Avoid implicit initialization + minor refactoring.
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1 <html>
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3 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.splint.org/splint.css" title="style1">
4 <title>Splint Mac OSX Installation</title>
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7 <!--#include virtual="header.html"-->
10 <center><h2>
11 Solaris Installation
12 </h2></center>
14 <p>
16 <p>
17 Instructions for installing Splint using the OSX binary installation:
18 <ol>
20 <li> Download
22 href="http://www.splint.org/downloads/binaries/splint-3.1.1.darwin.tgz"><em>
23 http://www.splint.org/downloads/binaries/splint-3.1.1.darwin.tgz
24 </em></a>
25 <p>
27 <p>
28 <li> <tt>tar -xzf splint-3.1.1.darwin.tgz</tt>
29 <blockquote>
30 This will create a splint-3.1.1 directory, containing several
31 subdirectories. The file <tt>splint-3.1.1/bin/splint</tt> is the Splint binary.
32 </blockquote>
33 <p>
35 </ol>
37 To install Splint binaries and libraries in a different directory (optional):
39 <blockquote>
40 <ol start=4>
41 <li> <tt>./configure --prefix=<em>directory</em></tt>
43 <li> <tt> make install</tt>
45 <blockquote>
46 GNU's make utility is required; it may be named
47 <tt>gmake</tt> or <tt>gnumake</tt> on your system.
48 </blockquote>
50 <li>Set environment variables:
52 <blockquote>
53 <tt>LARCH_PATH</tt> - path to search for splint libraries and
54 initializations files. If you are using the standard directories, this
55 should be <em>".:base-directory/splint-3.1.1/lib"</em>.
56 <p>
57 <tt>LCLIMPORTDIR</tt> - directory containing lcl imports files. If you are using
58 the standard directories, this is <em>base-directory/splint-3.1.1/imports</em>.
60 <p>
62 If you followed step 4 above set <tt>LARCH_PATH</tt> to
63 <tt><em>directory</em>/share/splint/lib</em></tt> and <tt>LCLIMPORTDIR</tt> to
64 <tt><em>directory</e>/share/splint/import</em></tt> instead.
66 </blockquote>
67 </p>
69 Put the commands to set these variables (the actual commands will depend
70 on the shell you are using) in one of your initialization dotfiles
71 (usually <tt>~/.environment</tt>).
72 <p>
73 Set up your command path to include the directory containing
74 <tt>splint-3.1.1/bin/splint</tt>, or move the binary to a directory in
75 your command path.
76 <p>
78 </ol>
79 <p>
80 </blockquote>
81 </blockquote>
83 <p>
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