2 <%= form_for type, :url=>{action: :create}, :method=>:POST do |f| %>
3 <fieldset id='security_<%=security.type%>>'>
4 <legend><%= security.describe_type %> Parameters</legend>
5 <%= f.hidden_field :id %>
7 <h4>Base Parameters</h4>
8 <%= f.select :type, f.object.class.types.invert.collect{|t| [f.object.class.describe_type(t.first), t.second]}, :prompt=>'-- Select Type --' %><br/>
9 <%= f.text_field :currency %><%= label type, 'Currency. Leave blank if denominated in default currency (%s)' % Smr::DEFAULT_CURRENCY %><br/>
10 <%= f.number_field :denomination, :min=>1, :value=>f.object.denomination %><%= label type, 'Denomination (ie. minimum tradable amount of total nominal)' %><br/>
11 <%= f.check_box :is_subordinated %><%= f.label :is_subordinated, 'Subordinated Security' %>
12 <%= f.check_box :is_callable %><%= f.label :is_callable, 'Callable before Maturity' %>
13 <%= f.check_box :is_stepup %><%= f.label :is_stepup, 'has StepUP Clause' %>
14 <%= f.check_box :is_stepdown %><%= f.label :is_stepdown, 'has StepDown Clause' %>
17 <%= f.number_field :coupon, :step=>0.01, :min=>0.01, :value=>smr_humanize(f.object.coupon.to_f, :scale=>2) %><%= label type, 'Annual Coupon' %><br/>
18 <%= f.number_field :coupon_interval, :min=>1, :value=>f.object.coupon_interval %><%= label type, 'Interval between coupon payments, in months.' %><br/>
19 <%= f.select :interest_method, f.object.class.interest_methods.invert.collect{|t| [f.object.class.describe_interest_method(t.first), t.second]}, :prompt=>'-- Select Interest Calculation Method --' %><br/>
20 <%= f.date_field :time_first_coupon %><%= label type, 'Date of first coupon.' %><br/>
21 <%= f.date_field :time_last_coupon %><%= label type, 'Date of last coupon.' %><br/>
24 <%= f.date_field :time_maturity %><%= label type, 'Date of final Maturity (last installment if more than one)' %><br/>
25 <%= f.number_field :redemption_price, :step=>0.0001, :min=>0.0001, :value=>number_with_precision(f.object.redemption_price, :precision=>4) %><%= label type, 'Redemtion Price at maturity' %><br/>
26 <%= f.number_field :redemption_installments, :min=>0, :value=>f.object.redemption_installments %><%= label type, 'Number of redemption installments.' %><br/>
27 <%= f.number_field :redemption_interval, :min=>1, :value=>f.object.redemption_interval %><%= label type, 'Interval between redemption payments, in months.' %><br/>
30 <%= f.text_area :comment, :cols=>45, :rows=>15, :placeholder=>'Additional Remarks?' %>
32 <%= f.submit 'Save Parameters' %>