Bundled cherrypy.
[smonitor.git] / monitor / cherrypy / test / test_refleaks.py
1 """Tests for refleaks."""
3 import gc
4 from cherrypy._cpcompat import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection, ntob
5 import threading
7 import cherrypy
8 from cherrypy import _cprequest
11 data = object()
13 def get_instances(cls):
14 return [x for x in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(x, cls)]
17 from cherrypy.test import helper
20 class ReferenceTests(helper.CPWebCase):
22 def setup_server():
24 class Root:
25 def index(self, *args, **kwargs):
26 cherrypy.request.thing = data
27 return "Hello world!"
28 index.exposed = True
30 def gc_stats(self):
31 output = ["Statistics:"]
33 # Uncollectable garbage
35 # gc_collect isn't perfectly synchronous, because it may
36 # break reference cycles that then take time to fully
37 # finalize. Call it twice and hope for the best.
38 gc.collect()
39 unreachable = gc.collect()
40 if unreachable:
41 output.append("\n%s unreachable objects:" % unreachable)
42 trash = {}
43 for x in gc.garbage:
44 trash[type(x)] = trash.get(type(x), 0) + 1
45 trash = [(v, k) for k, v in trash.items()]
46 trash.sort()
47 for pair in trash:
48 output.append(" " + repr(pair))
50 # Request references
51 reqs = get_instances(_cprequest.Request)
52 lenreqs = len(reqs)
53 if lenreqs < 2:
54 output.append("\nMissing Request reference. Should be 1 in "
55 "this request thread and 1 in the main thread.")
56 elif lenreqs > 2:
57 output.append("\nToo many Request references (%r)." % lenreqs)
58 for req in reqs:
59 output.append("Referrers for %s:" % repr(req))
60 for ref in gc.get_referrers(req):
61 if ref is not reqs:
62 output.append(" %s" % repr(ref))
64 # Response references
65 resps = get_instances(_cprequest.Response)
66 lenresps = len(resps)
67 if lenresps < 2:
68 output.append("\nMissing Response reference. Should be 1 in "
69 "this request thread and 1 in the main thread.")
70 elif lenresps > 2:
71 output.append("\nToo many Response references (%r)." % lenresps)
72 for resp in resps:
73 output.append("Referrers for %s:" % repr(resp))
74 for ref in gc.get_referrers(resp):
75 if ref is not resps:
76 output.append(" %s" % repr(ref))
78 return "\n".join(output)
79 gc_stats.exposed = True
81 cherrypy.tree.mount(Root())
82 setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
85 def test_threadlocal_garbage(self):
86 success = []
88 def getpage():
89 host = '%s:%s' % (self.interface(), self.PORT)
90 if self.scheme == 'https':
91 c = HTTPSConnection(host)
92 else:
93 c = HTTPConnection(host)
94 try:
95 c.putrequest('GET', '/')
96 c.endheaders()
97 response = c.getresponse()
98 body = response.read()
99 self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)
100 self.assertEqual(body, ntob("Hello world!"))
101 finally:
102 c.close()
103 success.append(True)
106 ts = []
107 for _ in range(ITERATIONS):
108 t = threading.Thread(target=getpage)
109 ts.append(t)
110 t.start()
112 for t in ts:
113 t.join()
115 self.assertEqual(len(success), ITERATIONS)
117 self.getPage("/gc_stats")
118 self.assertBody("Statistics:")