtod (const char *s, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ char **endp)
199 /*@modifies *endp, errno@*/ ;
201 extern long strtol (char *s, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ char **endp, int base)
202 /*@modifies *endp, errno@*/ ;
204 extern unsigned long
205 strtoul (char *s, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ char **endp, int base)
206 /*@modifies *endp, errno@*/ ;
209 extern int system (/*@null@*/ const char *s) /*@modifies fileSystem, errno@*/
210 /*drl 09-20-01 added errno */
213 extern int ttyslot(void) /*@*/
214 /*drl added 09-20-001 */ /*legacy*/ ;
217 extern int unlockpt(int fildes)
218 /*@modifies fileSystem, internalState @*/
219 /*drl added 09-20-001 */
222 extern void *valloc(size_t size)/*@modifies errno@*/
223 /*drl 09-20-001 */
224 /*@ensures MaxSet(result) == (size - 1); @*/
225 /*legacy*/ ;
227 extern size_t wcstombs (/*@out@*/ char *s, wchar_t *pwcs, size_t n)
228 /*@modifies *s, errno@*/ /*@requires maxSet(s) >= (n - 1) @*/ ;
230 extern int wctomb (/*@out@*/ /*@null@*/ char *s, wchar_t wchar)
231 /*@modifies *s@*/ ;