SO 1-final
[specialops1.git] / resendpassword.php
1 <?php
2 require ('config.php');
3 $page_name = 'Lost Password';
4 require ('');
5 require ('');
7 echo '<div class="alert">';
9 if (mysql_num_rows (mysql_query ('SELECT `id` FROM `iplog` WHERE `actiontype` = 4 AND `remoteip` = \''.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'\' AND `logsec` > '.(time()-86400))) > 2)
10 echo 'To prevent email flooding you can only resend a password three times a day. Try again later.';
11 elseif (isset ($_POST['submit']))
13 if (!isset ($_POST['uname']))
14 echo 'Enter your username.';
15 elseif (empty ($_POST['email']))
16 echo 'Enter your email address.';
17 elseif (!mysql_result (mysql_query ('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users` WHERE
18 `username` = \''.mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['uname']).'\' AND
19 `email` = \''.mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['email']).'\''), 0))
20 echo 'No user with that name and email address found.';
21 else
23 $pass = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_query ('SELECT `password`, `regip` FROM `users` WHERE
24 `username` = \''.mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['uname']).'\' AND
25 `email` = \''.mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['email']).'\' LIMIT 1'));
26 mysql_query ('INSERT INTO `iplog` (`logsec`, `actiontype`, `remoteip`) VALUES (\''.time().'\', 4, \''.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'\')');
27 $userid = mysql_insert_id($db);
28 $mail_body = 'Password for user at '.$cfg['bds']['name'].':
29 '.decrypt ($pass[0], $pass[1]).'
30 This request was made from the IP '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' at '.date2(time());
31 if (mail ($_POST['email'], 'Lost Password', $mail_body))
32 echo 'E-mail sent. Return to the <a href="login.php">login page</a>.';
33 else
34 echo 'Can\'t send email. Go and harass one of the admins to change your pass or something.';
38 echo '</div>
40 <div class="c3">Resend Password</div>
42 <div class='.colour().'>
43 <form method="post" action="'.urlpath(2).'">
44 Enter your username and the email you entered in the "Private Email Address" field to have your password emailed to you.<br/>
45 Username:<br/>
46 <input type="text" name="uname" /><br/>
47 Email:<br/>
48 <input type="text" name="email" /><br/>
49 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send"/>
50 </form>
51 </div>';
53 require ('foot.php');